
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/03 16:18:53

Module 1 Numbers


Unit 1 seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty


一、 教学准备与分析

1 教学内容 学生用书:第一模块第一单元活动
  2 教学目标

1)技能与知识目标 A 基本要求 基本能听懂、会说英文数字 Numbers 13-

2)基本能听懂、会说句型 This is + adj + one. B 初步要求 使学生初步理解和感知的句型 Here’s 的用法。 C 巩固复习 复习巩固颜色词汇 yellow, white, purple, pink, red, green,blue. 复习英语数字 112 复习歌曲 “Rainbow” “Ten little fingers”

 (3)运用能力目的 通过学习英文数字 13

 (4)使学生能够灵活运用所学到英文数字,对自己身边的 数字进行正确英语的表达。

 (5 素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的 通过对本课的学习,让学生了解如何简单的用英语数字自己周围的事物,从中发现 学习的规律,让学生从小培养爱学习、会学习的良好习惯。

 3 教学重点 英文数字 Numbers 13

4 教学难点 “thirteen”“fifteen”发音 5 教学任务 学习任务 学习词汇:英文数字 Numbers二、 教学程序


1)新学期开始,向学生问好,并询问一下学生在假期都干了什么? T: Hello, how are you? What do you do everyday in the holiday?

2)教师带领学生复习歌曲“Rainbow”,“Ten little fingers” 并借此机会复习颜色以及英文数字 1?

 T: What colour is the pencil/pen/window/door…? How many red/green/blue pencils…?


1 教师出示一组数字题 1+1=2+1=3+1=,让学生接龙抢答,比一比,谁的 反映最快?当进行到 12+1=?教师将速度放慢,并请说出数字的同学到前台来给大家清 楚的示范。教师在此时可将单词卡贴在黑板上。

2 教师准备了一个小见面会,??智力闯关游戏,想当大赢家吗?那么让我们赶快 来学习这些英文数字吧!

3 听一听,说一说,你听到、看到、想到、知道了什么?


  1 让学生看挂图听音,说一说发生了什么事?

  2 听音跟读,画出听到的数字和句子,之后进行汇报。

  3 Touch game:教师请学生看黑板上的单词卡片并请出每组小代表,教师说英文数 字, 小代表们迅速找到数字,谁最快,谁是赢家。

  4 Bingo game: 教师请学生拿出水彩笔,教师说英文数字,学生用自己喜欢的颜色 立刻相应的阿拉伯数字,之后教师在说带颜色的数字,如:Fifteen is blue.如果说的 颜色和数字与学生写的一致,就迅速说 Bingo!

5 结合学生用书活动三,让四人小组练习 Thirteen is red.之后小组进行汇报。

6 句子接龙:教师任意拿起教学用具,比如铅笔,说:This is a green pencil. 在拿起另一个红色的说:This is a red one. 还可用句型“Here is a red one.”

  7 再次听音或观看 VCD,鼓励学生模仿课文。


  1 智力大闯关 教师出示四组英文数字的加法算式,让学生通过小组活动,以最快的速度描述和回答算 式。如:13+1=?(Thirteen and one is fourteen 之后请获胜组的同学将有资格进入下一关?? 猜猜他多大?

  2猜猜他多大教师给获胜的同学每人一张年龄卡,之后迅速转身告诉大家 “I am fourteen.”在立刻转过身来,等七位同学都汇报完毕 教师再任选一位同学发问“How old is he/she?”回答对的 同学给予奖励。

  2 让学生看黑板总结数字的学习规律,比一比,哪一组说的最棒!之后完成活动用 书活动  


  1 完成活动用书的活动

  2 学做调查表(可以是年龄表、家庭事物统计表)












Unit 2 I’ve got twenty-six points.


二、教学过程: I. Warming up 全班学生依次报数。 告诉学生在课上如果表现好可得到分数卡作为奖励。 II. Revision: 教师出示一些动物图片,请学生说出他们的名字。 (通过复习动物名称为下一步新知识 教授作好铺垫。 III. Presentation:

  1. 找几名学生到前面来,将刚才出示过的动物图片发给每个人一张,教师可作 示范来问其中一名学生: ”Have you got a tiger?”引导该学生说:Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

  2. 请几名学生来猜猜他们每个人手里分别都有哪些图片。 如果有答对的教师马上 给这名学生一张事先准备好的 10 分数字卡片.并且告诉他/:”You have got ten points.” 并引导学生说出句子:”I’ ve got ten points.”板书句子。

  3. 待全部猜完后每个人报出自己得到的分数, 分数高的获胜, 教师对他说: You’ ” re the winner.”板书单词 winner (新知呈现的部分以竞赛的形式出现既能激发学生学习的热情又能自然地导出新知内 容。

  4. 呈现课文: 出示课文挂图,提问学生:Who is the winner? How many points has Weiwei got 放课文录音后,学生回答问题。 (听课文之前教师先给出问题能有效的帮助学生理解课文及巩固刚学过的重点句型。 放录音,学生边听边指出句子。 跟录音朗读课文。 学生分角色朗读课文。 IV. Practice:  





数字游戏(P4 练习


1. 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。 知识目标:Twenty and one is twenty-one. I’ve got twenty-six points. 能力目标:掌握数字相加的英语表达法;在竞赛中计算分数。教学重点: 学习句型: Twenty and one is twenty-one. I’ got twenty-six points. ve 掌握单词:point/ winner Ⅲ 教学难点: 说出英语数字中 twenty-ninety 整十的拼写规律。辅助资源:

 2.学生两人一组,学生 A 给出一算式学生 B 回答并给出另一算式,再由学生 A 回答,两人 轮流进行。
(活动中教师讲解数字相加的英语表达法,也可将数学算式如 20+1 写到黑板上以加深 学生的印象。
  3. 活动:快速加法问答。 每个学生有一个数字代号。 教师从每组中请几名学生为出题员快速出题如: twenty and ” six is….” 代号数字和答案相同的学生就要起立并回答, 如代号是 26 的学生起立回答: ” twenty-six.”如果回答正确并且速度快这名学生将得到 10 分的卡片,最后统计得分最 多的小组获胜。 (此活动的目的在于训练掌握数字相加的英语表达法并能在竞赛中计算分数。
  4. 游戏:6 的倍数。 游戏先在全班中进行,全班学生按顺序说数字,如果说到数字 6 6 的倍数就要拍手并 且不能说数字,否则就被淘汰。 (此活动目的在于训练学生能快速用英语数数。
  5. Chant 教师首先播放一遍 chant 录音,请学生边看图边听。 学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。 再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边模仿学说。 听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。 请学生找出整十的数字并说出单词拼写的规律是以-ty 为词缀的。 V. Summary: 总结在这节课中多少学生获得了分数卡,让他们说出自己的分数。 (做到首尾呼应及时总结学生的表现有效地激励学生。 VI Homework 请将下列算式用英语表达出来。 35+1=36 29+1=30 41+6=47 50+9=59























Turn right. Where are you going?


