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第二节 “说”是听懂之后水到渠成的事情





1、          不放过各种说英语的机会


大概是小学一年级吧,我跟儿子在王府井的新东安市场闲逛,正赶上一层大厅举办首届《新东安杯英语口语比赛》。(图43参加英语口语比赛)那时候,这类比赛并不多,儿子挺好奇,就停下来听了一会儿。 “妈妈,我也想上去说!”儿子是个天不怕地不怕的孩子,无论在多么大的场合,只要有提问,儿子总是把手举得高高的。有时候,为了抢到发言权,他还不知道问题是什么也会举手,先抢下来再说。







演出大获成功,实验小学囊括了那次比赛的所有奖项,包括最佳导演奖、最佳整体效果奖和儿子获得的最佳表演奖。(图45 演出大获成功)


附上两个文件,算是对老朋友丹的纪念,一个是丹的作品《The Three Little Pigs》,有兴趣的老师和家长可以找几个孩子试着表演,另一个是儿子写的日记《我的外教丹》。

                              The Three Little Pigs

Mother of the Pigs: (M)

Little Pig #1 (Pig 1)

Little Pig #2 (Pig 2)

Little Pig #3 (Pig 3)

A Real Estate Agent (R) / Wolf (W)

Scene 1:


M: I am the proud mother of three little pigs. Today is their birthday. But I have some news that they might not like.


M: Gather around, children.

Pig 3: Coming!


Pig 3: Quick!  Mom's calling us!


M: We need to talk about something. Today you have all reached the age of eighteen. You are old enough to drive a car and to hold a steady job, and I think it's also time that you each moved into your own place.


Pigs 1&2: But Mom...


M: Now hold on. Your father and I made a lot of money in the stock market.   I'll give each of you enough money for the first payment on a brick house. That ought to tide you over until you can find a job and make the rest of the payments on your own.


Pigs 1&2: But Mom..!


M:  This is a birthday present.  But it is also a responsibility.


Pigs 1,2,3: Huh!??


M:  Oh, yes.  Here is the address of a real estate agent.

Pig 3: Come on, let's go, you can see she's not going to change her mind.

Pig 3:  Brother and sister, if we pool our money and buy only one house, we can live together. Not only can we look out for one another, but we'll also have extra money to spare.

Pig 1: No way!

Pig 2: We're not living with you!

Scene 2:

Pig l: Here?

Pig 3: No!

Pig 2: Over there!

Pig 3: Nope.


R: Step right up!  What can I do for you today?


Pigs l,2,3: We'd like to buy houses.


R: Well, it depends how much you're willing to pay.  The cheapest is a house of straw. Add another five hundred dollars and you can live in a house of sticks.  Fork over another thousand dollars and you can enjoy a house of bricks.


Pig l:   Mother gave me the money for a house of bricks.   But if I choose a house of straw instead and don't tell her, I can use the extra money to buy a shiny new Mercedes.  Yeah! I'll go for a house of straw.


Pig 2: I know mother intended the money to be spent on a house of bricks, but if I choose a house of sticks, I'll have enough money left over for a new computer. I'll take a house of sticks.


Pig 3:  Now if I follow mother's instructions, I won't have any extra money.  But a house of bricks will be strong.   It will last longer than a car or a computer.   It will be cool in summer and warm in the winter and it will stand up against the mightiest  storm. My children and grandchildren may live there.  A house of bricks for me!


R: All right then, each of you sign right here.

Scene 3

Pig l: Vrooru!, Vroom!  Boy am I glad I didn't spend all my money on a house of bricks.



I'm the big bad, wolf, and I'm the boss of these parts.

I'm the gangster of gangsters, so don't make me start.

Pay up protection or I'll eat out your heart.     

Let me, in Little Pig.

Pig l: Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin.


W:  Then, I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in.

Scene 4:

Pig l: Help, Sister! Let me in!


Pig 2: What's wrong?


I'm the big, big, bad Wolf, as everyone knows.

      Hand over your wages,

      Or I'll stomp on your toes.

      Let me in, Little Pigs!


Pigs l&2: Not by the Hair of our chinny, chin, chins!


W: Then, I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house m.

Scene 5:


Pig 3: What is that din?


Pig 2:  Quick, quick, dear sister, please let us in.


Pig 3: Come in, brother and sister, in my house you'll be safe.


I am the Wolf,      

And this town is all mine.   

I'm hungry for greenbacks,

       But pork will do fine.

       You three little piglets

       Have reached the end of the line.

       Let me in, Let me in!


Pigs l,2,3: Not by the hair of our chinny, chin, chins.


Then, I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in.


Pig 2: You'll need a whole lot of puff.


Pig 3: And this time, old wolf, I don't think you've enough.


W:     These walls are too tough,

       But don't think that'll stop me,

       Ready or not,

       I'm coming in through the chimney.


Pig l:  Yikes, he's coming, let's go.


Pig 2:  She's, right, sister, let's flee.


Pig 3:   No, not on your life.

         This wolf is a villain

           And he's got no right.

           Whatever you do,

           I'll stand up and fight.

           Now, all we three need

           Is a little organization.

           Stand up together,

           And we'll have liberation.


Pig 3: Let's get him!


M: Wait!  Don't kill him!


Pig 3: Why, he's no wolf at all, but the man who sold us our houses.


M: I hired this actor to teach you a lesson.


Pig l: Alone we are weak.

       But together we're strong.


Pig 2: Don't plan just for tomorrow,

       But look to the long, long run.


Pig 3:  Boy am I glad I listened to mom the first time and bought a house of bricks!


Pig 2: What about us?


Pig l: Can we... possibly.....


Pig 3: No way, I'm not living with you two.


Pigs l,2: WHAT?!


Pig 3: Just joking!  Brother and sister, please stay here with me.


Pig 2: Oh my god!


Pigs l&2: We've learned our lesson, with thanks we agree.


M: And that's just the ending, I hoped there would be.







