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  文件合并与整理:ARTHUR2002  (2004年02月22日




  Uriel Yak尤里专线 (1)

  Uriel: Hello, this is Uriel. Welcome to Uriel Yak! I have with me in the studio Philip Short. Philip is a British man living in China. He's going to tell us about his experiences here. Philip, what made you want to go to China?
  Phillip: Well, I think it's because of my grandmother. She used to live near the University of York, and many times she used to have foreign people to live with her for maybe five months at a time. We used to have Chinese people for, sort of, a few months, and Japanese people, French people.... It was quite an international house sometimes. And we used to go out to them with part ... to parties, and we used to go to the University and they used to show me around. And I was ... I was sixteen at this time. And the last people were, the last two was a man and a woman, and they were I think about thirty, and they ... they used to talk to me about China, hours and hours at night when they used to stay at my grandmother's house.
  U: When you started teaching -- it was in Tianjin --you suddenly had a class of students. You'd never taught before, had you?
  P: Never. No, never.
  U: How many students did you have in your classes?
  P: The first classes I had sixty-two, I think it was.
  U: Sixty-two in one class?
  P: Yes.
  U: About eighteen years old?
  P: Well, eighteen to nineteen, yeah. So that was quite ... that was, well ... hard to say the least -- controlling the back, the back ....
  U: The back rows.
  P: Yes, they were the worst ones. But slowly I began to pull them towards the front and the situation got better. I used to try and get them to think about China, and not take things for granted. And why China may be unique, and maybe why it's so different to England. So in a way I tried to make them understand differences about themselves. But, but ... for the best reasons.
  U: What ideas did you come away with? Can you give us some specific pointers? Any particular themes that you were addressing with these Chinese students?
  P: Yes, well, one of the main themes was young people.
  U: Young people?
  P: Yeah, and obviously they were teenagers, so the .... I think it's quite a major issue ... issue to them.
  U: What about boyfriends and girlfriends? How are the Chinese different from the British people -- say, in your university, when ... when you were studying?
  P: I think that maybe Chinese students are a lot more romantic. They have quite a romanticized vision of boyfriend and girlfriends.
  U: You mean, if a boyfriend-girlfriend get together typically they'll expect to eventually get married or be together for life?
  P: Yes, in a way I think that in England a boyfriend/girlfriend is just something quite transitional -- it's just something that's going to move on and you don't think about it.
  U: You know it's temporary, right?
  P: That's it, yeah, but in China I think there's more a tendency to look towards a future, a major future with that person.
  U: Is that just -- you know, about Western people being transitional and relationships being temporary -- is that just an idea that people have in ... about Western relationships, or is that something that's true in your own experience, say with .... If you think about your friends, are they in relationships that they figure are probably going to last only a short time?
  P: Yeah, I think so. I think that it's a lot easier to move around between different partners. And it's ... it's not seen as .... There's not a stigma attached to doing that. I think that in China if you do that you're seen ... you're labeled easier. And it's ... it's something that people try and stay away from. Especially ... especially girls. Maybe .... I'm not saying that in England girls constantly have different boyfriends every week, but I think it's not as much of an issue.
  U: Say like .... Before marriage, in England, it wouldn't be unusual for a girl to have maybe what, three, four, five boyfriends?
  P: Yeah. Yeah, and that's seen as quite, quite acceptable. Maybe not by her family as much but by ... socially ....
  U: Her peers.
  P: Her peers, yeah. It's ... it's quite fine. I suppose that in that sense it's quite a major difference.
  U: What other significant points of difference are there between the Chinese and the Western people in your experience?
  P: Well, I'll say food.
  U: Yeah?
  P: But that's partly cultural. And I think...
  U: Food ...? In what way? Would you like to ....
  P: Well the food thing .... For example I .... Before I came to China I think food was the major issue. People would say to me, oh you .... Some of the things you'll have to eat .... You'll eat snake, monkey, which is quite .... I mean, I .... Obviously it's not possible to eat monkey but this was .... I think people in England have got a strange idea of ... of food in ... in China. Which is partly true.
  U: But in England you ... you .... You have Chinese food restaurants everywhere, don't you?
  P: We do but it's a special type of English Chinese, which has been tainted to suit the taste buds ....
  U: The Western palate.
  P: Yes.
  U: Well how about all the .... What about all the Chinese people living in England? What do they eat -- in restaurants?
  P: Well I don't think they go to Chinese restaurants. I .... Unless it's a ... a... quite a spectacular one, where they maybe know that the people who ... who ... who work there .... They would mostly keep away from the Chinese restaurants.
  U: Well, where'd the Chinese people eat -- the Italian restaurants?
  P: I think so, yeah. Pizza Huts.
  U: Philip, thank you very much for joining us here at Uriel Yak, it's been a pleasure talking to you! And please tune in next time for our Uriel Yak show!

  Anyone Of Us (Stupid Mistake)
  Written by Jorgen Elofsson/ Per Magnusson/ David Kreuger
  Vocal: Gareth Gates
  选自专辑:What My Heart Wants to Say

  I've been letting you down, down
  Girl I know I've been such a fool
  Giving in to temptation
  I should've played it cool
  The situation got out of hand
  I hope you understand
  It can happen to anyone of us
  Anyone you think of
  Anyone can fall
  Anyone can hurt someone they love
  Hearts will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  It can happen to anyone of us
  Say you will forgive me
  Anyone can fail
  Say you will believe me
  I can't take, my heart will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  A stupid mistake
  She was kind of exciting
  A little crazy, I should've known
  She must have altered my senses
  As I offered to walk her home
  The situation got out of hand
  I hope you understand
  It can happen to anyone of us
  Anyone you think of
  Anyone can fall
  Anyone can hurt someone they love
  Hearts will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  It can happen to anyone of us
  Say you will forgive me
  Anyone can fail
  Say you will believe me
  I can't take, my heart will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  A stupid mistake
  A stupid mistake
  She means nothing to me
  Nothing to me
  I swear every word is true
  Don't wanna lose you
  The situation got out of hand
  I hope you understand
  It can happen to anyone of us
  Anyone you think of
  Anyone can fall
  Anyone can hurt someone they love
  Oh yeah hearts will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  It can happen to anyone of us
  Say you will forgive me
  Anyone can fail
  Say you will believe me
  I can't take, my heart will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  Anyone can fall
  Anyone can hurt someone they love
  Oh yeah hearts will break
  'Cos I made a stupid mistake
  A stupid mistake






  For Everything There is a Season
  from Ecclesiastes

  For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven:
  A time to be born and a time to die;
  A time to plant and a time to 1)pluck up that which has planted;
  A time to kill and a time to 2)heal;
  A time to break down and a time to build up;
  A time to weep and a time to laugh;
  A time to morn and a time to dance;
  A time to 3)cast away stones and a time to gather stones together;
  A time to 4)embrace and a time to 5)refrain from embracing;
  A time to get and a time to lose;
  A time to keep and a time to cast away;
  A time to 6)rend and a time to sew;
  A time to keep silence and a time to speak;
  A time to love and a time to hate;
  A time of war and a time of peace.



  1) pluck up 拔起,振作
  2) heal  v. 治愈
  3) cast away 投掷
  4) embrace  v. 拥抱
  5) refrain  v. 节制,避免
  6) rend  v. 撕碎

  I Like for You to be Still
  Read by Glenn Close

  I like for you to be still: it is as though you are 1)absent
  and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you
  It seems as though your eyes had flown away
  and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth

  As all things are filled with my soul
  you emerge from the things, filled with my soul
  You are like my soul, a butterfly of dreams
  and you are like the word 2)Melancholy

  I like for you to be still, and you seem far away
  It sounds as though you are 3)lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove
  And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you
  Let me come to be still in your silence

  And let me talk to you with your silence
  that is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring
  You are like the night, with its stillness and 4)constellations
  Your silence is that of a star, as remote and 5)candid

  I like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent
  distant and full of sorrow, as though you had died
  One word then, one smile, is enough
  And I'm happy, happy that it's not true







  1) absent  a. 缺席不在
  2) melancholy  n. 忧郁
  3) lamenting  a. 悲伤的,悲哀的
  4) constellation  n. 群星,星座
  5) candid  a. 坦白的,纯洁的,白色的

  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

  (Scene 1: Harry Potter was born a wizard but after Voldemort, an evil wizard, kills his parents, he is raised by his relatives, the Dursleys, who treats him more like vermin than like a family member.)

  Uncle Vernon: I'm warning you. If you don't control that 1)bloody bird, it'll have to go!
  Harry: But she's bored. If I could only let her out... for an hour or two.
  Uncle Vernon: Harumph. So you can send secret messages to your 2)freaking little friends? No, sir!
  Harry: But I haven't had any messages from any of my friends. Not one - all summer.
  Dudley: Who'd want to be friends with you?
  Uncle Vernon: I should think you'd be a little more grateful. We've raised you since you were a baby, given you the food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom, purely out of the goodness of our hearts.
  Aunt Petunia: Not now, Hopkins, not when the Masons arrive.
  Uncle Vernon: ...which should be any minute! And, now, let's go over our schedule once again, shall we? Petunia, when the Masons arrive you will be...
  Aunt Petunia: ...in the lounge, waiting to welcome them 3)graciously to our home.
  Uncle Vernon: Good. And Dudley, you will be...
  Dudley: I'll be waiting to open the door.
  Uncle Vernon: Excellent! (Pause several seconds, to Harry, 4)menacing) And you?
  Harry: I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist.
  Uncle Vernon: Too right you will! With any luck this could well be the day I make the biggest deal in my career, and you will not 5)mess it up!

  (Scene 2: When Harry enters his bedroom, the house elf Dobby is waiting for him who warns him that under no circumstances is he to return to Hogwarts, where a great danger is waiting for him.)

  Dobby: (Jumping up and down on Harry's bed) Nah hah! Whoo hoo hoo! (Seeing Harry) Harry Potter! Such an honour it is!
  Harry: Who are you?
  Dobby: Dobby, sir. Dobby, the house elf.
  Harry: Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house elf in my bedroom.
  Dobby: Oh. Oh, yes, sir. Dobby understands. It's just that, Dobby has come to tell you... it is difficult, sir... Dobby wonders where to begin.
  Harry: Why don't you sit down.
  Dobby: (Surprised) Sit down? Sit... sit down? Oooooh ho ho! (6)Wailing) Oooooh ho ho !
  Harry: Dobby, please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything.
  Dobby: Offend Dobby!? Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal!
  Harry: You can't have met many 7)decent wizards then.
  Dobby: No! I haven't! It was an awful thing to say. (Stomping, pounding his head on the wall) Bad bobby! Bad bobby!
  Harry: Dobby! Please Stop!
  Dobby: Dobby had to punish himself, sir. Dobby almost 8)spoke ill of his family, sir.
  Harry: Your family!
  Dobby: The wizard family Dobby serves, sir. Dobby's bound to serve one family forever. If they ever knew Dobby was here... (shivery) oooo! But Dobby had to come. Dobby has to protect Harry Potter! To warn him! Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwart's School of 9)Witchcraft and 10)Wizardry this year. There is a plot; a plot to make the most terrible things happen!
  Harry: What terrible things? Who's 11)plotting them?
  Dobby: Ooh! Dare... can't ... say!
  Harry: OK. I understand. You can't say.
  Dobby: (Tearing sound) Erck! Ack! Aah...

  (Scene 3: Harry meets the Malfoys in the Diagon Alley.)

  Draco Malfoy: (Jealously) Bet you loved that, 12)didn't ya, Potter!? Famous Harry Potter! Can't even enter a bookstore without makin' the front page!
  Ginny: Leave him alone!
  Draco Malfoy: Alright, Potter, ya got yourself a girlfriend!
  Lucius Malfoy: Now, Draco. Play nicely. (To Harry) Mr. Potter? (Introduce self) Lucius Malfoy. We meet at last. Forgive me, your scar is legend as, of course is the wizard who gave it to you.
  Harry: Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer!
  Lucius Malfoy: Hmmm. You must be very brave to mention his name, or very foolish.
  Hermione: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
  Lucius Malfoy: And you must be Miss Granger. Yes, Drake has told me all about you, and your parents... 13)Muggles, aren't they? (To Ron) Let me see. Red hair, 14)vacant expressions, 15)tatty, second-hand book... you must be at the Weasley's.
  Arthur Weasley: Children! It's not in here! That side!
  Lucius Malfoy: Where, where, where? Weasley senior.
  Arthur Weasley: Lucius.
  Lucius Malfoy: Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur -- those extra 16)raids. I do hope they paid you 17)overtime. But judging by the state of this, I'd say not. As for you, sir, a disgrace to the name of wizard. And they don't even pay you well for it?
  Arthur Weasley: We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizard, Malfoy.
  Lucius Malfoy: Clever! Associating with Muggles! And I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work.
  Draco Malfoy: (To Harry) See you at school.

  (Scene 4: Mrs. Weasley sends Ron a Howler by owl.)

  Neville: Bloody bird's a menace!
  Ron: Oh, No!
  Draco Malfoy: Look everyone. Weasley's got himself a Howler!
  Colin: Go on Ron, I ignored one from my gramps, once. It was horrible!
  Howler: (Mrs. Weasley yells) Wild Weasley! How dare you steal that car! I am absolutely disgusted! Your father's now facing an enquiry at work, and it's entirely your fault! If you put another toe out of line, we'll bring you straight home! (Sweetly) Oh, and Ginny, Dear. Congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud!
  (Ron sits stunned, and the Howler smashes itself into pieces.)

  (Scene 5: In Hogwarts, strange things start to happen. People are becoming petrified, and no-one knows what is doing it. The students are told the story of the Chamber of Secrets.)

  Professor McGonagall: Yes, Miss Granger?
  Hermione: Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about... the chamber of secrets.
  Professor McGonagall: Very well. Now you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godrick Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. And three of the founders 18)coexisted quite 19)harmoniously. One did not.
  Ron: Three guesses who.
  Professor McGonagall: Salazar Slytherin wished to be more 20)selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all magic families; in other words, purebloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle known as the chamber of secrets. Though shortly before 21)departing, he sealed it, until that time when his own true 22)heir returned to the school. The heir, alone, would be able to open the chamber and 23)unleash the horror within and, by so doing, 24)purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic.
  Hermione: Muggle-borns.
  Professor McGonagall: Well, naturally, the school has been searched many times. No such chamber has been found.
  Hermione: Professor, What exactly does legend tell us lies within the chamber?
  Professor McGonagall: Well, the chamber is said to be home to something that only the heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a 25)monster.

  (Scene 6: An unordinary diary provides the clues for Harry and his friends to the chamber where Harry sees the deadly Ginny and Tom Marvolo Riddle, the diary's owner. Tom then tells Harry his secrets.)

  Harry: Ginny! Oh, Ginny, please don't be dead! Wake up! Wake up! Please wake up.
  Tom: She won't wake.
  Harry: Tom!? Tom Riddle!? What do you mean she won’t wake?
  Tom: She's not. She's still alive. But only just.
  Harry: Are you the ghost?
  Tom: Her memory preserved in a diary for fifty years.
  Harry: She's cold as ice! Oh Ginny. Please don't be dead. Wake up. You've got to help me, Tom. This basilisk....
  Tom: It won't come until it's called.
  (Picking up Harry's wand on the ground.)
  Harry: (Vigilantly) Give me my 26)wand, Tom.
  Tom: You won't be needing it.
  Harry: Listen, we've got to go. We've got to save her!
  Tom: I'm afraid I can't do that, Harry. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger. Yes, Harry, it was Ginny Weasley who opened the chamber of secrets.
  Harry: No, she couldn't. She wouldn't.
  Tom: It was Ginny who set the basilisk on the 27)mudbloods and Filcher's cat. It was Ginny who wrote the threatening messages on the walls.
  Harry: Why?
  Tom: Because I told her to. You'll find I can be very... 28)persuasive. Not if Ginny knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance. Still the power of the diary began to scare her and she tried to 29)dispose of it in the girl's bathroom. And then, who should find it, but you... the very person I was most anxious to meet.
  Harry: Why did you want to meet me?
  Tom: I knew I had to talk to you; meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my capture of that 30)brainless old Hagrid to gain your trust.
  Harry: Hagrid's my friend. And you 31)framed him, didn't you?
  Tom: It was my word against Hagrid's. Only Dumbledor seemed to think he was innocent.
  Harry: I bet Dumbledor saw right through you.
  Tom: He certainly kept an annoyingly close watch on me after that. I knew it wouldn't be safe to open the chamber again when I was still at school, so I decided to leave behind a diary, preserving my sixteen year old self in its pages, so that one day I would be able to lead another to finish Salazar Slytherin's noble work.
  Harry: Well, you haven't finished it this time. In a few hours, the 32)mandrake draft'll be ready and everyone who's 33)petrified will be alright together.
  Tom: Haven't I told you? Killing mudbloods doesn't matter to me anymore. For many months now, my new target... has been you. How is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent was able to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?
  Harry: Why do you care how I escaped? Voldemort was after your time.
  Tom: Voldemort is my past, present and future!




  1) bloody  a. (英鄙) 该死的
  2) freaking  a. 反常态的,捉摸不定的
  3) graciously  ad. 和蔼地
  4) menace  v. 威吓
  5) mess up 搞砸
  6) wail  v. 痛哭
  7) decent  a. (口)相当好的,体面的
  8) speak ill of sb. 说某人坏话
  9) witchcraft  n. 魔法
  10) wizardry  n. 巫术
  11) plot  v. 阴谋策划
  12) di'nt ya 即 didn't you
  13) muggle  n. 麻瓜,在电影中指不会魔法的人类。
  14) vacant  a. 头脑空虚的,神情茫然的
  15) tatty  a. 破旧的,褴褛的
  16) raid  n. 奇袭,搜捕
  17) overtime  n. 加班
  18) coexist  v. 共存,共处
  19) harmoniously  ad. 和谐地
  20) selective  a. 选择性的
  21) departing  n. 离开
  22) heir  n. 继承人
  23) unleash  v. 释放
  24) purge  v. 净化
  25) monster  n. 怪兽
  26) wand  n. 棒,杖
  27) mudblood  n. 在电影中指生于麻瓜家庭的魔法师
  28) persuasive  a. 善于说服的
  29) dispose of 解决,除掉
  30) brainless  a. 愚笨的
  31) frame  v. 陷害
  32) mandrake  n. 曼德拉草
  33) petrify  v. 石化

  Jacko's Millions

  So how did 1)Jacko 2)hit the jackpot? Well, it was as easy as this: Whether you actually like the shape of his ever changing nose or not, there is no doubt that Michael Jackson can smell a hit and a good business deal. Music has been the 3)baseline for every cent of Jacko's fortune. But the 4)mega 5)bucks only started rolling in from his 6)solo career with his new record label CBS, though the boss took some convincing.
  Walter Yetnikoff (Former President, CBS): Michael then, his big song was a song about a dead rat, named Ben, if you recall that one. And I said, "I ain't giving millions of dollars to these kids and the lead is singing about a dead rat." You know, I don't know if I want to do this. But we did anyhow. At the beginning, the first album or two as the group were not all that great 7)in terms of sales.
  But in '79, Off The Wall blew all those doubts away. Jacko's first solo album on CBS sold an impressive 15 million and produced four big hits.
  Paul Cambaccini (Music Expert): He'd grown up, he'd made it. I mean, you actually thought when Off The Wall was a success, Michael Jackson was now an adult, his "Jackson 5" youth was behind him.
  No prizes for guessing what Jacko produced next -- Thriller, the album of the 8)decade.
  Walter Yetnikoff: It was unbelievable, something like that had never happened before. We were selling in the United States alone a million albums a week. You maybe make five bucks a record, you are making five million dollars a week, so you are making 20 million dollars a month and worldwide we were making even more because money was pouring in from everywhere. And there was another one of those phenomenon's where sometimes you're better off just taking your hands off and letting it go.
  Thriller sold more than 50 million copies, a figure that has never been topped. The king of pop had won his 9)crown.
  Walter Yetnikoff: I don't think he had in mind, you know, a particular number. But he wanted to be the biggest artist in the world and earn more than anybody else, and have a higher 10)royalty than anyone else.
  Seth Riggs (Voice Trainer): Michael sings more high c's in one song than some of the opera singers in an entire opera. He uses his voice sometimes very cussedly. You know, all those little 11)yelps and things he does, you know, and then he calls and sometimes he just out loud goes and goes "oooh", you know, just things like that. Just crazy little things that he has become identified with. But he constantly is trying to find different things to do with his voice.
  The triumph of Thriller, one album, seven hit singles, reached its peak with Motown's 25th birthday celebration. Jacko and the moonwalk went 12)stratospheric. Thriller's success was truly astonishing. The album earned Jacko 127 million dollars, nearly 88 million pounds and he was well on the way to conquering a new 13)spin off, the pop video.
  Paul Cambaccini: MTV had just opened up and America, in particular, was just getting this 14)diet of music videos and Michael established himself as the king of the music video, right place, right time, right talent.
  Vincent Paterson (Choreographer): You know, I got the opportunity to work with Michael a lot during what I call "the 15)heyday". You know, and, at the point everything was always a rush, especially as a choreographer/director because you knew that, first of all, your work was going to be seen by half the people on the globe. The fun part of the years I worked with Michael was that, in every video, we sort of played with different techniques, I mean, I took stuff from Smooth Criminal and gave him the first bit of partner dancing that he had ever done or that most people had ever seen on MTV as well as some effect things, you know, with those guys leaning over and all. When I did Black and White, I put in dancers from all over the world and then Michael learned little 16)snippets of pieces that were international folk dances basically. So Michael has never shied away from any form of dance at all. He's the best male dancer that has ever appeared on music videos, ever, in the history of music videos, and probably ever will be.
  Brett Pulley (Financial Expert): There is no doubt that Michael Jackson is one of the kings of the big spenders. I mean, an extremely 17)lavish lifestyle.
  Taking into account absolutely everything he shelled out last year, Jacko spent on average, wait for it... more than $100,000 a day, 69,000 quid! That's a Barret starter home every twenty-four hours. But now he just can't afford it, so Jacko's been borrowing big time.
  Roger Friedman (Fox News): His biggest investments are in his song catalogues and in 18)Neverland, real estate and music, which on the face of it would seem very good investments, but unfortunately he uses them constantly to borrow against. His debts are threatening to suffocate him.
  Jackson was forced to settle some debts with Sony, by selling the company half the 19)lucrative Beatles catalogue. Albeit at four times what he paid for it, but his debts, especially with Sony, still run to a quarter of a billion bucks, 172 million pounds. That's a hell of a lot of 20)I.O.U's!
  He's simply spending more than his earning. With one of his main forms of incomes, record sales, on the slide. Remember, Thriller sold more than 50 million copies, then there was Bad that did 25 million. Good. Dangerous did 26 million. Then we're down to History which did 15 million; quite good for most artists but for Michael Jackson, sorry, not good enough! Then there was Blood on the Dance Floor down, to the lower numbers, 4 million and finally Invicible a measly 2 million.
  He's earned over half a billion dollars, but what's left after tax and all that excessive spending? Well, take those monster debts from his lucrative investments to discover our exclusive 21)liquid assets total. Today the King Of Pop is worth a disappointing third of a billion dollars, just 225 million pounds. He is hardly on the 22)breadline, but it's not much for thirty years at the top of the pop world!


