
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 22:44:55


menu 菜单
French cuisine 法国菜
today’s special 今日特餐
chef’s special 主厨特餐
buffet 自助餐
fast food 快餐
specialty 招牌菜
continental cuisine 欧式西餐
aperitif 饭前酒
dim sum 点心
French fires 炸薯条
baked potato 烘马铃薯
mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥
omelette 简蛋卷
pudding 布丁
pastries 甜点
pickled vegetables 泡菜
kimchi 韩国泡菜
crab meat 蟹肉
prawn 明虾
conch 海螺 escargots 田螺
braised beef 炖牛肉
bacon 熏肉
poached egg 荷包蛋
sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋
over 煎两面荷包蛋
fried egg 煎蛋
over easy 煎半熟蛋
over hard 煎全熟蛋
scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋
stone fire pot 石头火锅
sashi 日本竹筷
sake 日本米酒
miso shiru 味噌汤
roast meat 铁板烤肉
sashimi 生鱼片
butter 奶油   1 烹调方式 Cooking Method

fried... 煎... deep fried... 炸(干炸)...

quick-fried/stir-fried...(爆)炒... braised... 炖(烧)... stewed...

闷(炖、煨)... steamed...蒸... smoked... 熏... roast... 烤... grilled...

烤... crisp... 香酥... spicy... 麻辣... caramelized... 拔丝...

toffee...拔丝... dices... ...丁 mashed... ...馅、泥 ...in brown sauce

红烧... ...in soy sauce 酱汁... ...in hot sauce 干烧... ...in tomato sauce

茄汁... ...in black bean sauce 豆瓣... ...in rice wine 糟溜... ...with

fish flavor 鱼香... ...with sweet and sour flavor 糖醋... ...in soup

汆... ...shreds ...丝 ...slices ...片 ...cubes ...块

2 调味品  Condiments table salt 食盐 sugar 白糖 cheese 奶酪/干酪 vinegar 醋

butter 黄油 pepper 胡椒 soy sauce 酱油 cream 奶油 curry 咖哩 mustard 芥茉 tomato

sauce 蕃茄酱 honey 蜂蜜 gravy 肉汁 jam 果酱 cube sugar 方糖 ginger 姜 garlic 大蒜

shallot 大葱 mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 sweet soybean paste 甜面酱

3 汤类 Soup clear soup/thin soup/consomme

清汤 pottage/thick soup 浓汤 broth 肉汤 beef soup 牛肉汤 tomato soup 西红柿汤

cabbage soup 洋白菜汤 vegetable soup 菜汤 chicken soup 鸡汤 creamed chicken

soup 奶油鸡汤 fish and tomato soup 红鱼汤 creamed ham soup 奶油火腿汤 beef balls

soup 牛肉丸子汤 creamed prawn soup 奶油虾汤 beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤

creamed spinach soup 奶油菠菜汤 hot and sour soup 酸辣汤 minced chicken and

corn pottage 鸡茸粟米汤 curry chicken soup 咖哩鸡汤  4 主食 Staple food 中餐主食Chinese Food rice gruel/porridge

大米粥 millet gruel 小米粥 steamed bun/steamed bread 馒头 steamed twisted

roll 花卷 meat pie 馅饼 pancake 煎饼 meatbun/steamed bread with stuffings

包子 dumpling 饺子 wonton/dumpling soup 馄饨 noodles 面条 sichuan style

noodles with peppery sauce 担担面 fried noodles 炒面 stretched noodles 拉面

noodles with soup 汤面 noodles with soybean paste 炸酱面 beef noodles 牛肉面

spring roll/egg roll 春卷 rice noodles 米线 sweet dumpling 元宵 egg fried

rice 蛋炒饭 deep-fried dough sticks 油条 soybean milk 豆浆 muffin 松糕/饼

cruller 油饼

西餐主食Western Food bread
面包 toast 烤面包/土司 rye bread 黑麦面包 bun 小圆面包 hamburger 汉堡包 bacon

cheeseburger 腊肉奶酪汉堡包 sandwich 三明治 tuna sandwich 金枪鱼三明治 hotdog 热狗

biscuits/crackers/cookies 饼干 pancake 烤饼/薄饼 pizza 比萨饼 meat-pie 肉馅饼

barley gruel 大麦粥 oatmeal 燕麦粥 French fries 炸薯条 pudding 布丁 macaroni

通心面 spaghetti 意大利面条

5 主菜 Entrees 西餐主菜Western Entrees beef steak
牛排 (rare) 半熟的(牛排) roast beef 烤牛排 (medium-rare) 适中偏生的(牛排) curry beef

咖哩牛排 (medium) 适中的(牛排) real cutlet/veal chop 小牛排 (medium-well done)

