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‘革命的’、‘进步的’知识分子其实从来不相信无产阶级、劳动阶级(劳动阶级是个经济上的阶级,无产阶级是个政治主体,无产阶级群众指的是被资本力量‘无产阶级化’的大众,《帝国》一书用斯宾诺莎的multido来指这种被全球资本剥光的主体集合,华勒斯坦的‘半无产阶级’是指民工这样的被资本力量搞得流离失所,但仍有个家、一小块地来补贴其最低工资,为国家资本和其余的总是与国家勾结的资本挣出更多剩余价值的中国农民们? )的自发和觉悟,总是象传销一样地下基层去启发、发动群众,这是共运史上的一个传统,起自特洛斯基的‘引导’论。从发动、引导到领导,革命运动中的马克思主义知识分子最后就不光凌驾到了革命群众头上,甚至凌驾到了马克思主义头上,要硬做了:马克思在1871年前一直都自信于工业无产阶级的统计数字上的不断壮大,等着其比例大到可以到直接通过公投或议会选举来进行社会主义革命,最终将生产手段国家化。资产主义是自己的灭亡的推进器,越发达,无产阶级革命越瓜熟蒂落,马克思象小学老师一样列出了本班的最有希望的无产阶级革命的重点培养对象:英国、法国、德国的无产阶级……(后来俄国革命胜利了,胜利者们觉得自己是冒进了一步,还在等着德国工人们的社会主义革命,以为那更瓜熟蒂落,一等就是五年……)〖《法兰西的阶级斗争》,英文《马恩选集》,纽约,1978,45-145页;恩格斯到1880年还在用他强加给马克思的‘科学社会主义’来预测无产阶级革命的收获季节〖《社会主义:科学的和乌托邦的》,纽约,1959年,88-9页〗:The class struggle between proletariat and bourgeoisie came to the front in the history of the most advanced countries in Europe, in proportion to the development, on the one hand, of modern industry, on the other, of the newly acquired political supremacy of the bourgeoisie…From this time forward socialism was no longer an accidental discovery of this or that ingenious brain, but the necessary outcome of the struggle between two historically developed classes-the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.〗。不幸的是,后来的发展让我们看到,一,技术上的不断进步并没有增加产业工人的数量和精神思想档次(你想想如果我说修电脑的产业无产阶级一定比郊区种菜的半无产阶级有更高的思想觉悟,你一定认为我是疯了,但马克思就对他身后的无产阶级们寄过这样的希望。巴利巴分析过马克思的这种生物人类学加技术人类学的局限,认为我们今天必须毫不留情地摈弃马克思的这种倾向。〖《马克思主义哲学》,Chris Turner英译,1995年,28页〗),但你看我们今天的高科技社会里的无产阶级或劳动阶级和他们的工会们,看看这些不亦乐乎的代表人类前途和进步的也要将自己的利益最大化的消费者们!二,无产阶级或它的政党如德国社会民主党(和今天的英国工党!)一样,一旦如马克思预料的那样通过其人数优势当选,劳动阶级们要的也决不会是社会主义,而是福利社会--等到浮动在世界资本主义中心依赖对边缘的长期剥削得来的高额利润的福利社会一旦撑不住,不知道他们又会要哪种经济安排,但决不会要社会主义!看看今天欧洲的无工作可找的新无产阶级们对第三世界的低工资无产阶级们的憎恨,和对其民族国家执政政府的婴儿般的依赖,马克思见到,不知会作何想!
精英的革命知识分子于是发现,革命必须硬搞,无产阶级决不会自己挑共产主义来搞(社会主义是革命知识分子们后来发现共产主义硬搞不来,就找出借口说先用社会主义过渡一下而凭空抛出。无产阶级革命知识分子的奋斗简历,一览之后实在让人扫兴)。所以就出现了特洛斯基这样的启发无产阶级革命觉悟的理论知识分子,和列宁、斯大林、毛泽东这样的发动革命或暴动的行动知识分子。革命可以不理睬马、恩的研究结果地硬搞了(俄共是从沙皇的三年战争后的失心、失权里轻松拣了执政权力,葛兰西说俄国无产阶级是一步走到了马克思主义之前,属于被革命知识分子教导得熟读了游泳教科书,一看有革命机会,就往水里跳了,是‘对《资本论》的革命。〖《读本》,D. Forgacs编,1999年,32-36页〗中国革命、南斯拉夫革命等等是真的从游击战、内战里来夺权的,马克思见了会目瞪口呆),列宁成为马克思主义的修正主义者,提出了‘具体情况中的具体实践’这样的马克思主义革命理论俄国版。也有了毛泽东(他却称别的马克思主义活学活用者为修正主义)的‘考虑矛盾的全部复杂性’、‘一分为二’、‘二分为一’的‘辩证“法”’、‘集中解决主要矛盾’这样的中国特色马克思主义革命理论。马克思主义理论有问题、不切合中国实际不要紧,我们有革命知识分子这样的巧手裁缝为其圆场,抹边;革命搞砸了,成了无产阶级自己搞自己了不要紧,有我们伟大的无产阶级政党给撑着,无产阶级的进步知识分子如陈伯达胡乔木们能为其在任何地步上都作出弥缝的解释,给出无尽的借口。难怪列宁、斯大林、毛泽东本身也需是很雄辩的知识分子,他们象拉康所说的neurotic者,为了不说‘为什么搞革命夺权不一定要用马克思主义’或‘不用马克思主义也可搞革命夺到权’或‘不用马克思主义,光将马克思主义挂嘴上夺权起来反而更方便’这一点,为了掩盖这一个公开的秘密,而必须挖空心思说出、掩饰那么多,说出了一切,将一切说到完全没有漏洞,其解释和辩护之完美刚好更能够用来说明其无法用马克思主义去搞好革命、马克思主义挡了他们革命的道这一禁忌之深。
大家会说了,这种儒士对民生的关怀,是中国知识分子的优良历史传统,本身就是十分可贵的。是的,我们不应该怀疑知识分子道德感里的这种美好成份。我们在提防的是他们的话语位置里以这种同情和关心为借口而得到的不用进一步辩护的话语优势,用关心弱势群体这样的名头来标榜他们的思想和知识产品,我们的简历上写着我们已做过很多这样吃不了兜不了走的事了,我们不应该轻易相信我们这一次一定就能做好了。比如某些中国新左从一开始就打弱势群体这张牌,来为他们的文化民族主义、国家民族主义、国家民粹主义辩护,一点不掩饰他们对Masse, multitudo 们的父权、专制式的关照,重复的是早期中国革命知识分子一开始去关心和启发,最后就将那些觉悟了的革命群众扔给政党和国家的官僚统治,只想通过无产阶级来专他们自己的政,根本不将后者的阶级处境当一回事的老套。他们爱打这张牌其实也无所谓,但我们必须警惕的是,这种策略如再去重复历史悲剧,又走到知识分子启发无产阶级革命觉悟,手把手教会他们搞革命之类的老路上去,并将牌打到国家权力的玩家手里,我们知识分子将真是些该天杀的了。
