
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 18:50:26
【301】 In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _____ she could turn for help.
【译文】 在黑暗的街道上,她一个求助的人都没有。
  A. to whom   B. who
  C. from whom   D. that
【答案及简析】 A。 turn to sb.求助于…
【302】 ----I have never heard it _____ before. And you ? ----The same as you.
【译文】 --我从来没有听说此事谈论过,你呢?  --和你一样。
  A. talking about   B. talked
  C. talked of   D. being talked
【答案及简析】 C。 过去分词短语作宾补。
【303】 "It’s ______ warm today, let’s go swimming."    "No, I don’t ______ to do. It’s ______ cold today.
【译文】 --今天相当暖和,去游泳吧!   --不,我不想去,今天还较冷。
  A. rather, hope, fairly   B. fairly, want, rather
  C. rather, think, fairly   D. fairly, like, fairly
【答案及简析】 A。 rather表示过分;fairly表示合适。
【304】 The teacher tells his students to read the novel over and over again until they ______ it.
【译文】 老师要学生多读几遍这本小说直到他们理解它。
  A. understand   B. understood
  C. have understood   D. have been understood
【答案及简析】 A。 在时间状语从句中一般用现在时态表示将来。
【305】 No sooner _____ they rushed out into the street.
【译文】 一听到这个消息他们就冲到街上去了。
  A. did they hear the news than   B. had they heard the news than
  C. did they hear the news when   D. had they heard the news when
【答案及简析】 B。 no sooner ...than引导的从句位于句首,从句要部分倒装,而且是完成时态。
【306】 If my brother is allowed to go out, ______.
【译文】 如果容许我哥哥出去,我也该出去。
  A. so should I   B. so am I
  C. so should I   D. so I am
【答案及简析】 B。 两个句子的主语不是一个人,两种情况一样就得倒装。
【307】 To all of you ______ the praise for the success.
【译文】 成功的表扬属于你们大家。
  A. belongs to   B. belong to
  C. belongs   D. belong
【答案及简析】 C。 belong to 属于;此句是个倒装句。
【308】 So loudly ______ that every one of the class could hear him.
【译文】 他讲话这样大声,班上的每个人都能听见。
  A. did he speak   B. did he spoke
  C. spoke he   D. he spoke
【答案及简析】 A。 so…that…结构位于句首,要部分倒装。
【309】 You didn ’ t let me drive. If we _____ in turn, you ______ so tired.
【译文】 你不让我开车。如果我们轮流开车,你就不会这么累。
  A. has left; comes   B. drove; wouldn’t have got
  C. were driving; wouldn’t get   D. had driven; wouldn’t have got
【答案及简析】 D。 对过去发生的事的推测;用虚拟语气。
【310】 ______ students in class 4 took park in that spring outing.
【译文】 4班的所有48个学生都参加了郊游。
  A. 48 all   B. 48 whole
  C. All 48   D. The whole 48
【答案及简析】 C。 all是副词,修饰名词短语48 students。
【311】 More than one hundred got saved from the fire _____ helicopter.
【译文】 被直升飞机从火中救出的人一百多。
  A. in   B. with
  C. by   D. from
【答案及简析】 C。 强调动作的发出者用介词by。
【312】 ----- Do you know our town at all?    ----- No, this is the first time I ______ here.
【译文】 --你了解我们城市吗?  --不了解,这是我第一次到这儿。
  A. was   B. have been
  C. came   D. are coming
【答案及简析】 B。 It(this) is the …time that…. 在这个句型中从句要用完成时态。
【313】 I’m pleased ______ should be done has already been done.
【译文】 该做的已经做完了,对此我感到满意。
  A. with what   B. that that
  C. by that   D. that what
【答案及简析】 D。 that引导一个宾语从句,但不在从句中充当成分;what引导一个名词性从句,在主句中充当主语同时在从句中充当宾语。
【314】 ______ the day on, the weather got worse.
【译文】 随着时间的一天天过去,气候变得越来越糟。
  A. With   B. Since
  C. Which   D. As
【答案及简析】 A。 复合结构,表示伴随。
【315】 The people are ______ young workers between the age of twenty and thirty.
【译文】 这些人大部分都是年龄二十到三十的年轻工人。
  A. nearly   B. Almost
  C. mostly   D. most
【答案及简析】 C。 mostly副词"大部分"。
【316】 I _____ ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.