适中偏熟的(牛排) roast veal 烤小牛排 (well done) 熟透的(牛排) spiced beef 五香牛排

braised beef 焖牛排 roast mutton 烤羊肉 lamb chop 羊排 porp chop 猪排 sliced

ham 火腿片 roast turkey 烤火鸡 roast chicken 烤油鸡 curried chicken 咖哩鸡 roast

duck 烤鸭 smoked carp 熏鲤鱼 sardine 沙丁鱼 fried fish 炸鱼 fried eggs 煎鸡蛋

boiled eggs 煮鸡蛋 poached eggs 荷包蛋 omelet/omelette 摊鸡蛋/蛋卷 pickled

cucumber 酸黄瓜 salad 色拉 salad dressing 色拉酱 chicken salad 鸡色拉 French

法式(色拉酱) vegebable salad 素菜色拉 Italian 意大利式(色拉酱) ham salad 火腿色拉 Blue

cheese 蓝乳酪式(色拉酱) Russian 俄式(色拉酱) backed potato 烤土豆 mashed potato 土豆泥

中餐主菜Chinese Dishes bean curb
豆腐 beansprouts 豆芽 steamed chicken 清蒸鸡 braised chicken 焖鸡 Beijing

roast duck 北京烤鸭 preserved eggs 松花蛋 braised pork 红烧扣肉 red-cooked pork

红烧肉 sweet-sour pork 糖醋肉 broiled beef slices 烤牛肉片 chop suey 炒杂碎

stir-fried liver 炒猪肝 sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋鱼 meat balls 肉丸子 fried

prawns 炸大虾 steamed turtle 炖甲鱼

6 甜点 Dessert cake

蛋糕 cream cake 奶油蛋糕 ice-cream 冰淇淋 pie 馅饼 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋

shortcake 松饼 chocolate ice-cream 巧克力冰淇淋 tart 果馅饼 strawberry

ice-cream 草霉冰淇淋 apple pie 苹果馅饼 ice sucker 冰棍 jello 冰糕 pastry 点心 yam

甜薯 sweet potato 番薯 raisin 葡萄干

7 酒水

DRINKS 软饮料非酒精饮料 soft drinks/beverages coffee


black coffee 不加牛奶的咖啡/清咖啡 decaffeinated coffee 无咖啡因的咖啡 white coffee

牛奶咖啡 coffee with cream and sugar 加奶加糖的咖啡 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 plain

coffee 纯咖啡 milk 牛奶 tea 茶 green tea 绿茶 black tea 红茶 jasmine tea 茉莉花茶

tea bags 袋泡茶 yogurt 酸奶 cocacola/coke/cocoa 可口可乐 7-up 七喜 Pepsi Cola

百事可乐 Diet Pepsi 无糖百事可乐 Sprite 雪碧 fruit juice 水果汁 lemonade 柠檬汁

orangeade 桔子汁 mineral water 矿泉水 soda water 汽水 fresh orange juice

鲜桔子汁 Fruit Punch 水果混合饮料 beer 啤酒 light beer 淡啤酒 draught beer 扎啤


aperitive/apertif wine 低度酒/葡萄酒 white wine 白葡萄酒 red wine/port 红葡萄酒/红酒

sherry 雪利酒 champagne 香槟酒 cocktail 鸡尾酒 non-alcoholic cocktail 无酒精鸡尾酒

martini 马丁尼鸡尾酒 punch 潘趣酒 vermouth 味美思酒/苦艾酒 rose liquor 玫瑰酒 cider 苹果酒

烈性酒 liquor/spirit whisky 威士忌 brandy 白兰地 scotch 苏格兰威士忌 vodka 伏特加  肉汤 broth

奶油鸡茸汤 creamed mashed chicken soup; mashed chicken soup with cream
奶油蟹肉汤 creamed crab meat soup; crab meat soup with cream
奶油口蘑解肉汤 creamed mushroom soup with crab meat
奶油大虾汤 creamed prawn soup; prawn soup with cream
奶油鲍鱼汤 creamed abalone soup; abalone soup with cream
奶油龙须菜汤 creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
奶油芦笋汤 creamed asparagus soup; asparagus soup with cream
奶油菜花汤 creamed cauliflower soup; cauliflower soup with cream
奶油口蘑菜花汤 creamed mushroom soup with cauliflower
奶油蕃茄汤 creamed tomato soup; tomato soup with cream
奶油菠菜汤 creamed spinach soup; spinach soup with cream
奶油豌豆汤 creamed peas soup; peas soup with cream
肉杂拌汤 mixed meat soup
牛尾汤 ox-tail soup
牛肉丸子汤 beef balls soup
牛肉蔬菜汤 beef soup with vegetables
冷牛肉茶 cold beef tea
口蘑鸡汤 chicken soup with mushrooms
番茄鸡汤 chicken soup with tomato
鸡腿蔬菜汤 chicken leg soup with vegetables
咖哩鸡丁汤 curry chicken cubes soup
鸡块汤 chicken chips soup
鸡块面条汤 noodles soup with chicken chips
鸡球蔬菜汤 chicken meatballs soup with vegetables
鸡杂菠菜汤 chicken giblets soup with spinach
家常鱼汤 fish soup in home style
红鱼汤 fish soup with tomato
红菜汤 borsch
丸子蔬菜汤 meat balls soup with vegetables
酸菜汤 sour cabbage soup
洋葱汤 onion soup
白豆汤 white beam soup
豌豆泥汤 mashed pea soup
清汤肉饼 consomme with meat pie
面球汤 dumplings soup
通心粉清汤 consomme with macaroni
清汤卧果 consomme with poached eggs

