世界杯欧洲预选赛冰岛:lzw压缩算法的c语言实现 - soubam software workshop

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 20:14:55

1 程序由五个模块组成。

(1)  lzw.h      定义了一些基本的数据结构,常量,还有变量的初始化等。

#ifndef __LZW_H__
#define __LZW_H__
#define LZW_BASE    0x102//  The code base
#define CODE_LEN       12   //  Max code length
#define TABLE_LEN      4099 // It must be prime number and bigger than 2^CODE_LEN=4096.
       // Such as 5051 is also ok.
#define BUFFERSIZE     1024
typedef struct
    HANDLE      h_sour;  // Source file handle.
    HANDLE      h_dest;  // Destination file handle.
    HANDLE      h_suffix; // Suffix table handle.
    HANDLE      h_prefix; // Prefix table handle.
    HANDLE      h_code;  // Code table handle.
    LPWORD      lp_prefix; // Prefix table head pointer.
    LPBYTE      lp_suffix; // Suffix table head pointer.
    LPWORD      lp_code; // Code table head pointer.

    WORD        code;
    WORD        prefix;
    BYTE        suffix;

    BYTE        cur_code_len; // Current code length.[ used in Dynamic-Code-Length mode ]


typedef struct
    WORD        top;
    WORD        index;

    LPBYTE      lp_buffer;
    HANDLE      h_buffer;
    BYTE        by_left;
    DWORD       dw_buffer;

    BOOL        end_flag;


typedef struct                  //Stack used in decode
 WORD        index;
 HANDLE      h_stack;
 LPBYTE      lp_stack;

VOID stack_create( PSTACK_DATA stack )
 stack->h_stack  = GlobalAlloc( GHND , TABLE_LEN*sizeof(BYTE) );
 stack->lp_stack = GlobalLock( stack->h_stack );
 stack->index = 0;
VOID stack_destory( PSTACK_DATA stack )
 GlobalUnlock( stack->h_stack );
    GlobalFree  ( stack->h_stack );
VOID buffer_create( PBUFFER_DATA    buffer )
    buffer->h_buffer   = GlobalAlloc(  GHND,  BUFFERSIZE*sizeof(BYTE)  );
    buffer->lp_buffer  = GlobalLock( buffer->h_buffer );
    buffer->top        = 0;
    buffer->index      = 0;
    buffer->by_left    = 0;
    buffer->dw_buffer  = 0;
    buffer->end_flag   = FALSE;
VOID buffer_destory( PBUFFER_DATA   buffer )
    GlobalUnlock( buffer->h_buffer );
    GlobalFree  ( buffer->h_buffer );
VOID re_init_lzw( PLZW_DATA lzw )    //When code table reached its top it should
{                                    //be reinitialized.     
    memset( lzw->lp_code, 0xFFFF, TABLE_LEN*sizeof(WORD) );
    lzw->code          = LZW_BASE;
    lzw->cur_code_len  = 9;
VOID lzw_create(PLZW_DATA    lzw,    HANDLE h_sour,    HANDLE h_dest)
 WORD i;
    lzw->h_code        = GlobalAlloc( GHND, TABLE_LEN*sizeof(WORD) );
    lzw->h_prefix      = GlobalAlloc( GHND, TABLE_LEN*sizeof(WORD) );
    lzw->h_suffix      = GlobalAlloc( GHND, TABLE_LEN*sizeof(BYTE) );
    lzw->lp_code       = GlobalLock( lzw->h_code   );
    lzw->lp_prefix     = GlobalLock( lzw->h_prefix );
    lzw->lp_suffix     = GlobalLock( lzw->h_suffix );
    lzw->code          = LZW_BASE;
    lzw->cur_code_len  = 9;
    lzw->h_sour        = h_sour;
    lzw->h_dest        = h_dest;
    memset( lzw->lp_code, 0xFFFF, TABLE_LEN*sizeof(WORD) );

VOID lzw_destory(PLZW_DATA    lzw)

    GlobalUnlock( lzw->h_code   );
    GlobalUnlock( lzw->h_prefix );
    GlobalUnlock( lzw->h_suffix );
 GlobalFree( lzw->h_code  );
    GlobalFree( lzw->h_prefix );
    GlobalFree( lzw->h_suffix );   

(2) fileio.h   定义了一些文件操作

#ifndef __FILEIO_H__
#define __FILEIO_H__
HANDLE  file_handle(CHAR* file_name)
    HANDLE h_file;
    h_file = CreateFile(file_name,
    return h_file;
WORD load_buffer(HANDLE h_sour, PBUFFER_DATA buffer)  // Load file to buffer
    DWORD ret;
    buffer->index = 0;
    buffer->top = (WORD)ret;
    return (WORD)ret;
WORD empty_buffer( PLZW_DATA lzw, PBUFFER_DATA buffer)// Output buffer to file
    DWORD ret;
    if(buffer->end_flag) // The flag mark the end of decode
  if( buffer->by_left )
   buffer->lp_buffer[ buffer->index++ ] = (BYTE)( buffer->dw_buffer >> 32-buffer->by_left )<<(8-buffer->by_left);
 WriteFile(lzw->h_dest, buffer->lp_buffer,buffer->index,&ret,NULL);
    buffer->index = 0;
    buffer->top = ret;
    return (WORD)ret;