【译文】 给我十分钟的时间再决定我是否拒绝帮助。
  A. gave   B. was given
  C. was giving   D. had given
【答案及简析】 B。 give是及物动词,give sb. sth的被动形式。
【317】 If city noise _______ from increasing, people _______ shout to be heard even at the dinner table 20 years from now.
【译文】 如果不制止噪音继续污染,从现在起20年后人们就不得不在吃饭的时候大声喊叫才能听得见。
  A. are not kept; will have to   B. are not kept; have to
  C. do not kept; will have to   D. do not kept; have to
【答案及简析】 A。 keep sth. from doing sth.的被动形式;have to可以用于任何人称。
【318】 _______ the two oceans the Pacific is ______ .
【译文】 在这两个海洋中,太平洋是最大的一个。
  A. In; the large   B. For; larger
  C. Of; larger   D. Of, the larger
【答案及简析】 D。 在两个当中比较用比较级;在具体数目前的介词用of。
【319】 He ______ prison two years ago and now he _______.  
【译文】 两年前他被送进监狱而现在他被释放了。
  A. was put in; was set free   B. was shut into, is set free
  C. put into, has been set freely   D. was put into; has been set free
【答案及简析】 D。 固定搭配put sb. into prison送某人进监狱;set sb. free释放某人。
【320】 Only at that time ______ that he had made a lot of mistakes in his homework.
【译文】 只有在那个时候他才认识到他作业中出了许多错误。
  A. He realized   B. did he realize
  C. he did realized   D. realized he
【答案及简析】 B。 only引导的状语在句首,主句的谓语要部分倒装。
【321】 At no point south of the Han River _______ more than a mile.
【译文】 在汉河南边的这个地方敌人前进不到一英里。
  A. the enemy didn’t advance   B. the enemy advanced
  C. did the enemy advance   D. didn’t
【答案及简析】 C。 否定的短语在句首,要部分倒装。
【322】 ______ that she should come here on time.
【译文】 让她准时到达这儿。
  A. Suppose   B. Demand
  C. Think   D. Believe
【答案及简析】 A。 suppose表示建议其意为"让",后面跟虚拟语气。
【323】 This is the plane _______ he went to Shanghai ______ business.
【译文】 这就是他去上海出差乘坐的那架飞机。
  A. where, for a   B. by which, on the
  C. in which, on   D. where, on
【答案及简析】 C。 定语从句,by plane = in/ on the plane ;出差on business。
【324】 The typewriter _______ there all week.
【译文】 在桌子上的那台打字机放在那儿整整一周了。
  A. was laying on the table, were it had laid   B. was lying on the table, were it had laid
  C. was laying on the table, were it had laid   D. lying on the table, had been laid
【答案及简析】 D。 现在分词短语lying on the table作定语。
【325】 ----- I can ’t see the words on the blackboard clearly. ----- Why, your eyes need _____ perhaps you need _______ glasses.
【译文】 --我不看不清黑板上的字。  --啊,你的眼睛需要检查或许你需要戴眼镜。
  A. to examined, to wear    B. to examine ,to wear
  C. to be examined, to wear   D. examining, wearing
【答案及简析】 C。 need一词作实意动词表示需要,一般用动名词的主动形式或者不定式的被动形式表示被动意思。
【326】 Instead, he seemed to see Tom ’s face, with the wide smile he ______ whenever he told a joke.
【译文】 相反,他似乎看着汤姆的脸,带着他任何时候讲话时的灿烂微笑。
  A. wore   B. brought
  C. appeared   D. carried
【答案及简析】 A。 带着微笑:wear a smile。
【327】 ______ metals are good conductors, silver ______ the best conductor of all.
【译文】 几乎所有金属都是导体,银是最好的。
  A. Almost, being   B. Almost all, being
  C. Almost, is   D. Almost all, to be
【答案及简析】 B。 silver being the best conductor of all独立主格结构做状语。
【328】 Nobody enjoys ______.
【译文】 没有人喜欢被瞧不起。
  A. being looked down upon   B. looking down upon
  C. being looked down   D. to look down
【答案及简析】 A。 enjoy后面要跟动名词。
【329】 This material ______ very soft.
【译文】 这种料子摸起来很软。
  A. is felt   B. feels
  C. has felt   D. feeling
【答案及简析】 B。 feel半系动词后面跟形容词,用主动表示被动。
【330】 I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have ______.
