e话通聊天室官方下载:Go for it)新目标人教版七年级上册英语学案 Unit 4

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(Go for it)新目标人教版七年级上册英语学案 Unit 4(完整版附答案)

Unit4 Where’s my backpack?

Section A

Step 1   Teaching aims:



2、学会方位介词:in, on, under…的用法;


能力目标: 要求掌握以下句式:

a-------- Where’ s …?

--------It’ s in/on/under…


--------They’re in/on/under…


Step 2  重难点

1. 单词:where, table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, plant, in, on, under, they, They’re=they are.

2.  其它词组:my backpack , under the table , on the dresser

3.   难点:能够准确运用方位介词表达准确的物品位置。

Step 3教学过程:

1.     导入:

2.     自主学习:1a/1c.先将词语译成汉语,再做小组对话练习。

in my bookcase _____________     在桌子下面______________

next to the desk _____________     他是数学课本_____________

eg : -------Where’s my backpack ?

   -------It on the desk .

 1b/2a/2b 听力训练

 2c . Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above .

Where is the baseball ?   It’ s on the (背包)__________

Where is your computer game ?    It’ s (床下面)___________      

 3a . Put these sentences in order to make a conversation.

 ______  I don’t know .

 ______  Is it on the dresser ?

 ______  No , it isn’t

 ______  Where is the bag ?  

3c. Ask and answer questions about the things below .


Step 4 典题赏析

1.     There is a bird ____ the tree .

A. in      B. on       C. /        D. up

总结:本题错选B项的原因在于掌握好on ,in 的用法区别,如果是长在树上的东西用on the tree ; 如果是外来的东西在树上则用in the tree.

2.     Do you want to eat the apples _____ the tree ?

A. on      B. to      C. for      D. in


Step 5 中考链接

1.     The teacher wrote the words _____ the blackboard .(2005.武汉)

A. with    B. in        C. on       D. from

2.What can I do ____ you ?(2006.云南)

I’d like a cup of tea .

A.   of      B. for      C. to      D. with

Step 6 能力提升


1.___ your chair ?

A. where       B. where’re       C. where’s     D. what

2.Is your book _____ the drawer ?

A. in         B. on           C. under          D. at

3.___ your keys on the sofa ?

A.Is        B. Are         C. Am             D. Be

4. Where is my computer game ?

It’s ____ TV set

A. in the     B. next to     C. next to a      D. next to the




2、Her keys are on the chair .


3、Where are my bags ?


4、Tom’ s watch ______________ (不在抽屉里)




This is _1_ photo __2__ my room . Can you see my bed ?It is here .It is nice .These __3__ my books .They are __4__ . My dictionary __5__ on a chair . Look ! What’s that ? It’s __6___ What color is ___7__ ? Do you know? __8_ green . It’s __9__ the floor .My backpack __10_ under the bed .I like my room !

1、A. a          B. an          C. /

2、A. to         B. in           C. of  

3、A. is         B. am         C. are

4、A. on desk    B. on a desk     C. under desk

5、A. am        B. is          C. are

6、A. a plant     B. plant       C. the plant

7、A. these      B. those        C. it

8、A. It’s        B. She’s       C. He’s

9、A. to         B. on         C. in

10、A. don’t      B. are         C. is

Unit4 Where’s my backpack?

Section B

Step 1  Teaching aims:






1.  要求掌握以下句式:

The keys are in the drawer.

2.  要求掌握以下单词:Alarm clock; video cassette; CD; math book; computer game。


Step 2重点、难点:

1.重点: a:方位介词的用法;

          b:Where 的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句:

Is the… in/on/under the …?的肯定、否定回答;

2.难点:a. 能够准确运用方位介词描述物品所在的位置;


Step3 教学过程:

1、         导入:

2、         自主学习:

1a Match the words with the things in the picture.

1. math book _________      2. alarm clock __________

3. CD__________           4. computer game ________

5. video tape __________     5. hat __________

1b. Look at Tommy’s room for three minutes .Now close your books and write down all the things you remember .

------------Where’s the notebook ?

-----------It’s on the bed .

1c.StudentA , ask questions .student B , keep your book closed .



Dear Fei Fei ,

Please ___ these things _____ your sister :(带给)her hat ,watch , notebook , keys ,and ID card .The hat __________ (在梳妆台上).The watch is _________ (在床上) 。The notebook is ________ (在床上). The keys are ________ (在抽屉里).The ID card is ________ (在桌子上).

3b.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks .

Step4 典题赏析

1.     Please ____ these things to your brother .He needs them .

A. bring       B. take     C. come      D. carry

总结:bring  sth. to sb. 意为:给某人带来某物;take sth. to sb. 意为:给某人带去某物,本题应该是:把这些东西给你的哥哥带去。

2.     _____ some water to me . I am thirsty (渴了)

A. Bring     B. Take      C. Come     D. Go

Step5 中考链接

1.     Your shoes are wet . You’d better ____ them off at once .(2005.吉林)

A. ask     B. short     C. dark      D. thin 

2.Do you go to school every day?

No, we go to school only __Monday to Friday.

A. from     B. on         C. between   D. in

Step6 能力提升


1.Where ____ the CDs ?

Sorry , I don’t know .

A. is       B. are      C. am       D. be

2. -----Please ____ the backpack here .


A. bring      B. take       C. need      D. look

3.----where are my books ,mom ?

------____ are under the floor .

A. You       B. We      C. They        D. It

4. I can see ___ birds . ____ birds are in the tree .

A. some , Some    B. some , /   C. the , The  D. Some , some


1.Put ___ (they) over there , please .

2.Here  ___ (be) some CDs for you .

3.You can ____ (bring) your computer to me .

4.Are there ____ (some) basketballs behind the door ?

5.We need _____ (ask) some notebooks to your room.


A: Good morning! Wang Feng.

B: Morning! Dave. ___ that?

A: It’s a ___ of my ____.

B: Let me have a look.

A: OK.

B: ____ the old man your ____?

A: Yes, ____ is. And this old woman is my ____.

B: Are ___your parents?

A: Yes, ____ are.

B: ___ is the baby ?

A:Guss .

B:It’s you .


Unit 4

Section A

中考链接:C B


一.C A B B

二.1.Your book is in your backpack.


3、Sorry,I don’t know.

4、isn’t in the drawer.

5、Where’re my computer games.

1、A 2、C 3、C 4、B 5、B 6、A 7、C 8、A 9、B 10、C

Section B

中考链接:A A


一B A C A

二1.them 2.are 3.bring 4.any 5.to ask

三What’s photo.Family. Is .grandfather .he grandmother .they .they. Who