1)鱼 fish
糖醋鱼片 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋鱼块 fried fish slices with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋石斑鱼 fried garoupa with sweet and sour sauce
糖醋松子桂鱼 fried mandarin fish and pinenuts with sweet and sour sauce
熘鱼片 quick-fry fish slices with distilled grains sauce
焦熘鱼片 crisp fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
焦熘黄鱼片 crisp fried yellow croaker slices with distilled grains sauce
椒盐黄鱼 fried yellow croaker with pepper sauce
糟熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
滑熘鱼片 fried fish slices with distilled grains sauce
炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices
菜炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with vegetables
焦炒鱼片 stir-fried fish slices with bamboo shoots
焦熘鱼片 fried fish slices with sauce
茄汁鱼片 fried fish slices with tomato sauce
炸鱼条 fried fish slices
炸扒鱼片 deep fried garoupa slices
软炸鱼片 soft-fried sliced fish
酥炸鱼条 crisp fried sliced garoupa
炸鱼 deep-fried fish
炸桂鱼 deep-fried mandarin fish
炸板鱼 deep-fried sole
炸凤尾鱼 deep-fried anchovies
煎铜盆鱼 fried sea-bream
酱汁活鱼 fried fish with soy sauce and wine
芙蓉桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with egg white
茄汁鱼球 fried fish balls with tomato sauce
茄汁石斑块 deep fried garoupa slices with tomato sauce
烤酥鱼 baked crisp crucian carp
清蒸鱼 steamed fish
蒸鲜鱼 steamed fresh fish
清蒸全鱼 steamed whole fish
清蒸黄河鲤 steamed Yellow River carp
清蒸鲥鱼 steamed shad
清蒸桂鱼 steamed mandarin fish
清蒸鲈鱼腩 steamed perch-flank
清蒸糟青鱼 steamed black carp with distilled grains
豉汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with black bean sauce
豉油蒸生鱼 steamed rock-fish with soy sauce
豉油蒸鲩鱼 steamed tench with soy sauce
红烧鱼 braised fish with soy sauce;stewed fish with soy sauce
红烧鲴鱼 braised catfish with soy sauce;stewed catfish with brown sauce
红烧鳗鱼 braised eel with soy sauce;stewed ell with brown sauce
红烧河鳗 braised ell with soy sauce;stewed ell with brown sauce
红烧鲤鱼 braised carp with soy sauce;stewed carp with brown sauce
红烧鲤鱼头 braised carp head with soy sauce;stewed carp head with brown sauce
红烧青鱼 braised black carp with soy sauce;stewed black carp with brown sauce
蒜头烧黄鳝 braised finless ell with garlic;stewed finless eel with garlic
烧青衣鱼头 braised green wrasse head;stewed green wrasse head
红烧桂鱼 braised mandarin fish with soy sauce;stewed mandarin fish with brown sauce
白汁鳜鱼 braised mandarin fish with white sauce;stewed mandarin fish with white sauce
菜炒鲈鱼 stir-fried perch with vegetables
炒鳝丝 stir-fried shredded finless eel
炒鳝片 stir-fried eel slices
松鼠黄鱼 fried yellow croaker in squirrel shape
熏黄鱼 smoked yellow croaker
白汁熏鲳鱼 smoked pomfret with white sauce
清炖甲鱼 braised turtle in clear soup
凤足炖甲鱼 steamed turtle with chicken's feet in soup
甲鱼裙边煨肥猪肉 stewed calipash and calipee with fat pork
火腿甲鱼汤 turtle soup with ham
炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid
炒鱿鱼丝 stir-fried shredded squid
冬笋炒鱿鱼 stir-fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots
咖喱鱿鱼 fried squid with curry
蛋皮鱼卷 fried fish roll
炒木须银鱼 fried white bait with eggs
a.鱼翅 shark's fins
蟹肉鱼翅 braised shark's fins with minced crab meat
鸡茸鱼翅 braised shark's fins with minced chicken
鸡丝鱼翅 braised shark's fins with shredded chicken; braised shark's fin with chicken shreds鸡兰鱼翅 braised shark's fin with chicken shreds and bamboo shoots
鸡包鱼翅 braised chicken stuffed with shark's fin
鸡汁鱼翅 braised shark's fin with chicken gravy
红烧鱼翅 braised shark's fins with brown sauce; braised shark's fins with soy sauce
红扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with brown sauce; braised shark's finswith soy sauce
白扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with white sauce
海味扒鱼翅 braised shark's fins with sea food
清汤鱼翅 shark's fins in clear soup
b.鱼唇 fish lips
蚝油鱼唇 braised fish lips with oyster oil
蟹肉鱼唇 stewed fish lips with crab meat
白汁鱼唇 stewed shark's lips with white sauce
c.鱼肚 fish maw
鱼扒鱼肚 braised fish maw with white sauce
红烧鱼肚 braised fish maw with soy sauce; stewed fish maw with soy sauce
鸡丝烩鱼肚 stewed fish maw with shredded chicken
蟹肉鱼肚 stewed fish maw with crab meat
奶油鱼肚 fried fish maw with cream sauce
虾仁鱼肚 fried fish maw with shelled shrimps
三鲜鱼肚 fish maw with balls of shelled shrimps, fish and minced pork
清汤鱼肚 fish maw in clear soup
鱼肚鸡片汤 codfish maw soup with sliced chicken
番茄汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and tomato sauce
土豆煮鱼 boiled fish with potatoes
黄油汁土豆煮鱼 boiled fish and potato with butter sauce
炸明虾 fried prawns
软煎大虾 soft-fried prawns
黄油汁煎大虾 fried prawns with butter sauce
罐焖大虾 prawns a la Duchesse
奶酪口蘑烤大虾 prawns au gratin
火腿奶酪炸大虾 fried prawns with ham and cheese
铁扒大虾 grilled prawns
大虾蛋奶酥 prawn souffle
炸桂鱼 fried mandarin fish
土豆炸桂鱼 fried mandarin fish with potatoes
番茄汁炸鱼 fried fish with tomato sauce
奶油汁炸鱼 fried fish with cream sauce
鞑靼汁炸鱼 fried fish with Tartar sauce
清煎鲤鱼 fried carp
火腿汁煎鱼 fried fish with ham sauce
俄式煎鱼 fish a la Russia
罐焖鱼 fish a la Duchesse
罐焖桂鱼 mandarin fish a la Duchesse
火锅鱼片 fish podjarka
火锅鱼虾 fish and prawns podjarka
火锅大虾 prawns podjarka
炭烧鱼串 fish shashlik
炭烧鱼段 fish chips shashlik
铁扒桂鱼 grilled mandarin fish
铁扒比目鱼 grilled turbot
奶油汁烤鱼 baked fish with cream sauce
鱼排 fish steak
奶油口蘑烤桂鱼 mandarin fish au gratin
奶酪口蘑烤鱼虾 fish and prawns au gratin
白汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with white
白酒汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with white wine
红酒蒸鱼 steamed fish with red wine
番茄汁蒸鱼 steamed fish tomato sauce
柠檬汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with lemon sauce
鸡蛋汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with egg sauce
口蘑汁蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushroom sauce
红汁蘑菇蒸鱼 steamed fish with mushrooms and brown sauce
  2)虾 shrimp
盐水虾 boiled shrimps with shell in salt water
面拖虾 shrimp fritters
清炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps
炒虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps
芙蓉虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with egg-white sauce
面包虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps on croutons
青豆虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with green gravy
茄汁虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with tomato sauce
蟹黄虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crab roe
锅巴虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with crispy fried rice crust
凤肝虾仁 stir-fried shelled shrimps with chicken liver
菜炒虾脯 stir-fried minced shrimps with vegetables
油炸虾丸 fried shrimp balls
虾仁扒豆腐 stewed shelled shrimps with bean curd
烩虾仁 braised shrimp meat
油焖大虾 braised prawns
黄焖大虾 braised prawns with brown sauce
红烧对虾 braised prawns with soy sauce
红烧明虾 braised prawns with soy sauce
罐焖大虾 braised prawns in pot; pot-braised prawns
荷包金鲤虾 braised prawns stuffed with glutinous rice in the shape ofgolden carp
炸大虾 fried prawns; deep-fried prawns; fried jumbo shrimps
炸金钱大虾 fried prawns in the shape of golden coin
炸烹大虾 fried giant prawns; grilled prawns with sauce
椒盐大虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce
炸虾串 fried prawn shashlik
炸虾托 fried prawn canape
软炸虾 soft-fried prawn slices
炒虾片 stir-fried prawn slices
炒大虾片 stir-fried prawn slices
炒鸡肝虾片 fried prawn slices with chicken liver
炸虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets
煎虾饼 fried prawn cutlets; fried shrimp cutlets
茄汁虾片 fried prawns with tomato sauce
煎明虾 fried prawns with shell in gravy
煎明虾段 fried prawn sections
干烧明虾 fried prawns with pepper sauce
煎酿大明虾 fried giant prawns with soy and ginger sauce
炸竹笋脆虾 fried prawns with bamboo shoots
炸凤尾明虾 fried prawns in the shape of phoeni
炸虾球 fried prawn balls; deepfried prawn meat balls
煎虾丸 fried shrimp balls with sauce
鲜菇炒大虾 stir-fried prawns with fresh mushrooms
鲜菇炒虾球 stir-fried shelled shrimp balls with mushrooms
菜花炒虾丸 stir-fried jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower
红煤虾球 braised jumbo shrimp balls with cauliflower
辣味烩虾 braised prawns with chilli/chili sauce
辣昧烩虾球 braised prawn balls with chilli/chili sauce

