
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 02:59:20



1  以退为进 : 这个价格我们也能做,但是如果按这个价格做的话,质量会有所下降,请客户考虑!
 Example :  we can also accept price at USD 200  .however , the quality will be lowed than the one I have introduced to you at price USD 220 .pls considerate it !
Besides , I would like to tell you . we can even accept the price lower than USD 200 . it is another model XX. The offer of this model is USD 175 . Only adjudge from the appearance . they are very similar . but they are completely of quality . they difference between the two model are listed as following :
1        2  3 ……
the price difference is USD 20 . and we can supply you one year guarantee . So could you tell me what you and your customers should pay the super quality ? what is the result of the 20/360=?????
The reason why I have not introduce the products priced USD 175 originally is that I think the quality is the heart of the products . if your customer  would like to do business with you is not depend on the price , just depend on the quality 。if you can search a products of high quality , they will do not care too much about the price .
分析:第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们也能做这个价格,但质量会有所不同。
      第二步,如果可能推荐类似但价格比较低的产品。如果可能要比客户的目标价格低 ,至少是要等于。
      第三步,让他自己考虑选择那一个产品。将两个产品的不同之处罗列出来。 可以将差价除于产品的保质期限,那样会得到一个很小的数字,记得,这个数字让客户自己算,他会觉得和你在几个美分上计较很可笑。4 O- c) l; p1 F  Y! @
      第四步 ,解释一下为什么以前没有把那个低价格的产品介绍给他。尽量让客户感觉你是在为他的长期生意着想。
适用度:基本上对所有的客户合适! c&
2        刺激:我们正在和你们国家的最大的该产品的进口商合作.我们给他的也是这个价格
Example : dear sir , we have already carefully considerated your counter-proposal . however , I am very regret that I can not accept your price .
Actually , we have already exported many containers to xx . we have very good cooperation ship with XX company , which is one of the biggest importer of XX products .
Now , this company import around X containers from us every month .
you are our new customer , and your trial order is not very big . however , you share the same price with this company .I have enclosed the B/L copy of this company’s order , pls kindly check so we hope that you can accept our last offer . I have enclosed the P/I for your confirmation again . pls kindly keep us informed if you have paid deposit payment , so that we can arrange production asap . 分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接受这个价格
       第二步 ,我们给某某公司的也是这个价格(确认该公司确实比较大,至少要比还价的这家公司大)。他已经买了很多货了。而你是第一次买,量也并不大(潜台潜台词:我给你这个价格已经够对得起你了,你就别还了)
      第三步 ,为使对方相信可以将该国大公司的提单COPY 件,合同COPY件,或者是OEM 的话,产品照片放在附件中。
      第四步 ,将合同付上要求确认。 0 z+ y6 Y7 u' t7 e! i" @
适用度: 该市场上已经有比较大的客户,有一定的局限2 t/ B%

~! R  BExample: dear friend , we  have already carefully considerated your counter-proposal . however , I am very regret that I can not accept your price .
Actually , I have already given you the best offer , it leave us with only the smallest of margins .
As you known , now the market is very competitive .
1 the raw material of the XX products has been increased , I think you have already heard from other suppliers .
2 the drawback of the XX products will be 11% instead original 13% . so it is we do not make concession , it is our government can not let us give you concession again .
we hope that you can understand our situation clearly , and accept our best offer .

佛人 分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接受分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接受这个价格
             第二步 ,分析原因
             第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限这个价格
* p' f& u5 C! a  I; }  l第二步 ,分析原因
; f( k4 ?3 T/ `$ X  r第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

' I' m1 `3 C& f, q" A- S- ~9 c适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接国家 肯定觉得受这个价格分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接受这个价格
* p' f& u5 C! a  I; }  l第二步 ,分析原因
; f( k4 ?3 T/ `$ X  r第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

' I' m1 `3 C& f, q" A- S- ~9 c适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限
* p' f& u5 C分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接受这个价格
* p' f& u5 C! a  I; }  l第二步 ,分析原因
; f( k4 ?3 T/ `$ X  r第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

' I' m1 `3 C& f, q" A- S- ~9 c适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限客户我们不能接受这个价格
* p' f& u5 C! a  I; }  l第二步 ,分析原因
; f( k4 ?3 T/ `$ X  r第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

' I' m1 `3 C& f, q" A- S- ~9 c适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限! a  I; }  l第分析: 第一步 ,明确告诉客户我们不能接受这个价格
* p' f& u5 C! a  I; }  l第二步 ,分析原因
; f( k4 ?3 T/ `$ X  r第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

' I' m1 `3 C& f, q" A- S- ~9 c适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限二步 ,分析原因
; f( k4 ?3 T/ `$ X  r第三步,希望接受我们的最后报价2 U! S# x+ U5 Q' V! ^2 Y

' I' m1 `3 C& f, q" A- S- ~9 c适用度: 价格确实已经是不能再降了 ,有一定的局限