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 《疯狂英语2003合集全部文本》 (三)

  文件合并与整理:ARTHUR2002  (2004年02月22日


  Stray Birds

  1)Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.
  And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.

  If you 2)shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.

  Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth.

  The trees come up to my window like the 3)yearning voice of the dumb earth.

  You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this I had been waiting long.

  The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing.
  But Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air.

  The world rushes on over the strings of the 4)lingering heart making the music of sadness.

  We come nearest to the great when we are great in 5)humility.

  The mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and brings out surprises of beauty.

  Your voice, my friend, wanders in my heart, like the 6)muffled sound of the sea among these listening 7)pines.

  What is this unseen flame of darkness whose sparks are the stars?

  Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

  The touch of the nameless days clings to my heart like mosses round the old tree.














  1) stray  a. 迷路的,漂泊的
  2) shed  v. 流
  3) yearning  a. 向往的,怀念的
  4) lingering  a. 逗留不去的
  5) humility  n. 谦卑
  6) muffled  a. 压抑的
  7) pine  n. 松树

  The Pig

  It was an evening in November,
  As I very well remember,
  I was 1)strolling down the street in 2)drunken pride,
  But my knees were all 3)aflutter,
  And I landed in the 4)gutter
  And a pig came up and lay down by my side.

  Yes, I lay there in the gutter
  Thinking thoughts I could not utter,
  When a colleen passing by did softly say,
  “You can tell a man who 5)boozes
  By the 6)company he chooses.”
  And the pig got up and slowly walked away.



  1) stroll  v. 漫步,闲逛
  2) drunken  a. 酒醉的
  3) aflutter  a. 飘动的,鼓动的
  4) gutter  n. 水槽
  5) booze  v. 豪饮
  6) company  n. 伴侣,朋友

  Ducks Don't Shop In Sainsburys

  You can’t get 1)millet at 2)Sainsburys
  And they don’t sell grass or weed
  It’s a total 3)dead loss
  For 4)heather and 5)moss
  And they don’t stock sunflower seed.

  They’ve got some fish in the 6)freezer
  But they’re low on rats and mice
  And you’re out of luck
  If you’re a 7)debonair duck
  And you want to buy something nice.

  ‘Cause none of their bread is 8stale
  And they’ve stopped selling 9)hay and 10)straw.
  Let’s face it, if you were a duck in Sainsburys,
  You’d be heading for the exit door!




  1) millet  n. 粟,谷,小米
  2) Sainsburys英国一家大型超市
  3) dead loss 无用的人或物
  4) heather  n. 石楠
  5) moss  n. 苔藓
  6) freezer  n. 冰库
  7) debonair  a. 温文尔雅的,欢快的
  8) stale  a. 不新鲜的
  9) hay  n. 干草
  10) straw  n. 稻草

  When Harry met Sally

  Scene 1
  When they first meet, Harry is dating Sally's friend, Amanda. They both are leaving the University of Chicago for New York City, and Harry gives Sally a ride.

  Song: But you say either and I say either, you say neither and I say neither. Either, either, neither, neither, let's 1)call the whole thing off. You say potato and I say potato, you say tomato and I say tomato. Potato, potato, tomato, tomato, let's call the whole thing off. Ohhhhh.
  Harry: Well, why don't you tell me the story of your life? (Spits a grape seed out of the car window)
  Sally: (Gives him a disgusting look) The story of my life?
  Harry: We got 18 hours to kill before we hit New York.
  Sally: The story of my life isn't even going to get us out of Chicago. I mean, nothing's happened to me yet. That's why I'm going to New York.
  Harry: So something happened to you?
  Sally: Yes.
  Harry: Like what?
  Sally: Like I’m going to journalism school to become a reporter.
  Harry: So you can write about things that happen to other people!
  Sally: That’s one way to look at it.
  Harry: Suppose nothing happens to you, suppose you lived there your whole life and nothing happens, you never meet anybody, you never become anything and finally you die one of those New York deaths where nobody notices for two weeks until the smell drifts into the 2)hallway. (Spits)
  Sally: Amanda mentioned you had a dark side.
  Harry: That’s what drew her to me.
  Sally: Your dark side?
  Harry: Sure. Why don’t you have a dark side? No, you’re probably one of those cheerful people who dots their “i”s with little hearts.
  Sally: I have just as much of a dark side as the next person.
  Harry: Oh really? When I buy a new book, I always read the last page first that way in case I die before I finish, I know how it ends. That, my friend, is a dark side. (Spits)
  Sally: That doesn’t mean you’re deep or anything. I mean, yes, basically I’m a happy person.
  Harry: So am I.
  Sally: And I don’t think there is anything wrong with that.
  Harry: Of course not! You are too busy being happy. You ever think about death?
  Sally: Yes!
  Harry: Sure, you do. A fleeting thought that’s just in and out of the transom of your mind. I spend hours, I spend days.
  Sally: And you think this makes you a better person?
  Harry: Look, when the shit comes down, I’m going to be prepared and you are not. That’s all I’m saying.
  Sally: In the meantime, you’re going to ruin your whole life waiting for it. (Harry spits again.)
  (Later in a restaurant.)
  Waitress: What can I get ya?
  Harry: I’ll have the Number 3.
  Sally: I’d like the chef’s salad, please, with the oil and 3)vinegar on the side, and the apple pie a la mode.
  Waitress: Chef and apple a la mode.
  Sally: But I’d like the pie heated and I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla, if you have it. If not, then no ice cream, just whipped cream -- but only if it’s real. If it’s out of a can, then nothing.
  Waitress: Not even the pie?
  Sally: No, just the pie, but then not heated.
  Waitress: Uh huh.
  (Harry is stunned at how Sally wants her food to be prepared.)
  Sally: What?
  Harry: Nothing, nothing. So how come you broke up with Sheldon?
  Sally: How do you know we broke up?
  Harry: Because if you didn’t break up, you wouldn’t be here with me, you’d be off with Sheldon, the Wonder Schlong.
  Sally: First of all, I am not with you! And second of all, it is none of your business why we broke up!
  Harry: You’re right, you’re right. I don’t want to know!
  Sally: Well, if you must know, it was because he was very jealous and I had these days-of-the-week 4)underpants.
  Harry: AAAhhhhh!! I’m sorry, I need a judge’s ruling on this. Days-of-the-week underpants?
  Sally: Yes, they had the days of the week on them and I thought they were sort of funny. And then one day, Sheldon says to me, “You never wear Sunday.” It’s all suspicious --Where was Sunday? Where had I left Sunday? And I told him and he didn’t believe me.
  Harry: What?
  Sally: They don’t make Sunday.
  Harry: Why not?
  Sally: Because of God.
  (Later, Sally is calculating her share of the bill, and Harry is staring at her.)
  Sally: OK, so 15 percent of my share is $6.90... What? Do I have something on my face?
  Harry: You are a very attractive person.
  Sally: (Suspicious) Thank you.
  Harry: Amanda never said how attractive you were.
  Sally: Well, maybe she doesn’t think I’m attractive.
  Harry: I don’t think it’s a matter of opinion. Empirically, you are attractive.
  Sally: (Astonished) Amanda is my friend!
  Harry: So?
  Sally: So you are going with her!
  Harry: So?
  Sally: So you’re 5)coming on to me!
  Harry: No, I wasn’t! What? Can’t a man say a woman is attractive without it being a come-on? All right, all right, let’s just say, just for the sake of argument that it was a come-on. What do you want me to do about it? I take it back. OK? I take it back!
  Sally: You can’t take it back!
  Harry: Why not?
  Sally: Because it’s already out there!
  Harry: Oh, gees! What are we supposed to do --Call the 6)cops? It’s already out there!
  Sally: Just let it lie, OK?
  Harry: Great! Let it lie! That’s my policy. That’s what I always say. Let it lie! Want to spend a night in a motel? See what I did? I didn’t let it lie!
  Sally: Harry?
  Harry: I said I would and then I didn’t.
  Sally: Harry?
  Harry: I went the other way.
  Sally: Harry?
  Harry: What?
  Sally: We are just going to be friends, OK?
  Harry: Great! Friends, the best thing!

  Scene 2
  After parting in Manhattan, it’s five years before they bump into each other again, this time in an airport. Now, Harry is engaged to get married and Sally is in a serious relationship.

  Song: You say either and I say either, you say neither and I say neither. Either, either, and neither, neither, let’s call the whole thing off. Yes, you like potato and I like potato, you like tomato and I like tomato. Potato, potato, tomato, tomato, let’s call the whole thing off.
  Harry: You were a good friend of...
  Sally: Amanda’s. I can’t believe, you can’t remember her name.
  Harry: What do you mean? I can remember, Amanda, right, Amanda Rice.
  Sally: Reese.
  Harry: Reese, right, that’s what I said. Whatever happened to her?
  Sally: I have no idea.
  Harry: You have no idea? You were really good friends with her. We didn’t make it because you were such good friends!
  Sally: You went with her.
  Harry: And was it worth it? The 7)sacrifice for a friend that you don’t even keep in touch with.
  Sally: Harry, you might not believe this, but I never considered not sleeping with you a sacrifice.
  Harry: Fair enough, fair enough! You were going to be a 8)gymnast.
  Sally: A journalist!
  Harry: Right, that’s what I said. And?
  Sally: I am a journalist, I work at the news.
  Harry: Great, and you’re with Joe. Well, that’s great, great! You’re together what, three weeks?
  Sally: A month. How did you know that?
  Harry: You take someone to the airport: it’s clearly the beginning of a relationship. That’s why I have never taken anyone to the airport at the beginning of a relationship.
  Sally: Why?
  Harry: Because eventually things move on and you don’t take someone to the airport, and I never wanted anyone to say to me, “How come you never take me to the airport anymore?”
  Sally: It’s amazing! You look like a normal person, but actually you are the angel of death.
  Harry: Are you going to marry him?
  Sally: We have only known each other for a month and besides, neither one of us is looking to get married right now.
  Harry: Um... I’m getting married.
  Sally: You are??
  Harry: Humm.
  Sally: You are?!
  Harry: Yes.
  Sally: Who is she?
  Harry: Helen Hillson, she’s a lawyer, 9)she’s keeping her name.
  Sally: You’re getting married?
  Harry: Yea!
  (Sally laughs.)
  Harry: 10)Staying over?
  Sally: Yes.
  Harry: Would you like to have dinner? Just friends.
  Sally: I thought you didn’t believe men and women could be friends.
  Harry: When did I say that?
  Sally: On the ride to New York.
  Harry: No, no, no, I never said that! Yes, that’s right. They can’t be friends, unless both of them are involved with other people, then they can. This is an 11)amendment to the earlier rule. The two people in relationships, the pressure of possible involvement is lifted. That doesn’t work either, because what happens then is the person you are involved with can’t understand why you need to be friends with the person you are just friends with. Like it means something is missing from the relationship and why do they go outside to get it. Then when you say ”No, no, no, no, it’s not true, nothing is missing from the relationship.” The person you’re involved with, then 12)accuses you of being secretly attracted to the person you are just friends with, which you probably are, I mean, come on, I mean who the hell are we kidding. I mean, let’s face it, which brings us back to the earlier rule before the amendment, which is men and women can’t be friends. So where does it leave us?
  Sally: Harry?
  Harry: What?
  Sally: Goodbye!
  Harry: OK.

  Scene 3
  Sally is seated at a New York restaurant table with two other women who are her friends and confidants.

  Sally: Joe and I broke up.
  Alice: What?
  Marie: When?
  Sally: Monday.
  Alice: You waited three days to tell us?
  Marie: You mean Joe’s 13)available?
  Alice: Oh, for God’s sakes, Marie, don’t you have any feelings about this? She’s obviously upset.
  Sally: I’m not that upset. We’ve been growing apart for quite a while.
  Alice: But you guys were a couple; you had someone to go places with. You had a date on national holidays!
  Sally: I said to myself, you deserve more than this, you’re 31 years old.
  Marie: And the clock is ticking.
  Sally: No, the clock doesn’t really start to tick until you are 36.
  Alice: OK, but don’t wait too long, remember what happened with David Warsaw? His wife left him and everyone said, give him some time, don’t move in too fast. Six months later he was dead!
  Sally: What are you saying? I should get married to someone right away in case he’s about to die?
  Marie: At least you could say you were married.
  Alice: I’m saying that the right man for you might be out there right now and if you don’t grab him, someone else will, and you will have to spend the rest of your life knowing that someone else is married to your husband.

  Scene 4
  Harry and Sally are both newly single (Harry’s wife has recently left him, and Sally has broken off a long-term, dead-end relationship) in their next encounter, and this mutual bond of loss draws them into a close friendship, and even more than friendship.

  Song: For a nobody else gave me a thrill, with all your faults, I love you still. It had to be you, wonderful you...
  Harry: I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and the thing is --I love you.
  Sally: What?
  Harry: I love you.
  Sally: How do you expect me to respond to this?
  Harry: How about you love me, too?
  Sally: How about I’m leaving?
  Harry: Doesn’t what I said mean anything to you?
  Sally: I’m sorry, Harry, I know it’s New Year’s Eve, I know you’re feeling lonely, but you just can’t show up here, tell me you love me and expect that to make everything alright. It doesn’t work this way!
  Harry: Well, how does it work?
  Sally: I don’t know, but not this way.
  Harry: How about this way: I love it that you get cold when it’s seventy-one degrees out. I love it that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love it that you get a little 14)crinkle above your nose when you looking at me like I’m nuts. I love that when after I spend the day with you I can still smell your perfume on my clothes, and I love that you are the last person that I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it’s not because I’m lonely and it’s not because it’s New Year’s Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible!
  Sally: (Melting) You see, that is just like you, Harry! You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you, and I hate you, Harry, I really hate you!
  (Auld Land Syne plays in background.)
  Harry: What does this song mean? My whole life I don’t know what this song means. I mean, “Should old 15)acquaintances be forgot?” Does that mean that we should forget old acquaintances, or does it mean that if we happen to forget them we should remember them, which is not possible because we already forgot them.
  Sally: (Gently) Well, maybe it just means that we should remember that we forgot them or something. Anyway, it’s about old friends...
  Song: It had to be you. It had to be you, I wondered around and finally found there’s somebody who could make me be true, could make me be blue, and even be glad just to be sad thinking of you...






  1) call off取消
  2) hallway  n. 走廊
  3) vinegar  n. 醋
  4) underpants  n. 内裤
  5) come on (俚语)给某人留下印象,给某人以影响
  7) sacrifice  n. 牺牲
  8) gymnast  n. 体操运动员
  9) 指她婚后不冠以夫姓。
  10) stay over 过夜
  11) amendment  n. 修正
  12) accuse  v. 责难
  13) available  a. 可用的,有空的
  14) crinkle  n. 皱纹
  15) acquaintance  n. 相识,熟人

  Clarence Cleans His Roof

  It was an important thing 1)shoveling snow and the quality of your work could be seen by anybody driving by in a car, so people tried to get every last 2)speck of snow off the roof.
  Clarence Bunson once worked so hard shoveling snow off of his roof that he had to lie down on the roof. He was so tired, he just 3)hooked his heels into the gutters and he lay back against the 4)pitch of the roof. And he was warm from all of that 5)exertion and the sun was still in the sky, and the next thing he knew he woke up and he’d been sleeping there for a while, and he felt a little 6)chilly. And also he felt as if some giant thing had grabbed hold of his chest and he looked down, and his heels were no longer in the gutter--they were hanging over the gutter. And his jacket, he was wearing a shealing jacket and it had frozen to the roof--the back of the jacket and also his 7)outstretched arms had frozen to the roof. It was really solidly frozen. People drove by in the street and 8)honked at him and waved and that’s how he knew his arms were frozen.
  And then he heard the car 9)pull in the 10)driveway next door, his neighbor, Mrs. Askerland. Oh, he hoped she would not see him! He lay very still against the roof. Mrs. Askerland talks an awful lot in this town and her judgments are seldom 11)charitable. And he heard her walk towards the house and then she stopped. He didn’t breathe.
  She said, “Mr. Bunson?”
  “Yes,” he said, “I’m on the roof.”
  “I know, I see you, are you all right?"
  "Yes, I'm fine!"
  "What are you doing up there?”
  “I’m measuring the roof.”
  “With what?”
  “It’s about six feet from 12)fingertip to fingertip, Mrs. Askerland,” he said.
  “Why are you measuring it?”
  “We’re thinking of adding on a room.”
  She thought about this for a moment. “Are you done measuring?” She said.
  “No, I just stopped because I lost count of the number of arm 13)spans I’ve measured whether it’s four or five.”
  She put her 14)groceries down. She walked into the Bunson’s yard, she looked up. She said, “I’d say four. Are you sure you’re all right?"
  "I'm fine," he said.
  “You be careful up there.”
  “I will,” he said. “Thank you!”
  And she went into her house. He heard her door close.
  He thought maybe by kicking on the roof he could alert Arlene inside to his 15)predicament, but he was wearing rubber barn boots, and he couldn’t get a very good sound. And then he thought maybe Arlene was watching television. In fact, Arlene had said something this morning about watching a TV movie, one of those four-hour movies, and by the time she’s done with this movie and she thinks to look around for me, her husband, I’ll be up here dead! One of those freak deaths that’ll be talked about in this town for years to come. Years to come!
  And then she came outside, Arlene. She stood down below and she said, “Supper’s ready!”
  “What are we having?” he said.
  "Hamburger hot dish.”
  “Good,” he said. “Good!”
  “Are you ready to come down?” She said.
  "Yes,” he said, “I’m ready, it’s just a problem of getting out of this jacket, I’m frozen to the roof...”
  He never told anybody. It’s a shame not to be able to tell a story as good as how he escaped death on the roof of his own house. He thought that maybe he could find a group that’s devoted to people who almost froze in the winter. And they could get together, maybe once a month would be good enough, and they could meet and they could tell their stories. And he would get a chance to stand up and tell his roof-shoveling--almost freezing story.


  1) shovel  v. 铲
  2) speck  n. 斑点
  3) hook  v. 钩
  4) pitch  n. 沥青
  5) exertion  n. 努力,行使
  6) chilly  a. 寒冷的
  7) outstretched  a. 伸展的
  8) honk  v. 按汽车喇叭
  9) pull in 进站,靠岸
  10) driveway  n. 车道
  11) charitable  a. 仁慈的
  12) fingertip  n. 指尖
  13) span  n. 宽度,跨度
  14) grocery  n. 食品,杂货
  15) predicament  n. 困境

  The Mysterious Recluse

  Garbo -- divine, mysterious, 1)reclusive. One of the most famous faces of the 20th century. On screen she was 2)raw sexuality, off screen her affairs with men and women 3)captivated the press. And her silence made her a legend. But it was a legend she tried to escape for fifty years. What was the secret of Greta Garbo? The truth lies in the face, the voice and our own appetite for mystery.
  Greta Lovisa Gustafson was born on September 18, 1905 in the working class soda 4)mall merrier of Stockholm.
  The 19-year-old Garbo said goodbye to her family in Stockholm, she was given visa number 396 and arrived in New York City on July 5, 1925. At the time MGM 5)publicity chief Howard Dietz said of 6)Garbo, “I hate that name, It reminds me of garbage.” America was unimpressed with Greta -- but a series of 7)amateur photos was about to launch Garbo’s career.
  After three months, production chief Irving Thalberg assigned Garbo to The Torrent. Garbo’s natural manner distinguished her from more histrionic silent actors. MGM had found Garbo’s identity. Off screen, Garbo barely spoke English. When she tried to joke that she was an “imported star”, but accidentally said “important star” the crew laughed at her 8)vanity. On screen, MGM enhanced the 9)mystique of its new star by teaming her with the best photographers and designers.
  Clarence Sinclair Bull was assigned to do all her official photography. He would become known as “the man who shot Garbo.” He referred to her as the Mona Lisa of the 20th century.
  Garbo created a new kind of 10)glamour. A combination of sexuality, fashion and mystery. Audiences wanted to know more about the woman behind the face, but Garbo refused to talk. The studio played along since her 11)reticence seemed to create more interest in the Swedish 12)sphinx. The 13)subtext of one of her next films was thinly 14)veiled. Queen Christina was the story of the legendary 17th century Swedish leader who 15)abdicated her throne rather than 16)subjugate herself to a man.
  Greta Garbo (Lines from Queen Christina): I thought you would understand when you saw me again what had happened. Could it have been so enchanting to be a woman? Mother queen -- just a woman in a man’s arms.
  Garbo inspired and yet 17)defied interpretation, on screen and off. For the final shot of Queen Christina, Mamoulian gave his 18)inscrutable leading lady her most brilliant direction. He asked her to think of nothing.
  Garbo’s era had passed. She had outlived most of her lovers and costars. Greta Garbo’s screen legend had become Greta Garbo urban legend. In 1970’s New York, a Garbo sighting as she marched through the streets of Manhattan stopping only to browse through 19)junk shops and 20)antique stores was recorded the same status as a UFO. She became a 21)cult figure and showed up in unlikely places. On Friday April 28, 1990, she went for her regular 22)dialysis treatment but did not return. She died on Easter Sunday.
  They say the only thing an actor owes the public is a performance. That much Garbo gave. Whether she had nothing to say or simply said nothing doesn’t matter. Hers was a perfect face. A blank screen on to which the world projected what it needed to see. Her silence told us what we wanted to hear.


