
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 16:56:52

2.  BEC对学生的重大影响


BEC is unique.

BEC sets me different from others / other human beings.

BEC raises my confidence.

BEC is the secret of my success.




You are special in my heart!


3.  BEC口语课堂风格与授课方式:

I love words.

I love sentences.

I am just crazy about the beautiful sentence patterns.

They are all my wealth.


4.  BEC=Business English Certificate

* 谈成一笔交易:finalize a deal / cut a deal

* 在考试的时候不要苛求写出 earth shaking articles

* 注意英语中表达同一意思可有多种表达方法:

   e.g. yes, sure, why not, certainly

          diploma, degree, bachelor degree, master degree


三、             BEC口语考试形式


1.  基本形式如下页表。

2.  注意:

(1)       Mini-presentation 采取话题“三选一”形式。

(2)       2 Candidates 一起参加考试。

(3)       Criteria (评分标准)

     Pronunciation (语音面貌) 包括:

a.       狭义的语音面貌:单词发音

b.       Intonation (音调)

c.       Stress and Rhythm (语调及节奏

     Vocabulary and Grammar

* I reckon= I believe= I think= To my knowledge=


     Discourse Management

做到KISS原则:Keep it simple and stupid.

     Interactive Communication (互动性)

(4)       注意BrE and AmE之间的区别

(5)       注意在口语考试中,Speed eloquencecommunication的重点在于所说的话应该understandable

(6)       平时应注意对Grammar的训练,以防考试时犯基础错误。例如,he /she 用错,被动语态用错的话很难使成绩提高。



BECV (old)

BECV (new)




Conversation 3min

Conversation 3min

Conversation 3min



Question and Ask




1min prepare

2-3min presentation

1-2min partner ask







Discussion     5min

Discussion     7min







3.  参加考试的考官:

1Interlocutor                    Chinese

2 Assessor                     Chinese

3Cambridge Examiner            English          



四、             应该如何突破口语


1.  应该从几方面着手突破口语

1Listening          input output之间可以互相转换

2Reading            可以上网看一些资料,如 Financial Times http://news.ft.com

3Reading aloud 半小时/天,注意培养Language Sense



2.  应该如何准备考试

(1)       认真听听力原文,充分利用Tape script,尤其是PART Monologue部分

(2)       利用Mirror练习发音及锻炼自信

(3)       Repeater录音练习


五、             口语课总共七节,课程安排如下:


1.  Intro to BEC, sample test

2.  Part and business enrichment

3.  Teamwork, project management, competition

4.  Motivating staff, Entertaining clients,

Business premises (不动产)=property

5.  Marketing trade fair, Promotion

6.  Starting a new job (job interview), Technology (BECH), Finance (BECH)

7.  Summary –exam (Demo), Business


六、             口语的境界


1.  考试口语:应注意自己expand question

e.g. My surname is Xie, my second name is Jiaoyue.

My friend always calls me Irene, my English name.

e.g. 在说自己的Hometown时也应该适当扩充

*词组 to be exact 准确的说


Presentation 取非式 TC10A

     I’d like to make a short presentation on the topic about

     Talking about this, I have 2 things / aspects / views / opinions to cover.

     Now, let me explain it to you one by one.

     First, find out about the audience.

Second, researching the topic.

     Without the audience that would be

     If you failed to research the topic,

     That’s why I think so.


2.  生活口语 slang (俚语) / idiomatic expression (地道的英语用法)

e.g. cost an arm and a leg 很贵

read someone like a book 非常了解某人


3.  职业用语 Terminology, 应该注意formal

e.g. not a chance= no way (不能用语考试中)

split the difference 平摊 (可以用于考试中)


七、             有关BECVocabulary


1.推荐书目 BEC难词解释》作者:陈晓慰   经济科学出版社



e.g. 番茄酱 catch-up

       make 做名词时表牌子,样式,制造,制法

          e.g. especially produced by a particular maker

       make 的常用短语

     make a killing

e.g. He made a killing on that deal, I wish I had bought some shares.

     make my day 令人高兴,令人很爽

     make ends meet 收支相当

e.g. I can’t make ends meet.

     make waves 兴风作浪

     make a scene 关手机

e.g. Don’t make yourself a scene.


* 绕口令:

   Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies.


