
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 00:34:10
1、连词的含义:连接 词与词、短语与短语、或引导从句的词叫连接词。
1、并列连接词连接并列的词、短语、从句或句子。常见的并列连接词有:and(和),but(但是),or(或者,否则),nor(也不), so(所以), however(然而,无论如何),for(因为),still(可是),as well as(也),both..and...(...和...), not only ...but also...(不但…而且…), either… or…(或…或…),neither… nor…(既不…也不…)等。
when(当…时候), while(正当…时候), after(在…之后), before(在…之前), since(自从), until(直到), although/though(虽然), if(假如), as(如…一样;由于), as …as…(和…一样), as far as(就…而言), as long as(只要), as soon as(一…就…), even if(即使), because(因为), unless (除非), than(比…), whether (是否…), in order that…(为了), so…that…(如此…以致), so that…(以便), now that…(现在既然), by the time…(到…时候), every time…(每当), as if…(仿佛),no matter when(或whenever)(无论何时),no matter where(或wherever)(无论在哪里)等。
(1) because、as、since、for的用法:because(因为)表示原因的语气最强,常表示必然的因果关系,从句一般放在主句后面;另外,回答why的问句只能用because.  as(因为)表示一般的因果关系,语气比because弱,说明比较明显的原因,它引导的从句可以放在句首也可以放在句尾。since(既然)表示对方已经知道、无需加以说明的原因或事实。for(因为)是并列连词,语气较弱,用来补充说明理由或提供一种解释。如:He is not at school today because he is seriously ill.(他今天没有上学因为他病得厉害)/ As all of you have got here, now, let’s go to the zoo.(既然大伙儿都到了我们就去动物园吧)/ I will ask Lin Tao to go with me since you are very busy.(既然你很忙我就叫林涛和我一起去吧)/ We must be off now for the match starts at 7:00.(我们得走了因为比赛在七点开始)
(2)if、whether的区别:表示“是否”时,if和whether同义,引导宾语从句,另外,whether还可以引导主语从句、表语从句(以及同位语从句)等名词性从句或者让步状语从句;而if还可以表示“如果”,引导条件状语从句, (主句与从句遵循主将从现的原则)。如:I don’t know if/whether he will arrive on time.(我不知道他是不是会按时到达)/ I will ring you up if he arrives on time.(如果他按时到达我会给你打电话的)
[注意]下列情况只能用whether不能用if:①引导主语从句,②引导表语从句,③引导从句作介词宾语,④引导不定式短语,⑤引导让步状语从句,⑥在动词discuss之后,⑦在wonder / not sure之后,⑧在if与whether含义易混时。如:Whether it is a fine day next Sunday is still a question.(下个星期天是不是个好天还是个问题)(引导主语从句) / Please ask him whether to go there with a raincoat or not.(请问一下带不带雨衣去那儿)(作动词的宾语) / Hainan is the place to be, whether it’s summer or winter.(海南是个该去的地方无论冬夏)(引导让步状语从句)/ Please let me know whether you need my help.(请告诉我你是否需要我的帮助)(引导宾语从句)(如果换成if则还可能表示“如果你需要我的帮助请告知”)
(3)while、when、as的用法区别:while常表示一个较长的动作,它引导的从句动作与主句的动作是只能是同时发生的、是平行的;when可以表示较短的动作也可以表示较长的动作,主句和从句的动作可以同时发生也可以先后发生;as与上两词同义,可替换while和when, 表示主句和从句的动作同时发生,常译为“一边……一边……”。如:Please do not trouble me while I am writing my homework.(我写作业时请不要打扰我)/ I’ll go home when I have finished my job.(我干完了活儿就回去)(不是同时发生)/ They were running quickly across the road when they heard the sound of a truck coming.(他们正快速地穿过马路忽然听到了卡车开来的声音)/ As we walked in the dark street, we sang songs and talked loudly.(当我们在黑洞洞的街上走路时我们高声地唱歌说话)
(4)till/until与not…till/until的区别:前者表示一个延续性的动作,后者表示一个才开始的动作。如:I will stay here and watch the baby until you return.(我会呆在这里看着娃娃直到你回来)(stay这个动作一直进行到你return) / They won’t go on working until they get what they think is reasonable.(他们要到获得了他们认为合理的东西时才会继续干下去的)
另外till与until基本可以互换,但是在句首时只能用until,不能用till. 如:Until the last minute of the match we kept playing.(我们坚持到比赛的最后一分钟)/ Not until he had finished his work did he go home.(直到做完工作他才回家)(倒装句)
(5)though与although的区别:两个词都表示“虽然”,均不可以与but同时使用,但在句中可加still或yet连用。although“尽管、虽然”仅作连词,比较正式,一般可以换为though; though“虽然、尽管、即使”,①还可以与even连用(=even if),表示“即使、纵然”,②作副词时意思是“然而、不过”,不能放在句首。③although不能放在句末,though则可以,用“,”隔开。如:He passed the exams although illness prevented him from going to classes.(尽管疾病使他无法上课但是他还是通过了考试)/ she won’t leave the TV set,even though her husband is waiting for her for the supper.(她不愿离开电视机虽然丈夫在等她吃饭)/ It was a quiet party. I had a good time, though.(这是个不热闹的聚会尽管如此我还是玩得很开心)
(6)prefer to…rather than…与prefer…to…的区别:prefer to…rather than…后面都是用动词原形,prefer…to…都是用动名词或名词。如:I prefer English to Japanese.(与日语相比我更喜欢英语)/ I prefer to learn English rather than learn Japanese. (与日语相比我更喜欢学英语)
1.I had to go to work by taxi_______ I got up late this morning.
A. so        B. but         C. and         D. because
用and, but, so填空:
Jane didn’t work hard last term, _______ she failed many subjects.
I like playing badminton, _______ my sister doesn’t.
David got up early this morning, _______ he got to school on time.
Lucy bought a book on animals, _______ she liked it very much.