  但到了1979年,《Off The Wall》推出后让顾虑烟消云散。小杰在CBS出的第一张个人专辑卖出1500万张,令人刮目相看,并唱红了其中四首歌。
  保罗·肯巴西尼(音乐专家):他成长了,他成功了。我是说,从《Off The Wall》的畅销,令人真的看到迈克尔·杰克逊长大了,他超越了“杰克逊五兄弟” 时期的青涩。
  文森特·帕特森(舞蹈指导):我和迈克尔合作过多次,我把那段日子成为全盛时期。工作每每十万火急,尤其是我当时同时身兼舞蹈指导和导演,而你知道,全世界有半数人会看到这个作品。我和迈克尔合作的那几年中,有意思的是我们在每个音乐电视片中都做创新。比如我在《Smooth Criminal》中,首创让他与拍挡双双起舞,很多人是第一次从MTV上看到这种手法,还有一些让舞者作人体倾斜的效果等等。在制作《Black and White》的时候,我加进世界各地的舞者,让迈克尔学跳各国民族舞蹈。迈克尔是非常乐于尝试各种舞蹈风格的。他是有音乐电视以来最好的男舞蹈演员,是音乐电视史历来最好的舞者,也许永远都是。
  如今他是入不敷出。作为他主要收入来源之一的唱片销量也在往下滑。要记得,《Thriller》曾劲卖了5000多万张,《Bad》卖了2500多万张。很好。《Dangerous》卖了2600多万张,然后《History》跌到1500万张。许多艺术家来能做到这已经算不错了,但对于迈克尔·杰克逊来说,抱歉,还不够好!接下来的《Blood on the Dance Floor》是400万,更少了。最后一张《Invincible》只得可怜的200万。

  1) Jacko是Jackson的昵称
  2) hit the jackpot 大获成功,发大财
  3) baseline  n. 起点,基础
  4) mega  n. 百万
  5) buck  n.  (口语)美元
  6) solo  a. 单独的
  7) in terms of 在……方面
  8) decade  n. 十年,文中特指20世纪80年代。
  9) crown  n. 王冠
  10) royalty  n. 版税
  11) yelp  n. 叫喊
  12) stratospheric  a. 最高部分的
  13) spin off 派生出的副产品
  14) diet  a. 日常大量接触到的东西
  15) heyday  n. 全盛期
  16) snippet  n. 片断
  17) lavish  a. 奢侈的
  18) Neverland是杰克逊在洛杉矶附近的家,取名自童话《彼得·潘》中的梦幻岛。
  19) lucrative  a. 有利的
  20) I.O.U即I owe you
  21) liquid assets 流动资产
  22) breadline  n. 等待分配救济食物的队伍

  Next Time That You Think You're Having a Bad Day...

  1. The average cost of 1)rehabilitating one seal after the (Exxon) Valdez oil 2)spill in Alaska was $80,000. At a special ceremony, two of the most expensively-saved animals were released back into the wild 3)amid cheers and 4)applause from 5)onlookers. A minute later a 6)killer whale ate them both.

  2. In 1992, Frank Perkins of Los Angeles made an attempt on the world flagpole-sitting record. Suffering from the flu, he came down eight hours short of the 400-day record; his 7)sponsor had 8)gone bust, his girlfriend had left him and his phone and electricity had been 9)cut off.

  3. A woman came home to find her husband in the kitchen, shaking 10)frantically with what looked like a wire running from his waist towards the electric 11)kettle. Intending to 12)jolt him away from the 13)deadly 14)current, she 15)whacked him with a 16)handy 17)plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places. Until that moment, he had been happily listening to his walkman.

  4.Two animal rights protesters were protesting the cruelty of sending pigs to a 18)slaughterhouse in Bonn. Suddenly the pigs, all two thousand of them, escaped through a broken fence and 19)stampeded, 20)trampling the two hapless protesters to death.

  5. Iraqi terrorist, Khay Rahnajet, didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. It came back with "return to sender" stamped on it. Forgetting it was the bomb, he opened it and was blown to bits.

  1) rehabilitate  v. 使身体康复
  2) spill  n. 溢出
  3) amid  prep. 在……中
  4) applause  n. 鼓掌声
  5) onlooker  n. 旁观人
  6) killer whale 老虎鲸,杀人鲸
  7) sponsor  n. 赞助人
  8) go bust 破产
  9) cut off 切断,使停止
  10) frantically  adv. 疯狂似地
  11) kettle  n. 壶,罐
  12) jolt  v. 震摇
  13) deadly  a. 致命的
  14) current  n. 电流
  15) whack  v. 重击
  16) handy  a. 手边的,就近的
  17) plank  n. 板条,厚板
  18) slaughterhouse  n. 屠宰场
  19) stampede  v. 惊跑
  20) trample  v. 践踏

  J.R.R. Tolkien and A Legend He Created

  Tolkien's grand themes would play out in the world of Middle Earth. It was a world created in his head but 1)imbued with his two greatest loves -- languages and 2)mythology -- loves that were 3)ignited by his mother.
  Tolkien Expert: She knew French and German and Latin. She encouraged him to enjoy language; not only to study language, but to enjoy language. She got him to thinking about language.
  4)Linguistics would be Tolkien's constant 5)obsession. As a child, he spent days locked away in his room creating languages.
  Tolkien Expert: While a lot of children invent languages of their own, nonsense languages, Tolkien took this to the max. He took it very seriously and invented his own language which he called Nafereen.
  Years later, his self-described "mad hobby" would find its way into The Lord of the Rings.
  "When he saw Strider, he 6)dismounted and ran to meet him, calling out, 'Ai na vedui Dúnadan! Mae govannen'. His speech and clear ringing voice left no doubt in their hearts the rider was of the Elven folk." (The Fellowship of the Ring, page 204)
  As Tolkien 7)scribbled out chapter after chapter of Rings in his barely legible handwriting, his real life experiences began to influence his writing. His days in the English countryside, the lessons of his Catholic upbringing, and especially his horrific time spent in battle during World War I would also find its way onto the pages of his new novel.
  Christopher Lee ("Sarumen"): And there's a scene where you see Hobbits - they go through the dead 8)marshes and they see all the dead faces staring up at them through the water, as a result of these terrible battles, that was actually based on Tolkien's own experiences in World War I when he saw these 9)appalling massacres of soldiers, which took place in battlefields.
  "I saw them. 10)Grim faces and evil, and noble faces and sad. Many faces proud and fair, and 11)weeds in their silver hair. But all foul, all rotting, all dead."  (The Two Towers, page 614)
  In 1940, Tolkien's publisher, Allen and Unwin, eagerly awaited the new Hobbit book.  However, Tolkien's pursuit of perfection slowed the process.
  Tolkien Expert: He was a 12)perfectionist, so that he would write, push to one side, rewrite, push to one side, rewrite, but it was as if he always had to start from the beginning again every time.
  Tolkien was writing not a book, but a history of Middle Earth that was rich with detail.
  Elijah Wood ("Frodo"): These books were written with such depth and 13)density and sort of attention to detail, that they almost seem like history. Like you can read them and almost believe they really happened.
  Sure, even the smallest detail was scrutinized. He created maps, charts and an 14)appendix the size of most books. In Tolkien's mind, he wasn't just creating a fantasy world, but an ancient mythology for England. It is this eye for detail that separated Tolkien's work from that of other fantasy writers and forever changed the 15)genre.
  Tolkien Expert: He gave fairy tale a kind of geography and a map, and a history, and a 16)chronology, and a whole world in which to exist and the worlds were connected up with each other.
  His 17)dedication to detail, 18)workload at Oxford, and occasional lack of interest, caused the writing process to 19)drag on. Tolkien began to doubt whether he would ever finish. Encouragement would come from a 20)fellow member of the Oxford community, C.S. Lewis, a writer who would carve his own 21)niche in the world of fantasy writing with works like, The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Over a 22)pint at the local pub, Tolkien began to share chapters of his new book with Lewis, who became 23)enthralled with the work.
  Tolkien Expert: Tolkien would never have finished The Lord of the Rings without Lewis' continuous encouragement. And Tolkien really needed somebody like that.
  In 1949, twelve years after he had started, J.R.R.Tolkien sat on his attic bed. Using two fingers, he typed out a complete draft of Rings. The book contained dozens of characters, 62 chapters, and lots of pages. Rings was over 1,000 pages so the editors wanted to break it up into three volumes.
  Tolkien Expert: They had to talk him into publishing it as a 24)trilogy. He saw it as a single book, The Lord of the Rings.
  The first volume of The Lord of the Rings, 25)entitled, The Fellowship of the Ring, was published in August of 1954. The final two volumes would be released over the next 14 months. To the author's dismay, many 26)interpreted the book as an 27)allegory for World War II.
  Tolkien Expert: He discouraged any sort of 28)allegorical reading where, as a one-for-one 29)correspondence between what's in the book and what's in the world, so that Tom Bonneville's neutral territory is not Switzerland and Mordor is not Nazi Germany.
  Rings proved to be a steady seller over the next decade. The income from book sales even allowed for Tolkien to take an early retirement from Oxford. The author 30)settled in, planning to spend a quiet retirement writing. Then, in the midst of the 31)turbulent 60's,   Rings was released in 32)paperback in the United States. Instantly, the book became a "must read" for 33)disillusioned college students across the country.
  Tolkien Expert: First of all as an anti-war book, this was the era when 34)resistance to the Vietnam War was growing, especially on college campuses.
  Tolkien Expert: The readers were primarily those who had been dropping away from mainstream society. And they happened to meet Tolkien in the woods of Middle Earth.
  By 1968, the book had sold over three million copies and made an 35)unwanted 36)cult hero out of its quiet and reserved author.
  Tolkien Expert: Tolkien was quite horrified by many aspects of the "37)hippie" adoption of, I mean, "drug culture" ? Tolkien just wouldn't know anything about that!
  Over the next several years, The Lord of the Rings would reach all corners of the globe. It would be translated into over 25 languages, 38)dissected in college classrooms, and sung about in pop songs. Generation after generation would connect with the book's themes and see them through the 39)prism of their time.


  “他一看到大步,就翻下马来迎着大步跑上去,一边大声喊着“Ai na vedui Dúnadan! Mae govannen(精灵语)。”他的话语和那金铃般的嗓音使他们确信无疑,来者是精灵族。”(《魔戒再现》第204页)

  1) imbue  v. 浸透
  2) mythology  n. 神话
  3) ignite  v. 点燃
  4) linguistics  n. 语言学
  5) obsession  n. 迷恋
  6) dismount  v. 下马
  7) scribble out 信手写来,匆匆写下
  8) marsh  n. 沼泽
  9) appalling  a. 令人震惊的
  10) grim  a. 严酷的
  11) weed  n. 野草
  12) perfectionist  n. 完美主义者
  13) density  n. 密度
  14) appendix  n. 附录
  15) genre  n. 流派
  16) chronology  n. 年表
  17) dedication  n.奉献,专注
  18) workload  n. 工作量
  19) drag on 拖拉
  20) fellow  n. 朋友,同事
  21) niche  n. 神圣的或合适的地位
  22) pint  n. 品脱
  23) enthrall  v. 迷惑
  24) trilogy  n. 三部曲
  25) entitle  v. 命名为
  26) interpret  v. 认为是……意思
  27) allegory  n. 寓言
  28) allegorical  a. 寓言的
  29) correspondence  n. 相应
  30) settle in 迁入新居并安顿好
  31) turbulent  a. 狂暴的,吵闹的
  32) paperback  n. 平装本
  33) disillusioned  a. 觉醒了的,醒悟了的
  34) resistance  n. 反抗
  35) unwanted  a. 多余的,讨厌的
  36) cult  n. 礼拜,一群信徒
  37) hippie  n. 嬉皮士
  38) dissect  v. 仔细研究
  39) prism  n. 棱镜

  The Hubble

  When most people think of space, what comes to mind are names like 1)John Glenn and Neil Armstrong. When scientists think about space, the name that comes to mind is Hubble, a space telescope we sent on a twenty-year journey to explore the 2)origins of the universe. It's already being called the most scientifically significant space project we ever 3)embarked on. Taking pictures of the universe that literally let you and me and everyone else look back in time and see what the universe looked like 13 billion years ago.
  The images are like nothing ever seen before, as much art as science, visions of a universe more violent and fantastic than anyone had dared to imagine. Everything from razor-sharp views of the planets in our own 4)solar system, to the vast stellar nurseries where stars and planets are born. Some show us the 5)explosive 6)outbursts of dying 7)suns, others the 8)swirling 9)masses of stars that make up the 10)galaxies. But Hubble isn't just giving us extraordinary pictures, it's helping astronomers unlock the secrets of the universe.
  Morgan: You know, people have been wondering about how the universe began probably since the caveman, right. The caveman wandered out, looked up and saw those little dots of lights, and he had no clue.
  Dr. Bruce Morgan is the Associate Director for Science For The Hubble Space Telescope.
  Morgan: Generations of humans have gone by with absolutely no clue about how the universe started. When my father went to school, no matter how smart he was or how smart his teachers were, nobody had a clue how old was the universe, how were 11)atoms made, how are stars formed. No one knew.
  The Hubble space telescope is the size of a 12)greyhound bus, it weighs ten tons and flies 400 miles above the earth, moving five miles a second. Its cameras and scientific instruments are so 13)sophisticated that they can capture light that began traveling through space more than 13 billion years ago. By the time that light finally enters the telescope and is transformed into an image, the picture it shows is of the universe as it was back when the light began its journey in the unimaginably distant past, in effect turning the telescope into a time machine.
  Dr. Mario Livio is the head of the science division for the Hubble space telescope.
  Livio: When we look back in time, using Hubble, we can see the universe, how it looked when it was less than a billion years old. And we can see what galaxies looked back then, when they were the building blocks of today's galaxies.
  But why is knowing this important today?
  Livio: Because we want to understand our origins. I mean, it's a very 14)fundamental thing.


  1) John Glenn和Neil Armstrong都是美国第一批登月的宇航员。
  2) origin  n. 起源,由来
  3) embark on 从事,着手
  4) solar system 太阳系
  5) explosive  a. 爆炸的
  6) outburst  n. 爆发
  7) sun  n. 太阳,有卫星的恒星
  8) swirling  n. 旋涡,涡流
  9) mass  n. 大量
  10) galaxy  n. 星系,银河
  11) atom  n. 原子
  12) greyhound  n. 灰狗,快速船
  13) sophisticated  a. (武器)很复杂的,高尖的
  14) fundamental  a. 基础的,基本的

  The Stonehenge

  This ancient monument of huge stones standing on the vast Salisbury plains in England has captured our imaginations for centuries. It's the most 1)enigmatic 2)pre-historic monument on earth.
  What makes the structure at Stonehenge 3)unique is the fact that for the first time they're shaping stones on a massive scale.
  Dating back as far as 2950 B.C., theories about who built Stonehenge have included the 4)druids and the Greeks. 5)Speculation as to its purpose, range from 6)astronomy to a 7)UFO landing site.
  Now a ruin with many of the original stones fallen or removed, this site still attracts nearly five thousand tourists everyday.
  Around the same time as the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids, the first stones arrived here at Stonehenge. The mystery of this stone is that they are only found in the Brescelly Mountains in south Wales, nearly 150 miles away.
  It was a huge job to transport these stones from Wales, because originally there were about 80 of them here at Stonehenge weighing up to four tons each. Now, if I got in my car it would take me about 5 hours to drive all the way to Wales. But to those people, it would've been an enormous distance.
  The stones were brought by boat from the mountains and pulled from the coast by 8)sledge to the site.
  I think, you need a minimum of about 150 people, simply to move on of these massive forty-ton stones.
  Getting the stones to the site was an amazing 9)feat, but building Stonehenge was much more complex. It is not just simply one stone piled on top of another, they're joined together, this hole in the section here that's been 10)pounded out using stone hammers, and that originally fitted on top of that 11)protruding 12)knob on top of that stone.
  After nearly 5,000 years Stonehenge is still standing. We now know how it was built. The question "why" is a bit more 13)problematic. Twenty first century followers of ancient mystical beliefs are sure that Stonehenge has a connection with the summer and winter 14)solstices. "As a druid, as a priest of the land, I feel Stonehenge to be one of the key sacred temples in the world. Stonehenge evokes in us a connection between some deep 15)ancestral intuitive soul and the power of nature around us."
  Nature may well know all the answers, but science has yet to prove its theories. It seems Stonehenge isn't ready to reveal all its secrets just yet.


