蒋经国传 江南 mobi:超准:2012年的运势指南

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 19:00:25


















Horoscope 2012 Scorpio

October 23 - November 22

Horoscope : GENERAL

This year 2012 will be synonymous with release and immediate re-engagement on new projects. The Jupiter passage in the constellation of the Bull announces ends of situation which will relieve you. You pass to a new cycle, which is not whole rest. Indeed, you connect without slackening on the new ways which you released last year. And you start to see the first effects of them. You feel more freedom of action and direct energy to make hatch your desires in the broad sense. Your franker audacity saves to you time!


You alternate between impatience of change and baited combativeness, this year, within the framework of your work. Indeed, the impulses of Mars united in Uranus with your sign let predict that your need for change will hatch of itself. These last ten months enabled you to especially make notable projections on the level of your competences. You now need to pass to high speed. If you are searching for a job, you will be likely to type with the good doors, especially during second half of the year of the year. All that touches with the developments, specialization, creation is very favored also. This is the moment to on standby buckle the files since the spring of last year, to complete what owes to be. Because the innovation arrives and you would risk to be quickly overbooked!


The passion storms of last year carry on their way this year, and carry out you towards changes to that few of you were prepared. Despite everything your capacities of anticipation, you will meet situations worthy of the large seducers of this world! Concretely, from the meetings come to you without anything to force, which can call in question sometimes of the already established bonds, and to cause completely unforeseeable reversals of situation. If you are single, you will discover new possibilities well of letting speak your heart and your emotions. This is the choices which will be most difficult to make, whatever your situation. The stars facilitate especially the fact of living fully at the present rather than to project you in the future and to pledge final, in spite of passion fires which prevail! Take retreat before pledging least. A certain disorder in your aspirations is likely to put to you sticks in the wheels in your way of acting towards your partner. Serene Stability and the great basic interrogations are not easily reconcilable in same time… This is what will jump to the eyes of your partner, but by inevitably with yours! If you are single, you will have the means of graying you your successes and thus of driving out the past in the light of the new possibilities, rich in potentialities which traverse this year 2012.


You seek peace and financial balance in an active way, this year. Indeed, March, your main planet, pushes you to act in the most direct and radical way possible to arrive at the end of certain contrarieties or to give you more financial means to carry out your projects. You learn the lessons from these six last years while going on the ground… This is the moment to meet your banker, to put charts on tables and to draw with light all too confused situations. Your frankness will be paying; to convince is largely facilitated to you, luck is with you if you follow an occupation related to commercial. It is time also d' to go to recall to order those which owe you of money, do not hesitate! Your force of conviction is acting for the important purchases with the long run.


Tempo of your life accelerates much, this year. And this is in you that the effects will be most resounding; you will have to make decisions energetic, immediate, while having with spirit the consequences they can involve. In these cases of figure, you can act, but you will have to take care to keep idle period to completely rest you after such courses. You will thus avoid finding you on who lives for nothing, with your entourage! Do not doubt you, the action is impossible to circumvent, this year.


This year 2012 will see your energy in clear rise compared to last year. Indeed, galvanizing action of Mars allied in Uranus is felt through a mental form and increased physics, your energy appears more readily with the outside than ordinary. This is in contact with the others that you will see it in a really obvious way: you will manage to justify anything which with action, your energy is communicating! Take care to proportion together and not to disperse you in vain. Your priorities require more rigors in your lifestyle. It would be positive to benefit from the first three months of the year to rebalance your food and especially to eliminate the meals taken on the run! Your metabolism accelerates and so to start a mode now would be very favorable.