▲陈述句的肯定式: He is a middle school student.(他是个中学生)/ I have a hammer in my hand.(我手上有把锤子)/ She teaches us geography.(她教我们地理)/ The new play was good enough and everybody enjoyed it.(新的话剧非常好大家都喜欢)
1)谓语动词如果是 be 、助动词、情态动词时,在它们的后面加“not”。如:My brother is not a teacher.(我的弟弟不是教师)/ He does not have a cousin.(他没有堂兄弟)/ I will not go there tomorrow.(明天我不去那儿)/ My mother is not cooking a meal in the kitchen.(我母亲现在不在厨房里做饭)/ You must not make such mistakes again.(你不该再犯类似错误了) / We haven’t discussed the question yet(我们还没有讨论那个问题呢).
2)谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时,须在它的前面加do not(don’t).如: I don’t know anything about it.(此事我一无所知) / Li Ming does not feed pigs in the countryside.(李明不在农村养猪)/ We didn’t expect to meet her right here.(我们没指望着在这里见到她)/ We didn’t have a meeting yesterday afternoon.(昨天下午我们没有开会)
3)如果“have”作“有”讲,也可以在它后面加not构成否定式,其形式与have got的否定式相同。 如:I haven’t (got) any brothers or sisters.(我没有兄弟姐妹)
have 的否定形式:
①     当表示“有”的意思时,可以采用以下三种形式:have+not;do not+ have; have+ no+ n. 如:I have not enough food to eat.= I do not have enough food to eat. =I have no enough food to eat.
②     当have为助动词时,用“have+ not”结构。如:I have not been toShanghai。
③     当have既不表示“有”,也不作助动词用时,用“do not+ have”结构。I didn’t have breakfast this morning.
He has a book in his hand, hasn't he?
He has a book in his hand, doesn't he?
You haven't a car, have you?
You don't have any money with you, do you?
We had a good time in the vacation, didn't we?
He has his breakfast at seven everyday, doesn't he?
You have to get up early tomorrow, don't you?
①句子中如果有all、both、very much/well等词时,用not一般构成部分否定,如果要完全否定,则通常使用none、neither、not…at all等;All of them went there.→None of them went there.(他们全都去了那里→他们全都没去那里)
②句子中含有little、few、too(太)、hardly、never、neither、nor、seldom等词时, 则视为否定句。如:Few people live there because life there is very hard.(几乎没有人生活在那里因为那里的生活太艰难了)
③陈述句(主语+谓语+其他)在口语中可以直接表示疑问,表示惊讶或明知故问。如:That’s your boss?(那就是你的老板?!)
④陈述句一般情况下应使用正常的语序, 即:主语+谓语+其他。但是有时会倒装,详见“倒装句”。
⑤所有的从句一律使用陈述句语序,即在连接词后采用“主语+谓语+其他”的顺序。如:The old man told me that he would live here for ten more years before he returns home. (老人告诉我说他还要在这儿住几年然后回家)/ Could you tell me who you saw at the party last night?(能告诉我在聚会上你都看见了谁吗?)
1)一般疑问句构成:句中谓语动词是be、情态动词时,则将它们(提前)放到主语前面。(即把主语和be,情态动词调换位置),即“be/情态动词+主语+----”如:Is he an engineer?(他是工程师吗?)/ Have you got today’s newspaper? (你有今天的报纸吗?)(特殊情况)/ Shall we go to see a film this evening? (我们今晚去看电影好吗?)/ Can you explain it ?(你能解释它吗?)/ Is there any fish for supper?(晚饭有鱼吗?)/ Would you like to go out for a walk?(你想出去散步吗?)
谓语动词如果没有上述词语而是其他动词时, 则在主语前面加助动词do / does / did, 原来的谓语动词改为原形,即“do+主语+动词原形”。如:Do you get up at six every morning?(你天天早晨六点起身吗?)/ Does she study hard?(她学习努力吗?)/ Did you go there yesterday?(昨天你去那儿了吗?)
Will you join us in playing basketball?(你加入我们打篮球好吗?)—Yes, we will.(是的我们会。)/ —No, we won’t.(不我们不会。)
Have you got today’s newspaper?(你有今天的报纸吗?)—Yes, I have .(是的有。)/ —No, I haven’t.(不没有。)
[注意] 回答must或者may开头的疑问句要小心,参见情态动词有关内容。
3)一般疑问句的否定结构:be/助动词/情态动词+not+主语+---- 或:be/助动词/情态动词+主语+not+----如:
Will he not come?=Will not he come?(他难道不来吗?)/ Isn’t your sister a Party member?=Is your sister not a Party member?(你的姐姐不是党员吗?)/ Don’t you like the play?=Do you not like the play?
①常带有惊异,责难或赞叹的语气,如:Haven’t you read the newspaper? 你没看过这份报纸?②有时暗示提问者期待着肯定的回答,如:Shouldn’t we start now? 我们是不是该动身了? Wasn’t it an interesting film? 那部电影不是很有趣吗? ③有时表示邀请或建议,如:Wouldn’t you go with me? 你不和我一起去吗?Won’t you have a cup of coffee? 你不喝杯咖啡吗?
Can’t he answer the question? (他不能回答这个问题吗?)
—Yes, he can.(不,他能回答这个问题。)   —No,he can’t. (是的,他不能回答这个问题。)(不管怎么问,如果事实上是“是的”,则用yes,如果事实上“不是,不能做某件事的”,则说“no”。
What   +    is it?
Who    +    is your teacher?
1)特殊疑问句结构是:疑问词+ 一般疑问句+-----?
如:What do you want?(你要什么?)/ Who(m) are you looking for ?(你在找谁?)/ Whose magazine is this?(这是谁的杂志?)/Which class are you in?(你在哪班?)/ When did you get up this morning?(你今早什么时候起身的?)/ Where have you been?(你到哪儿去了?)/ Why did he go to bed so early?(他为什么这么早睡觉?)/ How did you go there?(你是怎么去的那儿?)
非重点,可以省略:但是,“who”引出的询问主语或主语部分相关词的特殊疑问句的结构与陈述句词序相同:如:Who is dancing over there?(谁在那边跳舞?),Who dances best in your class? 班级里谁跳舞最好?
有时“what”,“which”,“whose”也可以引出与陈述句词序相同的特殊疑问句。如:What is on the wall?(什么东西在墙上?/墙上有什么?)/ Which is yours?(哪个是你的?)/ Whose book is in your bag?(谁的书在你的书包里?)(谓语动词是be时)
疑问代词: who, whom, whose, which, what,
疑问副词: when, where, why, how,
how构成的短语:how many (多少个) (独立用;或跟可数名词), how much (多少) (独立用;或跟不可数名词), how old (多大年纪), how far (多远), how often (多常),how long (多久,多长), how soon (多久以后),how many times (多少次),等等。
3)特殊疑问句有时也用否定式。如:Why don’t you ask Jim instead?(常缩略为Why not…?) (你为什么不转请Jim呢?)
