
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 03:17:20
2011年12月16日 08:00:02
来源: 新华网

中央经济工作会议指出,牢牢把握发展实体经济这一坚实基础,努力营造鼓励脚踏实地、勤劳创业、实业致富的社会氛围。(12月14日 新华网)

Xinhua net review: "development of the entity economy" to the stock market is a long-term positive news
December 16, 2011 08:00:02
Source:Xinhua net
Xinhua micro bo

The text:biginsmall】 【print】
Attention to the "development economic entity" series of five comments
YuFeng hui
The central economic work conference points out, firmly grasp entity economy development the solid foundation, trying to create encourage his feet on the ground, industry, business and industry rich social atmosphere.(December 14 xinhuanet)
The central economic work conference, put forward the four "hold", as the second "firmly grasp entity economy development the solid foundation" by all the attention, most people give affirmation and extremely high opinion.
In the last ten years, real estate development, but also in prices soaring irrational, stock market also for speculation and hype falling.Even more surprising, the wind of the real estate speculation hype from the stock market, to other fields spread: garlic and ginger agricultural and sideline products, art, coal resources are only to be hype to buzz, a bubble.Speculation in the hype prosperity at the same time, the other side is KongXinHua entity economy more and more the more serious.This will make the social lots of resources including capital, capital and so on all abandon industrial into speculating industry, this situation is worsening the economic structure of China.
More note that the hype phenomenon has affected the people's thought, many people, especially young people doing overnight dreams, all trying to, so how to speculative make a lot of money.At the same time, dependable want to do the real economy industry, make people less, a heart rush toward on social wealth, industrial entity of the rich people less.
The central economic work conference we: "firmly grasp entity economy development the solid foundation, trying to create encourage his feet on the ground, industry, business and industry rich social atmosphere" and can be the suit the remedy to the case.Entity economy development, the productivity, resources are transferred to the entity economy, people from speculating atmosphere rescued, foster down-to-earth, industry, business and industry rich thoughts and social atmosphere, to China's economy and society are very necessary, this is China's economy and the whole society is the fundamental.
The author thinks that, first of all, the government needs to further encourage development level on industrial economic entity of policy, including tax and credit policy, etc.;Second, to increase to the real economy of allocation of resources, and through the regulation of all kinds of resources into the real economy guide;In addition, to bring forward effective measures to restrict and limit various speculating behavior.
Stock and property boom times profits have in the past.The stock market bubble speculating and risk a short period to the property market to no good market, reminding investors that attention.But the development of the stock market economic entity constitutes long-term results, the real economy well and ultimately can promote the development of the stock market, and stock market this development is the benign development of the real economy based, is no bubble and the development of risk.

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