八、             Speak Varied English  

说地道英语 (authentic),说灵活英语 (flexible),说生动英语(lively

* lively 还可修饰 mind, description, song

* flexi-time 弹性工作制


Chapter 2




* DINK家庭=Double Income No Kids


1.注意非语言交际 (Non-verbal communication)包括:

Eye contact



Shake hands




        e.g. an^apple                       an^employer                        an^hour


         e.g. a pair^of shoes            all^of^us                              get^up

                            shut^up                        wait^a^moment                   how much is^it

                            first^of^all                   for^a^while                          some^of^it

                            hand^it^over                tell^us                                  sold^out

                            keep^it                         take^part^in                         she and^I

                            Would you like^a cup of tea?


         e.g. Please stop^pushing                      black^cat

                            I like^kidding                                 big^girl

                            They had a tough^fight                  take^care


         e.g. bad^boy          stop^talking             Does it make^difference?


二、团队 Teamwork (商务知识)


王令   big cheese / wheal               VIP / CEO

刘军      big man on campus              Financial manager

王湘鄂    chatterbox                          Marketing

谢姣岳    small potato / nobody        R&D (Research and Development)

2.Teamwork 补充讲义 (见讲义第一页)


三、Presentation 之重申式 (TC10B)

    1. How to involves many aspects/sides/respects.

2. Each of them requires careful consideration.

3. Firstly, is very important/vital/significant/crucial/essential/


4.Secondly, is the key to .

5.Thirdly, in order to improve customer service, we should/ought to/must/need to .

6.Shortly/In short, are three main points.


四、Competition (商务知识)


2.Economic (4c) Competition






    1.Dead end 死胡同

2.Doggy bag 打包袋 take away food

3.Pass away 去世的婉转的说法= kick the bucket

4.Killer=nerve-racking 难题

5.Mickey mouse=banana

6.The one wearing pants in the house 当家作主的人

7.Be yourself. 该怎么样就怎么样,做你自己。

8.Pipe 吸油管 straw 吸管


六、Attack speaking through listening 用听力突破口语

     * My recent experiences tell me the real aim of an interview is to obtain the very job I want.

          * An effective interview is like an exciting encounter with a seatmate on a flight.

          * When somebody tries to control us, we resented, when we try to control somebody, they resent us.

注意在做discussion时一定要feel free,在讨论过程中interruptagreedisagree enthusiastically.避免成为yes man/follower。应该注意open minded(do not to hesitate to change your mind),避免narrow mindedsingle-minded.


七、Presentation 定义式 (TC11C

1. I like to make a small presentation and my topic is how to plan

2. According to my knowledge/In my opinion/view), there are 3 key elements/factors.

3. First, selecting topics. Good topics are those that could make people think/

4. The second is selecting staff. Right staff are those who are diligent and obedient/

5. Third, selecting locations. In other words, we should choose a place that is very convenient.

6. In a word, that’s why I think so.


八、Presentation 举例式 (TC10B)

4In the first place, we should pay enough attention to staff training. For example/instance, staff might attend the course on manners and speech making.

5. In the second place, we should conduct customer satisfaction surveys. For example, we can prepare some questionnaires or set up a hotline.

6.By the way/Last, but not the least, we should stress on product quality, for instance,


九、             Motivating staff (商务知识)

1. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

     Self-actualization= take responsibility

     Esteem/ego needs: 可用company car或者job title这种status symbol满足

     Social needs: need to belong, teamwork

     Security needs: job security

     Physiological needs: shelter, food, transport, cloth, basic pay, canteen


* 绕口令

  Peter Pipe picked a peck of pickled peppers prepared by his parents and put them in a large paper plate.

  If you understand say understand, if you don’t understand say don’t understand. If you understand say don’t understand. How can I understand you understand, understand?


Chapter 3


一、             日常用语



1.  Expressing surprise when meeting someone

a.       Long time no see!

Chinglish 转变过去的,就像有时外国人也说 horse horse tiger tiger

b.       Hi, there. What a coincidence!

c.       I haven’t seen you for ages.

d.       Fancy meeting you here.

(Fancy party 化妆舞会,fancy hotel/restaurant 极贵的饭店/饭馆)

2.  Ask someone how is he doing

a.       How are you doing? / How are you getting on? / How are you feeling on?

b.       Are you doing okey?

c.       How are things? /  How are things going with you?

d.       Hi, Mike, how’s business?