3)蟹 crab
蒸螃蟹 steamed crab
蒸梭子蟹 steamed sea crabs
醉蟹 liquor preserved crab
姜汁大肉蟹 fried fresh crab with ginger sauce
酱油蟹 fried crabs with bean sauce
炒蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat
炒海蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat
蟹肉豆腐 stir-fried minced crab meat with bean curd
奶汁蟹肉 stir-fried minced crab meat with cream sauce
香菇蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with mushrooms
芙蓉蟹肉 stir-fried crab meat with egg-white
菜炖蟹肉 stewed crab meat with vegetables
蟹肉狮子头 stewed crab meat with minced pork balls

4)海参 sea cucumber
海参烩鸡丝 stewed sea cucumbers with shredded chicken
海参扒鸡条 braised sea cucumbers with sliced chicken
海参肉片 braised sea cucumbers with pork slices
红烧海参 braised sea cucumbers with brown sauce;braised sea cucumbers with soy sauce
葱烧海参 braised sea cucumbers with spring onions
麻辣海参片 braised sea cucumbers with chilli/chili sauce
胡辣海参片 braised sea cucumbers with chilli/chili sauce
鱼丸烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with fish balls
鸡茸海参 fried sea cucumbers with mashed chicken; fried sea cucumbers with minced chicken
火腿肉丸烧海参 stewed sea cucumbers with pork balls and ham slices
虾仁海参 stewed sea cucumbers with shrimps
鲍鱼海参 fricassee sea cucumbers with abalone
芙蓉海参 fricassee sea cucumbers with egg white
5)鲍鱼 abalone
蚝汁鲍鱼片 fried abalone slices with oyster sauce
蚝油焖鲍鱼 stewed abalone slices with oyster sauce
红烧鲍鱼 braised abalone with soy sauce
红烧酥鲍 braised abalone with soy sauce
红烧鲜鲍 braised fresh abalone with soy sauce
黄焖干鲍 braised abalone with brown sauce
红炖紫鲍 braised abalone garnished with green vegetables
白扒鲍鱼 braised abalone with white sauce
鸡茸金钱鲍 fricassee abalone with minced chicken
鸡茸炒鲍丝 fried abalone shreds with minced chicken
鸡片鲍鱼 fried abalone with sliced chicken
鸡翅鲍鱼片 braised abalone slices with chicken wings
鸡球鲍脯 braised abalone with chicken balls
冬菇鲍鱼 braised abalone with black mushrooms
蘑菇鲍脯 braised abalone with fresh mushrooms
鸡油鲍鱼磨菇 fried abalone and mushrooms with chicken fat
鸡汁鲍鱼鱼翅 steamed abalone with shark's fins in chicken soup
蚝油小鲍鱼 fried awabi with oyster sauce 6)贝类 shellfish
面拖牡蛎 oyster fritters
白灼螺片 fried sliced whelk
鸡肉螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken
凤肝螺片 fried sliced whelk with chicken liver
蚝油干贝 fried dried scallops with oyster sauce
油爆干贝 fried dried scallops with choice vegetables
白汁干贝 stewed dried scallops with white sauce
鸡冻干贝 fricassee scallop in chicken mousse肉类 meat
1)猪肉 pork
炸酱肉丁 fried pork dices with soya bean paste
酱爆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with bean sauce; quick-fried diced pork with soybean paste
宫爆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with chilli/chili sauce and peanuts
板酱肉丁 stir-fried iced pork with chilli/chili sauce
辣子肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with green pepper
青椒肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with green pepper
青豆肉丁 stir-fried diced pork with green peas
炒肉片 stir-fried pork slices
脆皮锅酥肉 deep fried pork slices
焦熘肉片 crisp fried pork slices with sauce
回锅辣白肉 stir-fried boiled pork slices with hot sauce;twice-cooked pork slices with hot sauce
回锅肉 stir-fried boiled pork slices with hot sauce;twice-cooked pork slices with hot sauce
炒木须肉 stir-fried pork slices with eggs and fungi;stir-fried pork slices with scrambled eggs
木须肉 stir-fried pork slices with eggs and fungi;stir-fried pork slices with scrambled eggs
糖醋古老肉 fried pork slices with sweet and sour sauce
古老肉 fried pork slices with sweet and sour sauce
青椒肉片 fried pork slices with green pepper
葱烹白肉 fried pork slices with leeks
葱爆肉粉条 fried pork slices and bean starch vermicelli with leeks
清炸里脊 fried pork fillet slices with leeks
葱爆里脊 fried pork fillet slices with leeks
葱爆里脊丁 fried diced tenderloin with scallion
酱爆里脊肉 fried diced tenderloin with soybean paste
酱炸里脊丁 fried diced tenderloin with soy sauce
糖醋里脊 fried pork fillet slices with sweet and sour sauce
软炸里脊 soft-fried pork fillet slices
铁扒里脊 grilled pork fillet slices