  1) enigmatic  a. 谜一般的,高深莫测的
  2) pre-historic  a. 史前的,古老的
  3) unique  a. 独特的
  4) druid  n. 德鲁伊特教团员
  5) speculation  n. 思索
  6) astronomy  n. 天文学
  7) UFO即unidentified flying object,飞碟,不明飞行物
  8) sledge  n. 雪橇
  9) feat  n. 壮举
  10) pound  v. 连续重击
  11) protruding  a. 突出的
  12) knob  n. 突出物
  13) problematic  a. 问题的,有疑问的
  14) solstice  n. (天文)至日,至点
  15) ancestral  a. 祖先的,祖传的

  A Century of Memories (1920-1929)

  At the 1)dawn of the 1920's, America was clearly entering a new era, an era defined by a vast and complicated urban culture that would dominate the rest of the 20th century.
  After World War I, there was an eagerness to embrace the new and it was in America's cities, most dramatically in its biggest, New York, where the modern age was born. The very architecture of the city spoke of America's new 2)ascendancy and her 3)aspirations.
  Historian David McCullen--
  David McCullen: The 4)skyscraper was an example of the new form achieving a kind of thrilling scale and nobility. More people worked there than lived in the average small town in America.
  A movement to the cities that had started during World War I 5)accelerated. In 1920, for the first time more Americans lived in urban centers than in country towns and villages.
  American studies professor, Anne Douglas--
  Anne Douglas: The pace has been set in the cities. The city is 6)irresistibly attractive, is  really at a kind of high tide in this decade. It's a force, a 7)magnet.
  The very names of New York streets would become 8)synonymous with progress and innovation. Broadway would represent the best and latest in American entertainment. Madison Avenue would come to 9)stand for the bustling new business of advertising which was uniting the nation in a set of shared fantasies and desires. And Wall Street came to represent the decade's expanding economic opportunities. Wall Street was where the 10)action was. People came from everywhere to get in on it.
  Michael Trinkel--
  Michael Trinkel: The reason I came to New York was there was nobody there after they closed the mines in 1926 in Pennsylvania. There was no money coming there. This fella Jerry got me the first job and he said, "Come on down to Wall Street, the streets are 11)paved with gold."
  It seemed that way too on Park and 5th avenues where the 12)tycoons lived. The number of millionaires in the 1920's jumped 400% over the previous decade. The 20's feeling of limitless horizons was fueled by their 13)lavish lifestyle.
  Francis Leimen Lobe--
  Francis Leimen Lobe: In those days you had lots of help. You had a cook, you had a kitchen maid and you had a 14)laundress. And then you had a parlor maid, a 15)chambermaid and mother's maid. How many does that make? Six, but I think there were eight, actually. Terribly nice people.
  It was in 16)Harlem clubs that one could see the artists at the 17)forefront of this fresh and uniquely American music. Performers such as Louis Armstrong, Bessie Smith and a 18)dapper young man named Edward Kennedy Ellington, his friends simply called him, Duke.
  The actor, Aussie Davis--
  Aussie Davis: Duke was the essence of what black music was all about. Everybody else was heading in that direction, but Duke was there.
  The cultural historian, Stretch Johnson--
  Stretch Johnson: The first time that I was seized by the music was the first time I heard Duke Ellington broadcast from the Cotton Club where Broadway, Hollywood and Paris rub elbows. People came from all over the United States to experience what was going on in Harlem in the 20's.
  The author, Eudora Wealthy--
  Eudora Wealthy: I was young then, you know, and we went up to Harlem that night to dance and everything. We all saved up for months to get the money to go out to a nightclub. Of course the music was wonderful.
  Harlem was contributing more than music to America's new urban culture. The world above New York's 125th street was, in the 1920's, a hot bed of political, social and cultural activity. It was later called the Harlem 19)Renaissance.
  Aussie Davis: The Harlem Renaissance was one of those fancy terms that white folks invent when they want to take a particular look at some aspect of black folks. I don't think black folk running around saying "we're going to have us a renaissance" or something like that, but it was a holiday of the spirit. I'm glad that there was a Harlem Renaissance, and there be Beetles boys and Alan Lock took it and developed it and made it into a political weapon. Fine, it achieved a great deal for us by making America recognize that we were artists, and if we were artists that could produce works of genius, how then could we be inferior and treated as second-class citizens? All of that I later understood and later appreciated. But when the stuff first came to me, it was something that I could enjoy like a sweet potato pie, like an ice-cream cone, or you know, like the girls that I was in love with.
  20)Propelled by the great technological leaps in the 1920's, social patterns began to shift. Nowhere was this more obvious than in the changes seen in American women. An expanding job market had given more and more women careers and the 21)disposable income to do with what they wished. Throughout the 1920's, women would assert a 22)newfound freedom and independence. Nothing symbolized that more than the 19th 23)amendment to the constitution. Finally in 1920 after 81 years of 24)agitation, women had won the right to vote.
  Anne Douglas--
  Anne Douglas: A woman's lot had changed in almost every way. She thought that she had the right to live for herself rather than for her family for others as women were always supposed to. She went to bars, she went to after-hour's clubs, she went to wild parties, she had much shorter hair, she wore much more make-up. You go from having young women whose dresses reached to their ankles to flesh, flesh everywhere. And a lot of 20's culture is about the fun of smashing 25)prohibitions.


  1) dawn  n. 黎明,破晓
  2) ascendancy  n. 优势,支配地位
  3) aspiration  n. 渴望,热望
  4) skyscraper  n. 摩天楼
  5) accelerate  v. 加速,促进
  6) irresistibly  ad. 无可抵挡地
  7) magnet  n. 磁石
  8) synonymous  a. 同义的
  9) stand for
  10) action  n. (某一地区、领域中)最能产生效果的活动
  11) pave  v. 铺
  12) tycoon  n. 企业界大亨
  13) lavish  a. 奢侈的
  14) laundress  n. 洗衣女工
  15) chambermaid  n. 寝室的女工
  16) Harlem  n. (纽约的)黑人住宅区
  17) forefront  n. 最前线
  18) dapper  a. 衣冠楚楚的
  19) renaissance  n. 复兴
  20) propel  v. 推动
  21) disposable  a. 可支配的
  22) newfound  a. 新发现的,新得到的
  23) amendment  n. 改正
  24) agitation  n. 煽动,鼓吹,不安
  25) prohibition  n. 禁止

  The River of No Return
  Marilyn Monroe

  If you listen, you'd hear it call, Wailare
  There is a river called the river of no return
  Sometimes it's peaceful and sometimes wild and free
  Love is a traveler, on the river of no return
  Swept on Forever, to be lost in the stormy sea
  Wailare, I can hear the river call
  No return, no return, no return, no return, Wailare.
  I can hear my lover call, come to me
  I lost my love on the river
  And forever my heart will yearn
  Gone, gone forever
  Down the river of no return
  Wailare, Wailare, she'll never return to me

  玛丽莲·梦露 演唱

  News Spotlight (3)

  NEWS 1 政治
  1)NATO Ambassadors are 2)due to resume talks later today to try to resolve a damaging dispute over its preparations in the event of a war with Bagdad. On Tuesday, meeting in Brussells ended without agreement after France, Germany, and Belgium refused to drop their 3)veto against moves to 4)bolster Turkey’s defenses.
  NATO Ambassadors are meeting again but there’s no guarantee whatsoever that they’ll find a way to break the 5)deadlock. This is a crisis at NATO rooted in many issues, profound differences about how to manage the 6)confrontation, disputes about the future of trans-Atlantic relations, and a competition for influence in an expanding Europe. The French point out that European public opinion is strongly behind them when they say the focus should still be on diplomacy, not military planning. But 16 members of NATO say binding treaty obligations to protect Turkey in the event of war, mean they must start planning now.

  NEWS 2 经济
  Four hundred leading economists in the United States, including ten Nobel Prize Winners, have 7)condemned President Bush’s plan for large tax cuts. In an advert in the New York Times, the economists say, Mr. Bush’s measures will be of little economic benefit in the short term.
  The economists, at the top of their profession, say Mr. Bush’s plan does little to stimulate the economy in the near future, and that his tax cuts will largely benefit the very rich. Some of Mr. Bush’s defenders accept that the short-term 8)stimulus is small, but say that reducing taxes increases the 9)incentive to invest, so prompting long-term growth. What is undeniable is that a rare budget surplus under Clinton, has become a record budget deficit; Mr. Bush says because of the recession and because of an 10)unsought war. Mr. Bush’s critics say that since tax rises are 11)taboo, spending cuts are on their way, largely in programs for the poor.

  NEWS 3 科技
  Officials at 12)NASA say they found one of the most significant items of 13)debris so far from the 14)space shuttle, Columbia. The part is a piece from the left wing. The problems were first noticed just before the craft 15)broke up. It’s thought it could be extremely important to the investigation into the cause of the disaster.
  This is the most important piece of debris so far recovered. Investigators say, the 46 centimeter-long 16)fragment of Columbia’s left wing, was found last week east of the city of Fort Worth, near the town of Lufkin, Texas, has only now been identified. Attached to it was an even larger piece of carbon composite 17)panel, a dense material that formed the heat 18)shield on the leading edge of the wing. A NASA spokesman confirmed that this latest find was significant, as the left wing of Columbia is still the main focus of their investigation as they try and find out why the shuttle 19)disintegrated upon reentry. NASA have also now found the cover of one of the two 20)landing gear 21)compartments, another potentially critical piece because of a temperature surge near the left wheel, was 22)mission controller’s first sign of trouble. So far, NASA has recovered around a thousand pieces of debris across the states of Texas and Louisiana, and are now extending their search further 23)afield into New Mexico, Arizona and California.

  NEWS 4 体育
  Wednesday’s football program is dominated by friendly internationals. Perhaps the most significant has the world champions, Brazil, away to China in Guangzhou.
  The Brazilians arrived in China to a samba-star reception, including dancing girls, 24)bongo-beating boys and trumpeting elephants. But despite the fun of the friendly, the Brazil coach, Carlos Alberto Parreira, has indicated how seriously he’s taking this fixture by turning out a strong 25)lineup. He says it’s basically the same team which played against South Korea in December, and includes most of the players who took part in the World Cup last June. It was there that the Chinese were beaten four-nil by Brazil, and, although hoping for a marked improvement, it’s only just clear that the new coach, Arie Haan, will be looking to impose some Dutch 26)flare on his side. The former Netherlands International is wanting to combine the Chinese hardworking football ethic with some imagination and creativity. In a country where the population numbers some 1.3 billion, there’ll be a large audience hoping to see if China can at last learn how to position the ball and use their space wisely. And what better test than against the world champions?

  NEWS 5 灾害
  The authorities in Congo Brazzaville say that they suspect that the Ebola virus may have caused the death of at least 38 people in the north of the country. The Congolese authorities said they are concerned that the virus which has already been 27)detected in gorillas in the region could spread. Little is known about Ebola, which causes its victims to die from internal bleeding.
  The Congolese authorities have not yet been able to confirm that the almost daily death in the villages of Kelle and Mbomo 800 km from the capital Brazzaville are the result of Ebola. However the Minister of Health and World Health Organization are treating the death as Ebola 28)outbreak. This is because local and habitants are refusing to cooperate with the emergency teams from the Ministry and the WHO who’ve been sent to study and contain the disease. The local population have become hostile to the health workers, refusing to give blood samples needed to test Ebola and accusing them of bringing the virus to the area themselves. However, it would not be the first time that Ebola has struck the region, known as the Cuvette Ouest. And the bodies of dead gorillas found in the area since December have already tested positive for the virus. The Ministry of Health believes the dead people may have 29)contracted the virus from eating gorillas and 30)chimps which were infected.


  1 政治

  2 经济

  3 科技

  4 体育

  5 灾害

  1) NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 北大西洋公约组织
  2) due to: 由于,归因于
  3) veto  n. 投票否决
  4) bolster  v. 支持
  5) deadlock  n. 僵局,僵持
  6) confrontation  n. 对抗,对质
  7) condemn  v. 声讨,谴责
  8) stimulus  n. 刺激;促进因素
  9) incentive  n. 动机
  10) unsought  a. 不经寻求而得到的;没有被要求到的
  11) taboo  n. 禁忌
  12) NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration,(美国)国家航空和宇宙航行局
  13) debris  n. 碎片,残骸
  14) space shuttle: 航天飞机
  15) break up: 分解;分裂;破碎
  16) fragment  n. 碎片,片断
  17) panel  n. 面板,仪表板
  18) shield  n. 防护物,防罩; the heat shield: 隔热层
  19) disintegrate  v. (使)分解,(使)碎裂
  20) landing gear: 起落装置
  21) compartment  n. 间隔间
  22) Mission Controller: 航天地面指挥中心
  23) afield  ad. 离开(家乡),本文指在得克萨斯州和路易斯安那州以外的地方。
  24) bongo  n. 邦戈鼓(一种用手指敲打的谐音小鼓,两只成对使用)
  25) lineup  n. 一行人,队伍,这里指巴西队一行人。
  26) flare  n. 闪光,闪耀;这里指先进的训练方法。
  27) detect  v. 发现
  28) outbreak  n. (瘟疫、虫害等的)突然蔓延
  29) contract  v. 感染
  30) chimp  n. chimpanzee的缩写,黑猩猩


  Written by Howard Johnson

  "M" is for the million things she gave me,
  "O" means only that she's growing old,
  "T" is for the tears she shed to save me,
  "H" is for her heart of purest gold,
  "E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,
  "R" means right, and right she'll always be,
  Put them all together, they spell "MOTHER",
  A word that means the world to me.
  --Howard Johnson


  A Lesson for Living

  "Everything happens for the best," my mother said whenever I faced disappointment. "If you 1)carry on, one day something good will happen. And you'll realize that it wouldn't have happened if not for that 2)previous disappointment."
  Mother was right, as I discovered after graduating from college in 1932. I had decided to try for a job in radio, then work my way up to sports 3)announcer. I 4)hitchhiked to Chicago and knocked on the door of every station - and got 5)turned down every time.
  In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an 6)inexperienced person. "Go out in the sticks and find a small station that'll give you a chance," she said.
  I 7)thumbed home to Dixon, Illinois. While there was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, my father said Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local 8)athlete to manage its sports department. Since Dixon was where I had played high school football, I applied. The job sounded just right for me. But I wasn't hired.
  My disappointment must have shown. "Everything happens for the best," Mom reminded me. Dad offered me the car to job hunt. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, a wonderful Scotsman named Peter MacArthur, told me they had already hired an announcer.
  As I left his office, my frustration boiled over. I asked aloud, "How can a fellow get to be a sports announcer if he can't get a job in a radio station?"
  I was waiting for the elevator when I heard MacArthur calling, "What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?" Then he stood me before a microphone and asked me to broadcast an 9)imaginary game.
  On my way home, as I have many times since, I thought of my mother's words: "If you carry on, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn't have happened if not for that previous disappointment."
  I often wonder what direction my life might have taken if I'd gotten the job at Montgomery Ward.


  1) carry on 坚持
  2) previous  a. 以前的
  3) announcer  n. 广播员
  4) hitchhike  v. 搭便车
  5) turn down 拒绝
  6) inexperienced  a. 无经验的
  7) thumb  v. 作搭车姿势
  8) athlete  n. 运动员
  9) imaginary  a. 想像的

  A Great Friendship
  -- Thomas Jefferson and James Madison

  Thomas Jefferson and James Madison met in 1776. Could it have been any other year? They worked together starting then to 1)further the American Revolution and later to shape the new 2)scheme of government. From that work sprang a friendship perhaps 3)incomparable in 4)intimacy and the trustfulness of 5)collaboration and 6)indurations. It lasted 50 years. It included pleasure and 7)utility but over and above them, there were shared purpose, a common end and an enduring goodness on both sides. Four and a half months before he died, when he was 8)ailing, debt-ridden, and worried about his 9)impoverished family, Jefferson wrote to his longtime friend. His words and Madison's reply remind us that friends are friends until death. They also remind us that sometimes a friendship has a bearing on things larger than the friendship itself, for has there ever been a friendship of greater public 10)consequence than this one?
  "The friendship which has 11)subsisted between us now half a century, the harmony of our political 12)principles and pursuits have been sources of constant happiness to me through that long period. It's also been a great 13)solace to me to believe that you're 14)engaged in 15)vindicating to 16)posterity the course that we've pursued for preserving to them, in all their purity, their blessings of self-government, which we had assisted in acquiring for them. If ever the earth has beheld a system of administration 17)conducted with a single and 18)steadfast eye to the general interest and happiness of those committed to it, one which, protected by truth, can never know 19)reproach, it is that to which our lives have been devoted. Myself, you have been a 20)pillar of support throughout life. Take care of me when dead and be assured that I shall leave with you my last 21)affections." (Feb 17, 1826)
  A week later Madison replied--
  "You cannot look back to the long period of our private friendship and political harmony with more 22)affecting 23)recollections than I do. If they are a source of pleasure to you, what aren't they not to be to me? We cannot 24)be deprived of the happy 25)consciousness of the pure devotion to the public good with which we 26)discharge the trust committed to us and I 27)indulge a confidence that 28)sufficient evidence will find its way to another generation to ensure, after we are gone, whatever of justice may be 29)withheld 30)whilst we are here."



  1) further  v. 促进
  2) scheme  n. 计划,方案
  3) incomparable  a.无与伦比的
  4) intimacy  n. 亲密
  5) collaboration  n. 协作
  6) indurations  n. 坚固,硬化
  7) utility  n. 效用,利用
  8) ailing  a. 生病的,景况不佳的
  9) impoverished  a. 穷困的
  10) consequence  n. 结果
  11) subsist  v. 存在
  12) principle  n. 原则,法则
  13) solace  n. 安慰
  14) engage in 从事于,参加
  15) vindicate  v. 维护,表白
  16) posterity  n. 子孙,后裔
  17) conduct  v. 管理,引导
  18) steadfast  a. 坚定的
  19) reproach  n. 责难
  20) pillar  n. 重要的支持者
  21) affection  n. 友爱
  22) affecting  a. 感动的
  23) recollection  n. 回忆
  24) be deprive of 被剥夺
  25) consciousness  n. 意识,知觉
  26) discharge  v. 履行,放出
  27) indulge  v. 沉溺,放纵
  28) sufficient  a. 充分的
  29) withhold  v. 抑制,阻止
  30) whilst  conj. 同时


  Life Could Be Worse

  For the taxes that I pay, because it means that I am employed.

  For the 1)mess to clean after a party, because it means that I have been 2)surrounded by friends.

  For the clothes that fit a little too 3)snug, because it means I have enough to eat.

  For a 4)lawn that needs 5)mowing, windows that need cleaning, and gutters that need fixing, because it means I have a home.

  For the teenager who is not doing dishes but is watching TV, because that means he is at home and not on the streets.

  For the parking spot I find at the far end of the 6)parking lot, because it means I am capable of walking and that I have transportation.

  For the 7)punk rock band that is noisy, because it means that I can hear.

  For the pile of 8)laundry and 9)ironing, because it means I have clothes to wear.

  For weariness and 10)aching muscles at the end of the day, because it means I have been capable of working hard.

  For my alarm that goes of in the early morning hours, because it means that I am alive. And finally...

  For too much e-mail, because it means I have friends who are thinking of me.

  1) mess  n. 混乱,脏乱
  2) surround  v. 包围
  3) snug  a. 紧贴
  4) lawn  n. 草坪
  5) mowing  n. 割草
  6) parking lot 停车场
  7) punk  n. 朋克
  8) laundry  n. 要洗的衣服
  9) ironing  n. 熨平衣服
  10) aching  a. 疼的

  Norwegian Wood
  Written by Haruki Murakami

  I was thrity-seven then, 1)strapped in my seat as the huge 747 2)plunged through 3)dense cloud cover on approach to the Hamburg airport. Cold November rains 4)drenched the earth and lent everything the 5)gloomy air of a Flemish landscape: the 6)ground crew in rain gear, a flag 7)atop a 8)squat airport building, a 9)BMW billboard. So--Germany again.
  Once the plane was on the ground soft music began to flow from the ceiling speakers: a sweet 10)orchestral cover version of the Beatles' "Norwegian Wood". The melody never failed to send a 11)shudder through me, but this time it hit me harder than ever.
  I bent forward in my seat, face in hands to keep my skull from splitting open. Before long one of the German 12)stewardesses approached and asked in English if I were sick.  "No," I said, "just 13)dizzy."
  "Are you sure?"
  "Yes, I'm sure. Thanks."
  She smiled and left, and the music changed to a Billy Joel tune. I 14)straightened up and looked out the plane window at the dark clouds 15)hanging over the North Sea, thinking of what I had lost in the course of my life: times gone forever, friends who had died or disappeared, feelings I would never know again.
  The plane reached the gate. People began 16)unlatching their 17)seatbelts and pulling baggage from the storage 18)bins, and all the while I was in the meadow. I could smell the grass, feel the wind on my face, hear the cries of the birds. Autumn 1969, and soon I would be twenty.
  True, given time enough, I can bring back her face. I start joining image - her tiny, cold hand; her straight, black hair so smooth and cool to the touch; a soft, rounded 19)earlobe and the 20)microscopic 21)mole just beneath it; the camel's hair coat she wore in the winter; her habit of looking straight into your eyes when asking a question; the slight trembling that would come to her voice now and then (as if she were speaking on a windy 22)hilltop) - and suddenly her face is there, always in profile at first, because Naoko and I were always out walking together, side by side. Then she turns to me, and smiles, and 23)tilts her head just a bit, and begins to speak, and she looks into my eyes as if trying to catch the image of a 24)minnow that has 25)darted across the pool of a 26)limpid spring.
  I do need that time, though, for Naoko's face to appear. And as the years have passed, the time has grown longer. The sad truth is that what I could recall in five seconds all too soon needed ten, then thirty, then a full minute - like shadows 27)lengthening at 28)dusk. Someday, I suppose, the shadows will be swallowed up in darkness. There is no way around it: my memory is growing ever more distant from the spot where Naoko used to stand - ever more distant form the spot where my old self used to stand. And nothing but scenery, that view of the meadow in October, returns again and again to me like a 29)symbolic scene in a movie. Each time it appears, it delivers a kick to some part of my mind. "Wake up," it says. "I'm still here! Wake up and think about it. Think about why I'm still here." The kicking never hurts me. There's no pain at all. Just a hollow sound that echoes with each kick. And even that 30)is bound to fade one day. At the Hamburg airport, though, the kicks were longer and harder than usual, which is why I am writing this book: To think. To understand! It just happens to be the way I'm made. I have to write things down to feel I fully 31)comprehend them.


