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植物基因组学研究我感兴趣的几个领域1.基因组的结构和变异2.分子标记连锁图谱构建和基因定位3.QTL定位的原理和方法4.QTL精细定位5.基因和QTL的克隆5.1插入突变方法5.2图位克隆的方法(含比较图位克隆)5.3候选基因法6.资源评估和利用7.分子标记辅助选择(含分子设计育种)8.转基因8.1转基因体系和实证研究8.2转基因的生态学安全研究9.比较基因组9.1标记水平的比较研究9.2序列水平的比较研究9.3性状水平的比较研究9.4功能比较研究10.杂种优势研究10.1遗传学解释10.2分子生物学解释11.分子进化(主要是玉米进化)12.基于连锁不平衡的关联分析12.1实证研究12.2方法学研究13.基因组研究中的一些新技术运用13.1DNA芯片技术13.2 DNA shuffling13.3 Gene Trap13.4 Gene therapy in plants13.5 TILLING 技术
1.植物基因组的结构和变异在越来越多的植物基因组被测完后,该研究的重要性逐渐显现,该方面的文章可以说是汗牛充栋.在玉米方面该领域的大牛是Buckler, ES; Messing, J, Dooner HK, Doebley J ; Gaut, BS.1. Buckler, E. S., Gaut, B. S. and McMullen, M. D. (2006)Molecular and functional diversity of maize. Curr. Opin. PlantBiol. 9, 172-176这是关于玉米基因组结构的REVIEW文章,先了解大概,在细读研究文章.其任何2个玉米自交系之间的遗传变异大于人和大猩猩之间的差异的经典论断充分说明玉米变异的广泛性.最近因为人类基因组研究的进展而似乎可以改写.2.Messing J, Dooner HK. Organization and variability of themaize genome. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2006 Apr;9(2):157-63两位大牛的联合REVIEW, 值得一读.3.Goff S A, Ricke D, Lan T H, Presting G, Wang R, Dunn M,Glazebrook J, Sessions A, Oeller P, Varma H, Hadley D, Hutchison D,Martin C, Katagiri F, Lange B M, Moughamer T, Xia Y, Budworth P,Zhong J, Miguel T, et al. A Draft Sequence of the Rice Genome Oryzasativa L. ssp. japonica. Science, 2002, 296: 92-100大家或许都知道这篇文章,但我相信看完的不多,尽管全基因组测序的文章许多,强烈建议大家读这篇,讨论写的太好了.同期中国测序的文章就相形见拙许多,当然之后水稻精细图谱的公布,这篇文章也可以读读.4. International Rice Genome Sequencing Project. The map-basedsequence genome. nature, 2005, 436: 793-8005.Fu H H, Dooner H K. Intraspecific violation of geneticcolinearity and its implications in maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2002, 99: 9573-9578改文章给我的启示许多,基因的存在和缺失也是等位基因的一种形式就是其一,尽管后来该文章的结论不断被修正.6.Song R, Messing J: Gene expression of a gene family in maizebased on noncolinear haplotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2003,100:9055-9060.宋任涛代表作之一,与Fu的文章有异曲同工之妙,给杂种优势提供了新的解释.7.Brunner S, Fengler K, Morgante M, Tingey S, Rafalski A:Evolution of DNA sequence non-homologies among maize inbreds. PlantCell 2005, 17:343-360.5,6工作的基础上提供了更多的数据8. Lai J, Li Y, Messing J, Dooner HK: Gene movement by Helitrontransposons contributes to the haplotype variability of maize. ProcNatl Acad Sci USA 2005, 102:9068-9073.赖锦盛的代表工作之一,为玉米基因组的扩张提供了全面的解释.9. Lai J, Ma J, Swigonova Z, Ramakrishna W, Linton E, Llaca V,Tanyolac B, Park YJ, Jeong OY, Bennetzen JL et al.: Gene loss andmovement in the maize genome. Genome Res 2004, 14:1924-1931部分阐述了玉米基因组的结构的成因,更多的是插入而不是缺失.10. Morgante M, Brunner S, Pea G, Fengler K, Zuccolo A, RafalskiA:Gene duplication and exon shuffling by helitron-like transposonsgenerate intraspecies diversity in maize.Nat Genet 2005,37:997-1002与8讲的同一个故事.11.Tenaillon MI, Sawkins MC, Long AD, Gaut RL, Doebley JF, GautBS: Patterns of DNA sequence polymorphism along chromosome 1 ofmaize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.). Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001,8:9161-9166该数据表明,在玉米基因组大约只保留了其祖先大刍草60%的遗传变异.12.Messing J, Bharti AK, Karlowski WM, Gundlach H, Kim HR, Yu Y,Wei F, Fuks G, Soderlund CA, Mayer KF et al.: Sequence compositionand genome organization of maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004,101:14349-14354玉米有59000个基因的预测就出自此文.