4) 特殊疑问句疑问部分有时可以有两个以上的疑问词。如:When and where were you born? (你是何时何地出生的?)
5) 疑问词如果是介词的宾语, 则该介词可以在句首,也可以在句尾。如:What do you want a computer for? = For what do you want a computer? (你干嘛要一台电脑呢?)
▲反意疑问句: 反意疑问句表示对陈述句所说的事实提出相反的疑问,要求对方用“yes”或“no”来进行回答。
1) 构成:陈述句+附加问句。由两部分组成:前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是疑问句,它是由be ,have, 助动词或情态动词+主语构成。如果陈述句是肯定结构,反意疑问句须用否定结构;反之,陈述句如果是否定结构,反意疑问句须用肯定结构。反意疑问句的两部分, 必须保持人称和时态的一致;反意疑问句的回答有时会和汉语不同。
注  意  点
如:He is old, isn’t he? (他老了不是吗?) / The man went away, didn’t he? (那个男人走开了不是吗?) / He isn’t old, is he? (他不老是吗?) / He never went there, did he? (他从没有去过那里是吗?)
2) 反意问句的回答:
如:The man went away, didn’t he?(那人走开了,不是吗?)
——Yes, he did.(是的,他走了。)/ No, he didn’t.(不,他没有走。)
The man never went there, did he?(这人从来不去那里,是吗?)
——Yes, he did.(不是呀,他去的。)/ No, he didn’t.(是呀,他不去。)
1.祈使句。祈使句后一般加上will you或won’t you构成反义疑问句,用will you多表示“请求”,用won’t you多表示提醒对方注意。例如:
let引导的祈使句有两种情况:①let’s---,后的反义疑问句用shall we或shan’t we。如:Let’s go home, shan’t we? 回家吧,好吗?②let us/me--- 后的反义疑问句用will you或won’t you。如:let me have a try, won’t you?
其他祈使句都用will you或won’t you回答。
2.反意疑问句的陈述部分含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-, 等否定意义的前缀构成的词语时,陈述部分要视为肯定含义,问句部分用否定形式。
①Your father is unhappy, isn’t he? (不能用is he?)
②The man is dishonest, isn’t he? (不能用is he?)
③It is impossible to learn English without remembering more words, isn’t it?(不能用is it ?)
3.反意疑问句的陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom,not,no,nobody,nothing, none, neither等否定意义的词时,问句部分用肯定式。如:
①She never tells a lie, does she? (不用doesn’t she?)
②He was seldom late, was he?(不用wasn’t he?)
4.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am……时,问句部分虽然也可用“am not I”,但习惯上用aren’t I?表示。如:I am a very honest man, aren’t I?
5.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I(We)第一人称 think(believe, suppose, consider) + that从句时,问句部分的动词及主语与that从句内的动词和主语保持一致。如:①I think that he has done his best, hasn’t he?
②We think that English is very useful, isn’t it? (不用don’t we?)
6.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I(We) don’t think(believe, suppose, consider)+ that从句时,从句为否定意义,问句部分的动词和主语仍与that从句保持一致且用肯定式。如:①I don’t think that you can do it, can you? (不用do I?)
②We don’t believe that the news is true, is it? (不用do we?)
7.反意疑问句的陈述部分为非第一人称主语+ think(believe, suppose, consider) + that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。如:
①They all think that English is very important, don’t they? (不用isn’t it?)
②He didn’t think that the news was true, did he? (不用wasn’t/ was it?)
8.反意疑问句的陈述部分为主语+said( told, reported, asked……) + that从句时,问句部分的动词和主语与陈述部分的主句动词和主语保持一致。如:①They said that you had finished your work, didn’t they? (不用hadn’t you)
②Kate told you that she would go there, didn’t she? (不用wouldn’t she?)
9.陈述部分的主语为不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything时,问句部分的主语用it。如:
①Something is wrong with the computer, isn’t it?
②Nothing has happened to them, has it?
10.陈述部分的主语为不定代词somebody(someone), anybody(anyone), nobody(no one), everybody(everyone),no, none, neither时,问句部分的主语用he或 they(通常用they),这时问句动词的数应和he或 they一致。如:①Someone has taken the seat, hasn’t he?
②Everyone has done his best in the game, haven’t they?
11.陈述部分为Let me……时,问句部分习惯上用shall I? 或will you?形式。如:Let me have a try, shall I?(will you?)
12.陈述部分为Let us……时,问句部分习惯上用will you?形式。如:Let us stop to rest, will you?
13.陈述部分为Let’s……时,问句部分习惯上用shall we?形式。如:Let’s go home together, shall we?
14.陈述部分用上述情况以外的祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式表示请求,用won’t you?形式表示委婉请求或邀请(即两种情况都可出现,不必遵循前否后肯或前肯后否的原则)。如:
①Do sit down, won’t you?/ will you? ②You feed the bird today, will you?
③Please open the window, will you?(won’t you?)
15.陈述部分为否定祈使句时,问句部分一般用will you?形式。如:Don’t make any noise, will you?
16.陈述部分为There (Here) + be + 主语时,问句部分用be+there(here)?形式。如:
①There are two cakes on the plate, aren’t there?
Here is a story about Mark Twain, isn’t here?
17.陈述部分用had better +原形动词表示建议时,问句部分用hadn’t +主语?形式。
①You’d better tell him about the matter, hadn’t you?②We had better do it by ourselves, hadn’t we?
18.陈述部分用used to +主语时,问句部分用didn’t + 主语?或usedn’t +主语?形式。
①He used to live in the country, didn’t he?/usedn’t he?
②They used to be good friends, didn’t they?/usedn’t they?
19.陈述部分用must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中带有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用过去时形式。如:
①He might have forgotten his pen in the classroom yesterday, didn’t he? (不用mightn’t he?/ hasn’t he?)
②You must have got up late this morning, didn’t you?(不用mustn’t you?/haven’t you?)
