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来源: ThatIsDifferent 于 2011-11-21 11:52:01 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:7309次
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本贴内容已被 [ThatIsDifferent] 在 2011-11-21 12:41:13 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

【开头的话】职坛里胡司令想起了创业的艰辛: “想当初, 老子的队伍才开张, 拢共才有十几个人, 七, 八条枪”。想当初,俺也招过人,可以旁证胡大师改简历的高招十分靠谱。手头有几百份简历的时候,看完第一页,要是还没有感觉,对不起,下一个。所以你要是耍刀的啊,最好让人满眼是刀。

【言归正传】近来俺的山头又招兵买马了。时代不同了,只会耍刀的士兵不是好士兵,还要有指挥才能啊。于是就有这个 BEHAVIOR 招兵 (俺老D建议的译名:行为测试)。这年头,军队也要知识化, 要会外语是不是? 下面就用外语了。

【葵花宝典】Behavioral Interview Guide

There are 2 formulas for cracking the behavioral interview. SMART and STAR.

The SMART format stands for Situation with Metrics, Actions, Results, and Tie-in. The last item, Tie-in, is key. It neatly links the
 response back to the employer’s competency question, allows the individual to inquire further into the employer’s needs, and helps
focus the conversation on how the candidate can DO the job instead of simply AUDITION for the job.

An alternative formula is STAR. STAR stands for Situation/Task, Action, and Result(s). 


【典型案例】 Results and Performance Driven

Sample questions for you (the interviewee):

(1) Think of an example when you consistently exceeded internal or external customer expectations. How did you do it? What approach
did you take? (For the interviewer: Repeat the question for a situation when customer expectations were not met. 谈完长坂坡还要准备谈

(2) Tell me about an example of what you have done to obtain information to better understand a customer. What did you do? How did
this information improve your customer service?

【精髓要义】What the interviewer looks for:

Goal oriented; remains persistent when obstacles are encountered; encourages others to be accountable for their actions; relentlessly
 focused and committed to customer service/satisfaction; thinks creatively.

Key positive examples:

·       Assumes personal ownership and accountability for business results and solutions – holds self accountable for complaints and
 flawless execution; eagerly accepts stretch goals; uses appropriate measures to identify success; takes personal responsibility for
 decisions and delivering results.

·       Makes the customer central to all thinking – takes action and makes decisions that successfully build customer value; chall
-enges others to make the customer the center of all thinking.

【家庭作业】Fill out the form for the examples from your own experience before the interview  (the STAR approach):





【经验之谈】Oh, one very important thing to remember: don't just tell us what your troops did. We want to know what your specific
role/contributions was/were.






(1) 【面试建议】Behavior面试的典型案例(2)

(2) 本文收藏在文学城博客[太浮闲话]
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Very helpful! Thanks! -林卡- 给 林卡 发送悄悄话 林卡 的个人群组 (89 bytes) (75 reads) 11/21/11 13:22:30
姐姐!您得一个案例一个案例地写。每个案例给个具体例子。这我们就都跟您长进了。叩谢 -眼冒金星- ♂ 给 眼冒金星 发送悄悄话 眼冒金星 的博客首页 眼冒金星 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (54 reads) 11/21/11 14:55:51
鼓掌! 有空多写一点 -雨滴- ♀ 给 雨滴 发送悄悄话 雨滴 的博客首页 雨滴 的个人群组 (57 bytes) (35 reads) 11/22/11 17:09:30
鼓掌,精髓啊, 面试大公司常常会用"star“模式,谢谢,我就当作为我往大公司跳 -我边走边问- ♀ 给 我边走边问 发送悄悄话 我边走边问 的博客首页 我边走边问 的个人群组 (66 bytes) (132 reads) 11/22/11 17:42:54加跟帖:

来源: ThatIsDifferent 于 2011-11-23 20:07:56 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:9618次
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本贴内容已被 [ThatIsDifferent] 在 2011-11-25 07:33:51 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

【开头的话】根据俺的粗略了解,面试时的这个行为测试(Behavior Interview)颇让很多同胞为难,俺也亲见很多老美阴沟里翻船。可见这不仅仅是一个语言的问题。而且俺们同胞技术背景者居多,在从技术到管理的转型过程中,这个行为测试是个一定要过的关口(而且有向非管理职位蔓延的趋势)。
写几篇小文的初衷,就是帮助有需要的朋友掌握正确的准备方法。其实在各位的经历中,一定有诸多可圈可点的成就。有备而来,破解行为测试一定不是问题。这个考核的重点, 是看你如何与人,尤其是难缠的人,打交道。

【葵花宝典】Behavioral Interview Guide

There are 2 formulas for cracking the behavioral interview. SMART and STAR.

The SMART format stands for Situation with Metrics, Actions, Results, and Tie-in. The last item, Tie-in, is key. It neatly links the
response back to the employer’s competency question, allows the individual to inquire further into the employer’s needs, and helps
focus the conversation on how the candidate can DO the job instead of simply AUDITION for the job.

An alternative formula is STAR. STAR stands for Situation/Task, Action, and Result(s). 



