
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/06 17:33:29



)1. ——______ do you write to your pen friend?     ——Once a week.

   A. How long    B. How soon    C. How far    D. How often

)2. ——______ students are there in your class?     ——Forty-one.

   A. How much   B. How many    C. How long   D. How heavy

)3. ——______ does a car cost(花费)in China?

     ——It can cost as a little 50,000 yuan and as much as 300,000 yuan.

   A. How many   B. How price    C. How money    D. How much

)4. Pass my glasses to me, I can _____ read the words in the newspaper.

   A. hardly       B. really      C. rather(更确切的)      D. clearly(清晰的)

)5. Jackie is _____ careful, so he seldom(很少) makes mistake.

   A. usually      B. never      C. always       D. sometimes

)6. _____ they are brothers, they don’t look like each other at all.

   A. Because     B. Though    C. When      D. As

)7. I ________ at this time of yesterday.     A. started do my homework 

   B. started my homework  C. started to do my homework   D. started did my homework

)8. Who knows the key ____ Exercise 1?  Put up your hands.

   A. to     B. of     C. with    D. about

)9. I usually come to school _______.  A. by a bus   B. on foot  C. by foot  D. on bus

)10. It’s a fine day _____ a walk.    A. in    B. of     C. for     D. at

)11. I like ______ in the early morning.  A. a walk   B. walks   C. walking  D. on foots

)12. ______ do you usually go home?   A. How   B. What    C. Where    D. Who

)13. _____ she leave home at six?   Yes, she does.  A. Is    B. Can   C. Do   D. Does

)14. We can’t see ____ sun at night.    A. a   B. an     C. the     D. no

)15. I usually walk to school, but I ______ come by bus.

   A. some times   B. often    C. sometimes   D. maybe

)16. Look, there is a boy over there _____ the tree.    A. on   B. in   C. at   D. of

)17. She ____ back home once a year with her parents. A. is going B. go C. goes D. going

)18. My father goes to work ______ every day.

   A. by a bike     B. in a bike      C. on a bike     D. ride bikes

)19. ——What does your father do?    ——_____________.    A. He is working hard 

   B. He is at work now        C. He is a teacher        D. He is teaching English

)20. Here is a post card_____. 

   A. from she to he    B. from hers to him     C. to him from her     D. from her to him

)21. American students go to school five days ______.

   A. every week       B. the week        C. in a week      D. a week

)22. Can you ____ English?    Only ______.

   A. speak , a little words   B. say, a little words    C. speak, a little      D. say, a little

)23. He works very hard because he wants ______ money for his family.

   A. to make    B. doing    C. look for    D. to find

)24. Sleeping too late is ____ your health. A. good for B. bad for  C. good to D. bad to

)25. Some of us watch TV three ____ four _____a week.

   A. and, time    B. but, time    C. or, time    D. or, times

)26. Li Lei likes _______ a red hat.

   A. putting on   B. to put on    C. wearing    D. wears

)27. I do homework every day when I come ____ home ____ school.

   A. to, from    B. at, for    C. \ , from    D. from, to

  )28. I love junk food too, ____ I try to ____ only once a week.

   A. but, eat    B. but, eat them   C. and, eat      D. but, eat it

)29. My mother isn’t in, I must ___________ my sister at home.

   A. look at    B. look after      C. look up      D. look out

)30.I often ________ on weekends.       

   A. go to movie  B. go the movies  C. going to the movies  D. go to the movies

)31. —What ___ the boy always do on weekends?

    —He always ____ football ___ his friends.

   A. does, plays, with  B. does, play, and  C. do, plays, and   D. do, play, with

)32. My parents usually ____ books after dinner.

   A. watch     B. watches     C. read     D. see

)33. ______ hours of sports do you do every week?   Six.

   A. How long   B. How much   C. How many    D. How often

)34. —Could you help me, please?   —____________.

   A. That’s all right      B. No     C. Not at all     D. No problem

)35. Eating vegetables maybe help you keep in _______.       

   A. healthy      B. health      C. healthily        D. unhealthy

)36.What’s wrong ______ your leg?     A. to   B. at   C. with   D. in

)37. ________?  Nothing. I only want to sleep for a while.

