万里马2017新款手女包:2012 年世界最佳去处(图)

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/29 13:20:51

2012 年世界最佳去处



Photograph by Dagmar Schwelle, laif/Redux

摄影:达格玛?施魏勒(Dagmar Schwelle),莱弗/里达克斯图片社

Faster, Higher, Stronger


In Olympic-ready London, a new landmark (City Hall) meets old (Tower Bridge) along the Thames. The last time London hosted the Olympics, in 1948, locals subsisted on rations, there was no budget for new sports venues, and many competitors slept in military huts in Richmond Park. Britain may be entering another age of austerity, but nearly $15 billion has been spent on sprucing up the capital for the 2012 Olympics.


Many sporting events have already sold out, but there will be hundreds of free cultural events to enjoy throughout the summer. The London 2012 Festival will turn the whole country into a living stage, from a multilingual bonanza of Shakespeare productions at Stratford-upon-Avon to a soccer-inspired art installation deep in a Scottish forest. David Hockney, Leona Lewis, and Philip Glass are among the heavyweights headlining in London.




Photograph by Diego Lezama, Getty Images

摄影:迪埃戈?利扎马(Diego Lezama),盖蒂图片社

Modern Maya World


Every year countless travelers visit the ruins of once great Mayan cities: Chichén Itzá (Mexico), Tikal (Guatemala), Caracol (Belize), and Copán (Honduras). The pyramids and stelae are well worth seeing, especially at jungle-shrouded Tikal (above), but here’s the thing: Maya civilization isn’t long gone. Its apogee may have passed, but millions of Maya people and their culture remain alive and well, most vibrantly in Guatemala’s Western Highlands.


The most alluring place in Maya Guatemala is Chichicastenango, a walkable town about three hours by road from Guatemala City where more than 95 percent of the people are indigenous. Each Thursday and Sunday, Maya vendors carry their goods on their backs at dawn to Chichi’s market, selling brilliantly hued textiles, fearsome wooden masks, golden and purple maize, necklaces, and produce arranged in Escher-like patterns. Smoke from grills perfumes the narrow aisles, and so many women briskly pat stone-ground tortillas into shape that it sounds like a standing ovation.


Sri Lanka


Photograph by Andrea Alborno, SIME


Jolly Good Times in Hill Country


The first thing that strikes you is the climate. Damp and bracingly cool, this place doesn’t fit your image of Sri Lanka, the lush island nation—formerly known as Ceylon—that hangs like a teardrop off the tip of southern India.


Nuwara Eliya (pronounced nyur-RAIL-ya) is a colonial-era resort town in Sri Lanka’s stunning hill country. This mountainous, mist-draped realm has long been popular with backpackers and other adventurers for its tea plantations (above) and rain forest preserves, known as the Central Highlands, which recently were added to UNESCO’s World Heritage list.

努沃勒埃利耶(Nuwara Eliya)是斯里兰卡优美的丘陵乡村中的一个殖民时代的度假小镇。长期以来,这片群山环绕、薄雾弥漫的世界的茶庄(见上图)和热带雨林保护区一直受到背着背包徒步旅行之人和其他冒险家们的喜爱。最近,这个以中央高原而闻名地方被添加到联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名单上了。



Photograph by Reiner Harscher, laif/Redux

摄影:赖纳尔?哈尔舍尔(Reiner Harscher),莱弗/里达克斯图片社

Ancient Beauty


Patrick Leigh Fermor, the dashing philhellene who died last June, knew that to get under Greece’s skin you must stray from the instant gratifications of its seaside resorts. Traveling on foot across the gorges of Roumeli and mountains of Mani, Leigh Fermor discovered a land of fierce beauty where traditions run deep. Eventually, he settled in Kardamíli, a sleepy hamlet in the southern Peloponnese, which he hoped was “too inaccessible, with too little to do, for it ever to be seriously endangered by tourism.”

