
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/07/04 01:10:41














     Russian delegate Jassim Bin: If you spoke with me in this tone will be no such thing as Qatar


     In the recording aired by the French channel "2" to a conversation between the representative of Russia in the Security Council, Vitaly Churkin, and Qatar’s Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim, where the bin Jassim speaking to the representative of Russia, saying: I warn you from taking any veto on the crisis in Syria, Russia has to be approved decision, otherwise they will lose all the Arab countries. Individual nerves of the Russian calmly: If I went back to talk with me in this tone once again, there will be no such thing as Qatar after today.


      And attacked the Russian delegate in the Security Council, Vitaly Churkin, Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim, during a session of the Security Council, Syria, on Saturday night Sunday.


      Churkin and addressed the Prime Minister of Qatar, saying: You are a guest on the Security Council Vahterm yourself a promise to your size and I’m basically not talking to you I speak on behalf of Great Russia with adults only.


      And Russia and China used the veto "veto" in the Security Council to thwart a draft resolution condemning repression in Syria. Churkin and justified the use of his veto against the resolution, that the draft resolution on Syria was "not balanced".


     Churkin said: The text "calls for regime change, encouraging the opposition to seek to control the power," and sent "a message to the parties is balanced" system and the opposition, stressing that it "did not reflect the reality of the situation in Syria."


      Churkin pointed to some of the amendments called for Moscow to enter text in the last minute, and accused Westerners not to show "flexibility" in negotiations.




【他对你说话的语气和对别人说话的语气不同这是好还是不好?】 为什么打电话和发短信他总是很关心我、很疼我的语气,而一旦面对面说话就都没了,甚至还会带嘲笑的语气呢 寝室里一女生老是装着很娇的语气说话,我一想起来或者一看到她心情就烦躁怎么办 说话语气的种类 我怎么说话就没有吸引力呢? 仿照《延安,我把你追寻》的写法和语气写一首诗 仿照《延安,我把你追寻》的写法和语气写一首诗 ~有没有软件你说话就可以打字的? 为什么我的眼泪那么多,只要老公说话语气稍微重一点,我的眼泪就会出来,到底为什么呢? 有没有“就凭你?”这种意思的谚语? 你一说话,我就消失的谜底? !!!如果老公生气了,我最应该用什么语气和他说话呢?是按他的想法屈服呢?还是坚持自己的想法? 我把DVD考在电脑里,再用powerDVD看,怎么就没有字幕了? 最近我一说话右耳就有耳鸣,不说话就没有了,怎么回事??? “通知我”和“让我知道”哪个语气轻哪个语气重? 一个仓管员该用怎样的语气来跟厂商和现场的人说话 手机好久不用了 再用的时候别人能听见我说话 我听不见别人说话 有这么的一天,你没有牙齿,没有头发,不会说话,不能走路,连大小便也要人帮你.你如何面对你的这种情形 我和一个喜欢的人在一起很无聊啊!!明天说话很无聊啊 也许明天这个世界上就没有我了 永别了 为社么有个男同学老是用命令的语气跟我说话? 在单位中我的说话语气很生硬,有什么好办法吗? 在单位中,我说话的语气很生硬,可又不知怎么改进,帮帮忙吧! 要用什么语气什么态度说话才能让同事帮我做事呢