(3) hash.h  定义了压缩时所用的码表操作函数,为了快速查找使用了hash算法,还有处理hash冲突的函数

#ifndef __HASH_H__
#define __HASH_H__
#define   DIV       TABLE_LEN
#define   HASHSTEP  13         // It should bigger than 0.
WORD get_hash_index( PLZW_DATA lzw )
    DWORD tmp;
    WORD result;
    DWORD prefix;
    DWORD suffix;
    prefix = lzw->prefix;
    suffix = lzw->suffix;
    tmp = prefix<<8 | suffix;
    result = tmp % DIV;
    return result;
WORD re_hash_index( WORD hash ) // If hash conflict occured we must recalculate
{                               // hash index .
    WORD result;
    result = hash + HASHSTEP;
    result = result % DIV;
    return result;
BOOL in_table( PLZW_DATA lzw ) // To find whether current code is already in table.
    BOOL result;
    WORD hash;

    hash = get_hash_index( lzw );
    if( lzw->lp_code[ hash ] == 0xFFFF )
        result = FALSE;   
        if( lzw->lp_prefix[ hash ] == lzw->prefix &&
            lzw->lp_suffix[ hash ] == lzw->suffix )
            result = TRUE;
            result = FALSE;
            while( lzw->lp_code[ hash ] != 0xFFFF )
                if( lzw->lp_prefix[ hash ] == lzw->prefix &&
                    lzw->lp_suffix[ hash ] == lzw->suffix )
                        result = TRUE;
                hash = re_hash_index( hash );
    return result;
WORD get_code( PLZW_DATA lzw )
    WORD hash;
    WORD code;
    hash = get_hash_index( lzw );
    if( lzw->lp_prefix[ hash ] == lzw->prefix &&
        lzw->lp_suffix[ hash ] == lzw->suffix )
        code = lzw->lp_code[ hash ];
        while( lzw->lp_prefix[ hash ] != lzw->prefix ||
               lzw->lp_suffix[ hash ] != lzw->suffix )
                hash = re_hash_index( hash );   
        code = lzw->lp_code[ hash ];
    return code;
VOID insert_table( PLZW_DATA lzw )
    WORD hash;
    hash = get_hash_index( lzw );
    if( lzw->lp_code[ hash ] == 0xFFFF )
        lzw->lp_prefix[ hash ] = lzw->prefix;
        lzw->lp_suffix[ hash ] = lzw->suffix;
        lzw->lp_code[ hash ]   = lzw->code;
        while( lzw->lp_code[ hash ] != 0xFFFF )
                hash = re_hash_index( hash );   
        lzw->lp_prefix[ hash ] = lzw->prefix;
        lzw->lp_suffix[ hash ] = lzw->suffix;
        lzw->lp_code[ hash ]   = lzw->code;



(4) encode.h  压缩程序主函数

#ifndef __ENCODE_H__
#define __ENCODE_H__

VOID output_code( DWORD code ,PBUFFER_DATA out, PLZW_DATA lzw)
    out->dw_buffer |= code << ( 32 - out->by_left - lzw->cur_code_len );
    out->by_left += lzw->cur_code_len;

    while( out->by_left >= 8 )
        if( out->index == BUFFERSIZE )
            empty_buffer( lzw,out);

        out->lp_buffer[ out->index++ ] = (BYTE)( out->dw_buffer >> 24 );
        out->dw_buffer <<= 8;
        out->by_left -= 8;
    WORD prefix;
    while( in->index != in->top )
        if( !in_table(lzw) )
                // current code not in code table
                // then add it to table and output prefix

                prefix = lzw->suffix;
                output_code( lzw->prefix ,out ,lzw );

                if( lzw->code == (WORD)1<< lzw->cur_code_len )
                    // code reached current code top(1<                    // then current code length add one
     if( lzw->cur_code_len == CODE_LEN + 1 )
      re_init_lzw( lzw );

                // current code already in code table
                // then output nothing
                prefix = get_code(lzw);

        lzw->prefix = prefix;
        lzw->suffix = in->lp_buffer[ in->index++ ];

VOID encode(HANDLE h_sour,HANDLE h_dest)
    LZW_DATA        lzw;
    BUFFER_DATA     in ;
    BUFFER_DATA     out;
    BOOL first_run = TRUE;

    lzw_create( &lzw ,h_sour,h_dest );
    buffer_create( &in );
    buffer_create( &out );

    while( load_buffer( h_sour, &in ) )
        if( first_run )
        {// File length should be considered  but here we simply
         // believe file length bigger than 2 bytes.
                lzw.prefix = in.lp_buffer[ in.index++ ];
                lzw.suffix = in.lp_buffer[ in.index++ ];
                first_run = FALSE;
        do_encode(&in , &out, &lzw);
 output_code(lzw.prefix, &out , &lzw);
 output_code(lzw.suffix, &out , &lzw);
 out.end_flag = TRUE;
    empty_buffer( &lzw,&out);

    lzw_destory( &lzw );
    buffer_destory( &in );
    buffer_destory( &out );



