
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/03 13:12:35



    1.(★★★★)The horse is getting old and can not run________ it did.(1998)

    A.as faster as         B.so fast than         C.so faster as         D.as fast as

    2.(★★★★★)Greenland,________ island in the world,covers over two million square kilometres. (上海2000)

    A.it is the largest      B.that is the largest     C.is the largest        D.the largest

    3.(★★★★★)You’ve standing too near the camera.Can you move________?


    A.a bit far            B.a little farther        C.a bit of farther      D.a little far

    4.(★★★★)If we had followed his plan,we could have done the job,with________ money and________ people.

    A.less;less           B.fewer;fewer         C.less;fewer          D.fewer;less

    5.(★★★★)What a wonder!They’ve finished________35% of the task with in one month.

    A.no more than       B.not more than        C.no less than        D.much less than

    6.(★★★★★)He told us________ story.

    A.the most interesting                      B.a very more interesting

    C.a most interesting                        D.more interested

    7.(★★★★★)His health is________.

    A.as poor ,if not poorer than,his sister’s

    B.as poor as,if not poorer than,his sister’s

    C.poor as his sister’s ,if not poor

    D.as poor,if not poorer than his sister

    8.(★★★★)Jack’s________ brother is________ than he.

    A.more old;elder                          B.elder;older

    C.more old;more eld                       D.elder;younger

    9.(★★★★)________the girls in the room,Rose is the friendliest.

    A.From all           B.All from            C.Of all             D.All of

    10.(★★★★★)I like English________ of all the subjects.

    A.most              B.best               C.better              D.more


    1.(★★★★★)It is much colder in winter in Beijing than________.

    A.Shanghai           B.in Shanghai         C.that in Shanghai    D.it is








    China is larger than any other country in Asia.(范围一致)

    China is larger than any country in Africa.(范围不一致)


    The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.


    China has a larger population than any other country in the world.





    1.(★★★★)Of all the students in the class Jack spent the________ time and made the________ mistakes in the math exam.

    A.fewest;least                            B.least;fewest

    C.fewest;fewest                           D.least;least

    2.(★★★★)Henry said he was feeling________that day.

    A.much more         B.a lot of cold        C.a lot good           D.a lot better

    3.(★★★★★)—Are you satisfied with her answer?

    —Not at all.It couldn’t have been________.

    A.worse             B.so bad              C.better            D.the worst

    4.(★★★★★)If the manager has to choose between the two,he would say John was________ choice.

    A.good              B.the best            C.better             D.the better

    5.(★★★★★)It takes a long time to go there by train,it’s________ by road.

    A.quick             B.the quickest         C.much quick         D.quicker

    6.(★★★★★)If there were no examinations,we should have________ at school.

    A.the happiest time                        B.a more happier time

    C.much happiest time                      D.a much happier time

    7.(★★★★★)How beautiful she sings!I have never heard________.

    A.the better voice     B.a good voice         C.the best voice       D.a better voice

    8.(★★★★★)It is a mistake to think that the earth is a bit________ from the sun in winter.

    A.closer             B.near               C.far                D.farther

    9.(★★★★)Mr.Smith has to travel more often than________ in his history.

    A.else anyone         B.anyone            C.anyone else         D.nobody else

    10.(★★★★★)Of the two toys, the child chose________.

    A.the less expensive one                    B.the one most expensive

    C.the least expensive                       D.the most expensive of them