冰鸟翼龙皮肤绝版了?:密友、蓝颜知己、梦中情人 的英文

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 18:35:05


比如"homey",它是从"homeboy "演变过来的。拆开来看"home"是"家"的意思,"boy"是男孩的意思,合起来的意思也不难猜,"homeboy "指的是"从家乡来的老朋友"或者"老邻居"。这说法最初多见与美国黑人中间。但现代美国青年不但将两个词压缩,而且把意思也改了,"homey"变成了老朋友的意思,而且一般都指男性密友,属于那种没有恋爱关系,但又亲密无间的好友,类似与中文的"蓝颜知己"的用法。比如说"Hey, homey, what's up?"(嘿,老朋友,怎么样了?)。


另外一个美国年轻人交友常用的词是"crush"。比如" He has a huge crush on her."不能理解成"他狠狠地挤压她",这里"crush"不是挤压的意思,而是当作"喜欢,暗恋"讲,尤其指异性之间浪漫青涩的感情。成熟的恋情则要用"love"而不能用"crush"了。"crush"既能当动词又能当名词。例如"Before we went out, I had a crush on him for almost a year!"(开始交往之前,我偷偷喜欢他一年了!)"crush"当名词也可指暗恋的人,即"梦中情人"。例如"My heart broke when I found out my crush was seeing another person!"(听说我的梦中情人在和别人约会,我伤心极了。)    梦中情人 Dream Lover:赖世雄精讲英文歌曲  本曲大意


Every night I hope and pray a dream lover will come my way. A girl to hold in my arms and know the magic of her charms. Cause I want a girl to call my own. I wanna dream lover so I dont have to dream alone.
Dream lover, where are you, with a love, oh, so true? And the hand that I can hold to feel you near as I grow old? Cause I want a girl to call my own. I wanna dream lover so I dont have to dream alone.
Someday, I dont know how, I hope shell hear my plea. Someway, I dont know how, shell bring her love to me.
Dream lover, until then Ill go to sleep and dream again. Thats the only thing to do, till all my lovers dreams come true. Cause I want a girl to call my own. I wanna dream lover so I dont have to dream alone.
(Please dont make me dream alone.)
(I beg you: dont make me dream alone.)



1.Every night I hope and pray a dream lover will come my way.
→Every night I hope and pray that the girl that will belong to me will show up one day.
come ones way  来到某人身旁
例:Janet is waiting for an ideal job to come her way.

2.A girl to hold in my arms and know the magic of her charms.
→She will be the girl to be held in my arms and to let me know the magic of her charms.

a.hold sb in ones arms  将某人抱在怀里
例:Tom held Amy in his arms and whispered in her ear.

b.magic  n. 魔法; 魔力

c.charm  n. 魅力; 妩媚 & vt. 使……着迷
be charmed with/by...  对……着迷
例:I cant resist the charms of that beautiful girl.(我无法抗拒那女孩的魅力。)
I was charmed with the elegance of that girl.(那女孩的优雅气质让我着迷。)

3.Cause I want a girl to call my own.
→I hope and pray that a dream lover will come my way because I want a girl to call my own.
want a girl to call my own  想要一个属于自己的女孩
=want a girl who belongs to me
have sth to call sb/sth ones own  将某人/某物据为己有
例:After moving into an apartment by himself, Jack felt he had a place to call his own.

4.I wanna dream lover...  
=I want a dream lover...我要一个梦中情人……

5.Dream lover, where are you, with a love, oh, so true?
=My dream lover should be a girl that is true to me. Where can I find such a girl?
true  a. 忠实的 (与介词to并用)
be true to sb  对某人忠实
例:Honey, Ill be true to you all my life.
  =Honey, Ill be faithful to you all my life.(亲爱的,我一辈子都会对妳忠实。)

6.plea  n. 恳求; 诉求
plead  vi. 诉求 (常与介词with并用, 形成下列词组)
plead with sb to V  恳求某人从事……
例:Mr. Brown assigned more homework, ignoring the pleas of his students.
I pleaded with her to marry me.  =I asked her to marry me.(我恳求她嫁给我。)

7.Dream lover, until then Ill go to sleep and dream again.
→Dream lover, until the time I find you, Ill go to sleep and dream again.
→Dream lover, Ill go to sleep and dream again until I can find you.