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新目标英语八年级下册第十单元Section A & B 学案

Section A

一.教师寄语:Please make today a great day in your life.(让今天成为你生命中伟大的一天。)

二. 学习目标


1.四会单词:noon, goodbye, cross, low, slow;掌握短语:by noon, on the weekend, wait in line.


(二)能力目标 学会讨论天气及价格

(三)情感目标 通过学习对天气及价格的提问,培养学生关心天气关注身边的小事的习惯,养成敏锐的生活观察力。






1.在中午___________ 2.再见 ____________ 3.横过 _______________



教师板书以前所学过的一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,然后写出It’s a nice day, isn’t it?问学生:与我们以前学过的句子有何不同。

(三)自主探究  学生认真观察下列句子,看看与我们以前学过的句子有何不同。

1. He is a student, isn’t he?

2. They are at school at noon, aren’t they?

3. She plays table tennis every day, doesn’t she?

4. Lucy and Lily often watch TV at night, don’t they?





1.She works in a hospital, _____________?

2.They don’t go to school today, _______________?

3.You have been to Taiwan, ______________?

4.David can’t go to school this afternoon, ________________?


1.看起来像_____________ 2.到中午___________ 3.在周末 ___________ 





1.当主语是I 时,完成反意疑问句时仍用I 。尤其陈述部分是I am ---,反问时动词用aren’t I ? eg: I am a teacher, aren’t I ?

2.当陈述部分中有never, few, little, hardly ,no等词语,完成反意疑问句应用肯定形式。  eg:  He has never been to Shanghai, has he ?

3.以Let’s 开头的陈述句完成反意疑问句时用shall we ? eg: Let’s go there on foot, shall we?

4.以Let us 开头的陈述句或其它祈使句完成反意疑问句时用will you ?

 eg : Don’t open the door, will you?


一. 根据句意即首字母补全单词

(1)It’s n _______ now. Let’s have lunch.

(2) When school is over, we often say g__________ to our teachers.

(3) He looked t________the newspaper and didn’t find anything new.

(4) There is lots of traffic, so you must be careful when you c____the road .

(5)The bus is so c_________ that we can’t get on it .

二. 根据汉语提示完成句子

(1)他中午常看一会电视。   He often watches TV ____________.

(2)当你买票时必须排队等候。When you buy a ticket, you must ___________.

(3)你浏览今天的报纸了吗?Have you ______________today’s newspaper?

(4)这部MP4的价格不贵。The _____________ the MP4 is ________________.

(5)那名运动员看起来像姚明。The player _________________ Yao Ming.

三. 完成下列反意疑问句

(1)Yao Ming is good at basketball, _______________ ?

(2)She has few friends, _______________ ?   

(3)I can work out the math problem, _______________ ?

(4)Rita doesn’t like cold weather, _______________ ?

(5)They have finished the work, _______________ ?

(6)There is little water in the glass, _______________ ?

(7)Tom was watching a football match yesterday, _______________ ?

(8)Let us take a train, _______________ ?

四. 根据上下文补全对话

A: It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?

B: ___________. I feel comfortable.


B: Go to the park? That’s a good idea! _______________________

A: No, the price is low.


A: We can go there by bus. It’s not far.

B: I hope we’ll have a good day.

A: _______________________________




1.The price of the computer is ________. I want to take it.

 A .high   B .low   C .expensive   D .cheap 

解析:考查price的用法。Price意为价格,价格只有高低之分,没有贵贱之别,所以排除C D 。又由后文可知价格很低,排除A 。答案为B项。

2.There isn’t any meat in the fridge, _________?

  解析:考查反意疑问句。There be 句型变反意疑问句时主语仍用there .又因为陈述部分表达否定意思,故用肯定反问。答案为is there .

3.After saying g________ to us, he got into the plane.

解析:say goodbye to sb. 意为向————道别,答案为goodbye


1.(2009年重庆市,2分)Tom writes to his pen pal every month,_____ ______?(完成反意疑问句)

2. (2009年广州市,1分)The smiths usually have supper at half past six,_____ ______?(完成反意疑问句)




Unit 10  It is a nice day, isn’t it? 

Section B

一、 教师寄语:Live and learn.(活到老学到老。)

二、 学习目标


1.四会单词fan, note, baby, traffic, least;掌握短语come along, get along, at least.


(二)能力目标 学习Thank-you note 的书写

(三)情感目标 通过学习Thank-you note的书写,对学生进行感恩教育。

三、 教学重、难点

1. 祈使句的使用

2. 如何写Thank-you note

四、 学习过程


1. 根据汉语提示完成单词

(1)Yao Ming has lots of _________. (球迷)

(2)You must be careful because the _________ (交通)is very busy.

(3)The nurses were busy looking after ________ (婴儿)

(4)Could you please take this _________ (短信) to Kate ?

