杨慧敏个人资料:奥尔德斯·赫胥黎: 《勇敢的新世界》

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奥尔德斯·赫胥黎: 《勇敢的新世界》(英文全本)

图书索引 2011-03-11 01:08:56  http://limeflower.blog.163.com/blog/static/169735688201111685658325/



 Brave New World     A novel by Aldous Huxley, first published in 1932.

         《勇敢的新世界》     【英国】奥尔德斯·赫胥黎著,1932年首次出版。



《勇敢的新世界》于1932年出版,故事设在2540年世界国(World State)的伦敦。

这本毁托邦小说(dystopian novel)无疑是人类思想库中的重磅作品,深刻探索了个体与群体与社会之间的关系,对现代进步思想体系的形成具有深远影响。正因为如此,一提此书,便有人危襟正坐,满嘴术语,未来主义呀、福特主义呀、佛洛依德呀、巴甫洛夫呀,好像只有满腹经纶的人才能看懂。其实不然,这本书中提出的种种质疑,与我们现代人的生活密切相关。




书名取自莎士比亚正剧《暴风雨》(Tempest, 1610~1611)。米兰达从小和父亲被流放到荒岛,在与世隔绝的环境长大,直到一场暴风雨将一只船带到小岛,米兰达才首次见到年轻英俊的男子。天真的米兰达以为世界上的男子都是美好的,惊叹道——

O wonder!  How many goodly creatures are there here!  How beauteous mankind is!  O brave new world!  That has such people in it!


此书国内通常译为《美丽的新世界》,丢失了原辞中的多重意味,实在是遗憾。Brave 不是美丽的美丽,而是生机勃勃、丰富多彩的美丽,译成《美丽的新世界》,赫胥黎的讥讽本意全都不见了。


  • Bernard Marx, from George Bernard Shaw (萧伯纳)(or possibly Bernard of Clairvaux or possibly Claude Bernard) and Karl Marx (马克思).
  • Lenina Crowne, from Vladimir Lenin (列宁), the Bolshevik leader during the Russian Revolution.
  • Fanny Crowne, from Fanny Kaplan, famous for an unsuccessful attempt to assassinate Lenin.  Ironically, in the novel, Lenina and Fanny are friends.
  • Polly Trotsky, from Leon Trotsky(托洛茨基), the Russian revolutionary leader.
  • Benito Hoover, from Benito Mussolini (墨索里尼), dictator of Italy; and Herbert Hoover (胡佛), then-President of the United States.
  • Helmholtz Watson, from the German physician and physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (亥姆霍兹) and the American behaviorist John B. Watson.
  • Darwin Bonaparte, from Napoleon I (拿破仑·波拿巴), the leader of the First French Empire, and Charles Darwin (达尔文), author of The Origin of Species.
  • Herbert Bakunin, from Herbert Spencer (斯宾塞), the English philosopher and Social Darwinist, and Mikhail Bakunin (巴枯宁), a Russian philosopher and anarchist.
  • Mustapha Mond, from Mustapha Kemal Atatürk, founder of Turkey after World War I, who pulled his country into modernisation and official secularism; and Sir Alfred Mond, an industrialist and founder of the Imperial Chemical Industries conglomerate.
  • Primo Mellon, from Miguel Primo de Rivera, prime minister and dictator of Spain (1923–1930), and Andrew Mellon, an American banker.  Sarojini Engels, from Friedrich Engels (恩格斯), co-author of The Communist Manifesto along with Karl Marx, and Sarojini Naidu (尼赫鲁), an Indian politician.
  • Morgana Rothschild, from J. P. Morgan, US banking tycoon, and the Rothschild family, famous for its European banking operations.
  • Fifi Bradlaugh, from the British political activist and atheist Charles Bradlaugh.
  • Joanna Diesel, from Rudolf Diesel, the German engineer who invented the diesel engine.
  • Clara Deterding, from Henri Deterding, one of the founders of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company.
  • Tom Kawaguchi, from the Japanese Buddhist monk Ekai Kawaguchi, the first recorded Japanese traveler to Tibet and Nepal.
  • Jean-Jacques Habibullah, from the French political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (卢梭) and Habibullah Khan, who served as Emir of Afghanistan in the early 20th century.
  • Miss Keate, the Eton headmistress, from nineteenth-century headmaster John Keate.
  • Arch-Community Songster of Canterbury, a parody of the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Church's decision in August 1930 to approve limited use of contraception.
  • Popé, from Popé, the Native American rebel who was one of the instigators of the conflict now known as the Pueblo Revolt.
  • John the Savage, after the term "noble savage" originally used in the verse drama The Conquest of Granada by John Dryden, and later erroneously associated with Rousseau.

( 顾晓澄,2011-03-10。)

Title: The Brave New World 

Author: Aldous Huxley    Country: United Kingdom    Language: English  

ISBN: 0-14-001052-1 (paper back)


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