乳头中间一条缝正常吗:The Collection Agency Is Calling 催款公司找上门

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 05:04:46

Dialogue A
Eve, a representative1 from a collection agency2, is calling Jack.
Eve: Hello. Could I please speak with Jack?
Jack: I'm Jack. What do you need?
Eve: Good afternoon. My name is Eve, and I work for a collection agency.
Jack: Oh...OK. What's up?
Eve: Your credit card company hired me since you haven't made a payment in over 15 months.
Jack: I did, three months ago!
Eve: Sorry, sir, but our records say otherwise.
Jack: Well, I tried to pay the minimum, but it didn't work because there was a problem with my bank account3.

Dialogue B
Eve: The important thing now is that you pay it off.
Jack: Tell me something I don't know.
Eve: Do you have the money to make a large payment right away? Say4, half your total?
Jack: That's impossible. I just bought a new computer, so I'm broke.
Eve: Then we should discuss setting up a payment plan.
Jack: What does that mean?
Eve: It means you agree to pay a set amount each month for the next five to six months until your debt is cleared.
Jack: That won't work, either.

Dialogue A
依芙∶ 您好。请问杰克在吗?
杰克∶ 我就是。请问有什麽事吗?
依芙∶ 午安。我叫做依芙,是催款公司的催收人员。
杰克∶ 喔……是。有什麽事吗?
依芙∶ 您的信用卡公司委托我来催收帐款,因为您已经超过十五个月都没有缴卡费了。
杰克∶ 我有啊,三个月前才缴的!
依芙∶ 很抱歉,先生,但我们这边的记录却不是这麽显示的。
杰克∶ 喔,我试过要付最低的应缴金额,但因为我的银行帐户出了点问题,所以没有成功。

Dialogue B
依芙∶ 现在最重要的事就是您要还清卡债。
杰克∶ 还用奶说。
依芙∶ 您手头上有钱能立刻支付一大笔款项吗?嗯,比如说卡债总额的一半?
杰克∶ 不可能。我才刚买一台电脑,所以我现在破产了。
依芙∶ 那我们就应该来讨论一下要如何安排还款计画。
杰克∶ 那是什麽意思啊?
依芙∶ 这就是说,您必须同意在接下来的五到六个月中,每月都支付一笔固定的金额,直到您把钱还清为止。
杰克∶ 这也行不通啦。

  1. hirevt. 雇用,聘任
    The manager hired Kim because she had experience in the field.
  2. otherwiseadv. 并非如此(置於动词後)
    Thomas said that the bride was very pretty, but Betty thought otherwise.
  3. minimumn. 最少量
    The pianist practices his craft for a minimum of four hours each day.
  4. seta.(数目、时间、种类等)固定不变的
    Keep an eye on your progress because the set time limit for this section is 30 minutes.

  1. What's up (with...)?(……)怎麽啦?
    What's up with Al? He's never been this angry before.
  2. pay...off/pay off...还清 付清……
    Joey paid off his student loan in less than five years.
  3. be/go broke破产
    Mr. Lin's company went broke due to the recession.
  4. set up...安排 架设……
    The crew finished setting up the stage in no time.

  1. representativen. 代表
  2. collection agencyn. 催债公司
  3. bank accountn. 银行帐户
  4. sayint. 嗯,咦(用於提出询问、表示惊讶、或突然想到某个主意时)