    学习句型:Where’s …,please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. 掌握单词及词组:house/ go straight on/ turn left/ turn right/excuse me/ Where are you going? next to/ supermarket Ⅲ 教学难点: 掌握表示地点和方位的词辅助资源: 挂图、录音机、磁带、图片、课文 VCD

二、教学过程: I. Warming up TPR 活动。教师边说边做: ”Right hand up. Right hand down.”学生跟着教师边做边 说。 II. Revision: 教师出示一些表示地点的图片如 park/zoo/shop/school 等,请学生抢答出单词。 (通过复习地点单词为练习本课的句型 Where’s …,please?做好铺垫。 III. Presentation: 教师拿出公园的图片对学生说: ”I’m going to the park this weekend. Where are you going this weekend?”学生说出自己的出行计划”I’m going to….” (为课文教学创设情景) 教师说: ”Sam is going to Daming’s house. Where is Daming’s house? Is it in West Lake Road or East Lake Road? Let’s wactch the VCD.” 学生观看课文 VCD,找出答案并回答。 教师提问: ”Sam asks the way to the policeman. How does he ask?”学生听课文录 音,大屏幕上出示 Sam 的问话。教师指导学生读句子。 所有学生来扮演 Sam,教师来扮演 policeman,同时在大屏幕上演示出课文中的路线图, 教师边指图边讲解。教授词组 go straight on/turn left/ turn right 教师在大屏幕上出示几种路线图如: 3 让学生说出路线。



Module 2 Directions

Unit 1 Go straight on.

一、准备阶段: Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质。 知识目标:学习句型 Where’s West Lake Road, please? Go straight on. Turn left.
(通过练习及时操练重点词组。 学生打开书,跟录音朗读课文。 分角色朗读课文。 IV. Practice:
  1. 活动:问路。 让学生自己画一幅地图, 上面有三条路, 分别标有 school/ zoo/ supermarket/ my house. 在地图的某处标有 You’re here. 教师请学生用自己的地图进行两人小组练习,一人 问路: ”Where’s the zoo, please?” ,另一人指路:”Go straight on and then turn left” (此活动目的在于巩固练习问路及指路的语句,培养学生观察和动手能力。
  2. 活动:我迷路了。 教师准备一些路线图和要找的目的地单词卡。教师将单词卡片发给一些学生,再将路线 图发给另一部分学生,那单词卡片的学生作为迷路者来问路,如: ”I’m lost. Where’ s the park?”拿着路线图的学生帮助他们来指路。 (学生在活动中操练了问路和指路。 V. Summary: 教师说: ”Today we have learned how to ask and show the way with Where’s …, please? Go straight on. Turn left. Turn right. ” We use them in the daily life. VI Homework 请学生画出从家到学校的路线图并英语标注。






Unit 2 It’s at the station.

一、         准备阶段:

二、         Ⅰ 教学目标: 情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质。

三、         知识目标: 学习句子:The train is going up/down/past the hill. 能力目标:能够用英语问路和指路教学重点;
  1. 学习句型 The train is going up/down/past the hill.
  2. 掌握单词及词组:Train/up/hill/down/past/station 4
教学难点:掌握表示地点和方位的词辅助资源: 挂图、录音机、磁带、图片 二、教学过程: I. Warming up TPR 活动:教师或一名同学下口令 turn left/hands up/hands down ,全班学生做动 作。 II. Revision: 请几名学生展示自己上节课画的路线图并向大家介绍从自己家到学校的路线, 教师可把 学生的路线图用投影放出来。 (此活动既使学生的作业得以反馈,复习了已学过的知识,又为本课的新内容做好 铺垫。

III. Presentation:
    1. 教师准备一涨有课文背景图案的挂图,将小山、房子、学校、火车站分别贴 出示火车图片并说:There’s a train from Beijing to our city.Where is 在图上,并讲解单词 hill station the train going? 将火车贴在山上的位置,引导学生说出: “The train is going up the hill.板书该句子。

  2. 移动火车到山下的位置问: “Where is the going now?引导学生说出: “The 同样方法讲解 It’s going past…. 呈现课文: train is going down the hill.
出示课文挂图,提问学生:Where is the going now 放课文录音后,学生回答问题。 (听课文之前教师先给出问题能有效的帮助学生理解课文及巩固刚学过的重点句型。 放录音,学生边听边指出句子。 跟录音朗读课文。 IV. Practice:
  1. 活动:火车在哪里。 教师将“hill”, ”houses”, ”school”, ”station”,图片交给学生请他们站在相 应的位置。将”train”的头饰交给另一名学生,并邀请一些学生乘坐火车。老师请火 车开动起来,并请其他同学一起说出火车经过了哪些地方。
  2. 完成 P8 练习
  3 学生两人一组,学生 A 说出路线,学生 B 根据 A 的描述找到相应的地点。学生 AGo straight on, turn left. It’s on your night. 学生 B: Is it the supermarket? A: No, it isn’t.
  3.活动:How can we go to Carrefour? 学生以小组为单位讨论后设计出从学校到最近的一家 Carrefour 的路线图。 然后到前面 来给全班学生讲解路线,选出最合理的一组获胜。
  4. Chant 教师首先播放一遍 chant 录音,请学生边看图边听。 学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。 再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边模仿学说。 听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。
  5. 学唱歌曲。 教师首先播放一遍歌曲录音,请学生边歌词边听。 学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。 再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边学唱。 听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。 V. Summary: 请学生总结今天所学的重点句子和单词。 VI Homework P8 图来描述火车所在位置。




Module 3 Activities Unit 1

  1Key sentences: This is my sister. She’s writing a letter.
  2.Vocabulary: writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to her friends, playing with a toy train..