最重要的是,我们今天(不能再拖了!)必须认识到,知识分子(革命的或进步的或自由主义的或文化再生产的)无论在历史上还是在今天,从来都是一个政治上的‘问题主体’,知识分子从来也都与无产阶级之间存在着阶级矛盾和阶级斗争。革命的、进步的知识分子通过‘无产阶级政党’这个政治行动装置的中介来与无产阶级会合的这一企图,是一个飘飘欲仙的计划,从来没有在任何历史阶段上实现过,看来也将永远不会有成功实现的一天。索雷尔和葛兰西向我们指出,知识分子是被资本主义利用的文化工具(葛兰西更是惊人地指出,有产者和当权者自己往往就是知识分子!〖《读本》,同上,301页〗),前者所乐道的那种‘先天下忧’、‘关心民间疾苦’但同时也与主导阶级打得火热的那种所谓的‘有机性’,使它成为各种有机意识形态的生产者。华勒斯坦也说过〖《历史性资本主义与资本主义文明》,同上,83, 88页〗:知识分子的普遍主义话语‘served to direct the activities of the bourgeoisie of other states and various middle strata world-wide into channels that would maximize the close integration of production process and the smooth operation of the interstate system, thereby facilitating the accumulation of capital. This required the creation of a world bourgeois cultural framework that could be grafted onto ‘national’ variations. This was particularly important in terms of science and technology, but also in the realm of political ideas and the social sciences.’即使某些新左知识分子选定的文化民族主义也决不能抵挡住资本积累的压力,因为,首先, ‘the unit chosen as the vehicle to contain the culture tended to be the state that was a member of the interstate system…the assertion of a state-encased national culture inevitably involved as much supression of continuities as reassertiion of them. In all cases, it reinforced the state structures, and thus the interstate system, and historical capitalism as a world-system…….其次,……cultural nationalism like ‘socialist culture’ has often been a major stalwart of the universal ideology of the modern world, purveying it to the world’s work-forces in ways they found more platable. In this sense, the anti-systemic movements have often served as the cultural intermediaries of the powerful to the weak, vitiating rather than crystalizing their deep-rooted sources of resistance.’知识分子爱打的那张文化民族主义的牌,也是世界资本主义体系最喜欢的玩的〖《地缘政治和地缘文化》,194页〗,但是:文化抵抗 可成为抵抗的一部分,但我们一这样做,就不得不用主导者定下的标准来证明我们所倡导的文化身份和文化价值的有效性,去向那些文明者看齐,给西方中心论喝了彩。‘If we deliberately assert (or reassert) particular cultural values that have been neglected or disparaged in order to protest against the imposition of the cultural values of the strong upon the weaker, we are, to be sure, strengthening the weaker in their political struggles, within a given state, within the world-system as a whole. But we are then pressed to prove the validity of our asserted values in terms of criteria laid down by the powerful…The planners of cultural resistance, in planning the assertion of some particular culture, are in effect (re) legitimating the concept of universal values.’
知识分子是一只替主导阶级的主导意识形态着想而为无产阶级的经济和文化生活生产着蛛网的蜘蛛,自己却也是缠在其中的!他们是精神和知识的祭司,是有产阶级们的‘有趣的乞丐或干练的杂耍’(des mendiants interéssantes ou des acrobates adroites)〖索雷尔,《对暴 力的反思》,同上,288页〗,却常要在无产阶级面前去装清高!‘无产阶级’们不光喘息在资本的网罗和高压下,也被麻醉、缚缠于知识分子们提供的文化产品、小资趣味和五花八门的进步思想和世界观上。可以想象一个刚进城的民工的遭遇:他们既被摆弄于资本力量之间,又被戏弄在知识分子帮助和支撑着的城市小资、小中产阶级或工人阶级的文化装置之间;他不光属于低一个等级的工资劳动力,而且也属于另一个种姓!绝缘于主导文化之外!而他据说也生活在革命知识分子帮他们建立的社会主义国家!也算是革命阶级!有知识分子来同情和关怀他们的处境!