  克拉伦斯 ·辛克莱·布尔被指派负责她所有正式场合的摄影工作。他因为给嘉宝拍摄而名声鹊起。而他则把嘉宝比作是二十世纪的蒙娜丽莎。

  1) reclusive  a. 隐遁的,隐居的
  2) raw sexuality: 性感撩人
  3) captivate  v. 迷住,迷惑
  4) mall  n. 商业街,林荫路
  5) publicity  n. 宣传,广告
  6) garbo还有“垃圾工人”的意思。
  7) amateur  n. 业余爱好者
  8) vanity  n. 虚荣
  9) mystique  n. 神秘性,奥秘
  10) glamour  n. 魅力,魔力
  11) reticence  n. 沉默寡言
  12) sphinx  n. [希神]斯芬克斯(有翼的狮身女怪,传说她常叫过路行人猜谜,猜不出者即遭杀害)
  13) subtext  n. 潜在意思
  14) veil  v. 戴面纱,隐藏
  15) abdicate  v. 退位,放弃
  16) subjugate  v. 屈服
  17) defy  v. 抵抗,抵触
  18) inscrutable  a. 难以了解的,不能理解的
  19) junk  n. 垃圾
  20) antique  n. 古董,古物
  21) cult  n. 礼拜
  22) dialysis  n. [化]  透析,分离

  Laughing with Helen Hunt

  David: How do you like being in New York City? Of course you spend a lot of time here anyway in New York City.
  Helen: I’m up here about half the time.
  David: You have your dog with you?
  Helen: I do, my dog and I were here for the 1)blizzard.
  David: Oh, yes.
  Helen: And I have a white snow dog who lives in Los Angeles and never saw the snow in a day in his life, so when it snowed he said, this is the greatest stuff in the world! This is like fantastic, and he was doing snow dog things I’d never seen, it was great. Jumping on like all fours.
  David: Now you say “snow dog” and that’s what kind of breed is it?
  Helen: St. Moyand.
  David: Oh. And they’re normally big mountain snow kind of guys, right?
  Helen: Yeah, and mine lives in the 2)San Fernando Valley.
  David: And so he just absolutely went nuts for the snow?
  Helen: The whole neighbourhood was like a dog park. It was great.
  David: And does he get along with other dogs in your park?
  Helen: He does, he does, on the leash they get a little weird, you know how that is, if you take them off the leash, their tails wag and they are fine, but he walks up... He was attacked once by a much bigger dog so now he sees a dog that could kill him in a minute and he bares his teeth --and it’s really not wise.
  David: But he’s a big dog.
  Helen: Yeah.
  David: But he’s a 3)sissy then, is what you’re saying. Is that what is all... the poor thing, what’s his name?
  Helen: His name is Johnny.
  David: Oh, that’s cute. Johnny, named after...?
  Helen: I like to think 4)Johnny Carson, I got him when his name was already Johnny but still I like to think he’s named after Johnny.
  David: You think Johnny would be proud? I guess...
  Helen: I’m sure right now he’s watching. It’s his shining moment in his career. I have to say to you, however, that when I was a kid I used to watch Johnny Carson every night and when the world got crazy and scary it was comforting. And now that the world is crazy and scary your show is very, very comforting. I’m very grateful that you keep on...
  David: Oh, well that’s very sweet of you, thank you very much.
  Helen: Sure.
  David: And you did, you mentioned when you came out here you’d actually taken some time off, and I don’t think you’ve been on our show for at least a year and a half to two years. What kind of stuff did you do when you were taking time off? Or was that just the excuse you gave us?
  Helen: No, not that much. I did work on my house. You know, nothing that thrilling. I had an epic battle with a rat that got into my house...
  David: Oh really? You have rats?
  Helen: I had a rat. One bastard rat. Which I discovered because an antique quilt on the wall was eaten like a... like a tiger had gotten in the house.
  David: Oh, really?
  Helen: And then on the counter where the fruit is was like his exact tooth mark. It was really brutal... so I call a rat guy, who shows up with a gun... and, truly, like whatever that was... a shotgun and I’m thinking...
  David: Release them! Turn them 5)loose... here we go!
  Helen: I’m thinking he’s not shooting bullets in my living room. Is it rat, like a rat stun gun, I don’t know, and he had horrible aim and a girlfriend, who was over, thought he was cute so they’re 6)flirting with each other...
  David: Oh, Lord!
  Helen: My dog who’s been bred for, you know, generations to capture him is sort of licking his paws and yawning, the rat is giving me the finger like 7)Donald Rumsfeld. Like he’s blind! So, my boyfriend set a very elaborate trap, like with a little appetizer and a glass of wine and an 8)entré--and then BANG, got him!
  David: So you’re getting rid of the rat.
  Helen: Got him.
  David: But this is one thing I don’t think people are aware of. I’ve heard other folks say in Los Angeles that you got an 9)epidemic of rats, and here in New York City we are knee deep in rats.
  Helen: Oh, my God!
  David: The world will 10)tilted on its axis from the weight of rats one day. Don’t you think so?
  Helen: I do...
  David: It’s just a little crazy...
  Helen: I do...
  David: Now do we have a clip? I guess we don’t have a clip.



  1) blizzard  n. 暴风雪
  2) San Fernando Valley: 位于加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市。
  3) sissy  n. [口]胆小鬼,懦弱的人
  4) Johnny Carson: 美国著名谈话节目(Tonight Show)的主持
  5) loose  a. 自由的
  6) flirt  v. 调戏某人,与某人调情
  7) Donald Rumsfeld: 唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德,美国国防部长
  8) entré  n.(正菜前或两道菜之间的)小菜
  9) epidemic  n  流行病;时疫
  10) tilt  v. 使倾斜

  Graduates' Best Choice: Back to College

  With the job market offering few opportunities for advancement, many in the workforce are going back to school, as a result applications to the nation’s graduate schools are 1)soaring. And the job picture is even tougher for those students graduating from college in the next few months.
  With a 3.7 grade point average, a network of contacts and a resume full of achievements, Tracy Silverman, a senior at New York University, figured she’d have no problem getting a job after college.
  Tracy Silverman: I thought that is was going to be very easy, I’ve had tons of internships, I’ve met lots of people in the industry but, you know, I passed out my resume and they’re  not calling me.
  Silverman and other seniors are facing the tightest job market in nearly a decade, with employers expected to hire 20% fewer graduates than last year.
  Marilyn Mackes: This year is a very different kind of job market for college grads than last year. And actually for the last couple of years, they’ve been really looking at a boom market.
  But that boom has turned to bust and one of the places it’s most noticeable, college career centers. At 2)NYU last year standing room only, crowd of corporate recruiters is gone.
  Trudi Steinfeld: I remember two years ago that there were forty days during our recruiting season where myself and members of our staff had to give up, give up our offices because we really did not have enough space to hold all our recruiters.
  Recruiting visits are down at least 20% at the school and on some campus, they’ve been cut in half.
  Trudi Steinfeld, NYU’s director of career services says seniors are nervous.
  Trudi Steinfeld: They’ve entered college at a time when the economy was booming. They really thought they would have not only one great job, but maybe the ability to select from three or four great jobs. They feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them.
  That uncertainty is starting a trend on college campuses across the country, like here at the University of Chicago, where applications for graduate school are soaring. Some from college seniors looking to ride out the down economy and many others from those already in the workforce, who are going back to school to sharpen their skills.
  Twenty-six-year-old Jeremy Oberfeld applied to Chicago’s business school after the telecom start-up he was working for 3)crumbled.
  Jeremy Oberfeld: If the economy would be doing well, I would continue my professional career and developing that start-up business. Unfortunately, since this did not happen. I believe, I believe that was a great time for me to pursue my education further.
  Applications to the graduate school of business are up 100% over a year ago. And starting to pile over in the admissions office. Officials say sorting through all of them is tough business.
  Ann McGill: We read carefully, every single one of them, multiple people. What we’ve done is shifted work away from those people so they’re working longer hours.
  And the trend is widespread. At 4)UCLA, biz school applications are up 90%. At Emory and Atlanta up 80%, and at Yale almost a 60% jump. Graduate school officials say returning for more education during a poor economy can be valuable. For more than the education.
  Ann McGill: You get other things, you get an alumni network, you have a ready 5)credential that tells a perspective employer that you know what you are doing.
  Staying in school paid off for MBA student, Shannon Ryan, who graduates this summer with a job, but the choices were slim.
  Shannon Ryan: Because companies were very conservative about the number of offers they gave out. They really asked you to give them an answer immediately. So that would be three weeks verses typically you would have three months to think about an offer.
  But for many of the nation’s seniors the waiting and worrying goes on.
  Tracy Silverman: I just would like anything with a salary and benefits right now. So I’m broadening what I’m willing to do. I have to be extremely optimistic but, you know, something will come my way.
  Experts say the key to finding a job in this current market: flexibility. Showing the employer that you have enough skills to adapt to a number of different positions.



  1) soar  v. 剧增
  2) NYU: abbr. New York University (美国)纽约大学
  3) crumble  v. 弄碎,崩溃
  4) UCLA: abbr. University of California at Los Angeles (美国)加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校
  5) credential  n. 文凭,凭证

  Cross Words: Dare to Contest with Me?

  The crossword puzzle was an early 20th century invention. A 1)craze like the 2)Charleston that quickly invaded the popular culture. But even newspaper editors thought it a passing 3)fad, which would end long before the film career of comedian 4)Harold Lloyd. They were wrong.
  Today Lloyd is a five letter answer for silent screen star and crosswords an addiction as strong as morning coffee for millions of Americans. Their chief 5)enabler and daily 6)adversary, a faceless 7)foe named Will Shortz.
  For nearly a decade, Shortz has used his position to revolutionize the 8)genre, turning what used to be a straight forward educational exercise in synonyms into a mind-bending entertainment employing pop culture, history, geography and especially verbal trickery. A Will Shorts puzzle can be a push up for the mind or an intellectually challenging way to waste time.
  Interviewer: Why do people do crossword puzzles?
  Will Shortz: I think people do crosswords, first of all, to test themselves. We know once we leave school, it’s difficult for us to know how sharp our brains are. Crosswords are a way to take this stuff that we know and apply it in a completely different way, and that’s satisfying.
  He’s only the fourth crossword puzzle editor The Times has ever had. Inheriting the 9)mantle nine years ago from Eugene Maleska, a former classic’s teacher and school 10)superintendent whose puzzles favor the obscure. Like a six letter word for a three-11)toed African tree frog. With the readership of one of its most popular features aging, they worried that the crossword puzzle would go the way of 12)Canasta, a seven letter card game that your parents used to play. They wanted someone who knew as much about 13)James Taylor as 14)James Madison.
  Shortz: I keep up with rock, I watch TV, I go to a lot of movies, I travel a lot, I read voraciously. So I think I’m up on what’s happening.
  He likes to use words and phrases from popular culture and brand names, be they products or performers. But his trademark is cleverness, originality and humor. Using common words in an uncommon way.
  Shortz: Take the clue: stick in the fridge in four letters. And you are thinking what could that possibly be? Four-letter word for put something in the refrigerator? But the answer is oleo. ‘Cause it is a stick that is in the fridge. A mind that can pick up on a 15)pun like that is going to be good at solving crosswords.
  Interviewer: You like words that are spelled the same way but have different pronunciations and different meanings.
  Shortz:  I use every misleading opportunity I can.
  Interviewer: Can you give me an example?
  Shortz:  Well, one that jumps to mind... the clue appeared to say, notable tower, in three letters. The answer was AAA, which is a notable tower, or a group that tows cars. I actually got letters from people after that puzzle appeared wondering, you know, “Where’s this AAA tower?” I had to break it to them gently that it was a different sort of t-o-w-e-r.
  Interviewer: Give me an idea of how many people read your crossword every day, or do it.
  Shortz:  Oh, the daily puzzle appears in about 150 papers around the country, and the Sunday puzzle in about 300 papers. So I’m sure it must be millions and millions of people.



  1) craze  n. 短暂的时尚,流行一时的狂热
  2) Charleston  n. 查尔斯顿快步舞
  3) fad  n. 时尚,一时流行的狂热
  4) Harold Lloyd: 哈罗德·劳埃德,于十九世纪末期出生美国,曾在短期内出演无声电影喜剧,后出任家族企业的副总裁
  5) enabler  n. 授权者,批准人
  6) adversary  n. 敌手,对手
  7) foe  n. 反对者,敌人
  8) genre  n. 风格,流派
  9) mantle  n. 披风;斗篷
  10) superintendent  n. 主管,负责人
  11) toe  n. 脚趾,趾
  12) Canasta  n. 凯纳斯特纸牌游戏(用两套牌玩的一种纸牌戏)
  13) James Taylor: 詹姆斯·泰勒,二十世纪七十年代早期美国著名歌星,曾多次获得格莱美最佳流行男歌手奖
  14) James Madison: 詹姆斯·麦迪逊(1751-1836),美国第四任总统
  15) pun  n. 双关语

  A Century of Memories(1940-1949)

  On the first Sunday in December 1941, Americans were doing what Americans did on any normal Sunday.
  "My father and I were in the living room listening to the Giant’s football game. My father was sitting next to me, suddenly when they announced that Pearl Harbor was attacked."
  Broadcast: We interrupt this program to bring you a special news 1)bulletin: The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor by air.
  President Truman: Yesterday, December 7th,1941, a date which will live in 2)infamy, the United States of America was suddenly and 3)deliberately attacked. No matter how long it may take us to overcome this 4)premeditated invasion, the American people in their 5)righteous mind will win through to absolute victory.
  "Oh, boy, when he came on the radio, you listened whether you liked him or not. And we needed a leader both in the Depression and during the war."
  The 6)departure of so many men changed the normal 7)rhythms and patterns of American social life. For teenage girls, those changes often meant growing up very quickly.
  "Teenage girls were more 8)precociously sexual in some ways in the ‘40s than they’d been in the ‘30s, in part because their young boyfriends were going off to the war and they might never see them again.”
  For young boys on the 9)home front, all the heroes were in uniform.
  "I remember being jealous that I didn’t have an older brother. I remember seeing these kids come to school with 10)patches on their jackets that their brothers had sent them, and 11)souvenirs that they had sent from overseas. And I thought God... I felt 12)deprived because I didn’t have an older brother who would send me patches and send me souvenirs and send me a German 13)helmet.”
  “Japan knew Japan was defeated and we knew that Japan was defeated. The question was, would they 14)surrender? And the Japanese did not surrender. And the closer we got to the mainland islands of Japan..."
  "I remember hearing on the radio that an 15)atom bomb had been dropped, and in my head I spelled it ‘A-d-a-m’ and wondered what is this ‘Adam’ bomb and, you know, why is it so powerful."
  The world had never seen anything like it: a single bomb that could 16)level an entire city. Three days later, a second atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.



  1) bulletin  n. 公告,报告
  2) infamy  n. 丑行,丑名
  3) deliberately  adv. 故意地
  4) premeditated  a. 有预谋的
  5) righteous  a. 正直的
  6) departure  n. 出发,离开
  7) rhythm  n. 节奏,韵律
  8) precociously  adv. 早熟地,早慧地
  9) home front 后方
  10) patch  n. 补缀,碎片
  11) souvenir  n. 纪念品
  12) deprived  a. 缺乏的
  13) helmet  n. 头盔,钢盔
  14) surrender  v. 投降
  15) atom  n. 原子
  16) level  v. 夷平


  I've been alone with you inside my mind
  And in my dreams I've kissed your lips a thousand times
  I sometimes see you pass outside my door
  Hello, is it me you're looking for?
  I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile
  You're all I've ever wanted and my arms are open wide
  'Cause you know just what to say and you know just what to do
  And I want to tell you so much, I love you
  I long to see the sunlight in your hair
  And tell you time and time again, how much I care
  Sometimes I feel my heart will 1)overflow
  Hello, I've just got to let you know
  'Cause I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do
  Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
  Tell me how to win your heart for I haven't got a 2)clue
  But let me start by saying, I love you
  Hello, is it me you're looking for?
  'Cause I wonder where you are and I wonder what you do
  Are you somewhere feeling lonely or is someone loving you?
  Tell me how to win your heart for I haven't got a clue
  But let me start by saying, I love you


  1) overflow  v. 溢出,洋溢
  2) clue  n. 线索

  News Spotlight (5)

  News 1 政治
  The world leaders have begun arriving in France for the G8 Summit. They will be 1)tackling a wide range of global issues, including 2)strained ties between the U.S. and Europe and free trade. President Hu Jintao is leading the Chinese delegation in its first appearance at a meeting of the world’s most powerful nations.
  All eyes are on the 3)alpine resort of 4)Evian over the next three days, where world leaders are meeting to discuss key global issues. Topping the agenda is the 5)rift between Washington and Europe as well as ways to boost the global economy and free trade.
  Chinese president Hu Jintao is 6)on hand, where he’ll hold informal discussions with G8 leaders and other heads of state to boost cooperation and development. Hu today met his French counterpart Jacques Chirac after arriving by boat from Lausanne Switzerland. State councilor Tang Jiaxuan, who’s part of the Chinese delegation, said the president’s appearance at the summit marks a milestone in China’s status in the international arena.

  News 2 经济
  The British government says it’s launching a campaign to win over public opinion in favor of the European single currency. The Prime Minister Tony Blair and the 7)Chancellor of the 8)Exchequer Gordon Brown will be holding a joint news conference in Downing Street to try to persuade 9)Britons the euro could be in their patriotic interest. It comes the day after the Chancellor told Parliament the time was not yet right to join the euro, as the economic tests his department has devised before recommending membership has not yet been met. Correspondents say it’s an issue, which has sharply divided not only the British public, but also apparently parts of the government itself.

  News 3 经济
  Inflation is on the way down in the euro-zone and the President of the European Central Bank Wim Duisenberg predicted that next year the euro-zone’s inflation rate would slip well below the ECB’s target level. Duisenberg repeated the ECB’s 10)assertion that is “saw no indication of deflation or falling prices on the horizon for the euro-zone” but assured his audience that the ECB will remain 11)vigilant against risks of deflation.

  News 4 名人
  The media 12)frenzy generated by U.S. senator Hillary Clinton’s memoirs reached its peak today with the book’s release. Hundreds of eager fans lined up for hours outside a bookstore in New York to get 13)autographed copy.
  Critics have 14)likened U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton’s launch of her new book to a rock star on tour. It’s been a whirlwind of television, radio and magazine interviews. And now book signing. Hundreds of fan lined up outside a Manhattan bookstore for an autographed copy of Hillary’s Living History. The book’s publication has again brought into media focus her husband, former President, Bill Clinton’s affair with White House 15)intern Monika Lewinsky. Hillary’s efforts to lay the Lewinsky affair to rest has fuels speculation that she plans to run for President next year. But Hillary has dismissed the idea.
  Hillary: I have a wonderful job that I’m very proud to have, which is representing the people of New York in the United State’s senate. And that’s the job I have, and that’s the job I want to continue doing to the best of my ability.
  That may have ended the speculation about next year’s presidential race, but some commentators aren’t ruling out a bid for the country’s top post in 2008.