【译文】 我希望有足够的杯子给客人一人一个。
  A. it   B. those
  C. then   D. one
【答案及简析】 D。 用one代替前面提到的可数名词。
【331】 To all of you _____ the honour of the success.
【译文】 成功的荣誉属于你们大家。
  A. belongs to   B. belong to
  C. belongs   D. belong
【答案及简析】 C。 介词短语提前表示强调;belong to属于。
【332】 ______ is know to us all, China has its own English language newspaper.
【译文】 众所周知,中国有自己的英文报纸。
  A. it   B. which
  C. that   D. as
【答案及简析】 D。 as非限制性定语从句才能位于句首。
【333】 This is ______ that dog.
【译文】 这是一条和那条狗一样的大。
  A. as a big dog as   B. as big a dog as
  C. a as big dog as   D. a big as dog as
【答案及简析】 B。 This is as big a dog as that dog.= This dog is as big as that one.
【334】 ______ in prison for ten years, no one recognized him.
【译文】 由于这个人在监狱呆了10年,没有人认出他来。
  A. The man’s having put    B. The man being put
  C. The man having been   D. Having been
【答案及简析】 C。 独立主个结构做原因状语。
【335】 --- When shall we meet again? --- Make it ___ day you like; it ’s all the same to me.
【译文】 --我们什么时候再见面?   --你决定,任何时候对我来说都一样。
  A. one   B. any
  C. another   D. some
【答案及简析】 B。 代词any表示任何。
【336】 It is really surprising that the girl ______ so early.
【译文】 这个姑娘结婚这样早真是令人惊讶。
  A. has married   B. had married
  C. marry   D. will marry
【答案及简析】 C。 在It is surprising that…句型中从中使用了虚拟语气。
【337】 His quarrel with his boss ______ him his job.
【译文】 他和老板的争吵使得他丢掉了工作。
  A. speed   B. cost
  C. spent   D. saved
【答案及简析】 B。 sth. cost sb. sth.结构。
【338】 May I ______ you to write me a receipt?
【译文】 麻烦给我写张收据。
  A. worry   B. disturb
  C. trouble   D. annoy
【答案及简析】 C。 礼貌用语,麻烦某人做什么。
【339】 A fish needs water and without water it will die ______.
【译文】 鱼需要水,没有水就会死。人也是这样。
  A. so does a man   B. so will a man
  C. so it is with a man   D. so is it with a man
【答案及简析】 C。 在前面句子中有两个不同的动词或者两件不同的事,某人也是这样的话,就得用上这个句型。
【340】 ______ a terrible storm would take place in Shanghai.
【译文】 消息传来说上海将出现严重风暴。
  A. Word came with   B. Word came that
  C. Word with came   D. Word that came
【答案及简析】 B。 由于谓语太短,将同位语后置,使句子平衡。
【341】 There is no cause to tremble ______ his judge.
【译文】 在法官面前没有理由颤抖。
  A. in front   B. beside
  C. after   D. before
【答案及简析】 D。 before"在什么面前"。
【342】 The car was stopped by highway man, while ______ through a forest.
【译文】 车在穿过森林时被警察拦住。
  A. was passing   B. passed
  C. passing   D. pass
【答案及简析】 C。 while passing a forest = while the car was passing a forest.
【343】 Mr. Chen is a teacher and works very hard. _________ his wife.
【译文】 陈先生是一位老师,工作很努力。他的妻子也是这样。
  A. So does   B. So it
  C. So it is with   D. It is same with
【答案及简析】 C。 在前面句子中有两个不同的动词或者两件不同的事,某人也是这样的话,就得用上这个句型。
【344】 My brother ______singing ______ dancing while I _____ dance _____sing.
【译文】 我哥哥喜欢唱歌不喜欢跳舞,而我恰恰相反。
  A. prefers , to , would rather , than   B. would rather , than , prefer , to
  C. prefers , than , would rather ,to   D. would rather , to ,prefer , to
【答案及简析】 A。 prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = would rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿…而不愿…。
【345】 Look, they seem _____ about you.
【译文】 看!他们看来是在谈论你。
  A. talk   B. to talk
  C. to be talking   D. to be talked
【答案及简析】 C。 seem后面一般跟不定式,谈论在进行,当然该用不定式的进行时态。
【346】 After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced______ tractors in 1998 as the year before.
【译文】 新的技术引进之后,工厂生产的拖拉机是1998年的两倍。
  A. as many twice   B. as twice as many
  C. twice as many   D. twice many as
【答案及简析】 C。 as…as 比较级的修饰语应该放在比较级的前面。
【347】 "Can’t you read?" Mary said ______ to the notice.