无产阶级国家从来没有脱出过世界资本主义体系(the world capitalist system),从来都是资本主义世界经济(the capitalist world economy )的肥利的边缘,即使象中国1949年后这样有意脱开世界资本主义市场,实质上也是在为世界资本主义市场准备新的落差、廉价劳动力储备和消费品市场,更何况,在那些年,中国的与西方进出口,经香港这样的中间码头,从来没一天停止过。〖华勒斯坦《脱思社会科学》,1991年,151-69页〗巴利巴:…所有在资本主义世界经济框架中形成的社会阶级、所有的地位群体都受置于其‘商品化’和‘国家体系’的影响,〖《种》,同上,4页〗‘…the only social formation in the true sense in the world today is the world-economy itself, because it is the largest unit and a system of states within which historical processes become interdependent. In other words, the world-economy would not only be an economic unit and a system of states, but also a social unit. In consequence the dialectic of its development would itself be a global dialectic or at least one characterized by the primacy of global constraints over local relations of force.〖同上,6页〗, ’这使人感到,农民问题、民工问题和城市下岗工人的问题不光与无产阶级国家的国家资本积累相关,也与世界资本主义体系的矛盾性拓展有关:既要压低最基本工资,高速、连续地积累,但又想扩大内需,不断用新市场来揩擦老问题,用新问题来使我们遗忘老问题,国家和世界资本主义体系都有这样难言的苦衷,它们一拍即合。
在人民的国家,‘无产阶级专政’下,社会主义的国家资本的积累,也总是在寻找新的剥削对象,总是以各种方式逼低最低工资值。国家资本在分化‘无产阶级’或劳动阶级,在它之内制造新的阶级差异和劳动力价格落差。在八十年代以前,是城乡之间的经济边界和劳动力落差成为国家资本照领导人的脑筋急转弯来积累和浪费的方便闸口,从来没有一个封建君王或资产阶级政府的财政部长可以象那时的人民政府那么随意地玩各种剪刀差,诗意地玩弄和浪掷国家资本积累。九十年代起,民工问题和城市‘下岗工人’同时出现,社会主义的国家资本进一步分化中国的‘无产阶级’,有时是为加剧有时是为了转移矛盾,用新的分化来转移历史矛盾,到了不用掩饰的地步。它通过在无产阶级内的各利益群体内制造矛盾和斗争,来转移中国‘无产阶级’整体与国家资本之间的日益尖锐的矛盾。到今天,农民、民工与下岗工人与国家资本和其它资本之间的冲突终于图穷匕首现。从长距离看,民工问题,也属于世界资本主义体系中心对边缘的剥削的一部分,用华勒斯坦的话来说,是一种‘peripheral super-exploitation’,是对民工这种 ‘part-time wage labor’的高度剥削,是世界资本主义依赖民族内和超民族空间内的政治斗争来获利,incorporating new low-cost labor which would in effect compensate for the increase in real wages elsewhere and thereby keep down the global average的一个显例。〖《脱思社会科学》,同上,111页;《种族、民族 、阶级》,同上,11页〗只不过,在这里,一个民族国家的人口政策、经济政策不经意地成了这一世界资本主义对中国边远落后的农村劳动力的长距离剥削链的一部分,这是中国特色。
中国知识分子对民工、下岗工人的同情和关怀的不着边,哪壶不开提哪壶,是因为我们其实很容易漠然于各种新劳动阶级总是已经身处的社会关系。客观上,我们知识分子照我们自己的阶级立场和阶级趣味选中的心目中的无产阶级启蒙和人类最终解放计划,对于苦难中的无产阶级又成为一种曼海姆所说的意识形态和乌托邦。因为我们总认为自己的社会位置能比资产阶级和无产阶级更容易看到历史中的真理,认为能‘独立于被历史地、社会地决定的意义集合地去发现真理’,认为我们能从‘一个不定位的、相对来说是无阶级的阶层的地位’上来向民众提供‘各种超越情境的观念’。〖《意识形态与乌托邦》,纽约,1936年,74, 155,194页〗这种僭妄被无产阶级及其政党听得神乎其神,要来大加利用。国际共运史于是成为革命知识分子的理论、观念漫游史诗。每一场伟大的革命运动之后不久,我们就能看到,革命知识分子的普世主义解放话语,我们所 发动的各种反资本主义体系运动(anti-systemic movements),也总是逃脱不了现代资本主义用以生存、用以粉饰自己的启蒙意识形态和普世主义意识形态的收编,我们总是不小心用了统治阶级的现实辩护的观念〖华勒斯坦《历史性资本主义以及资本主义文明》,1999年,86页〗。我们在策略上用的也总是国族社会主义和经济民族主义的老套。比如,中国知识分子新左中的那些国家民族主义者和文化民族主义者们想重复的‘共产主义等于苏维埃(社会主义?)加电气化’、‘社会主义在一国首先取得胜利’、中国的独立富强神话,但说到底,他们所说的这些富强、赶超也从来都是全球资本从不间断的积累和商品化的一部分,是在潜在地为资本主义-经济降低成本和提高消费品价格、创造更多剩余价值。他们使用着Window2003来反抗微软的技术统治。
我们知识分子如要同情和关心他们的处境,首先就是要来揭露国家与市场的勾结,使无产阶级成为资本主义式社会主义(capitalist socialism)生产关系下的货币与法律关系下的有清醒的自我意识的独立主体,意识到自己的真实历史身份,成为改变自己所处的生产关系结构的自我解放者。中国的某些新左对民工和下岗工人的苦难的道德和人道按摩非但问不对题(或者说正因为其问不对题),而且实际上成了国家和各种资本力量对其劳动力商品的控制手段的一部分。我们必须另寻策略。
用华勒斯坦的话来说,我们应该这样启发民工和城市下岗工人们与世界资本主义体系里的各种资本力量作斗争:从本地出发,来从政治上攻击全球利润落差最大的敏感部位(如中国的外资或跨中企业),使国内外贪婪的谋利者们自己之间去闹翻,帮助新劳动阶级通过各种策略、组织和运动,努力去夺得谋利者为了巩固那个长距离剥削链、保持现存的不合理生产关系而分给他们的代理、干部、买办们的那一部分剩余价值。而谋利者被迫吐出本来要分给爪牙们的一部分剩余价值,将是自杀性的,因为不喂饱的‘打手们’是不肯来出手的,而没有这批打手(说穿了也就 是整个为市场与国家串通服务的广泛的政治和意识形态装置及其所有‘螺丝钉’)来保护资本家,资本主义的世界-经济就没有一个可靠的自救法子(For it will force the greedy to fall out among themselves, and to try to eat into the portion of the surplus they apportion to their agents and intermediaries. But that of course would be collectively suicidal, since an underfed ‘army’ tends to refuse to fight, and without an ‘army’ to protect the capitalists ( that is, an extensive political and ideological apparatus), the capitalist world-economy has no secure way to survive. )。〖《脱思社会科学》,同上, 123-4页〗
A. 使我们身上总是已经存在的马克思主义及其阶级理论有个交待和托付
巴利巴这个马克思理论的精读派和华勒斯坦这个将马克思理论、社会主义国家也看作世界资本主义体系有机部分的作者,最近逼入了我的视界。在阅读中我发现,他们两人可能是帮助我们中国知识分子消除国际共运和社会主义运动中制造的大量马克思主义偏见和幻影,重新零度地阅读马克思,用我们在自己时代里所理解到的马克思主义,来分析我们时代新出现的各种新的阶级差异、阶级苦难和阶级斗争的很好的路径(阿尔都塞教导我们去做的,也就是这一点:马克思有时给我们提供了答案,但问题还得由我们来提,我们必须在当代‘为马克思’提出这样一个问题:马克思主义作为一种‘认识论上’的决裂,作为一种科学发现,本身是在一些什么样的条件下形成的;如何 使我们避开革命政党和革命知识分子的马克思主义意识形态,带着我们自己时代的问题去遭遇作为科学和发现的马克思主义。《保卫马克思》因此也许本应译为《为马克思》、《成全马克思》?〖《阅读<资本论>》,Ben Brewster英译,1970年,46页〗)。他们两人本来是道不同、不相谋的二十世纪两大普遍主义理论,马克思主义和历史学年鉴派的传人,是我们时代的各种新问题使他们走到了一起。他们合写的《种族、民族、阶级-论各种暧昧的身份》,是这两大普遍主义关怀的当代汇合的反映,很值得关心民工这样的阶级身份分析的中国读者关注。