   A. What’s up   B. How much is there    C. What’s matter    D. Are you OK

)38. _____ your brother and you _____ any questions?

   A. Do, has     B. Do, have    C. Does, have    D. Does, has

)39. ——Shall we go to visit the Great Wall first?  ——________

   A. Yes, we do     B. Yes, let’s go    C. No, you shouldn’t   D. It’s a pity

)40. You’d better ______ to send me an e-mail when you get home. 

   A. not to forget    B. don’t forget   C. to not forget     D. not forget

)41.---Can you come and play football with me?  ---______. I have a lot of work to do.

   A. Excuse me   B. I hope so   C. I’m afraid not    D. It’s a pleasure

)42. My brother doesn’t feel ______ today.    A. nice  B. good  C. well    D. badly

)43. She doesn’t feel like _____ anything today.   A. to eat  B. eating  C. eat  D. eats

)44. I have a toothache, I _____ to see a dentist.   A. want  B. need  C. should  D. must

)45. ----What’s the ______, Judy?  -----I have a fever.    

   A. wrong    B. matter      C. thing       D. question

)46. National Day is _____ October 1st  A. at    B. of    C. in    D. on

)47. ----What’s the matter? __________   ---__________

   A. I’m not thirsty B. She has a sore throat  C. I’m very sorry  D. You’re wrong maybe

)48.--____ did you start singing? --Two years ago. A. How  B. When  C. Where  D. Why

)49. It is _________ today than yesterday . Shall we go swimming this afternoon ?

A. the hottest   B. hot      C. hottest      D. hotter

)50. ---You can go to the policeman for help. ----__________.

     A. Sure     B. It’s bad    C. Good idea    D. You’re right

)51.——I have a toothache.   ——Maybe you should see a _______.

     A. teacher     B. nurse     C. worker     D. dentist

)52. ——What’s on TV tonight? Is there ______ interesting?  ——I’m afraid not.

     A. something    B. nothing    C. anything    D. everything

)53. ——Excuse me, have you got any ink(墨水)? ——Yes, but only ______.

     A. a little     B. a few     C. little     D. few

)54. --May I take this book out of the reading room?   --____, please read it here.

     A. Certainly     B. Sure     C. No, you needn’t    D. No, you mustn’t

)55. —“It took me nearly 40 minutes to ride here”.

     —“Have a drink, please. You ______ be thirty.” A. will B. must C. should D. can

)56. You must look _____ yourself and keep _______.

     A. for, health    B. after, health   C. after, healthy   D. for, healthy

)57 She _____ babysit her sister this weekend.

     A. need to     B. must      C. have to     D. had to

)58. It’s very useful ________ English well.

     A. of us to learn   B. for us to learn   C. of us learning   D. for us learning

)59. Lu Yun is a famous people, _______ here knows him.

     A. someone     B. everyone    C. no one   D. anyone

)60. Don’t cross the road now, you ______ wait for the green lights.

     A. has to     B. should    C. can        D. may 

)61. Eating ______ meat is bad for your health.

     A. too many    B. much too    C. many too   D. too much

)62. You shouldn’t eat too much _____ you go to bed.

     A. when     B. before      C. after      D. while

)63. People who are _____ and angry must eat too much yang food.

     A. stressed     B. stressed of    C. stressed out    D. stressed in

)64. ——You don’t look well. What’s wrong?  ——________

     A. It doesn’t matter B. Please don’t ask me C. I don’t think so D. I was ill yesterday

)65. I’m ill. Please give me some good _____. 

     A. advise      B. advises     C. advice      D. advices

)66. There is ______ snow here in winter.  

     A. too many     B. too much   C. lot of       D. much too

)67. Could you give me a piece of paper ______?

     A. to write     B. to write down   C. to write on   D. to write with

)68. I don’t feel ______. The doctor asked me to go and see him ____ three days.

     A. well, every   B. well, each    C. good, each     D. good, every

)69. There is ____________ with your computer.      A. much something wrong   

    B. much wrong something  C. nothing much wrong   D. something wrong much

)70. You’re very tired. You’d better __________.