  News 5 名人
  England soccer captain David Beckham has for the first time hinted that he may leave Premiership champions Manchester United. Beckham told reporters in the United States, that while he would never leave Manchester United at all, his comments 16)heightened speculation that the midfield star is poised to leave the club. However, Beckham is not on AC Milan’s shopping list. Club president Silvio Berlusconi, who is also the Italian Premiere, said Beckham’s 30 million pound price 17)tag is just too expensive.

  News 6 司法
  A California man is facing federal charges for 18)allegedly 19)diverting Internet traffic away from the Web site belonging to the Arabic language TV network Al-Jazeera. Twenty-four-year-old John Racine of Riverside County is facing charges of wire 20)fraud and unlawful 21)interception of an electronic communication. Prosecutors say Racine sent traffic from Al-Jazeera’s web site to a page that he created 22)depicting the American flag and reading “Let freedom ring.” They say he got the password to the Al-Jazeera site by contacting its web forwarding service and posing as a man authorized to receive the information.

  News 7 考古
  Now we end tonight with a mummy that a British scientist says is the long lost Egyptian ruler Nefertiti. Doctor Joanne Fletcher used new technology, including a portable digital X-ray machine, to confirm her theory. The remains are that of a young woman with a bent arm and a hand that could have carried a 23)scepter-- usually an indication of kingly power. It’s believed Nefertiti either retired after losing favor with king Akhenaten or died. The mummy was found over a century ago in a small chamber in a tomb built for 24)pharaoh.


  1 政治
  中国国家主席胡锦涛出席了本次会议,并将与 八国领导人及其他国家元首就推进合作和发展问题举行非正式会谈。胡锦涛主席今天从瑞士洛桑乘船抵达法国后会见了法国总统雅克·希拉克。中国代表团成员、国务委员唐家璇说,中国国家主席参加峰会标志着中国在国际舞台上的地位迈向一个新里程。
  2 经济
  3 经济
  4 名人
  5 名人
  6 司法
  7 考古

  1) tackle  v. 着手处理、掌握或解决
  2) strain  v. 拉紧,扭歪
  3) alpine  a. 高山的
  4) Evian: 埃维昂,法国上萨瓦省莱芒湖南岸的一座依山傍水的小城,也是法国著名的旅游胜地
  5) rift  n. 分歧,不一致
  6) on hand: 到场,在场
  7) chancellor  n. 长官,大臣
  8) exchequer  n. (常大写)财务部
  9) Briton  n. 不列颠人,英国人
  10) assertion  n. 断言,声明
  11) vigilant  a. 警惕着的
  12) frenzy  n. 狂暴
  13) autograph  v. 亲笔签名
  14) liken  v. 把……比作
  15) intern  n. 实医师
  16) heighten  v. 提高,升高
  17) tag  n. 标签
  18) allegedly  adv. 依其申诉
  19) divert  v. 使偏离,使转向
  20) fraud  n. 欺骗
  21) interception  n. 中途夺取,拦截,侦听
  22) depict  v. 描述,描写
  23) scepter  n.节杖,王权
  24) pharaoh  n. 法老王

  Hillary Clinton in her own words

  After you graduated from Wellesley, you went to Yale Law School, you were one of only 27 women out of 235 students. You say it was Bill Clinton who was hard to miss. Why was he hard to miss? What did he look like?
  Well, he looked like a 1)Viking. He had this big 2)bushy 3)brownish 4)reddish beard and reddish hair and he looked very imposing. He was this Rhodes scholar from Arkansas who had a lot to say and knew exactly what he wanted to do with his life.
  Were you attracted to him from the beginning?
  From the very beginning...
  Yeah, from the very beginning. In fact, there was a point which I still hadn’t really met him. And I was sitting in the library and he was standing just outside the door, and he was looking at me and I was looking at him. And I finally felt this is 5)ridiculous, ‘cause every time I saw him on campus, I just couldn’t take my eyes off of him. And he was always watching me. So I put my books down and I walked out and I said, “You know, if you’re going to keep looking at me and I’m going to keep looking back, we should at least know each other. I’m Hillary Rodham.” And he told me his name, he tells people that he couldn’t remember his name. But it was an immediate attraction and it was just a life-changing experience to have met him.
  From day one.
  From day one.
  You were young, you were smart, you had a future in Washington. But you gave it up to be with Bill Clinton to move to Arkansas where you had no friends, no family, no traditional roots there in any way. And one of your best friends said, why on earth would you throw away your future?
  You know, I’ve had to at so many points in my life listen really hard to my own feelings. Sometimes my family and my friends have said “do this” or “do that” or “don’t do this” I just knew that I had to take that step -- so I followed my heart and I went to Arkansas.
  Senator, I have to go back now to perhaps the most difficult time of your life and it is something that you write about very frankly. Wednesday January 21st, 1998, you write that your husband woke you up, sat on the edge of the bed and gave you some troubling news. What did he tell you?
  Well, he told me there was going to be a newspaper article that 6)alleged that he had some kind of a relationship with a young woman, and he said he was very 7)upset about the article and he wanted me to know before I got up and read it in the paper myself. And he told me it wasn’t true.
  Did you believe him?
  I did believe him. You know, by that time, Barbara, so many 8)accusations have been made about me that were just extraordinary, outrageous accusations and I knew they weren’t true, and I knew that for whatever reason people felt 9)obligated or compelled to make them, and so it didn’t seem unusual to me that something like this would be said.
  Then on Saturday, August 15th, just as he had done before, your husband woke you up. This time he had something different to say.
  That was probably the worst moment that I can even imagine anyone going through, because what he told me that morning was that he had not 10)levelled with me or anyone else, he had not told me the whole truth about what the relationship was. And I was, I was 11)furious, I was dumbfounded, I was, you know, just beside myself with anger and disappointment. And you know, I couldn’t imagine how he could have done that to me or to anyone else. And that’s what I basically told him on that long ago morning now.
  What did your husband say? How did he explain it?
  He just kept saying that he was very sorry over and over again. And I could tell that he was, but that wasn’t much comfort. I was still furious and stayed furious for quite some time. But he just kept saying over and over again, you know: I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
  At one point, you described what your husband had done as a sin of weakness.
  It clearly was. You know, a friend, who is something of a 12)theologian, said to me during this period that there were two kinds of sins: sins of weakness and sins of 13)malice. And I think that my husband has so many strengths and is such a 14)fundamentally good person with a good heart. It was a question for me whether this particular wrongdoing or sin was something that we could work through together.
  But was there a day, was there a time when you said, “I forgive him, this marriage will go on”?
  Yes, yes, it took a long time. But I reached the point where I decided that I was either going to have to forgive and let go of the anger and the disappointment that I had felt, or we weren’t going to have a marriage. And both of us worked very, very hard to reach that point.
  What did your husband say when you told him, it’s OK we’re going to go on?
  He was very 15)relieved and grateful because that is what he’s been asking for and it was something that we, you know, had to work toward. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide, it took quite some time.
  OK, I have to ask it, what if he does something in the future that is similar?
  You know, that will be between us and that will be that 16)zone of 17)privacy that I believe in, but right now I’m very hopeful and very committed to our marriage and our relationship.
  There is the big question, what people most want to know and it’s this: How could you stay in this marriage? There is something in your book on page 75 that I thought answered the question.
  “I’m often asked why Bill and I have stayed together. All I know is that no one understands me better and no one can make me laugh the way Bill does. Even after all these years, he is still the most interesting, 18)energizing and fully alive person I have ever met. Bill Clinton and I started a conversation in the spring of 1971, and more than 30 years later, we’re still talking. “



  1) Viking  n. 北欧海盗,维京人
  2) bushy  a. 浓密的
  3) brownish  a. 浅棕色的
  4) reddish  a. 浅红色的
  5) ridiculous  a. 荒谬的,可笑的
  6) allege  v. 宣称,断言
  7) upset  a. 难过的
  8) accusation  n. 谴责,指责
  9) obligated  a. 有责任的
  10) level  v. 坦率,不耍花招
  11) furious  a. 狂怒
  12) theologian  n. 神学者
  13) malice  n. 恶意,预谋
  14) fundamentally  av. 基础地,根本地
  15) relieved  a. 放心的
  16) zone  n. 地带,地域
  17) privacy  n. 隐私
  18) energizing  a. 有活力的

  A good teacher, A good luck

  I have come to believe that a great teacher is a great 1)artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists. It might even be the greatest of the arts since the 2)medium is the human mind and spirit.
  I shall speak only of my first teacher because 3)in addition to the other things, she brought discovery.
  She aroused us to shouting, bookwaving discussions. She had the noisiest class in school and she didn’t even seem to know it. We could never 4)stick to the subject. She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths 5)shielded in our hands like 6)captured 7)fireflies.
  She was fired and perhaps 8)rightly so, for failing to teach 9)fundamentals. Such things must be learned. But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she 10)inflamed me with a curiosity which has never left. I could not do simple 11)arithmetic but through her I sensed that 12)abstract 13)mathematics was very much like music.
  When she was relieved, a sadness came over us but the light did not go out. She left her 14)signature on us, the literature of the teacher who writes on minds. I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned 15)manuscript of the high school teacher. What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person.
  I can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen years of 16)drudgery that somewhere in the 17)dusty dark a magic may happen that will 18)light up the years... if he is very lucky.



  1) artist  n. 艺术家,画家
  2) medium  n. 媒体,媒介
  3) in addition to 除……之外
  4) stick to 坚持,固守
  5) shield  v. 遮蔽,防护
  6) captured  a. 被捕获的
  7) firefly  n. 萤火虫
  8) rightly  adv. 正当地,正确地
  9) fundamental  n. 基本原理
  10) inflame  v. 燃起
  11) arithmetic  n. 算术
  12) abstract  a. 抽象的
  13) mathematics  n. 数学
  14) signature  n. 签名
  15) manuscript  n. 原稿,手稿
  16) drudgery  n. 苦工
  17) dusty  a. 尘土的
  18) light up 点亮

  A Dance of Life on The Edge

  His name is Dan Osman. A 1)Guinness record 2)holder and a legend in the world of rock climbing. Over the past 11 years, Dan thrilled, amazed and inspired everyone who saw him in action. On November 23rd 1998, Dan Osman died, doing what he loved to do.
  Dan Osman gained fame and recognition for a spectacular sport he created called “rope free-falling”. Tied to the end of a rope 3)anchored to a structure, Dan 4)hurled himself through space facing death head on. He bathed in the rush.
  Dan: I can do a lot of things for an adrenaline rush, but I choose this because it’s the only way to get like pure raw adrenaline, you know, pure all together in one.
  Friend: Dan was a wild man, creative and bold and 5)exuberant, but he was also 6)methodical, 7)patient and precise in his technical 8)mastery of the equipment involved and his understanding of the 9)dynamics of every challenge that he undertook.
  He spent endless hours perfecting his world-class skills. And his 10)expertise as a climber and a 11)rigger were in big demand. He trained the elite US Navy SEAL’s 12)commando fighting unit, and taught safety workers how to 13)scale buildings. Despite the demands on his life, he always found time to spend with his eight-year-old daughter, Emma. When his thoughts weren’t on Emma, he was focused on setting three new rope free-falling records. He leapt 200 feet suspended across a 14)canyon, 300 feet off a cliff and an astonishing 650 feet off a bridge.
  Dan: The difference between rope free-flying which is what I do and say 15)bungee jumping, for instance, is that a bungee is a big rubber band that just kind of “Boings” and stretches out and slows you down, very slowly, where I use a climbing rope which is made of 16)nylon, and what it does is it lets you go all the way to the deck and stops you just before impact.
  Rope free-falling is where he gained his fame. But it didn’t stop there. He became the first person to climb a 17)rushing waterfall --battling raging 18)currents and near freezing temperatures he turned the impossible into the probable.
  Dan: I like to invent new sports because I can do things that no one else has ever done. No one believes that I can really do it until I come back alive with a smile on my face.
  Dan was always looking for new ways to up the thrill and push the envelope. He found it in the 19)perilous sport called free climbing. Free climbers use no ropes or gear.
  Friend: One of the boldest things I ever saw Dan do was free solo rock climbing. He would climb up these routes that were so steep and so hard. He’d be hanging by his fingertips and his toes and that’s it. And these were so steep that once he started he couldn’t turn back. It was 20)summit or 21)plummet.
  Like everything else he did, Dan mastered the sport. He became one of the top free climbers in the world. But that wasn’t enough, Dan had to find a way to take this sport to new extremes and he did. He added an even more 22)lethal element: speed. He became the first person on earth to do speed free climbing.
  Friend: One of the last things I said to Dan on that last day I saw him was, “That’s enough. Park it. Put your toys away, give it a rest. Spend some time with your daughter, enjoy your life.”
  People always used to ask him if he didn’t have a death wish and his most common response was no, he had a life wish. And it was just pushing the edge of life and finding out what happens there at the edge of life and death and the edge of fear and joy.



  1) Guinness  n. 吉尼斯(世界纪录)
  2) holder  n. 持有者,保持者
  3) anchor  v. 锚定
  4) hurl  v. 用力投掷
  5) exuberant  a. 活力充沛的
  6) methodical  a. 有方法的,有系统的
  7) patient  a. 耐心的
  8) mastery  n. 掌握
  9) dynamics  n. 动力学
  10) expertise  n. 专门技术
  11) rigger  n. 索具配备人
  12) commando  n. 突击队
  13) scale  v. 攀登
  14) canyon  n. 峡谷,溪谷
  15) bungee  n. 蹦极跳
  16) nylon  n. 尼龙
  17) rushing  a. 急流的
  18) current  n. 水流
  19) perilous  a. 危险的
  20) summit  n. 顶点
  21) plummet  n. 垂直落下
  22) lethal  a. 致命的

  Car Speeding

  Jason has always loved driving fast and living on the edge. Even as a young man growing up in Vancouver, Canada, he was a risk taker.
  Journalist: You did 1)extreme things. I mean, you bungee jumped and you had motorcycles, and you were always a 2)daredevil, were you not?
  Jason: Yes. I was always, you know, when I was 16 everyone else got a car, I got a motorcycle. I just wanted to live every minute. I was a 3)rugby player, I was a 4)hockey player. I love to challenge myself. And I love to compete, and I just love all that.
  And from his earliest years, Jason loved another risky business, acting. His big break came at just 21 years old on Beverly Hills 90210. But he was also still involved in car racing.
  "You don’t get to drive those cars just because you’re famous. You get to drive those cars because you are a racecar driver.”
  ---Jason Priestly
  And he didn’t just race cars. Jason’s thrill seeking extended to piloting 50-foot Cigarette Boats in dangerous ocean races. Jason has 5)crashed or spun out several times on the car 6)racetrack and once in a boat race, his 7)restlessness turned to 8)recklessness in a Los Angeles neighborhood.
  Journalist: So if I say to you, are you a daredevil, what do you say?
  Jason: No, I don’t think so. I don’t think that I’m a daredevil. I think that I like to challenge myself.
  Journalist: But you’ve had three accidents, two in cars and one in a boat. Right?
  Jason: Sure.
  Journalist: Don’t say sure, doesn’t everybody, I mean. You’re a little accident-prone, maybe.
  Jason: No, I don’t think I’m accident-prone. I think anytime you’re competing like that, whether you’re racing cars or you’re racing boats, you know, I think that incidents happen. Unfortunately me being me, you just heard about it.
  Journalist: Sure. Were you ever tempted or are you tempted now to quit racing?
  Jason: There was a time right after the accident where had you asked me that question I would have said, “Yeah, I’m all done. I’ll never race again.” But as the months go on and as the memory of what had happened 9)recedes, you know, I start thinking about getting back into a racecar.
  Journalist: Oh, Jason!
  Jason: But I’m, you know, I don’t want to do anything that’s going to 10)jeopardize my ability to work as an actor. Because you know as much as I love racecar driving, I love being an actor.
  Journalist: The devil is not racing cars for you, is he? You may indeed get in that car again.
  Jason: Yeah. Do you see the smile that put on my face just thinking about driving a racecar?


  1) extreme  a. 极端的
  2) daredevil  n. 铤而走险的人
  3) rugby  n. 橄榄球
  4) hockey  n. 马球
  5) crash  v. 碰撞,撞击
  6) racetrack  n. 跑道
  7) restlessness  n. 不安宁
  8) recklessness  n. 鲁莽
  9) recede  v. 后退
  10) jeopardize  v. 危害

  Ashley's "World" tour

  Music has always had a big influence on my life.
  I could remember being three or four and singing my little heart out into a 1)mustard bottle. Michael Bolton was big in my house back then and even though I was fairly young, thanks in great part to the endless repetition, I remembered the 2)chorus of most of his songs.
  A 3)dentist appointment is where I expanded my taste in music. With extra time to spare before my dreaded appointment, my grandmother 4)dragged me into a wine store in the same building. I was looking at a picture of woman on a tape cassette cover that was 5)draped around the neck of a red wine. The man who worked at the cash register noticed my fascination with it and offered the tape to me for being such a good client. I could not wait for my appointment to be over with just so that I could 6)hop into the car and listen to my first real tape. It was the song “Power of Love” by Celine Dion. My grandmother gave me a whole 7)lecture on how great Celine was, and she was one of the few from around here that actually made it in the business. I ran to my room, 8)popped my new tape into my Playskool tape recorder and listened to it over and over and over again. I drove my family crazy. It got to the point when my brother threatened to beat me! With that, Michael Bolton went into 9)retirement and Celine Dion was all that mattered. I didn’t understand a word of what I was singing -- all I knew was that I loved to sing and no one could stop me.
  As I grew older my taste grew more 10)eccentric. I loved everything from Frank Sinatra to The Spice Girls, although Celine tapes were still my favorite. After several warnings by my brother about singing and disturbing his concentration for his video games, I limited my singing to the shower. I decided that the 11)shampoo bottles were my fans. My voice was 12)squeaky, and I’d occasionally get a bit of shampoo in my mouth and have to stop mid-song to spit it out, but still my audience loved me. I made my own little dream world out of that shower. When times were 13)rough, and I needed to go nuts and let go of all of my 14)frustrations, the shower was my 15)sanctuary.
  As I grew older and a bit wiser (as wise as a teenager can get) I realized that my 16)imaginary fame couldn’t be spoken about outside the shower. I learned this lesson when I tried to describe to my friend what a freedom it was to sing my heart out. She laughed at me and said, “I pity anyone who has to hear that.” Those 17)thoughtless words were a blow to my 18)fragile 19)ego. That’s when I decided that my make-believe world had to take a little break. A 20)sabbatical. Within two weeks I missed my fans and I know they missed my talent.
  With age, my voice grew as well. It transformed from squeaky to deep and unique. Singing made me happy, it made my fans happy. Why I let someone try to ruin that feeling is beyond me? I forgot about my “sabbatical” and started to sing again. By now I was in the middle of “Hero” by Mariah Carey and told myself to 21)ignore everyone else, this was my world.
  Now at the age of fifteen, my voice has become somewhat nice. At least that’s what I’ve been told. I sing all the time now, not just in the shower. Sure, I get on people’s nerves every once in a while. Everyday, sometimes twice a day, I put in a CD and 22)blast it as loudly as possible and I sing. My neighbours often 23)compliment me for the show I put on from my bedroom window. I still get on my brother’s nerves while he tries to concentrate on his video games, I guess some people never grow up! I’m not the one to be throwing any stones though. I live in my own little 24)glasshouse.
  My fans from the shower think it’s great that I’m 25)on tour. My fan base has grown drastically over the years, from the shower, to my room and beyond and I have an obligation to keep them all entertained, don’t I?
  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some very loyal shampoo bottles waiting for me in the “Shower 26)auditorium.” It is never wise to keep good fans waiting!