 教学重难点 Aims 1, 2,3 5 She’s writing a letter.
教学方法 Listen, TPR,

 教学准备 A recorder some cards wall chart

 教学过程 教师活动

ask Ss : “What can you see?”
  2.Play the tape , get the Ss write down all the numbers they hear. (Plays the tape two or three times)
  3.Call some individual student to say the numbers they heard.
  4.The teacher writes the following words on the board: is are
  5.Point to the words and say the words.
  6.Then adds the following word on the board: ‘s
  7. Tell the Ss that this is the short form of “is", now have the Ss look at their books, find these words in the story. Warmer:
  2. Greetings. Ask and answer: communication
Who is he? Who is she? What is he doing? What is she doing? Call some Ss answer, then get them work in groups. Step
  1.Listen and repeat.
  1. Teach the new words:
  2. Call some Ss read and spell the words. writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to friends, playing with a toy train..
    3. Practice the words more times by individual student or group. Have the Ss open their books, and look at the pictures in books, ask them:
“Who are they?”(Daming, Lingling, Amy, Tom) “What are they doing?”(They are talking.) “What are they talking about?”
学生问好 Ss repeat Ss look at the picture and answer the questions
    4. Play the tape, get the Ss listen. Play the tape again, pause it after each utterance, get the Ss repeat. The teacher read the text again, get the Ss repeat. Call two Ss act the roles in text. Play the tape, stop the tape after A finishes talking. Tell the Ss they Work in pairs, one is A and one is

A recorder 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 Warmer:
  some cards wall chart
Read the text of Unit
  1. Game: Tell me more
  2. Listen and say. are B, they can read B’s sentences. Step
  3.AB book Ss listen a Call some Ss to repeat the sentence they hear












Unit 1 This is my sister. She’s writing a letter.

Unit 2 What are you doing?

  1. Talk about the pictures.
  2Key sentences: What are you doing? I’m watching TV.
  3.Vocabulary: listen to, read, do my homework 教学重难点 Aims 1, 2,3 教学方法 视听法、交际法 教学准备 6
(The teacher writes the following information on the board before the lesson). She’s writing a letter. She’s taking pictures, She’s talking toher friends, She is playing with a toy train.
   3 Tell the Ss that I’m going to say the pictures and they have to point to Work in pairs. One say and one point. the correct activities. Step
  1. Look , listen and point.
  2. Get the Ss to open their books of Unit2, look at activity 1, then the teacher points to the pictures, ask the Ss: “What can you see on the pictures?” Ss read the text Ss look at the picture and answer the questions (The Ss tell the teacher what they see).
  3. Repeat the sentences. Now listen to the tape and point to pictures.
  Ask and answer
 Write some activities on the board, give the Ss some information about the activities. What are you doing? I’m listening to music. I’m watching TV. I’m reading a book.
What is he doing? He’s reading a book. What is she doing? She is watching TV.
  Ask and answer. The teacher should give an example first.
 Work in pairs. Step

.Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress. Step
  .Listen and chant. Step
 .Finish exercises of AB book. Homework:
  1.Read the words and text of Unit
  2.Recite the words of M
 Ss reapeat Ss listen and point Ss practise Ss repeat Say the chant

板书设计 MODULE 3 Unit 2 What are you doing? What are you doing? I’m listening to music. I’m watching TV. I’m reading a book. What is he doing? He’s reading a book. What is she doing? She is watching TV.
















Module 4 教学目标 7 In the park

  1. Talking about activities in the park
  2.Key sentences: Present continuous: What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat.

  3.Vocabulary: let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, hungry

教学重难点 Aims 1, 2,3 教学方法 视听法、交际法 教学准备 A recorder Warmer:
  1. Greetings and review the activities: writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to friends, playing with a toy train..
  2. Revise the activities with the actions. (writing a letter, taking pictures, talking to friends, playing with a toy train..) 3 The teacher ask the Ss: “Last lesson we learnt about the people in the park. (
  1)Look at the people in the park, what are they doing?

 (2)Look at the people on the lake,what are they doing?

 (3)Look at the men under the tree, what are they doing?

Unit1 What are they doing?
(4)Look at the girls, what are they drinking?
  4. Call some Ss answer.

(1)They are doing taijiquan.

(2)They are rowing a dragon boat.

(3)They are playing chess.

 (4)They are drinking soybean milk. Then point to the form on board, get the Ss say the activities on it ,and ask them “What are they doing?” Step1: Presentation
  1. The teacher show 4 pictures, have the Ss to describe the pictures

(1)They are doing taijiquan.

 (2)They are rowing a dragon boat

 (3)They are playing chess.

 (4)They are drinking soybean milk.
  2. Write the following sentences on board: What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat Ss read the text Ss look at the picture and answer the questions
   3. Teacher describe the pictures and get the Ss listen. Do more examples for Ss, make them understand the meaning. Have the Ss open their books, and listen to the tape, then find “What are After listen, check their answers. Show the cards on board , teach the new words:
Ss listen and point
板书设计 What are they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat.














Unit 2 What is Amy doing?

are they doing? sth. They're doing sth.
本节课主要是学习和运用句型 What What's 什么。
he / she doing? He /She is doing
本节课的教学对象是小学四年级的学生。在知识掌握上,他们已有初步的听、说、读、 写能力。在教学中教师要抓住学生的这些特点,通过运用 TPR 直观生动的教学方法,激 发学生学习兴趣的同时,尽量多创造让学生的机会,充分发挥学生的主体地位; 使学生获得成就感,增强自信心。

  1)学习单词 : running What What's are they doing? she / he doing? your aims jumping They're boat aims playing……
  1、知识目标(Knowledges aims
  2)学习如何询问他人正在干什么及其应答。 She / He is running……
  2.New lesson they doing? They are rowing a dragon boat” in the text.

2)通过学习,使学生能听懂会唱英文歌曲《Row your boat
  3、情感目标(Feelings aims

1)根据学生的实际水平设计教学活动,培养学生积极参与活动的意识和同学间的合 作精神。

2)通过英语歌曲的学习,有效地激发学生英语学习兴趣,同时培养学生的想象力和 8
let’s, get on, lots of, interesting, thing, look at, people, park, lake, row, boat, men, chess, drink, hungry
  4.. Practice the words more times by individual student and groups. Have the Ss find the new words in text , and underline them.
Ss reapeat