   A. stop to working   B. stop working   C. to stop to work   D. stop to work

)71.--- ______ is he staying here?    -----From Monday to Saturday.

   A. How often    B. How far    C. How long    D. When

)72. We’re _______ this Sunday.

   A. go fishing    B. going camp   C. going shopping    D. go hiking

)73. ---_____ are you doing for next vacation? ---I’m going to Tibet for a week.

   A. Where      B. What        C. How long       D. Why

)74. My sister and I _____ a vacation this summer.

    A. are taking     B. is taking     C. are have     D. is having

)75. That piece of music sounds _______.

    A. beautifully    B. happily      C. nice       D. pretty

)76. ——May I ask some questions _______ that thing.     ——Sure!

    A. of        B. for          C. about        D. to

)77. I don’t know that boy _____ can dance well.  A. this B. who C. what D. where

)78. He is a ______ star, everyone here knows him.

    A. interesting     B. exciting     C. funny      D. famous

)79. I ____ you can get better soon.    A. wish  B. hope   C. hear    D. would

)80. My brother _____ with his friends tomorrow if it ________.

    A. is going to hike, won’t rain     B. is going hiking, doesn’t rain

    C. will go hiking , won’t rain      D. goes hiking, doesn’t rain

)81. —My grandparents live in a village nearby. — I usually go ____ them once a week.

    A. sees      B. seeing     C. saw     D. to see

)82. I’m interested in animals, so I ____ every Saturday working in an animal hospital.

    A. pay     B. get         C. take      D. spend

)83. ——_______ have you been here?     ——For a month.

    A. How often     B. How far     C. How long     D. How soon

)84.——Sorry, I don’t return(归还/返回)your book on time.”  —— “__________.”

    A. I agree with you  B. It doesn’t matter  C. You’re welcome  D. That’s a good idea

)85. We went to the country ____ a very cold morning.  A. at   B. in  C. on   D. for

)86. ---What’s he doing for vacation?   ---He ________ his brother.

    A. is babysit     B. babysitting     C. babysitted     D. is babysitting

)87. She _____ going to have a trip, finally decided on going boating.

    A. thought about   B. thought over    C. thought for    D. thought of

)88. ____ did you like the trip to Hainan?   A. When  B. What  C. Where  D. How

)89. They decided ________ a meeting next Monday.

    A. have       B. on have      C. having        D. to have

)90. Jim, with his friends ____ going fishing this afternoon. A. am  B. are  C. is  D. were

)91. Would you like ____ with me? A. go surfing B. go surf C. to go surfing D. going surfing

)92. That boy likes ______, he often goes _____ on weekends.

    A. fish, fish     B. fishing, fishing    C. fish, fishing    D. fishing, fish

)93. I know there are many people there _______ speak English.

    A. where       B. whose      C. what       D. who

)94. I often forget _______ my keys.   A. bring  B. take  C. to bring   D. taking

)95. That house is empty. There is _______ in it. 

    A. anything     B. something      C. everything      D. nothing

)96. There __________ a football game this afternoon.

    A. will have      B. is going to be    C. has     D. have

)97. Yesterday I saw _______ enjoy _______ in the park.

    A. her, hers      B. they, them     C. she, herself    D. them, themselves

)98. Lucy and Lily are twins. Lucy likes playing basketball. _______ Lily doesn’t.

    A. and       B. as      C. but         D. or

)99. ——Excuse me. Look at the sign “ NO  PHOTOS!”    ——Sorry, I _______ it.

    A. don’t see     B. didn’t see     C. haven’t seen      D. won’t

)100. Our summer holiday(假期)is coming. 

    Two _____ students in our school will go to the beach.

    A. hundred      B. hundreds     C. hundred of      D. hundreds of

)101. ——When we saw the film “Hero”. I sat between Jim and Mary. 

    ——That is to say, my seat was between ______.

     A. Jim and Mary     B. Jim’s and Mary  C. Jim and Mary’s    D. Jim’s and Mary’s

)102. —Who        the souvenir?    —Maria did

    A. is going to bay      B. bought              C. buys           D. wants to bay

)103. No hurry(急忙). There is ____ time left.   A. little  B. few   C. a little  D. a few

)104. ——Would you like to go and watch the football game with me?  ——______

    A. Not at all.   B. Excuse me, I can’t.    C. Yes, I’d love to    D. That’s right

)105. The speaker told such a good joke that he made all of us ______.