  1) strap  v. 用皮带束住
  2) plunge  v. 投入,跳进
  3) dense  a. 密集的,浓厚的
  4) drench  v. 湿透
  5) gloomy  a. 黑暗的,阴沉的
  6) ground crew 地勤人员
  7) atop  prep. 在顶上
  8) squat  v. 蹲坐
  9) BMW即Bavarian Motor Works,德国宝马汽车公司
  10) orchestral  a. 管弦乐的,管弦乐队的
  11) shudder  n. 战栗,发抖
  12) stewardess  n. (轮船、飞机的)女乘务员
  13) dizzy  a. 晕眩的
  14) straighten up 直起来
  15) hang over 挂在……上,笼罩
  16) unlatch  v. 拔掉门栓
  17) seatbelt  n. 系于飞机座位上的安全带
  18) bin  n. 箱柜
  19) earlobe  n. 耳垂
  20) microscopic  a. 精小的
  21) mole  n. 胎记
  22) hilltop  n. 小山顶
  23) tilt  v. 使倾斜,使翘起
  24) minnow  n. 鲤科小鱼
  25) dart  v. 飞奔,刺,飞快的动作
  26) limpid  a. 清澈的
  27) lengthen  v. 延长,使变长
  28) dusk  n. 黄昏
  29) symbolic  a. 象征的
  30) be bound to 必定的
  31) comprehend  v. 领会,理解

  Speaking Sparkles (2)

  1.  Well, let's say, you know, life is a constant learning process and I encourage everybody who is watching or 1)participating to constantly think about lifetime learning because it is really, truly important to do that. Let me just, in a simple way, what I say, if I ever come back in a second life, I'm going to be Mick Jagger, I'm going to be a rock and roll player. So, I had those 2)aspirations but I couldn't, I failed, I flunked piano, so that didn't work. I played football, baseball, basketball; I flunked all those, so that didn't work. Then I decided, "What am I going to do when I grow up?" and I decided: business.
  --Verizon电讯(500强)的首席执行官Charles R. Lee   接受电视台采访时透露自己是“迫于无奈”才选择经商

  2. How can you have 3)differentiation top 20, middle 70 and throw out the bottom 10 and have team work? Teams do that everyday! A 20 game winner, a 50 home run 4)hitter, they get more money than the other players on the team and the bottom ten get traded or thrown out and yet, they're still a team. That's what business is.
    --通用公司前首席执行官Jack Welch讲述自己的管理之道

  3. You have to remember that nothing is impossible. I mean let's face it. I mean, I had no idea where I was going to be. I had no idea I'd be sitting with someone like you when I started, but it's a lesson that everything is possible for anybody. Everything is possible.
      --Viacom首席执行官Sumner Redstone谈自己的成功心得

  4. (Ben:) Jerry was into production and I was into sales and marketing and that's what we did and neither one of us was into the books and nobody did the books. (Jerry:) And I made Ben fire everybody! I couldn't do it, I couldn't stand to do it. It was, you know, and Ben didn't like to do it but he did it. (Ben:) When somebody needed to get fired, we would go around saying, "The 5)monster is hungry, the monster must eat." (Jerry:) Yeah, because I mean Ben couldn't even do it. He had to make himself into this 6)persona, this monster, in order to do it. We were not very good bosses.
  (本:)杰里负责生产,而我负责推销,我们两个人都不喜欢记账,所以没有人负责记账。(杰里:)我强迫本去负责解雇员工,我没有办法做到,我不忍心。本也不喜欢做这种事,  但他还是做了。(本:)当要辞退工人的时候,我们会说:“怪兽肚子饿了,怪兽要找吃的啦。”(杰里:)本也不忍心,所以,他要令自己进入到怪兽的角色。我们不是很好的老板。
  --本与杰里冰淇淋企业的创办人Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield描述当老板的感受以及各自的分工

  1) participate  v. 参与,参加
  2) aspiration  n. 热望,渴望
  3) differentiation  n. 区别
  4) hitter  n. 击球员,击手
  5) monster  n. 怪物,妖怪
  6) persona  n. 角色,人

  Shaggy Teaches You to Introduce Yourself

  My name is Shaggy. Aahh, not to be confused with Shaggy from 1)Austin Powers. This is Shaggy, 2)shagadelic shaggy, 3)shagalistic shaggy, 4)shagnotic, Mr. 5)Lova shaggy.
  My age right now... I'm... 30, 31, something like that.
  My first 6)crush... Let me see what my first crush is. Umm ... can not remember if I had a crush. Ahh, I would say it was... this girl... it was in my, my fourth grade class.  That's way back, too, boy. My memory doesn't serve me that well. My first, now it was a young lady... that I, I was totally in love with and the only thing I had of her was a poster that I tore out of a magazine and put on my wall. And I, like a 7)pervert, kissed the photograph all the time. That'd be my first one.
  My last love was a couple months ago. I can't say who, but that would be cool.
  When did I first fall in love? I don't know if I was ever in love (small laugh). That's sad! But I think if it's that little tingly feeling that makes you want to see the person all the time, and that's love. Umm, I would say that was when I was about ... Oooooo... 20, 22... around there.
  The most romantic thing I've ever done now, let me see... would be renting a hotel in Manhattan... the Waldorf-Astoria-posh Hotel-- getting a suite that overlooked the park, going on a little horse-and-buggy ride, get to the hotel room, have dinner first, do the horse- and-buggy ride, to the Comedy Store, have a laugh, leave, get back to the hotel room, and walk in to the suite -- it was all candles, and rose petals everywhere -- and just... be so energetic that the windows would fog up.
  The worst thing I've ever done to a girlfriend, umm... and I did this in pure fun, was give her a 8)weggie, 'cause I've always seen it done and I've, I've never done it, so just one of the things I just have to do. She wasn't amused anyway, but you know, it was funny (laugh).
  I haven't 9)snoged anyone fame... well, I have snoged some... someone famous, well, a couple of people that were famous, but I can't call their name because they might be watching and, I don't kiss-and-tell. Who famous that I like just now? All right... (sigh, smack lips)... I done her. What's her name? Did her too? So... Halley, Halley Berry would be the person I'd like to snog, and I don't have much time because she's almost married. (smack lips) So look out, girl, when you see me running up to you with lips, you know what's up! (loud laugh)

  我曾经做过的最浪漫的事是,让我想想……是在曼哈顿租了一间旅馆,叫Waldorf Astoria Posh旅馆,从套房里可以远眺公园,乘马车进出旅馆房间,首先美餐一顿,然后乘马车去喜剧商店找乐子,离开,然后再回到旅馆房间,我走进房间时发现四周都是蜡烛,到处都是玫瑰花瓣--真是情调盎然,连窗户都有雾气笼罩。

  1) Austin Powers 影片《王牌大贱谍》。在这里指的是Austin Powers - the Spy who Shagged Me《王牌大贱谍2:时空间谍007》。
  2) shagadelic 此词是由Shaggy与psychedelic (a. 起幻觉的,迷幻的) 结合而来的,并没有什么实际意义,只是用来起夸张与炫耀的作用。以下两词用法相同。
  3) shagalistic 此词是由Shaggy与fantastic (a. 幻想的,空想的) 结合而来。
  4) shagnotic 此词是由Shaggy与hypnotic (a. 催眠的) 结合而来。
  5) Lova = lover
  6) crush  n. (对某人的)强烈而短暂的喜爱,迷恋
  7) pervert  n. 走上邪路者,堕落者
  8) weggie [俚] 是一种恶作剧,在某人的背后提他的裤带把他拎起来
  9) snog  v. 亲吻拥抱

  Romance -- A Key Component of The Comedy

  I think what really 1)defines a romantic comedy is that it's a comedy in which the central 2)conflict, whatever it is, is based in a romantic relationship. Meaning, many comedies have romances in them. But the question the movie's asking is not about the couple. A romantic comedy asks, "Will these two people become a couple?"

  Romance which is light, which is about enjoyment of love, tends to be within the comic because that although comedy can be about the battle of the sexes, and can be about problems which are keeping lovers apart, comedy is also nice as it were... laughter and having fun is part of romance.

  In the 30's and 40's you have such a wonderful series of romantic movies because women were really 3)feeling their oats and moving into the job market, and you had a lot of very, very strong, tough, heroines out in the world and they were in the movies, too.

  There are these kind of standard moves that get observed: after there's a set-up, there's what we call a "cute meet" or a "meet cute", meaning some 4)distinctive way that these people come together, ahh, which in my mind is usually 5)reflective of a 6)dynamic relationship. At the core, people who go to romantic comedies, you're 7)preaching to the converted more often than that. These are people who believe in love. And they believe in romance, and that means 8)unattached as well as attached. I might even say more likely you've got a lot of people who are going to these movies to have that experience to enjoy 9)vicariously what it's like to fall in love and to meet the perfect someone.

  1) define  v. 定义,详细说明
  2) conflict  n. 冲突,斗争
  3) feeling their oats 感到精神饱满
  4) distinctive  a. 有特色的,与众不同的
  5) reflective  a. 沉思的
  6) dynamic  a. 动力的
  7) preach  v. 宣扬,鼓吹 preach to the converted 对人们宣传他们早已持有的观点
  8) unattached  a. 独立的
  9) vicariously  ad. 有同感地,间接感受到地

  Tips For Improving Your Interpersonal Relationships

  Conswello: It's a delight to meet you, Bob Eubanks, it really is.
  Eubanks: Thank you very much. You do a great job on this show.
  Conswello: Well, thank you very much and you're using your people skills already. I'm 1)intrigued by how you keep 2)reinventing yourself. How do you do it?
  Eubanks: Well, you know, I just think what a person has to do is take their strengths, and I know that no one's gonna hire me to do a game show again so, because they go for the younger guy and such, so I got, I sat down, I said, you know, "What should I do?" And I've learned so much about people, and I decided to go out and speak to 3)corporate America. What I'm doing is I'm showing corporate America how to maintain a balance in their people skills to high technology. I mean, we're losing our people skills because of the wonderful technology is there. And so I go out and I teach them how to maintain their people skills; how to get the most from people.
  Conswello: So how do you do that?
  Eubanks: Ah, you show interest in them. Ah, when I was doing Newlywed Game, the couples were very 4)frightened and very 5)scared and they would sit there like this. The moment I would say, "How're you doing? How's your family? How's your dog? How's this?" The moment that you would see their body language change. You would see everything about them change. So, if we can show interest in other people and generally, generally care about other people, then it is amazing. People will tell you what things they wouldn't tell the Grand Jury is what they did for me on the Newlywed Game anyway.
  Conswello: Now, are you finding that there is a good 6)reception to these, you know,  personal skills that you're bringing to corporate America, and does it matter to them?  Does it matter to management?
  Eubanks: Yeah, it really does, it really does because creativity's going down the tubes if we're not careful. No longer am I walking into your office and saying, "Conswello, I got an idea. What do you think about this?" "Oh, good, Bob. Let's do this." We're sending e-mails to each other in the next 7)cubicle. We've got to maintain a balance, and I'm a big tech fan, believe me I am, but we have to maintain a balance with our people skills. And that's what I teach, basically.
  Conswello: So how do you teach it?
  Eubanks: I simply, I do it in a very comedic way. I do a one-hour very funny keynote called "The Power of Partnerships". And I speak to companies like Southwest Airlines or Washington Mutual -- I've had some really good clients -- and I've been doing this about a year and a half. And what I did, I 8)associated myself with four other speakers, very successful speakers: Emery Austin, Mark Mayfield, David Naster, Joe Malarchy. We formed a marketing company called "Five Easy Speakers"...
  Conswello: Very catchy name.
  Eubanks: ... "Five Easy Speakers", yeah. And I think we're the five best speakers out there. We bring a comedic point of view to speaking.
  Conswello: Now, is there another reinvention in the works for Bob Eubanks or is this gonna be it for a while?
  Eubanks: No. This is it! I am having more fun doing what I'm doing now. I was gonna teach, I was gonna, uhh, but I am having so much fun, I want to do this for the rest of my life. You know, I just go out and I entertain people and I teach them about people, and they give you a 9)cheque and you go home. And I said, "Wow, why didn't I think about this a long time ago folks?"
  Conswello: Well, I'm glad you did and I'm glad you thought about it now and we're delighted to have you here.
  Eubanks: Well, it's so nice to be here. Thank you very much.
  Conswello: Thanks very much, Bob Eubanks.
  Eubanks: Thanks Conswello.
  Conswello: Great to have you here.


  1) intrigue  v. 阴谋,诡计
  2) reinvent  v. 重新使用,彻底改造
  3) corporate  a. 共同的,全体的,社团的
  4) frightened  a. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  5) scared  a. 恐惧的
  6) reception  n. 接待,招待会
  7) cubicle  n. 小卧室
  8) associated  a. 联合的,有关联的
  9) cheque  n. = check (US),支票

  Arie Haan Press Conference

  All a very good morning! It's still the night for me, so excuse me sometimes.
  When I know more about the Chinese football at the beginning, we have of course, have some goals. The first of them will be the Asian Cup 2004, to prepare the team already to 1)qualify for 2006. So, I believe what I saw about the Chinese football. We can do a good result in Asian Cup and to qualify for Europe for Germany 2006. I have a lot of 2)confidence to do it. I hope everybody will, then we will also reach it.
  What it's about national 3)coach, yes, I said I had been 17 years international player, national player, several years club coach, working with a lot of national coaches. So I believe and that is in my mind a long time that the national coach is still different from a club coach. But you have to make more choices, because he has more players where he can choose. The club coaches, there are only 20 players, 22 one time, 18 players, I think I have all country. You choose the players and you work with the players, and I believe I have a lot of confidence to do this.
  I have a lot of confidence because otherwise, I wouldn't come so big country and I think it has a very big future here and maybe I like to be a part of it, and this confidence I have to bring the team in a higher level, and what Mr. Hiddink concerns, he did a fantastic job, and certainly we are looking, everybody was looking in Western Europe, especially Holland, where he was working. What a fine job he was doing and I really can hope I do the same. I have surely the confidence to do it.



  1) qualify for 使合格,有……的资格
  2) confidence  n. 信心
  3) coach  n. 教练

  Uriel Yak  尤里专线 (2)

  Uriel: Crazy English-Land, welcome to Uriel Yak. This is Uriel, and with me in the studio, I have Alex....
  Alex: Hi Uriel.
  Uriel: Alex, a foreigner, a British person, who's living in China. Welcome, Alex!
  A: Uh, hi Uriel!
  U: Hi!
  A: Thanks for having me on your show.
  U: Ah, it's a pleasure. I understand that you like cellphones, however.
  A: Ummm, yes.... And I understand that you don't.
  U: Well, I am one of the last people in China not to have a cellphone.... And that does...
  A: I think....
  U: ... give a clue to my attitude about them....
  A: In China, isn't a cellphone an actual status symbol?
  U: Is it a status symbol?
  A: Along with a car, yes.
  U: How can.... I mean, that's like saying that having two arms and eyes is a status symbol. I mean, everybody seems to have a cellphone here. You were saying that you used to make thousands of cellphones every day....
  A: Yes, I used to have links with the mobile phone industry.
  U: Yeah....
  A: Ummm.... But now they've been cut, I do still tend to look at mobile phones and I used to spend maybe two thousand yuan a day on mobile phones in my industry. And now I get worried when I spend over ten yuan.
  U: What do you mean, you used to spend two thousand a day?
  A: Ummm, I used to do testing for around the world... so it would put me on a plane... I'd go to somewhere like South Africa... I would phone up Finland and ask them, "Does this work?"
  U: Making all those long distance phone calls, you were... you were using two thousand yuan a day of air time, is that right?
  A: Easily.
  U: Ok, ah.
  A: Yeah, they loved me at the people who took the money, I can say.
  U: You were actually travelling to a lot of places on behalf of these testing agencies?
  A: Uh yeah, travelling all around the world... I was based in Paris, and before that I was based in England, going around just testing bits here and there. Suddenly a mobile phone that was new would not work in the middle of Russia. So, they get to send poor me out to the middle of Russia, in the middle of the snow, to make a phone call.
  U: Well, you were talking about your first arrival in China.
  A: Oh, my first arrival in China! That was an experience. I think that first few hours in China is what China is for me. I basically came from Hong Kong straight in to the East train station. And I arrive into the station, I've got a huge back.... This is like....
  U: Guangzhou station.
  A: Guangzhou East Train Station.
  U: Yup.
  A: ... a huge backpack on, two huge suitcases.... I'm pretty big guy and carry a lot, but I been carrying this all day and it was a boiling hot day.... The sun was shining, the temperatures were soaring, and I was meant to be meeting this Chinese person in the train station.
  U: Who was it? Who had you connected with before you arrived?
  A: Ummm.... Somebody who was gonna offer me a job. I'd organized and applied for and received, uh, a job when I arrived....
  U: A teaching job?
  A: A teaching job, yes.
  U: Yeah, yeah....
  A: And when I arrived at the train station... like... there was nobody....
  U: Nobody there. You're on your own, and your Chinese language skills are....
  A: Zip ... absolutely zip.
  U: Nil.
  A: Nothing. Nada. And I'm, like, "OK, what do I do? What do I do?"
  U: Panic.
  A: Panic sets in. I run around the station. I'm running out of the station, I'm running into the station, and with this much luggage, you can see, in this heat, I'm starting to really get tired.
  U: Surely a helpful policeman could save you?
  A: Uh, that was my first option, yes. I ran to the policeman, I say: "Phone." He looks at me. I do a hand signal phone. He goes, "Ahhh...." You know, the usual phone hand gesture....
  U: Yeah.
  A: And he points behind me and goes: "Neuhhh neuhhh neuhhh neuhhh neuhhh." Something I can't understand. And I go.... I look behind. He turns around and he runs out of the exit, try not to speak to me.
  U: Let me ask, with all this cellphone background, why didntcha have a cellphone just when you needed it most.... This is when you needed a cellphone.
  A: I did have a cellphone, but unfortunately I didn't have a Chinese SIM which is one of those little cards that you put into a cellphone.
  U: Ahhh.... OK, I see.
  A: So I was stuck. In the end I just sat down on my suitcases in the corner feeling very sorry for myself, thinking, maybe I'm in the wrong city, maybe I'm in the wrong country.
  U: What did you do for fun besides, in your free time, after work?
  A: Talking to people, and getting day to day life stuff, was pretty fun for me. Imagine walking into a restaurant, nobody understands you, you don't even know what the menu is, you look at something.... You can't identify it. Things crawl around. In England when you say, "I want a burger," it comes out cooked. In China when you say, "I want something to eat," they kill it in front of you, take out, point to the part you want, cook it, and then hand it to you. It was a new experience.
  U: Alex, do you have any other final words for our listeners?
  A: I have final words for listeners? Ummm ... yes. When you're shopping, could you refrain from hitting me... anybody... please?
  U: Alright... please everybody, don't hit Alex when he's shopping.
  A: And please, actually, stop looking at my shopping stuff.
  U: Listeners, thank you for listening to Uriel Yak. So long.
  A: Bye bye, Uriel.
  U: Alex, thanks for joining us!
  A: Thanks for having me!