13. Bruggmann R, Bharti AK, Gundlach H, Lai J, Young S,
Pontaroli AC, Wei F, Haberer G, Fuks G, Du C, Raymond C, Estep MC,
Liu R, Bennetzen JL, Chan AP, Rabinowicz PD, Quackenbush J,
Barbazuk WB, Wing RA, Birren B, Nusbaum C, Rounsley S, Mayer KF,
Messing J.  Uneven chromosome contraction and
expansion in the maize genome. Genome Res. 2006
Oct;16(10):1241-5114.Emrich SJ, Li L, Wen TJ, Yandeau-Nelson MD, Fu Y, Guo L, Chou
HH, Aluru S, Ashlock DA, Schnable PS. Nearly Identical Paralogs:
Implications for Maize (Zea mays L.) Genome Evolution.Genetics.
2007 Jan;175(1):429-39
提出的NIP概念给我们以后的关联分析和其他一系列研究提出了新的挑战,尽管在玉米基因组的频率只有1%.15. Fu Y, Emrich SJ, Guo L, Wen TJ, Ashlock DA, Aluru S,
Schnable PS.
Quality assessment of maize assembled genomic islands (MAGIs) and
large-scale experimental verification of predicted genes. Proc Natl
Acad Sci U S A. 2005  23;102(34):12282-7.
全世界多个实验室都有重要贡献,比如Coe EH, 法国的Falque,
和访问过农大的Schnable.这尽管是一项非常基础的工作,但非常重要.从下面文章的清单不难看出,只要做的好有特色,同样能发好文章.其它各个重要的动植物都走过类似的历程,在植物里这一领域的研究,玉米应该还是比较靠前的,因为它不但重要,而且也算得上模式植物.16. Lincoln S, Daly M, Lander E. Mapping genetic mapping with
MAPMAKER/EXP3.0. Cambridge: MA: Whitehead institute Technical
Report, 1992
目前仍然是连锁图构建和基因定位的经典方法.17.Helentjaris T, Slocum M, Wright S, Schaefer A, Niehhuis J.
Construction of genetic linkage maps in maize and tomato using
restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Theor Appl Genet, 1986,
72: 761–769
玉米第一张分子标记连锁图18.Burr, B., Burr, F., Thompson, K.H., Albersten, M. and Stuber,
C. W. (1988) Gene mapping with recombinant inbreds in maize.
Genetics 118, 519–526
玉米第一张RIL图谱19.Beavis, W. D., and Grant, D. (1991) A linkage map based on
information from 4 F2 populations of Maize (Zea mays L.). Theor.
Appl. Genet. 82, 636–644
玉米的F2图谱20.Gardiner, J. M., Coe, E. H., Melia-Hancock, S., Hoisington,
D. A. and Chao, S. (1993) Development of a core RFLP map in maize
using an immortalized F2 population. Genetics 134, 917–930.
玉米第一张IF2图谱(注意不同于我们提到的IF2群体)21.Gardiner, J., Schroeder, S., Polacco, M. L., Sanchez-Villeda,
H., Fang, Z., Morgante, M., Landewe, T., Fengler, K., Useche, F.,
Hanafey, M., Tingey, S., Chou, H., Wing, R., Soderlund, C. and Coe
Jr., E. H. (2004) Anchoring 93 971 maize expressed sequence tagged
unigenes to the bacterial artificial chromosome contig map by
two-dimensional overgo hybridization. Plant Physiol. 134,
遗传图谱和物理图谱的整合22.Davis, G. L., McMullen, M. D., Baysdorfer, C., Musket, T.,
Grant, D., Staebell, M., Xu, G., Polacco, M., Koster, L.,
Melia-Hancock, S., Houchins, K., Chao, S., and Coe Jr, E. H.
