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英语高考书面表达高分突破  一、高考作文用语:  1.表转折 however on the contrary ,on the contrary,in spite of,  2.表递进 what’s more furthermore besides what’s worse(坏的事情递进)  3.表“和” as well as together with along with  4.表“导致” lead to result in  5.表“进展” make progress get along with  6.表“结果” as a result  7.表“总结” in all in short in all in conclusion...In brief  8. 表“选择、好恶” would rather…than… prefer…to… instead of  9. 表“顺序”  10. 表“变化、发展” Great changes have taken place in…  Tiangjin has taken on a new look.  Great changes have taken place in Beijing..  Tiangjin is not(no longer)what it used to be.  Gone are the days when I had to got up very early.  12.表“原因” thanks to,due to、owing to  13. 表“一…就…” as soon as the moment… the minute… immediately…  14.表“尽最大努力” I will go all out to help you.  Every means has been tried to prevent pollution from spreading.  I will do what I can to help you with your English.  I will spare no efforts to improve my spoken English.  He made great efforts to improve his English.  15. 表“事情两个方面”  Every coin has two sides.  on one hand…on the other hand,  16. 图、图标类开头或另起一段时用  As is shown in the picture(survey)...As is seen in the picture(survey)...  17.表“随着时间推移、流逝”  As time goes(went) on,(As time went by),he became interested in English.  二、书面表达建议:  1.名词比动词好  I suggest that we to there right now.  -------My suggestion is that we go there right now.  2.插入比前置好  I am sure that he will get there ahead of tome.  -------He ,I am sure, will get there ahead of time.  3.倒装句式比陈述式好  An old man sat in front of the house.  -------In front of the house sat an old man.  4.被动比主动好  He told me to get there on time.  -----I was told to get there on time.  It is suggested that we will do what we can to help him.  He is supposed to get down to work the minute he gets there.  5.否定比肯定好(英语作文 www.yingyuzuowen.com)  We will make every effort to prevent pollution from spreading.  -----We will spare no efforts to prevent pollution from spreading.  6.拟人修辞手段比非拟人要好  This summer, the most serious flood happened in its history and many of its buildings were damaged.  -----This summer, this city saw the most serious flood in its history and many of its buildings were damaged.  The sunset at 10:30 pm found the boat struggling into more terrible weather.  3.作文开头一定要认真写,想几个高级词汇、复杂结构。书写要公正,以便给阅卷人良好印象。  三、书面表达策略  一).回避策略  降低自己的汉语水平,想一想实际想表达的含义。用简单的词或句式代替比较难的。具体可采用同义词、近义词、反义词、词性转换或进行解释。  练习:  1.我是出来打酱油的。  2.神马都是浮云。  3.他在聚精会神的听老师讲课。 4.那人倍儿哏。  5.我会不遗余力的帮助你。  6.他学习勤奋。  7.我迫不及待的想见到他。  二)高级词汇和复杂结构策略  为了使书面表达语言丰富、形式多样,从词汇使用上要用高级词汇,句式上要用复杂结构。以便书面表达得到比较高的分数。  方式:高级词汇。句式:分词、倒装、被动、从句等。  练习:  1.我有一本书,我还有一本词典。  2.我不在屋里看电视,我要出去打篮球。  3.他进屋之后,他打开了电视。  3.他比较聪明,而且他很勤奋。  4.虽然下雨了,他还是按时赶到学校。  5.他很少去看电影。  6.在湖的周围有很多树。  7.我们要尽全力制止污染。  8.我建议我们早点出发。
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