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  老虎(苏门答腊虎),印度尼西亚 Tiger, Indonesia时间:2011-11-28 星期一 作者:Steve Winter 印尼苏门答腊岛北部森林,隐蔽的相机捕捉到清晨觅食的老虎。老虎可以在多种栖息地生存,从寒冷的喜马拉雅山到孟加拉国的热带红树林沼泽。


 作者: Bobby McLeod  
Shot this guy on a really snowy day after about a five hour wait.   作者: Nirmal Khandan   While on an elephant-back safari in Bandavagra National Park in India, I came eye-to-eye with this tiger resting on mound.   潜水的老虎,加利福尼亚州    2009-08-26   作者: Briana Taylor  我于2004年在加州委利贺的六旗海洋世界拍下了这张照片。当时驯兽师把肉扔进了小水池里来展示老虎的跳水才能,这只漂亮的动物正好盯着我的镜头。它脸上的怒容并非是由于厌恶或是生气,恰恰相反,是由于这个大型猫科动物要皱起它的鼻子来防止呛水。

Diving Tiger, California

I took this photo at Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo, California, in 2004. The trainers were throwing meat into a small pool to demonstrate the tigers' diving ability, and this beautiful creature looked right into my camera. The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger; rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out.  老虎幼崽的脸部特写   2009-08-21  作者: John Bernard  当我注意到母虎正从侧面靠近时,我正在给躺在水里的虎仔们的其中一只做近距离特写。一直等到虎仔呈现在母虎的两腿之间时,我才得以拍下一张相当整洁又具特色的照片。

Diving Tiger, California

This Month in Photo of the Day: Animals

I took this photo at Six Flags Marine World in Vallejo, California, in 2004. The trainers were throwing meat into a small pool to demonstrate the tigers' diving ability, and this beautiful creature looked right into my camera. The scowl on his face is not from disgust or anger; rather, it results from how these big cats scrunch up their nose to keep water out.  打哈欠的老虎,西伯利亚,俄罗斯,2008-10-09  作者: Reza  俄罗斯东部数百万英亩的原始森林是各种野生动物的栖息地,其中包括350只濒临灭绝的阿穆尔虎(西伯利亚虎/东北虎)。上图这只正在西伯利亚荒原上打哈欠的成年虎就是阿穆尔虎。

Siberia, Russia, Yawning Tiger

The millions of acres of virgin forest in eastern Russia are home to an extraordinary variety of wildlife, including about 350 endangered Amur tigers, such as this adult yawning in a Siberian field.
图片故事  阿穆尔虎 别名:西伯利亚虎、满洲虎、东北虎 科:猫科
学名:Panthera tigris altaica 英文名:SibericanTiger /Amur tigers

东北虎是现存最大的猫科动物,分布于中国的东北地区,国外见于西伯利亚。栖居于森林、灌木和野草丛生的地带。独居,无定居,具领域行为, 夜行性。感官敏锐,性凶猛,行动迅捷,善游泳。捕食大中型哺乳动物, 偶食小型哺乳动物和鸟。

 孟加拉虎,印度, 2007-12-22   作者: Michael Nichols  印度班德哈夫国家公园一只年幼的孟加拉虎在一片空地小憩,这只虎可能是斯塔的幼崽,斯塔是一只威武且产仔量高而闻名的雌虎。

Bengal Tiger, India, 1995

A perfectly posed young Bengal tiger rests in a clearing in India's Bandhavgarh National Park. This individual is likely the offspring of Sita, a tigress famed in the park for her hunting prowess and prized for her prolific breeding.  图片故事  印度是老虎的乐园,孟加拉虎是目前数量最多的老虎亚种。印度生活着约3000头孟加拉虎占到全世界老虎总数一半以上。孟加拉虎从印度--尼泊尔---不丹--中国西南都有分布。所以我们国家有目前仅存5个老虎亚种中的3个(华南虎、西伯利亚虎、孟加拉虎),但是现存最古老的老虎是我们的华南虎-----中国虎(可惜野外已经20年没发现了)。所以老虎是全世界最濒危的物种之一 。  打哈欠的老虎,印度,  2007-10-26    作者: Michael Nichols  如图中这只印度班达迦国家公园的雌老虎,在炎热的天气里老虎总是没精打采的打瞌睡,以为夜里的捕猎积蓄能量。在最近的一百多年里,捕杀以及森林的破坏使得老虎的数量由几十万只骤减到不到2,500只。如今,班达迦据称保持着国内最高的老虎密度。

Yawning Tiger, India, 1997

Tigers, like this female in India's Bandhavgarh National Park, spend hot days in a languorous laze, storing energy for nights of hunting. Over the last hundred years, hunting and forest destruction have reduced tiger populations from hundreds of thousands of animals to perhaps fewer than 2,500. Today Bandhavgarh claims to maintain the highest density of tigers in the country.     老虎摇头,瓦列霍,加州,   2007-06-14    作者: Michael Nichols  图片上的老虎是一头年轻的白老虎,它正在加州海洋世界(现在被称为六旗探索王国)的一个水池里摇摆身子以甩干身上的水。


Tiger Shake, Vallejo, California, 1995

Water flies as a young white tiger shakes itself dry in a pool at California's Marine World Africa USA. (Now called Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.)