(1999). A maize map standard with sequenced core markers, grass
genome reference points and 932 expressed sequence tagged sites
(ESTs) in a 1736-locus map. Genetics 152, 1137–117223.Natalya S, McMullen M D, Schultz L, Schroeder S,
Sanchez-Villeda H, Gardiner J, Bergstrom D, Houchins K,
Melia-Hancock S, Musket T, Duru N, Polacco M, Edwards K, Ruff T,
Register J C, Brouwer C, Thompson R, Velasco R, Chin E, Lee M,
Woodman-Clikeman W, Long MJ, Liscum E, Cone K, Davis G, Coe EH.
Development and mapping of SSR markers for maize. Plant Mol Bio,
2002, 48: 463-481
几张玉米的高密度连锁图24.Falque, M., Décousset, L., Dervins, D., Jacob, A. M., Joets,
J., Martinant, J. P., Raffoux, X., Ribière, N., Ridel, C., Samson,
D., Charcosset, A. and Murigneux, A. (2005) Linkage Mapping of 1454
New Maize Candidate Gene Loci. Genetics 170, 1957-1966
玉米的大规模基因定位及连锁图谱25.Fu Y, Wen TJ, Ronin YI, Chen HD, Guo L, Mester DI, Yang Y,
Lee M, Korol AB, Ashlock DA, Schnable PS. Genetic dissection of
intermated recombinant inbred lines using a new genetic map of
maize.Genetics. 2006 Nov;174(3):1671-83.
而目前各类标记(IDP, Gene, cDNA, SSR, RFLP,
SNP等)都被整合到IBM图谱,并有机与玉米物理图谱进行了整合,详细信息参考MAIZEGDB.3.QTL定位的原理和应用该领域让我们记住一个名字,那就是毕业于华中农业大学,现供职于北卡州立大学的曾昭邦教授.他1994年发表在Genetics的文章,已经是QTL定位领域不可超越的传奇,其正面引用应该接近或者超过1000次.他也是大陆动物遗传育种专业留学生中在美国唯一的正教授.他多次回国和母校讲学,2000年在华农讲学,在分子数量遗传学门外徘徊的我根本听不懂他在讲什么,错失良机.其发展的QTL定位软件几经改进,可以说在数量遗传学领域路人皆知.26. Zeng Z B. Precision mapping of quantitative trait loci.
Genetics, 1994, 136: 1457–1468
还发展了一系列分析方法.27. Cockerham CC and Z. B. Zeng Design III With Marker
Loci.Genetics 1996 143: 1437-1456
.28. Chen-Hung Kao, Zhao-Bang Zeng, and Robert D. Teasdale
Multiple Interval Mapping for Quantitative Trait Loci. Genetics
1999 152: 1203-1216
提出了MIM的算法,为我们估计总的遗传效应提供了方法.29.Chen-Hung Kao and Zhao-Bang Zeng Modeling Epistasis of
Quantitative Trait Loci Using Cockerham’s Model Genetics 2002 160:
提出了上位性的算法.30. Lander E S, Botstein S. Mapping Mendelian factors underlying
quantitative traits using RFLP linkage maps. Genetics, 1989, 121:
CIM是该基础上发展而来,贡献卓越,引用超过2000次.31. Wang D L, Zhu J, Li Z K, Paterson A H. Mapping QTLs with
epistatic effects and QTL  environment
interactions by mixed linear model approaches. Theor Appl Genet,
1999, 99: 1255-1264
浙江大学的朱军教授也是该领域的著名人物,在CIM基础上发展出MCIM(混合线性模型)的方法,也是一个重要的贡献,同时也提出条件QTL的定位方法,经典文章有下面2篇.32. Zhu J. Analysis of conditional genetic effects and variance
components in developmental genetics. Genetics, 1995, 141:
老鼠尾巴的长度和体重有什么关系?呵呵,这篇文章就研究这个,至少问题有趣.33. Yan J Q, Zhu J, He C X, Benmoussa M, Wu P. Molecular
dissection of developmental behavior of plant height in rice (Oryza
sativa L.). Genetics, 1998, 150: 1257-1265
株高发育性状的QTL定位,这篇文章给了我启示,而让我的论文有了点副产品,想了解改领域的基本知识,可以参考我2003科学通报的文章.34. Wei-Ren Wu, Wei-Ming Li, Ding-Zhong Tang, Hao-Ran Lu, and A.