         3.    Greeting a familiar friend

                a.   Anything new? / Anything special?

                b.   What’s up? (带点贬义,通常指不太好的事情发生)

c.    What have you been up to? (近来在忙什么?)

up to ones ears / neck…可表示很忙

d.    How’s life? / How is life been treating you?


Responding to greetings

  1.   Things just couldn’t be better. / Never better!

  2.    It’s nothing to complain about. / No complaints.

  3.    Same as usual. / Same as always.

  4.    Could be worse. (凑合吧)

  5.     Thins could be better. /  Been getting by. (凑合吧)


二、             有关Part Discussion

* 主要考 Teamwork, Cooperativeness

* 注意,对方说20秒后应该主动interrupt

        1Preparation (40s)

              (1) 分清角色 role : a. Boss and subordinates

b. Colleagues

(2) 看清issues (items) : Activities, information

(3) 分清responsibility

2.  Discuss (Task 31)

(1) Opening (切入正题)


AShow me around the city / sight seeing

BDisagree. Skiing resorts

AAgree. Take them to dinner



BFavorites and preferences, age, sex

ADisagree, age, number of people.

BAgree, cultural differences



(2) Closing

       Okey, time is limited, from what we discuss above, to sum up,

       * 注意,总结应该两个人一起说。

3.  常用用语

(1)       Interrupt

a.       Excuse me

b.       Can I / May I just come in here?

c.       Can I / May I interrupt for a moment?

d.       Just a minute.

e.       One moment, please.

(2)       Give one’s opinion

                          Strongly:   a. I am convinced / sure / positive that

b. I definitely / certainly think that

c. I really do think that

Neutrally:  a. In my opinion,

         b. I think / feel / consider that

         c. As I see it …/ According to my knowledge

Weakly:    a. I am inclined to say that … / think that

         b. I tend to think that

          (3)     Disagree, agree and partial agree

                           Agree:      a. I totally / fully / wholly / completely agree with you.

b. I am in total agreement with you.

c.  I am all in favor of that.

                           Disagree:  a.  I am afraid (I don’t agree). / I don’t / I can’t agree with you.

Partial agree: a. Up to a point, I’d agree with you, but

           b. To a certain extend, I’d agree with you, but

           c.  You may be right. / You could be right, but

                    (4)       Repeat

a.       Do you really mean this?

b.       Do you really think so?

c.       I just want to make one thing clear.

d.       Could you explain it a little bit for me?


* 有关Premises的专业术语

   1.工业原区 Enterprise zone

    2.政府投资捐款 Investment grant

    3.政府援助 Government assistance

    4Subsidised premises

    5.开发区 Development area

    6.经济衰落区 Depressed area


三、             情人节专题 Valentine’s Day (亦纪念 Friendship )

1.  代表Love and Romance

2.  礼物

1)送Chocolate (1874) ,送Card 并在 card上写xxx ,送 Perfume 香水


           旧情人送旧照片,远方的情人电台点歌,住家情人烛光晚餐,office lover送花,分手的情人在网上送card ,现在的情人可送健身卡。


四、Presentation 具体式 (?)

        * Presentation 一般采取“331形式,即3句开头,3句观点,1句结尾。

       4 First, location. 注意结合讲义进行补充

5.       Second, the length of contract. (讲义P5 a )

6.       Third, workforce.

7.       That’s why I think so. / Thank you very much. / Thank you for taking your time.

Thank you for listening.


五、Presentation 理由式 (TC18A

       4Market research is important because through market research, the company could gather, record and analyze and present the relevant information, which serves the fundamental goal / basic goal of marketing.

        5.   Selecting appropriate media is important / crucial because different media aim at different customers, furthermore, the cost varies.

         6.   Advertising is the most important part because it could either make the products know to the public or waste a lot of money.


六、综合总结Presentation6 versions

1.       取非式,重申式,定义式 。(较容易)

2.       举例式,具体式,理由式。 (较难)

3.       注意6versions 可以混用。


Chapter 4


一、Romance and Love 之经典影片

1.  Gone with the wind (1939)

* Tomorrow is another day.

