施云 供应链 是哪里人:高考英语阅读理解的"猜词悟义"类试题支招

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分类:高考专线 历年来高考试题中的生词量有增无减。《新课程标准》要求学生:“读懂生词率不超过3%的传记、故事、记叙文、科普小品和有关社会文史知识等不同题材的材料。”在英语阅读训练和测试中,生词障碍往往会成为学生的“绊脚石”。这些“绊脚石”的出现大致分五类:
  第一招 利用上下文语境线索
  (2003年全国卷)In 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the world’s greatest mathematical problem: Fermat’s Last Theorem (定理) first put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the 17th century,the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds,including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem,and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Polytechnique.
  Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text?
  A.To encourage people to raise questions
  B.To cause difficulty in understanding
  C.To provide a person with an explanation
  D.To limit people’s imagination
  分析 本题正确答案为B。由短文中对Fermat’s Last Theorem一书的介绍中有the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds这一句可知,句中两个并列的谓语动词baffled和beaten,意义相同,加强语气,从beat的本意就可以猜测出baffled为“打败,难倒”。
  第二招 利用定义和解释性线索
  阅读文章中的有些生词尤其是新闻报道及科普类文章中的生词,往往在其后有对该词进行解释说明性的短语或句子,如to be,that is,mean,stand for,namely,to refer to,to mean,in other words等,有时也以同位语、定语从句的形式出现,或用破折号、括弧来表示。留心阅读就可以断定它们的意思。例如:
  (2000年全国卷)Perhaps they will spend their days gollocking to make new spundels,or struggling with their ballalators through the scribe.These words,which I have just made up,have to stand for things and ideas that we simply can’t think of.
  Spundels and ballalators are used in the text to refer to ________.
  A.tools used in farming
  B.ideas about modern life
  C.unknown things in the future
  D.hunting skills in the Stone Age
  分析 本题正确答案为C。从下文的定语从句which I have just made up(我所编造的这些词)及stand for things and ideas that we simply can’t think of (代替我们想不到的事物)推断,应该和选项C中的 unknown(未知的) 最为接近。
  第三招 利用因果关系
  因果关系的语境,通常由because,so,therefore,so that,so/such...that...等连词体现。
  (2005年上海卷)“But,” began Kim,“I feel that since you are my superior,it would be presumptuous of me to tell you what to do.”
  The word “presumptuous” in the passage is the closest in meaning to “_______”.
  A.full of respectB.too confident and rude
  C.lacking in experience D.too shy and quiet

     分析本题正确答案为B。在Kim看来,因为对方是自己的上司,告诉上司去做什么,会显得不礼貌(rude)、自负(too confident)。
  第四招 利用对比线索
  有时文章作者为了增强表达效果,会用一对反义词揭示事物的不同点,形成鲜明的对比,这时只要把握其中的一个词,就不难推出另一个词的含义,这时句中多见unlike,although,but,yet,while,on the contrary,on the other hand,instead of,rather than等信息词。
  (2005年广东卷)“Unlike vitamin C,leadership skills can’t be easily swallowed down.They must be carefully cultivated.”
  The underlined word “cultivated” roughly means _________ .
  分析 本题正确答案为D。从上句的对比可知,领导能力不是“swallowed down”,而是慢慢培养的。
  第五招 利用同义线索和同等关系
  Quietly,the graying of America has made us a very different society one in which people have a quite different ideas of what kind of behavior (行为) is suitable at various ages.
  The underlined word “one” refers to ________.
  A.a society B.America C.a place D.population
  分析 本题正确答案为A。 one指代society,one是society的同位语。
  第六招 利用例证性线索
  某些冷僻的词汇后会举一个例子,使词汇具体易懂。如such as,like,for example,for instance等连接性词语往往用来列举说明前面较难理解的名词。
  You can take any of the periodicals:The World of English,Foreign Language Teaching in School,or English Learning.
  分析 通过后面的举例:《英语世界》,《中小学外语教学》,《英语学习》,说明periodicals为“期刊杂志”。
  第七招 根据构词法
  (2005年广东卷)The reasons for a visit to a lighthouse are not all so backward-looking
  in time.It is true that lighthouses were built in out-of-the-way places.But on a pleasant sunny summer day,this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience.
  The underlined phrase “out-of-the-way” means ________ .
  A.far away B.dangerous C.ancient D.secret
  第八招 利用词性转化
  The aging of the population will affect American society in many ways:education,medicine,and business.
  The underlined word “aging” means _______.
  A.counting the number of years someone lives
  B.the numbers of years someone lives
  C.becoming older
  D.making someone looking older
  分析 本题正确答案为C。我们熟悉的是age作名词用时是“年龄”的意思,而此处是作动词用,意思是“老化”。