豆腐烧肉片 stewed sliced pork with bean curd
腐乳汁烧肉 stewed pork with preserved bean curd
糟肉 steamed preserved pork with distilled grains liquor dregs
米粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour;steamed pork slices with ground glutinous rice
粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour;steamed pork slices with ground glutinous rice
米粉肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour;steamed pork slices with ground glutinous rice
荷叶米粉蒸肉 steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour wrapped inlotusleaves; steamed rice-flour-coated pork wrapped in lotus leaves
冬菜扣肉 steamed pork slices with spicy cabbage
青椒塞肉 steamed green pepper stuffed with minced pork
扒白条 braised pork slices
红烧猪肉 braised pork with soy sauce; braised pork with soy sauce
红烧肉 braised pork with soy sauce; braised pork with soy sauce
栗子红烧肉 braised pork with chestnuts
烩里脊丝 braised tenderloin shreds
酱爆白肉 stir-fried pork with soybean paste
炒肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork
芙蓉肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork with egg-white sauce;stir-fried shredded pork with egg-white
鱼香肉丝 stir-fried pork shreds with chilli/chili sauce
冬笋炒肉丝 stir-fried pork shreds with bamboo shoots;stir-fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots
冬笋肉丝 stir-fried pork shreds with bamboo shoots;stir-fried shredded pork with bamboo shoots
肉丝炒青椒 stir-fried pork shreds with green pepper
蔬菜肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork with vegetables
榨菜肉丝 stir-fried shredded pork with hot pickled tuber mustard
炒腊肉 stir-fried cured pork
炸猪肉串 pork shashlik
煎猪肉串 pork shashlik
炸丸子 fried pork balls
红烧狮子头 stewed large pork ball with brown sauce
冬瓜火腿 stewed sliced ham with white gourd
火腿酿冬瓜 stewed ham-stuffed white gourd
冰糖蜜灸火腿 stewed ham with crystal sugar
炒猪肝 stir-fried pig's liver
炒肝尖 stir-fried pig's liver
熘肝尖 quick-fried liver with distilled grains sauce
软炸猪肝 soft-fried pig's liver
清炸猪肝 fried pig's liver
炸腰花 fried pig's kidney
炒双脆 fried kidney with pork tripe
炒腰花 stir-fried pig's kidney; fried sliced pig's kidney
炒腰肝 stir-fried pig's kidney and liver
椒麻腰片 steamed sliced kidney with hot sauce
鸡熘爆肚 fried pork tripe with chicken
双片锅巴 sliced pork and liver with fried rice crust
红烧蹄筋 braised pork tendons with soy sauce;
braised pork tendons with brown sauce
椒盐排骨 fried pork ribs with pepper sauce
豉汁排骨 fried spareribs with black bean sauce
糖醋排骨 fried spareribs with sweet and sour sauce
炒什件 fried mixed meat
烤乳猪 roast piglet; roast suckling pig
猪杂碎 chopsuey; cooked chopped entrails of pigs; cooked chopped entrails
杂碎 chopsuey; cooked chopped entrails of pigs; cooked chopped entrails
杂烩 chopsuey; cooked chopped entrails of pigs; cooked chopped entrails 2)牛肉 beef
腌牛肉 salted beef; corn beef
米粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef with glutinous rice flour
粉蒸牛肉 steamed beef with glutinous rice flour
蒸牛肉丸 steamed beef balls
咖喱牛肉 fried beef with curry
葱爆牛肉 fried beef with leeks
芝麻牛肉 fried beef with sesame
茄汁牛肉 fried beef with tomato sauce
滑蛋牛肉 fried beef with scrambled eggs
干煸牛肉 dry fried shredded beef with pepper sauce
炒牛肉片 stir-fried sliced beef
青椒牛肉片 fried sliced beef with green chilli/chili pepper
茄汁牛肉片 fried sliced beef with tomato sauce
炒牛肉丝 stir-fried shredded beef
洋葱牛肉丝 fried shredded beef with onions
冬笋牛肉丝 fried beef shreds with bamboo shoots
菜尖牛肉丝 stir-fried shredded beef with mung bean sprouts
烤牛肉 broiled beef slices
煨牛肉 simmered beef
焖牛肉 braised beef
炖牛肉 braised beef
红焖牛肉 braised beef with soy sauce
蚝油牛肉 braised beef with oyster sauce
红烧牛腩 braised beef tenderloin chunks with soy sauce
红煨牛肉 stewed beef with soy sauce
红烧牛尾 stewed ox tail with brown sauce
红烧牛舌 stewed ox tongue with brown sauce
白汁牛筋 stewed ox tendon with white sauce
红烧牛尾 braised ox tail with soy sauce
红烧牛杂 braised beef offal with soy sauce
牛杂碎 cooked chopped beef offal; cooked chopped entrails of oxen
牛杂烩 cooked chopped beef offal; cooked chopped entrails of oxen

