
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 19:41:32


Here are 5 things men look in a mate for besides looks.


1. Her personality is a plus. She needs to make him laugh and carry on an intelligent conversation. She needs to be able to hold her own with his friends and family. She should radiate her confidence and soul through her eyes, smile, and laughter.

1. 她的性格给她加分。她要能够给他带来欢笑,并能够有智慧地和他交谈。她要能够和他的朋友和家人愉快地相处。她的眼中、微笑中和笑声中要能够放射出自己的自信和人格。

2. She makes him feel special. She does little things for him here and there that make him feel sexy and like there’s no other guy in the world. She isn’t necessarily overtly sexy, but flirtation is there on the surface. She’ll praise his accomplishments, hold his hand in public, and play footsies under the table or at the theater. She doesn’t have to be super aggressive, but she lets him know that he’s the one that turns her on.

2. 她使他感觉很特别。她不时地为他做一些小事情,使他觉得自己很性感,仿佛在她眼中这个世界上只有他一个男人一样。她不必非常性感,但浑身却散发着魅力。她总会赞扬他的所作所为,在公众场合拉着他的手,在桌子下面或者剧场之中踢踢他的脚。她不必非常主动,但是要让他知道他才是那个能使她兴奋的人。

3. She shows him she cares in small ways. It’s not that he expects a cook and a maid all in one, but when she makes him breakfast in bed or irons his shirt when he’s running late, it shows him how much she cares for him. She wants to do these things and it brings her pleasure to show him she cares. She listens to him and knows what buttons to push to meet his needs. She notices even the small things that he might not think she picks up on.

3. 她在细节中表现出她的关心。并不是说他希望她要既是厨师又是女仆。但是,当她在他还没起床的时候帮他准备早餐,或当他快要迟到时帮他熨衬衣,这些会表明她有多在乎他。她愿意做这些事情,向他表达她的关心能够给她带来快乐。她善于倾听,懂得他需要什么,自己该怎么做。她甚至能注意到他觉得她注意不到的事情。

4. She’s honest, dependable, and trustworthy. She shows up on time. She’s polite to his friends and co-workers. He treats her right, so he wants the same. He wants trust and honesty. In turn, he gives her his undying trust, as well. Open communication and talking keeps the relationship on track and alive.

4. 她真诚、可靠、值得信赖。她约会准时。她对他的朋友和同事很礼貌。他以恰当的方式地对待她,所以他也想要同样的回报。他想要信任和真诚。相应地,他也给她永恒的信任。敞开心扉的沟通和交谈使两人的关系一直处于正轨,并充满活力。

5. She loves him unconditionally. He can tell by the look in her eyes…the smile on her face…the glow on her skin that he is hers. She accepts him for who he is and all he wants to be. It’s emotional and thrilling knowing you’ve found the one that’s meant for you.

5. 她无条件地爱他。他能从她的眼……她脸上的微笑……和她皮肤上的红晕中辨别出来,他是她的。无论他是谁,想成为什么样的人,她都接受。能够找到和自己天生一对的,实在是一件令人激动和兴奋的事情。

Asides from the chemistry, a guy needs a best friend and someone that makes him feel special when he’s just being himself. So just remember these simple things and before you know it, maybe you will be planning your bridal shower.