  1) mustard  n. 芥末
  2) chorus  n. 合唱
  3) dentist  n. 牙医
  4) drag  v. 拉,拖
  5) drape  v. 悬挂,装饰
  6) hop  v. 单脚跳
  7) lecture  n. 长篇大论的讲话
  8) pop into 迅速地将某物放到某处
  9) retirement  n. 退休,引退
  10) eccentric  a. 古怪的
  11) shampoo  n. 洗发水
  12) squeaky  a. 吱吱响的
  13) rough  a. 困难的
  14) frustration  n. 沮丧
  15) sanctuary  a. 避难所
  16) imaginary  a. 想象的
  17) thoughtless  a. 欠考虑的
  18) fragile  a. 脆弱的
  19) ego  n. 自我
  20) sabbatical  a. 周期性休息的
  21) ignore  v. 忽视
  22) blast  v. 发出尖响的声音
  23) compliment  n. 赞扬
  24) glasshouse  n. 玻璃房,暖房
  25) on tour 巡回演唱
  26) auditorium  n. 礼堂

  Sparking Sparkles (4)

  CNN电视台的高级政治分析员Jeff Greenfield分析商业在美国的重要性。
  In large measure, I think the dreams that 1)animate Americans and the tens of millions who have ever risked everything to become Americans have always been as much about work and 2)prosperity as they’ve been about liberty. This country has become almost 3)obsessed with the business of business. Every day, it seems another 25-year-old billionaire 4)reveals himself as the blood pressure of career middle-aged, middle-management types 5)soars higher than a Silicon Valley 6)IPO.

  鲜花、掌声、喝彩,明星的生活何其夺目,但美国著名乡村摇滚歌星Jimmy Buffett却毫不讳言:
  It’s been wonderful for me and I feel so 7)privileged to have fans that are that loyal, but on some days I want to go to tell ‘em: Get a life now! It’s just made up!

  诺贝尔文学奖得主Toni Morrison谈论她作品中反映的主要题材--种族关系:
  I feel that white people will betray me, that in the final 8)analysis they’ll give me up. If the 9)trucks pass and they have to make a choice, they’ll put me on that truck. By the way there are lots of black people who put me on that truck also, so I’m not trying to
  10)demonize the white race. It’s just a kind of 11)constant 12) vigilance and awareness that maybe these relationships can go just so far.

  企业财务教授Stephen Carbene提醒现代社会的人们“莫等闲,时不我待”:
  Today it is people, people, people, and speed, speed, speed. If you take your time or 13)hesitate the world can just pass you by.

  通用电气前总裁杰克·韦尔奇的助理Rosanne Badowski谈为人处世的一种方式:
  It is if you go in there with the 14)intent that you think you are going to manage some other person or change them or sway them to do things differently, you might help them but that’s just it’s not going to happen.

  Money has always talked in America, but my main answer is no. Do billionaire 15)activitists, so to speak, to coin that phrase there or use that phrase there, are they moving markets? I’m not seeing any 16)evidence of that.

  体育商家Pat Croce的看法是给所有受挫者的最好鼓励:
  I can go from a 17)row home in north Philadelphia and stand in the presence of the team in their locker room then I believe that everyone can achieve their dreams and goals. But it takes dreams and goals and it takes the 18)willpower and the 19)guts and the courage and the positive 20)attitude and the 21)persistence because people are going to 22)slam doors in your face. You gotta say OK, there’s other doors, there’s other 23) hallways, and you just keep coming. If you believe in yourself and you believe in your ability to achieve your dream, good 24) stuff happens.

  1) animate  v. 激励,鼓舞
  2) prosperity  n. 繁荣,兴旺
  3) obsess  v. 迷住,使困扰
  4) reveal  v. 展现,显示
  5) soar  v. 骤升,腾越
  6) IPO: Initial Public Offering 首期公开发行股票(上市)
  7) privileged  a. 有荣幸的
  8) analysis  n. 分析,分解
  9) truck  n. 日本人的卡车,用来装运将被屠杀的人(文中采用比喻说法)
  10) demonize  v. 使成为魔鬼
  11) constant  a. 不断的,持续的
  12) vigilance  n. 警戒,警惕
  13) hesitate  v. 犹豫,踌躇
  14) intent  n. 目的,意图
  15) activitist  n. 活跃者
  16) evidence  n. 明显,迹象
  17) row home费城的排房,居住的主要是低收入的人
  18) willpower  n. 毅力,意志力
  19) guts  n. 勇气,决心
  20) attitude  n. 态度,意见
  21) persistence  n. 坚持,持续
  22) slam  v. 砰地关上,冲击
  23) hallway  n. 走廊
  24) stuff  n. 物质,素材

  1)Barbara Pierce Bush
  Commencement Address at 2)Wellesley College

  Wellesley, you see, is not just a place but an idea --an experiment in excellence in which 3)diversity is not just 4)tolerated, but is 5)embraced. The 6)essence of this spirit was 7)captured in a moving speech about tolerance given last year by a student body president of one of your sister colleges. She related the story by Robert Fulghum about a young 8)pastor, finding himself in charge of some very 9)energetic children, hits upon a game called “Giants, Wizards, and 10)Dwarfs.” “You have to decide now,” the pastor 11)instructed the children, “Which you are -- a giant, a wizard or a dwarf?” At that, a small girl tugging at his pants leg, asked, “But where do the 12)mermaids stand?” And the pastor tells her there are no mermaids. And she says, “Oh yes, there are. I am a mermaid.”
  Where do the mermaids stand? All of those who are different, those who do not fit the boxes and the 13)pigeonholes? “Answer that question,” wrote Fulghum, “and you can build a school, a nation, or a whole world.” As that very wise young woman said, “Diversity, like anything worth having, 14)requires effort. Effort to learn about and respect difference, to be 15)compassionate with one another, to 16)cherish your own 17)identity, and to accept 18)unconditionally the same in others.”
  You should all be very proud that this is the Wellesley spirit. You have a first class education from a first class school. And so you need not, probably cannot, live a “paint-by-numbers” life. Decisions are not 19)irrevocable. Choices do come back. And as you 20)set off from Wellesley, I hope that many of you will consider making three very special choices.
  The first is to believe in something larger than yourself, to 21)get involved in some of the big ideas of our time. I chose 22)literacy because I honestly believe that if more people could read, write and comprehend, we would be that much closer to solving so many of the problems that 23)plague our nation and our society.
  And 24)early on I made another choice, which I hope you’ll make as well. Whether you are talking about education, career, or service, you’re talking about life -- and life really must have joy. It’s supposed to be fun! Find the joy in life, because as 25)Ferris Bueller said on his day off, “Life moves pretty fast; and if ya don’t stop and look around once in a while, ya gonna miss it!”
  The third choice that must not be missed is to cherish your human connections: your relationships with family and friends. For several years, you’ve had impressed upon you the importance to your career, 26)dedication and hard work. And, of course, that’s true. But as important as your 27)obligations as a doctor, a lawyer, a business leader will be, you are a human being first. And those human connections -- with 28)spouses, with children, with friends -- are the most important 29)investment you will ever make.
  At the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, winning one more 30)verdict, or not closing one more deal. You will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend or a parent. Your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house.
  For over fifty years, it was said that the winner of Wellesley’s annual hoop race would be the first to get married. Now they say, the winner will be the first to become a CEO. Both of those 31)stereotypes show too little tolerance for those who want to know where the mermaids stand. So I want to offer a new legend: the winner of the hoop race will be the first to realize her dream -- not society’s dreams -- her own personal dream.



  1) Barbara Pierce Bush 前美国第一夫人,现任总统小布什的母亲。
  2) Wellesley College 韦尔斯利学院。位于美国马萨诸塞州的著名女子文理学院,素有“没有男子的常春藤”之称,从这里走出的著名女性不胜枚举。前美国第一夫人希拉里就在这里度过了她的大学时光
  3) diversity  n. 差异,多样性
  4) tolerate  v. 忍受,容忍
  5) embrace  v. 拥抱,包含
  6) essence  n. 本质,精髓
  7) capture  v. 捕捉,夺取
  8) pastor  n. (主管教堂的)牧师(尤指非国教派牧师)
  9) energetic  a. 精力充沛的,积极的
  10) dwarf  n. 矮子,侏儒
  11) instruct  v. 教导,指示
  12) mermaid  n. (传说中的)美人鱼
  13) pigeonhole  n. 鸽巢,分类架
  14) require  v. 需要,要求
  15) compassionate  a. 有同情心的,慈悲的
  16) cherish  v. 珍爱,珍惜
  17) identity  n. 身份,特征
  18) unconditionally  av. 无条件地,无限制地
  19) irrevocable  a. 不能取消的,不可挽回的
  20) set off 出发,动身
  21) get involved in 参与
  22) literacy  n. 有文化,会读会写
  23) plague  v. 折磨,使苦恼
  24) early on 在早期,早先
  25) Ferris Bueller 费里斯·巴勒,美国80年代一部电视连续剧《今天不是读书天》(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)的导演
  26) Dedication  n. 奉献,献身
  27) obligation  n. 义务,职责
  28) spouse  n. 配偶(夫或妻)
  29) investment  n. 投资,可获利的东西
  30) verdict  n. (陪审团的)裁定,定论
  31) stereotype  n. 陈规,老套

  Vitality of your voice

  Do you remember the most boring thing about a boring teacher? Wasn’t it the voice that 1)droned on and on with little evidence of interest much less 2)enthusiasm. Think about the teacher you loved. You probably don’t remember any specific material from that class, but I’ll bet you remember the interest and energy of that teacher.
  This aspect of speech “vocal 3)vitality” makes all the difference in how much people are going to be attracted to the sound of your voice.
  Teachers and 4)announcers, lawyers, salespersons, they’re all keenly aware of the importance of vocal vitality. But I think everybody wants to sound lively and interesting. This vocal vitality is related to energy level. If a person has too much energy in their speech, it may be spoken very rapidly. There will be an 5)explosive quality to their speech, as if SOME WORDS were 6)PUNCHED OUT. I’d like you to hear a woman who’s a radio 7)personality:
  “They 8)consulted, especially because I almost died this last time. I mean it was so, and to have someone that... doctors can’t stand it because they can’t stand it to have somebody who’s clearly that ill...”
  All right, did you notice how rapidly her words poured out? Certain words were over emphasized. This is what gives it a punchy quality. And did you notice the many false starts in her sentences? As if she’s starting to talk before she knows what it is she wants to say. This makes her speech sound 9)choppy. So while we all agree that liveliness and warmth are good things, it’s also possible to have too much of these good things and end up with an 10)aggressive kind of speaking style. Now compare that voice with this one:
  “My mother ... is ... very ... typical mother ... She worked ... For after I got into say junior high school...”
  Here is a 11)constricted measured voice, not musical, no variety, no expression. He sounds depressed. While the first speaker 12)assaulted you with too much energy, the second sounds as if he might be sick, but it ain’t necessarily so. It can be a speaking habit that a person can learn to change.
  Both of the people you’ve just listened to are very successful and 13)accomplished in their 14)respective fields. You may have made other judgements about their personalities based on their vocal vitality. Energy is one of the most vivid features of your voice image, and you should be concerned about this sense of vitality because it adds markedly to your image as a 15)responsive healthy and interested person. And while too much energy can be 16)overwhelming to some people, too little bores everybody.



  1) drone  v. 单调低沉地说
  2) enthusiasm  n. 热情,热心
  3) vitality  n. 活力,生动性
  4) announcer  n. 电(视)台播音员
  5) explosive  a. 爆发的,爆炸性的
  6) punch  v. 用力推进
  7) personality  n. 人物,名人,个性
  8) consult  v. 交换意见,商讨
  9) choppy  a. 不连贯的,猛地一动一停的
  10) aggressive  a. 挑衅的,进攻性的
  11) constricted  a. 受约束的,抑制的
  12) assault  v. 攻击,袭击
  13) accomplished  a. 有造诣的,有才艺的
  14) respective  a. 分别的,各自的
  15) responsive  a. 响应的,作出回应的
  16) overwhelming  a. 压倒性的,无法抵挡的

  School Crisis: Girls Dominate

  Remember when girls became nurses and not doctors, 1)stenographers not C.E.O.s, teachers not 2)principals? Well, that’s not the way it is anymore. Today, school 3)districts report that boys are 4)withdrawing from the life of schools and girls are taking over, and we wanted to find out why.
  Girls don’t necessary get 5)teased as much if they do well.
  I think that boys are more, you know, expected to be the star athletes, you know, to bring home the football title.
  I think maybe girls are a little more 6)goal-orientated where guys in general are more apt to go with the flow. Like, well, if I do well in high school, that’s great; if I don’t, OK, that’s fine.
  I mean, I do think there will be a problem if it continues this way, ‘cause the boys just keep 7)sliding further and further back.
  All the 8)rhetoric in the 9)gender 10)equity movement is about how schools 11)short-changed girls. There was almost nothing about how we could reach out to boys. In order to advance girls, they 12)exaggerated how 13)vulnerable girls were and they 14)understated the needs of boys. They 15)depicted boys as usual privileged 16)beneficiaries of a 17)patriarchal society.
  I can’t say that boys are more short-changed. I can say that boys and girls are being short-changed in our schools today. I am not in favor of saying that girls are to get anything over boys. Most people understand that gender equity is about making sure that both boys and girls have equal 18)access to educational 19)opportunities. I think, yes, you can say that both boys and girls still have a way to go.
  I do not think that 20)feminism has ruined the lives of boys. Where are the men? Why aren’t men 21)advocating for boys? Boys are 22)demigods, but not for their 23)academic work.

  Girls Are Taking Over!
  A: Girls are 1)taking over? Well, I think that this news will make many of our Crazy English female fans very happy...
  B: I agree. But also, this has been happening for a while. Girl students are 2)outshining the boys: learning faster, studying harder. This is true even in the math and sciences.
  A: Maybe girls are studying harder, yes. But learning faster? I don’t know... However, to study harder does mean that someone will remember more and will likely get higher scores on examination. Studying is just so important.
  B: Yes, I know. 3)No pain, no gain. These girls know -- as do many boys -- that their hard work and efforts now will 4)pay off in the future... For example, good job, more money...
  A: But, people are different. Life is more important than school...
  B: ...
  A: ...
  B: ...


  1) stenographer  n. 速记员
  2) principal  n. 校长
  3) district  n. 区域,地方
  4) withdraw  v. 撤退,离开
  5) tease  v. 取笑,奚落
  6) goal-orientated  a. 目标定向
  7) slide  v. 滑动,滑行
  8) rhetoric  n. 言语,巧辩
  9) gender  n. 性,性别
  10) equity  n. 公平,公正
  11) short-change  v. 忽略,忽视
  12) exaggerate  v. 夸张,夸大
  13) vulnerable  a. 脆弱的,易受伤害的
  14) understate  v. 打着折扣地说,有意轻描淡写
  15) depict  v. 描写,描绘
  16) beneficiary  n. 受惠者,受益人
  17) patriarchal  a. 男人统治下的
  18) access  n. 通路,进入之路径或权利
  19) opportunity  n. 机会,时机
  20) feminism  n. 男女平等主义,女权运动
  21) advocate  v. 主张,提倡
  22) demigod  n. 受崇拜的人,小神
  Girls are talking over!
  1) take over 取而代之,取得主导地位
  2) outshine  v. 比……更亮,胜过
  3) No pain, no gain. 一份耕耘,一份收获。(谚语)
  4) pay off 得到好结果,取得成功

  I'm With You

  I’m standing on a bridge
  I’m waiting in the dark
  I thought that you’d be here by now
  There’s nothing but the rain
  No footsteps on the ground
  I’m listening but there’s no sound

  Isn’t anyone trying to find me?
  Won’t somebody come take me home
  It’s a damn cold night
  Trying to figure out this life
  Won’t you take me by the hand
  Take me somewhere new
  I don’t know who you are but I
  I’m with you
  I’m with you

  I’m looking for a place
  I’m searching for a face
  Is anybody here I know
  ‘Cause nothing’s going right
  And everything’s a mess
  And no one likes to be alone

  Isn’t anyone trying to find me
  Won’t somebody come take me home

  It’s a damn cold night
  Trying to figure out this life
  Won’t you take me by the hand
  Take me somewhere new
  I don’t know who you are but I
  I’m with you
  I’m with you

  Why is everything so confusing
  Maybe I’m just out of my mind
  Yeah yeah ...



  我并不知道你是谁, 但我





  Decoding The Matrix

  Carrie-Anne Moss (“Trinity”): It’s very rare that you actually get to 1)merge what you do with what you believe in. The Matrix: we had a life changing experience making it and when you have that kind of experience, we had to come back.

  Now and Then
  Keanu Reeves ("Neo"): The first Matrix, we went out in Burbank in a kind of, I don’t even know what it was, an empty 2)warehouse?
  Carrie-Anne Moss: And we didn’t have anything there, we didn’t have a coffee maker there or we certainly didn’t have any 3)trailers or anywhere where we could sit and change, there was like one bathroom.
  Hugo Weaving (“Agent Smith”): Well, I remember I mean it was a big accomplishment to get a drawing board just to get them to write a check at that time, early on for a drafting table was a 4)commitment that they weren’t willing to make. And now we have this, you know, really wonderful facility, it’s really a dream come true.
  Carrie-Anne Moss: We know how hard it’s going to be, so it’s... we know the challenges we have ahead of us.
  Keanu Reeves: Well, the thing about it and it’s true the first one as well is that, you know, I love the material, I love the character and I love who I ended up working with, so that is something that regardless of what has to happen, it is just the, that’s the thing that kind of gets me through it.

  Philosophies of The Matrix
  Owen Paterson (Production Design): When I first read The Matrix, there was a great deal about that, I don’t know, the Eastern influence, that comic book influence that had been meshed into kind of Western philosophy.
  Keanu Reeves: A 5)synthesis from literature, from the exposure they had in the cinema, from their lives, from what they’re interested in, from what they find funny, from what they find cool.
  The Wachowski Brothers (Directors): We like the Kung Fu movies, we like Japan 6)animation, Japanimation. We like John Wu movies, and books, you know, that are science fiction and about the nature of reality.
  Joel Silver (Producer): They really have a grasp of philosophy, of all types of philosophy, of Eastern philosophy, of you know European philosophy.
  Keanu Reeves: Larry and Andrew said, “OK, we’d like you to play Thomas Anderson, Neo.” I had to read 7)Baudrillard; I had to read Out Of Control, which is about systems, evolution and robots. And then there was another book, which was Evolutionary Psychology. Those were three books that they wanted me to read before I even opened up the 8)script.
  Owen Paterson: Baudrillard’s ideas of 9)Simulacra 10)Simulation is an important point within the film, and that what we see in the film as a real object is in-fact 11)optical simulation.

  The Screenplay
  Lorenzo Bonaventura (Exec. V.P. of Warner Bros.): I read the Matrix script and really 12)flipped out for it. Thought it was fantastic, thought that as a script the first 40-50 pages were the best 40-50 pages I’d ever read. And then I got very confused.
  Bill Pope (Director of Photography): I have to say that I didn’t understand the script. I mean, I understood the script well, obviously I liked it. But every time I re-read it and every time we got closer, I understood more and more and more and more. I had questions forever and would constantly try to change the plot and they were “Now, Bill, Bill, Bill, you just don’t understand!”
  Laurence Fishburne (“Morpheus”): I have no idea why people who’ve read this script for the first Matrix found it confusing -- I don’t get that at all!
  John Gaeta (Visual Effect): Upon reading the script and seeing the 13)conceptuals, you know, at the same time, you know, the immediate reaction is umm... there is no chance in hell this movie will be made. There is a whole 14)slew of these scenes I see being 15)chopped out or left on the floor, there is just too unlike a large studio to take a chance on something that seems very alternative.
  Carrie-Anne Moss: It took me a lot of readings, a lot of conversations with everybody to fully understand the script. But I just remember thinking, I mean, they don’t really think I’m going to do this stuff like running, like jumping from one building to another. It’s like, well, no, of course nothing bad and like running sideways along the wall, cos everything was really specifically put in the script.

  The “Look” of The Matrix
  Owen Paterson: What we had to do really in the film was to establish I think 16)visually the difference between the matrix and the real world.
  Bill Pope: In the matrix everything was slightly 17)decayed, I think it was slightly 18)monolithic and grid-like, like a machine would make it. You notice some things about the interrogation room or the government’s office. There are 19)grids on the walls, there’s grids on the floor, there’s even grids in the ceiling. So that’s why we’re hoping that that will 20)convey a feeling of 21)artificial control, if you like.
  Kym Barrett (Costume Design): Owen and I 22)collaborated a lot on the strength of the tones of green in the matrix. Also we talked with Bill about, you know, when the light hits a certain 23)fabric or a certain leather, or how I could make it pick up green or how I could make it pick up different colours.
  John Gaeta: In the lab, we wanted to be much more about the human beings, and so we used longer lenses and sort of the backgrounds get all sort of soft and have the humans stand out more.
  Bill Pope: Their clothing is a little more humane and cloth-like and their makeup is more natural, their hair is more natural, they’re less styled.
  Owen Paterson: The matrix will always have a green 24)bias to it. Whereas in the real world we went for a blue bias, and we avoided green except for Tanks 25)console on the “Nebuchadnezzar”, which has got green code in it, which is of course the matrix. So all of those things which might not seem a great deal to anyone else, to anyone whose actually trying to work out the nuts and bolts of the film, it’s kind of like 26)revelations if you like.






