
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/03 12:51:01
 题目不是个命题,而是个问题哈,我还在研究中。我们这里的小学二年级才开始教乘法。见到艾米和凯伦做家庭作业不会乘法,问她们老师有没有让背口诀,都说没有。不背乘法口诀怎么学乘法?我问老公他上小学的时候有没有背过,他也说没有,说有张乘法表,看熟了就记住了。叫他画了一张乘法表,我一看晕倒,比中国的九九乘法表复杂得多。我打印出九九乘法表,分发给两个孩子背。她们一张开口背,我直接就崩溃。One times one equals one,  two times two equals four,  怎么能这么拗口?

      我想上网去研究研究别人怎么用英文背乘法口诀的。看见天涯一牛人这么背:汪汪汪 ,兔兔佛,谁谁谁克死,佛佛诶特,翻翻疼。得,咱还是看看美国人怎么背乘法口诀吧。我在镇上的图书馆里发现有各种各样的乘法口诀歌,图书馆可以借到CD和DVD,网上也可以下载。这些歌有各种各样的风格,由不同的歌手演唱。有乡村风格的乘法口诀,有摇滚乘法,还有饶舌歌手唱的。以前我最不喜欢饶舌音乐,印象中饶舌内容尽是毒品和性。没想到有好几个饶舌歌手为孩子们录制过乘法口诀歌。


2 times 1, 2 is the clue,
'Cause with 2 times 1, the answer's still 2.
2 times 2, the answer is double,
That makes 4, this double's no trouble.

2 times 3, there are no tricks,
By mem-o-ry, the answer is 6.
Ask a friend, "what's 2 times 4?"
He should answer 8, and no more.

2 times 5, pencil or pen,
You won't need to erase if your answer is 10.
2 times 6 is time for the swings,
The answer's 12, and the lunch bell rings.

2 times 7 is the name of the game,
14 is the answer, and there's no-one to blame.
2 times 8 is an age that's cool,
16 in years, and I'll drive to school.

2 times 9 is an age that's great,
18 in years, and I'll graduate.
2 times 10 is good and plenty,
When you multiply, the answer is 20.

1 万圣节前给她们买的大南瓜。
2 试试能不能提起来。

3 别看艾米那么瘦弱的样子,力气还很大呢。

4 万圣节那天在学校里。

5 在课堂上就这么吃吃喝喝,还上什么课?

6 难怪她们那么喜欢去上学。

7 胖老师很喜欢艾米和凯伦。

8 We don't cry, we multiply!

9 美国的乘法表