冯沅君 旅行TXT:新闻周刊:酒店秘事

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 00:45:04

It's the dirty secret about businesstravel. Many married men expect sex along with their room service, according toa NEWSWEEK poll. But will the Strauss-Kahn scandal change the rules of thegame?


Dominique Strauss-Kahn won’t go down inhistory as the next president of France, but he may well beremembered as the man who made the “hospitality industry” a lot lesshospitable.



More than a few business travelers think ofsex as a hotel amenity, like free shampoo or chocolates on the pillow, andbefore Strauss-Kahn’s perp walk on charges that he sexually assaulted acleaning woman, most hotels looked the other way. Not anymore. After anEgyptian businessman was carted out of New York’sswanky Pierrehotel by the NYPD late last month for allegedly sexually assaulting a maid, thehotel said it will arm all its room attendants with panic buttons. TheRitz-Carlton on Central Park South is considering doing the same; already,general manager Scott Geraghty reports that at daily meetings management is“providing specific safety guidelines to all our housekeeping staff andreiterating the importance of remaining vigilant and reporting anything thatmay raise suspicions while on the job.” Meanwhile, the biggest union in thehospitality industry, UNITE, is calling for hotels to provide sexual-harassmenttraining to all employees.


相当多的商务旅行人士将性视为酒店的免费用品,就像免费的香波或枕头上的巧克力。在卡恩被指控性侵一名清洁房间的女服务生而受到拘提之前,大多数酒店在性侵问题上一直遮遮掩掩,欲说还休。他们再也不要这样了。上月末,一个埃及商人因所谓的性侵女佣而被警察强行拖出纽约豪华的皮埃尔酒店,之后酒店方表示将为所有的客房服务生配备紧急按钮。中央公园南区的丽嘉酒店也准备采取同样的措施。酒店总经理Scott Geraghty报告说,在每日例会上,管理人员都会“为我们所有的客房服务员提供详尽的安全指导,并一再重申保持警惕和在工作中察觉任何风吹草动就立行报告的重要性”。与此同时,酒店服务业的最大工会——UNITE呼吁酒店主为所有雇员提供性骚扰培训。

All of which has left business travelers abit skittish as they try to figure out what constitutes acceptable behavior. Isit OK to let a room-service attendant set your breakfast table while the dooris shut? Does booking an in-room massage raise suspicions from the conciergethat you might be looking for something more? Is it even OK to chat up theattendant in the elevator? Maybe not, to hear a Regency Hotel employee in NewYork, who says male guests sometimes mistake her friendliness and smiles—whichare job requirements—as flirtation.



If the questions are knotty, it’s becausemen have a tendency to be naughty when they travel. A new NEWSWEEK/Daily BeastPoll of 400 married men found that 21 percent admit to wanting to cheat ontheir spouse while traveling on business—and 8 percent have actually done so(the majority of them repeatedly). Six percent of the respondents admitted tohaving paid for sex while traveling on business. Still others acknowledged thatthey’ve hit on the help: 3 percent of the men in NEWSWEEK’s poll said they’dmade a pass at a hotel worker (more than half were rebuffed), and 2 percent hadsex with them. Even if they’re not having sex, many businessmen let it all hangout when they travel—to judge from the 12 percent of married men who indicatedthey’re not always fully dressed when they let staffers into their rooms. Andabout that massage? Eleven percent of the married men who’ve had one say thatsexual contact was involved—though not a single respondent would cop to havinginitiated it.


如果说这些问题难以处理,那是因为男人在旅行的时候很容易管不住自己。《新闻周刊》和新闻网站Daily Beast针对400名已婚男性进行的调查发现,21%承认在商务旅行时想偷腥,而8%事实上已然诉诸行动(他们中的大多数不止一次)。6%的被调查者承认在商务旅行时曾花钱嫖妓,但仍有人承认打了女服务生的歪主意:3%表示他们曾对酒店服务生眉目传情(多一半遭遇断然拒绝),2%与她们发生关系。一些商人在旅行时即使没有俘获女服务生的芳心,也并不避讳自己的司马昭之心——要知道12%的已婚男性表示让服务生进入他们房间的时候,他们并非总是衣不露体。那么按摩又如何呢?11%的已婚男性表示发生了性接触——但是没有一个被调查者愿意承认曾主动提出性要求。