这两个作者在当代很不客气地将马克思重新读成一个‘作者’,一个问题重重、有时是隐含着危险的伟大作者。华勒斯坦:‘…no thinker , however insightful, can ever state things in such a way that they are correct 100 years later. The very evolution of the 100 years creates additional empirical reality which means that the previous theoretical abstractions must be modified.…Marx would have written the Communist Manifesto differently in 1948 than in 1848, and Capital differently in 1959 than in 1859. We must do the same.’〖《脱思社会科学》,同上,151-2页〗我们没法不要马克思主义,但我们必须重创马克思主义。巴利巴:马克思拒绝将自己看作是一个马克思主义者,我们今天也能看穿恩格斯想把马克思主义搞成一个体系的手脚,但我们可以通过我们的精读,使马克思成为第一个也是最伟大的‘后马克思主义者’。〖《马克思主义哲学》,同上,122页〗马克思不是学院派、不是专业思想家、也不是社会活动家或革命活动家。他也只是象我们一样出于自己的良知安慰的需要,而对受压迫、受剥削者的苦难作出了描述,为改变他们的命运而呐喊的一个书生,他也为必须如何呐喊这一点而苦恼。他的与布朗基们、杜林们、拉萨尔们、克鲁泡特金们的斗争,并不证明他的立场的唯一正确,而是表明了他对无产阶级解放事业、人类的平等的社会主义未来的信念的坚定、执着,和对实现过程的屈折和迷离的当真和负责。马克思在我们时代必然会成为一个后马克思主义者,我们,中国的无产阶级,未被他选择、但仍苦苦求索而成为的他的传人(《中国和欧洲的革命》〖《选集》,12卷,纽约,1979年,94页〗中马克思说过一段很让中国无产阶级丧气、很是欧洲中心论的话:It would seem as though history had first to make this whole people(鸦片战争时的中国人民) drunk before it could rouse them out of their hereditary stupidity…It may seem a very strange and a very paradoxical assertion that the next uprising of the people in Europe, and their next movement for republican freedom and economy of government, may depend more probably on what is now passing in the Celestial Empire (天朝)),也必须以他的精神将自己超度和重生到某种二十一世纪的马克思主义里去。民工和下岗工人这样的问题,正在强迫我们对马克思主义在其自身发展的不同阶段上的阶级分析理论作出新的解释,说得上流一点,我们说不定可以用中国的新的阶级、新的剥削和压迫问题,来对马克思主义这种欧洲中心论式的人类解放筹划重作构图。
在当代重读了马克思的阶级理论后,我们对民工问题的讨论需从下面的问题开始:什么是无产阶级?巴利巴在《马克思主义哲学》〖同上,54-5页〗作了一个对于我们认识中国新无产阶级、民工问题很有启发意义的讨论:In reality, the concept of the proletariat is not so much that of a particular ‘class’, isolated from the whole of society, as of a non-class, the formation of which immediately precedes the dissolution of all classes and primes the revolutionary process. For this reason, when speaking of it, Marx employs, for preference, the term ‘Masse’ which he turns round against the contemptuous use made of it by bourgeois intellectuals in his days. Just as the proletarian masses are fundamentally propertyless (eigentumslos),they are fundamentally ‘without illusions’(illusionslos) about reality, fundamentally external to the world of ideology, whose abstractions and ideal representations of the social relation ‘do not exist ’for them. The Manifesto will say the same thing, illustrating the idea with phrases which have since become fanous, but which today seems derisory, such as ‘the working men have no country.’ Similarly, they are free of the beliefs, hopes or hypocrisies of religion, morality and bourgeois law. For the same reason, they could not have ‘idologues’ proposing to instruct or guide them—‘organic intellectuals’, as Gramsci would later term them. (Marx certainly did not see himself as anything of the kind and this produced increasing difficulties when it came to conceptualizing the function of his own theory within revolutionary practice. Here again, Engels was to make the decisive step by bringing the expression ‘scientific socialism’ into general use. 我们必须象巴利巴那样从马克思的阶级理论出发在当代形成自己的关于什么是当代新无产阶级的一种‘理论’,来分析民工的阶级地位问题,否则,一动口,就会落进现存意识形态的框架和腔 调里。民工问题使我们必须重新斟酌和敲定与马克思主义的阶级分析理论的关系。
B. 马克思主义与自由主义在历史上的搭接和今天的新对抗
华勒斯坦这样来勘定十九世纪三大思想潮流对我们过去200年的社会科学研究的统治和它们在今天的流向:They were all world-systemic ideologies. It was no accident that conservatism was the first to emerge institutionally. It is clear that the new recognition of the normality of change posed urgent dilemmas to those of a conservative bent. Edmund Burke and Joseph de Maistre saw this clearly and quickly…Liberalism is the natural ideology of normal change. But it needed to become an ideology only after conservatism had emerged. It was English Tories who first called their opponents ‘liberals’ in the early 19th century. To be sure, the idea of the individual’s right to be free from the constraints of the state had a long history that predates this moment. The rise of the absolutist state brought in its train the advocates of constitutional government. John Locke is often considered the symbolic incarnation of this line of thought. But what emerged in the 19th century was liberalism as an ideology of consciously enacted reform, and this did not really existed in the 17th and 18th centuries. This is also why I believe the oft-cited difference between early 19th century ‘minimal state’ liberalism and late 19th century ‘social state’ liberalism misses the point. The exponents of both had the same conscious political agenda: legislative reform that would abet, channel, facilitate ‘normal change’.
