蚌埠代账会计招聘:向乡村老男人致敬 《Crazy Heart》原声音乐

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向乡村老男人致敬 《Crazy Heart》原声音乐

 本文引用自木吉他《向乡村老男人致敬 《Crazy Heart》原声音乐》   “整部电影就像一首流畅的带着轻微哀伤的蓝调,略显荒凉的美国南部,蓝天白云,金黄色的空旷草地,清冷的小镇,灯光昏暗的小酒吧,狭窄凌乱的旅店房间,一个金发的写满故事的老人的脸,还带着狂野浪荡的气息。还有那些歌,寂寞的温暖的流畅的调子,男人微微撕哑的迷人嗓声,他对你皱眉,微笑,或置之不理,都会让人痴迷心跳。他永远冷着一张脸,即使微笑,也是不屑的神情。夜晚火热的男人,早晨却像风一样轻轻走掉,只剩下一缕难以觉察的微笑。他在灯光下眼神迷离,激情洋溢,瞬间便醉倒在肮脏的街角。曾经,他是否总是如此,猛然地闯入到某人的生命里,再静悄悄地抽身离开。他一会儿坚如磐石,一会儿浪荡如风,没有人能渗入他的生命。"  虽然整张原声专辑收录了16支好听的乡村歌曲,杰夫布里奇斯和科林法瑞尔亲自演唱的共有7首;最喜欢3首,第12首“If I Need You” 和第13首“Reflecting Light”以及最后一首“The Weary Kind”,“The Weary Kind”是电影的主题曲,也是第82届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖的获奖歌曲。其实,这部电影就是一首乡村老男人之歌,是属于一群乡村老男人的歌,可以看到很多人的影子;这部电影真是一首歌,就是“The Weary Kind”,一首歌曲浓缩了整部电影的故事情节,浓缩了乡村老男人们不羁潦倒疲惫但又执着的一生。 缓慢节奏、淡淡温情与忧伤的基调,虽潦倒落魄有点轻浮却难掩不羁和率真,电影的上半部就是这首主题曲的前奏,给Tommy暖场结束后,一场车祸给将布莱克送上了珍妮的床,拖着伤腿躺在珍妮的床上,轻轻拨动琴弦,就这样随意哼出了这首歌的开头。珍妮说,这么好的歌,别人用10年都写不出,你却就那么随口唱出......。离开珍妮,回到休斯顿的家,坐在屋外的椅子上继续吟唱“The Weary Kind”,突然想起自己的前期玛丽乔,于是拨通了电话,......
She was my mother. who is this?
Your father.
I'm bad blake. Here in Houston.
I'm ur father. How are u.
what do u want?
I'm kind of shocked hearing ur voice.
What happened? 
I'm sorry.  
What do u want?
I want see u.
I don't think so.
Will u think about it?
I'm sorry, sir. I probably won't be able to help u.
Really would like to talk?
Imagine that.

这次打击之后,珍妮因孩子在水族馆走失不能原谅布莱克,布莱克为了珍妮为了爱决心戒酒,正如他说的,因为酗酒而失去很多。戒酒之后,身体不再臃肿,温情地坐下来在朋友的酒吧唱歌,没了帽子没了墨镜没了乱糟糟的头发。去圣达菲找珍妮,珍妮爱她但拒绝了他的求婚。回到家里,坐在屋外的台阶上继续吟唱这首“The Weary Kind”...... 最后,一直暗中用心关心他的徒弟Tommy高价买下了这首歌,并在自己巡回演唱会上首次演唱。
意外在演唱会场外碰到再婚的珍妮,夕阳下,镜头越来越远,2人的身影越来越小,又再次响起了这首由Ryan Bingham创作亲自演唱的“The Weary Kind”。   

01. Hold On You  - Jeff Bridges 02:54
02. Hello Trouble  - Buck Owens 01:53
03. My Baby's Gone  - The Louvin Brothers 02:47
04. Somebody Else  - Stephen Bruton 04:39
05. I Don't Know  - Jeff Bridges 02:24
06. Fallin' & Flying  - Jeff Bridges 03:03
07. I Don't Know  - Jeff Bridges 02:16
08. Once A Gambler - Lightnin' Hopkins 04:55
09. Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way - Waylon Jennings 02:55
10. Fallin' & Flyin' - Colin Farrell & Jeff Bridges 02:43
11. Gone, Gone, Gone  - Colin Farrell 02:39
12. If I Need You - Towens Van Zandt 03:26
13. Reflecting Light  - Sam Plillips 03:22
14. Live Forever  - Robert Duvall 00:50
15. Brand New Angel  - Jeff Bridges 03:49
16. The Weary Kind (Theme From Crazy Heart)  - Ryan Bingham 04:18


The Weary Kind

Your heart's on the loose

You rolled them seven's with nothing lose

And this ain't no place for the weary kind

You called all your shots

Shooting 8 ball at the corner truck stop

Somehow this don't feel like home anymore

And this ain't no place for the weary kind

And this ain't no place to lose your mind

And this ain't no place to fall behind

Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try

Your body aches...

Playing your guitar and sweating out the hate

The days and the nights all feel the same

Whiskey has been a thorn in your side

and it doesn't forget

the highway that calls for your heart inside

And this ain't no place for the weary kind

And this ain't no place to lose your mind

And this ain't no place to fall behind

Pick up your crazy heart and give it one more try

Your lovers won't kiss...

It's too damn far from your fingertips

You are the man that ruined her world

Your heart's on the loose

You rolled them seven's with nothing lose

And this ain't no place for the weary kind 