White tigers are extremely rare in nature, and many seen in zoos today are produced through controversial inbreeding. White tigers can be born to normal-colored tigers if both parents carry the recessive gene for white coloring.  饥饿的老虎,首尔,韩国,  2007-05-25   作者: Michael Nichols  韩国汉城的“爱宝乐园”主题公园,饥饿的老虎站在SUV车的顶部。这个公园通过旅游巴士向老虎们喂大块的肉,用来使游客可以近距离地观赏争食表演。


Hungry Tigers, Seoul, South Korea, 1995

Hungry tigers stand on display atop an SUV in Seoul, South Korea's Everland Resort amusement park. The park's tigers are fed chunks of meat dangled from a tour bus so sightseers can view the staged carnage up close.

Of the eight known tiger subspecies only five remain. Three—the Caspian, Bali, and Javan—became extinct during the 20th century. The extant species—Bengal, South China, Indochinese, Sumatran, and Siberian—number only about 5,000 to 7,000 individuals combined, and all are endangered.   老虎的脸庞,印度,  2006-03-09   作者: Michael K. Nichols  这个濒临灭绝的老虎品种(华南虎)有着很长的历史渊源。一般来说人们认为他们是100万年前在中国南部逐步演化形成的,最终这些大猫们的足迹西至里海境内,北至西伯利亚,向南穿越了印度尼西亚地区。

Tiger Face, India, 1997

Now an endangered species, tigers have a long history. Generally believed to have evolved in southern China more than a million years ago, the big cats eventually spread west to the Caspian Sea, north to Siberia, and south across Indonesia.  孟加拉雌虎,印度, 2005-12-06    作者: Michael K. Nichols  一只名叫斯塔的孟加拉雌虎和她三只六个月大的幼仔中的一只在一起休憩,斯塔的名字来源于一个与印度就有关的女神,她敏锐的狩猎技巧和对孩子们强烈的母爱都被访客们称赞。她一生中最多一窝产下六只小虎,为当地孟加拉虎繁育作出了贡献,她也因此受到自然资源保护学家的重视。人们相信斯塔在2000年被偷猎者捕杀。

Bengal Tigress, India, 1997

A Bengal tigress called Sita rests with one of her trio of six-month-old cubs.

Named after a Hindu goddess, Sita was admired by visitors to India's Bandhavgarh National Park for her keen hunting skills and fierce devotion to her young. Conservationists valued her prolific breeding; during her life she bolstered the local population with six litters.

Poachers are believed to have killed Sita in 2000.

 打哈欠的老虎,亚洲,  2005-01-25   作者: Dilip Mehta  20世纪初,10万头老虎在亚洲被猎杀。21世纪的前夕,也就是今天,它们只剩下不足6千头。

Tiger Yawn, Asia, 1996

"At the beginning of the 20th century, perhaps 100,000 tigers hunted Asia. Today, on the eve of the 21st, no more than 6,000 remain."    丛林虎,西伯利亚,俄罗斯,   2004-07-19    作者: Michael Nichols  世界上8个老虎亚种中的3个已经灭绝,就像风中的蜡烛一样被熄灭,永不复燃。这三种是里海虎、巴里虎、爪哇虎。剩下的5个亚种为孟加拉虎、华南虎、印支虎、苏门答腊虎和西伯利亚阿穆尔虎(图画中的老虎),现在它们也濒临灭绝。

Forest Tiger, Siberia, Russia, 1997

"Like candles guttering in the wind, three of the world's eight subspecies of tigers have been snuffed out. The Caspian, Bali, and Javan tigers are gone; the five surviving subspecies—Bengal, South China, Indochinese, Sumatran, and Siberian (Amur) [pictured here]—are all endangered."
图片故事 巴厘亚种于20世纪20年代灭绝
里海亚种于20世纪70年代灭绝   正在饮水的老虎,Bandhavgarh,印度,  2003-11-30    作者: Michael K. Nichols  在印度Bandhavgarh国家公园,口渴折磨着可怜的被捕食者,这比饥饿更为严重。当老虎饮水时,它只能警惕的张望。

Bandhavgarh, India, Tiger Drink, 1996

"More thirsty than hungry, a tiger laps up water as potential prey watches warily in Bandhavgarh, India."