【典型案例】   Sense of Urgency

Sample questions for you (the interviewee):

1.      Projects rarely proceed without obstacles.  Tell me about a recent project you worked on when you encountered a major
obstacle.  What did you do to get around that obstacle?  How did you keep others focused on handling the priority tasks for the

2.      Tell me about a time when you managed or coordinated a complex project that had many unclear variables.  What did you do to
remain focused on what needed to get done?

【精髓要义】What the interviewer looks for:

Proactively deals with business issues; identifies priority assignments; recognizes and removes obstacles that may impact success;
 maintains focus in light of challenges or ambiguous circumstances.

Key positive examples:

 Proactively Senses and Responds to Problems and Opportunities—Persists in the face of obstacles and challenges.

 Works to Reduce Cycle Time—Quickly assimilate and digest information.

   Takes Action When Needed—Demonstrates a clear bias for action on priorities.


【家庭作业】Fill out the form for the examples from your own experience before the interview  (the STAR approach):





【经验之谈】Oh, one very important thing to remember: don't just tell us what your troops did. We want to know what your specific
role/contributions was/were.

您说您参加过国共和谈? 国共和谈我们都知道。但我们不知道您都干了些啥?您是主持会谈还是端茶送水?


(1)【面试建议】Behavior Interview 的标准思路(1)


(3) 本文收藏在文学城博客[太浮闲话]
您的位置: 文学城首页 ? 热点讨论主题 ? 职场生涯 ? 面试


来源: ThatIsDifferent 于 2011-11-23 20:07:56 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:9616次
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本贴内容已被 [ThatIsDifferent] 在 2011-11-25 07:33:51 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

【开头的话】根据俺的粗略了解,面试时的这个行为测试(Behavior Interview)颇让很多同胞为难,俺也亲见很多老美阴沟里翻船。可见这不仅仅是一个语言的问题。而且俺们同胞技术背景者居多,在从技术到管理的转型过程中,这个行为测试是个一定要过的关口(而且有向非管理职位蔓延的趋势)。写几篇小文的初衷,就是帮助有需要的朋友掌握正确的准备方法。其实在各位的经历中,一定有诸多可圈可点的成就。有备而来,破解行为测试一定不是问题。这个考核的重点, 是看你如何与人,尤其是难缠的人,打交道。

【葵花宝典】Behavioral Interview Guide

There are 2 formulas for cracking the behavioral interview. SMART and STAR.

The SMART format stands for Situation with Metrics, Actions, Results, and Tie-in. The last item, Tie-in, is key. It neatly links the
response back to the employer’s competency question, allows the individual to inquire further into the employer’s needs, and helps
focus the conversation on how the candidate can DO the job instead of simply AUDITION for the job.

An alternative formula is STAR. STAR stands for Situation/Task, Action, and Result(s). 



【典型案例】   Sense of Urgency

Sample questions for you (the interviewee):

1.      Projects rarely proceed without obstacles.  Tell me about a recent project you worked on when you encountered a major obstacle.
  What did you do to get around that obstacle?  How did you keep others focused on handling the priority tasks for the project?

2.      Tell me about a time when you managed or coordinated a complex project that had many unclear variables.  What did you do to
remain focused on what needed to get done?

【精髓要义】What the interviewer looks for:

Proactively deals with business issues; identifies priority assignments; recognizes and removes obstacles that may impact success;
maintains focus in light of challenges or ambiguous circumstances.

Key positive examples:

 Proactively Senses and Responds to Problems and Opportunities—Persists in the face of obstacles and challenges.

 Works to Reduce Cycle Time—Quickly assimilate and digest information.

   Takes Action When Needed—Demonstrates a clear bias for action on priorities.


【家庭作业】Fill out the form for the examples from your own experience before the interview  (the STAR approach):





【经验之谈】Oh, one very important thing to remember: don't just tell us what your troops did. We want to know what your specific
 role/contributions was/were.

您说您参加过国共和谈? 国共和谈我们都知道。但我们不知道您都干了些啥?您是主持会谈还是端茶送水?


(1)【面试建议】Behavior Interview 的标准思路(1)


(3) 本文收藏在文学城博客[太浮闲话]
您的位置: 文学城首页 ? 热点讨论主题 ? 职场生涯 ? 面试
说的太有指导意义了,多谢多谢。 -oceantradewind- 给 oceantradewind 发送悄悄话 oceantradewind 的个人群组 (96 bytes) (106 reads) 11/24/11
谢谢分享 -雨滴- ♀ 给 雨滴 发送悄悄话 雨滴 的博客首页 雨滴 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (13 reads) 11/24/11 10:13:21
写得好! 很有指导意义了!! -宝珠- ♀ 给 宝珠 发送悄悄话 宝珠 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (11 reads) 11/25/11 09:16:29
迟到不好,不付钱是给受过高等教育的女性以尊严 -品茗客- ♂ 给 品茗客 发送悄悄话 品茗客 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (22 reads) 11/25/11 10:03:57
If you really have managed tough project -beachlver- ♂ 给 beachlver 发送悄悄话 beachlver 的个人群组 (317 bytes) (157 reads) 11/25/11
写的真好, 谢谢 -passbyer10- ♀ 给 passbyer10 发送悄悄话 passbyer10 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (10 reads) 11/25/11 21:00:46
非常好,谢谢了。以前听过类似的问题,没有往这个高度上想 -yuhaian- ♂ 给 yuhaian 发送悄悄话 yuhaian 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 11/27/11