  1、教学重点(Keypoints :能运用 What doing sth.
  2、教学难点(Difficult 或动作。


五、教学方法(Teaching 维。


(一)Warming-- up
  1.Greetings. T:Good morning, you? you. And you? today? thank you. weather like song. sunny, I’m very happy. Are you happy? Ok, Let’s sing a and phrases toes. OK? with actions. boys Ms and Wan. girls. Ss:Good morning , T:How are S1:I'm T: I'm fine, thank great, procedures aids methods :采用全身活动法,反应法,小组合作学习法组织 多媒体课件(CAI ,农村小学英语远程教育资源,简笔画图片等 教学,游戏、儿歌、活动贯穿始终,充分调学生学习积极性和主动性,培养学生创新思 points :学生能根据实际情景,询问描述正在发生的行为 are they doing? doing What's sth. he / she doing? 询问别人正在干什么?并根据情况回答 They're He / She is
it several times. Learn "jumping" in the (
  2)Teach he / she "What doing? are they doing? They're He / She
way. basketball. What is
is jumping." Teacher makes two boys or girls do doing?” And help is playing
action with “running jumping” Then asks "What are they asks: What (
  1.Look What What's Daming
  3.Play at the screen (CAI), They're Look, and Learn say, ask and is he / she
Ss answer: They're running/jumping. Then make a boy or a girl does action and doing? Make Ss answer: He / She these important drills on basketball. While write the blackboard. answer, and using
the target drills. are they doing? she / he doing? the doing? What is playing…… listen have and guess "What are Sam and and She / He is running…… Amy game doing?" a match between boys team
  2.Do exercises on page
  16. guessing the English song Ss
girls team . (
  2.Sing Module
  2.Learn the some exercise "Row song "Row your boat" the as song. CAI. as do actions. well the CAI, enjoy
after teacher and show this on song.
the song together
T: How’s the
  2.Sing English T: Yes, today song. Head
  3.Review some
S2:It’ sunny today. is
)Homework book your design. Amy doing? They're Playing football. running. She / He's are they doing? is Food Do you want some rice? he / she doing? page 16 Ex 1, 2 boat" for family.
shoulders ,knees words and
)Teaching What What













4 Unit 2: What is
eg : playing football, (
二)Presentation (
  1)Teach Yes, I'm " running,
swimming , watching TV…… " and says: Boys and girls ,what am I doing? Module 5 Unit 1
Teacher does actions
running, running. Then write “running” on the blackboard. And read
  1.课型:新授课 教学目标: 能听懂会说单词。

T: Do you want some rice? 引导学生说出 Yes,please. T: Do you like rice? T: Yes. T: Do you want some rice? Ss: Yes, please. T: Do you want some soup? 引导学生说出 Ss: No, thank you. T:Noodles and rice are very nice. They are Chinese fast food.
  2. show the cards ,learn the words : fast food Ss: students 指名读,分组读。 齐读。 T:Do you want some rice? Ss: Yes, please.
Chinese fast food want some make nice chopsticks difficult
  2.能理解运用 Do you want some rice ? Yes, please. No, thank you. He’s doing … 等句型进行交际活动,并能就课文内容或所给图片进行描述性练习。 三、教学重点:识记单词;理解及运用句型;朗读课文。 四、教学难点:用所学句型及单词进行实际交际活动。 五、 教学准备: 多媒体课件、图片 录音机,实物(卡片、 图片 六、教学过程:T: teacher
Step 1 Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Have you got a book/pencil/pen…?
引导学生回答 Yes, I have./No, I haven’t. T: Glad to meet you. ( Free Talk 的形式,让学生置身于真实的英语交际环境,尽快融入到英语氛围中来。 同时, 在师生交流的过程中引导学生回顾相关的语言知识, 也为本课的教学做好铺垫。 ) Step 2 Presentation
  1 Free Talk 结束后,教师环顾全班同学,面带欣慰的微笑, T Class, let’s chant. (拍手齐说) Noodles and rice are very very nice. Mmm, Mmm, very very rice. Ginger and spice are not very nice, Mmm, Mmm, are not very nice. TVery good. (later on) T: Do you like noodles? Ss: Yes. 10
T: Do you want some noodles? Ss: No,thank you. CAI
操练此句型。显示各种食物的名称。 Do you want some … Yesplease. No, thank you. 3 Ask and answer: 看课件,让学生回答: 指名回答,师引出回答:引出本课新句型: Do you want some … Yes, please. No, I don’t. 利用多媒体

 操练此句型: T: Please look at the pictures, (多媒体显示快餐店和快餐食品) T: Do you want to some hamburgers? Ss: Yes, please.
T: Do you want some chips? Ss:No,thank you. T: Do you want some chocolate ? S: Yes,please. T: Do you want some meat? S: Yes, please.
两人一组进行操练,互问互答。 反复操练新句型。采取学生互问互答的形式. 两人一组,男生女生互问互答。老师及时 表扬。 看图片,师再问学生: T: What is he doing ? Ss:He’s playing football. T:What is he doing? Ss: He’s making noodles. T: What is he doing? Ss:He’s swimming. Ask and answer 操练此句型。 What is he doing? He’s … 师及时纠正。 Step 3 A B Homework Read the words by yourselves. try to remember them.




Listen to the tape and read the text
  1. 能力目标: 能运用核心内容比较中西方饮食方面差异,并用英语向外国朋友介绍一些中国的食物。
  2. 文化意识: 了解中西方饮食方面的文化,并引导学生比较差异。在学习过程中,努力发展学生跨文 化交际的意识和能力。

教学重点: 核心句式 Do you want some? Yes, please./ No, thank you. 教学难点:
  2. What are you doing ? Do you want some?两种不同句式的综合运用。 教学用具:录音机、卡片、图片、头饰、课件 教学过程: 一、热身复习
  1、师生表演唱英文歌曲?I`m listening to music.
  2、听声音猜测 Amy Sam 正在做的事情(What is he/she doing ? He/She is..
  3、复习食物类单词后,引导学生为单词分类(Chinese food / Western food,并相 机引出生词?dumpling vegetable,并通过领读、点读、伴声音读(跺脚读)等多种 方式进行练习。 4 , ? I`m making dumplings/cooking vegetables.Do you want some? 二、任务呈现和课文导入 在复习环节后,教师向学生布置本节课的任务: (教师边指黑板上食物图边布置任务) Noodles,rice,hamburgers,sandwiches …They are all food.Today we`ll continue to talk about the topicfood.At the end of lesson, you all will have a chance to introduce your nice food to your English friends. Some friends are making dumplings and cooking vegetables,too. Now , listen ,who
Unit 2
I am making dumplings 知识目标:are they ?