    A. laughing      B. laughed       C. laugh      D. to laugh

)106. It will be bad for your health to eat ______ food and take _______ exercise.

    A. fewer, more    B. much, little     C. little, much    D. less, more

)107. I have got a headache. I don’t feel like ____ anything. 

    A. to eat      B. eat      C. eating      D. have

)108. She becomes _____ fat, because she eats _____ meat.

    A. too much, too much       B. too much, much too

    C. much too, too much       D. much too, much too

)109. _______ me carefully, boys and girls. Can you _____ me?

    A. Listen to, hear from   B. Hear, listen to   C. Hear, hear   D. Listen to, hear

)110. Please stop _____ a rest if you feel tired.  A. to have B. having C. have  D. has

)111. —When did she       the USA ?  —Three years ago

    A. tour             B. travel         C. go             D. watch

)112. Her younger brother is         young to go to school

   A. so        B. very           C. too            D. really

) 113. There ______ a little sheep under the tree.     A. are  B. is   C. be  D. aren’t

) 114. ---Excuse me, could you tell me _____ get to the bus station? 

    ----Certainly, go straight along here.

  A. how can we   B. how we can    C. when can we    D. when we can

) 115 --How far is your school from here? --Not very far. It’s about twenty _____ walk.

  A. minute’s    B. minutes     C. minutes’      D. minute

) 116. Let’s go for a picnic. You’d better _____ the orange juice _____ you.

  A. to take, with    B. to take, for     C. take, with     D. take, for

) 117. He finds ______ very hard to study English.  A. they  B. them  C. it   D. him

) 118. You ____ play football on the road. It’s dangerous.

 A. may not     B. don’t      C. mustn’t      D. can’t

) 119. He ______ to finish his homework at the moment.

  A. needn’t     B. don’t need    C. not need    D. doesn’t need

)120. The students often _____ their teachers _______ help.

  A. asks, to      B. ask, to     C. ask, for     D. asks, for

)121. The station is ten kilometers ____.  A. far   B. away   C. far away  D. long

)122. Tom loves ____ the film “Hero”. A. look at  B. sees   C. to see  D. to watch

)123. There’s something wrong with my TV set. It _____ work.

A. don’t     B. isn’t           C. doesn’t    D. aren’t

)124. —Who’s           ,Tom or Tim?   —Tom is

   A. quieter           B. more healthy    C.  worst        D. best

)125. Most of westerners eat with _______.    

   A. knives and forks    B. chopsticks     C. spoons    D. their hands

)126. Ask him, ________ he knows it.  A. maybe  B. may be  C. may  D. be may

)127. Before 1990 there was no airline _______ the two cities.

   A. along     B. in      C. between     D. among

)128. Can you tell me _______ to the hospital?

   A. how get    B. the way     C. where is    D. which road

)129. Tom is ________ way to see the famous scientist.

   A. on his      B. on one’s     C. in his     D. in one’s

)130. They ________ meet their friends next Saturday.  

   A. are going    B. will go to     C. went to    D. didn’t go

) 131. Please ________ lights when you leave the office.

   A. take off     B. turn off     C. turn on     D. put on

) 132. ----How does he usually go to work?       -----He usually ______ to work.

   A. on foot    B. by bus    C. on my bike    D. takes the bus

) 133. I usually come ______ bike, but sometimes I come _____ foot.

   A. on, by     B. by, by      C. by, on      D. on, on

) 134. _________ is it from your home to school?

   A. How far    B. How long    C. How soon    D. How often

) 135. I usually walk but ______ I take the bus.    

   A. sometime    B. sometimes    C. some time    D. some times

) 136. I come here by _______ train.   A. the      B. a      C. an     D. \

) 137. It takes about 10 minutes ________ to school.

    A. going     B. to go      C. went      D. goes

) 138. -----________ does it take him to get from the bank to his home?

    ------It takes about fifteen minutes.