Marxism then came along quite late as the third ideology of the 19th century world. Perhaps some would prefer to think of socialism as the third ideology. But over time the only variety of socialist thought that became truly distinguishable from liberalism as an ideology was in fact Marxism. What Marxism did, as an ideology, was to accept the basic premise of liberal ideology (the theory of progress) and add to it two crucial specifications. Progress was seen as something realised not continuously but discontinuously, that is, by revolution. And in the upward ascent to the good or perfect society the world had reached not its ultimate but its penultimate state. These two amendments were sufficient to produce an entirely different political agenda…
What is important is that the three ideologies were all statements about how politically to deal with ‘normal change’. They probably exhausted the range of possibilities for plausible ideologies to be insitutionalized in the 19th century capitalist world-economy.〖《脱思社会科学》,同上,16-17页〗实际上,在今 天可能也是如此,除了在马克思主义和自由主义之间折腾外,我们还能找到哪些新的政治空间、新的论争话语储备?也许,从今以后,我们的社会科学的任务压根就不在于为我们找到一种新的说得通的、可行的意识形态了?
自由主义者和马克思主义者真有那么对立,那么互相反对得旗帜鲜明?华勒斯坦继续写道〖《脱》,同上,53页〗:十九世纪的三大意识形态都把进步神话当真。They merely argued about the implications of this organizing myth (指那个进步神话)for political action. Liberals were those who celebrated the rise of the middle classes as the bearer of human freedom. They advocated extending the benefits of human progress to groups and countries which had to that point been left behind. Conservatives were those who deplored the decline of the aristocracy (a reality they would not accept) and argued that individualism was not freedom bit a license for rapacity. Freedom was to be found in the restoration of tradition and authority. Marxists too believed that the middle classes had risen and defeated the aristocracy. They argued with liberals that the bourgeoisie had been the bearer of human freedom but they also argued that bourgeois freedom was, as the conservatives said, license for rapacity. However, they added, through the inevitable dialectics of history at a higher state of progress, the proletariat would, in turn, overthrow the bourgeoisie as the bourgeoisie had overthrown the aristocracy.
马克思总是因其亲和性而将自由主义者斯密和李嘉图当例外,而马克思身上的经济决定论很少自由主义者能及。总体来说是马克思很开放地借用了自由主义中一切可用的遗产。在英国时期,在不说到人类最终解放问题时,马克思实际上一直是在与自由主义联手来反对保守主义的。我们今天可以好玩地看到,1948年以前的马克思甚至是默认了无产阶级在条件成熟、完成其革命前,可以先去帮助资产阶级完成其自由民主革命,资产阶级的自由民主,马克思默认,是无产阶级进行(继续)革命的跳板。华勒斯坦在对十九世纪欧洲社会科学的回顾时,就说到马克思主义加自由主义就是整个欧洲社会科学三大件社会学、经济学和政治学的思想燃料。二十一世纪的社会科学,笼统讲的大学文科研究看来有两大任务,一,重新定位各反资本主义体系的运动的策略,二,重新定位社会科学的策略,我们总是脱不了过去二百年的社会科学经验实践的,说到底总仍需将马克思主义与自由主义的积极的有意义的对抗提 升到新的更高层面。〖《脱思社会科学》,同上,37页〗
当马克思从政治的首都巴黎流亡到经济的首都伦敦,他的眼光也从推翻与公民社会的发展相矛盾的资产阶级主导,转到了对资本主义的社会化模式中隐含的矛盾的解决上,从黑格尔的权利国家(Rechtstaat)对社会的霸权,到了斯密,尤其是李加图的完全基于劳动 的量化的价值的解剖,和通过个人之间的交换而对市场进行自动调节的这一自由主义观念上。马克思主义也因此从一种革命理论,转变为一种意识形态批判和物化分析。它留在二十世纪流向是:葛兰西的有机知识分子所生产的有机意识形态这一观念,阿尔都塞的‘意识形态的国家装置’、布迪厄的‘国家之贵族’、‘象征暴力’,法兰克福学派、勒布夫、Guy Dbord, Agnes Heller的物化分析、日常生活现象学、商品的逻辑和价值象征理论,Maurice Godelier, Jean-Joseph Goux, 或Castoriadis, 波依雅的被金钱和法律之语言结构化的社会想象空间分析。〖巴利巴,《马克思主义哲学》,同上,78-9页〗这是我们在当代看新左和新自由主义之间的对抗所需的一个历史地形图。
C. 民工问题背后隐藏着中国未来的所有种种暧昧的身份问题,这种人民内部矛盾连接着脑力劳动与体力劳动分工、男女分工、社会主义与爱国主义的对立、民族主义与世界主义的对立、中国还未有机会真正露脸的民族主义和种族 主义的各种面相
