
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 18:06:16



(1).spendspent spent   take took taken

    pay paid paid    cost cost cost

(2)I ____ some money in buying some books

(3)I ____ some money ____ some books

(4)I ____ some money for the books.

(5)It ___ me some money to buy some books

(6)The books ____ me 5 yuan.

2.say ,tell , speak , talk

(1)say said said tell told told

speak spoke spoken talk talked talked

(2)What he _____ is right

(3)Look at the sign ,it ____ “No parking”

(4)It is ___ that Italy is a goodplace to see

(5)Who is that _____?

(6)Tom often ___ to his mother about it.

(7)He ____ me to go to school yesterday.

(8)He often ____jokes to me

(9)Can you ____ it in English ?

3 important = of importance

  useful = of use

(1) It is important or It is of importance

(2) It is useful or It is of use

4.It is +adj +for +sb +to do sth


  important, difficult, hard,

It is important for you to learn English

It is +adj +of +sb +to do sth


clever,kind ,nice ,friendly, polite

It is foolish of you to do that.


A,maybe adv 是副词,可用于句子的开头和句中

 may be “可能是……” 常用于句子的中间,是may情态动词加动词原形构成,可在句子中构成谓语.

1.Maybe he will buy the book 他可能会买这本书

2.He will maybe buy the book他可能会买这本书

3.He may be Tom 他可能是Tom (此句中的may be 就不能用 maybe 替换)

B,everyone 只指人不指物后面不能加of

everyone 既指人又指物后面还能加of

(1)Everyone can work out the problem

(2)Every one of us can work out the problem

C,none    既指人又指物后面还能加of


(1)None of us can work out the problem

(2)No one can work out the problem

D, (1)Whois in the classroom? No one 没有人

(2)How many boys are there in your room?


(3)What is in your box? Nothing (什么也没有?)

E,everyday 用做定语,放在名词的前面日常的,每天的

everyday 用做状语,放在句首和句尾每天

   We practice everyday English every day.


F,sometime 过去或将来的某个时候

 Sometimes 有时

 Some time 一段时间

 Some times 许多次

G,in time 及时

 ontime 按时

H,each ,every 的区别

 (1) each 可以做主语,表示两者或两者之间的每一个

    every 不可以做主语,表示三者或三者之间的每一个

 (2) There are flowers on each side of the road

    Each of us has a book

    Every student has a book

    There is a tree every three meters

6.find +it +adj+ to do

I find it very interesting to read thestory

7.英语中有三看(lookat , watch , see)两听(listento,hear)一发现(find)一感觉(feel),他们都有以下的两个句式和宾语从句,下面以see为例:

  see sb(宾格) doing 看见某人正在做某事,强调动作的片刻,常常和at that time ,then , on my way home, when 等连用

  On myway home I saw him playing football.

 see sb(宾格) do sth 看见某人做过某事,强调某事已经发生完成和动作的全过程,或强调动作的反复发生,并且边被动语态的时候要在do 前加上 to

 (1)Isaw him play football in the street.(指这玩足球的这件事)

(2)I often saw him play football in thestreet.(强调经常看见他玩足球)

    ——He was often seen to play football in thestreet.

当上句子的him是he 的时候,就是宾语从句了,如下:

I often saw he played football in thestreet .

8.one … the other 一个 ……另一个

  some … others  一些……另一些

(1)I have two apples , one is red and theother is not

(2)I have lots of friends. Some are Englishand others are American

     I havelots of friends. Some are English and other friends are American

9. another +数词  “另外几个

数词+ more /other “另外几个

another five apples = five other apples orfive more apples  


(1)Tom is thetallest in his class

Tom is taller than any other students inhis class

Tom is taller than all the others in hisclass

Tom is taller than all the other studentsin his class

Tom is taller than anyone else in his class

(2)Tom 比kate 的班级里的任何一人都高(他两不在同一个班级里)

   Tom is taller than any student in Katesclass

   Tom is taller than anyone in Kates class

Tom is taller than all the students in hisclass

11.all 都(三者或三者以上)

 both 都(两者)

 none 一个也没有(三者或三者以上)


 either… or 不是就是…(表示两者之间选择)


(1)All the boys go shopping

(2)Both the boys go shopping

(3)Not all the boys go shopping

(4)Which book do you like ,a or b?

Neither . I like c

(5)He did not go to school

Neither did I (我也没有去上学)

(6)You can park your car on either side ofthe road.

