少女终末旅行 6 插曲:The Tournament of Roses玫瑰·皇后·花车——美国『玫瑰选拔赛』

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 03:05:04
The Tournament of Roses玫瑰·皇后·花车——美国『玫瑰选拔赛』 by Rebecca A. Fratzke
The Tournament of Roses is a great way to start the New Year.

There is no better way to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another than with a parade. The Rose Parade, which is part of the Tournament of Roses, is held on New Year's Day in Pasadena, California. The _(1)_ date back to 1890, when settlers from the East and Midwest decided to celebrate the beautiful weather they were experiencing in their new home. The celebration was _(2)_ by the Valley Hunt Club and included a parade, footraces, and tug-of-war contests. The parade was made up of carriages _(3)_ fresh flowers and was the inspiration for the Tournament's name. This first event _(4)_ 2,000 people. More than a century later, the Tournament of Roses attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors, and those are just the ones that are there in person.
The Rose Parade is _(5)_ of dozens of floats, marching bands, equestrian units, and more. The floats are still decorated with flowers, but the designs have become extremely _(6)_. Everyone from fast food chains to pet food companies to the Boy Scouts of America has had a Rose Parade float. Inspiration comes from the event's yearly theme, with "Just Imagine..." being this year's theme. The best marching bands in the world _(7)_ the parade, providing an exciting show. The equestrian units _(8)_ their skills as well, with riders of all ages. Additionally, the Rose Queen and her Royal Court ride in the parade and promote tournament activities. Competitions for the title are held annually, and winners receive special _(9)_.
Besides the Rose Parade, the Tournament also _(10)_ the Rose Bowl Game, the oldest college football competition held at the Rose Bowl Stadium, and other activities. With so much to experience, it's no wonder that the Tournament of Roses keeps the season of celebration going strong.

(A) scholarships(B) show off(C) drew in(D) features(E) staged(F) elaborate(G) festivities(H) take part in(I) covered in(J) composed

1. The festivities date back to 1890, when settlers...the beautiful weather they were experiencing in their new home.理由:
a. 空格前有定冠词 The,空格後有片语及物动词 date back to(追溯到……),可知空格内应置入名词。
b. 符合上述的选项有 (A) scholarships(奖学金)、(D) features(特色)以及 (G) festivities(庆祝活动),然仅 festivities 置入後符合语意,故选 (G)。
c. festivity n. 庆祝活动(常用复数)

2. The celebration was staged by the Valley Hunt Club and included a parade, footraces, and tug-of-war contests.理由:
a. 空格前有 be 动词 was,空格後有介词 by,可知空格内应置入过去分词,形成被动语态。
b. 符合上述的选项有 (E) staged(被举办)、(I) covered in(被覆盖)和 (J) composed(被组成),然仅 staged 置入後符合语意,故选 (E)。
c. stage vt. 举办,举行;发动
例: Protestors staged a demonstration outside the American embassy.
(抗议的群众在美国大使馆外发动示威。) 3.The parade was made up of carriages covered in fresh flowers and was the inspiration for the Tournament's name. 理由:
a. 空格前为一完整的子句,空格後有名词词组 fresh flowers(鲜花),可知空格应置入分词,形成分词片语,作形容词用,以修饰其前的名词 carriages(四轮马车)。
b. 符合上述的选项有 (I) covered in(被……覆盖)和 (J) composed(被组成),然仅 covered in 置入後符合语意,故选 (I)。本句原为∶
The parade was made up of carriages which were covered in fresh flowers...
c. be covered in/with...覆盖著……
例: Ted was covered in mud after he fell into the ditch.

4.This first event drew in 2,000 people. 理由:
a. 空格前後分别有名词词组 This first event(首次游行)和 2,000 people(2,000 人),且根据时态,可知空格内应置入过去式及物动词或片语及物动词。
b. 符合上述的选项有 (C) drew in(吸引)和 (J) composed(组成),然仅 drew in 置入後符合语意,故选 (C)。
c. draw in...吸引……
例: The singer's concert drew in 10,000 fans from around this island.
(这名歌手的演唱会吸引全岛 1 万名歌迷前往。)

5. The Rose Parade is composed of dozens of floats... 理由:
a. 空格前有 be 动词 is,空格後有介词 of,可知空格内应置入分词。
b. 选项中仅剩 (J) composed(被组成)符合上述用法,置入後亦符合语意,故选之。
c. compose vt. 组成
be composed of...由……组成;包含……
= be made up of...
例: Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.

6. The floats are...but the designs have become extremely elaborate. 理由:
a. 空格前有不完全不及物动词 become(变成)和副词 extremely(非常),可知空格内应置入形容词。
b. 选项中仅 (F) elaborate(精心制作的)符合上述用法,置入後亦符合语意,故选之。
c. elaborate a. 精心制作的,精巧的
例: Guests dressed up in elaborate costumes for the Halloween party.