  Ordinary Day

  Just a day, just an ordinary day
  Just trying to get by
  Just a boy
  Just an ordinary boy
  But he was looking to the sky
  And as he asked if I would come along
  I started to realize--
  That everyday you find
  Just what he's looking for
  Like a shooting star he shines

  He said take my hand
  Live while you can
  Don't you see your dreams are right in the palm of your hand

  And as he spoke, he spoke ordinary words
  Although they did not feel
  For I felt what I had not felt before
  You'd swear those words could heal
  And I as looked up into those eyes
  His vision borrows mine
  And to know he's no stranger
  For I feel I've held him for all of time

  And he said take my hand
  Live while you can
  Don't you see your dreams are right in the palm of your hand
  Right in the palm of your hand

  Please come with me
  See what I see
  Touch the stars for a time will not flee

  Time will not flee
  Can you see

  Just a dream, just an ordinary dream
  As I wake in bed
  And the boy, that ordinary boy
  Or was it all in my head
  Did he asked if I would come along
  It all seemed so real
  But as I looked to the door
  I saw that boy standing there with a deal
  And he said take my hand
  Live while you can
  Don't you see your dreams are right in the palm of your hand
  Right in the palm of your hand
  Right in the palm of your hand

  Just a day, just an ordinary day
  Just trying to get by

  Just a boy
  Just an ordinary boy
  But he was looking to the sky










  On Beauty

  Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide? And how shall you speak of her except she be the 1)weaver of your speech?
  The 2)aggrieved and the 3)injured say, "Beauty is kind and gentle. Like a young mother half-shy of her own 4)glory she walks among us."
  And the 5)passionate say, "Nay, beauty is a thing of 6)might and 7)dread. Like the 8)tempest she shakes the earth beneath us and the sky above us."
  The tired and the 9)weary say, "Beauty is of soft 10)whisperings. She speaks in our spirit. Her voice 11)yields to our silences like a 12)faint light that 13)quivers 14)in fear of the shadow."
  But the 15)restless say, "We have heard her shouting among the mountains, and with her cries came the sound of hoofs, and the beating of wings and the 16)roaring of lions."
  At night the watchmen of the city say, "Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east."
  And at 17)noon-time the 18)toilers and the 19)wayfarers say, "We have seen her leaning over the earth from the windows of the sunset."
  In winter say the 20)snow-bound, "She shall come with the spring leaping upon the hills."
  And in the summer heat the 21)reapers say, "We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves, and we saw a drift of snow in her hair."
  All these things have you said of beauty, yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied, and beauty is not a need but an 22)ecstasy. It is not a mouth 23)thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth, but rather a heart  24)enflamed and a soul 25)enchanted. It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear, but rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears. It is not the 26)sap within the 27)furrowed 28)bark, nor a wing attached to a 29)claw, but rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.
  Beauty is life when life 30)unveils her holy face.



  1) weaver  n. 编织者,织工
  2) aggrieved  a. 苦恼的,悲伤的  the aggrieved指苦恼的人,悲伤的人
  3) injured  a. 受伤的,受损害的 the injured指受伤的人,受损害的人
  4) glory  n. 荣誉,光荣
  5) passionate  a. 热情的  the passionate指充满热情的人
  6) might  n. 力量,威力
  7) dread  n. 惧怕,担心
  8) tempest  n. 暴风雨
  9) weary  a. 疲倦的  the weary指疲倦的人
  10) whispering  n. 耳语
  11) yield to 屈服于,屈从于
  12) faint  a. 微弱的,模糊的
  13) quiver  v. 颤抖
  14) in fear of 对……惧怕,担忧
  15) restless  a. 不能安静的   the restless指好动的人
  16) roaring  n. 咆哮,呼喊
  17) noon-time  n. 正午,白昼
  18) toiler  n. 辛劳者
  19) wayfarer  n. 旅人,徒步旅行者
  20) snow-bound  a. 被大雪困阻的  the snowbound指被大雪困阻的人
  21) reaper  n. 收割者
  22) ecstasy  n. 入迷
  23) thirsting  a. 口渴的
  24) enflame  v. 燃烧
  25) enchant  v. 施魔法,使迷惑
  26) sap  n. 树液
  27) furrowed  a. 有犁沟的,有皱纹的
  28) bark  n. 树皮
  29) claw  n. 爪
  30) unveil  v. 揭开,除去面纱

  Words, Wide Night
  Written by Carol Ann Duffy

  Somewhere on the other side of this wide night
  and the distance between us, I am thinking of you.
  1)The room is turning slowly away from the moon.

  This is pleasurable. Or shall I 2)cross that out and say
  it is sad? In one of the tenses I singing
  an impossible song of desire that you cannot hear.

  La lala la. See? I close my eyes and imagine
  the dark hills I would have to cross
  to reach you. For I am in love with you and this
  is what it is like or what it is like in words.

  Whispering Steppe

  Love is dear, love is rare
  Love is never where your eyes would stare
  Unexpectedly, even blindingly
  Love will show its face to you, no lie
  Fears 3)subside, clearly why
  Time has come for me to stand aside
  4)Unencumberedly, though 5)reluctantly
  Upon the 6)whispering 7)steppes I lie with pride
  It was the 8)cradle of my hopes now lies my resting grave
  The warmth of life has left me half-embraced
  For those who 9)rendered fears and pain
  I will surely pay with a smile you can't escape
  Free at last, from the past
  Time has come for me to greet the vast
  Unencumberedly, though reluctantly
  Upon the whispering steppes I lie





  1) The room is turning slowly away from the moon. 这句诗直译为“房间慢慢地从月亮旁移开”。而实际上,房间是不可能移动的,是月光的移动给人造成的一种错觉。诗人以简洁的语句描述出月光的这种动感。
  2) cross out: 抹掉,勾销
  3) subside  v. 衰退,沉淀
  4) unencumberedly  adv. 无所畏惧地
  5) reluctantly  adv. 犹豫地
  6) whispering  a. 轻声细语的
  7) steppe  n. 无树的大平原,大草原
  8) cradle  n. 摇篮
  9)  render  v. 呈递


  scene 1
  Roxie Hart is a chorus girl with hopes of being a headliner in Vaudeville. Velma Kelly is a former headliner. They are both jailed as the murderesses.

  (Music: Five, six, seven, eight.)
  Roxie: Oh, Miss Kelly! Hey listen, can I ask you somethin’? You know that Harrison guy? Well, he said that what I've done is a hanging case and that he's prepared to ask for the 1)maximum 2)penalty.
  Kelly: Yeah? So?
  Roxie: So, I'm scared. (Nervous laugh) Sure would appreciate some advice, especially from someone I admire as much as you. See, since I can remember, I have wanted to be on the stage.
  Kelly: Really? What's your talent, washing and drying?
  Roxie: No. No, no. I, I dance in the 3)chorus.
  Kelly: Oh.
  Roxie: Well, that was before I met my husband, Amos...
  Kelly: Look honey, want some advice? Here it is, direct from me to you: 4)keep your paws off my underwear. OK?
  Roxie: Yeah, OK. Thanks... for nothing!

  Scene 2
  Kelly is 5)aloof to Roxie, though 6)Matron Morton offers Roxie an opportunity of representation by 7)slick Chicago lawyer Billy Flynn.

  Morton: She's something, ain't she? I tell ya, no matta how big she gets, she's still as common as ever. I'd like to help you... 8)dearie. 9)Take a load off. So, what do you figure on using for 10)grounds?
  Roxie: What grounds?
  Morton: What are you gonna tell a 11)jury?
  Roxie: I jus' figure I'd tell 'em the truth.
  Morton: The truth?
  Roxie: Yeah.
  Morton: That's a one-way ticket to the death house.
  Roxie: Holy Mother of God!
  Morton: Oh, relax. I mean, in this town, murder's a form of entertainment. Besides, in 47 years, Cook County ain't never hung a woman yet. So the 12)odds are 47 to 1 that they won't hang you.
  Roxie: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
  Morton: You talkin’ to the wrong people. What you need is Billy Flynn.
  Roxie: Who?
  Morton: Billy Flynn. He's only the best criminal lawyer in all of Illinois. Telling ya, what he don't know about juries and women....
  Roxie: How do you get this Billy Flynn?
  Morton: Well, not by prayin’ dearie. First you give me a hundred dollars. Then I'll make a phone call.
  Roxie: A hundred dollars?! Will you just... I mean... seems pretty steep for a phone call.
  Morton: Oh, but he's worth every cent. I mean he's never lost a case for a female client yet. And with a sweet little 13)puss like you, as well... let's just say justice ain't so blind in Chicago.
  Roxie: He's never lost a case?
  Morton: Never! Every girl in this place would kill to have Billy Flynn represent 'em.
  (Music: We want Billy....)
  MC: Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the silver-tongued the prince of the 14)courtroom: the one, the only, BILLY FLYNN!
  Billy: (Sings) I don't care about expensive things. Cashmere coats, diamond rings, don't mean a thing. All I care about is love.
  Chorus: That's what he's here for.
  Billy: (Sings) I don't care for wearin’ silk 15)cravats. 16)Ruby 17)studs, 18)satin 19)spats, don't mean a thing. All I care about is love.
  Chorus: All he cares about is love.
  Billy: (Sings) Give me two eyes of blue, softly saying...
  Chorus: I need you!
  Billy: (Sings) Let me see her standin’ there, and, honest mister, I'm a millionaire!

  Scene 3
  Billy is more a showbiz PR agent than a legal lawyer and 20)manipulates the 21)tabloids into thinking Roxie is no more than an innocent "good time girl" who took the wrong path, than a scheming murderess.

  Billy: Alright. This is what we're gonna do. By the end of the week, I'm gonna have Roxie's name on the front page of every newspaper in town. "Sweetest Little Jazz Killer Ever Been in Chicago"--- that's the angle I'm after. We make an announcement, we're gonna have an 22)auction. Tell 'em we gotta raise some money for the defense. They'll buy everything she's ever touched---everything: your shoes, your dresses, your perfume, your underwear.
  Roxie: 23)Victrola records, like the one I was playing when I shot the bastard.
  Billy: I didn't hear that.
  Roxie: Not that I didn't have grounds, mind you. Hey, what are they?
  Billy: That's for when we go to trial. Look, nobody, NOBODY's gonna care a lick what your defense is unless they care about you. So the first thing we gotta do is work up some sympathy from the press. And they're not all 24)pushovers like Mary Sunshine. But, there's one thing that they can never resist, and that is, a reformed sinner. Alright, so tell me, who was your favorite subject in school?
  Roxie: Thaowfth! That was a real dull ...
  Billy: Now, come on, there musta' been something you're really good at.
  Roxie: Oh, I got high marks in 25)courtesy and, ahh, 26)hygiene.
  Billy: Perfect. You wanted to be a 27)nun.
  Roxie: (Laughter) A nun?!
  Billy: Where were you born?
  Roxie: On a chicken farm outside of Lubbock.
  Billy: Beautiful southern home filled with every luxury and 28)refinement. Were your parents home?
  Roxie: Probably on the front porch in their rocking chairs.
  Billy: Parents dead! Family fortune swept away! You were educated at the Sacred Heart...
  Roxie: (Laughter)
  Billy: ...then you fell into a 29)runaway marriage--left you miserable, alone, unhappy. And of course, you got all swept up in the mad world of the city - jazz, 30)cabarets, liquor. You were drawn, like a moth to the flame.
  Roxie: A moth...
  Billy: An’ now the mad world has ceased, and you are a butterfly, 31)crushed on the wheel....
  Roxie: Doh! Which is it? Is it the moth or the butterfly?
  Billy: You have sinned! And you're sorry!
  Roxie: God, that's beautiful!
  Billy: Cut out "God". Stay where you're better 32)acquainted.
  (At the Press Conference.)
  Billy: Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Sunshine: My client has just entered a plea of not guilty. We look forward to a trial at the earliest possible date. Now, are there any questions? (The press shout questions.) Miss Sunshine.
  Sunshine: As you know, my paper is dry. Do you have any advice for young girls seeking to avoid a life of jazz and drink?
  Billy: Absolutely. Yes, Mrs. Hart feels that it was the tragic combination of liquor and jazz which led to her 33)downfall. Next question please....
  Roxie: Ladies and gentlemen. I would just like to say how flattered I am that y'all came to see me.
  Billy: Mrs. Hart is very pleased...
  Roxie: Ya see, I was a moth, crushed on the wheel, you know, a butterfly, drawn to the... to the ... (sigh). I bet you want to know why I shot the bastard.
  Billy: Shut up, dummy.
  MC: Mr. Billy Flynn and the press conference 34)rag! Notice how his mouth never moves... almost.
  (Billy decides for Roxie what to answer the press.)
  Press 1: Where'd ya come from?
  Billy: Mississippi.
  Press 2: And your parents?
  Billy: Very wealthy.
  Press 3: Where are they now?
  Billy: Six feet under, but she was granted one more start: the 35)convent of the Sacred Heart.
  Press 4: When'd ya get here?
  Billy: Nineteen twenty.
  Press 5: How old were you?
  Billy: Don't remember.
  Press 6: Then what happened?
  Billy: I met Amos and he stole my heart away; convinced me to elope one day...
  Sunshine: Understandable. Understandable.
  S & Billy: Yes, it's perfectly understandable. Comprehensible. Comprehensible. Not a bit reprehensible. It's so 36)defensible.

  Scene 4
  The tabloids go crazy for the new girl on the cellblock, and Roxie finally becomes a star.

  Newsman: Move over, 37)Al Capone. The Windy City has taken a new criminal to its heart. The name on everybody's lips is Roxie Hart, the sweetest little lady ever accused of murder in Chicago. Women wanna look like her. Fellas wanna go out with her. Some little girls even wanna take her home. Don't get any ideas, little lady. On the other side of town, the Assistant D.A. promises the keen little sharpshooter will swing before the year is out.
  D.A.: She'll swing before the year is out.
  Newsman: Who knows? If he lives up to his word, Assistant D.A. Harrison might become Governor Harrison some day. Back at the scene of the crime, everybody wants a little piece of Roxie Hart. This jar of cold cream set her husband back twenty dollars! Maybe this pretty little lady will get some of that famous "Roxie Style". It seems everybody, these days, is rooting for, Roxie Hart.

  Scene 5
  Being set innocent, Roxie is soon forgotten by the press. To bring back the press’ attention, she allies with her old competitor Kelly Velma.

  Kelly: You know, you're really pretty good.
  Roxie: Yeah, that and a dime. What're you doin' here?
  Kelly: I heard you've been er, makin’ the rounds.
  Roxie: Yeah, well if it was up to you, I'd be swinging by now.
  Kelly: Come on. I always knew Billy'd get you off. You should learn how ta put things behind ya.
  Roxie: Oh, thank you. I'll put that at the top of my list right after finding a job and an apartment with a john.
  Kelly: Just shut up and listen to me!
  Roxie: You really are somethin’ comin’ in here like... like some goddamn queen bee all full of advice for a poor slob like me. Well let me tell you somethin’ Miss Velma Kelly. I got a new life now, and one of the best things about it is, it don't include you!
  Kelly: Fine. I just thought we could help each other out.
  Roxie: Well, you thought wrong, didn't ya?
  Kelly: Hello, look. Listen to me, I talked to this guy downtown. He said one jazz killer's nothing these days... But two... We can make a couple a hundred a week. Think about it, Roxie. Our faces back in the papers, our names on the 38)marquee, "Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart"
  Roxie: Shouldn't it be 39)alphabetical?
  Kelly: That could work...couple a hundred. Maybe we could ask for a thou? We're worth it.
  Roxie: (Hesitates) Forget it. It'd never work.
  Kelly: Why not?!
  Roxie: 'Cause I hate you!
  Kelly: (Challenges Roxie) There's only one business in the world where that's no problem at all.
  (In the last scene, the two finally get what they both want: freedom and fame.)


  莫顿: 你跟陪审团怎么说?
  莫顿: 噢,他可是物有所值。他为女客户打官司还从没败过一次。至于你这样的甜姐儿嘛……芝加哥的正义是不会瞎了眼的。
  洛茜: 他从没打败过一次官司?
  莫顿: 没有!这里面的每个女孩都不惜一切地想找他当代理。
  合唱: 那正是他在这里的原因。

  比利: 九泉之下,但她得到一个新的转机:去圣心修道院进修。
  记者4: 你是什么时候去的?
  比利: 我就遇到阿莫斯,他偷去了我的心,说服我和他一起私奔……
  珊赛: 事情是可以理解的,可以理解的。

  律师助理: 她在年前一定会给绞死。
  新闻报道: 谁知道?如果哈里森律师助理说话算数的话,他将来就有可能成为哈里森州长。回到犯罪现场,人人都想要洛茜·哈特的一点东西。这个冷霜瓶就让她丈夫赚了20美金!说不定娇小可爱的洛茜·哈特还会引领一阵时尚热潮。这段时间,看来人人都对洛茜·哈特着了魔。


  1) maximum  n. 最大量
  2) penalty  n. 罚款,处罚
  3) chorus  n. 合唱歌舞队
  4) keep off 离开,不碰
  5) aloof  a. 冷淡的
  6) matron  n. 女舍监,女总管
  7) slick  a. 聪明的
  8) dearie  n. 可爱的小宝贝
  9) take a load off 排除困难,压力
  10) grounds  n. 理由,根据
  11) jury  n. 陪审团,陪审员
  12) odds  n. 可能的机会,成败的可能性
  13) puss  n. 少女
  14) courtroom  n. 法庭
  15) cravat  n. 领结,领巾
  16) ruby  n. 红宝石
  17) stud  n. 纽扣
  18) satin  a. 缎子的
  19) spat  n. 鞋罩
  20) manipulate  v. 操控
  21) tabloid  n. 小报
  22) auction  n. 拍卖
  23) Victrola  n. 手摇电唱机的牌子
  24) pushover  n. 容易打败的对手
  25) courtesy  n. 礼节
  26) hygiene  n. 卫生学
  27) nun  n. 修女
  28) refinement  n. 精致
  29) runaway  n. 逃跑
  30) cabaret  n. 歌舞表演
  31) crush  v. 压碾
  32) acquainted  a. 明白的,通晓的
  33) downfall  n. 衰败,垮台
  34) rag  n. 喧闹
  35) convent  n. 女修道院
  36) defensible  a. 可辩护的
  37) Al Capone是芝加哥历史上臭名昭著的一大罪犯
  38) marquee  n. 大帐幕,大帐篷
  39) alphabetical  a. 按字母顺序的

  Chicago Trivia

  Rob Marshall (Chicago Director): It's really about fame and 1)celebrity and about how we, as a culture or as an audience, applaud and celebrate people for not necessarily the right reasons. The concept that we used was, Roxie was the dreamer, Roxie is the dreamer in the movie. She's the 2)wannabe, she wants desperately to be on stage, so she sees her life through musical 3)sequences. And we're constantly 4)cutting back between the story and the reality of the story and these musical sequences, so they become one 5)linear story as we're jumping back and forth between the two realities. And that's, it was embracing the fact that all these numbers took place on stage, instead of trying to sort of 6)disguise that or change that, that made the whole piece fly.
  Richard Gere ("Billy Flynn"): She sees me as a... I'm introduced to her as a protector. I'm the one who can get you off. So she has this kind of vision of me as this guy who's kind of a... of a 7)Lancelot character, just goes around helping women in 8)distress, which is, once you see the movie, is very far from....
  Catherine Zeta-Jones ("Velma Kelly"): She's a wannabe who thinks she's made it. She's a star in her mind. And she goes to... she goes to jail and through the, you know, the different characters that she meets where she's on top at one point and then she's down in the gutter, and she builds herself back up as this kind of survival, and an "I will survive" element of it all. And, but she's just so hungry for it, she thinks she has it and she never wants to let it go. I love, I've loved working with Renee so much. I think, I think she just, she just, I keep saying to her it's like she's been plucked out of a black and white photograph of the time, but it's 9)Technicolor. She's, she did a 10)phenomenal job on this. And we, it's great that she's a great person to work off and work with. You have a lot of fun, catty, catty fun together.
  Renee Zellweger ("Roxie Hart"): She's so 11)covetous of the idea of acquiring fame because of what she thinks it represents and what she believes it will bring self-esteem, self-respect, self-worth, love... all the things that she doesn't have a lot of. And she's sure; sure, sure that if she is 12)lionized in that way by the masses, in the way that Velma Kelly is, she has that thing that she'll be more whole as a person.