3)羊肉 mutton
炮羊肉 quick-fried mutton
红烧羊肉 braised mutton with soy sauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce
烧羊肉 braised mutton with soy sauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce
红煨羊肉 braised mutton with soy sauce; stewed mutton with brown sauce
罐焖羊肉 braised mutton in pot; pot-braised mutton
白扣羊肉 plain boiled mutton
涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton; Mongol's hot pot; sliced mutton rinsed in chafing dish
烤羊肉 roast mutton
烤羊排 roast mutton chops
烤羊肉串 roasted mutton cubes on spit
芝麻羊肉 fried mutton with sesame
炒羊肚 fried lamb tripe
炸羊肉串 fried lamb shashlik
羊杂碎 cooked chopped entrails of sheep
羊杂烩 cooked chopped entrails of sheep

4)野味 game
五香兔肉 spicy sliced hare
冬笋炒兔片 stir-fried rabbit slices with bamboo shoots
红煤鹿肉 braised venison of the spotted deer with brown sauce
清炖鹿肉 braised venison in clear soup
红烧熊掌 braised bear's paw with soy sauce
炸田鸡腿 fried frog legs
豆豉田鸡腿 fried frog legs with fermented soya beans 红焖里脊 braised fillet
铁扒里脊 grilled fillet
炸里脊片 fried fillet slices
洋葱软炸里脊片 soft fried fillet slices with onion
红酒里脊 fillet with red wine
罐焖里脊 fillet a la Duchesse
里脊串 fillet shashlik
火锅里脊 fillet podjarka
里脊扒 fillet steak
鸡蛋里脊扒 fillet steak with egg
口蘑汁里脊扒 fillet steak with mushroom sauce
奶油口蘑里脊丝 fillet a la Stroganoff
咖哩里脊丝 curry shredded fillet
总会牛排 club steak
牛肉扒 beef steak
牛肉扒托蛋 beef steak with egg
咖哩牛肉 curry beef
汉堡牛排 Hamburg steak; hamburger
什锦汁牛肉丸子 beef balls with mixed sauce
家常焖牛肉 braised beef in home style