  1 Who are they ? 设计意图:通过让学生回答 Daming is making dumplings.Daming`s mother is cooking 11
教学目标: What are you doing ? I`m making dumplings/cooking vegetables. Do you want some? Yes, please./ No, thank you.
  2Do Sam and Amy want dumplings ? Do they want vegetables ? 设计意图:通过回答复杂问题,检测学生对文章理解能力。
  5、学生抽食物卡片,重点练习 Do you want some? Yes, please./ No, thank you. 设计意图:由于青岛的学生没有学习这个句型,所以在此重点练习此句型,为后面的完 成任务做好准备。 (二)学习韵律诗
  1、观察韵律诗中的图(一人正在把平底锅的蛋糕放入烤箱中) ,并回答:What is he doing ?(He`s making a cake.) Where`s the cake ? ( It`s in the 平底锅.)学习 pan 一词。并引导学生注意 pan pen 发音方面的区别。
  4、边说边做动作(由慢到快) 设计意图:增强韵律诗的趣味性。 (三)做课堂用书上的题 通过做题引导学生将听说读写四项技能有机结合,培养学生语言综合运用能力。 四、任务完成 本课设计的任务是向英国的小朋友介绍自己最喜爱的食物。 (一)师生示范 教师自己先抽取一图片,并向事先以安排好的戴着头饰的 Sam Amy 介绍自己最喜爱 的食物。I`m making noodles. Do you want some ? (二)学生自由介绍 五、家庭作业 教师引导学生总结本节课学习内容。 同时布置课外作业把自己喜爱的中西方食物介 绍自己的父母





















Module 6 Abilities


Unit 1 Can you run fast ? Teaching material: Module 6,

Unit2  Teaching aims:
  1.Ask and answer I can. \No, I can’t .”
about abilities using “Can you….?” “Yes, run, fast,
  2.Learn the new words in this unit : can, jump ,high, far, ride .
Teaching important points: Can you …..? Yes, I can. \No, I can’t . Teaching difficult points: ride , can’t ,run . Teaching procedures: Step
  1. Warm-up T: In 2008, the Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. like Ss: Yes. T holds up the card of “can” and say “I can play table tennis. And you?” S1: I can….. S2: I can….. T: Sam, Amy, Daming and lingling like sports,too. What can they do ? Let’s look at the text . Underline the new words. Step
  2. Look, listen and learn.
  1. Ss say out their questions. T explains. Then let the students try to translate the text.
  2. Teach the new words: (
  1). Can, can’t . Make sentences. For example, I can make noodles. I can’t make cakes. Ss:…… (
  2). Run, jump, ride,fast, high, far. T do actions, Ss try to say the proper words. Then Ss practice in pairs. And then hold a match: T do the actions, Ss say the proper words row by row. (
  3). T points the new word . Ss read them one bye one .
  3. Play the tape. Pause it after each utterance for the students to listen and repeat three times.
  4. T teaches the difficult word and sentences.
  5. Ss practice in groups of five.
  6. Get some groups to act it out . So, now most of the people sports(运动). I like sports,too. Do you like sports.
  7. Ask and answer about text: Q1: Can Sam \Amy run fast? Q2: Can Sam\ Daming jump high? Q3: Can Sam\ Lingling jump far? Q4: Can Sam\ Daming ride fast? Step
  3. Review and act .
  1. Review some expressions: Play basketball\ football\ table tennis. Make noodles\ cakes\ dumplings. Write a letter, take pictures and so on.
  2. Make dialogues. T and a good student act first , then get some students to try.
  3. This lesson we can ask some questions. For example, Can you ……? And we can answer them using the structure “ Yes, I can. \ No, I can’t .” We studies very well. Class is over. Can you run fast? Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Yes, I can. \ No, I can’t. Can you jump far? Can you ride fast?










Unit 2 Yes, I can.

  1. 知识目标:Can you make a cake? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
  2. 能力目标:使用"can"询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。 3 、教学重点: 核心句式 Can you ? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
  4、教学用具:录音机、卡片、图片、头饰、 教学过程: 13 Some students answer these questions. Then T says “ Sam can run fast\ jump high\ jump far. But he can’t ride fast .
Step 1:
老师和学生进行简单的交流,针对能力向学生提出问题。 Can you ? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.
  2、请学生完成 AB Unit 2 练习
  1。听音做出响应的动作。 Step 2:Presentation
  1 课文导入:出示课文中的挂图,告诉学生:大家要听一听 Daming Lingling Amy Sam 之间关于能力的对话。 请听录音。 并回答下面的问题: Daming Lingling Amy Sam 能做什么和他们不能做什么?
  4 Read after the tape. Practises in pairs. Play games:1 调查一下咱们班 Who can make?如果你能请回答"
Yes, I can.” 不能请回答"No, I can’t.”
  2 让学生在两张纸上分别画出哭脸和笑脸,然后两人一组,进行对话。被询问一方要举起 画有哭脸和笑脸的纸,然后进行口头回答。

3、开展互相帮助游戏。 Step 5 Homework Listen and repeat at least five times.



