
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/02 18:35:20


赵孝勇 赵彦鸿






   thatwhether (if ), who (who whom whose) what which, when where how why



   That fish will die out of water is (not) known.

   Whether the world-famous scientist will marry the lady of 28 years old is (not) known.

   Who will fire the first shot between the mainland and Taiwan is (not) known.

   Whose book this is (not) known.

   Whom the teacher will praise is (not) known.

   What they need is (not) known.

   Which team will win is (not) known.

   When we will start is (not) known.

   Where we will go is (not) known.

   Why our monitor is absent is (not) known.

   How Yao Ming has become a basketball star is (not) known.



   I don't know that fish will die out of water.

   I don't know whether the scientist will marry the lady of 28 years old.


   The question is who will fire the first shot between the mainland and Taiwan.

   The question is whose book this is.


   I have no idea whom the teacher will praise.

   I have no idea what they need.

   I have no idea which team will win.



   This is where he was born. (这就是他出生的地方——陈述意义)

   The question is where he lives now. (问题是他现在住在哪里——疑问意义)


   Wh-从句基本上都可以变为动词不定式的特殊结构,即:where to go , what to do等:

   When we will start is a puzzle=When to start is a puzzle.



   1I believe ____you've done your best and ___things will improve.

   A. that, / B. /, / C. what, thatD. /, that

   2He lives in _____ used to be a temple. A. what B. where

   C. the place D. the place where

   3I know nothing about her but __ she is from France.

   A. whyB. whenC. that D. how

   4What a pity ___ is __ you didn't arrive by daylight!

   A. that, for B. it, that

   C. he, when D. there, because

   5I will give this book to ___ wants to have it. A. whomever B. whoever

   C. whatever D. wherever

   答案 DACBB


   (1)Who can tell me why to start at 5:30 in the morning

   (2)The question is how to get there.

   (3)Why argue with her

   注:why if从句不能简化为不定式结构。

   答案 1)错误(2)正确 3)正确(此句为why + 动词原形的特殊问句,不是从句)

   (4)It hasn't been decided if we shall attend the meeting.

   (5)The question depends on if they are honest.

   (6)I don't know if to stay or not.

   (7)The fact if our football team has won the match is unknown.

   (8)The problem is if they will agree.

   注:在表语、同位语放在句首的主语从句中,不定式或or not前、介词后, 以及用if引起歧义时,要用whether不用if

   答案 (4)正确 (5)错误 (6)错误 (7)错误 (8)错误

   二、情态动词 + 完成时


   It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. (must表示推测只用于肯定句)


   He might (may) have gone home. There is nobody here except me.(可能已经回家了)



   1. should + 完成时 ought to + 完成时)


   You ought not to have criticized her before the audience. (你本不该当众批评她)

   2. could + 完成时


   3. might + 完成时


   You might have broken your leg. That was not a good place to go skiing.

   4. need + 完成时


   He needn't have told me the news, for I knew then. (他本来就没有必要告诉我——多余了)

   5. had better + 完成时


   You had better have studied hard.

   6.would rather + 完成时


   I didn't agree with him, but now I would rather not have done that .


   (1) This morning he got up early, but he _____ so because he _____ work on Sundays.

   A. can't have done, can't

   B. didn't need to do, didn't

   C. mustn't have done, mustn't

   D. needn't have done, needn't

   (2) Han Meimei _____ full marks, but she was so careless to make some mistakes.

   A. can have gained B. must have gained C. could have gained D. must gain

   (3) Were you impolite to her

   Yes, but I _____ so.

   A. shouldn't do

   B. had better not do

   C. would rather not do

   D. shouldn't have done.

   (4) James is 45 minutes late. What _____ to him

   A. must have happened

   B. may have happened

   C. can have happened

   D. should have happened

   (5) Hi, Lily, I _____ have returned your bicycle earlier. You _____ have needed it.

   A. should, might B. must, might

   C. might, should D. must, should

   (6) Mr.Smith _____ the plane, or perhaps he has been prevented from coming for some reason.

   A. should have missedB. may have missed

   C. might miss D. can have missed

   (7) Such a little boy has made so much noise that he _____ not have been allowed to so fine a party.

   A. would B. need C. should D. must

   (8) He _____ have left here last week, but he didn't.

   A. ought to B. could

   C. should D. all the above

   (9) —“_____ Tibet ?”

   —“Yes. According to what he said he _______ there.

   A. Can he have been, must have been

   B. Must he have gone, must go

   C. Must he have been, must be

   D. Can he have gone, must have gone



   虚拟语气按照语法书或课本的编排顺序学习和记忆比较繁乱,但仔细研究一下,就可以发现它的特点和规律,那就是:一、使用动词的过去相应时态;二、使用should + 原形,如果按照自己的思路把它重排,就会非常简单,记忆起来非常方便。



   ⑴三种基本形式:与现在或将来事实相反的从句中、过去时—与过去事实相反的从句中、过去完成时 (另记:将来:were to/ should + 原形)

   wish 从句中

   as if 从句中

   would rather从句中 (顺便记忆类似的would sooner, had rather)

   if only(从)句中

   It's time从句中(另一个用法是:should+原形)

   (should) + 原形



   insist suggest advise propose order command demand desire require request ask


   *想到insistsuggest就会想到另一个, 因为这两词均有正常使用的一方面;

   *想到 suggest 就容易想到另外两个建议;

   *命令后的词按顺序 ,每个单词的部分词体都有与上一词重叠的部分:

   demand重叠command manddesire重叠 demandde require重叠desireirerequest重叠 require requ


   He suggested that he (should) be sent to work in the countryside.(宾语从句中)

   The suggestion is that we (should) arrive there before 6:00 in the evening. (表语从句)

   We all agree to his suggestion that we (should) give up the plan. (同位语从句)

   It is suggested that he give a performance at the party.(主语从句)

   ⑶由 It is suggested that主语从句再联想到另外三个主语从句的结构:

   It's time (that) (句中的should 一般不省)

   It's high time (that) we (should) put an end to the argument. (此时不是省should ,而是should拿掉后,put是过去时,符合“使用过去相应时态“的用法)

   It is + necessary (等形容词) (that)

   It is a pity/ a shame (that)

   It is necessary that we (should) get everything ready by tonight.

   lestfor fear thatin case后面的从句中

   He put a thick coat for fear that/ lest he should catch cold.




   If he _____ the doctor's advice , he would be all right now.

   A. would followed B. had followed

   C. should D. has followed

   I would sooner you _____ anything about it for the time being.

   A. doB. didn't C. don't D. didn't do

   She insisted that a doctor _____ immediately. A. had sent for B. send

   C. be sent for D. was sent

   If only I _____ my car!

   A. hadn't lost B. wouldn't lose

   C. didn't lose D. haven't lost

   It is strange that he _____ back so early.

   A. should have come B. came

   C. had come D. will

   He hasn't come yet. If he _____ come on time, we would have to put off the meeting.

   A. should B. would

   C. shouldn't D. doesn't

   He remained very calm. Otherwise he _____. A. would been found out

   B. would have been found out

   C.would find out

   D. would have found out

   She insisted that she _____ the work all by herself, but nobody believed her.

   A. had done B. have done C. didD. so

   Our only request is that this _____ as soon as possible.

   A. had been settled B. was settled

   C. is settled D. be settled

   He spoke to me as if he _____ a headmaster then.

   A.was B. be C. have beenD. had been


  key 15.BDCAA 610.CBADA