鸡鸭 chicken and duck
烤鸡 roast chicken
烤油鸡 roast chicken
素菜烤鸡 roast chicken with vegetables
棒棒鸡 bon bon chicken
煎鸡 fried chicken
炸笋鸡 fried spring chicken
炸鸡 deep-fried chicken
炸鸡肉串 fried chicken shashlik
鸡肝串 chicken liver shashlik
通心粉煮鸡 boiled chicken with macaroni
奶汁煮鸡 boiled chicken with cream sauce
铁扒笋鸡 grilled spring chicken
焖鸡 braised chicken
家常焖鸡 braised chicken in home style
黄油焖鸡 braised chicken with butter
黄油焖笋鸡 braised spring chicken with butter
黄油焖鸡腿 braised chicken legs with butter
红焖鸡块 braised chicken chips
火锅鸡 podjarka chicken
罐焖鸡 chicken a la Duchesse
罐焖笋鸡 spring chicken a la Duchesse
高加索焖鸡 chicken a la Caucasus
比利时烩鸡 Belgian stewed chicken
奶油烩鸡片 stewed chicken slices with cream
米饭烩鸡鸭 stewed chicken and duck with rice
奶油烩鸡饭 stewed chicken and rice with cream
咖哩鸡饭 curry chicken with rice
细面条白汁鸡腿 chicken legs with spaghetti
鸡肉蛋奶酥 chicken souffle
烤鸭 roast duck
酸菜烤鸭 roast duck with sour cabbage
罐焖鸭 duck a la Duchesse
黄油汁煎鸭肝 fried duck liver with butter sauce
烤野鸭 roast wild duck
酸菜烤野鸭 roast wild duck with sour cabbage
蔬菜烤鸡鸭 roast chicken and duck with vegetables 野味 game
黄油焖鸽子 braised pigeon with butter; braised dove with butter
苹果汁烤火鸡 roast turkey with apple sauce
咸肉焖山猫 braised hare with bacon
山鸡串 pheasant shashlik
酸菜烤野鹅 roast wild goose with sour cabbage
烤仙鹤 roast crane
焖沙鸡 braised partridge
焖山鹑 braised partridge
奶油烩香肠 stewed sausage with cream
红烩灌肠 stewed sausage with brown sauce
红酒汁烩腰花 stewed kidney with red wine; kidney with red wine
奶油烩腰花 stewed kidney with cream; kidney with cream
芥末煎火腿豌豆 fried ham and peas with mustard
奶油煎火腿豌豆 fried ham and peas with cream
奶油汁煎牛肝 fried liver with cream sauce; liver with cream sauce
鸡蛋汁煎鲱鱼 fried herring with egg sauce
奶酪口蘑烤鱼 fish au gratin
奶酪口蘑烤蟹肉 crab meat au gratin
奶油奶酪口蘑烤蟹肉 crab meat au gratin with cream
清煎鸡蛋 fried eggs
咸肉煎蛋 fried eggs with bacon; bacon and eggs
番茄炒蛋 tomato omelette/omelet
 冷菜: 1.冷菜 cold dish
1)沙拉/沙拉/色拉 salad
火腿沙拉 ham salad
鸡沙拉 chicken salad
鸡脯沙拉 chicken-breast salad
鸡丝沙拉 shredded chicken salad
鸡蛋沙拉 egg salad
鱼片沙拉 fish salad
虾仁沙拉 shrimp salad
大虾沙拉 prawn salad
蟹肉沙拉 crab salad
素沙拉 vegetable salad
蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad
鲜蔬菜沙拉 fresh vegetable salad
黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad
鲜黄瓜沙拉 fresh cucumber salad
奶油黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad with cream
西红柿黄瓜沙拉 cucumber salad with tomato
西红柿沙拉 tomato salad
甜菜沙拉 beetroot salad
红菜头沙拉 beetroot salad
沙拉油 salad dressing; mayonnaise
沙拉酱 salad dressing; mayonnaise

2)肉 meat
冷杂拌肉 cold mixed meat
冷什锦肉 cold mixed meat
冷肉拼香肠 cold meat and sausage
冷火腿蔬菜 cold ham with vegetables
什锦肉冻 mixed meat jelly
肝泥 mashed liver; live paste
牛肝泥 mashed ox liver; ox liver paste
牛脑泥 mashed ox brain; ox brain paste
冷烤牛肉 cold roast beef
冷烤里脊 cold roast fillet
冷烤羔羊腿 cold roast lamb leg
冷烤猪肉 cold roast pork
冷烩茶肠 cold stewed sausage
冷茶肠 cold sausage
奶酪 cheese  3)鱼 fish
红烩鱼片 stewed fish slices with brown sauce
茄汁烩鱼片 stewed fish slices with tomato sauce
鸡蛋鲱鱼泥子 minced herring with eggs
鸡蛋托鲱鱼 herring on eggs
熏鲱鱼 smoked herring
熏鲤鱼 smoked carp
沙丁油鱼 sardines
鱼肉冻 fish jelly
酿馅鱼 stuffed fish
红鱼子酱 red caviar
黑鱼子酱 black caviar
大虾泥 minced prawns
蟹肉泥 minced crab meat