J. Worland Time-Related Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci
Underlying Tiller Number in Rice. Genetics 1999 151: 297-303
现在浙江大学的吴为人教授对时间序列的QTL分析也有贡献,但没有好的软件出来.关于QTL定位的应用文章枚不胜举,下面2篇文章是经典.35. Schon, C. C., Utz, H. F., Groh, S., Truberg, B., Openshaw,
S. and Melchinger, A. E. (2004) Quantitative trait locus mapping
based on resampling in a vast maize testcross experiment and its
relevance to quantitative genetics for complex traits. Genetics
167, 485-498
估计目前这2个数字仍然是无法超越的.36. Laurie, C. C., Chasalow, S. D., LeDeaux, J. R., McCarrol,
R., Rush, D., Hauge, B., Lai, C. Q., Clark, D., Rocheford, T. R.
and Dudley, J. W. (2004) The genetic architecture of response to
long-term artificial selection for oil concentration in the maize
kernel. Genetics 168, 2141-2155
该研究用了高油玉米长期选择的极端材料和大群体,所以对效应值小的QTL有很好的估计.37. 章元明. 作物QTL 定位方法研究进展. 科学通报, 19,
我认为是迄今关于这方面最好的中文综述.尤其关于经典QTL的定位介绍的比较详细和到位,是对初进该领域的研究者最好的开门文章,几乎囊括了所有经典文章.我们常常知道QTL定位要选择显著标记对背景控制?原因是什么,多少合适?如果不选或者选多了会出现什么问题?如果理解了这些理论问题,大家对QTL 定位的结果就会有更深刻的认识,而不会简单堆积结果了.QTL定位下一步的一个发展方向将是:
1) Nested Association Mapping and Diallel Association
38. Benjamin Stich, Jianming Yu, Albrecht E. Melchinger, Hans-Peter
Piepho, Friedrich Utz, Hans P Maurer, and Edward S Buckler Power to
detect higher-order epistatic interactions in a metabolic pathway
using a new mapping strategy. Genetics 2006: doi:
这也是将来QTL定位的一个重要内容,也是联系遗传学上QTL定位和表达水平基因表达谱研究的桥梁.在动物方面(人,小鼠等)相关研究进展很多,下一波就是植物了。39 Gibson G, Weir B. The quantitative genetics of transcription.
Trends Genet, 2005, 21(11): 616—623
如何从转录水平认识数量性状40 Schadt E E, Monks S A, Drakes T A, et al. Genetics of gene
expression surveyed in maize, mouse and man.Nature, 2003,
eQTL定位的经典文章41  Brew R B, Yvert G, Clinton R, et al.
Genetic dissection of transcriptional regulation in budding yeast.
Science, 2002, 296: 752-755
虽然是酵母的数据但值得借鉴.3) PTL
差异表达蛋白和QTL位置的比较与分析(目前相关文章还比较少)42 Salvi S, Tuberosa R. To clone or not to clone plant QTLs:
present and future challenges. Trends Plant Sci, 2005, 10(6):
相关的综述文章43 Consoli L, Lefevre A, Zivy M, et al. QTL analysis of proteome
and transcriptome variations for dissecting the genetic
architecture of complex traits in maize. Plant Mol Biol, 2002,
48(5-6): 575-581
好象是仅有的研究文章,不过已经有一段时间没有追踪了4 QTL精细定位
该策略首先被Paterson提出来,然后被Zamir发扬广大,我们国家在这方面的研究应该说取得了长足的进步.其中Paterson(现在偏理论了),Zamir,Tanksley,McCouch以及日本和中国的多位科学家是这方面的领军科学家。44 Paterson AH, DeVerna JW, Lanini B et al. Fine mapping of
quantitative trait loci using selected overlapping recombinant
chromosomes, in an interspecies cross of tomato. Genetics, 1990,
124: 735-74245 Eshed Y, Zamir D.An introgression line population of
Lycopersicon pennellii in the cultivated tomato enables the
identification and fine mapping of yield-associated QTL. Genetics ,
1995, 141:1147-1162
较早的研究,现在看起来比较简单,但你要承认原创。46 Salvi S, Tuberosa R, Chiapparino E, Maccaferri M, Veillet
S,van Beuningen L, Isaac P, Edwards K, Phillips RL: Toward
positional cloning of Vgt1, a QTL controlling the transition from
the vegetative to the reproductive phase in maize. Plant Mol Biol
2002, 48:601-613
我一直以为这将是玉米中第一个被克隆的QTL,而追踪很久,但呼之欲出好多年终没有见到正式文章,但有消息表明已经拿到基因.Tuberosa是意大利的知名科学家,当时在武汉开会的时候希望我申请奖学金到他那里做博士后,还给我许多他发表的文章.47 Li JM, Thomson M, McCouch S R. Fine mapping of a grain-weight
quantitative trait locus in the pericentromeric region of rice
chromosome 3. Genetics, 2004 168: 2187-219548 Fan C, Xing Y, Mao H, Lu T, Han B, Xu C, Li X, Zhang Q.