12. either… or ,neither…nor…, not only …but also…

there be 句型都遵循就近一致原则

Neither he nor I go to school by bike

Neither I nor he goes to school by bike

13 A,with , together with , but ,besides, except, as well as 等词连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于前者。

He as wall as we goes to school by bikeeveryday.


C,时间,金钱,距离做主语时 ,谓语动词用单数


Two thirds of the students are boys

Two thirds of bread  is tasty

E, a pair of +名词  谓语的单复数取决于pair的单复数

     A pair of jeans is long

F, 当表示一个人的时候用单数

The teacher and writer is my father

G, eachevery连接两个并列的主语时,谓语动词用单数

 Every boy and every girl is comimg.

H,people, police做主语的时候谓语动词用单数

J,当the+adj 表示一类人的时候,如therich, the poor 做主语,谓语动词用单数.

The poor are hungry

Kmore than one +可数名词的单数形式,谓语动词用单数

14. so , such ,的用法与区别

 (1)后接单数可数名词的时候,二者可以通用,但语序有所不同,so +adi +a/an +n    such +a/sn +adj +n

 Heis so good a boy ...    He is such a goodboy...

(2)such 后接复数可数名词和不可数名词,但是当复数可数名词和不可数名词前有many , much , few , little 这四个词的时候,只能用 so .

  例如:such fine weather   such water

        so little water    so few people

(3) so 后接形容词和副词的原级。

   He runs so fast

15.so... that ...   such...that...    too... to ... enough... to ,in order to , so as to .

16 时间状语从句和条件状语从句,在语法上都遵循,主句如果是将来时,从句(when,as soon as,before,not...until., if , unless,so long as所引导的)用现在时来表示将来时。


when,assoon as,before,not...until.


whether,if, unless,so long as (只要)

(1)I do not knowif Tom will go shopping 做know的宾语

If he goes shopping, I will go ,too.   如果...... 表示条件。

(2)I do not knowwhen Tom will go shopping.做know的宾语

 Whenhe goes shopping, I will tell you .


(3) I will callyou up as soon as he comes back. 表示时间

17.if /whether 的用法区别


 I donot know if/whether go shopping tomorrow.


a. 后面直接接动词不定式的时候 I do not know whether to go shopping

b. 后面接 or not 的时候   Ido not know whether I can pass the exam or not

c. 做主语的时候 Whether he did that is unknown.


18.when / while

  A 强调动作的同时发生



(1)I was watching TV while my mother wascooking

(2)Tom was wathing TV when I got to hishome.


When I got to the bus stop , the bus hadalready left.

19.make sb do sth--- sb + be +made+to +do

 Imake Tom do his homework

   Tom ismade to do his homework(by me )

   buy sb sth   ---sth +be +bought+for +sb

I bought Tom a book

A book was bought for Tom(by me )


be allowed to do sth 被允许去做某事

be told to do sth    被告诉去做某事

be seen to do sth    被看见作了某事

be asked to do sth   被要求去做某事

20.except,besides ,

Except 表示除了之外表示排除

All the boys go to school except Tom. He isill at home

Besides 表示除了……还有常常和other 等表示另外之意的词语连用

Do you learn other lessons besides English?

I have five other books besides this one .

21.hear 1.听到,侧重于听的结果 2.听说, 常常接宾语从句

 I hear that Tom is ill at home

 hear of听说,接名词

   I hear of his illness at home .

 hear from 表示收到某人的来信,但是后面不可以接信

22.use 的有关的句式

 used todo 过去常常做某事

 be used to do   被用来做某事

 be used todoing 习惯于作某事

 be used fordoing 被用来做某事

beused as  被用做为什么东西

(1) He used tosmoke but now he is used to drinking milk.

(2)He used to workvery late, did not he /used not he ?

(3)The wood isused as a chair

(4)The knife isused to cut meat

   Theknife is used for cutting meat.

(5)He is used tothe life in the villege.

(6)I use the knifeto eat meat

 The knife is used to eat meat

23.make 的有关的句式

   makeab do sth    使某人做某事

   sb be made todo sth 某人被要求去做某事

   be madefrom…  某物由……组成(不能看出原材料)

   be made of…    某物由……组成(能看出原材料)

   be madeinto…   材料制成……成品

   be madein       ……地方制造

   be made upof   ……构成(常指成员以及组成部分)

   make good useof 充分的利用

(1) He used tosmoke but now he does not and he is used to drinking milk.

(2) The desk ismade of wood

 Woodis made into a desk.

   Thedesk is made in Jiansanjiang

(3)The drink ismade from wheat and grains.

(4)Our team ismade of five boys .

