
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/02 03:30:06
   Wednesday, October 19, 2011
一名爱尔兰流浪者在燃烧的路障前举着十字架进行抗议,本周英国防暴警察对英国最大的爱尔兰流浪者聚集地进行清理,引起多方争议。摄影师:Matt Dunham
An Irish traveler resident holds up a cross for the media, in front of a burning barricade during evictions at the Dale Farm travelers site.

2011-12-4 01:59 上传下载附件 (57.61 KB)

Saturaday, October 15, 2011
A woman cradles a wounded relative at a mosque in Sana'a, Yemen.

2011-12-4 01:59 上传下载附件 (47.39 KB)

Monday, October 17, 2011
巴勒斯坦工人们在加沙市为以色列监狱释放巴勒斯坦囚犯的庆祝活动进行筹备,此次酱油1027名被俘士兵重返家园。摄影师:Alessio Romenzi
Palestinian workers prepare a field in Gaza City where celebrations will be held to welcome prisoners released from Israeli prisons the following day.

2011-12-4 01:59 上传下载附件 (46.67 KB)

Sunday, October 16, 2011
Prayer flags hang near the ParoTaktsang Palphug Buddhist monastery, also known as the Tiger's Nest, in Paro district, Bhutan.

2011-12-4 01:59 上传下载附件 (80.41 KB)

Friday, October 21, 2011
Duo餐厅的麦迪逊午餐,纽约。摄影师:Ramsay de Give
The Madison lunchbox with chicken at Duo Restaurant & Lounge, 72 Madison Ave. in New York, N.Y.

2011-12-4 01:59 上传下载附件 (64.23 KB)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
一名男子在收获季的田边休憩,朝鲜东岸。摄影师:David Guttenfelder
A man rests during harvest season at a farm near North Korea's east coast.

2011-12-4 01:59 上传下载附件 (79.19 KB)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
万圣节前,罗马天主教堂将墓地粉刷一新,迎接来访的逝者的亲戚和朋友,西班牙。摄影师:Jon Nazca
Tombs get a fresh coat of paint at the cemetery of Casabermeja, in preparation for All Saints Day on Tuesday, which Roman Catholics mark by visiting cemeteries and graves of relatives and friends.

2011-12-4 01:56 上传下载附件 (52.28 KB)

Friday, October 21, 2011
一名利比亚叛军士兵用毯子盖上一名在空袭中丧生的卡扎菲亲信的尸体。摄影师:Guillem Valle
A Libyan rebel fighter covers a dead body of an alleged Muammar Gaddafi loyalist, killed by a NATO air strike in the outskirts of Sirt, Libya.

2011-12-4 01:56 上传下载附件 (76.52 KB)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Female protesters march to the Foreign Ministry in Sana to demand the ouster of Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

2011-12-4 01:56 上传下载附件 (88.55 KB)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
一张印满ETA受害者的照片的海报,西班牙。摄影师:Marcelo del Pozo
A poster displays images of ETA victims during the inauguration of the exhibition.

2011-12-4 01:56 上传下载附件 (97.97 KB)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
纽约阿姆斯特丹大街泰国餐厅里的一道美食。摄影师:Lauren Lancaster
Pad sapparod with pineapple, cashews and shrimp at Thai Market, 960 Amsterdam Ave.

2011-12-4 01:56 上传下载附件 (56.39 KB)

Monday, October 24, 2011
一名男子拿起一本Steve Jobs传记的英文版,上海。摄影师:Aly Song
A man held a copy of the authorized biography 'Steve Jobs,’ by Walter Isaacson, at a Shanghai store Monday.

2011-12-4 01:56 上传下载附件 (67 KB)