Module 7

Unit 1 Travel We are going to go to Hainan.
一、 教学准备与分析
  1、教学内容 学生用书:第七模块第一单元活动
  2 活动用书:第七模块第一单元活动
  1 技能与知识目标 A.基本要求 基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea, 基本能听懂、会说、会读句型: We’re going to … B.初步要求 初步掌握词汇:bedtime, swimsuit, 初步掌握句型:I’m going to … C.巩固复习 I’m from…
复习词汇: children, get up, China, England. 复习句型:名词所有格的表达方式“Xiaoyong’s bag”及时间的表达方式。
  2.2 运用能力目的 运用 We’re going to …句型让学生能够给自己所在的团体做出近期计划及用运用 I’ m from …介绍自己来自何处。
  2.3 素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的 培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。 通过对本课的学习,让学生学会从小就要有计划地做事情,合理的安排时间。
  3、教学重点 词汇: tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea, 句型: We’re going to …
  4、教学难点 Plane, swim, sea 的发音
  5、教学任务 A.学习任务: 学习词汇:tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea, 学习句型:We’re going to … B.运用任务: 运用任务一:有意义的活动计划
  6、教学任务 教学用书、录音机、单词卡片 二、 教学程序
  1、热身复习 活动
  1、教师语言:Let’s say and do the actions (老师出示单词卡片让学生看 着卡片的短语边说边做出相应的动做。 Swim, swim, swim in the sea. Boat, boat, row a boat. Basketball, basketball, play basketball. Dumplings, dumplings , make dumplings. Chess, chess , play chess. Pictures, pictures, take pictures. 14 I’m from… I’m from…
  2.任务呈现与课文导入 教师语言:Hello! Children. Do you like taking pictures? 学生语言:Yes. 教师语言:I like, too. I like traveling very much. Do you like traveling?( 们喜欢旅游么?) 学生语言:Yes. 教师语言: Amy ,Sam and their parents like traveling, too. OK! Let’s listen to the tape. Where are they going to go? Then you and your friends are going to make a plan by yourself. At last you’re going to tell us where you are going to go, what you are going to do, how do you go there. 任务呈现:我们今天的任务是你和你的朋友将一起为你们制定一个有意义的活动计划。
  3.课文呈现 教师语言:After listening , please complete my sentences.
  1 教师播放录音,此时只要求学生听,不跟读。
  2 学生完成句子填空 we’re going to go to Hainan tomorrow. We’re going to get up at 5 o’clock. We’re going to go by plane. I’m Sam . I’m from England. I’m Xiaoyong. I’m from China (Sam)I’m going to swim in the sea. (Xiaoyong) I’m going to visit my grandpa.
  1)教师语言:Please look at this map .I’m going to go to Beijing.(指北京) Who wants to go with me?(谁愿意和我一起去?) 学生语言: Me .(或用汉语回答我愿意) 教师语言: OK. We’re going to go to Beijing.(老师与学生站在一起将强调 We.) 授两遍。如每组派一同学为自己的大组选择一个地点,这个组的学生就根据这个地点来 练习句型 We’re going to go to . 然后进行大组之间的操练。请同学自己选择城 . 市或其它地方来操练 We’re going to go to
  2) 教师语言:You’ve chosen a place .But how do you go there ? I’m going to go by plane. Who wants to go by plane? 学生语言:I want. 教师语言: OK! We’re going to go by plane. 教授两遍。ABCD 每组操练 一遍,然后进行 ACBD 这的组与组之间的操练。 Can you choose another traffic tools?(让学生选择其它交通工具来练习 We’ re going to go by .句型)
  3)教师语言:In our plan the time is very important, do you think so? When are you going to get up? 请学生四人小组讨论然后回答 学生语言:We’re going to get up at . 按小组回答
  4 )教师语言:At last, what are you going to do? 四人小组讨论,汇报。We’re going to .
  5Game : 全班四个大组,A 组写 We’re going to go to . B 组写 We’re going to go by .C 组写 We’re going to get up at . D 组写 We’re going to . 老师为每组发一面旗子,然后放音乐当音乐停下来拿到旗子的学生就站起来将自己 所写的内容读出来,这样进行几组联系。 复习巩固 教师语言:刚才我们大家都听到了没有经过讨论的计划是不合理的,那么现在请你们再 来听听 Amy 他们制定的旅行计划吧。
  5.完成运用任务 有意义的活动计划 报。
  7、作业 下课为自己的家庭制定出一个活动计划。


Unit 2 We are going to visit the Ming Tombs .

  1,教学内容: 学生用书:第三册第七模块第二单元活动
   45 15 现在请你们自己自由组和讨论一下自己的活动计划,然后小组汇
  2,教学目标: 2,1 技能与知识目标: A,基本要求: 基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词 stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解 visit 的用 法既可以 表示 visit a person,还可以表示 visit a place ,an animal) 基本能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth. 能听懂、会唱歌曲:We are going to go to the zoo. B, 初步要求: 使学生初步感知单词 roar,scary,the Ming Tombs,不同人称在 be going to go to + place 语言结构中的应用。 C,复习巩固: 复习巩固单词:monstor, animal, 以及学过的动物名称。 复习巩固句型:.We’re going to go to +place. 2,2 运用能力目的: 能够熟练掌握 visit 的不同用法,能够运用 be going to do sth 的语言结构表示自己 打算干某事。 2,3 素质教育: 通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明墓的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生 热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情,树立保护文化遗产主人翁的意识。培养学生认真学语言, 乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。

3,教学重点: 基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词 stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解的用法即可 以表示 visit a person,还可以表示 visit a place,an animal) 基本能听懂、会读、会说句型:we’re going to do sth. 能听懂、会唱歌曲:We are going to go to the zoo.
  4,教学难点: visit 的不同用法 5, 教学任务: A, 学习任务: 基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词 stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解的用法即可 以表示 visit a person,还可以表示 visit a place,an animal)
基本能听懂、会读、会说句型 we’re going to do sth. .能听懂、会唱歌曲:We are going to go to the zoo. B, 运用任务:游园路线图 6, 教学用品: 录音机(), 单词教学卡(大的),教学挂图,有关地点和动物的卡片。





















Module7unit2 的歌曲


1 Say a chant: We’re going to I’m going to I’m going to She is going to She is going to He is going to They are going to They are going to 二、导入(3 分钟) I’m going to ,I’m going to check your homework.Who can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学把收集到的有关 the Ming Tombs 的资料与其他同学分享。 三、呈现 课文呈现:Ms Smart and her student have been to the Ming Tombs,Let’s see” What did they see in the Ming Tombs.” 交代任务:We can’t visit the Ming Tombs now, but Miss Wang have a good idea ??We’re going to go to the zoo and visit animals. 三、 操作与指导
  1Let’s see some animals.(图片)Teach words:stone ,camel 操练单词:Game:老师说一种动物,学生做动作模仿,当老师说 stone+动物,学生暂停 不许动,然后请一到两个同学说动物。
  2、体会单词 roar,scary,请学生模仿动物的吼叫声,老师说 scary 请学生作害怕状, 可藏在桌子下。
  4T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals? Ss: Alive animals. 16 We’re going to go to+place go to +place go to +place go to +place He is going to , go to +place
T:Let’s see .(
出示动物卡片)We’re going to visit animals.教单词 visit.
  5、操练 We’re going to visit +animal 的语言结构。在黑板上画动物园,请学生用 We’re going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡 片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。 (活动用书活动
  6、完成运用任务; 请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词 then 来达到句子 的连续性,和完整性。 (活动用书活动
  7、学唱歌曲 We are going to go to the zoo 四:总结: 请同学们总结 visit 的几种用法。 五、 布置家庭作业: 活动用书单元活动




