  理查·基尔(“比利·弗林”)∶ 她(洛茜)把我看成是……我是以保护者身份介绍给她认识的。在片中我很能替人脱罪。所以她就把我看作是,有点像兰斯洛特那种人,总是到处英雄救美,看了这片子,你会觉得超乎想象……

  1) celebrity  n. 名人,名声
  2) wannabe  n. 赶超崇拜者的人
  3) sequence  n. 次序,顺序
  4) cut back 电影倒叙
  5) linear  a. 线状的
  6) disguise  n. 伪装,掩饰
  7) Lancelot  n. 兰斯洛特,是亚瑟王圆桌武士中的第一位勇士。
  8) distress  n. 不幸,贫困
  9) Technicolor  n. (电影)染印法彩色
  10) phenomenal  a. 显著的
  11) covetous  a. 贪婪的,妄羡的
  12) lionize  v. 把……奉为名人

  Me and Writing

  This was the summer that I think I became a writer. I was thirteen years old. I wore steel-rimmed glasses and I was a very 1)solemn boy. Not that I was sad, but I simply was paying attention. I'd been given a typewriter by my Uncle George, when he got an electric. He gave me his old Underwood typewriter and I set it up in the 2)basement. I had a secret place under the stairs behind a 3)stack of sheet rock. I sat in there and wrote where my parents could not see me because they were worried, you know, that I didn't go outside. And they believed in the 4)illusion of a balanced life, you know, you do a little bit of this, you do a little bit of that. I just wanted to do one thing. I just wanted to find things to write about.
  I liked to write about 5)tornadoes: Tornadoes, which come out of a peaceful summer day in the Midwest. And the sky's blue and then suddenly it's dark as night and this great snake-like cloud comes slithering across the 6)landscape, 7)smashing houses at random, destroying this one, leaving this standing. I liked that idea.
  I wrote a story, a sort of 8)autobiographical story, about a family from New York, a microbiologist and his actress wife, and their son, who looked, and walked, and talked, and thought, and felt exactly like me. I sat in the 9)backseat and they were driving across the Midwest, and they forgot me... at a gas station. We stopped for a rest stop... and they forgot me, and they drove away. I walked up the road that they had driven and suddenly the sky turned dark and... a tornado came up and it picked me up and it carried me and dropped me, uninjured, in the yard of a 10)sanctified 11)Brethren family. I knocked on the door and a woman in a white 12)satin gown holding a flaming 13)torch came out and asked me what I wanted. And I was going to tell them that I had to leave to look for my parents and then the dog spoke to me. The dog said, "Stay." So, I stayed. But still, I missed the life of 14)glamour that I had known on New York's 15)exclusive Upper West Side. I love to write stories like that.
  I sat there at my Underwood typewriter, but I wished that something real would happen.
  That was the summer that my cousin, Helen-Marie, came to stay with us suddenly. She was seventeen. She was four years older than I and I'd always admired her. She was lovelier than the rest of us. The rest of us had our family's looks; we had 16)homely faces and she was pretty. She had 17)blonde hair, a rarity in our family.
  Then I wrote a story about her; about a girl who is cooking lunch at home one day and a woman in a white satin dress holding a flaming torch bursts in through the door, and it startles the girl so much that she drops the 18)cast iron skillet on her dog and the dog bites her and she gets an 19)incurable blood disease from this. Doctors give her two weeks to live, and then, on top of everything, a tornado comes in and it blows the roof off the house and it 20)impales four blades of grass in her side. And there's something on that grass that cures that blood disease. Medical science has never seen anything like it. She's cured. She comes home. And that night the dog 21)scratches on her door, and the dog says, "Aren't you curious to know what it was on the grass that cured that blood disease?" I sort of liked the story.


  1) solemn  a. 严肃的
  2) basement  n. 地下室
  3) stack  n. 堆,叠,书架
  4) illusion  n. 幻想
  5) tornado  n. 龙卷风,旋风
  6) landscape  n. 风景,地形
  7) smash  v. 打碎,粉碎
  8) autobiographical  a. 自传体的
  9) backseat  n. 后座
  10) sanctified  a. 神圣化的
  11) Brethren  n. 同胞,兄弟
  12) satin  n. 绸缎
  13) torch  n. 火炬
  14) glamour  n. 魅力,魔力
  15) exclusive  a 唯一的,高级的
  16) homely  a. 不好看的
  17) blonde  a. 金发的
  18) cast iron  n. 铸铁
  19) incurable  a. 不能治愈的
  20) impale  v. 刺穿
  21) scratch  v. 刮,擦

  My Friend, Sherlock Holmes

  Thank you. It's a great 1)privilege to be invited to address such an 2)august body. I only wish that Holmes could be here too, but, as you may know, he has now retired to the country to study the art of 3)apiary - 4)beekeeping, as it's more commonly known. Now, my memory has never been entirely reliable but I will do my best to answer the question, which I think is on everybody's lips, "What was he like to know?" Sherlock Holmes.
  Well, of course, we have the case histories. Holmes, very kindly, allowed me to retell our adventures in a series of late 5)Victorian 6)publications, of which Strand Magazine in London and Colliers in the United States of America, are the best known.
  We lived, of course, in Baker Street, in west London. Ahh, happy days. Two twenty-one B was the 7)epitome of a comfortable late Victorian residence, and around him, Holmes kept those items essential to his profession and to our relaxation.
  He recognized his amazing powers of 8)deduction when he pointed out that I had just returned from Afghanistan. How did he know? Well, he explained later: I'd been introduced to him as a doctor, but I also had the air of a military man. My skin was 9)tanned, but my face was 10)haggard, clearly the result of a 11)tropical disease. He also noticed that I carried my left arm in an unnatural manner, which he deduced, quite correctly, was the result of a recent injury.  Afghanistan, he concluded was the only place in the tropics where an English army doctor at that time could recently have sustained such an injury. 12)Elementary!
  And he, himself, was most interested in the origins of his own ability. In The Greek Interpreter, for example, he attributed it to heredity on the grounds that his brother, Mycroft, 13)possessed it to an even greater degree than he did. In A Study in Scarlet, on the other hand, he refers to "Long habit", which, he said, enabled him to reach his 14)lightning conclusions. In acknowledging the roles both of inherited and 15)acquired learning, he was well ahead of today's research into the origins of intelligence.
  No biography of Holmes would be complete without an examination of his greatest triumph, in The Hound of the Baskervilles. My friends, his life was packed full of adventure and 16)intrigue and it has been my pleasure to act as his 17)Boswell.

  我的朋友 歇洛克·福尔摩斯

  非常感谢。能给各位德高望重的人士讲话,我倍感荣幸。我十分希望福尔摩斯本人也能到场,可是大家也知道,他正在乡下隐居研究养蜂术。我的记忆并不完全牢靠,但我会竭尽所能吐露一切所知,而我想,人人最想问的一个问题就是:“他了解的有多少?” 歇洛克·福尔摩斯。

  1) privilege  n. 特权,特别待遇
  2) august  a. 威严的
  3) apiary  n. 养蜂房,养蜂场
  4) beekeeping  n. 养蜂
  5) Victorian  a. 维多利亚女王时代的
  6) publication  n. 出版物
  7) epitome  n. 典型
  8) deduction  n. 演绎,推论
  9) tan  v. 晒黑
  10) haggard  a. 形容憔悴的
  11) tropical  a. 热带的
  12) elementary  a. 简单的,基本的
  13) possess  v. 拥有,占有
  14) lightning  a. 闪电的
  15) acquired  a. 已成习惯的,后天通过自己的努力得到的
  16) intrigue  n. 阴谋,诡计
  17) Boswell  n. 为密友写传记的人


  Musician 1: I think she is 1)chameleon like. I think she has the ability to absorb what's going on around her and make it her own and learn about it and then use it to advance to the next 2)phase of her career.
  Musician 2: At certain points in your career, you need different kinds of influences to move to the next level. I think she is smart about what she wants to do, what step she wants to take and the kind of people she needs to surround herself with, people that know what they’re doing in that particular field and she learned from them. And then if it makes sense for what she is trying to do then it works for her.
  Musician 3: I think it’s determination and 3)naked ambition. You know, she has a drive and she stays focused until she achieves it. Whether it’s 4)commercially successful or not, you know, she will see it through if it’s her 5)vision.
  Fan 1: I like the way she acts because I think all women should be able to act like they want, without been 6)run down by men at all.
  Fan 2: Like Marilyn Monroe again, except a much harder Marilyn Monroe.
  Maripol (Stylist): What would be more perfect than to have a girl called, Madonna, coming to me to get some my design and having her wear the crosses on her ears and her heart, around her neck and peace sign? Because there was an element of a little political messages to my drawing. I had tons of letters from these young kids. They would call me “Madonna jewelry designer” and if anything, I was like “excuse me, I am not Madonna’s exclusive jewelry designer.” But they were so naive, kids from all over the world would send me letter “I want this cross,” ”I want this,” and the cross was a symbol of rebellion, the fact that you put it in your ears. But it was also perfect. She is Madonna and she wears crosses. All of a sudden she didn’t need all that and out of the window. So that did hurt me because a department store, right when my merchandising line was ready to go into the stores, was...caput this never went nowhere.
  And every time Madonna makes another image change, her fans have to play catch up with their hard earned cash. Patrick, Thomas, Jennifer, and Jonathan have 7)collectively spent $20,000 on Madonna merchandise.
  Journalist: You’re all loyal fans, does Madonna love you enough because she is fleecing you at the same time she is taking all your money, do you feel bad about that?
  Jonathan: I don’t feel like she is fleecing us. She’s been a contribution to our lives as far as bringing different points of view, and different artistry and music into our lives and I think that’s a blessing, if anything.
  Thomas: I feel that she gives us really all that she can, I mean, she is always making more albums for us to listen to, more and more videos.
  Journalist: Albums to buy as well. You’re not just getting them for free, are you?
  Jennifer: We used to do performances at a club out in Long Island. And it was a matter of time before we had a bunch of young girls dressing like her. We had to kind of push it along a little bit, you know, “$20 here,” “$30 here,” “why don’t you go get a dress like that?” “why don’t you...” You know, we started it just like Brian Epstein paid people to scream for the Beatles, I mean, we began to get a following and to have girls 8)emulate her.
  Patrick: Any artist is taking their likeness and putting it on a T-shirt, or on a cap and selling it. She doesn’t get all the money, she gets a small percentage of it but there is nothing wrong in that.
  Jonathan: I don’t think her whole motivation is being rich, I think it’s just a by-product of what she has become. I think what it is, is that she enjoys performing. When somebody enjoys what they do, they are gonna excel, they are gonna succeed, they are gonna do stuff, they are going to reach that plateau. That’s the way I see it, so everything else is just a part of life.
  Camille (Madonna’s first manager): Right before the final break up, she came to me and said that “You’re a bitch and I am a bitch, however, we do work very well together, let’s try and make this work out.” In 9)hindsight I know I should have said “sure, yeah”, you know that was it, but I discovered her, I developed her and I basically wanted to manage her.
  Burt (Madonna’s second manager): I never spoke to her since July 1996. Never spoke to her. I got a call from her secretary. And her secretary told me, “Burt, I have to tell you bad news. ”Oh,” I said, “Can I talk to her?” So she said, “Well, you know Madonna, she doesn’t like to talk about these things.” Which is the truth. She doesn’t like to say goodbyes.
  Vinne (Madonna’s friend): You see, if you are not pulling your weight, you are out. Gone. That’s not a control 10)freak, that’s just a sensible person. Someone who has got their marbles in the right places. Because she is up there and done so well, she doesn’t want to risk, ever, slipping down a little bit, that’s why she works so hard, you know?



  1) chameleon  n. 变色龙
  2) phase  n. 阶段
  3) naked  a. 无掩饰的,无证据的
  4) commercially  adv. 商业上地
  5) vision  n. 眼力
  6) run down 压制
  7) collectively  adv. 全体地,共同地
  8) emulate  v. 欲赶上或超过
  9) hindsight  n. 后见之明
  10) freak  n. 怪人

  Summer Travel Tips
  First, the best beach - Maui. Even the name is 1)soothing.
  Maui is Hawaii's hottest island. Traditionally, one of the most popular places to go. Whether you're a beach nut or ya love going through the 2)jungles, because they have great rain forests. The beautiful Haleakula volcano, 10,000 feet high, it's a visually 3)stunning place to visit.
  T&L recommends several Maui hotels including the Hotel Hana-maui, which is generally about $295 a night, and the Kapalua Bay Hotel for $360 a night.
  If you want to hit the links, there's Travel and Leisure's pick for best golf 4)getaway, the Grand Cypress in Orlando, Florida.
  The courses are great - 45 holes - they're Jack Nicklaus-designed, always in 5)superb shape. The staff is incredible, and the weather's always good.
  Green fees are $175, but that includes a golf cart with GPS and they'll even clean your 6)clubs.
  If your sporting 7)appetite is for something a little more dramatic, there's T&L's Best Adventure Getaway, New Zealand.
  In New Zealand, adventure is king. I'll tell you this, the 8)Kiwi's are absolute adventure nuts. They'll try anything. In fact, they're going out of their way to invent new adventure sports in New Zealand.
  It’s a long flight - 9)roughly 12 hours -- from the US, but the adventure menu is 10)unparalleled. Try a 11)helicopter ride starting at fifty-two US dollars for 10 minutes.
  Unless you’d rather be skiing, in which case there’s the best ski 12)resort, Whistler-Blackcomb, in Canada’s British Columbia. Lift tickets here are 43 US dollars.
  The mountains are just fantastic, wonderful restaurants, wonderful nightlife, and a great family atmosphere as well.
  Looking for a good deal? Try the best bargain getaway -- Las Vegas.
  There’s so many hotels in Las Vegas right now, vying for your dollars, that they are battling for customers. The way they’re battling is by lowering the prices.
  Prices like $75 a night at Bally’s, Luxor for $69 a night, and Circus Circus for as low as 34 13)bucks a night.
  Maybe you’re looking for something more family oriented. T&L’s pick for best family getaway is the US Virgin Islands. Whether it’s St. Crois, St. Thomas or St. John, the Virgin Islands offer a wide array of great beaches, water sports, hiking and nightlife. Prices run the 14)gamut. There’s the Ritz-Carlton St. Thomas for $550 a night; or for a more natural setting, try the Concordia Eco-tents on St. John for $130 a night.
  But if it’s the ultimate you 15)crave, The best Fantasy Getaway is Bora Bora in French Polynesia.
  Bora Bora is a tall, high green mountain surrounded by a ring of small 16)islets called Motus. It is right in the middle of a dark blue 17)lagoon that just is going to be heart-stopping once you see it.
  Bora Bora’s not cheap. The Bora Bora Nooee Resort and 18)Spa runs $505 per night. But if you crave the ultimate, this is your fantasy island!
  Whatever your choice for best getaway, Travel and Leisure’s editors say you should spend lots of time on the Internet to get the best air fares and package deals before you spend your money. Airlines and travel companies are struggling - bad for them, but good for you.



  1) soothing  a. 使人镇定宽心的
  2) jungle  n. 丛林
  3) stunning  a. 足以使人晕倒的,极好的
  4) getaway  n. 逃亡,逃走
  5) superb  a. 极好的
  6) club  n. 高尔夫球的球棒
  7) appetite  n. 爱好
  8) Kiwi  n. (口语)新西兰人
  9) roughly  adv. 概略地
  10) unparalleled  adj. 无比的,无双的
  11) helicopter  n. 直升飞机
  12) resort  n. 胜地
  13) buck  n. (美国口语)美元
  14) gamut  n. 全部,整个范围
  15) crave  v. 渴望
  16) islet  n. 小岛
  17) lagoon  n. 泻湖,礁湖
  18) spa  n. 温泉


  “I love this woman!”----There’s a better way to do it, says the ad: Give her a diamond, or a 1)bunch of them, and she’ll love you back. Which makes me ask, “Why a diamond?” Why not a ruby or an 2)emerald, or, what the 3)heck, a 4)toaster or a 5)kitten? Why did diamonds get to be the “Love and marriage” thing? Why, everywhere, do couples, who wish to declare their love, go out and pay big bucks for diamonds? One reason we’re given is that diamonds are so 6)scarce. So, ah, is it true?
  Donna: No.
  Marketing professor, Donna Bergenstock, points out their 7)scarcity is a myth created long ago by DeBeers, the South African company that’s dug up most of the world’s diamonds.
  Donna: There are billions of dollars of diamonds sitting in 8)vaults in London, in South Africa, that DeBeers specifically keeps off the market in order to 9)artificially raise the price of diamonds.
  The supply’s so vast that if DeBeers hadn’t controlled the world market for decades, diamonds would be much cheaper.
  Donna: A diamond really’s just a piece of 10)carbon. It’s a just a rock.
  Advert: A diamond is forever.
  So why is this rock a symbol of love? Because DeBeers told us it was. Since 1940, DeBeers’ brilliant ad campaign’s been convincing Americans that diamonds mean love.
  Garfield: Unlike most advertising, people just completely bought it.
  Bob Garfield, of Advertising Age Magazine, says it’s one of the best ad campaigns ever done.
  Garfield: It created, out of whole cloth, the 11)notion that at your engagement, you must give your 12)intended a diamond.
  But years of listening to this 13)propaganda has convinced us that giving diamonds is an age-old tradition. This is just a sales 14)pitch.


  1) bunch  n. 串
  2) emerald  n. 绿宝石
  3) heck  n.地狱  What the heck! 去他的!
  4) toaster  n. 烤面包机
  5) kitten  n. 小猫
  6) scarce  a. 稀有的
  7) scarcity  n. 稀有
  8) vault  n. 地窖,地下室
  9) artificially  adv. 人为地
  10) carbon  n. 碳
  11) notion  n. 概念,观点
  12) intended  n. 已经订婚的人
  13) propaganda  n. 宣传
  14) pitch  n. 顶点

  They Did It With Mirrors!

  You can’t stand in front of the paintings of the old masters and not wonder, how did 1)Frans Hals make that lace seem so real? How did 2)Van Dyck make his armor so gleamingly 3)metallic? How did 4)Caravaggio make his faces so expressive and lifelike? The theory is they had help; the help of lenses or 5)concave mirrors. If someone, say, like me, stands outside, bathed in light, an image can be projected inside, onto a wall, upside down; something like this. That projected image can then be copied. The man with the mirror is David Hockney, one of our best-known artists, and it’s his theory the old masters used the early technology of 6)optics and kept it secret.
  Hockney: I’m suggesting that artists saw these projections. They’re very simple to make, and when you make them, they’re very beautiful and exciting.
  When set up carefully in a studio, the projection is bright and clear. It was so much easier than painting from life. Once the artist saw these 7)flattened out, two-8)dimensional projections, says Hockney, they couldn’t resist.
  Hockney: It’s hard to believe that in the 15th century they would say, what an amusing novelty. How interesting...
  Journalist: ...let’s not use it.
  Hockney:  ...but let’s not use that. People want to know how pictures are made. They always did. And that’s the one thing art history doesn’t tell you about.
  Once he figured out how the pictures were made, he set out to discover where and when the use of optics began. Back in his studio in Los Angeles, he built his great wall of hundreds of paintings 9)spanning hundreds of years.
  Hockney:  We did come to about 1420 and realized something happened.
  What happens is a sudden appearance of realism. Before 1420, faces were idealized.  Immediately after, they were true to life.
  Journalist: Here’s what’s so revolutionary about what you’re saying. You’re saying the history of art, the history of the 10)Renaissance, is the history of optics.
  Hockney: I am saying that.
  Journalist: I know that. And you’re blowing everything up. You’re blowing everything that all of us who took art appreciation studied, all the art historians have written, and you’re saying, “You’re all wrong. It’s all about optics.”
  Needless to say, Hockney and his book about all this, called Secret Knowledge, have rocked the art world, where most art historians say, “It’s 11)bunk!”
  Hockney: All these art historians, not one of them, ever took the trouble to look through a camera obscurer to see what it was like. They didn’t.
  Journalist: They don’t like the idea that you suggest they traced; there’s an implication of cheating.
  Hockney: I don’t get that myself.
  “They weren’t cheaters at all”, he says. “They were great innovators.”
  Hockney: Not only did they have skills you think you know, they had marvelous skills about optical things as well.