民工和下岗工人问题,根本上是一个劳动阶级的分化、无产阶级化中的进一步等级分层的问题。在中国,这是一个无产阶级国家成为各种资本力量的工具,通过其各种计划经济时代的僵化政策,去进一步强化这种阶级分化和差异的问题。民工问题是活着的当代人为一个已经死去的时代的政治继续付出代价的问题。巴利巴:阿尔都塞使我相信,劳动阶级的分化不是一个第二位的和剩余的现象,而是今天的各种资本主义社会的结构特征,它们决定着各种革命性转变和社会变革所需要的日常组织的立场角度。毛主义者对真正的社会主义和无产阶级文化大革命的批判之后剩下的,我看是这样一种眼光:‘社会主义的生产模式’在现实中构成了国家资本主义和无产阶级的共产主义倾向之间的不稳定的结合。马克思主义的政党重新在其社会主义国家里引入自由主义的二元论:国家与公民社会、政治与经济、市场经济与阶级斗争脱钩,后者达到自治,并将过程中的所有问题,推诿成‘进步本身之矛盾’,进步成为其意识形态。这种强大的国家装置和自治的个人经济行为之间的幻想中的完美结合,成为我们时代的所谓‘市场社会主义’和‘资本主义式社会主义(capitalist socialism)’,而这是马克思曾那么反对的自由主义二元论。〖《种》,同上,2-3页〗
从统计上看,从来没有超过一半的劳动阶级被无产阶级化。工资劳动者更多的总是仍处在半无产阶级的家庭中。这种家庭除了工资收入外,总还在生产另外的真实收入:比如说生产家庭自我消费品,或在本地销售的产品,或任何能降低最低工资水平的剩余价值的劳动。〖华勒斯坦,《历史性资本主义及资本主义文明》,同上,27页〗。中国的农民和民工是最典型的这种半无产阶级。中国的民工现象几乎可以说是中国的国家资本和民间资本家降低基本工资,降低成本,增加积累的一种手段。剥削民工不光是剥削民工本身,也顺带剥削和掠夺了民工的家庭,他们在城镇拿到的最低工资里,已被扣除了同时对他们居住地的妻儿老小的未被国家化、体制化的劳动的剩余价值的篡夺!‘One of the most effective and immediate ways for work forces to increase real income has been the further commodification of their own labour. …One of the major forces behind proletarianization has been the world’s work-forces themselves. They have understood, often better than their self-proclaimed intellectual spokesmen, how much greater the exploitation is in semi-proletarian than in more fully-proletarianized households. ’〖同上,37页〗民工现象在中国决不是特殊的,它在我们的国民经济里成了一种结构性的需要,也就是说,民工这种社会身份是我们的国家‘生产’出来的。民工这种社会身份的设定,是一种更大剥削的需要,是国家、资本和资本投资者的需要,将被不断维持。象户口,临时居住许可这种强制性的国家对公民的搬迁限制,对壮劳力与其余家庭成员之间的分离或远距离隔离,都是国家与资本结合来控制劳动力,降低最低工资标准的阴谋(一个有民工这样的阶级来生产超额利润的资本主义世界-经济市场,也只不过是:a set of rules or constraints resulting from the complex interplay of four major sets of institutions: the multiple ‘nations’, whether fully recognized or struggling for such public definition ( and including those subnations, the ‘ethnic groups’), in uneasy and uncertain relation to the states; the classes, in evolving occupational contour and in oscillating degrees of consciousness; and the income-pooling units engaged in common householding, combining multiple persons engaged in multiple forms of labour and obtaining income from multiple sources, in uneasy relationship to the classes. 〖同上,64页〗这个市场里包括了家庭劳动!这就是我们所说的中国特色的资本义式社会主义市场!)。从长远看,民工现象也是国家为了逃避劳动力再生产的责任,一再推衍对绝大多数的公民的平等的福利权利和要求的计谋,强制家庭成员为其余的成员负某种福利责任。〖参看同上,52页〗
现在,我们总算可以来回答这个问题了:为什么需要民工:1. 他们灵活可变,不需要为其将来的发展或养老保险先期支付什么,总之是不用为所有非利用劳动时间预付租用费;2 .可根据投资者的成本考虑任意重新再置,重新布局、部署 ;3.可通过拖欠、克扣、非货币支付手段等来降低劳动力成本(民工家庭的临时和本地生产实际上是对民工基本工的一种‘补贴’,是在间接地为资本家的剩余价值作贡献!)。全世界80%以上的人口在成为生产剩余价值的劳动力,资本积累者在这一人口里又细细分出等级、内外,在各边界和分层的地方设置那些世界资本主义体系的干部,来保障其积累的顺利进行。〖华勒斯坦 《种》,同上,108页〗在民工问题背后,我们看到的是一种比现有的资本主义好不到哪里去,甚至更残忍的社会主义策略,民工问题是它制造的阶级差异、阶级等次增生的一个例子而已,民工现象一定已蔓延到了我们社会中别的阶级分层上了。
国家是制造国家内外的各种边界,尤其是国内的、甚至是市场内的各种内在边界(innere Grenzen, 费希特), 看不见的边界的作蛹者。无论是一个偷渡到美国的福建农民,还是一个到北京打工的甘肃民工,他们的头将一而再再而三地撞到同一堵国家所拦着的墙上。可怜他们自己就是国家用来造成各种内在边界的桩柱!这样的新劳动阶级连无产阶级都不是,他们过的是一种‘非生活’,一种‘有待去过的生活’,他们的‘家’,只是一个几乎是家的‘家’。〖巴利巴,《政治与其它场景》,Verso,2002,83页〗获得最高的工资价格的总是携带着继承性、积累性物质和象征资本的中产阶级教育体制里制造出来的男性劳力,一路下来就是民工、女工、童工、难民、等等这样的身份等级。民工问题牵连到的是一个无产阶级国家无限地制造新的阶级差异、身份差异和工资差异的一大串问题。
知识分子是国家的职能机关,是要帮助人民找到他们自己的真正命运,黑格尔在《权利哲学》里这样说。马克思也说到,劳动分工真正起源于物质劳动和精神劳动的分工之时。……从那时起,意识真的可以自诩不只是对现行实践的意识,,它也真正反映了那并不反映任何真实的东西的东西。〖《德意志意识形态》,C. J. Arthur英译,伦敦,1970年,51-2页〗知识分子是意识形态的生产者,为某一主导阶级制造借口和幻觉。马克思称这样的知识分子为主导阶级的‘积极的概念意识形态分子’。为了掩盖自己的这一身份,我们知识分子总是将自己神秘化,不肯让人知道我们能制造出那些意识形态,是 因为我们处在某种生活方式、我们的历史特殊性、我们的职业思考方式等等所致。‘理性‘、‘自由’和’‘人类’这样的字眼使我们误认为自己 是无阶级的,是高于别的一切社会实践的。〖巴利巴《政治与其它场景》,同上,50-51页〗换 句话说,我们不自觉地用我们的知识、话语替国家和各种资本力量生产、维持着各种阶级差异。所以,你想想,让国家知识分子去讨论和解决民工问题将会是一种什么后果!在民工争取成为我们社会中的一个平等阶级的过程中,民工这个阶级里自己会生产出‘知识分子’,来为它在壮大过程中争夺文化霸权的,葛兰西说,以其技术-思想可租用性来为国家服务的知识分子,决不是民工们的同盟!
