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2011-02-10 21:51:17 来自: 五月十年(做一个潇洒的人)

3.这节课不仅是包括信息 还包括transformation
information:we have a container which is our mind
information is about taking data,taking science ,taking information and putting it inside the form
Transformation: is about taking this form and changing it
In other words,it's not just the information that goes in .It's also the shape,the interpretation,the preception and the focus,and that is determined by the shape of the form.
Knowledge is about information
Wisdom is about trannformation.
4.soul grows more by subtraction than by addition
In pursuit of knowledge,everyday something is acquired;in pursuit of wisdom,every day something is dropped.
5.information is always better than ignorance,what is wrong is the belief behind the information,the belief that information will change the world
6.saying the biggest mistake is not asking the right questions.
Asking questions is very important
7.what is most personal is most general.
8.why positive psychology?
(1)the importance of focusing on what works.
(2)happiness is not the negation of unhappiness.
(3)prevention through cultivating capacity.

第二节课:why we should study this course? Reason one questions create reality
1 以下是那些孩子共同有的特征。
RESILIENCE: Optimistic - believe things would work out well ;Have faith and a sense of meaning of life - doing something you really believe in - to be idealistic is to be realistic ;Pro-social beheavior - help others as well as self-help; Focus on strength - what am I really good at? ;Set goals, future-oriented - what do I want to be in 5 years? ;Have a role model - I want to be like him, her, fictional figure, anything. - this role model gives strength and sense of direction ;Have social support - tough enough to reach out for help
2.All those familiar with the history of science are aware that important advances come with the formulation of the new question.The question is the breakthrough.the answer comes with difficulty
3.the consequences of this ability to focus that is not always good it's not always helpful
But if that is the only qustion that we ask that is the only thing that we will see.The only things that we will see are our deficiencies the things that are not working,the things that need to be proved,the weakness of my partner ,of the ralationship
Conclusion:A person who only or primarily focuses on weaknesses and does not see,does not aprreciate their strength,their passions,virtues can't be a person like that experience high levels of self-respect,self-confidence,happiness.If we don't also ask the positive question,that part of reality will not exist as far as we are concerned
Reason 1 Qustions create the reality,focus create the reality
4.when we appreciate the good,the good appreciates
5 understanding that you have to take responsiblility for your life is recognizing understanding that no one is coming.
• Tal 说:学习的最好方法是教

  • 2011-02-11 11:31:24 五月十年 (做一个潇洒的人)

    Reason 2 it's about happiness is not just a negation of unhappiness
    1.happiness don't spontanesously emerge once the painful experiences go away.
    2.Posivieve psychology essentially focuses on the health model,Salutogenesis.What is the source of health physical,psychological,emotional?
    Reason 3: postive psychology alse help us deal with the negative.what health model does is cultivate capacity
    1.we are ill because we do not cultivate what we are about enough.We do not become self-actualized,we don't do what we are supposed to do.we diminish ourselves and that's when we become ill

    The five basis premise of this course:
    1.this course is about bridge building,bridge building among disciplines,eclectic,and bridge building in terms of academia and Main street
    2.we start to look and find how it is possible about change,techniques methods and tools
    3.the premise related to the first internal factors primarily determine happiness this is what I'm going to argue for is opposed to happiness which is primarily function of external circumstances
    4.Human nature needs to be obeyed with all its flaws,with all its shortcomings as opposed to attemping to perfect it on the psychological level
    5.happiness is also a moral pursue

    The erroer of average对双胞胎婴儿的研究发现,大部分的婴儿都很相似,所以说平均很相似,但是也有少数的异常值.but there are also outliers,and often the outliers the differences that are the most interesting.the question is no longer the change is possible but how the change is possible
    One significant idea:Let's study what works
    Second significant idea:The " growing-tip" statistics let's study what works best 平均数研究的悲哀
    If we want to know how fast a human being can run, then it is no use to average out the speed of a ‘good sample’ of the population; it is far better to collect Olympic gold medal winners and see how well they can do. If we want to know the possibilities for spiritual growth, value growth, or moral development in human beings, then I maintain that we can learn most by studying our most moral, ethical, or saintly people. On the whole I think it is fair to say that human history is a record of the ways in which human nature has been sold short. The highest possibilities of human nature have practically always been underrated.... Certainly it seems more and more clear that what we call ‘normal’ in psychology is really a psychopathology of the average, so undramatic and so widely spread that we don’t even notice it ordinarily.”