20.陈述部分用must(may, might) + have + V-ed表示推测时,若句中没有带明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分动词用现在完成时形式。如:
①Everyone must have known the death of the waitress, haven’t they? (不用mustn’t they?)
②You must have worked there a year ago, didn’t you?(不用mustn’t you?/ haven’t you?)
①What he said is true, isn't it? (不用didn’t he?)
②Where we will build the dam has not been decided yet, has it? (不用won’t we?)
①To do one good deed is easy for a person, isn't it?②Skating is your favorite sport, isn't it?
23.陈述部分的主语是不定代词one,反义疑问句的主语可以用one,也可以用you。如:One should be ready to help others, shuldn’t one?
1.I think they will go to town tomorrow, ________?      A.do I        B.don’t I          C.will they           D.won’t they
2.I don’t believe he can catch up with me, _________?    A.can he      B.can’t he         C.do I               D.don’t I
3.I’m sure that I will be well again, __________?  A.am I       B.aren’t I          C.will I              D.won’t I
4.I am afraid that he will not come, _______? A.am I B.aren’t I C.will he D.won’t he
5.They don’t believe you are wrong, _________?  A.are you      B.aren’t you      C.do they            D.don’t they
6.He thought you were Beijing, _________?  A.didn’t he    B.did he          C.weren’t you        D.were you
7.We told you that he would come tonight, _______?  A.didn’t we    B.did we         C.would he          D.wouldn’t he
8.The reporter said the news was not true, _________?   A.wasn’t it     B.didn’t he      C.did he             D.was it
9.They suggested that he should go to work at once, ________? A.did they     B.didn’t they     C.should he          D.shouldn’t he
10.Your brother has lunch at home, _________-?  A.hasn’t he    B.doesn’t he     C.has he             D.does he
11.John has to get up early, ________? A.has he B.hasn’t he C.does he D.doesn’t he
12.She has got to get everything ready, _________? A.hasn’t she   B.has she        C.doesn’t she        D.does she
13.She has never been to China, _________?A.has she B.hasn’t she C.doesn’t she D.does she
14.She had better tell you the news right now, _______?A.had she     B.hadn’t she     C.did she            D.didn’t she
15.They would rather not have done that last week,________? A.would they   B.wouldn’t they  C.have they         D.haven’t they
16.I’d rather stay here for a rest, ________?A.did I B.would I  C.didn’t I D.wouldn’t I
17.You ought to do it again,_________?A.ought you B.oughtn’t you C.do you  D.don’t you
18.You must do that again,_________?A.mustn’t you  B.needn’t you C.do you D.don’t you
19.He must wait here, __________?A.mustn’t he B.doesn’t he C.shouldn’t he D.does he
20.He must be a good worker,________?A.mustn’t he  B.needn’t he C.isn’t he D.doesn’t he
21.He must have been to China twice,_________? A.hasn’t he        B.didn’t he         C.wasn’t he      D.mustn’t he
22.He must have been ill last week,__________? A.hasn’t he        B.didn’t he         C.wasn’t he      D.mustn’t he
23.He must have known you during the war,__________? A.hasn’t he        B.didn’t he         C.wasn’t he      D.mustn’t he
24.He must have known the result already,_________? A.hasn’t he        B.didn’t he         C.wasn’t he      D.mustn’t he
25.There used to be a temple here,________? A.didn’t there      B.did there         C.used there      D.was there
26.They used to be good friends,________? A.usedn’t they     B.didn’t they       C.used they       D.both A and B
27.Mother usedn’t to dress the baby,______? A.didn’t she       B.did she          C.used she        D.usedn’t she
28.The students used to go to see him,_______? A.usedn’t they     B.didn’t they       C.used they       D.both A and B
29.Alice, you have a little more chicken,________? A.haven’t you     B.don’t you        C.will you        D.do you
30.Hi! Alice, you have bought a little chicken,_________?  A.haven’t you     B.won’t you       C.will you        D.have you
31.You two had breakfast just now,__________? A.hadn’t you      B.didn’t you       C.had you        D.did you
32.You two had finished the breakfast,_________? A.hadn’t you      B.didn’t you       C.did you        D.had you
33.Neither you nor I was invited to the party,________? A.were we        B.weren’t we      C.was I          D.were you
34.Either he or she is to clean the window,__________?A.are they        B.aren’t they      C.isn’t he         D.isn’t she
35.It is Jiao Yulu who turned Lankao into a rich district,_______?  A.is it           B.isn’t it          C.did he          D.didn’t he
36.It was you who never made such mistakes,________?  A.wasn’t it      B.weren’t you      C.did you         D.didn’t you
37.The little child dared not climb the tree,________?  A.dared he      B.did he           C.was he         D.does he
38.What he said is not wrong,__________? A.didn’t he  B.did he C.is it D.isn’t it
39.That his parents were ill made him a little worried,_________? A.weren’t they  B.were they       C.didn’t it         D.wasn’t it
40.He dislikes what you have said,__________?A.does he B.doesn’t he C.have you D.haven’t you
41.(2003Shanghai spring)If you want help—money or anything,let me know,____you?
A.don’t        B.will         C.shall          D.do
42.(2002Shanghai)Mrs. Black doesn’t believe her son is able to design a digital cameral,____?
A.is he        B.isn’t he       C.doesn’t she      D.does she
43.(2002Shanghai spring)Brian told you that there wasn’t anyone in the room at that time,___?
A.was there    B.wasn’t there    C.didn’t he       D.did he
44.(2001Shanghai)I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer,_____? A.do I        B.don’t I        C.will they       D.won’t they
45.(2000Shanghai)The news that they fialed their driving test discouraged him,___?
A.did they     B.didn’t they    C.did it          D.didn’t it
46.(NMET99)—Alice,you feed the bird today,____?    --But I fed it yesterday.
A.do you      B.will you       C.didn’t you       D.don’t you
1) 构成:(1)  一般疑问句 + or + 第二选项?
(2)  特殊疑问句 + 第一选项(+ 第二选项)+ or + 第三选项?
2)选择疑问句的结构与特殊疑问句相同,即要具体回答,不可以用yes / no回答。如:
Is your friend a boy or a girl? –A girl. (----你的朋友是男孩还是女孩?----是女孩。) / Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? –Tea, please. (---你要哪一样咖啡还是茶?----请来茶吧。) / Which do you like best, singing, dancing or skating? --Dancing, of course. (----唱歌、跳舞和溜冰你最喜欢哪样?----当然是跳舞啦!)