  1) merge  v.合并
  2) warehouse  v. 货仓
  3) trailer  n. 拖车
  4) commitment  n. 委托事项
  5) synthesis  n. 综合,合成
  6) animation  n. 动画,动画片。
  7) Baudrillard全名Jean Baudrillard,法国后现代理论家。
  8) script  n. 剧本,手稿
  9) simulacra  n. simulacrum的复数形式,模拟物,假象。
  10) simulation  n. 模拟
  11) optical  a. 眼的,视力的
  12) flip out 疯狂
  13) conceptual  n. [哲]概念论
  14) a slew of [美国口语] 许多,大量
  15) chop  v. 砍
  16) visually  ad. 在视觉上地
  17) decayed  a. 衰败
  18) monolithic  a. 集成电路
  19) grid  n. 格子
  20) convey  v. 传达
  21) artificial  a. 人造的
  22) collaborate  v. 合作
  23) fabric  n. 织品
  24) bias  n. 偏爱
  25) console  n. 控制台
  26) revelation  n. 启示,揭示

  Lara Croft, The Tomb Raider

  Lara Croft is the 1)heroine of Tomb Raider, one of the most successful computer games of all time. With 26 million copies sold to date, Lara Croft is richer than the Queen of England. She’s appeared on more magazine covers than a 2)supermodel, the advertising industry can’t get enough of her. The government used Lara to promote British technology across the world.
  "This is before any work has begun on the game, before we have anyone else on the game except me basically. It was very clear that I wanted to make it a 3)feminine character, so to be feminine, I had to 4)exaggerate feminine characteristics. So for a start, gave her long hair but the only way that we could represent that in a game in any 5)considerable way would be to give her a 6)ponytail. To make her seem athletic, I need to give her a... basically, a 7)leotard. OK? Because she’s an adventurer, we need to give her something to put her goods and 8)chattels in so a 9)backpack had to be 10)strapped onto her back so, you know, so that was fine. The walking boots done at the bottom. The double gun 11)holsters, we clearly had to have her having that. The way the straps go across the leg which sort of make the whole leg more interesting. At the time it was generally 12)acknowledged that you had to have a male, a strong male character, that the male character had to be American, otherwise you wouldn’t sell to an American audience. And female characters just didn’t sell and also female characters at the time were being 13)portrayed in games that were in games often in 14)subsidiary roles. And they were very much like Loaded cover girls, they weren’t portrayed with any, I don’t think with any respect really, so I just wanted to turn all those sorts of things on their heads all the time. But making a very British female character that was an action hero that wasn’t 15)appealing to you know, base sexuality but was strong and you know powerful, it just seemed like it would sell... it seemed to me that it would sell. There were a few people who really thought that we were mad, but it turned out alright.”
  “There was pressure from us, from lots of different areas for people saying, look, you know, if you are just going to have a female, maybe put a option in for a male character, so you can have either one or the other. But we actually felt that it 16)diluted everything. It split the whole focus of the game up, it split it right down the middle. You know, there were things that you would just do with a male that you probably wouldn’t do with Lara. So we were very keen to make sure to keep the 17)essence of saying, look, this is a game and it’s going to have Lara in it, and or Lara as she was originally called. And she is going to be the single character that you play and you can 18)relate to that.
  When Tomb Raider was released in 1996, it was a sensation. And not just in teenage bedrooms, its sexy, sassy heroine had caught the public’s imagination. Lara Croft wasn’t just a character in a game, she was a celebrity and people wanted to know more...


  1) heroine  n. 女主人公,女英雄
  2) supermodel  n. 超级名模
  3) feminine  a. 女性的
  4) exaggerate  v. 夸张,夸大
  5) considerable  a. 相当可观的,值得考虑的
  6) ponytail  n. 马尾辫
  7) leotard  n. 紧身连衣裤
  8) chattel  n. 个人所有的杂物用品
  9) backpack  n. 背包
  10) strap  v. 皮带
  11) holster  n. 手枪用的皮套
  12) acknowledge  v. 承认
  13) portray  v. 描绘
  14) subsidiary  a. 辅助的,补充的
  15) appeal to 吸引
  16) dilute  v. 冲淡,变弱
  17) essence  n. 精髓
  18) relate to 涉及,联系

  "Let's Go to the Movies!"
  - A Speech Given by Tom Hanks at Accepting the AFI Life Achievement Awards
  Thank you! Thank you!
  There is a place on the moon, we’ve all heard of the Sea of 1)Tranquility, maybe the Ocean of Storms, the Fra Mauro Highlands - there’s an area of the moon called the Lake of Dreams. To have you all here tonight, to be 2)placed up with the names of the other honorees, turns out I’ve walked on the moon; I’ve explored the Lake of Dreams. It’s a good place because they all come true. You folks are just so 3)swell! (Laughter) You’re all so nice, you know.
  Hey, I got an idea -- let’s go to the movies! I wanna go to the movies. I want to take you all to the movies. Let’s go and experience the art of the cinema! Let’s begin with the Scream Of Fear, and we are going to 4)haunt us for the rest of our lives. And then let’s go see The Great Escape, and spend our summer jumping our bikes, just like we’ll McQueen, over 5)barb wire. And then let’s catch The Seven Samurai for some reason on 6)PBS and we feel like we can speak Japanese because we can read the 7)subtitles and hear the language at the same time. And then let’s lose sleep the night before we see 2001: A Space Odyssey because we have this idea it’s going to change forever the way we look at films. And then let’s go see it four times in one year. And let’s see Woodstock three times in one year and let’s see Taxi Driver twice in one week. And let’s see Close Encounters of the Third Kind just so we can freeze there in mid-popcorn. And when the kids are old enough, let’s sit them together on the sofa and screen City Lights and Stage Coach and The Best Years of Our Lives and On The Waterfront and Midnight Cowboy and Five Easy Pieces and The Last Picture Show and Raging Bull and Schlinder's List. (Applause) So that they can understand how the human condition can be captured by this 8)amalgam of light and sound and literature we call the cinema.
  What a great job! If you’re fortunate, you’re a part of cultural events, more immediate, more lasting and even more 9)enlightening than most anything else is that man has ever created. You get to make movies. The truth is that I have been blessed beyond the definition of good fortune for a long, long while for the most of my life. I’ve made friends like you all. I’ve become a better artist by 10)collaborating with each one of you. And if we haven’t worked together, I’ve seen your stuff and I’ve stolen from you. ( Laughter ) 11)Ripped you off.
  And I’ve been rewarded for my 12)larceny with my 13)longevity. You see, when you work in the movies, part of you gets to live forever. The idea that you can 14)single out one’s life achievement in work, of course, cannot be considered a 15)substitute for one’s achievements in life and there already my friends I have been blessed beyond deserving.
  And I’m here because of my wife, Rita Wilson. (Applause) As you’ve seen again and again just in tonight, she is the motivation of my best work. (Applause) I wish everyone could share their life with as good a friend, as passionate a lover, as close a partner, and as beautiful a woman, as I have been able to with the mate of my soul, Rita Wilson. (Applause)
  In order to cap off this once-in-a-life-time 16)beer bust you’ve thrown for me, I had to choose between two 17)distinctive quotes from a lesser example of the art of cinema, but a movie nonetheless. Two quotes from the film, That Thing You Do. Somewhere in, I don’t know, the 3rd or the 4th, I don’t know where, it’s somewhere in there. One quote is “Skitch, how did I get here?” and the other quote is “Table 19, your pizza is ready!” ( Laughter )
  I have great reason to say, God bless you all, God bless America! Thank you, and good night! (Applause)


  1) tranquility  n. 宁静
  2) place up with 放置
  3) swell  a. 了不起的,第一流的
  4) haunt  v. 萦绕,闹鬼
  5) barb  n.倒刺
  6) PBS 美国公共广播公司,即Public Broadcasting Service。
  7) subtitle  n. 字幕
  8) amalgam  n. 混合物
  9) enlightening  a. 启蒙的
  10) collaborate  v. 合作
  11) rip sb. off 模仿,偷窃
  12) larceny  n. 盗窃罪
  13) longevity  n. 长命
  14) single out 从一群当中挑选
  15) substitute  n. 替代品
  16) beer bust (美国俚语)啤酒盛宴
  17) distinctive  a. 与众不同的,有特色的

  My Big Fat Greek Wedding

  Dad: You’d better get married soon, you, you starting to look old!
  My dad’s been saying that to me since I was fifteen. Cos nice sweet girls are supposed to do three things in life: Marry Greek boys, make Greek babies and feed everyone until the day we die.
  When I was growing up, I knew I was different: The other girls were 1)blonde and 2)delicate and I was a 3)swarthy six-year-old with 4)sideburns. I so badly wanted to be like the popular girls. All sitting together, talking, eating their Wonder Bread sandwiches.
  Blonde Girl: What’s that?
  Toula: It’s moussaka.
  Blonde Girl: Moose Kaka? Ha, ha...
  And while the pretty girls got to go to Brownies, I had to go to Greek school. (Greek) At Greek school, I learned valuable lessons like if Nick has one goat and Maria has nine, how soon will they marry? (Greek)
  My mom was always cooking food filled with warmth and wisdom and never forgetting that 5)side dish of steaming hot guilt.
  Mom: Nico, don’t play with your food, when I was your age, we didn’t have food!
  Toula: Mom?
  Mom: What?
  Toula: Why do I have to go to Greek school?
  Mom: When you get married, don’t you want to be able to write your mother-in-law a letter? Nico, come on, eat!
  We lived in a normal middle-class Chicago neighborhood of  6)tasteful modest homes. Our house, however, was 7)modeled after the 8)Parthenon, complete with 9)Corinthian 10)columns and guarded by statues of the gods. In case the neighbors had any doubts about our 11)heritage, they could just check out our subtle 12)tribute to the Greek flag.
  My dad believed in only two things, that Greeks should educate non-Greeks about being Greek, and that any 13)ailment -- from 14)psoriasis to poison 15)ivy -- could be cured with Windex.
  Six years later, I was 12, Athena, my older perfect sister was 15 and my brother, Nick, was 11. Every morning, my dad would lecturer us on the history of our people the greatest civilization, the Greeks.
  Dad: OK, now name three things the Greeks did first.
  Athena: Astronomy, philosophy and democracy.
  Dad: Bravo! Very good!
  I wish I had a different life. I wish I was braver and prettier or just happy, but it’s useless to dream, because nothing ever changes.
  Toula: (Answers the phone) Hi, Michalengelo’s Travel Agency, may I help you? Well sure, that’s what we do. Absolutely, Oh right. Sure. Well, what you can do is book it now, I can reserve the seat for you. Be with you in a second. That would be no problem. All right. Just call me back when you are ready to book. OK, thank you! Bye-bye.
  Ian: Hi!
  Toula: Hi! Did you want to see some 16)brochures? Huh! (Fallsdown.) Found them!
  (Church organ)


  1) blonde  a. 金发碧眼的
  2) delicate  a. 精巧的
  3) swarthy  a. 黑皮肤的
  4) sideburns  n. 连鬓胡子,鬓角
  5) side dish  n. 正菜外的附加菜
  6) tasteful  a. 有鉴赏力的
  7) model  v. 模仿
  8) Parthenon  n. 帕特农神庙
  9) Corinthian  n. 科林斯式
  10) column  n. 柱子
  11) heritage  n. 传统,遗产
  12) tribute  n. 供品
  13) ailment  n. 疾病
  14) psoriasis  n. 牛皮藓
  15) ivy  n. 常春藤
  16) brochure  n. 小册子

  Catch Me If You Can

  FBI Agent: I'd like you to take a look at something for me. Tell me what you think.
  Frank: That’s a 1)fake.
  FBI Agent: How do you know? You haven’t looked at it.
  Frank: Well, there’s no 2)perforated edge, right? I mean, this check was hand cut, not fed. Yeah. Paper’s double 3)bonded, much too heavy to be a bank check. 4)Magnetic ink, it’s raising against my fingers instead of flat. And this doesn’t smell like liquor, it’s some kind, you know, some kind of a drafting ink, you know, the kind you get at a 5)stationery store.
  FBI Agent: Frank, would you be interested in working with the FBI’s Financial Crimes Unit?



  1) fake  n. 假货
  2) perforated  a. 穿孔的
  3) bonded  a. 证券的
  4) magnetic  a. 磁性的
  5) stationery  n. 文具

  The Bourne Identity

  Jason: I can’t remember anything that happened before two weeks ago.
  Marie: Lucky you.
  Jason: No, I’m serious. I don’t know who I am, I don’t know where I’m going. None of it.
  Marie: What, really, 1)amnesia?
  Jason: Yes.
  Marie: Amnesia?
  Jason: Yes.


  1) amnesia  n. 失忆

  8 Mile

  Look, if you had one 1)shot, one opportunity
  To 2)seize everything you ever wanted. One moment
  Would you capture it or just let it 3)slip?

  Yo, his palms are 4)sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
  There’s 5)vomit on his sweater already, Mom’s 6)spaghetti
  He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
  To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin?
  What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
  He opens his mouth, but the words won’t come out
  He’s chokin’, how, everybody’s jokin now
  The clock’s 7)run out, time’s up over, bloah!
  8)Snap back to reality

  Oh there goes 9)gravity
  Oh, there goes Rabbit, he 10)choked
  He’s so mad, but he won’t give up that
  Is he? No

  He won’t have it, he knows his whole back city’s 11)ropes
  It don’t matter, he’s dope
  He knows that, but he’s 12)broke
  He’s so 13)stacked that he knows
  When he goes back to his 14)mobile home, that’s when it’s
  Back to the lab again yo
  This whole rap city
  He better go capture this moment and hope it don’t pass him

  *You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
  You own it, you better never let it go
  You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
  This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo (Repeat *)

  The soul’s escaping, through this hole that it’s gaping
  This world is mine for the taking
  Make me king, as we move toward a new world order
  A normal life is borin? but 15)superstardom’s close to 16)postmortem
  It only grows harder, only grows hotter
  He blows us all over, these hoes is all on him
  Coast to coast shows, he’s known as the 17)globetrotter
  Lonely roads, God only knows
  He’s grown farther from home, he’s no father
  He goes home and barely knows his own daughter
  But hold your nose cuz here goes the cold water

  His bosses don’t want him no mo, he’s cold product
  They moved on to the next schmo who flows
  He nose dove and sold nada
  So the soap opera is told and unfolds
  I suppose it’s old partner, but the 18)beat goes on
  Da da dum da dum da da








  1) shot  n. 赌胜的机会
  2) seize  v. 抓住
  3) slip  v. 滑过,摆脱
  4) sweaty  a. 出汗的
  5) vomit  n. 呕吐物
  6) spaghetti  n. 意大利面条
  7) run out 用完,离开
  8) snap  v. 猛地中断
  9) gravity  n. 重力
  10) choke  v. 呼吸困难
  11) ropes  n. 内情,规则,做法
  12) broke  a. 不名一文的
  13) stacked  a. 勃然大怒的
  14) mobile home 由汽车拖拉的活动房屋
  15) superstardom  n. 超级巨星的地位
  16) postmortem  n. 对失败或不愉快事情的事后剖析和检讨
  17) globetrotter  n. 世界观光旅行家
  18) beat  n. 节拍

  Music for Everybody

  I think the album, The Piano Player, is quite interesting.  It’s quite 1)dynamic, we have the pure classical pieces, we have pop classical pieces, we have easy listening music of pieces of 2)Tonci Huljic and as well we have film music, so it like music for everybody, something for everybody.
  We are here now on 3)Havana on Cuba and we are shooting the video for my new single, “The Flight of the 4)Bumble-Bee.” Because it’s something very different, because we have a boxer, we have a 5)ballet dancer then it’s... and we were shooting in one very special room, you know, it’s like all really all room with all mirrors. I think it will be very interesting.
  I’ve started to play piano when I was nine. My first piano was brown and over a hundred years old.
  When the war began I was like fifteen and there was some quite difficult times because it was quite a hard bombing in my city. And we didn’t have a school practically for two years. So we were just practising in the basement of the music school and I remember the dust falling from the ceiling while we were practising.
  The “6)Rhapsody of Paganini Theme”, it’s one of the most beautiful pieces ever written for classical piano. That’s the piece which I wanted to have on my 7)repertoire. It was experience for me to do a Rachmaninoff because it was the first time I had to learn this piece in, like ten days and it’s a really difficult piece. I had to learn it, go to London, record it in the studio and I never saw the scores before, you know. So it was like a big challenge for me.
  It’s very modern, it’s very experimental, there are so many interesting sounds, you know mixed with this beautiful piece, it’s really special for me. Many variations. But the slow one, I think it’s 21st, it’s wonderful piece of music.
  The track “8)Exodus” is originally from the movie Exodus, which is really old movie. It’s quite interesting music and it was produced and it was arranged for two pianos, so four hands. Four-hand piece and I recorded two pianos and then we put it in one, so it sounds like really big sound of the piano. I can actually perform this track live because also made an arrangement for one piano so they put these two arrangements in one. It’s much more difficult than separate pianos but it’s OK.
  When I perform live for me it’s much better because there is this special feeling, special connection with the audience.
  There is was one track on this album which is “Croatian Rhapsody” and it was originally written for me by a Croatian composer Tonci Huljic. It’s wonderful piece because it has a real characteristics of Croatian music. You can hear it with Croatian harmonies and Croatian dance. So I like this track especially.



  1) dynamic  a. 动态的
  2) Tonci Huljic: 彤奇·胡里奇,克罗地亚作曲家
  3) Havana  n. 哈瓦那(古巴首都)
  4) bumble-bee  n. 野蜂,大蜂
  5) ballet  n. 芭蕾舞,舞剧
  6) rhapsody  n. 狂想曲。这首曲子的全名是Rachmaninoff’s Rhapsody On A Theme Of Paganini
  7) repertoire  n. (剧团、演员、歌手等的)全部剧目,全部节目
  8) Exodus  n. (古代以色列人)出埃及;基督教《圣经》中的《出埃及记》

  March into Nashville

  A little later tonight, the Grammy Awards will be presented. And one of the nominees in country is a band that calls itself Bering Strait, whose sound is as pure and clean as the smell of fresh cut 1)bluegrass. It’s their first big break after five years of knocking on doors in 2)Nashville. Bering Strait named after the 3)waterway that divides Russia from America, but Bering Strait, the band does the opposite. It connects them.
  That 4)straightforward style is the stuff of country music legend. But make way 5)Hank Williams and Patsy Cline make room for Natasha, Sergei, Sasha, Alexander, Ilya and Lydia.
  The sound may be down home American, but Bering Strait is pure Russian. Natasha Borzilova is the lead singer. It’s been her steady job since childhood. Ilya Toshinsky is the band’s founding member. He’s been dreaming of making it big in American country since he was 15. The parents all wanted the same things for their kids: good education, rewarding careers and 6)rigorous classical music education. For Bering Strait, that discipline did not lead to bronze, it led to bluegrass.
  And in 1998, they came here to the Jerusalem of country music, to Nashville, Tennessee where vast fortunes are made singing of heartbreak and loss.
  For half a century dreamers, coal-miners’ daughters have joined the pilgrims on the 7)trek, but none of them have traveled quite the geographic and cultural distance as these kids.
  Once in Nashville, they thought they struck gold. They got a record deal and it fell through, then another, their timing couldn’t have been worse. Musical 8)boomtown Nashville went into the biggest slump in its history and the child stars from Russia became just one more group without a 9)gig. In five years, four labels picked up the band but collapsed before they could put out a record.
  Today a musician, tomorrow unemployed. A parental remark as old as time, but so far they’re still working. One reason is raw talent. But like most country bands their biggest kick is playing for that 10)Grand Ole Opry audience. It’s yet another irony of the band’s story that when they do play live the 11)showstopper is not country in western; it’s country in eastern -- an old Russian folk song called “Porushka” set to a bluegrass beat.
  Talent and perseverance seem to be paying off-in January 12)the Grammy nomination, the release of their first CD and “Bering Strait” the documentary and an invitation to New York and a date at 13)B.B. King’s Club in Times Square. For any band to make it this far is an achievement; for the six kids from Obninsk, win or lose at tonight’s Grammies, they have already hit the 14)jackpot.