世界资本主义体系总是通过拉弄市场过程中的各个关节上的‘干部’来维持自己,知识分子怎能挡得住这种拉拢?〖同上,147页〗民工和农民是在物质上和社会生活上最吃力不讨好的阶级,他们被经济发展所必需的市场等级的不可避免,被市场规律和来自工头和老板的强压。但也正是中产、小资知识分子拼命制造着关于进步的意识形态,关于美国梦、阿信的故事,用既爱国又改革的新时代精神这样的意识形态去麻醉水深火热中的劳动者。如果有民工参与的阶级斗争,那也一定存在于民工和农民与各种市场‘干部’、知识和脑力生产之间。在未来,我们的各种 政治制度的合法性辩护想绕开这个农民和民工问题,将是难上加难,知识分子要做成知识分子,也将不可能。从这个意义上说,中国的新自由主义经济学家们是极不负责任的,不光是一般所说的对民间疾苦的冷漠,而且也因对权力平等这一中产阶级革命理想即自由主义核心原则的漠视,而延误了对市场过程中的国家合法性基础的求证,这一点甚至都能证明他们并不是自由主义者。
〖附1〗葛兰西论知识分子与资产阶级、与无产阶级及其政党之间的关系 〖引自《读本-1916-1935年著作选》,David Forgacs编,伦敦, 1999年,301-311页;中译本,葆耕译,人民出版社, 1969年,418-42页〗
Are intellectuals an autonomous and independent social group, or does every social group have its own particular specialized category of intellectuals?
1. Every social group, coming into existence on the original terrain of an essential function in the world of economic production, creates together with itself, organically, one or more strata of intellectuals which give it homogeneity and an awareness of its own function not only in the economic but also in the social and political fields. The capitalist entrepreneur creates alongside himself the industrial technician, the specialist in political economy, the organizer of a new culture, of a new legal system, etc. It should be noted that the entrepreneur himself represents a higher level of social elaboration, already characterized by a certain directive and technical (i.e. intellectual) capacity: he must have a certain technical capacity, not only in the limited sphere of his activity and initiative but in other spheres as well, at least in those which are closest to economic production; he must be an organizer of masses of men; he must be an organizer of the ‘confidence’ of investors in his business, of the customers for his product, etc.
If not all entrepreneurs, at least an elite among them must have the capacity to be an organizerof society in general, including all its complex organism of services, right up to the state organism, because of the need to create the conditions most favourable to the expansion of their own class; or at the least they must possess the capacity to choose the deputies (specialized employees) to whom to entrust this activity of organizing the general system of relationships external to the business itself. It can be observed that the ‘organic’ intellectuals which every new class creates alongside itself (知识分子阶级也创造出自己的‘知识分子’,知识分子的知识分子?)and elaborate in the course of its development,are for the most part ‘specializations’ of partial aspects of the primitive activity of the new social type which the new class has brought into prominence.
2. However, every ‘essential ’social group which emerges into history out of the preceding economic structure, and as an expression of a development of this structure, has found (at least in all of history up to the present) categories of intellectuals already in existence and which seemed indeed to represent a historical continuity uninterrupted by the most complicated and radical changes in political and social forms.
The most typical of these categories of intellectuals is that of the ecclesiastics, who for a long time held a monopoly of a number of important services: religious ideology, that is the philosophy and science of the age, together with schools, education, morality, justice, charity, good works, etc….
Since these various categories of traditional intellectuals experience through an ‘esprit de corp’ their uninterrupted historical continuity and their special qualification, they thus put themselves forward as autonomous and independent of the dominant social group….
All men are intellectuals, one could therefore say; but not all men have in society the function of intellectuals Thus there are historically formed specialized categories for the exercise of the intellectual function. They are formed in connection with all social groups, but especially in connection with the most important social groups, and they undergo more extensive and complex elaboration in connection with the dominant social group. One of the most important characteristics of any group that is developing towards dominance is its struggle to assimilate and conquer ‘ideologically’ the traditional intellectuals, but this assimilation and conquest is made quicker and more efficacious the more the group in question succeeds in simultaneously elaborating its own organic intellectuals…. The ‘intellectuality’ of each individual…
It should be possible both to measure the degree of ‘organicism’ of the various intellectual strata and their degree of connection with a fundamental social group, and to establish a gradation of their functions and of the superstructures from the bottom to the top. What we can do, for the moment, is to fix two major superstructural ‘levels’: the one that can be called ‘civil society’, that is the ensemble of organisms commonly called ‘private’, and that of ‘political society’ or ‘the state’. These two levels correspond on the one hand to the function of ‘hegemony’ which the dominant group exercises throughout society and on the other hand to that of ‘direct domination’ or command exercised through the state and ‘juridical ’ government. …The intellectuals are the dominant group’s ‘deputies’ exercising the subaltern functions of social hegemony and political government. These comprise:
1. The ‘spontaneous’ consent given by the great masses of the population to the general direction imposed on social life by the dominant fundamental group; this consent is ‘historically’ caused by the prestige (and consequent confidence) which the dominant group enjoys because of its position and function in the world of production.
