
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/21 07:04:40

Let me go!(Get me off!) 放开我    Oh, hell no!  住手!  Can we all just get along?  咱们就不能不吵吗?  You never even touched the rock. 你根本没得过分。    You didn’t do shit! 你屁事都没干。  The clock’s ticking.  时间不等人。   The losing stops now. 失败到此为止。

Teachers ain’t supposed to touch students.  老师不应该对学生动粗 。     If you give me attitude, you will do push-ups. 如果你们给我脸色看,那就要做俯卧撑。   What you trying to say?  你想说什么?    Part of growing up is making your own decisions and living with the consequences.  自己做决定并且承担后果也是成长的一部分。  You will earn every minute of playing time. 你想上场打球就必须付出一切。   She was always on my case about every little thing. 我的每件小事她都要管。  Tight pass, baby. Nice pass ,dog .It was all you. 传得漂亮,小子。传得好,小子。全是靠你。   The block is hot.  街上风声很紧。   I got you .我明白。

Don’t get lost there.  别在那里呆住。   But you came up short. 但你做得还不够。   You can’t show some class?  你就不能有点风度?    Hell if I know, sir. 我知道就见鬼了。    What’s up with that?  这算什么事?   What is your deepest fear, Mr Cruz? That you’re inadequate? 你最害怕的是什么?别人看不起你?  Time out ! 暂停!   Can I get a question? 我能问一个问题吗?   This is bullshit.  原来这都是扯蛋    I ain’t letting nothing go. 不能就这样算了。  What the hell happened?  到底怎么了? 

What you achieved goes way beyond the win-loss column. 你们今天所做到的远比输赢更重要。    What you achieved is that ever elusive victory within.  你们所做到的是战胜自我。

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate .Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It’s our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world .There is nothing enlightened about shrinking. So that other people won’t feel insecure around you .We were all meant to shine, as children do . It’s not just in some of us ,it’s in everyone .And as we let our own light shine .We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear ,our presence automatically liberates others.