   追踪猎物的老虎,印度,  2003-04-28    作者: Michael K. Nichols  老虎绝不会像浪漫主义作家描写的那样“漫步”在森林之中,通常它们会在领地里小心谨慎的行动,寻觅它们的下一个猎物,并提防任何一个造成威胁、接近领地的其他掠食动物。

India, Stalking Tiger, 1997

"Tigers do not 'roam' the forest as romantic writers like to have them do; instead they doggedly work carefully delineated territories, on the lookout for their next meal—and on alert for any other predator that threatens access to it."
 咆哮的老虎,印度,  2002-12-05    作者: Michael K. Nichols  没人知道现今还有多少野生虎存活。普通引证估计数量在5000到7000,但这仅是猜测。使用统计的方法存在缺陷,一些政府部门会故意抬高统计数字,一些猫科动物专家也会因为害怕失去受保护的状态而故意少说数量。那确实的情况是怎样的呢?如果老虎仍在野外生存,它们需要大批的人帮助它们。

India, Snarling Tiger, 1995

"No one knows how many wild tigers exist today. The commonly cited estimate of 5,000 to 7,000 is a guess, since census methods can be faulty, some governments inflate numbers, and cat experts may understate numbers for fear of losing protected status. What is certain: If tigers are to survive in the wild, they need massive human intervention."
 强劲的一跳,印度, 2002-04-08    作者: Michael K. Nichols  被这只雄性老虎触发的遥控广角摄像机拍下的这强有力的一跳给它赢得了“战马”一名,拍摄时摄像头仅仅在3英寸(0.9m)之外的地方。它这强劲的一跳不仅能吓退其他的雄性老虎,也有可能吓到坐在大象上的游客,或是在越野车里的人。这种具有攻击性的行为在老虎中也不算常见。

India, Charger Leap, 1997

"An in-your-face male, Charger triggered this remote-camera power portrait through a wide-angle lens only three feet [0.9 meters] away. He earned his name for his unbridled aggression, charging other male tigers as well as vehicles—including an assault attempt on an elephant carrying terrified tourists, uncommon behavior among tigers."
 正在沐浴的雌虎,印度, 2002-03-20    作者: Michael K. Nichols  在班答迦(Bandhavgarh)Bachhi(摄影师)运用自动远程照相机拍下了这只抛弃猫科动物优雅身姿的雌虎。这里拥有华氏120度(49摄氏度)的高温,雌虎在这个水池里避暑,完全不顾腐烂的落叶和猴子尿给她带来浑身恶臭。

India, Bathing Tigress, 1996

"With feline grace abandoned, Bachhi takes her picture by breaking an infrared beam at an unmanned remote-camera in Bandhavgarh. Sweltering in 120-degree [49°C] heat, she seeks relief in a pool, despite its fetid brew of rotting leaves and monkey urine."   雪中的西伯利亚虎,俄罗斯,  2001-12-26    作者: Michael K. Nichols

Russia, Snowy Siberian Tigers, 1997

These Siberian tigers are part of the Siberian Tiger Project, which developed a habitat-protection plan that classifies areas according to their ability to sustain tigers in the wild.
 图片故事  西伯利亚虎,在中国被叫做“东北虎”(野外400头,中国20头),是世界上体型最大的老虎(单只活动范围100平方公里)。20世纪末俄、中、朝曾签订“野生西伯利亚虎保护计划”旨在对其进行无国界保护(其实在朝鲜半岛已经灭绝)。目前尚有一线生机。   孟加拉虎的眼睛,印度,  2001-08-10    作者: Michael K. Nichols  像风中燃烧的蜡烛,世界上八个老虎的属种已经有三个灭绝了。里海、巴里和爪哇虎已经不在了,而其余五个幸存的种类中,孟加拉虎、华南虎、印尼虎、苏门答腊虎和西伯利亚虎也频临灭绝。

Bengal Tiger Eye, India, 1997

"Like candles guttering in the wind, three of the worlds eight subspecies of tigers have been snuffed out. The Caspian, Bali, and Javan tigers are gone; the five surviving subspecies—Bengal [such as the tiger shown here], South China, Indochinese, Sumatran, and Siberian (Amur)—are all endangered."
 老虎运送幼仔,印度,  2001-05-12    作者: Michael K. Nichols  当老虎Sita把一个幼仔转移到新洞穴的时候,能粉碎脊椎的颌变成了温柔的运输工具。老虎需要不断转移洞穴来保护她的幼仔免受豹子,野狗和其他老虎伤害。因为她可能要外出猎食24个小时或更久,所以隐藏好幼仔们是非常重要的。只要给予这种濒危的老虎足够的栖息地和足够的猎物,它们就能繁衍生息下来,Sita就是活生生的证据。

India, Tiger Carrying Cub, 1997

"Jaws that can crush a backbone become a tender conveyance as Sita totes a cub to a new den, a constant chore to safeguard her young from leopards, wild dogs, and other tigers. Hiding cubs well is critical, since she may be away hunting for 24 hours or more. Sita is living proof that this endangered species can flourish if only given enough room and enough prey."