▲祈使句的肯定式: 动词(原形) + 其他  如:Please give me a hand. (请帮忙) / Shut up! (住嘴!)
▲祈使句的否定式:  Don’t +动词原形 + 其他  如:Please don’t talk in low voices. (请不要低声讲话。) / Don’t look back! (不要掉头看。)
[注意] 以“let’s”引出的祈使句的否定结构,“not”应放在“let’s”后面。如:Let’s not trouble him. (我们不要打扰他。)
肯定祈使句前可以用助动词来加强语气。如:Please do help me! (请千万帮帮我。)
What + (a /an) + (形容词) +名词+ 陈述句结构(主谓语) ,用来强调句子中的名词,如:What a good, kind girl (she is)! (她是多么善良的好女孩!) / What bad weather (it is)! (天气真糟糕!)
▲仅对形容词或副词进行感叹的结构通常是:How + 形容词/副词 + 陈述句结构(主谓语) ,用来强调句子中的形容词、副词或动词。How carefully the old man walks! (这老人走路真小心!) / How delicious the food is! (这食品真好吃!) / How beautiful! (真美呀!)
▲有时,陈述句、祈使句、疑问句、一个词或词组,也带有一定的感情色彩,也可以成为感叹句,此时未必使用感叹句型。He is sitting on a tiger’s back! (他坐在老虎的背上!) / A nice shot! (漂亮一击!) / Good goal! (好球!)
(1)由名词、代(人代用主)、动不式、动等充,说动是“谁”发的,主语是句子陈述的对象,说明是谁或什么,表示句子说的是“什么人”,或”什么事“,如“我写字”中的“我”,做出写字这个动作。“写”则是谓语,“字”是宾语,是接受谓语“写”这个动作的对象,因此是宾语。如:The painter painted a very nice picture. (画家画了一幅漂亮的画。) / They fought against SARS bravely. (他们勇敢地与非典搏斗。) / To see is to believe. (耳听为虚眼见为实). / Helping animals is to help people. (帮助动物就是帮助人类。)
(2)动不式或动做主时可it代,而不式或动移表或宾之。如:It is very comfortable to have a Class A seat during the long journey. (在长途旅行中能有个甲等座位简直太舒服了。) / Eating too much is bad for your health.(=It is bad for your health eating too much.) (吃得太多对你的身体不利。)(比较好看,避免头重脚轻)
(3)口中常见主或“主--系”省:(It is) nothing. ((那)没有什么。)/ (It) doesn’t matter. ((那)没有关系。) / (I) thank you. ((我)谢谢你。)
(4)反的附,主必是代:The man looks worried, doesn’t  he? (这个人看上去很着急不是吗?) / Tigers are dangerous animals, aren’t they? (老虎是危险的动物不是吗?)
(5)祈一省略主。加主时往用指某个。Keep the keyboards clean, children. (孩子们请保持键盘的清洁。) (省略了主语) / You go there and fetch me a glass of water. (你去给我弄一杯水来。)
(6)主一在,但在问中会处第二位和句;倒及there be句主在动之。如:Computers are made in this factory. (计算机生产于这家工厂。) / Where are they? (他们在哪儿?) / Does the boy like staying home? (这个男孩喜欢呆在家里吗?)
(7)主与谓必保单、复数的一, 而谓语与表或宾之间没这一要。Neither Jim nor Rose has passed the exam. (Jim和Rose都没有通过考试。) / The Chinese people are a hardworking and brave people. (中华民族是一个勤劳勇敢的民族。)
He travelled in space for the first time .(他首次在太空旅行。) / Who teaches you English this year?(今年谁教你们的英语?) / The pizza has gone bad. (那块烤馅饼已经变坏。) /
(2)谓语动词必须反映出人称、单复数、时态等信息,谓语动词往往由下列词语依序排列构成:[情态动词]+[时态助动词](现在完成时)+[语态助动词](如被动语态)+[主要动词](不一定全部出现)。(见动词的时态和语态构成表) 记住:谓语部分第一个动词往往是变形动词。如:
I am sorry I am making so much noise but I have to. (对不起我发出了太大的声音但是只能这样。) / He can’t  have finished reading the 800-page-long novel. (他不可能读完了那本长达800页的小说。) / Something must be done to stop the fowl flu from spreading out. (该采取措施防止禽流感蔓延。)
(3)谓语动词切忌用“行为动词1 + 原形动词”、“be + 原形动词”。
①情态动词+原形动词。如:You’d better go over the lesson.(你最好复习这一课。)
②shall/ will/ would+原形动词。如:They should have been there once.(他们应该去过那儿。)
③be+现在分词或者过去分词。如:What are you doing this evening?(今晚你打算做什么?)---表示一般将来时/ Many trees have been cut down since 1970s.(自从20世纪70年代大批树木被砍伐。)
④have+过去分词。如:Many trees have been cut down since 1970s.(意思同上)
⑤一般时问句和否定句中:do/does/did+原形动词。如:He does not enjoy himself very much.(他日子过的不好。)/ Did any of you see dinosaur eggs?(你们当中有谁见过恐龙蛋吗?)