       2.    The Philadelphia Story (1940)

       3.     Casablanca  (1942)

4.       The Apartment (1960)

5.       It happened one night (1934)

6.       Brief Encounter (1945)

7.       Roman Holiday

                    * I’d like to be remembered as a decent human being.

8.       Harold and Maude (1971)

9.       The way we were   (1973)

10.   Romeo and Juliet  (1968)


二、Talking about Romantic Love

1.       When I met Susan, it was love at first sight.

2.       I fell my head over heels in love with her the moment I saw her.

3.       True love, crazy about someone, have a crush on someone, carry torch for someone

4.       Talking about sex

a.       Mike used to sleep around until he met Snoopy. (sleep around:很风流)

b.       Their relationship is said to be strictly platonic.

c.       We are just friends, okey?

d.       Everyone in the office knows she’s having an affair. (婚外恋)

e.       Love affairs (贬:桃色新闻)December heartbeat 黄昏恋

5.       Approaching the opposite sex


a.       Let me see your strap mark. (Beach)

b.       Do you really eat the junk? / snatch?  (Shopping)

c.       Your place or mine? (Bar)

(2) 可用语生活中的句式

a.       That’s a pretty outfit.

b.       Say, don’t I know you from somewhere?

c.       What do you think of the band?

d.       Would you care to dance?

e.       I feel a little embarrassed but I’d really like to meet you.

6.       Dating Appointment

(1) 种类:

a.       grouping dating (dates)

b.       double dating (dates)

c.       blind dating (dates) 相亲, match-maker 媒人,murder the line 照本宣科

               2 约人:

a.       What are you up to this weekend? 这个周末你在忙什么?

b.       I was wondering if you’d like to go out to dinner?

c.       I had a marvelous time, Jane. Can I call you?

(3)   Commenting on someone’s attractiveness

a.       She is a real dish. / doll / babe

b.       She’s as gorgeous as ever. (80%turn head) (Does she turn head? 她有回头率么?)

c.       He’s absolutely gorgeous.

d.       He’s absolutely cute.

e.       He’s a real hunk.

f.        Her new boyfriend is not much to look at. (没什么可看的), but he seems to be pretty smart.

                 (4)    Express your romantic feeling

a.       I adore you.

b.       You mean the world to me.

c.       Be my sweetheart. (女对男说)

d.       Can’t you see I’m absolutely mad about you?

                  (5)     Turning someone down

a.       You are not my type.

b.       Sorry, I’m not interested.

c.       You must be kidding.

d.       I have to wash my hair. (找借口推脱约会,一般三次可以 turn down someone completely)

e.       No way! /  Not if you were the last person on earth.



        1. What do you consider your major strength?

a.       self-motivated

b.       hard-working and honest

c.       I always look for better ways of doing things

表明自己非常quick minded并且creative, 避免说自己smart

d.       good interpersonal relationship / communication ( teamwork)

e.       I do believe I do present a lot of strength.

First, I can work under pressure and hard working.

Second, I am independent, but can team work.

Third, use my own method to solve problem.

Then, I am honest.

          2.  What do you consider your major weakness?

a.       too honest (但要说对relationship 不好,要努力改进)

b.       I cannot leave the work half done.

c.       I am so hard working and I don’t have much free time.

           3.  Why do you want to leave your present job?

a.          表明自己想得到更大的发展空间

There is no room to career growth and the promotion.

b.       I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.

c.       I am leaving my present job in order to improve my position and have more responsibility.

                4.  What is it about this job that interests you? Why do you want to join our company?

a.       In this field, your company has a good reputation to my knowledge.

b.       I’ve heard nothing but good things about your company.

c.       Your company is well respected in this field.

d.       I’ve heard your company take good care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.

                 5.  Why you feel you are qualified for this position?

a.       a firm knowledge background

b.       work experience  并应指出会将经验带给贵公司

I think I can bring a lot of experience and knowledge with you.

6.   Do you think you are the right person for the job?

          a.  Yes, because I do believe that my qualifications and experience can perfect match what you are looking for.

          b.  Because I have the experience you are looking for, and I think I am one of the best in this field.