去年六月去世的帕特里克?利?弗莫尔(Patrick Leigh Fermor)是有为的支持希腊民主独立运动人士。他知道让希腊给你留下深刻印象的是你必须从其海滨度假胜地的即时满足中转移你的注意力。在罗梅利阿(Roumeli)峡谷和马尼(Mani)群山中徒步行走,利?弗莫尔发现了一块非同寻常的优美之地。这儿的传统非常浓厚。最终,他在伯罗奔尼撒半岛南部的一个昏昏欲睡的小村庄——卡尔德米利(Kardamíli)定居了下来。他希望那儿是“太人迹罕至,没什么可做,以致于不会受旅游的严重威胁。”

Happily, he was right. While some islands have been scarred by unregulated development—and as the country grapples with the worst financial crisis in its modern history—Greece’s rugged mainland retains its unadulterated allure. Foraging for mushrooms in Epirus, watching pink pelicans take flight over Prespa Lake, listening to ethereal chanting in Meteora’s monasteries (such as the Roussanou Monastery, above)—there remain pockets of Greece where time stands still. You just have to know where to look.

令人高兴的是,他是对的。当有些岛屿被未受控制的发展刮地伤痕累累时——而且由于希腊努力对付其现代历史上最严重的金融危机——希腊那崎岖不平的大陆继续拥有着其十足的魅力。寻觅着伊庇鲁斯的蘑菇、观看着粉红鹈鹕飞过普雷斯帕湖(Prespa Lake)、倾听着米蒂奥拉寺院里精美的圣歌(诸如鲁萨尼奥(Roussanou)寺院,见上图)——那儿仍然是希腊的一个小海湾,而且那儿时间永远都是静止不动的。你只需要知道去哪里就可以。

Belfast, Northern Ireland


Photograph by Chris Hill, Corbis

摄影:克里斯?希尔(Chris Hill),科尔比斯公司

A Capital City of Titanic Ambition


Finding yourself in the company of a chef from the R.M.S. Titanic is just one of the surprises that Belfast has to offer. "Barney" leads the Belfast Bred walking tour on an ingredient hunt, tracking the culinary heritage of the Northern Irish city that built the Titanic. The centennial of her maiden voyage—April 10, 2012—gives Barney the chance to share Belfast’s pride in the “floating palace” and show off a capital that is redefining itself in the eyes of the world.


Sections of the city have undergone regeneration since Belfast emerged from the Troubles, the three decades of violence that culminated in the Good Friday Agreement in 1998. The Titanic’s birthplace on the River Lagan is now called the Titanic Quarter (above). A $152.1-million attraction opens in April with audiovisual exhibits, underwater footage of the wreck, and a ride that re-creates a trip through the shipyards of 1911 to tell the passenger liner’s story. The glossy venue overlooks the Harland and Wolff slipways where the Titanic set sail to Southampton to begin her fateful voyage to New York.


New Zealand


Photograph by Thomas Linkel, laif/Redux


Cyclists' Bliss


A violent struggle created this world, according to Maori mythology: Indigenous New Zealanders say Sky Father and Earth Mother were ripped from each other’s arms to make room for mountains, forests, and oceans. Around Rotorua, a Maori heartland and home of the mineral-rimmed Champagne Pool (above), it’s easy to believe the struggle continues, as the eerie landscape bubbles and churns like some primordial stew. Geysers erupt, mud boils, and steam seeps from cliffs and sidewalks, leaving a sulfurous scent in the air.


In a land where adrenaline lovers ride rockets suspended on wires and roll downhill inside giant plastic balls, biking seems one of the saner ways to plunge into a landscape that compels exploration: hot springs, glaciers, rain forests, and volcanoes, encircled by nearly 10,000 miles of coastline, packed into a country barely bigger than Colorado. New Zealand is made for journeys, physical and spiritual.




Photograph by Sergio Pitamitz, Corbis

摄影:塞尔吉奥?皮特米茨(Sergio Pitamitz),科尔比斯公司



As a bridge between continents, Panama, 51 miles sea-to-sea at its midpoint, only looks slight. The Panama Canal, which capitalized on the Central American country’s slim waistline to become a literal nexus of global trade, will expand with two new sets of locks, one on the Pacific side of the canal and one on the Atlantic, designed for massive, 13,000-container cargo ships, due to be completed in 2014. World traders occupy gleaming new hotels that modernize the colonial capital.