⑥行为动词1+行为动词2 (不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词等形式)。如:He made up his mind to be a vet.(他拿定主意要做个兽医。)/ Feeling good about yourself is essential to feeling good about life.(自尊自爱是享受生活的根本。)/ They wake up the other family members, calling,“Merry Christmas!”(他们叫醒家庭的其他成员,呼喊着:圣诞快乐!)/ The kings of ancient Egypt had strong tombs built for themselves.(古代的埃及国王让人给他们自己修建坚固的坟墓。)
am (单一);   are (单二);    is (单三);
was (单一);  were (单二); was;(单三)
have (单一);  have (单二); has (单三);
do (单一、单二); does (单三)
原形动词(单一、单二);     动词+s /es (单三)
记住:主语、谓语单复数必须保持一致。(4、名词或代词作主语时和谓语之间的单复数的一致问题:”) Air and water is necessary to us all.(空气和水对于我们大家是必不可少的。)
(6)一般问句和反意问句的回答不使用行为动词,应该使用“是”动词、情态动词、助动词(be,will,have,do以及变形)。如:The Olympic Games is held every other year, isn’t it? ----Yes, it is.(奥运会每两年举办一次,是吗?----是的。)
(1) 由名词、代词(人称代词要用宾格)、不定式、动名词、(宾语)从句充当,表示动作的承受者是“谁”或者是“何物”。如: The angel also came to Joseph and told him the same thing.(那个天使同样来到约瑟夫面前并且告诉他同样的事情。)(代词和名词充当两个宾语) / He told me that the company could not afford to pay him so much money.(他告诉我说公司付不起他那么多的钱。) (不定式作宾语) / They enjoy watching football games so much that they often forget their lessons. (他们如此喜爱看足球以至于常常忘记了他们的功课。) (动名词作宾语) / I think to be a children’s doctor is very rewarding.(我认为当个儿童医生是很值得的。) (从句作宾语)
(2) 只有及物动词或介词才有宾语,不及物动词没有宾语,如果涉及到事物,则必须在不及物动词后面加合适的介词。Listen to the radio. (listen不是及物动词,故加to。) / Can you hear anything exciting?(你能听到什么令人兴奋的消息吗?)
(3) 宾语一般放在及物动词或介词的后面,但是在疑问句中,如果宾语是疑问词,则宾语要放在句首。介词的宾语如果是疑问词,则可以放在介词后或句首。如:What did he see? (他看见了什么?) / What does he write a letter with? (他用什么写的信?) / With what does he write a letter? (他用什么写的信?)
(4)“动词+副词+宾语”结构中,如果宾语是代词,则代词必须放在“动”“副”之间。如:Please put the shoes away. (请把鞋子收起来。) / Please put away the shoes. (请把鞋子收起来。) / Please put them away. (请把它们收起来。)
(5) 动词后面跟双宾语时可以采用两种结构:
①动词+间接宾语(人)+直接宾语(物)。如:He often gives me some help. (他常常帮我。)
②动词+直接宾语+介词+间接宾语。注意,一般情况介词用to,但动词是make, buy, borrow时,介词用for.如: Please make me a kite. (请给我做个风筝。)或Please make a kite for me.
(6) 在“动词+宾语+宾补”结构中,如果宾语是不定式、动名词、宾语从句,则常用it做形式宾语,而将实际的宾语移到补语后面去。如:I found the job rather difficult. (我发觉这个工作相当难做。) / I found it rather difficult to do the job.
(7) ,详见“宾语从句”。
(1) 说明主语的身份、性质、状况等含义的成分,通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、代词等充当。如:He became a doctor after he left high school.(高中毕业他当上了医生。) / The rubber wheels are over there.(橡胶轮子在那边。) / He does not feel like eating anything today because he has caught a bad cold.(他今天不想吃任何东西因为他得了重感冒。) / Who is it?(谁呀?)
(2) 表语只能放在连系动词(如:be,look,become,turn get,grow,feel,seem) 之后,对表语进行提问的句子除外。
(3) 代词做表语一般用主格,口语中常用宾。如:It’s I. (It’s me.)是我。
(4) 只能作表语的形容词有:sorry,afraid,alone,asleep,awake,ill,well,sure,interested等等。He was terribly sorry for his carelessness.(他很为他的粗心而歉疚。) / Please make no noise here; the baby is asleep.(请不要发出响动,婴儿正熟睡呢。) / I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!(我只是对独坐孤舟无所事事感兴趣。) / I am not alone in thinking so.(并非只有我才这样想的。)
(5) 表语也可以由从句充当,详见“表语从句”。
(1) 修饰名词或代词的成分,常由形容词、名词(含所有格)、代词(物主、指示、疑问、不定)、介词短语、不定式(短语)充当,在初三阶段还学习了定语从句做定语的知识。如:Put it in the top drawer.(把它放在最上层的抽屉里。) / France and Switzerland are European countries. (法国和瑞士是欧洲国家。) / His mother and father are both college teachers.(他的父母都是大学教师。) / This is the day that I can never forget in my life.(这是我一辈子难忘的日子。)
(2) 单词做定语时一般放在被修饰的名词前面,而且有一定的次序:






round, square…
big, large,
small, little…
hot, cold,
warm, cool…
(3) 时间副词(now,then,today,yesterday,...)、地点副词(here,there,back,in,out,home,...作定语时放在被修饰的名词后面。如:I could not find my way out, so I stayed there all along. (我找不到出去的路,所以就一直呆在那儿。)
(4) 介词短语修饰名词时只能放在名词的后面:The monkey in the cage was caught yesterday. (笼子里的猴子是昨天逮着的。)
(5) 形容词修饰复合不定代词时,往往后置。如:He remembered everything unusual. (他记得所有不寻常的事情。)
(6) 定语还可以用从句充当,详见定语从句。
(7) 注意:由于定语属于修饰性的成分,因此它常归入主语、宾语、表语之中,不作为句子的主要成分。
(1) 说明动作“何时”、“何地”、“如何”发生,或者说明形容词或副词的程度,一般由副词、介词短语、不定式、状语从句等充当。如:I was not born yesterday.(我又不是昨天才出世的娃娃。)/ For many of these families a college education was something new.(对其中的许多家庭来说,大学教育是件新事物。)/ He woke up to find his house on fire.(他醒来发现房子着火了。) / You cannot leave until your work is finished.(在你的工作被完成以前你不能离开)
(2) 副词作状语位置较为灵活,详见《六·2》“副词在句子中的位置以及作用”;介词短语作状语,位置基本固定,详见《七·4》“介词短语在句子中的位置”;不定式作状语,一般表示目的、结果,详见《八·7》“动词的非谓语形式”;从句作状语,详见《主从复合句》的“状语从句”。
(3) 多个状语相连时,一般先单词、后短语,先地点、后时间,先小概念、后大概念。如:He went ouf of the room at a quarter to 23:00 last night and then disappeared into the dark.(他昨夜22点3刻从房间里出来,然后消失在黑暗之中。) /