7. The best marching bands in the world take part in the parade, providing an exciting show. 理由:
a. 空格前有名词词组 The best marching bands in the world(世界上最棒的军乐队),空格後有名词词组 the parade(游行),可知空格内应置入复数形的及物动词或片语及物动词。
b. 符合上述的选项有 (B) show off(炫耀)和 (H) take part in(参加),然仅 take part in 置入後符合语意,故选 (H)。
c. take part in...参加……
= participate in...
例: My teacher suggested that I take part in some extracurricular activities.

8. The equestrian units show off their skills as well, with riders of all ages. 理由:
a. 空格前有名词词组 The equestrian units(马术团体),空格後亦有名词词组 their skills(他们的技巧),可知空格内应置入复数形的及物动词或片语及物动词。
b. 选项中仅 (B) show off(炫耀)符合上述用法,置入後亦符合语意,故选之。
c. show off...炫耀……
例: Gary couldn't help but show off his new cell phone to his classmates.

9. Competitions for the title are held annually, and winners receive special scholarships. 理由:
a. 空格前有及物动词 receive(获得)以及形容词 special(特别的),可知空格内应置入名词。
b. 符合上述的选项有 (A) scholarships(奖学金)和 (D) features(特色),然仅 scholarships 置入後符合语意,故选 (A)。

10. Besides the Rose Parade, the Tournament also features the Rose Bowl Game, the oldest college football competition held at the Rose Bowl Stadium, and other activities. 理由:
a. 空格前後分别有名词 the Tournament(玫瑰选拔赛)及 the Rose Bowl Game(玫瑰杯美式足球赛),可知空格内应置入第三人称单数的及物动词或片语及物动词。
b. 选项中仅剩 (D) features(以……为特色),置入後符合语意及用法,故选之。
c. feature vt. 以……为特色 & n. 特色
例: This exhibition features the Terracotta Warriors.

  1. date back to + 时间追溯到……(时间)
    date back + 一段时间
    例: My grandmother's antique furniture dates back to the early 1800s.
    (我祖母的古董家俱可追溯至 19 世纪初。)
    例: The artifacts that were recently discovered here date back thousands of years.
  2. inspiration n. 灵感
    例: I couldn't write anything because I lacked inspiration.
  3. in person本人;亲自地
    例: I've seen the celebrity on TV, but never in person.
  4. be decorated with...用……装饰
    例: Sally's room is decorated with a lot of beautiful paintings.
  5. additionally adv. 此外
    = in addition
    例: The rent for my new apartment is cheap. Additionally, the location is perfect.
  6. promote vt. 宣传
    例: The singer has been promoting his new album with TV appearances.
  7. annually adv. 每年地
    例: Our foundation annually provides homeless shelters with generous donations.
  8. It is no wonder + that 子句难怪……
    = No wonder + S + V
    例: Bobby is naughty. It is no wonder that he is often punished for misbehaving.
    = Bobby is naughty. No wonder he is often punished for misbehaving.

  1. tournament n. 比赛
  2. parade n.(庆祝)游行
  3. settler n. 开拓者;殖民者
  4. footrace n. 竞走
  5. tug-of-war n. 拔河比赛
  6. carriage n. 四轮马车
  7. float n.(游行用的)花车
  8. marching band n. 军乐队
  9. equestrian n. 马术的
  10. chain n. 连锁店
  11. scout n. 童子军
    a boy scout男童军
    a girl scout女童军
  12. competition n. 竞赛,比赛
  13. stadium n. 体育场

加州的帕萨迪纳市每年元旦都会举办『玫瑰花车大游行』,这是『玫瑰选拔赛』的一部分。这项庆典始於 1890 年,当时从东部和中西部移居此地的人感受到新家园的好天气,决定好好庆祝一番。庆祝活动由『山谷狩猎俱乐部』所发起,内容包括游行、竞走和拔河比赛。游行队伍由布满鲜花的马车所组成,这也是『玫瑰选拔赛』名称的由来。第一年举办的游行就吸引了 2,000 人。一个多世纪以後,『玫瑰选拔赛』吸引了数十万名亲自前往观赏的游客。
玫瑰花车大游行的队伍由数十辆花车、军乐队、马术团体等所组成。花车上虽仍装饰著鲜花,但花车的设计早已变得非常精致。从连锁速食店、宠物食品公司到美国童子军等团体,都会出动自己的花车。花车的设计灵感出自每年的游行主题,而今年的主题是『Just Imagine...』。全世界最棒的军乐队也来此共襄盛举,带来令人兴奋的表演。马术团体亦不分老少展现他们的马术技巧。此外,当选的玫瑰皇后和她的宫廷也会在游行行列中,藉以宣传选拔赛的各式活动。这里每年都会选出玫瑰皇后,获胜者可以获得特别的奖学金。

答案∶1. (G)2. (E)3. (I)4. (C)5. (J) 6. (F)7. (H)8. (B)9. (A)10. (D)