
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 05:40:49


  1. It can still snow in April.

1. 哇呀呀,这里到了四月还飞雪啊。

  2. Noon is a lot warmer than morning/night.


  3. Some highways are completely empty.


  4. The sky is blue.


  5. You have to wait a long time for a bus, and then the bus is empty.


  6. When it’s a wet day, nobody bothers to take an umbrella.


  7. You usually have to call a taxi ahead of time.


  8. You must make an appointment to see the doctor.


  9. Pedestrians have the right of way.


10. Mexican restaurants are everywhere.

10. 这边墨西哥餐厅一统江湖啊~~~~~~~

11. Chinese fast food is bland.

11. 这边的中国快餐真是......唉......

12. When a traffic light goes out, people still know how to take turns.

12. 就算红绿灯坏了,大家还是知道要怎么轮流过大街~

13. Hospitals have helicopters.

13. 这里的医院有直升飞机啊,牛逼!

14. Some firefighters are just volunteers.

14. 有些消防队员是志愿服务!!!

15. Everybody likes to put ice in their drinks.

15. 这里的人喝什么都得加冰= =

16. You can drink water directly from the tap.

16. 自来水可以直接拿来喝!!!!!!

17. Dishwashers are common household appliances.

17. 洗碗机已经进入千家万户~

18. Strangers smile at each other.

18. 陌生人之间也以微笑致意^^

19. Sweets really are sweet.

19. 这里的甜品真的是好甜啊啊啊啊啊......

20. Boys will open doors for girls.


21. There are such things as “discount theaters.”

21. 这有“折扣剧院”这玩意啊啊啊啊~~~~~

22. Or you can rent a movie from a red box on the street.


23. Sometimes a big soda is cheaper than a small soda.


24. If you can’t drive, it’s very difficult to go anywhere.

24. 车盲在这里寸步难行啊......

25. People take healthy teeth seriously.

25. 这的人用生命捍卫他们的一口牙!!!!!!

26. A large pizza is only $5.

26. 只要5美元,畅享大比萨~

27. You can’t drink alcohol until you are 21.

27. 21岁以下的小盆友没酒喝~

28. To drive, you have to take a class and complete a lot of homework.

28. 要想拿到驾照,不仅要上课,还要做一堆作业!

29. There aren’t a lot of native Chinese people.

29. 这里中国同胞不多= =

30. No matter how good some things are, I still miss home.
