最近中国哪里地震了:给脑卒中(中风)病人家属的建议〔英文 〕

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/05 09:17:57


(Des suggestions pour les membres famille de patient d'attaque cérébrale/Some suggestions for family members of stroke patient)


Technorati 标签: Stroke , hemiplegy , paralyse , cerebral , patient

My mother had a stroke two months ago, the stroke took place on the second day after we got into the hospital, and therefore i expeirenced the entire unexpected course watching the disease falling and hitting her down to hemiplegy and deprived her ability to speak. After a whole month's treatment in hospital,now she has returned home for a lasting and long-term care and recovery. While looking back into the whole course of her treatment, i found problems and also pitties, and if some of thses problems had been avoided,through certain intervention of the family members,such as myself, it would have more or less reduced her pain and the sequela might have been eased.I concluded these problems as suggestions herebelow for consideration and reference of those famlies which also had a stroke patient hosptalized or already back at home:

1) Never go to see a doctor without lately clinical experience: Before my mother was hospitalized, she already had some slight pre-symptons of stroke(such as TIA,numb in tongue,fingers and toes,etc). I took her twice to see doctor and we twice chose the same doctor who is titled as a "well-known and experienced old expert" in a well-known hospital of Chengdu. This doctor didn't give any special opinion about my mother's symptoms nor adivse any examination such as CT or MCR,nor suggest her to hospitalization,just gave her some basic medicine. Now i know that those so-called "experts" are just some retired old doctors or professors re-hired back by the hospital. Experienced though they are undoubtedly, i guess they might possibly haven't seen a sickbed for quite a long time. However, several days later,at the third time i took my mother to the clinic,for her symptoms(some temporary symptoms) was getting worse and frequent, it was a young doctor,whom i later saw in the ward of Nerve Internal Medicine as a team leader,and her first adivce was "get hospitalized all at once!". Such different judgements thrilled me! Why such an opinion had not been given just several days before? What would those delayed days mean to a stroke patient? I think the doctor know clearer than i do. Deviation in judgement of a doctor really does matter for a patient.

2) Ask for oxygen therapy whenever a pre-sympton of stroke appears: At the first day of hospitalization, we got to the ward in the afternoon,at that time it was all ok for my mom, she was not yet paralysed then. In that whole afternoon and evening, everything seemed all right and going peacefully and, she really did not look like a patient at all. She talked with the doctor about her symptoms and later we went downstairs to the cantine for a supper together,i remember that her appetite was good, and in the evening she even placed a telephone call back home to arrange some trivia. The only thing that i felt a little enomous was that she kept yawning from time to time,like having not slept well the last night.I went to the doctor and told him about that, and he said nothing but asked us to keep caution of furthur symptoms. Afterwards,when stroke really fell on mom, i realized that oxygen therapy should be applied earlier against her yawning, for i saw the neighbouring wardmate always began to frequent yawn after taking off the oxygen tube, but when she wore it back,her yawning stopped. The fact made me believe that oxygen really helps.The doctor didn't adivsed to apply,nor me too. Obviously it was not a fault of either party,but it did leave me a little bit regret,for after all that i was the carer. Anyway,the doctor might not recognized my simple conclusion,he might say that it helps little, but for the family of patient, every detail that helps shall be noticed, pondered and timely suggested to the doctor for his professional consideration,so as to achieve a possibly better prognosis.I do not mean to intervene the doctor's treatment,but do remember that a doctor is also a human being who neglects and forgets too.

3) The day getting into the hospital is the beginning ,but not the end, for the family members to learn about relevant clinical and medical knowledge:I did very wrong about this,before mom was hospitalized,i had searched a lot information from Internet about TIA but little for stroke,for i always willingly thought her case was just a simple TIA,and was not quite possibly developing to apoplex(stroke). Not untill the doctor suggested her to hospitalization,had i realize how bad the situation was. And even worse it was,i gave up further effort to learn more about the disease, for i took it for granted that doctors would take care of all these things for mom.Anyway just as I had mentioned above,the doctors may also neglect and forget,they also need reminders ,suggestions and even more importantly,they need some extra and first-hand information from somebody else for treatment decision. So it's very important for family members to have adequate relevant knowledge, at least, those major concepts,routines,treatment tactics and impacts. Luckily,  I remidied all these later when i realized how important they are and once i even suggested to the doctor about the time to stop transfusion,which seemed not so necessary and led to the dysphoria of mom,and the doctor adopted my opinion.

4) Don't forbid a stroke patient to fulfill their everyday activities: My mother is stubborn,either before the stroke or after.She insisted on urinating in the toilet instead of using a urinal,like many other paitents did, although the stroke had made her unable to get up from the bed and i also thought it would be a great pain for her to walk to the bathroom at a corner of the ward.Such stuborness however brought a lot of benefit for her recovery. Now she can stand up already and make a stride with some support.What if we had made her lying on bed all days and nights or if she were even willing to? Can't imagine. My point is that some willful and stuborn resolves of a patient ,especially a stroke patient, would somehow do good to his or her recovery,don't try to deprive this from him or her,because that's the very tiny spark in his or her heart to be brought up as a fire of strong will to win against the pain and disease.

Finally, wish that every one who is taking care of patient feel real happiness during the course to look after the one .