 7.  Do you know what’s involved in a position like this?

a.  perform to the best of my ability

                  8.  What salary do you expect?

a.       It’s up to you, just acceptable and reasonable. (student)

b.       我可以接受底薪2000,但我会在3个月试用期中证明我的价值10倍于此。

c.       What is the best you can offer to me?

d.       There will be my first job, and I lack experience. So I hesitate to suggest a salary.

e.       I will leave it to you, because I am not in the position to ask for a certain salary at present.

f.        I think we can reach an agreement, if I can be sure there is a good chance to advance to me.

g.       A standard starting salary

h.       我现在2000,不能比这个少,大概2500

i.         One good qualified man is better than a group of man.


四、             面试中谈到的有关teamwork内容

           1. What type of people do you like to working with?

a.       strength

b.       I like working with all types of people.

c.       I can work with anyone as long as they are honest.

d.       I like working with people who work well under pressure.

e.       I don’t like working with people with gossip. / who are lazy / crack under pressure.

2.  I generally get along well with the coworkers.

3.  focus on what the conflict is about rather than an personalities (对事不对人)

4.  take responsibility for the project

5. Tell me something about yourself.

a.       说一分钟,说自己最特别的地方,起到画龙点睛的作用。

b.       I am young but experienced.

            6.  Where would you like to be in five years?

a.       I would like to follow the management career passed.

b.       预测未来不容易,但是我清楚我的发展方向,在五年内做到one of the best in the field.

五、             面试中谈到的教育问题 Interview about education

             1.  I’ve gone above and beyond.

              2.  Which is better? Oral English or written English?

a.       从这个问题可看出贵公司很重视英语这两种skills, 而我恰巧是一个每抓住机会就能提高自己的人。

b.       Oral English比较好,但是我曾经在…发表…文章。

c.       Written English 比较好,但也常练习oral English

六、             Presentation 常用语

Opening sentence

1. The present talk aims to decide

2. The purpose of the talk is to answer the question of

3. In brief, this talk sets out to solve the problem of


    1. first second third

    2. firstly secondly thirdly

    3. one hand, in the other hand

    4. next, also, in addition, further more (至少运用一两个)

    5. as for;  as … is concerned


    1.   so, to sum up

    2.   in conclusion

    3.   in general

    4.   on the whole, overall

    5.    from the above information, it can be shown that

7.       before we close, let me just summarize the main point. presentation估计用不到,可用于discussion

七、             Discussion常用语

1. 口语化表达简单同意

a.       Yeah!

b.       How true!

c.       Exactly!

d.       Absolutely!

e.        Well said!

f.        You got it!

g.       You bet!

h.       That’s for sure.

i.         My opinion exactly!

         2.  表同意

a.       I share your view on that!

b.       Oh, yes, I couldn’t agree with you more, you are genient!

c.       Okey, you are the doctor.

d.       I don’t think anyone would disagree.

e.       I have no problem with that.

f.        I couldn’t have said it better.

g.       I wish I had said that.

h.       I am with you there.

i.         I think I will go along with your proposal.

         3.  部分同意

a.       Could be!

b.       Yes, you’ve point there.

c.       So it seems! (似乎有点道理)

d.       So to speak!

e.       In the manner of speaking.

f.        I agree with much of what you said.

g.       That’s one way of looking at it, I admit.

         4.  口语化表达不同意

a.       Not really.

b.       Not at all.

c.       Of course not.

d.       No way.

e.       Not a chance.

         5.  不同意

a.       Do you really think so?

b.       I am not convinced.

c.       Don’t speak too soon.

d.       I will believe it when I see it.

e.       I’m afraid we don’t see eye to eye on this.

f.        That was not the case.

         6.  强不同意

a.       No, I don’t agree. Don’t waste your breath.

b.       You must be joking. / kidding

c.       You can’t be serious.

d.       You are way off base. (棒不在垒上)

e.       You don’t know up from down.

f.        Over my dead body.

g.       I wasn’t born yesterday.

h.       That’s ridiculous.

i.         It’s pure fiction.

j.         Non-sense!

k.       Bullshit!

l.         That’s out of the question!

          7.  骂人的话

a.       Shut up!

b.       Big mouth!

c.       Go to hell! Get out of here!

d.       You ask for it!

e.       Loss head

f.        Cheap skate! 小气鬼

g.       Banana! Nuts!

h.       Blast!

八、总结 内容见以前笔记。