应急柴油发电机测试:Rising inequlity threatens growth legitimacy

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/03 16:04:44

Rising inequlity threatens growth legitimacy

(Shanghai Daily)

09:38, October 17, 2011

语法标注解释 inequality英音:[,ini'kw?liti]美音:[?n?'kwɑl?t?]  



名词 n.
1. 不均等;不平等;不平衡[U][C]
There are many inequalities in the law.
inequality of treatment
social inequality
社会的不平等 2. (表面的)不平坦;不齐整[C][P1]
There are many inequalities in the surface of this old road.
这条古旧道路的路面有许多高低不平之处。 3. 【数】不等(式)


1. 不平等
inequality 不平等
http://www.eduxue.com...2. 不等式;中心差
机械工程学专业词汇英语翻译(I) - 科技...
inequality 不等式;中心差
http://www.coffeel.co...3. 不等式;不相等
zgob.com - GRE数学考试词汇
inequality 不等式;不相等

Illustration by Zhou Tao

This year has witnessed a global wave of social and political turmoil and instability, with masses of people pouring into the real and virtual streets: the Arab Spring; riots in London; Israel's middle-class protests against high housing prices and an inflationary squeeze on living standards; protesting Chilean students; the destruction in Germany of the expensive cars of fat cats ; India's movement against corruption; and now the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York and across the United States.

While these protests have no unified theme, they express in different ways the serious concerns of the world's working and middle classes about their prospects in the face of the growing concentration of power among economic, financial, and political elites. The causes of their concern are clear enough: high unemployment and underemployment in advanced and emerging economies; inadequate skills and education for young people and workers to compete in a globalized world; resentment against corruption, including legalized forms like lobbying; and a sharp rise in income and wealth inequality in advanced and fast-growing emerging-market economies.

Of course, the malaise that so many people feel cannot be reduced to one factor. For example, the rise in inequality has many causes: the addition of billions of people in emerging economies to the global labor force, which is reducing the jobs and wages of unskilled blue-collar and off-shorable white-collar workers in advanced economies; skill-biased technological change; winner-take-all effects; early emergence of income and wealth disparities in rapidly growing, previously low-income economies; and less progressive taxation.

【1】 【2】 【3】 【4】 


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