24.at the end of  “的末端” at the end of the road

 by the end of “为止常用于现在完成时态

 in the end     最后

 end up       “结束”   常接doing 的形式

25.do with  常常和what 连用

dealwith 常常和how 连用


(1).put up 挂起,张贴,临时搭建

(2).give up 放弃 常常接doing give in 屈服

(3).stay up   熬夜     

(4).get up 起床

(5.)hand up 举起手来 hand in 上交

(6).look up 查阅

(7).put off 推迟(中考)

(8).take off 起飞,脱下

(9).turn on 打开 turn off 关闭

turn down 减小 turn up 增大

(10).look over 检查  look through 浏览

(11).go over 复习

(12).turn over 翻转

(13).stay /keepaway from 远离 be faraway from 距…远

(14).borrow…from   从…借  强调 (借入)

(15.)lend…to 把…借给强调(借 出)

(16).satop/keeep/preverntsb from doing sth    阻止某人做某事

(17).look out =be careful /takecare 表示当心的意思  

take care of /care for /look after 照顾

care about 关心 ,在意

     lookout of 从…往外看

(18).look like 看起来像(指的是在外貌上)

take after 看起来像(指的是在外貌上或性格上的相像)  

(19).问某人长的怎么样的两个句子Whatdoes he look like ? (外貌)

What is he like ?(外貌或性格上)


What is the weather like ?      Howis the weather ?  

(21). 问“你怎么了?

What is wrong with you ? / What is thematter with you ? / What is the trouble with you ? / What happened to you ? /What is up ?  

(22).lend … to  give … to   show …to

buy.sb sth =buy sth for sb

(23).ask sb sth  tell sb sth =tell sth to sb    cannot wait to do sth

(24.)问职业的几种方法Whatis he ? /What is his job ? /

                      What does he do?

(25). What do you think of sth ?=How do you likesth? 

(26). 几个表示建议的几种问法 Why do not you play football ? /Why notplay football ? / What about playing football ? /How about playing football?

(27)后接doing 的几种形式

mind/practice /can not stand / feel like/enjoy/look forward to

makea contribution to 对做….有贡献

havefun (in) doing sth 在做有乐趣

have fun doing sth乐于做某事/热忠与做某事

have fun to do sth乐于去做某事

④在做…有困难  有如下的几个句式

   havea hard time (in) doing sth在做有困难

havea problem (in) doing sth

havedifficulty (in) doing sth

havetrouble (in) doing sth

以上的几个句式都可以用withsth 的形式


   bebusy (in) doing sth

be busy with sth

He is busy in doing his homework.他正在忙于做作业

(28).need 的用法

①need to be done=need doing 某物需要被做 主语常常是物或事

The flowers need to be watered

②need to do 用于任何时态

    Weneed to study hard

(3) need当做情态动词的时候用于否定句中或一般疑问句中

He need not do his homework now

(4)回答need/must 的问句的时候,有以下的两种形式

   Need/Musthe go to school now ?

   Yes ,he must /No , he need not /No, he does not have to

27.①May I have a look at your book ?

   回答的时候借助于 can ,can not 或must not

②Could you give me a hand ?

   回答的时候不用could ,而用can 的适当形

(3)肯定的推测用must ,  表示否定的推测用

can not ,如果不是十分的肯定的则用 may /may not

①He must be Tom in the room. Because his caris here

②He can not Tom . Because he is ill athospital.

③He may be Tom . I am not sure.

28. 连系动词的用法

   连系动词后接形容词,没有被动语态,没有现在进行时态,常见的连系动词有sound,look ,taste ,smell,feel ,turn ,go .become 等。


   He is looking carefully at the cat

   He looks careful.

② turn 常常后接表示颜色的形容词 turn red

       go常常后接表示坏的方面的形容词 go bad

29.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事

   help sb withsth 帮助某人做某事

   help oneselfto +sth 但是此句型不能接表示吃喝的单词如(eat or have ),并且oneself也随着主语的单复数的变化而变化。

   Helpyourselves to some fish, boys!

30英语中说:价格高于低 , 东西贵与贱

The price is high

The coat is at a low price.

   Thecoat is expensive.



31.few ,a few , little , a little 的区别和应用


    He has few books,does he ?

    He has a few books,does not he ?

    a few "有一点" only a few 有一点,quite a

  few 相当多,修饰可数名词的复数形式


  He haslittle time to play football, does he?

  He has alittle time to play football,does not he?

    a little "有一点"Only a little有一点 quite alittle 相当多的修饰不可数名词

 (2)alittle =a bit “一点,有点常修饰形容词的原级或比较级 He is a little /a bit tired 他有点累

   a little =a bit of "有点" 修饰不可数名词

  Ihave alittle /a bit of bresd 我有点面包.