In Panama, nature and indigenous culture are abundant. The canal-bordering tropical lowlands of Soberanía National Park ring with the cries of howler monkeys and the chatter of toucans. The cool, flower-filled highland town of Boquete sits in the shadow of the country’s tallest volcano. Embera women paint their bodies and create elaborate neckpieces (above). At the offshore Coiba National Park, where a maximum of only 40 overnight visitors are allowed, divers share the pristine waters with scientific researchers and whale sharks.




Photograph by Andre Klotz

摄影:安德烈?克洛茨(Andre Klotz)

The Next Foodie Frontier


There are plenty of reasons to visit Peru: to explore ancient ruins at Machu Picchu, spot some of the world’s rarest birds, or trek some of Earth’s deepest canyons. Yet, once you’re on the ground and hungry, you may find those experiences mere appetizers to the main event: food. From the rain forests of the northeast to the arid high plateau that runs like a spine through the south, Peru is blessed with incredible biodiversity—a bounty that is clearly reflected on its plates.


Peruvians have long been vocally (and justifiably) proud of their homeland’s cooking, but suddenly, the rest of the world seems to be taking note, too. In 2008, the country’s leading chef, Gastón Acurio, founded Mistura, a Lima-based food festival that has since become the leading annual culinary event in South America. Acurio's La Mar restaurant, above, is a lunch-only cevicheria in Lima.

长期以来,秘鲁人一直口头上(而且无可非议地)对自己本土的烹饪感到自豪,但,突然之间,世界其他地方好像也被注意到了。2008年,秘鲁最杰出厨师加斯东?艾科留(Gastón Acurio)成立了米斯图拉(Mistura)。这是一个以利马为中心的食品节。这个食品节已经后来成了每年南美主要的烹饪事件。艾科留(Acurio)的拉马尔(La Mar)餐厅(见上图)是利马一个午餐只供应酸橘汁腌鱼(cevicheria)的餐馆。



Photograph by Brad Feinknopf

摄影:布拉德?法因克诺普夫(Brad Feinknopf)

Extreme Metropolitan Makeover


Three rivers. One reinvented city. On all counts, the Steel City’s transformation over the past quarter century qualifies as revolutionary. Its mourning for its industrial past long concluded, this western Pennsylvania city changed jobs and reclaimed its major assets: a natural setting that rivals Lisbon and San Francisco, a wealth of fine art and architecture, and a quirky sense of humor.


Pittsburgh’s century-wide swath of architectural styles persuaded British film director Christopher Nolan to use downtown as a stand-in for Gotham City in this summer’s Dark Knight Rises. Sustainable design has transformed Victorian landmarks like the glass-domed Phipps Conservatory and created contemporary ones like the swooping waterfront convention center (above).

匹兹堡大片世纪范围的建筑风格地区劝服了英国电影导演克里斯托弗?诺兰(Christopher Nolan)利用匹兹堡市中心作为一个临时替代今年夏天的电影《神秘骑士的出现》里的纽卡斯尔市(Gotham City)的地点。经久不衰的设计已经改造了维多利亚时代有历史意义的建筑物,比如玻璃圆顶的菲普斯温室并创造了现代历史意义的建筑物,比如滨水区陡斜的会议中心(见上图)。



Photograph by Hamid Sardar, Corbis

摄影:哈米德?萨达尔(Hamid Sardar),科尔比斯公司

Untamed Hovsgol


If you yearn for a connection to the wild, you will find it here. Hovsgol is the northernmost of Mongolia’s 21 provinces, shadowing Russia’s border and sharing the great Siberian taiga (subarctic coniferous forest). Lichens in bright greens and oranges color 10,000-foot passes, while sacred rivers, rumored to never freeze, feed lakes framed by snow-tipped mountains.


Hovsgol is just now opening its arms to travelers who come to catch and release taimen, giant salmonid “river wolves” that stalk Hovsgol’s waterways. Others come to ride Mongolian ponies in search of the Tsaatan, small bands of nomadic reindeer herders (above) who live in encampments and follow shamanistic beliefs.