Andria Babbington, who worked for 17 yearsas a hotel housekeeper and is now a union representative in Toronto, says she still remembers the firsttime it happened to her. At 18 years old and just 95 pounds, she was sent to aroom to deliver a blanket, and arrived to find the guest completely naked,lying on top of the bed. “He asked me to touch his genital area, offered memoney for it. I said, ‘No, my job doesn’t go that far.’ He spent a couple minutestrying to get me to come closer and tuck him in ... Eventually I just droppedthe blanket on the edge of the bed and ran out.” Yet when Babbington informedher supervisors, she found little support. “They laughed,” she recalls.“Everyone thought it was funny, and the reason they thought it was funny wasbecause this wasn’t the first time they’d heard it. It was a ‘welcome to theclub’–type thing.”


Andria Babbington做了17年的酒店客房部经理,如今成为了多伦多市的工会代表,她表示至今还记着自己的第一次遭遇。在18岁那年,只有95磅重的她被指派给一个房间送毛毯,她到了之后才发现客人一丝不挂地躺在床上。“他给我钱,要求我触摸他的敏感区,我说,‘不,这不是我份内的工作’,他花了几分钟设法让我靠得更近,给他盖好毯子…最后我只好将毛毯丢在床边,跑了出去”。然而当Babbington将此事告诉主管人员的时候,几乎没有人支持她。她回忆说,“他们笑了起来,每个人都感觉很好笑,他们之所以认为好笑,是因为他们不是第一次听说这种事了,我只是成了‘性骚扰俱乐部’的新成员”。

Certainly, powerful men behaving badly athotels is hardly a novelty. NBA superstar Kobe Bryant was arrested forallegedly sexually assaulting a 19-year-old hotel employee in Eagle, Colo., in 2003 (the casewas settled out of court). In 2006 former vice president Al Gore was accused ofgroping and kissing a massage therapist at a hotel in Portland, Ore.And it was at a Ritz-Carlton that sports announcer Marv Albert attacked hismistress and forced her to have oral sex after she refused to have a three-way(he pleaded guilty).



The official word from hotel operators isthat they don’t condone inappropriate behavior on their premises. But manybusiness travelers know they can get almost any extracurricular activity theywant without ever leaving the hotel. It starts with the helpful bellman who’sready with strip-club recommendations, extends upstairs to the pay-per-viewporn, and back down to the lobby where semipros work the bars with a wink andnod to management. Kristin Davis, the former madam of choice for Eliot Spitzerand the recently deceased composer Joseph Brooks, says that when she was fullyoperational she had staffers inside Manhattan’s Ritz-Carlton and Gansevoortworking as middlemen for her (the Ritz-Carlton denied knowledge of the matter;the Gansevoort declined to comment). In Atlanta,one doorman who’s worked for nearly 25 years at a chic hotel says he’sdeveloped a profitable side business charging $200 a pop to give hookers and female “groupies” theroom numbers of NBA and NFL stars staying there (the players never seem tocomplain). “That’s the hotel business in a nutshell,” says the doorman,Anthony, who requested that his last name not be used. “They ignore a lot ofthings happening to their guests and to the workers.”


尽管酒店经营者的官方说辞是他们对发生在其经营场所的不雅行为不予宽恕,但是许多商务旅行人士知道,他们根本不用离开酒店就几乎能够尽情潇洒。如果你有需要,好心的服务生随时会为你推荐最好的脱衣舞夜总会,你可以观看按次收费的色情音像品,还可以到休息室尽享春色,管理人员对那里泡吧的半职业者睁一只眼闭一只眼。Kristin Davis曾是艾略特•斯皮策和最近辞世的作曲家约瑟夫·布鲁克斯最为信任的鸨母,她表示在她的事业如日中天的时候,她的职员曾在曼哈顿的丽嘉酒店和甘斯沃尔特酒店工作,负责为她充当中间人(丽嘉酒店否认知情,甘斯沃尔特酒店拒绝置评)。在亚特兰大,有一个名叫安东尼的门卫在一所豪华酒店工作了差不多25年,他说他在副业中收入颇丰,方法是给妓女和女性“追星族”提供入住该酒店的NBA和NFL(美国国家橄榄球联盟)球星(这些人似乎从未抱怨)的房间号,每次收费200美金。他请求不要公布他的姓氏,并表示,“总而言之,酒店业务就是如此,它忽视了许多发生在顾客和员工身上的事情”。

It’s easy to understand why. In an industrywhere the customer is always right, hotels can’t afford to be puritanical abouttheir guests’ peccadilloes—especially those of the rich and powerful men whodrop thousands of dollars a night on the presidential suite. And in an age whenany guest with a grievance, legitimate or not, can broadcast a beef to millionsof potential customers on websites like TripAdvisor and Travelocity, hotelmanagers bend over backward to keep the clients happy.