(4) 状语还可以用从句来充当,有时间状语从句、地点状语从句、原因状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语从句、比较状语从句、让步状语从句、条件状语从句等。详见“状语从句”。
(5) 注意:由于状语属于修饰性的成分,常归入谓语,因此不作为句子的主要成分。
(1) 补充说明宾语的动作、状态的成分为宾语补足语,常由名词、形容词、动词非谓语形式(不定式、现在分词、过去分词等)、介词短语等充当。如:Call him Jim,  please. (请叫他Jim。) / I tried my best to make him happy. (我竭尽所能让他开心。) / Ask her to come to dinner tomorrow. (请他明天来。) / He let the smaller animals bring food to him. (他让小动物们给他带食物来。)
(2) 部分表示位置、方向的副词也可以作宾语补足语。如:Let him in, I tell you! (我跟你说,让他进来!)/ Please put it away. (请把它收起来。)
(3) 不定式或分词作宾语补足语的情况,详见《八·7》“动词的非谓语形式”相关内容。
1、基本句型的词序:                   2、划分符号(没有统一规定,仅供参考):
主语:             定语:(      )
谓语:             状语:[       ]
宾语:             宾补:〈      〉
3、例句:Jim is working [very hard] [now].(他现在正非常努力地工作。)
She is young. (她年轻。)           It looks like rain. (天看上去要下雨。)
The boy [always] kicked the dog [with his feet]. (这男孩老是用脚踢那只狗。)
He has [never] bought me a toy [since last year]. (从去年起他没给我买过一个玩具。)
He felt something (cold) .(他感到有个冰冷的东西顺着腿上爬。)
句子成分         词类或短语













[注释] 1、“√”表示某种词类可以充当某个成分, “√√”表示某种词类经常充当某个成分, “√√√”表示某种词类最经常充当某个成分。 “×”表示某种词类不能充当某个成分。
2、“ * ”表示该成分可以由从句充当,如主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句等。
(1) 用来连接两个并列概念的连接词有and , not only…but also…, neither…nor…等,and所连接的前后分句往往表示先后关系、递进关系。前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。
(2) 表示在两者之间选择一个, 常用的连接词有or,otherwise,or else,either…or…等,前后分句的时态往往保持一致关系,若第一个分句是祈使句,那么第二个分句用将来时。
(3) 表明两个概念彼此有矛盾、相反或者转折, 常用的连接词有but,yet,still ,however等,前后分句时态一致。
(4) 说明原因, 用连接词for ,前后分句时态一致。
(5) 表示结果,用连接词so, 前后分句时态一致。
主从复合句由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成。主句为句子的主体,从句只用作句子的一个次要成分,不能独立成为一个句子。从句通常由关联词引导,并由关联词将从句和主句联系在一起。如:While the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.(爷爷奶奶们很爱孩子,同时对他们也严格要求。) / It seemed as if the meeting would never end.(看起来会议没完没了。) / Hurry up, or (else) you'll be late.(快点, 要不然就来不及了。) / However I cook eggs, the child still refuses to eat them.(不管我用什么方法煮鸡蛋,小孩还是不肯吃。)
例如:That is why he did not come to school yesterday. / It is because you are so clever.
② 关于宾语从句连词的选择:
若从句来源于一个一般疑问句,连词则用if 或whether;
例如:They believe that the computer will finally take the place of human beings.(他们相信计算机终将代替人类。) (从句本来就是陈述句)/ I wonder whether I should say something for him to the headmaster. (我不知道是不是该为他在校长跟前说点什么。) (从句来源于一般问句Shall I say something for him to the headmaster?) / He asked me where he could get such medicine. (他问我在哪儿能搞到那样的药。) (从句来源于特殊问句Where can he get such medicine? )
③ 宾语从句的时态问题:如果主句是现在时,从句则用现在某一时态,甚至可以用过去时;
如主句是过去时,从句则相应地使用过去某一时态,遇到客观真理时仍然用现在时。如:I think I will do better in English this term. (我想本学期我的英语会学得好点。) / The teacher asked the boy if the earth is round. (老师问那个男孩地球是不是圆的。)
④ 下列结构后面的从句一般也作为宾语从句看待:
be sorry / afraid / sure / glad +that从句,如:I’m sorry I’m late. (对不起,我迟到了。) /  I’m afraid he  isn’t  in  at  the moment. (恐怕他此刻不在家。)
时间状语从句通常由when ,as ,while, after, before, since, as soon as ,since, till (until), while, whenever 等引导。时间状语从句一般放在句首或句尾,特别注意,时间状语从句不允许使用将来时,而应该用现在时替代。如: When you finish the work, you may go out to play with Sam. (你完成工作就可以出去和Jim一起玩了。) / I won’t leave until Mum comes back. (妈妈回来了我才会走。)
地点状语从句通常由 where, wherever等引导。如:Go back where you came from! (哪里来还滚到哪里去!) / I will never forget to catch the thief who stole my necklace wherever he may be. (我永远也不会忘记去抓住那个偷我项链的贼,无论他会在哪里。)
原因状语从句通常由because, since, as等引导,一般放在句首或句尾。如:He went abroad because his father had found a good university for him. (他出国了,因为他父亲给他找了一所好大学。)
目的状语从句通常由so that..., so...hat..., in order that... 等引导,往往放在句尾,从句中通常含有can / could / may / might等情态动词。如:He got up earlier so that he could catch the first train. (他起身更早为的是赶上第一班车。)
结果状语从句通常由 so that..., so...that... 等引导,放在句尾。结果状语从句一般表示已经发生的事情,故多为过去时态。如:He lost so many bikes that he decided never to buy a new one. (他丢了那么多辆自行车,他决定再也不买新车了。)
比较状语从句通常由as, than, as (so)...as等引导,一般省略从句的谓语部分,只剩下名词或代词(用主格或宾格均可)。如:Jane is much taller than I/me. (Jane比我高多了。) / I don’t have as many books as you (do). (我书没有你多)
让步状语从句通常由though (although), as, even if( even though), however, whatever等引导。如:Even if you pay the debt(债务) for me, I will not thank you because it has nothing to do with me. (即使你替我还了债我也不会感谢你,因为它与我毫无关系。) / He wears a T-shirt though it is very cold. (他穿了一件T恤衫,尽管天很冷。)