  注:a bitof 也可以修饰可数名词的单数形式,意思是:有点像.

  not alittle # not a bit 前者是"非常"的意思,而后者是"一点也不"

  He is nota little tired 他非常的累

He is not a bit tired.他一点也不累.

32 lie lied lied lying 说谎

   lie lay lain lying 躺,放,位于

 (1)lie 后可接in (在同一个范围之内)on (表示两个地方相互接壤)to (两个地方不相临或有海相隔)

 Heiongjiang lies in China

 Heilongjiang lies on the north of Jilin

 Japan lies to the east of Fujian


be surprised to do sth 作某事感到惊奇

 have a surprise party 开一个惊喜晚会

 in surprise 惊喜地

 be pleased/happy with 对  感到满意

 be mad at   对… 感到生气

 be angry at/about 对某事感到生气

 be angry with 对某人感到生气

 be strict with sb对某人要求严格

 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格

 be busy with 忙于做某事

 be filled with =be full of 充满,装满

 be crowded with 挤满

 be worried about 担心….(1)asleep睡着的 , fall (1)asleep 入睡 sleepy 要睡着的,困的,欲睡的

(2)Whose book isthis ?

   It isTomˋs / Itbelongs to Tom

(3)英语中”虽然…但是” “因为…所以”只可以用其中的一个就可以表达.

(4)Watching TV toomuch is bad for us

   Iswatching TV too much bad for us ? (注意too much 的用法)

(5)make room for 为…腾地方,此句式的room为不可数名词,不可以加 s

(6)pretend to do sth 假装作某事

(7)take a messagefor sb 为某人捎便条

   leavea message for sb 为某人留便条

(8)remind sb of sth 使某人想起了某事

remindsb to do sth 提醒某人去做某事

The story reminded me of my childhood

Please remimd me to get up on time tomorrowmorning

(9) most of +the +名词=most +名词,通常为复数可数名词

 Mostof the students are boys =Most students are boys.

(10)We will dowhat we can to help others 我们将做我们能做的事去帮助别人.

34 too much 修饰不可是数

  too many修饰可数名词

   much too 修饰形容词的原级

  many more 修饰复数可数名词 翻译成 “多得多”

 Ihave many more books

 much more 修饰不可数名词   翻译成 “多得多”

 Ihave much homewoek to do.

35.order 订购食物,货物

 I amhungry .Do you order any food tor me ?

  book  订购或预定 房间,票,座位等

  Can youbook some tichets for me ?

 in order to =so as to 为了

  Westudy hard in order to make a contribution to our country.

36.英语中有几个名词或常常接介词to ,这几个名词是key/ answer/ invitation/ visit

  This is the answer to the question ( 动词)

   Can you answer the quesition ? (名词)

   I want to visit Dalian(动词)

   I want to pay a visit to Dalian.(名词)

   I want to invite Tom to come here.(动词)

   I got an invitation to the party. (名词)

37.prefer ... to ...

  Heprefers aranges to apples


 He prefers dancing to swimming


 preferto ...

He prefers to do his homework by himself. 他比较喜欢自己独自的完成作业

 prefer to...   rather than ...

 He preferred to dance rather than swim


 prefer to...instead of 上面的句子也同样可以用这个句型进行替换,只不过of的后面要加 doing的形式

 He preferred to dance instead of swimminng.

注意: prefer 的过去式以及过去分词都是双写r在加ed,并且不可以和比较级连用.


 Women Day  Fools Day   Mother Day

 Father Day May Day Children Day

Teachers Day Christmas Day   Thanksgiving Day

39.英语中有很多的动词短语,这些动词短语大多数都是有动词和副词以及动词和介词构成的,其中动词和副词所构成的动词短语当后接人称代词的时候,人称代词必须放在动词和副词的中间,如 put away ,put on ,put up, take off ,putoff, think over,look up ,give up 等,

但是如果是动词和介词所构成的动词短语,后接人称代词的时候,人称代词放在介词之后,如get on it, think about it , take care of it,look after him.等,

英语中常见的副词有up,away ,off

英语中常见介词有about,of , after,from,in,on,behind 等。


(1)have/get sth done 使某事被别人做

 Ihave my bike mended我让别人修理了我的自行车

 (2)have sth to do 某人有某事要做(事情有主语去做)

   I have many chores to do

 (3)have /make sb do sth 要求某人做某事

   Do you have /make anybody buy books?