25镀锌管连接件:Before the story

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 02:40:36
Before the story:

Character:介绍文章的主要“人物”:prairie dog

----How many prairie dogs can you see?
----I can see two prairie dogs! (锻炼prairie dog的语言输出)

Key words: live, many, prairie dog, entrance, nursery,
care for,out,claws, paths (care for这个短语孩子们理解得不是很到位,他们简单的认为是feed 或者 help.)


J:I have many wolves.(有待考察和核实)

★ During the story:

●picture walk

●listening (我读的时候,让孩子们用手指指着书上的内容,跟我读的内容一起走)

●reading 时间有限,孩子们一起读的。

★ Questions and Answers

· Where do prairie dogs live?
Where is their home(on the land or under the land)?

·Where do they rest?
·What do they use when they dig?
·They live together or single?
·Where prairie dogs sleep? Where do they eat? Where do they care for little prairie dogs? How many entrances can you find? (书上一共标注了两个,孩子们竟然找出了四个,佩服!正确。)

·What do they do when they come out?

Phonics: th
sh (

“What sound does sh make?” “What sound does th make?”





F’s home. It really is a big and good home!~
C’s home. It is a very warm and useful home for us all!
J’s home. It must be a clean and happy home!
W’s home. This is the most detailed home map. Each furniture is so vivid. So this must be a warm and happy home!