Related Articles, Links   GS3, a major QTL for grain length and weight and
minor QTL for grain width and thickness in rice, encodes a putative
transmembrane protein.
Theor Appl Genet. 2006, 112(6):1164-71
两篇文章做的同一个QTL位点,可见这个领域竞争的惨烈(事实上还有至少2个组在做这个位点)。但第二篇的遗传设计比较简单,第一篇太复杂了。但讨论起来是一套一套。49 Alpert K B, Tanksley S D. High-resolution mapping and
isolation of a yeast artificial chromosome contig containing fw2.2:
A major fruit weight quantitative trait locus in tomato. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA, 1996, 93: 15503-15507
看看着篇定位的文章,你就知道Tanksley克隆第一个QTL是多么不容易.50 Ishimaru K.  Identification of a locus
increasing rice yield and physiological analysis of its function.
Plant Physiol. 2003 Nov;133(3):1083-90
这篇文章只有一个作者,可见日本人做研究有多么厉害了。这个人最近文章雪片般飘逸,绝对是后起之秀。5.基因和QTL的克隆51 Ashikari M, Matsuoka M. Identification, isolation and
pyramiding of quantitative trait loci for rice breeding. Trends
Plant Sci, 2006, 11(7): 344-35052 Bortiri E, Jackson D, Hake S. Advances in maize genomics: the
emergence of positional cloning.Curr Opin Plant Biol. 2006
这两篇综述告诉我们重要形状QTL的克隆将是未来竞争最为激烈的领域,同时已经克隆的QTL也尽收眼底,如果对这方面感兴趣,无疑给你做了很好的文献收集工作。5.1插入突变方法53 Bensen, R.J., G. S. Johal, V. C. Crane, J. T. Tossberg, P. S.
Schnable, R. B. Meeley, and S. P. Briggs. 1995. Cloning and
characterization of the maize An1 gene. The Plant Cell. 7:
与株高有关的一个突变体基因的克隆54 Doebley J, Stec A, Hubbard L. The evolution of apical
dominance in maize. Nature, 1997, 386: 485-488
玉米中克隆的第一个QTL55 Cui X, Wise RP, Schnable PS. The rf2 nuclear restorer gene of
male-sterile T-cytoplasm maize. Science. 1996 May
从这也可以看出基于突变体的基因克隆与其说是个技术活不如说是一个体力活。应该是Schnable的成名作。56 Esteban B, George C, Erik V, et al. Ramosa2 encodes a lateral
organ boundary domain protein that determines the fate of stem
cells in branch meristems of maize. Plant Cell, 2006,
18:574-58557 Vollbrecht E, Springer PS, Goh L, et al. Architecture of
floral branch systems in maize and related grasses. Nature, 2005,
与玉米进化有关的2个QTL5.2图位克隆的方法(含比较图位克隆)58 Frary A, Nesbitt T C, Frary A, et al.  fw2.2: A quantitative trait locus key to the evolution of tomato
fruit size. Science, 2000, 289: 85-88
第一个被图位克隆的QTL,建议顺便看看Doebley对这篇文章的评论,就知道牛人站的高度在哪里。59 Ashikari M, Sakakibara H, Lin S, Yamamoto T, et al.