【译文】 "你不能读吗?"玛丽气愤地指着告示说。
  A. angrily pointing   B. and point angrily
  C. angrily pointed   D. and angrily pointing
【答案及简析】 A。 现在分词短语表伴随。
【348】 Charles Babbage is generally considered ______ the first computer.
【译文】 一般都认为是Charles Babbage发明的第一台电脑。
  A. to invent   B. inventing
  C. to have invented   D. having invented
【答案及简析】 C。 不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前,不定式要用完成时态。
【349】 I don’t really work here, I _____ until the new secretary arrives.
【译文】 我并不在这儿工作,我在这儿帮忙直到新的秘书来。
  A. just help out   B. have just helped out  
  C. am just helping out     D. will just help out
【答案及简析】 C。 用现在进行时态表示动作一直在进行。
【350】 It was not until then that I came to know knowledge ____ only from practice.
【译文】 直到那时我才明白知识来自实践。
  A. had come   B. came
  C. would come   D. comes
【答案及简析】 D。 用现在一般时态表示真理和事实。
【351】 He studies the subject _____.
【译文】 他研究这门学科较深。
  A. far   B. farther
  C. further   D. farthest
【答案及简析】 A。 far副词,表示程度。由于没有比较对象不能用比较级或者最高级。
【352】 I first met Lisa three years ago. She _____ at a shop at the time.
【译文】 我第一次遇到Lisa是三年前。她那时在一家商店工作。
  A. has worked   B. was working
  C. had been worked   D. had worked
【答案及简析】 B。 某个时候正在做什么用进行时态。
【353】 Henry escaped ____ by admitting his mistake.
【译文】 Henry承认了错误免去了受惩罚。
  A. being punished   B. having been punished
  C. having punished   D. punishing
【答案及简析】 A。 escape后面一般跟动名词做宾语。
【354】 According to the time table , the train for Beijing______ at seven o’clock in the evening .
【译文】 根据时刻表,到北京的火车是在晚上7点发车。
  A. leaves   B. has left
  C. was left   D. will leave
【答案及简析】 A。 火车时刻表是固定的,只用一般现在时态。
【355】 I didn’t manage to do it _____ you had explained how.
【译文】 直到你解释如何做后我才能做好它。
  A. until   B. unless
  C. when   D. before
【答案及简析】 A。 not…until…结构。
【356】 ______ began our new lesson.
【译文】 这样我们的新课就开始了。
  A. But   B. Such
  C. Thus   D. So that
【答案及简析】 C。 thus副词,"这样,如此";再看一个例句:Thus ended his life.
【357】 The head engineer is in ________ the project .
【译文】 主任工程师负责这个工程。
  A. his charge of   B. the charge of
  C. charge of   D. one’s charge
【答案及简析】 C。 固定搭配:in charge of负责。
【358】 _______ knows the truth will tell you about it , I think .
【译文】 我想,无论谁知道这个真相都会告诉你的。
  A. Who   B. No matter who
  C. Whoever   D. B and C
【答案及简析】 C。 主语从句只能用Whoever引导。
【359】 By the end of this year, we _____ 2000 English words.
【译文】 到年底,我们将会掌握2000英语单词。
  A. will learn   B. would learn
  C. have learned   D. will have learned
【答案及简析】 D。 by the end of this year引导的短语,句子要用将来完成时态。
【360】 Until the present century, ________ demand for natural gas.
【译文】 直到本世纪才有对天然气的要求。
  A. little   B. and little
  C. there was little   D. was there little
【答案及简析】 C。 本题实际上考查的是not…until…结构。
【361】 Mr. Wang was such a good teacher _______ the students love and respect.
【译文】 王老师是一个受到学生爱戴和尊敬的老师。
  A. who   B. whom
  C. that   D. as
【答案及简析】 D。 定语从句,现行词前有such, so, the same等修饰,从句由as引导。
【362】 _______ are the days when the teachers were looked down upon .
【译文】 瞧不起老师的年代已一去不复返了。
  A. Gone   B. Go
  C. To go   D. Going
【答案及简析】 A。 固定句型:gone are the days when…。
【363】 Please write your composition ________ line to leave space for the teacher’s correction .
【译文】 请写作文时隔行写,以便留出空间供老师批改。
  A. one another   B. every other
  C. any other   D. each other
【答案及简析】 B。 every other…每隔一个/每两个。
【364】 He is too careless and he _______ keys.
