
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 18:10:02

  In the United States was the subprime crisis, the European sovereign debt crisis erupted, face spread the global financial crisis, the international gentlemen to its essence.In the years 2011 not inventory of international economic situation, we from the social KeXueBao "and" reference message "XuanZhai some foreign scholars of the article, look how they know the continue to international financial crisis.

Adam Smith and David ricardian such classical political economists, never used alone "economic" one word.They always use the term "political economy".From the economics and political science from the politics of economics are not understand, political system and economic system connected with each other, and dependent on each other.

At present, the global economic crisis spread its essence is a political and economic crisis.Although, the crisis in the United States and Europe have different performance, serious degree also each are not identical, but with a Shared the overriding theme: that is reflected the political order and the relationship between the economic life.The world, at least in major economies, are facing a political and economic crisis.

  The United States:

  Political elite and financial elite their conquerors

As is known to all, the financial crisis originated from the U.S. credit crisis.Rather, the U.S. financial system is the culprit.U.S. financial institutions issued a large paper assets, while the paper asset value depends on all the way walk high housing prices.These financial institutions to give that prices do not fall, however, this is just an assumption that no basis.House price or fall, the value of assets that paper also become impossible to determine.This makes the financial system paralyzed.Because many European financial institutions has also bought paper assets, so the crisis spread quickly to Europe.

From the perspective of economics, this really is a financial crisis.But it from the political economics to people raises a question--control of Wall Street financial elite behavior is it legal?The financial system in crisis, financial elite bear an unshirkable responsibility.We should not be questioned financial instruments, and should question those financial elite and the power of the credit.They gain a violation of the trust because almost all of the standards for the industry, the social and moral responsibility of all behind.

Behind this huge hidden political crisis.Now, the U.S. political system can quell crisis in at the same time, let the crisis first to bear corresponding responsibility?The result was a disappointment, based on the existing laws, financial crisis in the relevant personnel shall not accept any criminal responsibility.Why the American political system, the lack of financial elite defined action is legal laws?Don't political elite and financial elite are birds of a feather flock together, in ss17?

So, trust crisis from the financial system extends to the political system.The United States government in September 2008 starting to take action to deal with the financial crisis.At that time, a lot of people hope the government took measures to disciplinary left the mess elite, but ultimately the and no below.On a large amount of capital injection to stabilize the financial system, political elite tacitly financial elite continues to manage the financial system.The leading to the political elite to crisis of confidence.Because of the political elite, with tea party movement underway arose.European Union:

  Distrust caused survival crisis

In Europe, sovereign debt problems triggered a financial crisis at first, and then bring the political crisis.The European economy by the U.S. financial crisis of the influence of the recession, the decline of the European economic and deepen the political crisis.In comparison with America, Europe's crisis more severe, because the European not as a whole and each Banks diplomacy, and need to European countries with their own bank to negotiate.The European central bank has issued out of the crisis policy tend to favouring the northern Europe, especially in Germany.The recession which other European countries more grave crisis.The Greek debt crisis is a typical example.

On Greek debt crisis, there are two kinds of views.Germany is that people have more familiar.Germany thinks, the Greek government irresponsible behavior makes Greece into sovereign debt crisis.The Greek government regardless of financial status and continue to maintain extensive social welfare spending, eventually led to the debt crisis.

To this, the Greek people hold different opinions.The Greek think, Germany to lure the European Union favoritism Germany.Germany is the second only to China's and America's third export power.Through the free trade area, Germany for its commodities quickly occupied the market.This is hidden in the German economic prosperity behind the secret.However, once the crisis hit, because the monetary policy was the European central bank controls, Greece have no ability to its currency devaluation;Germany has the ability to continue to export, Greece but no ability to control its exports.All these exacerbated the Greek economic recession, which eventually led to the Greek sovereign debt crisis.

Both Germany and Greece however, which is true to say is not the key to the problem.The key is Europe are faced with two games because of economic reasons and the political crisis.A is similar to the U.S. crisis-it is widely believed that Europe's political elite and financial elite root are birds of a feather flock together;Another crisis it is entirely typical of the European crisis-part of the European countries have begun to distrust, probably evolved into the European Union a survival crisis.

  The third wave crisis:

  Questioned the legitimacy of the political elite

The political elite to financial elite control in a different way to occur in the United States, Europe, this is politics before the economic crisis with a sieve.America's political elite regulating financial institutions, to stimulate the economy, to strengthen the control of economic department;Europe's political elite had substantial to manipulate the economy, they began to think of how to more effectively control the economy for maximum benefit.Either the United States or Europe, economy by political manipulation.

A political and economic crisis has spread to the United States and Europe.The economic crisis and save room, the consequences of political crisis is the most terrible.Because with the weakening of the political elite forces, they would lose control of the other class elite ability.

Then, it may appear the third crisis-the ruling elite of the legal status may be moved to the opposition may instead for some common interests together.

Adam Smith's followers might have thought that the economy is in political and independent existence from a field, but they don't really read Adam Smith.Adam Smith is much more than the esoteric, so he put his classic book call it "the wealth of nations, both for wealth, is also about countries.The current crisis of the many problems, and we can from the political economics classic find the answers.George friedman (American strategic forecasting company President)

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