  1) bluegrass  n. 早熟禾;蓝草音乐(一种复调乡土音乐,用未经扩音的弦乐器演奏)
  2) Nashville  n. 纳什维尔(美国田纳西州首府)
  3) waterway  n. 水路,排水沟
  4) straightforward  a. 简单的,易懂的
  5) Hank Williams and Patsy Cline: 汉克·威廉姆斯,1923年出生于美国亚拉巴马州,他为乡村音乐的发展和流传做出了巨大的贡献。佩茜·克莱恩,1932年出生于美国弗吉尼亚州,著名乡村音乐艺术家,被誉为二十世纪五、六十年代的流行歌后
  6) rigorous  a. 严格的
  7) trek  n. 艰苦跋涉
  8) boomtown  n. (美)新兴城市
  9) gig  n. (美俚)活儿
  10) Grand Ole Opry: 乡村老大剧院,在田纳西州的纳什维尔市,为乡村音乐的圣地
  11) showstopper  n. 因为特别精彩而被掌声打断的表演
  12) 这里指“白令海峡”获第45届格莱美“最佳乡村乐演奏”( Best Country Instrumental Performance )提名
  13) B.B.King是二十世纪后半叶吉他领域里的权威人物,是这个时代布鲁斯音乐的领导者之一。
  14) jackpot  n. (桥牌)累积赌注,累积奖金

  We're Still Here

  (Bradley is awaken by the alarm early in the morning.)
  Bradley: Ahh not now, not now man. Ahhh. What a dream! Wait till you hear about this one, bro. Just me, on a desert island with Jennifer Lopez. Just a fridge full of chocolate 1)mousse. Humm... or was it coconut? Ahh I can’t remember. Anyway I was just about to taste it. Then the alarm clock had to spoil it. But anyways, what a dream! Eh bro? Paul?
  (Bradley opens his eyes and realizes that Paul has left Spain yesterday. Later he comes to the dinning hall.)
  Maria: Right up.
  Jon: That is fantastic, you make a great Spanish 2)omelet Maria.
  Maria: Be surprised...
  Hannah: 3)Yummy, Paul, pass us the err...(realizing Paul is not here) his flight will be about to land right now.
  Bradley: I wonder what the flight was like.
  Jon: Guys, come on, it was Paul’s decision to leave and he seemed happy enough, so we should just move on.
  Bradley: It seems really weird without him.
  Rachel: Yeah, well he did leave yesterday. It’s going to take some getting use to.
  Tina: But we’ll be fine.
  Jon: Fine.
  Hannah: Will we?
  Maria: Hannah, why aren’t you eating? Is there something wrong with the food?
  Tina: No, it’s not the food, Maria, it’s Paul. He’s gone.
  Jon: And you know, we just miss him a bit. Some of us really miss him.
  (They meet their manager Simon later.)
  Simon: And now, tomorrow we have a press conference to officially announce Paul’s departure. And to emphasize the fact that the band will continue. Now the question is, under what name?
  Jon: What do you mean?
  Simon: Well err... it probably hasn’t escaped your notice but you’re called S-Club 7, and now there are only six of you, which gives us two choices, either we can ask Ricky Martin to join the band or we can rename you.
  Hannah: Ricky will never replace Paul.
  Rachel: Oh...Hang on a minute, don’t be too hasty about this.
  Simon: The Ricky thing was a joke.
  Hannah: Thanks.
  Bradley: How about “Bradley and the others”?
  Jo: Don’t push me, Brad.
  Simon: OK, OK, I after 4)consulting with the record company, we’ve come up with two options for this: S-Club or S-Club 6.
  Jon: S-Club 6, now that’s got a ring to it.
  Jo: Ooohh...
  Hannah: No Jon, that’ll just keep us reminded of Paul.
  Tina: How?
  Hannah: Well because when we say we are called S-Club 6, people will go “Well, didn’t you used to be called S-Club 7”?
  Tina: Humm...
  Hannah: And then we’ll have to say, yeah, because Paul’s left.
  Tina: OK, so we call it S-Club then.
  Bradley: Sounds a bit weird.
  Jo: No, I actually quite like it.
  Rachel: Yeah, I think it’s cool.
  Hannah: No, it completely changes the whole name of the band.
  Jon: That’s because we are a completely different band, Hanna, we’re S-Club now.
  Hannah: True, humm... but it’s not that good.
  Jon: Well no were one down, but you know we can’t be S-Club 7 anymore.
  (The team member begins to quarrel.)
  Simon: What do you usually do when you have a big decision to make?
  Hannah: Well we...
  Bradley: We call Paul...
  Rachel: And then Paul sums up the good points and the bad points and then we have a vote.
  Simon: That’s great. It’s just that you know Paul were here, you wouldn’t have to rename the band, now would we? Hey how about this, I got a... I got a... How about something 5)wacky? You know like, err... Like “The Flying 6)Hamsters”?
  All: Oh... come on...
  Rachel: You are joking...
  Tina: This place is coming together as a band.
  Jo: You’re startin’..
  Jon: I’m not starting.
  Jo: I’m givin’ it no mouth. Why don’t we just go with S Club, S Club’s fine.
  Bradley: I think that we should just umm...
  Simon: What?
  Bradley: I think that we should just 7)sleep on it.
  Rachel: Good one, Brad!
  Jon: Very helpful.


  1) mousse  n. 甜奶油冻
  2) omelet  n. 煎蛋卷(鸡蛋捣碎后混入奶酪、蔬菜、果子冻或火腿肉末后做成)
  3) yummy  a. 美味的,滋味好的
  4) consult  v. 商量,协商
  5) wacky  a. (俚语)荒谬的;乖癖的
  6) hamster  n. 仓鼠
  7) sleep on it: 把问题留到第二天再解决

  Recovering Market

  While 1)slumping CD sales have meant tough times for the music industry, it’s getting some back up from an unlikely source.
  The music business has never been more commercial than it is right now.  Dirty Vegas’ “Days Go By” might have been a 2)bygone if it had never been featured in this 3)spot for the Mitsubishi 4)Eclipse. The commercial 5)catapulted the previous obscure song into the top 15 and help it 6)nab a Grammy nomination for Best Dance Recording.
  Scott Shannon is the morning DJ and program director for New York’s 7)WPLJ.
  Shannon (WPLJ Program Director): When that song by Dirty Vegas started to hit, we started playing it immediately and people “hey what it that, I heard that on television.”
  It’s the latest music industry trick to get air play and more importantly to sell CDs. Over the past two years, CD sales have 8)plummeted by more than 100 million units: 785 million discs were sold in 2000 compared to just 681 million last year. At the same time that more people are downloading and sharing tunes online, it’s becoming more expensive to produce and promote CDs. So much so that Sony Entertainment lost $132 million dollars in the first half of its fiscal year. The Dirty Vegas commercial was such a hit that Mitsubishi followed it up with a spot for the Outlander featuring another so called electronic song, “Breathe.” The tune by a new group called Telepop Music is now on several billboard playlists.
  Pierre Cachoh (Mitsubishi Motors N.A. Pres. & CEO): The most powerful 9)bloop is when a DJ comes out of a radio and says “and now the Mitsubishi song.” It’s hard to explain the phenomenon: what we were so pleased with is that we know we are breaking through when these songs become popular.
  And car companies are not the only ones driving the trend. 10)Target stores recently hit the bull’s eye during the holiday shopping season with its commercial featuring a remake of the “Christmas Song” with Stevie Wonder and neo soul artist India. Arie. Target’s unexpected return on the investment is a Grammy nomination for Best Pop 11)Collaboration With Vocals. It’s the first time a song recorded specifically for commercial has received the honor. 12)Veteran artists besides Stevie Wonder are also benefiting from the concept.
  During the Superbowl, Celine Dion launched her partnership with Chrysler with a cover of 13)Cyndi Lauper’s “Drove All Night.” Chrysler hopes the campaign will accelerate sales of its vehicles while Dion hopes it builds buzz for her new CD, which hits stores next month.
  Volkswagen is also caught the buzz putting up fresh musician named Ben Neill in its commercials.
  Ben Neill (Musician): There is a real kind of 14)convergence between a brand, an ad agency and a record company. And it’s worked out really well for me.
  Time wise not too long ago if a recording artist sold their music just to be used in a commercial, it was considered selling out. Now it’s turned into a way of selling more.

  夏侬(WPLJ电台节目总监): 德迪·维加斯的歌一经推出,我们立即播放他们的歌。人们很惊奇地说,那是什么歌?我在电视上听到过。
  皮埃尔·卡赫(三菱汽车公司): 最愚蠢的行为莫过于一个DJ跳出来说,现在是三菱公司推出的歌曲。很难解释这样的现象,当这些歌曲广为流行的时候,我们知道我们取得了突破--这正是我们乐意看到的。
  本·尼尔(音乐家): 在品牌广告代理商和唱片公司之间存在一种真正的一致性。对我来说,这确实很有效果。

  1) slump  v. (物价等)暴跌;萧条
  2) bygone  n. 过去的事情,往事
  3) spot  n. 插在广播(或电视节目)间的简短广告(或通知)
  4) eclipse  n. 被遮蔽;(声明、威望等)黯然失色
  5) catapult  n. 弹弓
  6) nab  v. 猛然抓取;逮捕
  7) WPLJ: 纽约一个流行/摇滚音乐电台,播出歌曲以排行榜前40名流行歌曲为主
  8) plummet  v. 骤然跌落
  9) bloop  v. 做蠢事
  10) Target: 塔吉特是继沃尔玛、克罗格、西尔斯之后的美国第四大零售商,主要经营服装、家庭用品、电器、卫生、美容品以及日常消费品
  11) collaboration  n. 协作
  12) veteran  n. 老战士,老兵
  13) Cyndi Lauper: 辛迪·劳帕于1953年6月出生于美国纽约皇后区,曾担任“蓝色天使”的乐队歌手,并赢得BILLBOARD 最佳女艺人,《滚石》最佳艺人,CASHBOX年度最佳女艺人等荣誉
  14) convergence  n. 集中,收敛

  A process of change

  1)Napster’s gone but the technology remains. And so does the damage to profits. So can the music industry adapt to the times and turn the technology that’s taken its profits into a positive.
  Downloading music from the Internet has never been more popular--millions of people doing it daily, illegally and for free.
  With around one billion music tracks available online, it’s difficult to 2)quantify lost revenue, but while record companies are 3)reeling, they also acknowledge downloading presents a massive opportunity.
  Rob Wells (New Media Director, Universal Music Group): What we’re excelling is marketing and the big question everyone asks is that how do we turn consumers off of the free music and on to the paid for downloads.
  Not an easy task. Until now the five major 4)labels Universal, EMI, Sony, Warner music and BMG have had problems of their own download services. But now they may have a road map from an unlikely source, computer maker, Apple. In April, Apple launched iTunes, an Internet site where users pay 99 US cents to download a song with more than four million downloads recorded already, it’s by far the most successful pay site. Here’s how the iTunes business model sets itself apart from the rest: there is no monthly subscription fee, users can own rather than rent music, and users aren’t required to buy entire albums.
  Rob Wells: I think it ironic that it’s taken a hardware manufacturer to show us, the record industry, how to actually market to consumers, and how to actually sell digital goods to consumers.
  But the music industry’s search for new business models doesn’t just apply to the labels. 5)HMV, one of the world’s largest music retailers has established its own download site and hopes to bring the Internet experience into its stores.
  Change is now the 6)mantra of the music business at all levels. The Skint Records, a small British label famous for signing Fatboy Slim. The new digital era could make a difference to the bottom line.
  Damian Harris (Co-Founder, Skint Records): We’ve signed a couple of new acts, we wanna introduce them to people but the costs of putting out a single are crippling.
  So the Skint wants to release singles online. This way the artists get exposure and the costs remain realistic. Universal also plans on using its connection to the stars as an online marketing tool. This means buy a U2 album and you may also get an exclusive interview with the band, but Universal intends to sell more than just music. Want a broadband connection? Just go to your favorite artists web site and sign up.
  As a window into youth culture, MTV will try to convince its viewers that paying to download music is the future. And the industry will have to be careful. There are many who believe the music industry’s best days have past. But for the players themselves, it’s just a question of change.
  The power of music will 7)prevail, definitely. Absolutely, 100%. This isn’t about do or die, this is about this is just a state of 8)flux. We are going through a process of change.

  变化是唱片业方方面面所面临的最大威胁。英国一家小唱片公司Skint因与Fatboy Slim签约后而名声大噪。数码时代的到来将发生翻天覆地的变化。

  1) Napster: Napster曾是美国最大的免费音乐网站,在2001年因涉及版权侵权问题而遭起诉并最后关闭
  2) quantify  v. 确定数量
  3) reel  v. 蹒跚地走
  4) label  n. 标签,这里指唱片公司]
  5) HMV: His Master’s Voice: (英国)“主人之声”牌唱片
  6) mantra  n. 符咒
  7) prevail  v. 流行,盛行
  8) flux  n. 变迁

  Never Had A Dream Come True

  Everybody’s got something they had to 1)leave behind
  One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
  There’s no use looking back or wondering
  How it could be now or might have been
  Oh this I know but still I can’t find ways to let you know

  *I’ve never had a dream come true
  Till the day that I found you
  Even though I pretend that I’ve 2)moved on
  You’ll always be my baby
  I never found the words to say
  You’re the one I think about each day
  And I know no matter where life takes me to
  A part of me will always be with you

  Somewhere in my memory
  I’ve lost all sense of time
  And so my road can never be ‘cos yesterday is all that fills my mind
  There’s no use looking back or wondering
  How it should be now or might have been
  Oh this I know but still I can’t find ways to let you go

  Repeat *

  You’ll always be the dream that fills my head
  Yes you will, say you will, you know you will
  Oh baby, you’ll always be the one I know I’ll never forget
  There’s no use looking back or wondering
  Because love is a strange and funny thing
  No matter how I try and try I just can’t say goodbye
  No no no no





  The Coming of the Ming Dynasty

  You could not have written a better closing chapter for one of basketballs’ big men. The NBA title for the San Antonio Spurs gives their center 37-year-old David Robinson a storybook ending, to a long and prosperous career. While his can-do-style and wholesome image will be sorely missed, the NBA has quickly generated a huge 1)buzz around the tallest man in the league, Yao Ming, who has the added benefit of being from the world’s fastest growing economy. NBA officials are so excited they have a name for his expected 2)reign, the Ming Dynasty.
  Yao Ming is a giant in the basketball world. And not just because he stands seven ft. six inches tall, 2.286 meters.
  Carrol Dawson (General Manager, Huston Rockets): No matter where we go or what we are talking about, his name comes up. And I’ve been in this business 25 years and NBA and I’ve been a college coach long time before, and I’ve never seen anything like this.
  As 3)the draft’s first pick, Yao signed a four year $18 million contract, he already has earned more than $4 million in 4)endorsement money, an amount which some analysts forecast could rise to eight figures by next year. Yao already is drawing comparisons to NBA legend Michael Jordan, whose net worth has been estimated at more than $400 million. Yao is by far the most visible first year player in the NBA. Companies are 5)capitalizing on his mystery, charisma and of course his size.
  Through Yao’s Rockets, the entire league is raising its profile in the world’s largest emerging market. The NBA showed 170 games on 12 Chinese television networks this season, and has plans to play pre-season games and sell merchandise in China next year. Chinese companies are 6)reciprocating. In a sure sign of an burgeoning trend, the country’s second largest 7)brewery, Yanjing Beer has signed on as a corporate sponsor of the Houston Rockets.
  Thad Brown (VP, Rockets): They wanted to be associated with the team because they could in fact not only create a 8)beachhead here in the United States for the distribution of their product, but also it would reach their customers back in China while the games are being broadcast there locally. Well he’s got a great smile, he’s very humble, he’s very smart, and he represents himself and his team so well. Everything has kind of 9)converged the perfect storm if you will, where he really has become this flash point for U.S.-China relations and commerce.
  The NBA hopes the international appeal of its newest star will 10)buffer losses at home. League-wide ticket sales this season are down 5% overall. And a recent survey revealed that 40% of basketball fans in the U.S. have lost some interest in the NBA since Michael Jordan left the Bulls in 1998. But the Rockets are becoming a draw even away from Houston-jumping from 18th last season to 7th, as the Rockets opponents take advantage when Yao comes to town.
  Moochie Norris (Teammate): Seems like every time you turn around, it’s just Yao, Yao, Yao. You know it doesn’t bother the team as much as it bothers him. I think sometimes he doesn’t know but for the most part he’s like, every city we go to there is, you know, just this 11)entourage of people just waiting for him to step on the floor, just walk in the building.
  The NBA restricts the marketing capabilities of individual teams, but the Rockets have profited from Yao’s presence nonetheless. The team launched a Mandarin language website, and radio show to appeal to Houston’s 250,000 Asian Americans.
  Ticket sales are up 16%, local television ratings have nearly doubled, Internet traffic is up four times what it was last year in large part to the hits to the Chinese content pages, from Houston and from halfway across the world.
  George Postolos (President, Rockets): He’s such a huge star in China already, the sort of meeting Chinese citizens here are so connected back to the homeland that it takes on added significance and it’s created an incredibly passionate response with them. And you’re seeing you know, nearly ten times the sales to the Chinese community that we had a year ago.
  Tim McDougall (Marketing VP, Rockets): We thought this would be the biggest individual sports story of the century, or a long time and that Yao would be that big, just by the number of people who are interested in him. Put that up right against the other great individual sports stories there in history and he ranks up there really well.


  1) buzz  n. 嘁嘁喳喳,嘈杂声  
  2) reign  n. 盛行,支配
  3) the drafts 指2002年的NBA选秀,姚明成为当年的选秀状元。
  4) endorsement  n. 商品广告
  5) capitalize on 利用  
  6) reciprocate  v. 互给,报答
  7) brewery  n. 啤酒厂    
  8) beachhead  n. 登陆场
  9) converge  v. 会聚,集中
  10) buffer  v. 缓冲
  11) entourage  n. 随从,随行人员

  Prince William Grows Up!

  At Eton, William 1)breezed through his 2)A-level year. He shined at sport and he was elected by his schoolmates to "POP," the college's elite 3)prefect's club, made up from the eleven most popular boys of his year. And although, like many Windsors, he was not academic, he took three A-levels. He left Eton in the summer of 2000.
  Following in his father's footsteps, William had developed a particular love for polo, the sport of kings and millionaires. The next summer, William made his public debut for the Highgrove team, with his brother and father at the 4)Cirencester Polo Club.
  At first, William wanted to play polo in Argentina before going to university. But Charles thought that that would be a mistake, and that he would be a mistake, and that he should do something more worthwhile. So William joined up with 5)Raleigh International, an organization his father had helped set up. William raised money to go on an expedition in Chile, South America.Once in Chile, William travelled with a small group of Raleigh venturers to Tortel, where he carried out volunteer work for the poor rural community.
  As well as helping in less developed countries, Raleigh gives privileged school leaders, like Prince William, the chance to work alongside young people from different backgrounds in the UK. This wasn't an excuse for an exotic holiday. It was hard work, and William took his turn to "6)muck in" with the team building walkways.
  William: I don't know I've been treated any different at all than I... special treated at all... which is why I just... I think I get along with these guys so well as well. They all treat me the same. The locals treatme the same, and I just, I love being... having no restrictions, you know?
  William lived with his new companions in an old nursery they nicknameed "Hotel Tortel." Boys and girls camped together at very close quarters.
  Companion: We had to set up our sleeping bags around the slides and the climbing frames. And at the back, the base, there was Will. I think he set... he set up his underneath the slide, right next to the toilet. So there's no luxury from day one.
  All 7)trappings of royalty dropped away as William got stuck in with the other young volunteers.
  During his gap year, Prince William had found great freedom and happiness out of the public eye, living as an ordinary person. The reality of his royal background and destiny was something he always wished to escape.
  In September, 2001, William showed his independent-mindedness by breaking with royal tradition to study History of Art at St. Andrew's University. He decided not to go to "Freshers' Week" because, he said, "I thought I'd probably end up in a gutter, completely wrecked." Although his family are his closest 8)confidants, William does have firm friends, who have proved they can be relied upon. It’s only when he’s with his group of trustworthy friends that he can let his guard slip.
  Now in his second year at St. Andrew’s, William has moved into a student flat with friends, which has made him happier. He takes early morning jogs, plays golf, and goes to the local Indian takeaway.
  William has been linked to a number of girls, many from the polo set. His first girlfriend was, allegedly, Arabella Musgrave. They were seen drinking in the local pubs, but it ended when William went up to university. Not surprisingly, William is always determined to keep the identity of the girls he’s dating a secret, as much for their sakes as his.
  Camilla Long (Writer): There’s a very complicated sort of ritual. If he’s meeting a girl that he likes, he will go to a party and she will turn up to the same party, and the host won’t know who she is. Only he and her will know that there’s some kind of liaison going on. So it’s very shrouded in mystery. It’s very controlled.
  After he finishes university, it is likely William will 9)pursue a career in the army, in order to lead as normal a life as he can for as long as possible. Typically, he’s rejected any idea of public celebrations for his 21st birthday, opting, instead, for a private party with friends. William’s reluctance to accept his future destiny, means that some wonder whether he will reject his royal role altogether. But Prince William’s 10)level-headedness and courage mean that he will, probably, 11)knuckle down and accept his fate.