【译文】 他太粗心了,老是丢钥匙。
  A. always lost   B. always loses
  C. is always losing   D. will always lose
【答案及简析】 C。 always和进行时连用表示"老是,总是"。
【365】 The cost of oil is less than _______ of gas.
【译文】 油的成本比气的成本要低。
  A. it   B. one
  C. the one   D. that
【答案及简析】 D。 在比较级中用代替前面的不可数名词。
【366】 If you _____ it , I will lend the book to you.
【译文】 如果你愿意看这本书,我就把它借给你。
  A. read   B. will read
  C. have read   D. were reading
【答案及简析】 B。 will用在条件状语从句中是情态动词表示"愿意"。
【367】 It passes through their bodies, only _____ a little thicker and sweeter.
【译文】 它穿过身体,变得更稠和更甜。
  A. getting   B. to get
  C. got   D. having got
【答案及简析】 A。 一些动词的现在分词短语形式表示结果。
【368】 ----- I tried my best.     -------Yes, but ______ .
【译文】 --我尽力了。   --是的,然而老板还是不满意。
  A. the boss didn’t seem satisfied   B. the boss seemed that he was not satisfied
  C. it seemed not to have satisfied   D. it looked that the boss was not satisfied
【答案及简析】 A。 seem是连系动词,后面跟形容词做表语。
【369】 ______ was the situation we were facing .
【译文】 这就是我们面对的形势。
  A. So   B. Such
  C. What   D. It
【答案及简析】 B。 such代替前面所说的情况。
【370】 I told him that if painting was important for him he would live on bread in order to ______ .
【译文】 我告诉他如果绘画对他来说是重要的话,他就得以面包度日以求成功。
  A. succeed   B. success
  C. succeeding    D. to success
【答案及简析】 A。 in order to后面得跟动词原形。
【376】 I ______, but I was prevent by the heavy rain.
【译文】 原我打算来,但大雨阻止了我。
  A. had meant coming   B. had meant to come
  C. meant to come   D. meant coming
【答案及简析】 B。 mean to do sth.表示打算做什么,用完成时态表示原打算做什么。
【377】 He entered the room, ______ coat covered with snow.
【译文】 他进了屋子,他的外衣上是雪。
  A. whose   B. his
  C. its   D. it’s
【答案及简析】 B。 复合结构表示伴随。
【378】 I’ll never forget the holiday ______ we spent together.
【译文】 我将永远不会忘记我们在一起度过的假日。
  A. When   B. how
  C. in which   D. that
【答案及简析】 D。 定语从句。holiday在从句中充当spent的宾语。
【379】 The suit _____ over 60 dollars.
【译文】 这套衣服花了60多美元。
  A. had costed   B. costed
  C. is costed    D. cost
【答案及简析】 D。 cost的原形过去式都是cost。
【380】 If no one _____ the phone at home, ring me at work
【译文】 家里如果没人接电话,请打给我工作的地方。
  A. returns   B. replies
  C. answers   D. receives
【答案及简析】 C。 回电话只能用动词answer。
【381】 -----When will they come back?   -----I _____ don’t know.
【译文】 ------ 他们什么时候回来? ------我真的不知道。
  A. simply   B. hopefully
  C. happen   D. as well
【答案及简析】 A。 simply"真的,确实"副词,修饰动词
【382】 Speech is ______ heard when it is given in a clear voice just slightly louder than normal.
【译文】 如果用较清晰比平时大一点声讲,演讲效果更好。
  A. hardly   B. less
  C. completely   D. best
【答案及简析】 D。 副词修饰分词。
【383】 The news sounds _______.
【译文】 这个消息听起来令人鼓舞。
  A. Encouraging   B. encouraged
  C. encourage   D. to encourage
【答案及简析】 A。 sound是连系动词,现在分词作表示表示主语的特征。
【384】 Seeing the sun _____ above the surface of the sea we let out a shout of joy.
【译文】 当看到太阳从海平面升起来,我们发出欢乐的叫声。
  A. to rise   B. to raise
  C. rising   D. raising
【答案及简析】 C。 现在分词短语作宾补。
【385】 ______ on the portrait, mother was deep in thought.
【译文】 凝视着画像,妈妈沉思着。
  A. Fixed her eyes   B. Her eyes are fixed
  C. Her eyes fixing   D. With her eyes fixed
【答案及简析】 D。 复合结构作状语表示伴随。
【386】 As she _____ the newspaper, Granny _____ asleep.