2. 翻译下列短语

(1) 来到____________(2..) 相处 ____________(3.) 至少 ___________

(4.)玩得愉快 _________ (5.)想起_________(6)擅长____________


 All of us have invited our friends to our homes, haven’t we ? After that, our friends often write thank-you notes for us, don’t they ?复习反意疑问句的构成,导入其答语。

(三)自主探究  学生认真预习Section B 部分,仔细思考下列问题:

1. 反意疑问句的答语形式

—— You are studying English, aren’t you?(你在学英语,不是吗?)

—— Yes, I am. (是的,我在学英语。)

—— You aren’t studying English, are you?(你不在学英语,是吗?)

—— Yes, I am. (不,我在学英语。)

—— No, I am not. (对,我没在学英语。)

总结:反意疑问句的答语要根据___________ 确定。

2.Thank-you note 的书写格式


根据Section B 3a 部分的内容,小组合作探究下列问题

1. Who had a wonderful time on Saturday night ?

2. Who helped Bill with his math project?

3. Does John go to next week’s game?

4. Does Maria want to join the group?



(1) Thank-you note 的结构:a. 顶格写Dear+收信人姓名 b 正文空两个字母的空来写,首先感谢对方帮了什么忙或为你做了什么事情 c 信的末尾署上写信人的姓名

(2)I feel like part of the group now.现在的我想成为小组的一员。

 (3) I was having a hard time finding it until you came along.


 (4) Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.像你这样的朋友,使在一个新地方相处变得更容易。



(2) 写一封感谢信:Jim为你捡到钱夹(wallet)请写封感谢信向他致谢。


一. 根据句意即首字母补全单词

(1)— How do you like Liu Xiang ?

    — Excellent, I’m a f_____ of his.

(2)In class everyone should take n______.

(3)The t_______ is very bad because there are more and more cars.

(4) Every day I do sports at l_______ one hour.

(5)—What happened to the b_______?

  —They were all ill because of the bad milk power(奶粉)

二. 单项选择

(1)I often listen to MP4,________ I watch TV

A .some time   B .some times   C .sometime   D .sometimes

(2)—Thank you for ______so much help.—You’re welcome.

     A .give   B. to give   C. giving   D. gave

(3)—______do you think of the film?

     —It’s exciting .I want to see it again.

     A. How   B. What   C. Why   D. Where

(4)—Do you often go online?

     —Yes. Internet makes ______ easier to talk with our friends.

     A. it   B. us   C. me   D. it’s

(5)—Why did you come here late ?

     —Because I had a hard time ______ my homework..

     A.finish    B.finishing   C.to finish   D.to finishing

三. 根据上下文补全对话,每空一词

Woman: You’re Jenny’s friend, ______ you?

Girl: Yes,I am. My name is Rita.And you’re Jenny’s mom,aren’t you?

Woman: That’s _____.Sotell me___ yourself, Rita.Do you play _____?

Girl: Yes, I _______ .I like sports. I ____tennis and I like swimming.

Woman: ________ great. Would you like something to ________?

Girl: ________, please. I’d love_____ tea.




1. —Can I help you?  —I’d like two tickets_____the film.

  A. in    B. of   C. for    D. on

解析:此题考查ticket的用法。表达“…的票”用介词for 或to。故答案为C

2. —When did you go to bed last night?

   —I didn’t go to bed _____ I finished my homework.

  A. before   B. until   C. when   D. while

解析:此题考查not…until的用法。Not…until 意为直到…才… ,分析上下文可知,直到完成作业我才睡觉。答案为B项 .

3. 当他在泰安时,他与同学们相处很好。

He ___________________ his classmates when he was in Tai’an.

解析:此题考查固定短语,get on well with ------ 意为与------相处的融洽。分析后文可知用一般过去时。答案为got on well with

六、 中考链接


 People should __________________ the nature .

2.(2008苏州市,1分)Don’t forget to put the book back on the shelf,______?

 A.do you    B.don’t you   C.will you  D.won’t you








Unit 10  Section A


1. (1)noon  (2) goodbye (3) through(4) cross  (5) crowned

2. (1)at noon  (2)wait in line (3) looked through

(4) price of ; low (5)looks like

3. (1)isn’t he  (2) does she  (3) can’t you (4) does she  (5) shall we 

4. (6)Yes, it is.  (7) Let’s go to the park (8) Is the price of it high?

 (9) How can we go there?  (10) I think so.


1. doesn’t he    2. don’t they

Unit 10 Section B


1. (1)noon  (2) goodbye (3) through(4) cross  (5) crowned

2. (1)at noon (2)wait in line (3) looked through(4) price of ; low (5)looks like

3. (1)isn’t he  (2)does she  (3) can’t you (4) does she  (5) shall we 

4. (6)Yes, it is.  (7)Let’s go to the park (8) Is the price of it high?

 (9) How can we go there?  (10)I think so.


1. doesn’t he    2. don’t they

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