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来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/14 06:40:22
1.long for      =    desire  =     aspire (vi)     =   be eager for    =   yearn for     = thirst  for  = hunger for 2.in this respect3.as regard:  就。。。而言  = concerning   =  in connection4. cut off5.the flower of : the finest and best part of: 精华6.a terror to u: 是你害怕的7.in infancy =in early childhood: 很小的时候8. recipe for sth: ....的办法9.on the ground(s) that            on the ground10.guard against sth/ doing sth11.direct to12.become indifferent to13.owing to14.born of sth15.in this sphere:在这一领域 在这一方面16.it is no use doing sth  =    it si no good doing sth:做....是没有用的17. in the thought that: 当想到...18.know joys and sorrows:经历过悲欢19.bit by bit20.have it in one to do sth              be in one to do sth:有能力做... 21.hither and  thither: 忽东忽西, 四处 22.in mystic miniature:以神奇的 微观的形式23. make a mockery of24.at any rate  =   in any case =   at all events(adv)     =on all accounts   = anyhow   =whatever happens25.by choice     =  deliberately= as a matter of preference  =           on purpose 26.deliberate=  = aforethought   --  prepense     intentional27.by necessity 28.hit on     hit upon 29.well and good30.work one's way to/     work one's way around31.decree that32.remind me of sth :使我想起了 ...33. go into  (时间。资源。精力)用于...  / 用来做...34.bear down upon sb/sth:  (气势汹汹 )冲向,  逼近35.put in : 一层意思 是     靠岸,入港36.moor to:将(船)系泊在....37.a flight of stairs /steps :一层 楼梯。 一段台阶    a flight of steps38.lead up to =  通向 =   go up to39.break over40.outlined agains sth: 背景显示出....轮廓41 busy oneself with sth   =     busy oneself in sth    = busy oneself( in )doing  sth :忙于...42.above all43.attend to:负责处理44.at regular intervals: 每隔一段距离, 每隔一段时间45.compare with = 跟..相比                                                 不等于吧? compare to     :把..比喻为46.draw forth  draw out47.inclination to do sth48.as it were     =                 seemingly49.confer sth upon /on sb50.toil51.scud52.deliberate                                exalt :praise highly                   exult:: rejoice ,show delight53.make a living54.hold a concert: 举行音乐会55.strike a musical compositon into being:演奏乐曲56.look the other up and down: 上下打量57. attend to the lighthouse : 看管灯塔58.grizzled beard        grizzle 59.a sparsely settled place          densely populated cities60.offer tobacco:让烟61.add up62.she is associated with..... = connected with63.take possession64.as an accompaniment of:随..而来。 65.gain currency :开始流行66.rest on67.and the like68.obtain a hearing :获得解释的机会69.play a part70. look upon as71. strictly speaking     =        in strict truth:严格地说 72.in  such  a way as to  quickly leave  : 以能够 快速离开的方式 73.succeed in doing sth 74 convert into   = change into75.   be(of) service to :有助于76. is  a blessing to u :对你来说是福 77.let/turn sth loose   =   let sth  go free  释放, 任...发泄, 发出78.It is founded upon   it is based on  : 建立在....之上 79.appetite for  :a strong desire for 80.put /set this machine in motion: 使机器 开始运作81.as yet: until now82. at home 83.widest acceptance84.exploit the people:剥削人民85.alter hte conception86.have an established place :占据一席之地87.insatiable appetite: 无尽的欲望88.subsidize 89. distinguished themselves  in the war : distinguish  oneself  (因善于)受人瞩目,出名90.distinguish right from wrong: 辨清是非91.He can not distinguish between a genuine antique and a reproduction:       不能鉴别赝品 92.he liked to measure hie strength against other's:     measure against:  对照...来评价93.come by   :得到                      he came by the data from various sources 94.money that is easily come by is lightly valued:轻易来的钱是不会珍惜的 95.how people design computer games is beyond me : 为某人所不能理解 96.It's beyond me why she wants to marry him 97.consequently               Such matters transcend man's knowledge:    超出了人类的 理解范围 98.she is bereft of reason                         bereft of speech  :失去说话的能力                   bereft of hope: 失去希望 99.he always latches onto me  : 纠缠我:               latch   onto sb100. I haven't really latched onto what you mean .   latch onto sth