  1) breeze  v. 轻而易举地取得
  2) A-level 大学预科
  3) prefect  n. 英国公学中的级长,班长
  4) Cirencester Polo Club 西兰斯特马球俱乐部。成立于1894年,是英国历史最长的马球俱乐部。
  5) Raleigh International 雷利国际。这是一个慈善机构,成立于1984年,旨在让年轻人通过在世界各地的环保和社区项目进行义务劳动,提高自己的自信力,学会与他人合作。
  6) muck in 浑身是泥,这里指威廉王子与其他人融成一体。
  7) trappings  n. 外部标志
  8) confidant  n. 密友,知己
  9) pursue  v. 追求
  10) level-headedness 头脑冷静,稳健
  11) knuckle down 开始认真工作

  Harry Potter& The Order of The Phoenix

  There are books ... and there’s Harry Potter!
  They’re the biggest phenomenon in the history of publishing: two hundred million copies about a boy who discovers he’s a world famous 1)wizard. They’re sold in over 200 countries and translated into over 50 languages. Beyond the books is an industry: films, dolls, games and merchandise, making hundreds of millions of pounds a year.
  All this from an idea, which wandered into mind of the then pretty penniless, J. K. Rowling, as she sat on a train. She imagined his story as a series of seven books, each spanning a year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
  The fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, goes on sale in twenty-eight and a half hours. It’s confidently expected to have the biggest 2)print run in history.
  Interviewer: So this is it, is it?
  Rowling: This is it, yeah.
  Interviewer: How many pages?
  Rowling: How many pages ... Seven hundred and sixty-six.
  Interviewer: Seven hundred and sixty-six. You want to read the first sentence? Actually we know what the first sentence is.
  Rowling: Oh, you know what the first sentence is. I could read you a random sentence. Uhm, ... No, not that one. That gives way too much away. You can have... “’Yes, but I think we ought to vote on it properly,’ said Hermione, 3)unperturbed.”
  Interviewer: A very Hermione sort of thing to say, isn’t it?
  Rowling: It is a very Hermione sentence, isn’t it?
  Interviewer: Are we going to discover, in Book Five, why, for example, Voldemort has such an 4)animus against Harry’s parents?
  Rowling: Yes.
  Interviewer: Can you give us a clue as to ...?
  Rowling: No. It’s not long now, come on. (Laugh) Yes, you do find that out in Book Five.
  Interviewer: What else are you willing to tell us about what’s in Book Five?
  Rowling:  Uuuhmmm, whewww. Uhh, ... Obviously a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
  Interviewer: Is that going to be a woman?
  Rowling: Yes. And it’s not Fleur, which everyone on the Internet 5)speculates about. And it’s not, .... Who’s the other one they keep asking about? ... Uhm ....
  Interviewer: ... can’t remember.
  Rowling: ... Mrs. Figg. It’s not Mrs. Figg. I’ve read both of those.
  Interviewer: Are we going to discover anything more about Snape and ...?
  Rowling: Yes.
  Interviewer: ... and Harry’s mother?
  Rowling: Mmm...
  Interviewer: Did he have a crush on Harry’s mother? 6)Unrequited love? Anything like that?
  Rowling: Hence, his ... hence his animosity to Harry?
  Interviewer: Yes.
  Rowling: You speculate?
  Interviewer: I speculate, yes. I’m just asking whether you can tell us?
  Rowling: No. I can’t tell you. But you do, you do find out more about Snape. And, uhm, yeah, quite a lot more about him actually.
  Interviewer: And is there going to be a death in this book?
  Rowling: Yeah, horrible, horrible ...
  Interviewer: A horrible death of a ...
  Rowling: Um Hmm.
  Interviewer: ...of a significant figure.
  Rowling: Um Hmm. Yeah. I went into the kitchen, having done it, uhm, ...
  Interviewer: What, killed this person?
  Rowling: Yeah. Well, I’d rewritten the death ... uhm ... and rewritten and that was it. It was definitive, and the person was definitely dead. And I walked into the kitchen crying, and 7)Neil said to me, “What on earth is wrong?” And I said, “Well, I’ve just killed the per ...” He ... Neil doesn’t know who the person is, but I said, “I’ve just killed the person.” And he said, “Well, don’t do it then.” I thought, he’s a doctor, you know, and I said, “Well, it just doesn’t work like that. You, ... writing children’s books you need to be ruthless killer.”
  Interviewer: Is it going to upset people?
  Rowling: Hmm, yes. Upset me! Well, I ... you know, I always ... knew it was coming, but I managed to live in denial, and carry on with the character and not think about it.
  Interviewer: So you know what is going to become of, really, all the major characters ...
  Rowling: Um Hmm.
  Interviewer: ... over the span of the series.
  Rowling: Yeah. Yeah.
  Interviewer: Why stop when they ... grow up? Might be interesting to know what becomes of Harry as an adult.
  Rowling: How do you know he’ll still be alive?
  Interviewer: Oh, ... Oh, the end of Book Seven.
  Rowling: Be one way to kill off the merchandising.
  Interviewer: That really would be killing the golden goose, wouldn’t it?
  Interviewer: Has Book Five, that’s the thing that’s the size of a house of brick ...
  Rowling: Yes.
  Interviewer: It was originally much longer than that, was it?
  Rowling: No. Actually it wasn’t. Uhm ... it’s about the size I ... no, that’s not even true. Originally, I think it would be slightly shorter than Goblet of Fire. And uhm, ... what is the phrase the tale grew in the telling? It did. Uhm, the thing is I’ve got so much now, so much back-story to tell. Uhm, but I doubt -- I really mean it this time - Six will not need to be that long. It won’t need to be that long.

  《哈利·波特与凤凰社 》


  1) wizard  n. 巫士,巫师  
  2) print run 印刷量
  3) unperturbed  a. 镇定不惊的,泰然自若的
  4) animus  n. 仇视,恶意。下面的animosity是它的名词形式。
  5) speculate  v. 推测
  6) unrequited  a. 无报答的
  7) Neil 尼尔,罗琳的丈夫。

  The World’s Top Ten Destinations

  1 Ankor Wat is part of a vast network of around a hundred ancient temples hidden deep in the Cambodian 1)jungle. A thousand years ago, this was a 2)thriving wooden 3)metropolis with a population in excess of a million people, at a time when London’s was just 80,000.

  2 It’s Alaska, the forty-ninth state of America, a land of endless icefields, sweeping 4)tundra, 5)fjords and 6)volcanoes; twice the size of Texas, five times the size of Britain.  If Manhattan had the same population 7)density, there would be only 16 people living there. And top of things to see in Alaska was, of course, the 8)aurora borealis, otherwise known as the northern lights.

  3 Ah, Gay Paris! And over thirty years later, our love affair with Paris is still as passionate as ever. But if this is not your found, “9)formidable!” You said, “See the Eiffel Tower at least once in your lifetime.”
  Tourist 1: To me, Paris is elegant, romantic, and expensive.
  Tourist 2: Go in the spring, take a lover, and enjoy the art galleries.

  4 The Masai Mara in Kenya was your all time favorite place to 10)spot African wildlife.  Over four hundred thousand visitors a year come to see zebra, elephant, gazelle, lion and millions of wildebeest run wild.

  5 Found in the heart of the Yucatan Peninsula, and surrounded on all sides by vast rainforest, Chichen Itza was first populated around the sixth century AD by the Mayans. They were famed for their advanced mathematical knowledge and incredible understanding of the 11)solar system. 12)El Castillo is the most famous structure. This simple-looking building is, in fact, the Mayan calendar. Each staircase has 91 steps, which, added to the single step at the main entrance to the temple, amounts to 365.

  6 This is the place to be seen, if you’re a Pharaoh. It was once the centre of Egyptian power, and it’s home to Tutankamun’s burial chamber. It’s Luxor, and you’ve called it the world’s greatest open-air museum.

  7 In the middle of the Indian Ocean, with not a theme park, 13)multiplex, or multi-story car park to be found, it’s the Maldives.
  These islands are actually the peaks of an ancient volcanic mountain range submerged by the sea. Now none of the peaks are more than six feet above sea level and only 200 are inhabited, making it, for many of you, the last 14)paradise on earth.

  8 Now, we move swiftly into the top three.
  I’m here in Walt Disney World, Florida. Yes, like all things in America, this place is pretty big.
  Kids. Also a great excuse for grown-ups to hang out at Walt Disney World. They don’t have to admit they really wanta be here. Am I right? I’m right! We were shocked at how many big kids there were out there. Walt Disney World, Florida, proving a worthy, if somewhat surprisingly high entry at number 3, but one which also, was clearly, well-deserved. Well done, Mickey!

  9 Well, for starters, it’s bigger than both Britain and Ireland. It can be seen from outer space. It is the largest structure made up entirely of living organisms in the world, and no human has ever lived there. It is the great, the 15)gargantuan, the 16)gorgeous, “Great Barrier Reef.”
  Two thousand nine hundred coral reefs and 1,000 islands stretch over 2,000 kilometers off the Queensland coast in northeastern Australia. You are 17)dazzled by its outstanding coral displays, pristine white beaches, and crystal blue water.

  10 When it comes to destinations you want it big.  And it doesn’t come bigger than this.  It’s beyond expectations! It’s beyond comprehension! The most amazing sight in the world! Make sure this is the one place you see in your lifetime. It’s number one. It’s the Grand Canyon!
  The Grand Canyon is one of the world’s most impressive geological 18)feats. Layer upon layer of different rocks 19)recede down into the Grand Canyon and back through time, until the 20)strata, at the river, revealed some of the oldest exposed rocks on earth.  And, it’s getting deeper at an estimated rate of 50 feet per million years.
  I came here armed with facts and figures, like, it’s 277 miles long, it’s a mile deep, and in some places 18 miles wide, but none of those statistics-no, none of them-can prepare you for this sight. It is a truly beautiful thing.
  Every year millions of people visit the canyon and the majority do exactly what I’m doing now. They find a point-any point-and stand, and stare... from sunrise ... ‘til sunset.









  带孩子们上这儿来是使成年人留连在迪斯尼世界的一个很好借口, 他们不需承认自己实际上很想来这里。我说得对吗?当然对啦!看到有这么多成人在这里,我们感到吃惊。虽然它能名列第三是多少有点让人意外,不过,佛罗里达迪斯尼世界以她本身的价值,证明自己是当之无愧的。米奇,做得好!



  1) jungle  n. 丛林  
  2) thriving  a. 繁荣的
  3) metropolis  n. 主要城市 
  4) tundra  n. 冻原,冻土带
  5) fjord  n. 峡湾   
  6) volcano  n. 火山
  7) density  n. 密度  
  8) aurora borealis 北极光
  9) formidable (法语)即incredible,不可思议的,难以置信的 
  10) spot  v. 发现,准确定位
  11) solar  a. 太阳的  
  12) El Castillo (西班牙语)城堡
  13) multiplex  n. 多功能放映场影剧院  
  14) paradise  n. 天堂,乐园
  15) gargantuan  a. 庞大的,巨大的  
  16) gorgeous  a. 华丽的
  17) dazzle  v. 使眼花缭乱 
  18) feat  n. 功绩,业绩 
  19) recede  v. 退去,退远 
  20) strata  n. 地层,stratum的复数

  1)Exhilarating Rides-Top 2)Roller Coasters in Europe

  Number 3, it’s Shock Wave, Europe’s only stand up roller coaster. It’s in the English Midlands.
  Shock Wave is a 3)cracking 90 seconds. First you get settled into your positions, then you get smoothly taken up the lift hill, giving you an opportunity to prepare for what’s to come. And that’s a one hundred foot drop towards the earth. You hit the first loop at high speed. It’s the world’s largest stand-up 4)loop. The rest of the ride is no picnic. Shock Wave turns you upside down a further three times and every one is a winner.
  Number 2, Colossos!
  One hundred and twenty-five thousand pieces of timber, a height of over one hundred and ninety-five feet, speeds of over 75 miles an hour. It’s no exaggeration to say that Colossos is a giant among roller coasters.
  Hamburg is the nearest city. Colossos gives the smoothest ride of any coaster up this one hundred and ninety-six-foot lift hill. You turn around to see the enormous terror that awaits. Then you head down this huge drop-three seconds that feels like a lifetime. Before you can recover, you rise again to a huge height and another terrifying drop awaits. Colossos then banks all the way back around, to bring you face to face with some more giant hills. Colossus sure is a must for wooden coaster fans.
  It’s time to reveal Europe’s number one coaster king. And it’s two for one-5)Nemesis and 6)Oblivion. From London, take a two-hour train journey to Alton Towers, a giant theme park that’s a big draw with everyone.
  Riders climb 70 feet above the ground and get a great view of the magnificent, 7)stately home. Then Oblivion stops for three terrifying seconds. You’re filled with fear, and then the ride drops you down. But this is no simple drop. This is drop is 8)vertical. It plunges you one hundred feet down into oblivion. Oblivion is the world’s steepest roller coaster, 9)manipulating every emotion to make the ride as thrilling, and downright terrifying, as possible. Then, the drop takes you to a speed of 68 miles an hour and the rider feels like it’s never going to end.
  Nemesis is Oblivion’s neighbour. It’s a minute and a half of 10)intense thrills. The first drop takes you into a 11)mammoth 12)barrel roll at a speed of fifty miles an hour. The ride then dives down into a bend under a walkway, before going up into a tremendous loop that rises above the station. But the ride isn’t over here. It turns around in the trees, dives back down into the ground, followed by another giant loop and a final inversion. It’s an exhilarating ride that will leave you wanting more and more.
  Where lesser coasters cruise leisurely back into the station, Nemesis has your heart in your mouth from start to stop. Nemesis and Oblivion make perfect partners and earn a place at number one in our countdown.



  1) exhilarating  a. 令人振奋的 
  2) roller coaster 过山车
  3) cracking  a. 发出劈啪声响的  
  4) loop  n. 筋斗,环道
  5) Nemesis  n. 复仇女神  
  6) oblivion  n. 湮没
  7) stately  a. 雄伟的  
  8) vertical  a. 垂直的       
  9) intense  a. 紧张的
  10) manipulate  v. 操纵,摆布  
  11) mammoth  a. 巨大的,庞大的
  12) barrel roll 横滚,即在保持前进方向不变的情况下作出水平滚转动作。此指过山车在向下冲时随轨道旋转而下。

  I Have A Wish

  I want a perfect world; I want to choose all the winners.
  --美国著名影星辛·潘(Sean Penn)

  And I hope to restore respect to the 1)presidency.
  --美国已故总统尼克松 (Richard Nixon)

  I would love to meet somebody; I would love to be 2)swept off my feet.
  --美国著名影星妮歌·基曼(Nicole Kidman)

  I want to try to find out new cures for diseases. And another one of the things I want to do is to be politician, try to bring peace to the world. And, third 3)occupation that I want to do is be an 4)aeronautical engineer and build space stations in space.
  --美国九岁上高中的小天才格雷格·史密夫(Greg Smith)

  风靡全球的漫画人物Charley Brown和 Snoopy的作者查尔斯·M·舒尔茨(Charles M Schulz)--“我”的作品便是我的写照:
  If you are to read the script, oh, for just a few months, you would know me because everything that I am goes in the script. All of my fears, my 5)anxieties, my joys, and almost even all of my experiences go into that script. They are me, that is me: what I'm thinking of, what I am writing, and what the characters are doing.

  美国《六十分钟》电视节目的资深记者安迪·鲁尼(Andy Rooney)--“我”来年的计划:
  Mozart died when he was thirty-five but his music is still played 212 years later, good as ever. This is a special moment that I’ve 6)dreaded. It seems like a good time, though, to make a personal announcement. I’ve been writing for television since there was television. I’ve done 800 of these essays; in the twenty-five years I’ve been on ”60 Minutes” I’ve saved some money; I’d like to travel; I’d like to spend more time with my family. What I want to tell you is: I am not going to do any of those things and I’ll be back here again next year.

  1) presidency  n. 总统任期
  2) sweep sb. off sb. feet 使人狂热(或激动)
  3) occupation  n. 职业
  4) aeronautical  a. 航空学的
  5) anxiety  n. 忧虑, 热望
  6) dread  v. 惧怕, 担心

  Michael Jackson: My Honest Truth

  Well if I sat here and played some 1)chords whatever and say I’m going to write the best song I’ve ever written, nothing happens. Something in the heavens has to say, “Look, this is the time that this is going to be laid on you, and this is when I want you to have it” Artists seem to get in the way of the music, get out of the way of the music, you know, don’t, write the music. Let the music write itself.
  You know he practiced us with a belt in his hands and if you missed a step he would 2)tear you up. I got it a lot of times, he was 3)tough. I don’t think he realized to this day how scared, so scared that we would 4)regurgitate.
  That's why to this day I don’t 5)lay a finger on my children. I don’t want them to ever feel that way about me, ever. And he didn’t allow us to call him Daddy. You know I wanted to call him Daddy so bad. He said I’m not Daddy, I’m Joseph. I don’t allow my children to call me Michael; I say I’m Daddy, just the opposite. So when people say the 6)abuse, abuse?--That’s not true!
  I've said it many times. My greatest inspiration comes from kids, every song I write, every dance I do, all the poetry I write is all inspired from that level of 7)innocence, that 8)consciousness of purity and children have that. I see God in the face of children, and, I just love being around that all the time.
  I've had no 9)plastic surgery on my face, just my nose, it helped me breathe better so I can hit higher notes-as I can remember, just two.
  Everybody in Hollywood get plastic surgery. Plastic surgery wasn’t invented for Michael Jackson. Just that though, not the whole face, just the nose, they try to say, “Why did you change it?” It’s not true-it’s just the nose.
  I was changing, I’m telling you the honest truth: I don’t do anything to my face.


  1) chord  n. 弦, 和音
  2) tear up 撕碎
  3) tough  a. 凶恶的, 粗暴的
  4) regurgitate  v.(使)涌回,(使)反刍
  5) lay a finger on 动手打
  6) abuse  n. 虐待, 辱骂
  7) innocence  n. 清白
  8) consciousness  n. 意识,觉悟
  9) plastic surgery整形手术

  Boldly Live As You've Never Lived Before

  Scheme No.1
  Brenda’s Pick

  A lot of people say that the Hasselblad is the Rolls Royce of cameras and that maybe, but I like to believe it is the Mercedes of cameras. Basically because it’s so 1)robust, it’s a reliable tool. We use the best 2)components, supplied to the tightest 3)specifications, hand 4)assembled by the most skillful 5)craftsmen. And the process of making a Hasselblad camera is actually seven-weeks long processes. On every 6)NASA 7)mission since 1962, all the images Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, they were all shot on Hasselblad.

