营口市第六人民医院:上海交大附中 高中英语 关联词

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 18:06:02

  因:because, because of, for, as, since, in that, on account of, with

  果:so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, hence, thus, consequently, accordingly



  A 导致(因-果):cause, reason, lead to, give rise to, result in, render, make, let, ask, support, push, stimulate, spark, spur, fuel, produce, be responsible for

  如:The increased pressures of expanding populations have led to the removal of woody plants so that many cities and towns are surrounded by large areas completely lacking in trees and shrubs.

  在这段话中,有lead to,表示了导致的意思,即结果;而so that 更进一步表示了后面的结果,所以可以充分判定这段话有因果关系的逻辑。

  B 由而来(果-因):result from, derive from, originate from, initiate from, stem from, be responsive to, be attributable to

  如:"The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process."

  在这段话中,根据result from可以推断出有因果关系,那如果是解释句子题时,选项中有因果关系就可以优先考虑。

  C 反映,体现(果-因):reflect, present, demonstrate, suggest, imply, show This result demonstrates that

  D 考虑到:given, considering, in view of, thanks to, according to He succeeded thanks to (in view of) his effort.

  E 依赖于:rely on, depend on, resort to, He resorted to books when he had problems.

  F 条件关系:when, once, as soon as, as long as As soon as he got the money, he would leave the country at once.

  G 分词短语,不定式做状语:Failing in the final exam, she cried.


  A 对比:while, whereas, on the other hand

  在解释句子题、插入句子题中,一旦出现对比关系,学生在掌握的基础上就能非常快速的判定句间和句内的关系。While, whereas 前后连接的是平行结构,on the other hand前必定有on one hand,可以用来把握句间关系。

  B 转折:but, although, despite, in spite of, nevertheless, however



  A 同级比较 asas

  B 比较级:morethan, -er than, lessthan

  C 变化:change, alter, vary, modify, revise, increase, decrease, enhance, diminish, develop, progress, advance, improve, retreat, degenerate, continue, remain

  D 差异:different, distinguish, separate, same, similar, comparable, compareto E 超越:surpass, exceed, excel, over F 最高级 1)本身有最高级含义:maximum, minimum, peak, outstanding, top 2) 本身程度比较深:amazing, surprising, astonishing, prohibitively high 3) 否定+比较=最高级 No one is more outstanding than him.



  显性否定:no, not, never, nor, none neither 隐形否定:fail to, refuse, remove, miss, reject, absence of, lack of 否定前缀:a-, ab-, dis-, il-, im-, in-, non- , un- 否定前缀是词汇题中经常出的一个考点,把握否定前缀可以帮助考生把握一些生词,依靠否定前缀对选项进行一个排除。

  双重否定:not fail to, not illegal, not uncommon, not unavailable 双重否定是英文中经常运用的表达方式,由于在平时中文对话中用的很少,随意对双重否定的把握就显得特别的重要。




  Because the potential hazards pollen grains are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous,wind pollinated plants have,in the view above,compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects.



  hazard: 风险,危害。

  be subjected to: 多用于指 屈从于的支配;遭受(不幸等)

  pollinate: 授粉

  pollen grain: 花粉颗粒

  compensate for: 弥补

  ensuing: 接下来的,随之而来的

  by virtue of: 依靠,由于

  orders of magnitude: 数量级

  对以上概念有了基本认知之后,进入对于句子的整体分析过程(句法规则和句意规则同时进行)。第一个词是逻辑关系词"because",它提示我们后面的这个小句(从句)不是语义的重心,必然在一个逗号之后会有一个主句(语义重心)出来。从because读下去,发现the potential hazards (A) 和pollen grains (B) 是两个独立的常识概念,二者之间似乎有结构和语义断层。忽略,读下去。发现一个谓语结构:be subjected to。此谓语只能和B形成完整的主谓结构。这样一来,我们如何来处理刚才那个结构和语义断层呢?这个时候会出现回读现象。不用慌乱,这时候要记住遵循两个原则:语义和结构。从语义上我们看到be subjected to是遭受不幸的意思,to的后面应该有个宾语,那么这个句子中to的后面是as引导的一个状语成分(我们接下来会分析),因此to后面的这个宾语一定是A,也就是"危害",那么语义变成"遭受危害"不是很恰当地弥补了语义断层吗。我们如何顺一下这层语义:因为潜在危害花粉颗粒遭受。很明显在结构上不通,那么符合常识的语义应该是:因为花粉遭受的潜在危害。所以,我们可以说pollen grains are subjected to这个语义是the potential hazards 的定语成分。那么从结构上表达就是:because the potential hazards that pollen grains are subjected to. 那么我们可以继续下去了,在to的后面我们读到了一个as引导的句子,根据一个主谓结构传达一个完整句义的原则,那么我们很容易判断这个as所引导的句子应该在are enormous 前结束。我们先来处理as引导的这个句子。有很多的同学其实对as的用法一知半解,没有系统地整理过自己在以往的阅读中的经验。简单而言,as作为连词可以引导状语(状语是用来描述客观事物或事件所处的状态),具体说来它可以引导时间状语,比如:You will grow wiser as you grow older. 可以引导原因状语,比如:As the curtain of night casts, all creatures are swallowed by dead darkness. 可以引导让步(让步的意思是对于后面要表达的含义表面弱化实际上起到了强化的作用,比如,虽然凤姐择偶很挑剔,但是她对奥巴马却情有独钟)状语,比如:Strange as it may seem, nobody was injured in the accident. 当然as还有其它用法,这里不赘述了。我们从句义上理解就是:他们(花粉颗粒)被远距离传播。再加上as的语义作用,结合前面读过的信息,我们可以判断出来,as引导的实际上是一个原因状语:之所以花粉颗粒遭受到危害,实际上因为他们被传播了太远的距离。再读下去:are enormous是一个谓语成分,那么它的主语肯定是前面的the potential hazards,因为修饰成分:pollen grains are subjected to (定语)和 as they are transported over long distance(状语)经过分析后,就不会再对我们的句义信息流起到非常大的阻碍。那么请同学们在去那个翻译文本里面读第一个逗号前面的译文,理顺一下语义就没问题了。

  说了那么多,我们刚刚走到此句的语义重心,也就是because所引导的逻辑关系的结果逻辑所在。读到wind pollinated plants have, 我们就可以判断这是主语结构。再读下去,in the view above 是插入语,先忽略。接下来,compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance 是谓语结构。那么和前面的主语连接起来就是:风媒植物补偿在偶然(happenstance)中丢失的花粉。在这里,我们还可以顺便关照一下前面讨论过的语感现象。在此句当中,前文hazards与后文loss形成了明显的上下义语感重复的关联。通俗讲,就是前文所说的危害就是在传递过程中花粉的丢失。再往下,by virtue of引导的句子很明显是个方式状语。语义上理解就是:风媒植物通过生产一定量的花粉来弥补在远距离传递中的损失。那么这个花粉的特征是通过that is one to three这个定语从句来修饰。那么,请同学们在回到上面读译文来理顺语义关系。那么,到现在为止,我想通过上面这个复杂的句子,我们基本上说清了读句子中如何利用结构和语义的两元思维原则来综合分析一个长难句了。