  1) Frans Hals: 弗兰茨·哈尔斯(1581?-1666),荷兰画家。
  2) Van Dyck: Anthony Van Dyck, 安·凡戴克(1599-1641),佛兰芒画家。
  3) metallic  a. 金属(性)的
  4) Caravaggio: Michelangelo Caravaggio 米开朗琪罗·卡拉瓦乔(约1565-1609?),意大利画家。
  5) concave  a. 凹的
  6) optic  a. 光学上的
  7) flatten  v. 打倒
  8) dimensional  a.  空间的
  9) span  v.  横越
  10) Renaissance  n. 文艺复兴
  11) bunk  n. (美国俚语)骗人的鬼话;废话

  A Century of Memories(1930-1939)

  Three years into the depression, the American system was in grave danger. Unless it could change, and change quickly, it might not survive.
  The optimism of the “1)Roaring Twenties” faded. An era of fear took hold; a fear so powerful, it forced Americans to redefine the relationship with their government, and with each other. New Yorker, Clara Hancocks --
  Hancocks: I was eleven years old, but how well I remember it! It was like the skies had grown dark. Thunder, and all of a sudden, faces were tragic and people were walking around in the hallways of our building and the streets with inquiring eyes and saying, “Has it happened to you? Has it happened to us? What is happening?” And it was wordless; it was speechless. You couldn’t explain the thing that hung over people. And pretty soon, you began to know what was happening. People... the people, who had given my father the contract to make the floors had lost all their money. That building was never built. My father had all this material that was not paid for, that he had borrowed money. He was, 2)wiped out! He never, psychologically he never recovered.
  1932 was also a year of decision for Americans.
  Hoover: We have yet to go a long way to capture many positions to restore agriculture...
  Republican President, 3)Herbert Hoover, campaigned for re-election, only to find that everywhere he went, his name had become 4)synonymous with failure. 5)Shanty-towns of unemployed men were now called “6)Hoovervilles”. Newspapers were, “Hoover blankets” Empty pockets, “Hoover Flags”.
  Voice 1: Hoover was seen as the symbol of the indifference of the national government to those who were down and out. And in that 1932 campaign, one man 7)wired him, “Vote for 8)Roosevelt and make it 9)unanimous”.
  Voice 2: California, casts 44 votes for Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  New York Governor, Franklin Roosevelt, was the Democratic Party candidate, the 10)aristocratic distant cousin of 11)the century’s first president. He had been struck by 12)polio in 1921. He was known more for his charm than his accomplishments. Most people were not sure what he meant when he promised a “new deal” to the American people. Neither was he. But Roosevelt appeared optimistic, confident, and he wasn’t Herbert Hoover. Roosevelt won in the greatest electoral 13)landslide America had ever seen. And he faced, perhaps, the greatest challenge ever presented to an American leader.
  Roosevelt: I, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, do solemnly swear...
  On Inauguration Day, nearly 100,000 people braved a cold March morning to hear what the new president would do.
  Roosevelt: This great nation will endure as it has endured ...
  Melvin Belli --
  Belli: That magnificent 14)resonance coming out.
  Roosevelt: The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
  Belli:  We have nothing to fear but fear itself and everybody’d look at each other, they’d nod their head ...
  Roosevelt: ...let us unite...
  Belli: ...and when he’d say “My friends”, everybody could feel he was talking to him. That was one of his friends. That was one of his people. That was one of the most majestic moments, I think, in public speaking, or in 15)forensic capacity, that I’ve heard in my lifetime. I’ve heard great lawyers -- and I’ve made some pretty good talks myself -- but nothing comparable to that setting, under the bridge, the 16)freight train roaring overhead going over the bridge, and hear this voice speaking out to my friends and fear itself.
  Campaigning for a second term in 1936, Roosevelt told a cheering crowd “You look happier today than you did four years ago”, and they were.

  光阴的故事 (1930-1939)

  1) Roaring Twenties:  指一战后美国兴旺的二十世纪二十年代。
  2) wipe out: (非正式)喝醉  作此义解时只用于be wiped out这一结构
  3) Herbert Hoover: 赫伯特·胡佛(1874-1964),美国第31任总统(1929-1933)。
  4) synonymous  a. 同义的
  5) shanty  n. 简陋小屋
  6) Hooverville:  指在大萧条时期无处可去的穷人在桥下用废料建的贫民窟。
  7) wire  v. 拍电报
  8) Roosevelt: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福(1882-1945),美国第32届总统(1933-1945)。
  9) unanimous  a. 意见一致的
  10) aristocratic  a. 贵族的
  11) the century’s first president: 这里指Theodore Roosevelt,西奥多·罗斯福(1858-1919),美国第26届总统(1901-1909)。
  12) polio  n. 同polio-myelitis,小儿麻痹症
  13) landslide  n. 山崩
  14) resonance  n. 共鸣,回声
  15) forensic  a. 公开辩论的,法院的
  16) freight  n. 货物,货运


  Lady, I’m your 1)knight in 2)shining 3)armor and I love you
  You have made me what I am and I am yours
  My love, there’s so many ways I want to say I love you
  Let me hold you in my arms forever more
  You have gone and made me such a fool
  I’m so lost in your love
  And oh, we belong together
  Won’t you believe in my song?
  Lady, for so many years I thought I’d never find you
  You have come into my life and made me whole
  Forever let me wake to see you each and every morning
  Let me hear you 4)whisper softly in my ear
  In my eyes I see no one else but you
  There’s no other love like our love
  And yes, oh yes, I’ll always want you near me
  I’ve waited for you for so long
  Lady, your love’s the only love I need
  And beside me is where I want you to be
  ‘Cause, my love, there’s somethin’ I want you to know
  You’re the love of my life, you’re my lady


  1) knight  n. 骑士,武士
  2) shining  a. 光亮的,华丽的
  3) armor  n. 装甲
  4) whisper  v. 细语,低语

  News Spotlight (4)

  News 1: 政治
  In Canada, Quebec's pro-independence party has suffered a 1)setback. Partial results show the Party Quebecois has lost its bid for a third straight term in the 125-member National Assembly. Incomplete results also show Liberal Party candidates winning 65 races and leading eight others. Election observers predicted that a win for the Parti Quebecois would lead to another 2)referendum on independence. A 1995 referendum, to separate French-speaking Quebec from the rest of Canada, failed by less than a percentage point.

  News 2: 政治
  An Argentine lawyer, Luis Moreno Ocampo, has been appointed as the first 3)prosecutor of the new 4)International Criminal Court. Mr. Moreno Ocampo made his name in the 1980's when he helped prosecute the former leaders of Argentina's military government for human rights abuses.

  News 3: 经济
  Phillip Morris got a partial 5)reprieve when an Illinois judge cut in half the amount of money that the nation's biggest cigarette maker must 6)come up with to begin appealing a 10.1 billion dollar 7)verdict. The judge ordered the tobacco giant to deposit six billion dollars in 8)escrow to begin its appeal. The company had previously faced paying a 12 billion dollar appeal bond.
  Now the accounting 9)probe into HealthSouth could widen beyond the nine former executives who reached 10)plea agreements with the government, The Wall Street Journal, reporting that additional plea agreements could be reached by the middle of the week. Meantime, the 11)hearing on whether to unfreeze former Chairman and CEO Richard Scrushy's assets continuing in Birmingham.
  Some big changes at the company formerly known as Worldcom. The second-largest U.S. long-distance company, is 12)dumping its name for a familiar one, M.C.I., and it will also shift its headquarters from Mississippi to Virginia. Worldcom filed for bankruptcy last year amid a growing accounting scandal. Now the company says it will come out of bankruptcy later this year with debt of about four billion dollars. It had more than thirty billion dollars in debt when it filed for 13)Chapter Eleven.

  News 4: 科技
  History's in the making when an international group of scientists unveiled what's 14)dubbed, "The Book of Life? or the complete map of the human 15)genome. The research is widely expected to revolutionize biology and medicine. The completed map of the human genetic code was finished two years after a rough draft of the code was published. The data, which is said to be 99.9 percent accurate, has been uploaded into a public database for the benefit of all humanity.
  Dr. Robert Waterston (International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium): After three billion years of evolution, and several years of work by this 16)coalition, we have before us the instruction set that carries each of us from a one-celled egg, to adulthood, to the grave.
  Scientists said that the work done in final year of  sequencing the human genome proved wrong an earlier notion that some human DNA was 17)junk.
  Dr. Eric Lander (Whitehead Institute): Even regions that we thought were quite unimportant, we're finding out some of them are perfect duplications that make new copies of existing genes 18)embedded with them, and they become nurseries for new genes.
  There are high expectations the complete map of the human genome, will, in future, revolutionize research into preventing, diagnosing, and treating disease from Parkinson's to cancer.

  News 5: 社会
  Gunmen, armed with an AK-47 rifle and a handgun, had opened fire in yet another high school shooting in the U.S. A fifteen-year-old boy died and three other students were injured in the assault in New Orleans. Two hundred students who were inside a 19)gymnasium had to scramble for cover when the gunmen went on a 20)rampage, apparently targeting the victim in revenge for an earlier shooting. The police arrested four suspects near the scene shortly afterwards.

  News 6: 体育
  It was a 21)bittersweet 22)sendoff for the retiring Michael Jordan, who played his final home game for the Washington Wizards.
  A capacity crowd in Washington, 20,178 people, packed the stadium to watch Michael Jordan's final home game for the Wizards. Jordan, who plans to retire at the end of the season, received the Stars and Stripes flag from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld before the game against the New York Knicks. The Knicks won the contest 93-79, but Jordan will be hoping to end his career on a winning note when the Wizards travel to Philadelphia for their last game of the season.

  1 政治
  2 政治
  3 经济
  4 科技
  5 社会
  6  体育
  在华盛顿,20178名球迷挤满了体育馆,观看乔丹为奇才队打的最后一场主场比赛。乔丹计划在本季末退出球坛,在这场与纽约尼克斯队对抗的比赛开始之前,他接受了由美国国防部长唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德颁发的美国国旗。最终尼克斯队以93: 79打败了奇才队。奇才队将赴费城参加本赛季他们的最后一场比赛,而乔丹也希望这次比赛能为他的职业生涯划上一个完美的句号。

  1) setback  n. 挫折,退步
  2) referendum  n. 公民投票
  3) prosecutor  n. 检举人
  4) International Criminal Court: 国际刑事法庭
  5) reprieve  n. 缓刑
  6) come up with: 赶上,追上
  7) verdict  n.[律](陪审团的)裁决,结论
  8) escrow  n. 由第三者保存、待条件完成后即交受让人的契约
  9) probe  v. 探查
  10) plea agreement: 又作plea bargain, 意为辩诉协议或辩诉交易,指在检察官签署控诉书之前,作为国家代表的检察官可以同作为被告代表的辩护人就被告是否有罪、所受刑罚的轻重进行交易,达成一个双方都满意的协议,这种协议很容易得到法庭的许可。
  11) hearing  n. 听证会
  12) dump  v. 抛弃
  13) Chapter Eleven: 又称Bankruptcy protection,美国联邦破产法的第11条规定,当一家公司或个人不再有能力向债权人偿还债务,或预计今后也无法偿还时,可申请Chapter 11破产保护。根据规定,债权人不得向受保护公司或个人提出要求还债的诉讼,而公司则可在规定期限内继续营业,并进行整顿。
  14) dub  v. (以某种称号)授与
  15) genome  n. 基因组
  16) coalition  n. 合并,联合
  17) junk  n. 垃圾
  18) embed  v. 使插入,使嵌入
  19) gymnasium  n. 健身房,体育馆
  20) rampage  n. 狂暴或激动的行为
  21) bittersweet  a. 苦乐参半的
  22) sendoff  n. 送别;起动

  Change and Success

  He is professional football's all-time 1)winningest coach and the only man to lead an 2)NFL team, his 1972 Miami Dolphins, to an undefeated season. Yet when Don Shula revels in perfection today, it's not on the football field, but in the beef 3)biz.
  In the Fall of 1996, Shula, persuaded by a family friend, took a prime position in a Miami steak house, something he initially did not want to do.
  Shula: I'd gone through 33 years of coaching, of spending, you know, all your waking hours involved in what your responsibilities were. And in retirement, I didn't want to spend all of my waking hours thinking about, you know, what my responsibilities in a restaurant business were.
  Fourteen years later, Shula's is the fourth largest 4)upscale steakhouse chain in the country. His twenty-four restaurants spanning from south Florida to Manhattan to Salt Lake City, last year 5)grossed 60 million dollars. "Success", the old coach says, "Comes from teaching the same strategies that worked on the 6)gridiron?
  Shula: It's a people business. Coaching is a people business. And, you know, my responsibility through the years as a coach was to make decisions, to motivate people, to have a game plan, to stick to the game plan, be organized, get the most out of every minute of every day, and all of those same principles, you know, are the same things that you teach in the restaurant business.
  Shula's steakhouses are 7)shrines to that magical year of seventy-two. At Shula's, waiters and waitresses are called players, managers coaches, top-performing employees are even given game balls. Success is not forever, and failure isn't fatal.
  Shula: There's always that next competition. You gotta continue to prove yourself. The important thing is to learn as you continue to be successful, and don't ever feel that you know it all, that you're got all the answers.
  8)Taking yourself on may be the hardest part to personal 9)transformation. Being 10)accountable for mistakes, failures, shameful behavior, even cruelties; but that's what leaders do. They say, and 11)psychologists also 12)counsel, that being accountable is the first step towards real change.
  Forseema: People really don't understand the power that they have within themselves.
  Dennis Forseema is the former CEO of high-tech firm, Redback Networks.
  Forseema: We all have the power to change ourselves in whatever way we want to change. But first you have to want to change. Something 13)significant has to happen in your life to make you want to change. By the fact that I 14)stuttered, you know, while I was growing up, I was made fun of. I was 15)pudgy when I was growing up as well, so here's this fat little pudgy kid who stuttered, and I used to get made fun of a lot. And so that helped drive me to want to change. So in my case, it wasn't a bad thing. I think that there are things there could be role models, you know, in your life where you see good things happening from that role model, or to that role model, that make you want to try to emulate what they're doing. But we all have the power to change within ourselves.
  Leslie: I think the most important event in my management development was the failure of my first 16)entrepreneurial company, which was a very, you know, great personal extension of myself.
  Before he helped build software powerhouse, Veritas, former CEO Mark Leslie went bust.
  Leslie: I had, you know, enormous psychological investment in it, it failed, and it, you know, was the most difficult thing I had to deal with. At the conclusion of that I said, you know, "I'm gonna be either bitter or better." And I wanted to be better, and so I spent a good deal of time thinking about things and trying to understand why this wasn't successful. And there are many reasons, and it's very easy to find all the reasons that were other people's, which is the bitter part, you know. But I really said, let's look at myself and see what I could learn and much of the way I am today really comes from, 17)stems from that experience.
  Journalist: What did you learn that you had to change?
  Leslie: Well, I learned that the management style... I come from a company where had a very quite 18)autocratic management style, actually. And that's kinda where I grew up and in leaving that company, I decided to do differently the things I didn't like and to do the same the things I did like or the things I thought were successful.
  Journalist: Wait a minute. Most people don’t believe that you can succeed by doing what you like.
  Leslie: What I found when I did that was that I was a pale reflection of someone else’s management style, leadership style of a company. It wasn’t really something that was my own. It was something that was theirs, kind of once 19)removed, you know once 20)modified.
  Journalist: First of all, what you’re saying, one of the things you said is that to be 21)authentic was the first step towards being successful.
  Leslie: Yes. I think that’s true.
  If all of this is a little too “new-age” for you, remember that personal transformation is actually an ancient and 22)recurring theme in 23)mythology, in philosophy, and in literature. And one of the best-known stories of personal transformation is that of Ebenezer Scrooge, Charles Dickens' classic 24)miser from A Christmas Carol. Through Scrooge, Dickens asks, how much can we change?  And if we change, can we alter our own destinies? With Scrooge's giddy Christmas morning transformation, Dickens' answer is that we can change a lot but that real change comes after we step outside ourselves and face the reality of our actions. In other words, you must become the observer of your own life.  Raise this issue of observation of oneself.
  Journalist: You, in a way, this 25)inanimate being that animates you, you are something else - Do you believe that?
  Stephen Covey: I believe that inside this body is a spirit that lives there and that the spirit, I think, 26)inhabits the body, and that you can 27)cultivate and develop it until it can learn to control and to overcome or to master the body.
  Journalist: We all know people who don't seem to be that 28)principled---whose principles seem to be 29)ruthlessness, 30)bullying, arrogance--they think about 31)hierarchy more than anything else, who's gonna to help them? I mean, they live their entire lives built around how to get ahead.
  Stephen Covey: Right.
  Journalist: Why are those people so successful?
  Stephen Covey: Study their marriage, study their relationship with their teenagers, study the quality of the relationship with their 32)immediate team, they're not successful. They have 33)secondary success --money, prestige, power. Primary success comes from primary greatness: your character.  Secondary success -- image, money, prestige, all that --comes from secondary skills, secondary greatness --talent, know how to use talent. We study them all the time. I do it all the time. They're not that happy.
  Journalist: One way you describe some of this is that to have more things, to have more satisfaction, to have more people loyal to you --to have, you have to be. That turns things around for a lot of Americans.
  Stephen Covey: I think that if you're not courageous, visionary, disciplinary, how're you gonna accomplish getting things that you want to get, whether they're material things, or, say, a beautiful family culture. So that's why being needs proceeds doing.


  1) winning  a. 胜利的
  2) NFL即National Football League(美国国家足球联盟)的缩写。
  3) biz  n. 美国俚语,相当于business。
  4) upscale  a. 迎合高层次消费者的
  5) gross  v. (扣除其他开支后)总得
  6) gridiron  n. 烤架
  7) shrine  n. 神殿
  8) take on 承担
  9) transformation  n. 变化,转换
  10) accountable  a. 应负责的
  11) psychologist  n. 心理学家
  12) counsel  v. 劝告
  13) significant  a. 重大的,重要的
  14) stutter  v. 口吃
  15) pudgy  a. 矮胖的
  16) entrepreneurial  a. 企业的
  17) stem  v. 滋生,源于
  18) autocratic  a. 独裁的,专制的
  19) remove  v. 移动
  20) modify  v. 更改,修改
  21) authentic  a. 可信的
  22) recurring  a. 复发的,重现的
  23) mythology  n. 神话
  24) miser  n. 守财奴
  25) inanimate  a. 死气沉沉的,没生命的
  26) inhabit  v. 存在于
  27) cultivate  v. 培养
  28) principled  a. 原则性强的
  29) ruthlessness  n. 无情
  30) bullying  a. 欺凌人的
  31) hierarchy  n. 等级
  32) immediate  a. 直接的
  33) secondary  a. 次等的,二等的

  The big rocks

  One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to 1)drive home a point, used an 2)illustration those students will never forget.
  As he stood in front of the group of high-powered over-achievers he said, "Okay, time for a quiz.” Then he pulled out a one-3)gallon, wide-mouthed 4)Mason jar and set it on the table in front of him.
  He then produced about a dozen fist-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is the jar full?"
  Everyone in the class said, "Yes."
  He replied, "Really?"
  He reached under the table and pulled out a 5)bucket of 6)gravel, then dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks.
  He asked the group once more, "Is the jar full?"
  By this time the class was on to him. "Probably not," one of them answered.
  "Good!" he replied.
  He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, "Is the jar full?"
  "No!" the class shouted.
  Once again he said, "Good!"
  Then he grabbed a 7)pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the 8)brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this illustration?"
  One eager student raised her hand and said, "The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in!"
  "Good answer, but no," the speaker replied, "that's not my point. The truth this illustration teaches us is: If you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all. What are the 'big rocks" in your life? In my life they are my children... my wife... my loved ones... my education... my dreams... charities and worthy causes... teaching or mentoring others... doing things that I love... time for myself... my health... Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at all."
  If you 9)sweat the little stuff then you'll fill your life with little things to worry about that don't really matter, and you'll never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff (the big rocks).