Cytokinin Oxidase Regulates Rice Grain Production. Science, 2005,
309: 741-7245
也是引起轰动的报道,因为可能是控制产量的基因被发现.记得文章刚发表后,Rocheford来访问问我跟进没有,呵呵.是准备跟进,但,相信不久会有后续报道出来.60 Wang H, Nussbaum-Wagler T, Li B, et al. The origin of the
naked grains of maize. Nature,  2005, 436:
第一个图位克隆的玉米QTL,用到比较基因组的策略61 Peng J, Richard E D, Hartley M N, et al. ‘Green
revolution’ genes encode mutant gibberellin reponse modulators.
Nature, 1999, 400: 256-261
比较图位克隆的经典62 Yan L, Loukoianov A, Blechl A, et al. The wheat VRN2 gene
is a flowering repressor down-regulated by vernalization. Science,
2004, 303: 1640 - 1644
小麦大基因组基因克隆的经典作品,毫无疑问该文章的联系作者已经是该领域的领军人物,目前在小麦中克隆的基因或QTL已经超过4个.63 Li C, Zhou A, Sang T.  Rice domestication
by reducing shattering. Science. 2006 31;311(5769):1936-9
水稻进化QTL的克隆,当年Science杂志还有另外一篇类似的文章,惊叹的是作者用的是F2群体,遗传设计大胆有效,常人不敢想象.Doebley的评论也是高屋建瓴.64 Ren ZH,Gao JP,Li LG, et al. A rice quantitive trait locus
for salt tolerance encodes a sodium transporter. Nature Genetics,
2005, 37:1141-1146
中国人的工作,也相当的不错.5.3候选基因法65 Ishimaru K, Ono K, Kashiwagi T. Identification of a new
gene controlling plant height in rice using the candidate-gene
strategy. Planta, 2004, 218: 388–395
我认为第一篇完全意义的侯选基因策略,参考其思路和生物信息学分析.66 Xiao WK, Xu ML et al. Genome-wide isolation of resistance
gene analogs in maize (Zea mays L.).Theor Appl Genet. 2006
67 GS Khush. 2001, Green revolution: the way forward. Nature
Reviews Genetics, 2: 815-822
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玉米祖先大刍草的遗传变异规律,将是重要的玉米遗传改良的潜在资源.71Jochen C.Reif, Sonia Hamrit et al. Trends in genetic
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先锋公司1930-1999共90年间推广杂交种的遗传基础进行了分析72 Stephen J, Smith C, Duvick D et al. Changes in pedigree
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欧洲过去50年主要推广玉米品种遗传基础的变化规律7.分子标记辅助选择(含分子设计育种)这方面的综述和理论研究,远多于实证研究,也是一个有趣的现象.73 Xu, Y. (2003). Developing marker-assisted selection
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黎志康和徐云碧都是理论专家,对分子育种都有自己独到的理解,而目前他们都是这个领域的一线科学家.75 Andersen J R, Lübberstedt T. Functional markers in plants.
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首次提出功能标记的概念,相信是分子育种的方向,尤其设计育种.76 Visscher P M,Haley C S, Thompson R. Marker-assisted
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转基因的沉默,较早的综述文章.80 Ye X, Al-Babili S, Kloti A , et al. Engineering the
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经典的玉米转基因文章82 Ishida, Y., Saito, H., Hiei, Y. and Komari, T. (2003)
Improved protocol for transformation of maize (Zea mays L.)
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著名的8卦图就出自这里86 Ahn S N, Tanksley S D. Comparative linkage maps of the rice
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改进的玉米和水稻比较图谱9.2序列水平的比较研究88 Bennetzen J L. Comparative sequence analysis of plant
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简单策略就是,找几个不同作物的保守区域,同时测几个BAC,看看发生什么?呵呵,我其实也早想到了,可没有银子,没有人支持.91 Salse J, B Piegu, R Cooke, M Delseny. New in silico insight
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这个在水稻序列完成后作为桥梁与玉米大规模的比较,也是我的思路9.3性状水平的比较研究92 Paterson A H, Lin Y R, Li Z, Schertz K F, Doebley J F,
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种子大小和开花期等与进化有关的农艺性状的QTL具有同源性93 Chen H L, Wang S P, Xing Y Z, Xu C G, Hayes P M, Zhang Q.
