刘杀鸡阿三去哪里了:2011 12 19

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New character took control in 2011


中文 英文 双语 2011-12-16    来源:China Daily      阅读数:21951 字号 [] [] [] 打印 评论 (6)
导读:又到岁末,一年一度的年度汉字评选现已揭晓。“控”当选为中国2011年度汉字。一面显示出政府对于物价调控的力度,另一方面一系列的“XX(mania)”,更折射出“控”已成为一种生活状态。分享到:百度空间开心网豆瓣QQ空间人人新浪微博放大这张图片 Internet
辞海拾贝work conference工作会议inflation通货膨胀property market房地产市场shorthand缩写,简写homophone同音异形异义字delicate纤弱的,易碎的,柔和的,微妙的The Chinese character kong, a word that generally means control, has been selected as the 2011 character of the year in China.

The word was chosen after recommendations from Internet users, expert reviews and online polling that was jointly organized by the National Language Resource Monitoring and Research Center under the Ministry of Education, the State-run Commercial Press, and the China Youth Daily, a report in the newspaper said on Thursday.

Two million Internet users took part in the selection procedures, the report said.

Kong, replacing the character zhang (meaning price hikes) from last year, symbolizes a logical consequence that the government has launched proper macro-economic policy to keep the hikes under control, said a statement issued by the organizers.