    A. How often   B. How long   C. How far    D. How much

) 139. The girl went to the supermarket _______ bus.  A. in   B. on a  C. on  D. for

)140. ----_______ does she get to the airport?       ------She takes the subway.

     A. What     B. Which      C. Where      D. How

  )141. We often ____ our teacher _____ help.

     A. ask…to     B. asks…for     C. ask…for      D. want…to

  ) 142.  ----Don’t you forget your homework?      ----_____________.

     A. Yes, I don’t    B. No, I do     C. Yes, I am         D. No, I don’t

  ) 143.---Is Mr Black really ill?       ---_________,He’s in hospital.

     A. I hope so     B. No, he isn’t    C. I’m afraid so      D. He is OK

  ) 144. Maybe I won’t come back _______six o’clock. Don’t wait.

     A. away         B. if            C. until            D. when

  ) 145. The _____ is very hard, I can’t answer it.

      A. problem        B. question        C. matter   D. thing

  ) 146. I am better at ________ than ________.

     A. singing…dance   B. sing…dancing   C. sing…dance    D. singing…dancing

  ) 147. Take more exercise, you will be ______ healthier.

     A. very        B. more        C. quite           D. much

  ) 148. ___ you agree ____ me?  A. Do…to  B. Are…to  C. Do…with  D. Are…with

  ) 149. Please give ____ _____ pen.  A. my…me  B. his…his  C. her…her  D. his…his

  ) 150. ____ do you ______ sushi(寿司)?

     A. How…do    B. What…make     C. How…make     D. What…do

  ) 151. _____ there a coffee bar in the town when you was a child?

     A. Is       B. Are           C. Were          D. Was

  ) 152.  He was born _______ a cold night.   A. in   B. at     C. on     D. of

  ) 153.  My birthday is ________November 21st.   A. at    B. in   C. on   D. for

  ) 154.  Michael Jordan was born ______ February.   A. at   B. in   C. on   D. for

)155. —Do you look the same?   —No, I am      taller than her

     A. little           B. few          C. a little              D. many

  ) 156. Thanks for ____.

     A. you help     B. your helping    C. your help me     D. your help

  ) 157 ---Can you hear a girl ______ in the room?     ---Yes, let’s go to see her.

     A. sing        B. to sing       C. singing          D. is singing

  ) 158. This pair of pants ________ than Mary’s.

     A. are long   B. is much longer     C. are much long       D. is long

  ) 159. The _____ dolphin is lying on the floor.

     A. ill           B. sick           C. sickly           D. illness

  ) 160. What’s _____ with you ?

     A. matter      B. the wrong      C. the trouble        D. a matter

  ) 161. I’ll meet you ____ the night of December 22, 2004.  A. on  B. at  C. in  D. of

  ) 162. I don’t like meat because it’s ________ fat.

     A. too much    B. too many     C. much too     D. many too

  ) 163. I’m hungry, Please give me __________ to eat.

     A. a bread       B. some breads     C. a cake      D. two pieces of cake

  ) 164.  He ______ brothers ________ sisters.

      A. has…or       B. doesn’t have…and        C. doesn’t have…or

  ) 165.  _____ of the two boys are funny.   A. All    B. Both   C. Any   D. Either

  ) 166. Wei Wei is ______.  A. five-year-old boy   B. a five years boy   C. five years old

  ) 167. ----Who swept the classroom?  ----I_______.  A. do  B. did  C. swept  D. was

  ) 168. It is a comedy ____ Happiness.

      A. call           B. called        C. was named        D. was called

  ) 169. May I ask you ______ questions?   A. some   B. any    C. a    D. a little

  ) 170. The girl ______ blue is his sister.    A. wears   B. in   C. puts on    D. with

  ) 171. I’m going to ____hospital to see my friend, he is ill in ______hospital.

     A. /…the     B. a…the       C. the…a        D. the…/

  ) 172. He often helps me _____ my homework.  A. with   B. in   C. by   D. on

  ) 173. There is a hole ______ the wall.   A. on   B. in   C. of    D. at

  ) 174.--- Don’t you know him?    ---_________,she is Deng Yaping.

     A. No, I do    B. Yes, I don’t    C. Sorry, I don’t     D. Yes, I do

  ) 175. ____You ____ tomorrow

     A. Are, going to free   B. Are, going to be free   C. Are, going free   D. do, free

  ) 176. They _______Shanghai next month.