条件状语从句通常由if, unless, as long as等引导,条件状语从句一般放在句首或句尾,特别注意,时间状语从句不允许使用将来时,而应该用现在时替代。You will certainly fail in the coming final exams unless you work much harder. (即将来到的期末考试你肯定考不及格,除非你更用功。) / If it doesn’ t rain tomorrow, we shall go hiking. (如果明天不下雨我们就要去徒步旅行。)
[注意] 1、because与so;(al)though与but;if与so不可以同在一个句子中成对出现。
① 定语从句的位置:放在名词或代词的后面。如:The man who has an umbrella in his hand is my uncle. (手上抓了一把雨伞的人是我的叔叔。)
② 语法术语的改变:被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词;引导定语从句的连接词称为关系词,其中that、which、who称为关系代词,where、when、how称为关系副词。
③ 关系代词或关系副词的作用:
关系代词who、whom 和whose指人,分别在从句中作主语、宾语和定语。which指物that多指物, 有时也指人,它们在从句中可以作主语或宾语。定语从句中关系代词作从句宾语时可以省略。This is the thief (that/who/whom) we have been looking for these days. (这个就是我们近日一直在找的小偷。) / Please find a room which is big enough for all of us to live in. (请找一间足够大能住下我们全体的房间。)
关系副词when或where引导定语从句时,它们在从句中分别作时间状语和地点状语。如:This is the room where they had a quarrel a week ago. (这是一个星期前他们吵架的房间。) / I can never forget the day when I first saw you. (我永远不会忘记第一次见到你的日子。)
④ 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句在句中不能省略,否则主句意思就不完整。非限制性定语从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,这种从句是一种附加说明,如果从句子中省去,也不致于影响主句的意思。如:She spent the whole evening talking about her latest book, which none of us had heard of. (她一个晚上都在谈论她最近的书,我们一个人都没有听说过那本书。)
1、关系代词只能用that的情况:当先行词是指事物的不定代词(all, anything等),或先行词部分含有最高级,或含有序数词时,不能用其他的关系代词,只能用that. 如:All that Lily told me seems untrue. (Lily告诉我的话似乎不真实。) / Can you give me anything that has no sugar inside? (能不能给我点里面没有糖的东西?) / This is the first two-story bus that runs in our city. (这是第一辆运行于我市的双层公交车。)
2、关系代词在从句中作主语时一般用who(指人)、that(指物),而不用that指人或用which指物。 如:Do you know the woman who is weeping in the corner? (你认识那个在角落里哭泣的女人吗?) / Do not tell me any words that have nothing to do with me. (跟我无关的话,请一个字也不要说。)
3、关系代词作从句的宾语时,常用which或whom,较少使用that或who,而且,关系代词常常省略。如:Tom’s father was the first parent whom our teacher talked to. (Tom的父亲是我们老师第一个谈话的人。)
4、当关系代词紧跟在介词后面时,必须用which或whom,而当介词移到句尾时,则又可以使用that或who. 如:This is the room in which Miss Li once lived. (= This is the room  Miss Li once lived in.) (这是李小姐曾经居住过的房间。)
(5)主语从句:在句子中充当句子主语的从句叫主语从句。位于谓语动词之前。通常由that,whether以及疑问连词引导。一般情况下,常用it替代主语从句,而将主语从句移到句尾。如:When we should start is still a question. (我们该在什么时候开始还是个问题呢。)
③主句里的动词如果是过去时,间接引语中的时态一般应作相应改变: 一般现在时变一般过去时;一般将来时变过去将来时;现在进行时变过去进行时;现在完成时变成过去完成时;一般过去时变成过去完成时;但一般过去时如与一个具体的过去时间连用,则时态不变。
如:He says,"I am not from the USA.”→He says that he is not from the USA.
Mr Smith said to his girl friend,“ I haven’ t seen you for a long time.”
→Mr Smith said to his girl friend that he had not seen her for a long time.
2、直接引语如果是一般疑问句,变为间接引语时,需用从属连接词whether或if引导,词序要改变。如:Lin Tao said to Miss Green, "Is it made in China?” →Lin Tao asked Miss Green if it was made in China.
如:Lucy said to me, “How can I help?” →Lucy asked me how she could help.
4、直接引语如是祈使句,变间接引语时,须将祈使句变为动词不定式,并在动词不定式前用tell, ask, order. 如:He said to the little boy,“ Come here, young  man! ”
→He asked the little boy  to go there.
在直接引语中                                在间接引语中
that day
that  week ( month,etc.)
the next week ( month,etc.)
the day before
the next (following) day
this week(month,etc.)
next week ( month,etc.)
十六、倒装句: 谓语的一部分或者全部放在主语之前的句子称为倒装句。
1、THERE BE句型以及以here、there开头的句子。如: There are a lot of children in the showroom. (在展览室里有许多的小孩。)/ Here comes the bus. (公交车来了。) / There goes the bell. (铃响了。) / The door opened and in came Mr Lee. (门开了,李先生走了进来。)
2、用“So / Nor / Neither + 助动词 + 主语”倒装结构表示第二个人物的情况与上文的人物情况相同。如:Tom went to the beach last week, and, so did I. (Tom上个星期去了海滩,我也是。) / Li Mei’s bought nothing from the shop. Neither has Jim. (李梅没有在店里买什么,Jim也没有买。)
3、在疑问句中,通常使用在主语之前安放助动词的倒装方法,对主语提问除外。如:How did he find the lost book? (他是怎么样找到丢失的书的?) / Where are they going to spend the summer vacation? (他们打算到哪儿过暑假?)
4、感叹句中通常将被感叹的部分前移,而将句子的主谓语整体后置。 如:What a beautiful flower (it is)! (那是多漂亮的花!)
5、有引号引用某人的原话时,引号外面的主谓一般采用倒装形式放在句尾,但是,若主语是代词则不倒装。如:“What on earth are you doing up there?” said the father. (父亲说:“你在上边到底干什么?”) / “What on earth are you doing up there?”he said. (他说:“你在上边到底干什么?”)
die、dead、death的用法:die是动词,可以独立做谓语,有各种时态变化,也可以变成非谓语形式作句子的其他成分;dead是形容词,作句子的定语、表语或宾语补足语;death是名词,作句子的主语、宾语等。如:I’m going to die! (我要死了!) / The man has been dead for about three months. (那个人死了三个月左右。) / He is worried to death. (他急得要死。)