  1) drive home 使人理解
  2) illustration  n. 例证
  3) gallon  n. 加仑
  4) Mason jar有金属螺盖的玻璃瓶
  5) bucket  n. 水桶
  6) gravel  n. 石砾
  7) pitcher  n. 带柄的大水罐
  8) brim  n. (杯,碗的)边
  9) sweat  v. 费力地操作

  The Millionaire next door

  Twenty years ago we began studying how people become wealthy. 1)Initially, we did it just as you might imagine: by surveying people in so-called up-scale neighbourhoods across the country. In time, we discovered something odd: Many people who live in expensive homes and drive 2)luxury cars do not actually have much wealth. Then, we discovered something even odder: Many people who have a great deal of wealth do not even live in up-scale neighbourhoods.
  What is so 3)profound about these discoveries? Just this: Most people have it all wrong about wealth in America. Wealth is not the same as income. If you make a good income each year and spend it all, you are not getting wealthier. You are just living high. Wealth is what you 4)accumulate, not what you spend. How do you become wealthy? Here, too, most people have it wrong. It is seldom luck or 5)inheritance or advanced degrees or even intelligence that enables people to amass fortunes. Wealth is more often the result of a lifestyle of hard work, perseverance, planning, and most of all, self-discipline.
  Ask the average American to define the term "Wealthy", most would give the same definition found in Webster's. "Wealthy" to them refers to people who have an 6)abundance of material 7)possessions. We define "wealthy" differently. In this program we define the 8)threshold level of being wealthy as having a net worth of a million dollars or more. Based on this definition, only 3.5 million or 3.5% of the 100 million households in America, are considered wealthy. About 95% of millionaires in America have a net worth of between one million and ten million dollars. Much of the discussion in this program centers on this 9)segment of the population. Why focus on this group? Because this level of wealth can be attained in one generation. It can be attained by many Americans.
  Another way of defining whether or not a person, household or family is wealthy, is based on one's expected level of net worth. A person's income and age are strong 10)determinants of how much that person should be worth. In other words, the higher one's income, the higher one's net worth is expected to be, assuming one is working and not retired. Similarly, the longer one is 11)generating income, the more likely one will accumulate more and more wealth. So higher-income people who are older should have accumulated more wealth than lower-income producers who are younger. For most people in America with annual realized incomes of $50,000 or more, and for most people 25 to 65 years of age, there is a 12)corresponding expected level of wealth. Those who are significantly above this level can be considered wealthy in relation to others in their income-slash-age 13)cohort.
  Whatever your age, whatever your income, how much should you be worth right now? Here's a simple rule of thumb for 14)computing your expected net worth: 15)Multiply your age times your realized 16)pretax annual 17)household income from all sources except inheritances; divide by ten. This, less any inherited wealth, is what your net worth should be. For example, if Mr. Anthony O. Duncan is 41 years old, makes $143,000 a year, and has investments that return another $12,000, he would multiply $155,000 by 41. That equals $6,355,000. Dividing by 10, his net worth should be $635,500. Given your age and income, how does your net worth match up?
  Where do you stand along the wealth 18)continuum? If you're in the top 19)quartile for wealth accumulation, you are a P.A.W. or 20)Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth. If you are in the bottom quartile, you are a U.A.W. or Under-Accumulator of Wealth. Are you a P.A.W., a U.A.W., or just an A.A.W. - Average Accumulator of Wealth?



  1) initially  adv. 最早
  2) luxury  a. 奢华的
  3) profound  a. 深刻的
  4) accumulate  v. 积聚
  5) inheritance  n. 遗产,遗传
  6) abundance  n. 丰富
  7) possessions  n. 财产
  8) threshold  n. 门槛,界限
  9) segment  n. 段,节
  10) determinant  n. 决定因素
  11) generate  v. 产生
  12) corresponding  a. 相应的
  13) cohort  n. 一群
  14) compute  v. 计算,处理
  15) multiply  v. 乘
  16) pretax  a. 扣除税前的
  17) household  n. 家庭
  18) continuum  n. 闭联集
  19) quartile  n. 统计学的四分位数
  20) prodigious  a. 巨大的

  Speaking Sparkles (3)

  Chevy Chase: Good evening, Hollywood 1)phonies.
  Billy Crystal: Welcome to the Oscars, or as it's known tonight, 2)"Cape Fear".
  Whoopi Goldberg: This is magic night! This is Oscar Night! And the world is watching.
  Richard Pryor: This show is going out to 75 million people. None of them are black.
  Johnny Carson: Tonight, the winners all thank the little people... they've stepped on all year.
  Roslyn Russel: I am Robin Russel and I am live.
  Robin Williams: Hello, my name is Robin Leach! Welcome once again to the "Lifestyles of the Rich and Nervous"!
  Sammy Davis, Jr.: They gave me the wrong envelope. Wait till the 3)NAACP hears about this.
  Bob Hope: Don't you miss dancing?
  Fred Astaire: I sit in my rocking chair and cry all day long.
  Dudley Moore: Good evening. My pants are killing me.
  Dave Letterman: I've had to take a 4)pee since 6:15. You don't hear me 5)whining about it.
  Miss Piggy: I am not Oscar material.
  Johnny Carson: Oscar Meyer, maybe...
  Chevy Chase: You don't want people coming out of here and winging things. They don't want us to 6)ramble on.



  1) phony  n. 假冒者,伪造者
  2) 1991年罗伯·德尼路主演的《海角惊魂》
  3) NAACP: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (美国)  全国有色人种促进协会
  4) pee  n. 小便
  5) whine  v. 抱怨,发牢骚
  6) ramble on 闲聊,漫谈

  Opening Remarks at The Oscar

  Thank you. Well, I'm glad they 1)cut back on all the 2)glitz. You probably noticed there was no fancy red carpet tonight. That'll send them a message!
  Now, I am so excited to be back. I didn’t host the show last year because I was - how do you say it - not asked. But, everybody has been so supportive of my hosting this year.
  Writers, directors, actors. If we’re stuck here tonight and we run out of food, that’s the order of whom we eat.
  Now, before we go any further, I have a 3)confession to make. Just before I came out here, I 4)licked all the Oscars.
  And many great stars are here tonight: Olivia DeHavilland is here. We have Kirk Douglas. And Margaret O’Brien. Mickey Rooney is here. Now, not a lot of people know this, but Mickey Rooney is the same age as the earth. At one point, Mickey Rooney was the biggest box office star in all the 38 states. Mickey, I salute you! Where are you, Mickey? Hey! Hey! Mickey, I’m sorry we couldn’t get you a better seat but Vin Diesel is here. Oh good. Mickey is 5)heckling me. Now today’s movie stars make millions of dollars but Mickey Rooney was paid in shiny beads.
  Barbara Streisand is here, who's just here tonight to enjoy the show and direct. And there's Nicole Kidman. Now here's an interesting fact about Nicole Kidman - not a lot of people know this - Nicole Kidman has worn a fake nose in every movie she's ever made, except The Hours. Looking good, Nicole! Halle Berry is here. And notice, I am standing exactly 22 feet away from Halle Berry in 6)compliance with the court order.
  Tonight, Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep made Oscar history. It was backstage and it wasn't pretty. It's a big year for Jack; he also got in a hot tub with Kathy Bates. But hey, who hasn't?
  There was a lot of big movies this year. Now I loved Lord of the Rings. That was a great download! - Sorry. Theatrical experience.  Now, another big movie, Chicago.  Now, I'm just being honest here, Miramax stopped at nothing to make sure Chicago was nominated. Now here's what they did, and you tell me if you think this is fair. They made a really good movie that everybody likes.
  Now there were a lot of cutbacks this year in the movie industry - lots of layoffs - and now they're talking about reducing actors' salaries. For God's sake, are we insane?  Things are financially tough all over, so right now you should do what Tom Cruise does.  At the end of each week, he takes a million dollars and he just puts it away -- like it's not even there -- whether it's been a good week or a bad week, and then at the end of the year, you've got a little 7)cushion.
  Oh, sorry.  I thought I saw a non-celebrity.
  Remember, there are no losers here tonight, but we're about to change all that.  I should tell you that if you are a winner and your speech goes on too long, first you'll see flashing lights, and then the band will start to play, and then you'll feel something stick in your neck, and I would suggest that you walk toward the light; to your loved ones who are saying, "Come, you big winner, you!"


  今晚杰克·尼科尔森和梅丽尔·斯特里普创造了奥斯卡之最。这事发生在后台,不那么好看。对于杰克来说这是非常重要的一年; 他还和嘉茜·比丝一起洗热水浴。不过,谁未试过呢?
  请记着,今晚没有输家,但是我们很快要开始改变这形势。如果你们有幸得奖而致谢辞过长,那么你首先会看到闪光灯,接着乐队会开始奏乐,然后你会感到颈部有点刺痛,我建议你朝光亮处走去; 走向你的至亲好友,他们会说:“过来吧,大赢家就是你!”

  1) cut back on 大量削减某事物
  2) glitz  n. 浮华,诱惑力,吸引力
  3) confession  n. 承认,供认
  4) lick  v. 舔
  5) heckle  v. 诘问,诘难
  6) compliance  n. 顺从,依从
  7) cushion  n. 软垫,靠垫;这里比喻为积蓄

  What An OSCAR Means to Me

  Kathy Bates: Thank you! Every time an Oscar's given out, an agent gets his "Wings". Not only that, but every time an Oscar's given out, someone's life is changed, usually for the better. Most of the time, when the happy event occurs, the 1)recipient is either so excited or so 2)numb they don't even remember what they said or did. It's only later, when they look back on that special night, that they get... (3)gimme a break, will you?) ... it's only later when they get that full impact of what happened. Here, in a film by Academy Award Winner Chuck Workman, are some Oscar recipients whose lives were impacted by the addition of "Oscar" to their resumes.
  Tom Hanks: It's much heavier than you think it's going to be.  The little 4)statuette - I mean it weighs like 40 pounds or something like that.
  Kevin Spacey: It's hotter than anyone can imagine it is, and everyone is sweating. Halle Berry doesn't sweat, but everybody else sweats.
  Michael Caine: They say your name, and I think there's a rush of blood in your ears, 'Cause I was clapping Tom Cruise.
  Robin Williams: Then you suddenly go into very slow motion. You start to realize, "I should go, but first, kiss your wife."
  Hilary Swank: The moment my name was called, I was in a state of... (Looking shocked)
  Charlton Heston: I was astonished. I was 5)bewildered...
  Gina Davis: Snow White was dancing around...
  Ron Howard: It honestly seemed as though I was playing a guy in a movie who just won an award.
  Carley Simon: Let's see. Who should you thank? Your manager, oh, God, what's your manager's name?
  Randy Newman: It really touched me ... big rush of, if I had a heart, what would be called emotion.
  Robin Williams: English becomes a second language.
  Robert Duval: I ran right to the 6)urinal and put the thing right up on top. I just had to go to the bathroom, so bad, it was unbelievable.
  Susan Sarandon: I'd been nominated five times in four years. They were probably just so glad to finally get rid of me.
  Issac Hayes: Growing up an American; to win an Oscar for anything, my great grandkids can talk about it.
  Michael Douglas:  It gave me a sense of my own identity and allowed me, I think, to act with more confidence in the future.
  Barbara Kopple: It just gives you more strength and power to continue.
  Lili Fini Zanuch: Now some little girl can see me win and dream about winning "Best Picture" as a Producer.
  Angelica Houston: I got to see my father's face, and tears were streaming down his cheeks, and then I went out and danced all night.
  Tom Hanks: Of the real concrete, 7)tangible memories, the only one I really have is looking down and locking eyes with 8)Jack Palance.
  John Williams: Here's Star Wars. Here's another one...
  Frank Pierson: The Journal of Medicine have done the science; Oscar winners live four and a half years longer than the losers.
  Dustin Hoffman: Happy 75th Anniversary Oscar! I'm still younger than you are!
  Holly Hunter: Happy Anniversary to you!
  Tommy Lee Jones: Happy 75th birthday, 9)dude!
  Issac Hayes:  Damn right!
  Kathy Bates: OK, this is his 10)ass. These are my lips.  (Sound of a kiss)



  1) recipient  n. 接受者,容纳者
  2) numb  a. 麻木的,失去知觉的
  3) gimme = give me
  4) statuette  n. 小雕像,这里指奥斯卡奖杯
  5) bewildered  a. 迷惑的,困惑的,不知所措的]
  6) urinal  n. 小便池
  7) tangible  a. 有形的,切实的
  8) 因1990年出演《城市骗子》(CITY SLICKERS)获六十四届奥斯卡“最佳男配角”奖
  9) dude  n. 花花公子,纨绔子弟
  10) ass  n. 屁股,臀部

  Star Power

  A: The great lie in the movie business, and one that you'll hear all the time is "the material is everything". The material is actually nothing. OK, the material doesn't matter. You can show up with the greatest 1)script on earth and flop it down in front of the 2)studio executive and they can come back with the greatest reasons on earth not to become involved with it. And you realize that what really drives the entire business is 3)attachment.
  B: Star power. In order to pre-sell a movie, in order to 4)convince somebody in Germany that they should put enormous amounts of money on the line to bet on the script, they could bet on a star.
  C: A bad movie with Bruce Willis will make more money than a bad movie without Bruce Willis. And a good movie with Bruce Willis will still make a lot more money than a good movie without Bruce Willis. Yeah, the other thing, none of them want to pay taxes again... ever.
  D: As part of creating an event, you want to anchor that around a large personality. And those personalities are few, as always, are few and far between. Even back in the old studio days, there were basically five to ten stars who were very big. And so everybody wants those very big stars.
  E: It's ruled by fear. What they seem to want is to be believed of the necessity of making a decision, which goes like this: If Tom Cruise is in the movie, well, it's going to be a hit. And if it's not a hit with Tom Cruise, well, it's not our fault because the last five Tom Cruise pictures were hits.
  (In the movie Mission Impossible II)
  Tom Cruise: You got to be kidding!


  A: 电影行业有个弥天大谎,你常常听到的一种说辞是“素材决定一切”。实际上素材什么也决定不了,明白了吧?素材怎样无关痛痒。你可以亮出全世界最好的剧本,把它递到电影公司主管的面前,他们也能找到最堂皇的理由拒绝拍摄,你会发现真正让这个行业运作的力量说穿了就是明星效应。
  B: 运用明星的魅力。为了能提前卖出电影,为了要说服德国的某个人投资大笔金额来拍片,他们就要打出明星的招牌。
  C: 有布鲁斯·威利斯的一部烂片要比没有布鲁斯·威利斯的一部烂片赚的钱更多。有布鲁斯·威利斯的一部好片比没有布鲁斯·威利斯的一部好片赚的钱更多。还有一件事,他们中无人愿意交两次税,永远是这样。
  D: 要创作一部大片,你必不可少地要用上一些明星。而真正的明星凤毛麟角,少之又少。哪怕是回头看看,电影史上也只有那么五到十人是算得上巨星的。所以人人都想找那几个真正的巨星来拍片。
  E: 这种效应是由惧怕所操控的。人们似乎确信在做决策时,这么想是理所应当的:如果片中出现了汤姆·克鲁斯,好了,片子一定会卖座;而如果有了汤姆·克鲁斯也不卖座呢,啊,那可不是我们的错,因为汤姆·克鲁斯的前五部片子都很卖座。

  1) script  n. 剧本
  2) studio  n. 电影厂
  3) attachment  n. 附属;依恋
  4) convince  v. 使确信,使信服

  Is This Right Time to Ask For A Raise of Salary?

  Consuella: Is this any time to ask for a raise?
  Sheila: Well, you know, I think there's never been a more important time to be in communication with your boss about your roles, your responsibilities, and your 1)compensation. What happens is, all these layoffs are happening. In the wake, people are taking on other people's jobs. I'm doing 50% of my boss's job because they 2)eliminated that level of management. So it may be that your compensation hasn't kept up with your roles and responsibilities. That's the way to approach the conversation.
  Consuella: OK. So how do you do that? You have several steps that we should take in approaching these negotiations. Step one is, know what you're worth. How do you figure that one out?
  Sheila: Preparation is essential. OK, and I think the mistake we make is that we come in thinking, "Well, this is what I want. I need $3,000 more a year.? Your boss doesn't care what you want. Your boss cares what you're worth. So what you need to do is go on monster.com -- they have a terrific 3)data base - that will tell you that someone in your role, your responsibilities, your industry, your region; this is what they're making. You can 4)kinda target it that way.
  Consuella: And also know your "5)Walkaway Plan" when you're asking. What's a "Walkaway Plan"?
  Sheila: Yeah. Often people think of a walkaway as "This is the least I'll take? But actually a walkaway is "What am I going to do if my boss says 'No'?", OK, so it may be another job; it may be "Well, I need to find out why 'No'", and "I need a plan for how to fix the problems in the next six months."
  Consuella: So, and this actually leads beautifully to your step two, which is "Don't ask for a raise, discuss it."
  Sheila: Yeah.
  Consuella: So, talk about the difference.
  Sheila: Asking for a raise is the worst way to go about it.  Easiest thing in the world for your boss to simply say "No".
  Consuella: Right.
  Sheila: So, instead, what you should say is, "I'd like to talk about my compensation. Seems to me an adjustment is in order. Here's why I think that's true. I want to get a sense of where you're coming from on this question."
  Consuella: So, discuss it without putting him or her on the spot, in other words.
  Sheila: You don't want to corner your boss, right? Because they're going to react defensively rather than thoughtfully.
  Consuella: Alright. Step three is "Go beyond No" and what do you mean by that, and how do you do it?
  Sheila: Yeah, I think if you get a "No", the first step is to find out why "No". "Is it me?"-- that's something I can control -- tell me, specifically, what is it about my skills that need improving for me to go to the next level, for me to get the raise? Or is it the environment?  And if, you know, they're 6)strapped for cash, get creative. Uhm, I know someone who negotiated two weeks of paid leave so she could 7)freelance on the side.  She worked for a cash-strapped non-profit. Also, flex time, educational benefits, 8)flexible spending, working at home, extra vacation; these are all things that cost your boss little, but are worth a lot to you.
  Consuella: Now if the boss says "No", what's your next move? I mean, you kinda discussed that a little bit, but is there a point when you just decide you gotta leave?
  Sheila: Yeah, absolutely. And I think the question of, you know, "Is there something I'm missing here?" will help you know "Is there something I need to fix?" "Is there something I could help fix?" And I think the last thing you want to find out is, "When do we have this conversation again?" "When should we check in again?" so that you know and your boss knows this is something we'll revisit.
  Consuella: Alright. Really good advice, Sheila Hume. Thank you very much.
  Sheila: Thank you. It's a 9)tough topic, a difficult conversation.
  Consuella: It is. Something definitely to 10)ponder.
  Sheila: It should be real simple.
  Consuella: Thanks again.



  1) compensation  n. 补偿,赔偿
  2) eliminate  n. 消除,排除
  3) data base 储存之资料,资料库
  4) kinda  adv. 有一点,有几分(= kind of)
  5) walkaway  n. 轻易得到的胜利,轻易完成的事
  6) strapped  a. 身无分文的
  7) freelance  n. 自由作家,自由记者
  8) flexible  a. 灵活的
  9) tough  a. 艰难的,强硬的
  10) ponder  v. 沉思,考虑

  Cry Me A River

  You were my sun
  You were my earth
  But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
  So you took a chance
  And made other plans
  But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down, no

  You don't have to say, what you did,
  I already know, I found out from him
  Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
  And don't it make you sad about it

  You told me you loved me
  Why did you leave me, all alone
  Now you tell me you need me
  When you call me, on the phone
  Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
  With some other guy
  Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
  To cry, cry me a river
  Cry me a river-er
  Cry me a river
  Cry me a river-er, yea yea

  I know that they say
  That somethings are better left unsaid
  It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it
  (Don't act like you don't know it)
  All of these things people told me
  Keep messing with my head
  (Messing with my head)
  You should've picked honesty
  Then you may not have blown it

  You don't have to say, what you did,
  (Don't have to say, what you did)
  I already know, I found out from him

  (I already know, uh)
  Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
  (No chance, you and me)
  And don't it make you sad about it

  You told me you loved me
  Why did you leave me, all alone
  (All alone)
  Now you tell me you need me
  When you call me, on the phone
  (When you call me on the phone)
  Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
  With some other guy
  (I'm not like them baby)
  Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
  (It's your turn)
  To cry, cry me a river
  (Go on and just)
  Cry me a river-er
  (Go on and just)
  Cry me a river
  (Baby go on and just)
  Cry me a river-er, yea yea

  The damage is done
  So I guess I be leaving
  The damage is done
  So I guess I be leaving
  The damage is done
  So I guess I be leaving
  The damage is done
  So I guess I be... leaving

  You don't have to say, what you did,
  (Don't have to say, what you did)
  I already know, I found out from him
  (I already know, uh)
  Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
  (No chance, you and me)
  And don't it make you sad about it

  Cry me a river
  (Go on and just)
  Cry me a river-er
  (Baby go on and just)
  Cry me a river
  (You can go on and just)
  Cry me a river-er, yea yea

  Cry me a river
  (Baby go on and just)
  Cry me a river-er
  (Go on and just)
  Cry me a river
  (Cause I've already cried)
  Cry me a river-er, yea yea
  (Ain't gonna cry no more, yea-yea)

  Cry me a river
  Cry me a river, oh