【译文】 在她读报的时候,Granny睡着了。
  A. read ; was falling   B. was reading; fell
  C. was reading; was falling   D. read; fell
【答案及简析】 B。 fall asleep是一个系表结构,不能用进行时态。
【387】 They waited and waited. _____ they had been looking forward to.
【译文】 他们等等呀,他们盼望已久的时刻终于到了。
  A. Then the hour came   B. The hour then came
  C. Then came the hour   D. Then did the hour come
【答案及简析】 C。 then类似的的词语在句首句子要完全倒装。
【388】 Gone forever ____ when we used foreign oil.
【译文】 我们使用"洋油"的时代已一去不复还了。
  A. the days are   B. the days were
  C. are the days   D. were the days
【答案及简析】 C。 gone are the days when…. 是一个句型:….的日子已一去不复还了。
【389】 I’m not going to help you steal a can, what do you ______?
【译文】 我不会帮你去偷罐头,你把我当成什么了?
  A. call me   B. think me
  C. take me for   D. read me
【答案及简析】 C。 take sb. fo sth. 把…误认为…。
【390】 -----Haven’t you heard the news?   -----What news?   ----- Some of the workers are _______ while others are ______.
【译文】 ----你没有听到这消息? ----- 什么消息?------ 一些工人在游行,一些在罢工。
  A. on the march, on strike   B. on march, on strike
  C. on the march, on the strike   D. on the strike, on march
【答案及简析】 B。 be on strike在罢工; be on march在游行。
【391】 No race war is worse than _______ inside single family.
【译文】 人类战争没有比家庭内战更糟糕的了。
  A. it   B. that
  C. one   D. war
【答案及简析】 C。 在比较级中用one代替前面的可数名词泛指。
【392】 The students are ___ young people between the ages at between the age of sixteen and twenty.
【译文】 这些学生大部分是年龄在16-20岁的年轻人。
  A. most   B. almost
  C. mostly   D. at most
【答案及简析】 C。 mostly副词,大部分的意思。
【393】 _____ a reply, he decided to write again.
【译文】 没有收到回信,他决定在写一封信。
  A. not receiving   B. receiving not
  C. not having received   D. having not receiving
【答案及简析】 C。 用现在分词的完成时态表示动作发生在主句动词之前。
【394】 So excited _____ that he couldn’t say a word.
【译文】 他太激动了,一句话也说不出来。
  A. was he   B. he was
  C. did he be   D. did he was
【答案及简析】 A。 so..that..结构中的so在句首,主句要部分倒装。
【395】 ____ knocked down and hurt worried her friends.
【译文】 Kate被撞倒受了伤使他的朋友很着急。
  A. Kate’s being   B. Kate was
  C. Kate being   D. Kate had been
【答案及简析】 A。 动名词的复合结构作主语。
【396】 If you _____ the medicine you _____ better now.
【译文】 如果你吃了这药,你现在就会感觉好些。
  A. took ; would feel   B. had taken ; felt
  C. had taken ; would feel   D. took ;would have felt
【答案及简析】 C。 是错综复杂条件状语从句中的虚拟语气,主句与从句的时态各管各的。
【397】 All of us need ______.
【译文】 我们大家都需要感到必要和受人崇敬。
  A. to feel needed and admired   B. feeling needed and admired
  C. to feel being needed and admired   D. to feel needing and admiring
【答案及简析】 A。 need是实意动词后面跟不定式;feel是连系动词需要根分词作表语。
【398】 I felt ______ tired, but he didn’t stop ______.
【译文】 我感到很疲倦,他却没停止学习。
  A. little, to read   B. rather, studying
  C. fairly, studying   D. few, to study
【答案及简析】 B。 rather 副词,"十分,相当"一般修饰贬义词;stop后面跟动名词表示"停止"。
【399】 We found Mary’s brother to have _____ more story books than Ann’s.
【译文】 我们发现玛丽哥哥的故事书比安利哥哥的多得多。
  A. much   B. too much
  C. by far   D. far
【答案及简析】 D。 far修饰比较级。
【400】 Dinner’ll be ready in a few minutes. You’d better ______.
【译文】 晚饭马上就好了。你最好把手洗了。
  A. wash   B. wash himself
  C. get washed    D. washing
【答案及简析】 C get washed 系表结构。