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loci for quantitative resistance to Pyricularia grisea in rice and
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这个大规模的比较有意思,我们的目标是与91结合,最终是实现大规模的QTL比较克隆.9.4功能比较研究95 Volker B, Stefan K, Virginia W. Comparative genomics of
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序列的微线性老被打破,但基因的功能应该大都一样,这个就是检测这个预测的.96 Mural R J, Adams M D, Myers E W, Smith H O, Gabor Miklos G
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更早的文章就不推荐,这篇综述里面有全面引用和阐述,Duvick是先锋公司资深科学家,位至副总裁,对这个问题的认识,少有人望其项背,许多观点值得借鉴。99 Stuber CW, Lincoln S E, Wolff D W, et al. Identification of
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当然Tanksley的主要贡献我认为还不是这,在番茄研究上更有建树比如第一个QTL就是他克隆的。而该文的第一作者也是袁先生的弟子101 Yu S B, Li J X, Xu C G., et al. Importance of epistasis as
the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite rice hybrid. Proc Natl
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张启发的经典之作,我花了3年才读懂这篇文章,重复打印了几次.102 Li Z K, Luo L J, Mei H W, Wang D L, Shu Q Y, Tabien R,
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103 Luo L J, Li Z K, Mei H W,  Shu Q Y, Tabien R,
Zhong D B, Ying C S, Stansel J W, Khush GS, Paterson A H.
Overdominant Epistatic Loci Are the Primary Genetic Basis of
Inbreeding Depression and Heterosis in Rice. II. Grain Yield
Components. Genetics, 2001, 158: 1755-1771
这两篇文章都是黎志康的杰作,看看超长的讨论就知道这个人理论水平高,呵呵.104 Hua J P, Xing Y , Wu W R, et al. Single-locus heterotic
effects and dominance by dominance interactions can adequately
explain the genetic basis of heterosis in an elite rice hybrid.
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运用了IF2创新遗传设计上面6篇文章把杂种优势的各种效应都说了一遍,基于2个材料构建群体的各种遗传设计基本上都用到。其中中国科学家张启发和黎志康。105 Yaniv Semel, Jonathan Nissenbaum, Naama Menda, Michael
Zinder, Uri Krieger, Noa Issman, Tzili Pleban, Zachary Lippman,
Amit Gur, and Dani Zamir. From the Cover: Overdominant quantitative
trait loci for yield and fitness in tomato
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2篇文章也从基因组学水平解决这个问题提供了新的视野.10.2分子生物学解释106 Swanson-Wagner RA, Jia Y, DeCook R, Borsuk LA, Nettleton
D, Schnable PS.  All possible modes of gene action
are observed in a global comparison of gene expression in a maize
F1 hybrid and its inbred parents. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006
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芯片技术在杂种优势研究中的成功应用107 Cis-transcriptional Variation in Maize Inbred Lines B73
and Mo17 Leads to Additive Expression Patterns in the F1 Hybrid.
Genetics, 2006; 173(4): 2199 - 2210.
做玉米研究一定要记住这2个自交系B73 and Mo17108 Guo M, Rupe MA, Zinselmeier C, Habben J, Bowen BA, Smith
OS:Allelic variation of gene expression in maize hybrids. Plant
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其实先锋公司在这方面的工作一直走在前列.109 He G, Luo X, Tian F, Li K, Zhu Z, Su W, Qian X, Fu Y, Wang
X, Sun C, Yang J.    Haplotype variation in structure and expression
of a gene cluster associated with a quantitative trait locus for
improved yield in rice. Genome Res. 2006 May;16(5):618-26
Doebley的研究历程谈如何读参考文献)这里就不多做解释.110 Doebley JF, Gaut BS, Smith BD.  The
molecular genetics of crop domestication. Cell. 2006 Dec
这是这方面最新和最经典的综述111 Piperno DR, Flannery KV. The earliest archaeological maize
(Zea mays L.) from highland  Mexico: new
accelerator mass spectrometry dates and their implications. Proc
Natl Acad  Sci USA, 2001, 98: 2101-2103
玉米进化考古证据112 Doebley J, Stec A, Hubbard L. The evolution of apical
dominance in maize. Nature, 1997, 386: 485-488
113 Vollbrecht E, Springer PS, Goh L, et al. Architecture of floral
branch systems in maize and related grasses. Nature, 2005,
114 Wang R L, Stec A, Hey J, Lukens L, Doebley J. The limits of
selection during maize domestication. Nature, 1999, 398:
115 Esteban B, George C, Erik V, et al. Ramosa2 encodes a lateral
organ boundary domain protein that determines the fate of stem
cells in branch meristems of maize. Plant Cell, 2006,
116 Gallavotti A, Zhao Q, Kyozuka J, et al. The role of barren
stalk1 in the architecture of maize. Nature, 2004,
一系列有进化相关基因或QTL被克隆,进化的方式也是越来越清晰,当然这个清单显然不完整。117 Yamasaki M, Tenaillon MI, Vroh Bi I, Schroeder S,
Sanchez-Villeda H, Doebley JF, Gaut BS, McMullen MD: A large scale
screen for artificial selection in maize identifies candidate
agronomic loci for domestication and crop improvement. Plant Cell
2005, 17:2859-2872
118 Wright SI, Bi IV, Schroeder SG, Yamasaki M, Doebley JF,
McMullen MD, Gaut BS: The effects of artificial selection on the
maize genome. Science 2005, 308:1310-1314
尽管目前这个领域有很多人质疑,也确实有许多不成熟的地方,但必须承认其发展之势不可以阻挡.植物领域的领军人物当然是Buckler.118 Yu J, Buckler ES. Genetic association mapping and genome
organization of maize.Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2006
简单清晰的综述文章,如果要做这个领域,当然是必读的.119 杨小红,严建兵,郑艳萍,等。植物数量性状关联分析研究进展.
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扫盲和入门文章,尽管还有不足之处,但也是迄今能找到这个领域的唯一中文综述.12.1实证研究120 Remington DL, Thornsberry JM,Matsuoka Y,Wilson LM,Whitt
SR,Doebley J, Kresovich S, 121Goodman MM, Buckler ES: Structure of
linkage disequilibrium and phenotypic associations in the maize
genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2001, 98:11479-11484.
早期的探讨122 Thornsberry JM, Goodman MM, Doebley J, Kresovich S,
Nielsen D, Buckler ES IV: Dwarf8 polymorphisms associate with
variation in flowering time. Nat Genet 2001, 28:286-289.
看山之作,尽管后来不断有文章出来修订和赶紧,但动摇不了其地位.123 Palaisa KA, Morgante M, Williams M, Rafalski A:
Contrasting effects of selection on sequence diversity and linkage
disequilibrium at two phytoene synthase loci. Plant Cell
124 Wilson LM, Whitt SR, Ibanez-Carranza AM, Goodman MM, Rocheford
TR, Buckler ES: Dissection of maize kernel composition and starch
production by candidate gene association. Plant Cell 2004,
几个实证研究, 都是相当的不错,当然这个清单可以很长.12.2方法学研究
125 Yu J, Pressoir G, Briggs WH, Bi IV, Yamasaki M, Doebley
JF,McMullen MD, Gaut BS, Holland JB, Nielsen D et al.: A unified
mixed-model method for association mapping accounting for multiple
levels of relatedness. Nat Genet 2005, 38: 203–208.
方法学的奠基之作,关键有界面友好的分析软件问世.126 Price AL, Patterson NJ, Plenge RM, Weinblatt ME, Shadick
NA, et al. Principal components analysis corrects for
stratification in genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet.
当然也会有人推荐这种方法,而不承认上面的论断.127 Patterson N, Price AL, Reich D. Population Structure and
Eigenanalysis. PLoS Genet. 2006 Dec 22;2(12):e190
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Zheng H, Dean C, Marjoram P, Nordborg M. An Arabidopsis Example of
Association Mapping in Structured Samples.Zhao K. PLoS Genet. 2007
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129 Rensink WA, Buell CR. Microarray expression profiling
resources for plant genomics. Trends Plant Sci. 2005, 10(12):
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the sense and antisense transcriptome of maize lines. Genome Biol,
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131 Jiang K, Zhang S, Lee S, et al. Transcription profile analyses
identify genes and pathways central to root cap functions in maize.
Plant Mol Bio, 2006, 60(3): 343-363
这仅是在玉米中的应用,该领域的文章和综述可以用多如牛毛来形容.13.2 DNA shuffling
132 Stemmer WP. Rapid evolution of a protein in vitro by DNA
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Acad Sci U S A 1999.96(15):8774-813.5 TILLING 技术
138 An G, Jeong DH, Jung KH et al. Reverse genetic approaches
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plough: a new method with applications for reverse genetics. Curr.
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