
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 17:20:33

While travelling in Russia, Ed Jacksonran short of (缺少)money. So he wrote            his brother, asking for $500. “Send the             by telegram (电报)to the bank here,” he wrote. After a week Ed began             the bank. He               his passport to the bankclerk(职员). “Nothing has come for you, Mr.Jackson,” he was told.

This went            for three weeks, and Mr. Jacksongot very            . He thenphoned his brother, asking                             themoney was. The brother said it had been sent three weeks             . That evening Ed Jackson was arrested(被捕) for failing to            his hotel bill. He tried to tellthe police what his problem was, but no one would believe him. At last he was             to the police station for fifteendays.



Once there was a king. He liked to write            . He thought his stories weregood, so he liked to show them to his people. As his people were afraid tocriticize(批评) the king’s stories, they all said that hisstories were very good. One day, the king showed some of his best stories to afamous writer. He wanted the writer to praise(表扬) those stories. But the writer said his stories were so            that he should throw them intothe fire. The king got very angry               him and sent him to prison(监狱). After            time the king had pity on thewriter and set him free. When the writer returned from prison, the king orderedhim to come to his palace. Again he showed him some of his new stories andasked him what he thought of them. After            them, the writer at once turnedto the soldier and said, “Take me back to prison, please




   Last May I stayed in Santo Lusa for a week. That was my

              tripthere. One morning I          outto visit a famous museum, but I didn’t know           way togo, so I stopped a strange and asked, “ Excuse me, does this street lead(通向) to the Grand Museum?”

   “Yes,” he answered. “Go along this street and turn left and turn left at the secondcrossing. You can’t            it.”

   So I             twoblocks(街区) and turnedto my left, but the museum            there.Then I asked a second stranger. He said, “Go along this street and turn left atthe second crossing.” But           Icouldn’t find themuseum. I asked a third stranger and he said the same thing.

   This time I found the Grand Museum. Just then             walked up and said. “Excuse me, where’s the nearest b         ?” I answered               ,“Go along thisstreet and turn left at the second crossing!”




   Why does the leaning Tower of Pisa  in Italy lean ?It leasbecause of  a mistake .It has leaned almostsince the day the tower was ______ .In 1174,the people of  Pisa ,Italy wanted to build a bell tower.They wanted the tower to be the ______ beautiful bell tower in Italy .The city_____ needed a bell tower because the church did not have ______.As soon as thefirst floor of the building was finished ,the tower started to lean .Builderstried to make the building ___   __again as they added more floors ,but the leaning tower got _______ as the towergrew .It took about 180 years to finish the tower .Today ,the leaning tower haseight ______.It is 54.5 meters ______. And it leans almost 4 meters to one_______.The tower is also sinking into the _______. On which it was built.everyyear ,the tower leans another 1.7 cm.




    Climbing a mountain is hard work .But one step after another finallybrings a person to the ________.Along the way,he can stop and look __       __.And the _______ he climbs ,themore wonderful his view is .If he keeps climbing ,he will have a new worldbefore him .He will have a new way of _____ everything .Now learning ______language is something like climbing a mountain , This new language can give youa new view of life .And it is more than a book at he surface of things .It canopen the way into people’s minds and hearts ,into a culture very ___     ___ from the one of your own. Thiswill make you ______in things that money can’t buy. Even though you never setfoot on a ship or plane ,you can be an armchair _______ through books .

   Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to _______ the sceneryaround him ,everyone who is interested in reading will find _______ in  books as he fights on to learn more and moreof that new language.






   In the past few months two important _e______ have taken place in theworld . The war on Iraq ________ thousands of people lose their homes . Howpeople all over the world  _______ theycould live a peaceful(和平的)  life ! Many people died onSARS .It’s _______duty to make a  contribution _____fighting SARS . We all believe ________ we work with  one heart , world peace is _______ one dayand science is able to win ________ SARS ,just like the Chinese climbers whoovercame(克服) ________and finally _______ the top of Mount Qomolangma on May 21,2003.




     Wang Yani was born in 1975 in GongCheng ,China ._______ a baby ,she loved to draw .Shedrew lines everywhere .She o_______ drew on the walls ! Her father was anartist . Yani wanted to be like _______. So she tried to stand like her father________ he painted .This made him laugh .One day ,she _________ lines on hispainting .She was only two and a half years ________, but her father got angry.She cried and said ,”I want to paint like you !”________ her father thought about his own children .He also wantedto draw and paint .But his parents _______ understand him .They just got angry.He decided to help his daughter __________ an artist .Wang Yani was famous ata young age ,_________ she still has a normal (常人的)life .So the Wang family liveslike everyone else.




   Most people have flown a kite or have seen one in strong spring wind.Not so many people know that kites were _________ made in China thousands ofyears ago .The ancient Chinese were making and flying kites even _________ theywere writing .A long time ago , the        Chinesemade kites to  use in _______ . Theywould fly these war kites in the dark .The kites were fixed so that they madestrange sounds .Men ________ were at war with them would hear these sounds andrun ________ because they ________ those strange sounds were made by gods inthe sky .The ancient Chinese also flew to bring good luck and to make ________grow rich and tall .Sometimes they tied long strings and books to their kites .Thenthey would fly the kites over water ,letting the books down to ______ fish .The Chinese use sticks ,strings and _________ to make their kites .Some ofthese kites look like ________ or trees , and others look like birds or houses.




     When Martin was a small boy ,he lived in a little town of Holtham . Then,he thought the town was a big ________ . Well , Martin went back to Holthamlast week .”It’s a small town !”he thought .Holtham has changed little during the ________ fortyyears .________ Martin has changed  a lot.He has _______ into a man .He is now in ______ life .His thoughts are a man’s thoughts ,and he sees thingsthrough a _______ eyes . Martin _________ in Holtham for five hours .He walkedfrom street _________ street .He could see no friends . Was Holtham ,then ,atown of strangers ? No ,Martin suddenly _______ it all .Only he __________ wasa stranger in the town.




   All fruits have a bright colour when they are ripe(成熟), but they grow on green

   o  ___  dark brown trees. Why? Perhaps you do not knowthe reason. Here is the a         :The tree wants birds and animals to see its fruit c          . The fruit has seeds(种子) i         . There will be no y          trees if the seed is not carried away and putinto the ground somewhere else. Birds and animals eat the flesh(果肉) of the fruit

    w          they see its bright colour and they drop theseeds here and there. For example, the orange tree grows the s          flesh of its fruit and gives it a brightcolour so that some animals m          eat it and carry away the seeds.



    We can find many wonderful things around us. For example, some kinds ofwhale with

n   ___    teeth is so huge in size, but they live onvery small things. Indeed it is

i _____   for this kind of whale to eata big fish. Instead of teeth, its mouth h        a kind net made of whalebone(鲸须). The water of the sea where thewhale lives is full of very small things, both animals and vegetables. They areso small that men can hardly see t        . As the whale m          along, it fills its mouth with seawater, whichpasses t          the net of whalebone, leaving the small livingthings behind. Of course, a whale eats huge amounts of this food. But s          it is very wonderful that this kind of largewhale should be able to live on s         small things and should beunable to eat larger things.