     A. are going to move to   B. are going to move   C. move to    D. move

  ) 177. The Chinese farmers are getting____.

     A. richer and richer   B. rich and rich   C. more and more rich   D. rich and richer

  ) 178. ---Don’t forget to post this letter for me, please.  ---No, I ____.

     A. don’t        B. won’t          C. mustn’t      D. can’t

  )179. Sichuan is_________ the southwest of China. A. in    B. on     C. to     D. of

 )180. She was too tired to go on ____.  A. to teach  B. teaching   C. teach  D. taught

  )181. These girls are___.

     A. enough beautiful  B. beautiful enough  C. beautifully enough  D. enough beautifully

  ) 182. He hiccupped___ 69 years and 5 months.    A. at   B. in    C. of    D. for

  ) 183. Can you communicate _______ foreigners _______ English?

     A. to, with      B. for, in        C. with, in         D. with, on

  ) 184. I got a letter___ my friend ___ his health problem.

     A. to, on        B. from, about     C. from, for      D. for, about

  ) 185. I found a job___ a family teacher.    A. for   B. as     C. about    D. to

  ) 186. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has___ time to read newspapers.

      A. little     B. few          C. a little       D. a few

  ) 187 .---I want to listen to this CD. Could I use your CD player?_

      ___ doesn’t work  ---Sure. Here it is.

     A. Me         B. My             C. Mine           D. I

  ) 188 . ---Hello, could I speak to Mr. Wu, please?    ---_____. He’s out.

     A. Too bad    B. Bad luck        C. Excuse me     D. I’ m sorry

)189. —Arthur is a loving grandmother. —Yeah, she     all her free time with her grandchildren.

     A. pays           B. takes          C. uses          D. spends

  ) 190. ---Hello, Mr. Green, can I ask you ___ questions?   ----_______.

     A. some, Sure  B. any, Not sure  C. some, Not sure  D. any, Sure

  ) 191. She always finishes her homework on time.  She ___ leaves it for tomorrow.

     A. always    B. never            C. usually    D. sometimes

  ) 192 . ---What’s ___ radio station in the city? ---I think Easy Listening 97.7 FM is

     A. best       B. the best          C. better      D. good

  ) 193. I need ___ my bed now, so I can’t go out.

      A. make          B. to make      C. making      D. made

(   ) 194 . Could you please ___ your bed?  A. making   B. to make   C. made   D. make

)195. I’m going to write articles and       them to magazines and newspapers.

     A. send            B. take           C. bring          D. give

  )196. The shop ___ open ten hours a day.  A. takes     B. gets   C. keeps     D. looks

  ) 197. Don’t play ________ fire.   A. to  B. with   C. for    D. on

  ) 198.Linda and I _______ cleaning the room.

     A. are both   B. both like    C. both are like     D. are like both

  ) 199.Uncle Wang is coming ______ lunch.  A. to having    B. for have    C. to    D. for

  ) 200. He is leaving ______ Chengdu ________ some money.

     A. /…to make   B. for…for make   C. for…to make    D. /…to make




1-5 DBDAC      6-10 BCABC     11-15 CADCC     16-20BCCCD

21-25DCABD    26-30 CCDBD    31-35 ACCDB     36-40 CABBD    

41-45 CCBAB    46-50 DBBDC    51-55 DCADB     56-60 CDBBB    

61-65 DBCDC    66-70 BCACB    71-75 CCBAC     76-80 CBDBB    

81-85 DDCBC    86-90 DADDC    91-95 CBDCD    96-100 BDCBA   

101-105 DBCCC  106-110 BCCDA  111-115 ACBBC   116-120 CCCDC

121-125 BCCAA  126-130 ACBAB  131-135 BDCAB   136-140 DBBBD

141-145 CDCCB  146-150 DDCCC  151-155 DCCBC   156-160 DCBBC

161-165 ACCCB   166-170 CBBAB  171-175 DABDB  176-180 AABAB

181-185 BDCBB   186-190 ACDDA  191-195 BBBDA  196-200 CBBDC