  1、教学内容: 学生用书:第三册复习模块第一单元活动
  2.1 技能与知识目标: A 基本要求 熟练掌握单词:up, down, past ,turn right ,turn lift ,numbers, run fast, play the flute, swim, draw a dragon, make a cake, play football, jump high, take a picture, ride a bike, row a boat, park. 熟练掌握语言结构:be B 初步要求 (无)
  2.2 运用能力目标: 能够熟练运用 Go straight on. Turn right/left.描述他人走的路线,给他人指路。 能够运用 Can you …?句型询问他人的情况,并用 YesI can./No, I can’t.进行回答。 going +direction. How many? Can you …? Yes, I can. No, I can’t . Be going to do sth.
  2.3 素质教育目标: 通过问路以及指路的活动,培养学生独立解决问题的能力以及乐于助人的精神。培养学 生在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,完成学习任务的能力。培养学生乐于与人 交往,在交往中了解自己及他人的能力。
  3、教学重点: 同基本要求
  4、教学难点: (无)
  5、教学任务: A 学习任务: 熟练掌握单词:up, down, past ,turn right ,turn lift ,numbers, run fast, play the flute, swim, draw a dragon, make a cake, play football, jump high, take a picture, ride a bike, row a boat, park. 熟练掌握语言结构:be B 运用任务:
  1Find a secret place.
  2What are you going to do in the park.
  6、教学用品: 录音机()、图片、单词卡 二、课堂教学程序:
  1、启动: 分钟) 3 呈现任务:Today, I am going to take you to a secret place. Later you will fide the answer.
  1 Say a song from Module 3 Unit 2 down down ,go down left left, turn left right right ,turn right straight on straight on ,go straight on
  2、导入: 17
  2 Chant: up up ,go up going +direction. How many? Can you …? Yes, I can. No, I can’t . Be going to do sth.
T: What am I doing? Ss: I am turning left.
请学生来做 T:What is he/she doing?Ss:She is ….
  3、呈现: Let’s listen to the tape,what are they doing?
  1Repeat after the tape.
  2Listen to the tape and write the numbers.学生汇报 It’s picture…
  3Listen and repeat.
  4T:I can jump high.What can you do ? Ss:I can …(Ask several students to answer) T:Can you swim ?Ss :Yes,I can ./No ,I can’t.生生对话
  5Game :We are the best partner.同桌之间以拍手的形式进行边问边答“Can you ride a bike?/row a boat?/take pictures?” Yes ,I can. No, I can’t.节奏可由慢到快,先小组活动,然后上台比一比,谁说 的最好,最多而且不间断。评选出最佳组合。
  6)完成学生用书,活动 3 调查表,学生根据自己的情况来涂色或画勾。教师进行全班 提问,Who can run fast?/play the flute?/swim?/draw a dragon?学生举手表示 Yes, I can .教师接着提问 How many ?/How many students can run fast?学生回答。
  7)利用数字卡片或手势复习数字。 游戏:小组对抗赛。这是一个训练学生听认数字的游戏,教师将数字和英文书写打乱分 贴在黑板的两侧,左边如果是数字,右边就是英文单词,教师说一个数字,这两位学生 就立即摘下教师所念的数字,摘的对而快的得两分,对而慢的得一分,不对的不得分, 在教师说第一个数字的时候,各组的第二个学生应上前等候,第一个学生摘下数字后, 游戏接着进行。
  8Let’s have a rest.We are going to go to the park.
  5、完成运用任务 1 Find a secret place. 给学生展示一个路线图(考验学生的综合运用能力) 。教师说口令或学生根据教师 的口型发口令,学生画路标,最终来到 secret place??公园。 T: What are you going to do in the park?First let’s see Amy, Lingling, Sam what they are going to do .Have the students listen and match.Amy 她们已经给我们 了一些建议。Now ,what are you going to do in the park.

  2What are you going to do in the park. 快乐的休闲时光。四人小组合作并展示对话(来到公园他们是怎样度过快乐时光的)












  1.教学内容 学生用书:复习模块第 2 单元活动
     活动用书:复习模块第 2 单元活动
  2.1 技能与知识目标 A.基本要求: 熟练掌握月份的描述及天气状况的词汇 熟练掌握现在进行时 熟练掌握 Can I have some……?语言结构及其回答 Yesyou can/Sorryyou can`t 熟练掌握食物名称 B.初步要求 (无) C.复习巩固: 复习词汇:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptember OctoberNovemberDecember 复习食物名称。 复习 Can I have some……?语言结构及其回答。
  2.2 运用能力目标 运用所学语言点完成对各月份的描述。 运用已学知识点表述自己对食物的愿望并对他人 请求予以回答。 运用所学语言结构对他人正在做的事情进行描述。
  2.3 素质教育目标 使学生逐步形成用英语参加综合活动的兴趣和能力。 培养学生互相合作的精神,培养大胆、自信、活泼的性格。 使学生逐渐形成学习词汇和巩固已学知识的策略。 18
  3.教学重点 同基本要求
  4.教学难点 (无)
  5.任务设计 C 学习任务: 熟练掌握月份的描述及天气状况的词汇 熟练掌握现在进行时 熟练掌握 Can I have some……?语言结构及其回答 Yesyou can/Sorryyou can`t 熟练掌握食物名称 D 运用任务: 快乐的聚会
  6.教学用品: 录音机/带、邀请信、各语言结构条、有奖竞赛题、小奖品。 二、课堂教学程序
  1、启动: Chants①Make ②Can I
  2、导入: TCakerileSoup and fruitThey’re nice food Do you
  3、呈现: T “I’m going to hold a party todayWish you’ll enjoy the party. There are many kinds of food waiting for you,But I need your helpsLing ling
  4、操练与指导: ①TCan you jive me some words or sentences about food? ②由学生回忆所有与吃的有关的音词(One by one回忆与食物有关的句子,学生汇报,教师贴句子,请小老师来领读。 ④Quickiy Response:指句子,学生拍桌子读句型。 ⑤Passing Game:以 Can I have some soup?为背景,由慢到快,哪儿同座位 2 人共 同完成对话。 (将 Can I……?与 Do you……?都融入游戏中) like foodLookhere’s an invitation have a cake soup
⑥TOh,I’m hungry.I want to eat something.Let’s go to the party.ok? ⑦听录音,回答问题: a.What is mum doing? d. What is daning doing? f.What is lingling doing? h. What is grandpa doing? ⑧听录音,跟读。 ⑨TOhwhy not asking your friends to come to lingling’s pary教师给出示范与一名学生打电话“What are you doing小组活动:打电话。展示(2-3 组)
  5、完成运用任务 ① TOur friends are Coming. Let’s begin our party. You’d better take care of your friends. ②学生活动表演对话 ④T: Look, 有奖问答! 教师呈现竞赛题: January July August September October November December A. There are 31 days in J B. There are 28 or 29 days in F C. There are 31 days in M D. There are 30 days in A E. There are 31 days in M F. There are 30 days in J G. There are 31 days in J H. There are 31 days in A I. There are 30 days in S J. There are 31 days in O K. There are 30 days in N 19 February March April May June b.What is dad doing? c.What is sam doing? e.What ane they doing g. What is Amy doing i.What is grandpa doing?
L. There are 31 days in D
(凡答对问题者,教师请该生到领奖处领奖)呈现 Pary 大奖??
