2. The apparatus of state coercive power which ‘legally’ enforces discipline on those groups who do not ‘consent’ either actively or passively. …The function of organizing social hegemony and state domination certainly gives rise to a particular division of labour and therefore to a whole hierarchy of qualifications in some of which there is no apparent attribution of directive or organization functions. … In the modern world the category of intellectuals, understood in this sense, has undergone an unprecedented expansion. The democratic-bureaucratic system has given rise to a great mass of function which are not all justified by the social necessities of production, though they are justified by the political necessities of the dominant fundamental group….Intellectuals of the urban type have grown up along with industry and are linked to its fortunes. Their function can be compared to that of subaltern officers in the army. They have no autonomous initiative in elaborating plans for construction. Their job is to articulate the relationship between the entrepreneur and the instrumental mass and to carry out the immediate execution of the production plan decided by the industrial general stuff, controlling the elemental stages of work. …
Furthermore: in the countryside the intellectual ( priest, lawyer, notary, teacher, doctor, etc.), has on the whole a higher or at least a different living standard from that of the average peasant and consequently represents a social model for the peasant to look to in his aspiration to escape from or improve his condition. …The peasant’s attitude towards the intellectual is double and appear contradictory. He respects the social position of the intellectuals and in general that of the state employees, but sometimes affects contempt for it, which means that his admiration is mingled with instinctive elements of envy and impassioned anger….
1. The political party for some social groups is nothing other than their specific way of elaborating their own category of organic intellectuals directly in the political and philosophical field rather than in the field of productive technique…
2. The political party, of all groups, is precisely the mechanism which carries out in civil society the same function as the state carries out, more synthetically and over a larger scale, in political society. In other words it is responsible for welding together the organic intellectuals of a given group—the dominant one—and the traditional intellectuals. The party carries out this function in strict dependence on its basic function, which is that of elaborating its own component parts—those elements of a social group which has been born and developed as an ‘economic’ group—and of turning them into qualified political intellectuals, leaders and organizers of all the activities and functions inherent in the organic development of an integral society, both civil and political. …An intellectual who joins the political party of a particular group is merged with the organic intellectuals of the group itself, and is linked tightly with the group. This takes place through participation in the life of the state only to a limited degree and often not at all. Indeed it happens that many intellectuals think that they are the state, a belief which, given the magnitude of the category, occasionally has important consequences and leads to unpleasant complications for the fundamental economic group which really is the state.
That all members of a political party should be regarded as intellectuals is an affirmation that can easily render itself to mockery and caricature. But if one thinks about it nothing could be more exact. A party might have a greater or lesser proportion of members in the higher grades or in the lower, but this is not the point. What matters is the function, which is directive and organizational, i.e. educative, i.e. intellectual.…
But the ‘party’ is a profound ambivalent form. The history of the working-class movement, from 1840s on, is a dialectic of the masses’ integration within and opposition to the party form. The existence of the working class as a political force has never been able to do without this form (even under other names), but neither has it been able to confine itself to it. In fact, the party form bears within itself a fundamental contradiction, which is precisely the source of its historical necessity. It is not only the form in which the working-class movement resists assimilation in to the dominant model of politics but also the form of in which it enters in to the model, with the goal of transforming it, like the Trojan horse. It is the only form in which the working class, and working people in general, can establish an organic relation with intellectuals in order to give body and structure to their own class (for no ‘working –class party’ has ever existed except as the relative and conflictual fusion of a portion of the working class with a determinate group of intellectuals). Conversely, it is the only form in which intellectuals, the more or less disciplined and controlled ‘products’ of the development of the bourgeois state, can establish a new social and institutional relation with ‘productive’ workers.〖《群众、阶级、观念》,同上,152页〗
In the period of the First International, Marx was the strategic arbitrator of a very embryonic movement, bit only as a mediator and arbitrator of conflicts between tendencies in the organization, not as a theoretician of the capitalist mode of production. …Marx and above all Engels were officially in charge of the party’s theoretical direction but not, strictly speaking, of its political direction, which was in the hands of the ‘organic intellectuals’ of the party apparatus, with whom they found themselves in a constantly ambivalent relation of conflict and mutual use, both trying to ‘unite’ with the working masses.…The working class becomes the blind spot of its own politics, leaving the field free for messianic ideologization.〖同上,154-5页〗
In political terms, this implies not an absolute separation or natural antagonism of knowledge and decision, or organization, but the impossibility of the total ‘fusion’, acquired once and for all, of theoretical and strategic functions. If it is the encounter, or the conflict, between theory, or rather between theories and practices, that gives rise to both knowledge and ‘politics,’ then it is certainly necessary, from time to time at least, that theory be produced outside the organization. It may even be that there are more opportunities—and not fewer—within this parallelism for the social division of labor to evolve, and that theory (as social activity) will increasingly cease to be a monopoly of individuals or of castes, a business for intellectuals, in short, for those Marx, in the beginning, called ‘ideologists.’ For if proletarians or more generally, the people from below are no longer portrayed either as completely lacking ideology (Illusionslos) or as the potential bearers, by nature of a ‘communist world-view’—providing revolutionary theories with an ideal guarantee—they will themselves have more, not fewer, opportunities to introduce and test their ideas (the ‘thought of the masses’) in the battlefield of politics, from which they had been excluded in their own name. 〖同上,174页〗