香港chloe faye价格:考研英语词汇复习(76): investigate、look into; investigation、survey、inquiry、 probe、census

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 04:57:17



                                               investigatelook into

              investigationsurveyinquiry probecensus






 look into


       investigate  “调查”,指为了弄清事实或为了了解掌握情况而作的调查。动词短语look into ,口头用语,相当于investigate。

        1) You need to investigate the market before deciding to design the new product.


       2) The group will investigate the computer game addiction of undergraduates and explore the possible influential factors.


       3) The manager promised to looking into our complaint and give us a definite reply as soon as possible.


       4) We are going to look into the root cause of the failure and get it resolved once and for all.











investigation   用法同动词。survey 指“普查”。inquiry 通常指一般的了解,也可指正式的调查。probe 意义同investigation,主要用于新闻语言。census指人口普查。


1) We made a through investigation into the case and found that the accused was innocent.


2) We will make an immediate investigation/inquiry into the matter.


        3) Civil engineers will make a survey of land intended for industrial development or housing.


4) Web-based surveys can reach very large numbers of respondents at low cost.


        5) According to the recent census, people over 60 account for 21 percent of the general population of the country.


   6) The special committee has decided to launch a deep probe into the accident.