4)家禽 poultry
鸡肉冻 chicken jelly; chicken in aspic
水晶鸡 chicken in aspic
鸡肉泥 minced chicken meat; chicken paste
鸡肝泥 minced chicken liver; chicken liver paste
鸭肝泥 minced duck liver; duck liver paste
酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs
奶酪酿馅鸡蛋 stuffed eggs with cheese
酿馅鸡 stuffed chicken
冷烤油鸡蔬菜 cold roast chicken with vegetables
冷烤火鸡 cold roast turkey
冷烤山鸡 cold roast pheasant
冷烤野鸡 cold roast pheasant
冷烤鸭 cold roast duck
冷烤野鸭 cold roast wild duck
烤鸭冻粉 roast duck jelly
冷烤鹅 cold roast goose
冷烤野鹅 cold roast wild goose 5)素菜 vegetable dish
什锦蔬菜 assorted vegetables
红烩茄子 stewed egg-plant brown sauce
酿青椒 stuffed green pepper
酿西红柿 stuffed tomato
酸蘑菇 sour mushrooms
酸黄瓜 sour cucumbers; pickled cucumbers
泡菜 pickled cabbage; sour and sweet cabbage
火腿煎蛋 fried eggs with ham; ham and eggs
火腿蛋 fried eggs with ham; ham and eggs
咸肉煎蛋 fried eggs with bacon; bacon and eggs
香肠煎蛋 fried eggs with sausage; sausage and eggs
清炒鸡蛋 omelette/omelet
香肠炒蛋 sausage omelette/omelet
火腿炒蛋 ham omelette/omelet
番茄炒蛋 tomato omelette/omelet
菜花沙蛋 cauliflower omelette/omelet
豌豆炒蛋 green peas omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with green peas
鲜蘑炒蛋 mushroom omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with mushrooms
果酱炒蛋 jam omelette/omelet; omelette/omelet with jam vegetable dish
奶酪口蘑烤蔬菜 vegetables au gratin
黄油菜花 cauliflower with butter
黄油杂拌蔬菜 mixed vegetables with butter
菠菜卧果 spinach with poached egg
奶油汁烤口蘑 baked mushrooms with cream sauce
黄油炒口蘑 fried mushrooms with butter
黄油炒菠菜 fried spinach with butter
黄油炒豌豆 fried peas with butter
黄油炒青豆 fried green peas with butter
炒茄泥 fried mashed egg plants
炸茄子片 fried egg-plant slices
炸番茄 fried tomato
清煎土豆饼 fried potato cake
酿馅西葫芦 stuffed bottle gourd
焖洋白菜卷 braised cabbage rolls
家常焖洋白菜卷 braised cabbage rolls
烩茄子 stewed egg plants
奶油汁烩豌豆 stewed peas with cream sauce
扁豆炒蛋 omelette/omelet with green beans
咖哩素菜 curry vegetables  

apple core苹果核
apple juice苹果汁
apple skin苹果皮
apricot flesh杏肉
apricot pit杏核
areca nut槟榔子
banana skin香蕉皮
bargain price廉价
Beijing flowering crab海棠果
bitter orange酸橙
canned fruit罐头水果
cherry pit樱桃核
cherry pulp樱桃肉
Chinese chestnut板栗
Chinese date枣
Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃
Chinese walnut山核桃
coconut milk椰奶
coconut water椰子汁
cold storage冷藏
cold store冷藏库
damson plum西洋李子
Dangshan pear砀山梨
date pit枣核
decayed fruit烂果
downy pitch毛桃
dry fruit干果
first class一等地,甲等的
flat peach蟠桃
flesh fruit肉质果
fresh litchi鲜荔枝
fruit in bags袋装水果
fruit knife水果刀
fruits of the season应时水果
give full weigh分量准足
give short weight短斤缺两
grape juice葡萄汁
grape skin葡萄皮
Hami melon哈密瓜
honey peach水蜜桃
in season应时的
juicy peach水蜜桃
litchi rind荔枝皮
longan pulp桂圆肉,龙眼肉
navel orange脐橙
nut meat坚果仁
nut shell坚果壳
orange peel柑桔皮
red bayberry杨梅
reduced price处理价
rotten fruit烂果
seedless orange无核桔
tinned fruit罐头水果
walnut kernel核桃仁
water chestnut荸荠
watermelon西瓜 durian 榴莲



  油edible oil盐salt 酱油soy sauce 醋vinegar

  葱green onion 姜ginger 蒜garlic 辣椒chili pepper

  味精MSG =monosodium glutamate

  胡椒pepper 咖喱curry 芥末mustard

  番茄酱 ketchup 橄榄油 olive oil


  酸 sour

  甜 sweet

  苦 bitter

  辣 spicy / hot

  咸 salty


  吃醋 be jealous of a rival in love

  吃苦 bear hardships 或者have a rough time.

  吃香 be very popular

  to add some spice to one’s life 为某人的生活

4、美国的烧烤酱汁barbecue sauce的做法

  洋葱 onion

  可口可乐 Coca-Cola

  番茄酱 ketchup

  醋 vinegar

  盐 salt

  甜椒粉 red pepper powder

  辣椒酱 chili sauce






  "坏蛋" jerk

  "好蛋" good egg

  "笨蛋" fool

  "滚蛋" get out

  "捣蛋鬼" troublemaker


  Don't count the chickens

  before they're hatched.


  It's a chicken and egg problem.


  egg sb.on 鼓励某人

  walk on eggshells小心翼翼的