  We (Metropolis Collectibles, N.Y.) are the largest 8)dealership of 9)vintage comic books in the world. We have an 10)inventory of over 100,000 pre-1975 comic books, anything from Batman #1 to Superman #1, Action Comics #1, first appearances of any characters, and 11)whereas most companies only have one or two of a comic book, if that many. The most expensive comic book we have here is an All Star Comics #3. It is in 12)pristine, near 13)mint 9.4 condition, which is a scale of 1 to 10: 9.4 usually means a perfect copy, anything 14)beyond that is extra perfect. This is the highest grade known copy to exist in the world. This comic book is worth approximately 165,000 dollars.

  Crofts New Hall is an amazing concept. The 15)inspiration behind the design was that it was a very, very 16)level site sitting in a tree surrounded area, very, very private. The design actually 17)blends with the ground, and it actually 18)extrudes itself out of the ground and 19)mingles with it. The house is being designed to 20)take full advantage of the passage of the sun during the day, so in the morning the sun rises in the east, it will shine into the bedroom 21)wings and 22)illuminate the day so you wake up feeling happy. And as it works through the day, it shines across the house and 23)ends up on the pool area in the dance floor, in the dining room in the evening for a perfect end to the day.

  When I told my wife that I was going to buy the club, she went, “Oh, my God!” It was a 24)bankrupt club and we brought it for 75,000 pounds. To make the club what it is today, approximately 350,000 (pounds) in the new buildings and the new front and other areas that we have to do. In one direction, it was an expensive progress, but in another direction, the supporters this year were really fantastic. Hastings United is now an 25)asset rather than a 26)liability, and I think it’s worth a lot more than when we bought it.

  I used French 27)tanned crocodile. And measure their feet, I take eight to ten 28)measurements off of each foot from which I make a custom made pair of 29)lasts. And the last is the shoe 30)mould that I will actually mould and stretch the leather over once the shoe is made. From that point, there are actually 372 steps to the assembly process before the boot is actually finished. And then the client comes back in, which is about a year and a half later because of my 31)backlog, and we try them on. Most of the time they put them on and dance away out of the shop.

  At London Launch what we do it put people in direct contact with the very best companies in the event industry so you got 32)venues, you’ve got 33)catering, you’ve got 34)themeing, you’ve got 35)choreography, 36)lighting, 37)staging, a huge amount goes into it. In terms of the most spectacular party you could ever imagine, there are endless possibilities. Really there are no limits, but you have to know what’s out there, what’s available to you.

  Scheme No.2
  Alice's Wonderland

  The Persian 88 is equipped with two 38)diesel engine MTU, 16 39)cylinders for 2000 horsepower each, that push the boat at a top speed of 44 40)knots. That’s right, 2000 horsepower creating 44 knots or 51 miles per hour of top-end speed. The kind of person that would buy Persian 88 of course is somebody who wants to 41)show off...

  Fisher Island near Miami is home to the most expensive real estate in America. There is two things that really make Fisher Island so attractive to the international buyer. One is safety and the other is security and privacy. People don’t lock their homes up here on Fisher Island, they leave their cars unlocked. It’s a different way of life and you really feel as though you are in a 42)Caribbean island all to itself. It’s a resort setting. You have 17 tennis courts, you have a nine hole championship golf course. We have six restaurants, we have dozens of swimming pools on the island, we have miles of sandy white beach.

  Rolls Royce is certainly the best car in the world. The Rolls Royce Silver Spur is a 300 brake horsepower rocket with a top speed of 160 43)MPH and the Phantom II is an 8-litre 6-cylinder head 44)turner with the engine a 45)Silver Lady, that’s no mean 46)feat.

  One such piece is Leo’s famous Ferrari 47)medallion. It’s a diamond 48)encrusted 49)jaw dropper, guaranteed to effortlessly weaken knees 50)at will. A symbol of the Ferrari, it’s that exact horse. All princess cut diamonds invisibly set which is diamond next to diamond -- through the body through the leg it’s also white diamonds. In the 51)hoofs it’s black diamonds and in all the hair, the tail it’s all yellow diamonds.

  Imagine a portable flat screen 52)telly that gives you Internet access, DVD playback, digital photography and of course you can even watch 53)Neighbors on it. What’s more it can be used anywhere in the house and you can even take it into the shower. Sound like a dream come true -- Well you’re right ‘cause it’s the home entertainment. It’s the Sony Airboard, the perfect reason for a cozy night in with the girlfriends.

  Home automation can be as simple as an automatic lighting control system that realizes when someone’s home and gives you a pathway of light from your garage door all the way to your master bedroom. We now offer industrial products like 54)retina scanning devices, iris scanning devices, finger printing analysis, and all the way up to something that they call face recognition. These devices that were primarily used in the past for very high security areas now can be used for the residential client as well as commercial applications.

  We use 382 gram of 24-55)carrot gold and 6,200 precious 56)gemstones like pearl, 57)ruby and 58)sapphire to build up this gold washroom. Built in 2001 this 59)world wecord wreaking WC was originally valued at 38 million HKD, however as the price of gold fluctuates it’s value changes and today it worth a staggering 50.3 million HKD. That’s approximately 4 million 2 hundred and 5 thousand 4 hundred and 55 pounds.

  Scheme No.3
  Paul's Fashion World

  1、纽约Black Book杂志(一年)
  New York's Black Book magazine, the definitive guide to the painfully hip. The magazine was established in 1995, as a very much progressive fashion pop culture magazine, consisting of arts, music, fashions all that in our society. The magazine comes out five times a year. Every issue has a little black book which is an underground Zaget. We have people in all the different markets that we cover, out there investigating what is the hottest new hotels and restaurants and bars. I think that we are definitely one of the most 60)cutting-edge fashion publications, which enables us to take the kind of risks that we do take.

  The Ascari's Ecosse is a 5-litre V8 400 brake horsepower poser’s powerhouse. This British beauty will 61)propel you from 0-60 in 4.1 seconds and will hurl you down the motorway at just under 200 miles an hour. And the best thing about the Ecosse is that it’s almost as unique as your stunning good looks. There were native 30 produced, and, because of that, it’s obviously 62)exclusive and it’s also very much a luxury car. And it costs? The cost is 80,000 pounds to drive, and it’s worth every penny of it.

  Chillingham castle in Northumberland is 1000 years old. The initial foundations of the castle started about 1000 years ago. My father bought the castle back into the family in about 1980 and since then over the last 20 years it’s slowly being restored. The great hall is a fantastic room with 63)tapestries at one end and elephant armor on the wall and swords and armor and candles. As well as it being a working castle, it’s very much a 64)haunted castle. And in fact it’s meant to be the most haunted castle in England. We’ve had a number of sightings of ghosts, in fact so much so that you would have to pay attention to them and accept that there are ghosts, and if that’s what you are looking for then you would certainly find them here.

  4、双管猎枪一支 + 配件
  Purdey's been purveyors of guns to our Germanic 65)overlords ever since 1840. And they know exactly what goes into making a gun fit for a king. First stage in building a gun is making the barrels. Then goes to the stocker who does the woodwork. Now this piece of wood probably started life about three to four hundred years ago as a walnut tree in Turkey. We offer the option of having special engraving. Finished this built gun, above all it has to reach the customer, looking absolutely perfect in every way, one which is capable of working reliably and, I’m not 66)exaggerating, for the next hundred years.

  Scheme No.4
  Zihuan: A Typical Way of Life

  Why not 67)jet over to life at sea in the 68)Bahamas and buy yourself the ultimate model’s mirrored mansion?
  Audrey Ross (estate agent): The property has four bedrooms and four and a half bathrooms. It covers, actually, more than 10,000 square feet, and it sits on more than an 69)acre in property.
  And best of all, this house has lots and lots of mirrors to satisfy even the 70)vainest of billionaire models. And what’s more, you won’t be troubled by those annoying 71)snappers.

  Straight to Stuttgart in Germany, where Mercedes make the ultimate 72)armoured motor.
  Josef Schumacher (Mercedes manufacturer): One of the most important differences between the basic car and the armoured car is the thickness of the glass. You can see how thick we have to build the armoured glass to be able to protect against military 73)rifles and hardcore weapons. The roof of this car is made of steel because this roof has to be 74)resistant against attacks with hand 75)grenades.

  Welcome to the Peninsula Hotel. It’s the jewel of Asia and lovingly known as the “Grand Old Lady of Hong Kong.”
  Rainy Chan (hotel manager): Peninsula Suite offers 76)butler service -- 4 hours available. The suite, itself, is beautifully decorated. There’s a beautiful reception area as you enter the suite. In the living room, gold, hand-painted 77)prime ceiling. And also the only suite in the hotel that offers a beautiful 78)balcony. There’s a dining area, a kitchen, and also a private living room that offers privacy away from the guests. The bedroom, beautifully decorated, with hand-painted panels, that’s made by silk. And the bathroom offers the most beautiful marble. And it’s one of the very few places where you can sit in the hot tub, look out your window and you see a beautiful sight of Hong Kong, that no one else will be able to see.

  If you want a meal fit for a king, well, you’ve got to go for the most expensive dish in the world: 79)Abalone.
  Chef: Abalone, actually, is a very expensive sea food. They’re very delicious. The texture of a good abalone is sticky. Abalone is regarded as a status symbol, a symbol of wealth. Wealthy people always eat abalone to represent their high social status.

  Buy 80)Hover Board, the only means of transport for a high-earning super-hero.
  Robert Dimmick (manufacturer): The Hover Board is a personal, single rider hovercraft that transports a standing rider on a cushion of air. It’s extremely safe, in reality, because, unlike riding a 81)skateboard, for example, where balance is critical, the hovercraft is extremely stable. It’s about five and a half feet in diameter, so it cannot fall. And you basically stand on the middle of it, and, unless you wish to fly off the top of the edge of a mountaintop or something, it’s extremely safe and anyone can learn to ride it. It has a speed of approximately thirteen, fourteen miles an hour. You do not have to have balance, so you really learn to ride the hovercraft in just a few minutes. It’s really quite a bit of fun.

  Scheme No.5
  Pinkle's Favorite

  This good and free appointed house is on the peak, is on the market for five million pounds. It’s Hong Kong’s best location. Fully 82)marbled the floor, and you’ve got ceiling-to-floor windows; you’ve got 83)stainless steel 84)banisters, wooden-trimmed banister rails. We go into the kitchen: fully fitted stainless steel sink, Siemens fittings, wine cooler. Upstairs we have the bedrooms.
  This is the master’s bedroom suite, as you can see, amazing views over the harbor-- on a clear day you can see right into China. And if you got to check this out, this bathroom is amazing. You’ve got 85)Jacuzzi bath, you’ve got a steam 86)injection, you’ve got double sink, covered in marble. What more could you want?

  2、法拉利 360 蒙特拿跑车
  Well, the car’s a 87)Ferrari 360 Modena, costs around about 100,000 pounds. Naught to 60 in about four and a half seconds and it feels it. And it’s a very, very good-handling car, just-it handles likes a go-cart. It’s excellent, absolutely excellent. Well, the car can do somewhere north of 180. It doesn’t really feel an awful lot quicker than, let’s say, 100 miles an hour. You are aware that you are traveling quite quickly.

  We provide a broad range of services starting from 88)investigative services to event security, security consultant and, our 89)mainstay, which is executive protection of VIPs, and wealthy royalty. The advanced team will preplan every movement of the principal and the actual close-in protection team. So every location we go to will be preadvanced -- there will be no surprises. Well, for a four-year term in office costing a total of 1,112,000 90)quid.

  A Lazy Boy is the world’s best selling recliner, fact! Why? Because it’s the ultimate comfort. The 91)ultimate in relaxation, which is a six-point 92)massage system, this will allow you to sit relaxed and enjoy. Run around 1,100 pounds in black leather, body can rise with a sort of attachment that are available, it could take it fourteen, fifteen hundred pounds.

  The Chelsea Club in West London is one of the most exclusive and expensive gymnasiums in the country, posting a 40,000 square foot training area and the UK’s only outdoor running track. It’s the private haunt of some of Chelsea Football Club’s highest paid stars. If you really want to get fit, sometimes just got to pop up for the best. If we keep this up for a year, we will be to 11,160 pounds.

  The Alcor Foundation is the largest 93)cryonics organization in the world. We bring you here to our Scottsdale, Arizona facility where we will place a cryo-protectant solution in your body such that you can be 94)preserved for centuries. They are placed, in other words, “toes up, heads down”. The reason for that is a safety feature. The only costs involved at Alcor are $150 dollar 95)application fee; dues are annually, 96)approximately $400 dollars a year and then you have to provide for your own 97)suspension: $50,000 dollars for a neuron or head only procedure, and $120,000 dollars for the whole body procedure.


  我把买球会的打算告诉老婆听时,她惊呼:“噢,上帝啊!” 当初我们买下这个破产的球会花了7.5万英镑。前后共开销了35万英镑,盖新楼、修前院还有其它地方,才有它今天这样的面貌。从一方面说,这种进步是昂贵的;可从另一方面来看,我们今年多了很多拥众。现在,“黑斯廷斯联合球会”是资产不是负债,它的价值远远超过我们当年购买的价格。



  1、纽约Black Book杂志(一年)
  纽约的《黑书》杂志,绝对是潮流时尚的权威向导。杂志于1995年创办, 是十分前卫的时尚潮流杂志,内容包括艺术、音乐及社会上的一切流行事物。杂志全年五期。每期有地下潮流黑名册。我们杂志有人遍布各地,搜罗最热门的旅馆、酒店和酒吧。我认为我们绝对是最前卫的出版物之一,这让我们敢冒天下一切大险。
  Ascari 公司的 Ecosse 跑车5.0升,V8引擎,400匹 制动马力。这位英国丽人起跑速度4.1秒内即达60英里,而且能在公路上以时速200英里飞驰。Ecosse最大优点是美色超群,天下无双。英国本土只生产了30部,由于这个原因,Ecosse非常尊贵,同时也十分豪华。至于价钱? 8万英镑就可开走它,绝对物有所值。
  4、双管猎枪一支 + 配件
  Purdey's 从1840年起就一直是德君主的猎枪供应商。他们十分清楚如何制作适合皇帝用的猎枪。第一步是制造枪管。然后交由枪托制造工雕装枪托。这块木约有三、四百年历史了,是土耳其胡桃木。我们提供特别雕刻。制成品交给客人时必须完美无瑕。猎枪要实用可靠,我不是夸张,100年后仍可以用。

  奥德丽·罗斯(房产商): 这座屋子有四个睡房和四个半洗手间。它坐落在一英亩的土地上,房子面积达一万多平方英尺。

  2、法拉利 360 蒙特拿跑车
  法拉利汽车公司的Ferrari 360 Modena跑车约需10万英镑。4.5秒便可以由零加速到60英里,而且十分好操纵,就像驾驶小型赛车。这车棒极了,实在棒极了。噢,这车时速大约可达180英里,但感觉不到比时速100英里快多少。你会看到,车真是开得太快了。

  1) robust  a. 健全的,坚强的
  2) component  n. 成分,部件
  3) specification  n. 规格,规范
  4) assemble  v. 安装
  5) craftsmen  n. 工匠(复数)
  6) NASA 即National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局
  7) mission  n. 任务,使命
  8) dealership  n. 代理权,经销权
  9) vintage  a. 过时的,最佳的
  10) inventory  n. 存货
  11) whereas  conj. 反之
  12) pristine  a. 原来的,早期的
  13) mint  a. 完美的,崭新的
  14) beyond  prep. 超过
  15) inspiration  n. 灵感
  16) level  a. 平坦的
  17) blend  v. 混合,交融
  18) extrude  v. 伸出
  19) mingle v. 混合
  20) take full advantage of 充分利用
  21) wing  n. 侧房,边房
  22) illuminate  v. 照明,照亮
  23) end up 结束,告终
  24) bankrupt  a. 破产了的
  25) asset  n. 资产
  26) liability  n. 负债
  27) tanned  a. 棕褐色的
  28) measurement  n. (量出的)尺寸
  29) last  n. 鞋楦头
  30) mould  n. 模具
  31) backlog  n. 订货
  32) venue  n. 集合地点,比赛地点
  33) catering  n. 伙食,宴会酒菜
  34) themeing  n. (设置)主题
  35) choreography  n. 舞台舞蹈
  36) lighting  n. 舞台灯光
  37) staging  n. 舞台剧上演
  38) diesel  n. 柴油机
  39) cylinder  n. 汽缸
  40) knot  n. 节(船速,=海里/小时)
  41) show off: 炫耀,卖弄
  42) Caribbean  n. 加勒比海
  43) MPH: miles per hour,英里/小时
  44) turner  n. 体育家;旋转器
  45) Silver Lady: “银色贵妇”系列是劳斯莱斯老式婚车
  46) feat  a. 合适的;灵巧的
  47) medallion  n. 大奖章,圆雕饰
  48) encrust  v. (用贵重物品)装饰外层
  49) sb’s jaw drops (a mile)是美国俚语,形容某人惊诧得张口结舌。这里的jaw dropper指令人感到非常惊讶的事物
  50) at will: 任意,随意
  51) hoof  n. 蹄
  52) telly  n. 电视
  53) Neighbors 是一出澳大利亚电视剧,在英国极受欢迎
  54) retina  n. 视网膜
  55) carrot  n. 胡萝卜
  56) gemstone  n. 经雕琢的宝石
  57) ruby  n. 红宝石
  58) sapphire  n. 蓝宝石
  59) world weckord wraking: 这句话其实是world record breaking, 这里是为了强调后面“WC”,增强幽默感
  60) cutting-edge (刀片的)刃口的, 刀刃的
  61) propel  v. 推进, 驱使
  62) exclusive  a. 唯我独尊的, 高级的
  63) tapestry  n. 织锦, 挂毯
  64) haunted  a. 闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的
  65) overlord  n. 最高统治主, 霸王
  66) exaggerate  v. 夸大, 夸张
  67) jet 乘喷气式飞机飞行
  68) Bahamas 拉丁美洲的巴哈马群岛
  69) acre  n. 英亩
  70) vain  a. 爱虚荣的
  71) snapper  n. 拍快照者,这里指专门跟着名人的拍摄者
  72) armoured  a.披甲的, 装甲的
  73) rifle  n .来复枪, 步枪
  74) resistant  a. 抵抗的
  75) grenade  n. 手榴弹
  76) butler  n. 男管家
  77) prime  a. 主要的,根本的
  78) balcony  n. 阳台
  79) abalone  n. 鲍鱼
  80) hover  v. 盘旋
  81) skateboard  n. 溜冰板
  82) marbled  a. 大理石的
  83) stainless  a. 纯洁的,不锈的
  84) banister  n. 栏杆的支柱, 楼梯的扶栏
  85) Jacuzzi n. 极可意水流按摩浴缸(商标名称)
  86) injection  n. 注射
  87) Ferrari 世界著名的意大利法拉利汽车公司(以赛车之父安素·法拉利命名)
  88) investigative  a. 研究的, 好研究的
  89) mainstay  n. 支柱, 中流砥柱
  90) quid  n. (英俚)一镑,二十先令
  91) ultimate  a. 最后的, 最终的
  92) massage  n. 按摩
  93) cryonics  n.[医]人体冷冻法
  94) preserve  v.保护, 保持, 保存, 保藏
  95) application  n.请求, 申请
  96) approximately  adv.近似地, 大约
  97) suspension  n. 吊, 悬浮

  Seasons In The Sun

  Goodbye to you my trusted friend
  We’ve known each other since we were nine or ten
  Together we’ve climbed hills and trees
  Learned of love and ABCs
  Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees
  Goodbye my friend it’s hard to die
  When all the birds are singing in the sky
  Now that spring is in the air
  Pretty girls are everywhere
  Think of me and I’ll be there
  We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
  But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
  Goodbye Papa please pray for me
  I was the black sheep of the family
  You tried to teach me right from wrong
  Too much wine and too much song
  Wonder how I got along
  Goodbye Papa it’s hard to die
  When all the birds are singing in the sky
  Now that the spring is in the air
  Little children everywhere
  When you see them I’ll be there
  We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
  We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
  Goodbye Michelle my little one
  You gave me love and helped me find the sun
  And every time that I was down
  You would always come around
  And get my feet back on the ground
  Goodbye Michelle it’s hard to die
  When all the birds are singing in the sky
  Now that the spring is in the air
  With the flowers everywhere
  I wish that we could both be there
  We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
  But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time
  We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone
  We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun
  But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone














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