个中缘由并不难理解。在一个顾客为王的行业,酒店不可能像清教徒一样对顾客的小过失加以劝阻,那样未免代价高昂——而那些每晚在总统套房动辄一掷千金的富家翁和权势人物更是另当别论。在我们这个时代,任何一位客人的不满(不论合理与否)都会传播到TripAdvisor 和 Travelocity网站,因此为了让顾客高兴,酒店经理就只有不惜一切代价了。

And so the customers’ desires can trumpalmost anything else—including safety and basic decency. One housekeeper whohas spent a decade working at a Beverly  Hills hotel where rooms cost up to $2,200 per nightsays her attempts to report repeated incidents of harassment have receivedlittle, if any, response. After a client grabbed her breasts, her supervisortold her to return to the room and finish cleaning. “I did as I was told,” she says.Yasmin Vasquez, a single mother who has worked in various hotels across thecountry, recalls how a colleague at a Californiahotel was sexually assaulted and reported the incident to management, only tobe told she was lying. She’s pretty certain why the incident wasn’t takenseriously. “My friend had no papers, and the hotel knew she was illegal,”Vasquez says.


因此顾客的愿望就压倒了关于几乎其他一切问题的考量——包括安全和基本的廉耻。一位在比佛利山庄酒店(那里的房间每晚花费高达2200美元)工作十年之久的客房部经理表示,她曾多次试图报告骚扰事件,但是没有得到什么答复。在她被一个顾客袭胸之后,她的主管却让她回到房间继续打扫卫生。她说,“我照做了”。Yasmin Vasquez是一位单身母亲,曾在全国许多家酒店供职,她回忆说,她在加利福尼亚酒店的一个同事被性侵,不料向管理层报告后,他们竟然指责这个同事在撒谎。她非常清楚为什么该事件未被严肃对待,“我的朋友没有合法的居住文件,酒店知道她违法”。

A longtime security supervisor for a major Las Vegas resort describesmanagement’s approach to dealing with sexual harassment this way: “We are notpolice. We are not looking to call something a crime. Unless someone wants topress charges, we try not to call Metro.” That’s certainly the experience ofJack Tuckner, a Manhattan-based lawyer on the speed dial of several local women’s-rightsorganizations. “I know former law-enforcement people who work for the hotelswho try to keep it in the family,” he says.


一位在著名的拉斯维加斯度假胜地供职多年的保安主管,是这样描述管理部门处理性骚扰的方式的:“我们不是警察,我们也不想判定罪行,除非有人提起诉讼,我们才会给市政厅打电话”。这当然也是Jack Tuckner的体会,他活跃在曼哈顿地区,是当地多家女权组织的特约律师,他说,“我认识几家酒店的执法人员,他们通常会掩盖性骚扰事件”。

But now that the dirty laundry is gettingaired, hotel managers and their customers are being forced to clean up theiracts—at least for a while. Bo Dietl, TV personality and security consultant forthe rich and famous, says he’s now advising clients to avoid any situationwhile traveling that might seem sexually inappropriate. “In this day and age,you gotta just watch everybody,” he says. If not for the media swarm followingthe alleged Strauss-Kahn attack, he says, “you think this Egyptian guy [at the Pierre] would’ve taken ahit like that? Not a shot in hell.”


但是现在,这个秘密正揭开面纱,酒店经理和他们的顾客将被迫自我检点——至少在目前这个阶段。电视人和面向富人和名人的安全顾问Bo Dietl表示,目前他建议客户们在旅行时要避免任何不雅性事的发生。他说,“在今天这样的时代里,你对任何人都要小心戒备”,如果不是因为在所谓的卡恩性侵事件之后,媒体蜂拥而至,“你认为这个埃及人(在皮埃尔酒店)会受遭遇那样的困境吗?根本就不会”。