Module 8

Sports Day I am going to ….
Unit 1 What are you going to do?

 Teaching aims:What are you going to do? Sports Day come on every day run the 100 meters
Key points
Be going to do …pattern (ask and answer) Difficult points What are you going to do for Sports Days? We are /I am going Teaching procedure Step 1: Warmer
  2 it. Revise I am going to go to Qingdao. And so on.
  3 Revise the sports items. this Thursday Step 2 :Presentation
  1.Write down20
  1129 Say :We are going to have a Sports Day this Thursday.What are you going to do for Sports Day ?(repeat)Write down:We are going to have a Sports Day. And What are you going to do for Sports Day?
  2.Show the card with“ run the 100 meters”on it,say :I am going to run the 100 meters. Step 3 New lesson
  2 Teach these 2 sentences: We are going to have a Sports Day. Teach “run the 100 meters” .Say I am going to swim/jump high... What are you going to do for Sports Day? Sing a song. Show the cards with Qingdao BeijingShanghaiHongkong on to … Teaching aids picturevocabulary cardstape
Step 4 Practice
Pair working. Work :groups to groups. Little teacher.
运用所学语言结构描述自己的计划,并能对他人计划进行询问。 运用所学词汇谈


  3、教学重点 词汇: do the high jumpdo the long jump “What are you going to do for …的语言结构及其回答: “I’m going to ….”
  4、教学难点 “run the…”“ do the…”的表达。
  5、任务设计 A.学习任务 学习词汇:do the high jumpdo the long jump 学习“What are you going to do for ……的语言结构及其回答: “I’m going to …… ” B.运用任务 运用任务
  6、教学用品 电脑、课件、录音机/带、单词大卡片、词条、金牌、奖杯、运动会报名表、金牌榜 实物投影仪 二、 课堂教学程序 (
  2)TPR:T: The Sports Day is coming. Let’s do some
  1、启动(Starting (
  1)Greetings: T?Ss training. (
  3)Sing a song to the students. And then ask the student to sing the song together. “What are you going to do” “I’m going to run.” “I’m going to run.” “What are you going to do” “I’m going to run.” 教师利用沙锤打节奏,以韵句的形式给学生复习。 教师先唱一遍,然后请学生跟唱。
  2、导入(Leading 教师利用曲调继续唱“What am I going to do” 20
Step 5 Presentation
  1.Show the picture. Say Damming is going to run the 100 metres he is going to run every day .Do you know “every day”?Yes, we eat every day, we drink every day, we sleep every day.(with the action)Teach “every day”.
  2.Retell the text to the Ss ,with the picture. Step 6 Listen and read
  1.Get the Ss to listen to the tape,and point to the relevant picture.
  2.Get them to read after the tape tether. Step 7 Guessing game and action
  1. Play an interesting guessing game.
  2. Ask and answer:What are you going to do for Sports Day?I am going to…(do the action) Step 8 Homework Group working.5 Ss a group.Make a survey in the class,then fill the answers in the blank.Ask one to the Bb to report to the whole class. Unit 2 I am going to do the high jump .














Module 8 Unit 2 Activity1, 2
  21 技能与知识目标 A.基本要求 基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇:do the high jumpdo the long jump B.初步要求:初步感知 training 的含义。 C.复习巩固:与体育相关的部分词汇,如:play , run ,
  22 运用能力目标
T “Look, I’m going to show you some pictures.” 教师准备体育明星海报,向学生呈现本届奥运会相关资料。
  3、呈现(Presenting T “Who are they?” Ss answer 教师录音与奥运会明星进行对话。 T :“Hello,××. What are you going to do today?” Sports starI’m going to take part in your Sports Day. T :“Oh, great! Then what are you going to do for Sports Day ?” Ss answer T :“Please wait. I can ’t do it by myself. Can you help me to do the task?” Ss answer. T :“Let’s learn something new. And I believe you can do it well!”
  4、操练与指导 ⑴T :“What’s your favourite sports?” ⑵Present new words and phrases on the blackboard ⑶Ask the students work in groups and try to read the new words. ⑷请学生汇报词汇,鼓励学生自主的学习新知识,相互合作解决新词汇。教师对学生们 都无法解决的词汇进行辅助教学,并对所有词汇进行强调。抽查词汇:教师通过肢体或单词卡片对所学词汇进行抽查。 (游戏:小丑卡片) ⑹Game:大小声游戏 规则:教师请一学生将一词卡放在另一名同学桌前,请学生利用声音大小暗示台前学生 词卡的位置,学生可在此过程中拍击桌面增强紧迫感。找到图并答出教师提问可获得奖 励。教师可在此环节中引入本单元短语。呈现句子,自己先问一名学生,然后由全班学 生对找到图片的学生进行提问。强调本单元语言结构“What are you going to do for ……的语言结构及其回 答: “I’m going to …… ” (
  8)Game:传卡片 (
  9)呈现课文 a) b) 教师出示 Amy 的图片, 并通过传卡片的游戏将卡片传入 Amy 的手中, 引出课文。 请学生听课文。 21
  5、任务完成(Task-fulfilling) T “You are super! And now you can do the task. Please work in groups and try to finish the task.”⑴学生活动。请部分学生表演展示并对话,进行选拔比赛。
  6Homework.“What are you going to do for the 2008 Olympic Games?”鼓励学生 课下进行交流。 Module 9 Unit 1
  2. Happy Birthday! Can I have some sweets? Learning the new words: soup sweets bread Learning the sentence tapes biscuit fruit light turn
Teaching aim on sorry Can I have some soup? Yes , you can. . Sorry, you can’t. Teaching aids
  3. pictures recorder CD-ROM
Teaching steps
  1. Warmer Sing a song Review the old food words: noodles peanuts rice pears apples fish
  2.Presentation T: I’m hungry . Can I have some noodles?(Show the students the sentence type.) Show the students the picture of soup ,say \su:p\. Teach the word soup . T: Can I have some soup? Sorry , you can’t. Teach the word sorry. Teach the words : sweets fruit bread biscuit just like this. Show the students the picture of light ,teach the word light , turn on the light ,teach the expression turn on.
  3. Drills
Read the new words one by one , group by group ,row by row. Say the sentences Can I have some Ask and answer in groups, or in pairs. For examper: Can I have some soup? Sorry, you can’t. Can I have some sweets? Sorry , you can’t.
  4. Watch the CD-ROM, listen then say.
  5. Listen again ,then let some students read the sentences. Consonitation Act in groups: Can I have some soup? Yes, you can. Sorry, you can’t. ? Use the word : soup sweets fruit bread biscuits