云政发2013年42号:西班牙 约第 沙瓦尔 —《凯尔特古提琴》

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 04:18:39

西班牙 约第 沙瓦尔《凯尔特古提琴》



艺 术 家:Jordi Savall
唱片公司:Alia Vox

约第 沙瓦尔 Jordi Savall

  过去二十年来,所有带动音乐复甦的人当中,约第 沙瓦尔(Jordi Savall)这位维奥尔提琴奏家、指挥家、研究学者与教师,可说是复兴古乐的先锋。他和蒙赛拉.菲格拉斯以及卞塔鲁亚皇家教堂(Hesperion、 Capella Reial de Catalunya)及卞塔鲁亚皇家合奏团(Le Concert des Nations)这几个乐团,建立了一份让人印象深刻的唱片目录,以其多样性、品质、数量和原创性而令人望尘莫及。


01 The Musical Priest / Scotch Mary
02 Caledonia's Wail for Niel Gow
03 The Humours Of Scariff
04 Alistair MacAlastair
05 Tom Brigg's, Jig
06 The Globby O, Jig
07 Lord Moira's & Jinrikisha
08 Sackow's (Jig)
09 Hard Is My Fate
10 Chapel Keithack
11 Gudewife, Admit The Wanderer
12 Macpherson's Lament
13 Tullochgorum
14 Pretty Peggy
15 Twas within a furlong of Edinburgh Town
16 Màiri Bhàn òg: Mary Young & Fair
17 Dowd's Reel
18 Lady Mary Hay's Scots Measure
19 Carolan's Farewell
20 Gusty's Frolics
21 Emigrants Reel
22 The Lamentations Of Owen Roe O'Neill
23 Princess Beatrice
24 Prince Charlie's Last View Of Edinburg
25 Trip It Upstairs (Single Jig)
26 Mrs. McPherson of Gibton
27 Tuttle's
28 Lament for the Death of his Second Wife
29 The Gander in the Pratie Hole

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