(5) decode.h  解压函数主函数

#ifndef __DECODE_H__
#define __DECODE_H__
VOID out_code( WORD code ,PBUFFER_DATA buffer,PLZW_DATA lzw,PSTACK_DATA stack)
 WORD tmp;
 if( code < 0x100 )
  stack->lp_stack[ stack->index++ ] = code;
   stack->lp_stack[ stack->index++ ] = lzw->lp_suffix[ code ];
   tmp = lzw->lp_prefix[ code ];
   while( tmp > 0x100 )
    stack->lp_stack[ stack->index++ ] = lzw->lp_suffix[ tmp ];
    tmp = lzw->lp_prefix[ tmp ];
   stack->lp_stack[ stack->index++ ] = (BYTE)tmp;


 while( stack->index )
  if( buffer->index == BUFFERSIZE )
  buffer->lp_buffer[ buffer->index++ ] = stack->lp_stack[ --stack->index ] ;
VOID insert_2_table(PLZW_DATA lzw )

 lzw->lp_code[ lzw->code ]   = lzw->code;
 lzw->lp_prefix[ lzw->code ] = lzw->prefix;
 lzw->lp_suffix[ lzw->code ] = lzw->suffix;

 if( lzw->code == ((WORD)1<cur_code_len)-1 )
  if( lzw->cur_code_len == CODE_LEN+1 )
      lzw->cur_code_len = 9;
 if(lzw->code >= 1< {

WORD get_next_code( PBUFFER_DATA buffer , PLZW_DATA lzw )

 BYTE next;
 WORD code;
 while( buffer->by_left < lzw->cur_code_len )
  if( buffer->index == BUFFERSIZE )
   load_buffer( lzw->h_sour, buffer );
  next = buffer->lp_buffer[ buffer->index++ ];
  buffer->dw_buffer |= (DWORD)next << (24-buffer->by_left);
  buffer->by_left   += 8;
 code = buffer->dw_buffer >> ( 32 - lzw->cur_code_len );
 buffer->dw_buffer <<= lzw->cur_code_len;
 buffer->by_left    -= lzw->cur_code_len;

 return code;
 WORD code;
 WORD tmp;
 while( in->index != in->top  )
  code = get_next_code( in ,lzw );

  if( code < 0x100 )
   // code already in table
   // then simply output the code
   lzw->suffix = (BYTE)code;
   if( code < lzw->code  )
    // code also in table
    // then output code chain
    tmp = lzw->lp_prefix[ code ];
    while( tmp > 0x100 )
     tmp = lzw->lp_prefix[ tmp ];
    lzw->suffix = (BYTE)tmp;
    // code == lzw->code
    // code not in table
    // add code into table
    // and out put code
    tmp = lzw->prefix;
    while( tmp > 0x100 )
     tmp = lzw->lp_prefix[ tmp ];
    lzw->suffix = (BYTE)tmp;
  insert_2_table( lzw );

  lzw->prefix = code;


VOID decode( HANDLE h_sour, HANDLE h_dest )
    LZW_DATA        lzw;
    BUFFER_DATA     in ;
    BUFFER_DATA     out;
 STACK_DATA      stack;
 BOOL   first_run;

 first_run = TRUE;

    lzw_create( &lzw ,h_sour,h_dest );
    buffer_create( &in );
    buffer_create( &out );
 stack_create(&stack );

    while( load_buffer( h_sour, &in ) )
  if( first_run )
   lzw.prefix = get_next_code( &in, &lzw );
   lzw.suffix = lzw.prefix;
   out_code(lzw.prefix, &out, &lzw , &stack);
   first_run = FALSE;
        do_decode(&in , &out, &lzw, &stack);

    empty_buffer( &lzw,&out);

    lzw_destory( &lzw );
    buffer_destory( &in );
    buffer_destory( &out );
 stack_destory( &stack);


2  下面给出一个应用上面模块的简单例子


#include "lzw.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "fileio.h"
#include "encode.h"
#include "decode.h"

HANDLE h_file_sour; 
HANDLE h_file_dest;
HANDLE h_file;
CHAR*  file_name_in = "d:\\code.c";
CHAR*  file_name_out= "d:\\encode.e";
CHAR*  file_name    = "d:\\decode.d";

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    h_file_sour = file_handle(file_name_in);
    h_file_dest = file_handle(file_name_out);
    h_file     = file_handle(file_name);

  encode(h_file_sour, h_file_dest); 
// decode(h_file_dest,h_file);


  return 0;     

3  后语