    1.human networks as exponential
    the power of one
    All history is a record of the power of minorities, and of minorities of one.
    2.extreme circumstances make very little difference to our wellbeing.
    3.about happiness level
    income matters little when basic need is enough
    no change across generations
    Place of residence irrelevant
    4.The problem is not lower these high expectations that doesn't matter the problem is right versus wrong expectations.The right expectation is to believe in change from within.In fact,our readiness and potential to experience

    Premise 3: internal factors vs external factors
    happiness is mostly depended on our state of mind.It's about changing our perception--state of mind.It's about changing our interpretation of the world of what's happening to us,of our achievements,of our failures.It's about what we choose to perceive what we choose to focus on.It's about transformation as opposed to the external information or the external success.

    Premise 4:the constrained nature
    First understand it,make the best use of it
    Permission to be human
    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
    1.when we suppress a natural phenomenon,that phenomenon only strenghthens.
    2.painful emotions are as much as part of human nature as the law of gravity is part of physical nature
    Permission to be human relates primarily to our affect,to our emotions.that does not mean we need to accept our behavior and our cognition.

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  • 2011-02-12 13:41:48 五月十年 (做一个潇洒的人)

    premise 5
    1.what happens when we experience negative emotions is that our consciousness our thinking narrows and constricts.we focus just one thing
    2.equating to selfishness and imorality is the N0.1
    Cause of unhappiness subconsciously mostly,but not only because people feel guilty about pursuing their own happiness.people feel guilty at times feeling good about themselves.
    Happiness is a positive sum game.
    3.be the change you want to see in the world.
    People mostly do what you do,rather than what you say.

    Belief as self-fulfilling prophecies.
    We create reality.
    "Asch conformity experiment" "the obedience to authority"
    The question is how do we create positive situation.
    How to create positive situation
    1.have pictures of people you love or places you love
    2.pleasant objects(memorabilia.flowers,etc)
    5.positive research

    屏幕剪辑的捕获时间: 2011-2-12 12:45

    1.two things impact by brief:motivation and the notion of consistency and congruence.
    We all have schema in our heart.
    When the inside world and the outside word don't consist .we often do everytihing that we can to get the two on par again.there are several ways we can create the consistency again.
    (1) update schema
    (2)ignore or discard external imformation
    (3)actively seek confirmation
    (4) create new reality

    Interpretation:objective interpretation;subjective interpretaion.
    The most successful people in history is also very often the people who had failed the most times.
    I failed my way to success--Thomas Edison
    Passimist are realistic in terms of their short term goals as well as their long term goals
    Optimists are unrealistic when it comes to their short term goals,but are realistic when it comes to their long term goals.

    How to distinguish realistic optimism and unrealistic optimism
    斯托克代尔悖论(The Stockdale Paradox)
    The secret of success
    Optimism passion and hard work

    Base level of happiness.
    To raise self-esteem and that is to cope as opposed to avoid.

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  • 2011-02-12 14:40:45 糊涂静 (糊糊涂涂过一辈子)

    好棒 啊

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  • 2011-02-12 14:43:27 快乐活 (别再浪费,健康面对世界吧!)


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  • 2011-02-13 23:03:06 五月十年 (做一个潇洒的人)

    1.optimism as an interpretation style,not as a pollyannaish feel-good kind of approach.
    There are three techniques to improve optimsim.
    (1)take action,just do it.to put ourselves on the line.
    (2)the power of imagination.imagine success.
    Visualize the journey as well as the destination
    (3)cognitive therapy
    • thoughts drive emotion
    • restoring rationality/realism
    • Highly effective
    • An acquired skill
    A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
    2.what cognitive therapy says is that if we want to change emotions,whether it's of depression,whether it's of anxiety,where we need to intervene is here,is that the level of evaluation and the level of thought.
    3.where do I distort the reality
    3M essentially the 3 traps of irrational thoughts.
    (1)The first one is magnifying.
    a.permanent and pervasive(over-generalizing)
    b.all-or-nothing thinking
    a.tunnel vision
    b.dismissal of positive or negative
    (3)making up or fabrcating the 3rd M
    a.personalization or blame
    b.emotional reasoning
    4.the key is to get real.how do we get real through the questions that we ask?
    (1)is my conclusion tied to reality?
    (2)is it rational?and I ignoring something important?
    (3)what important evidence do I stil need to take into consideration
    (4)what am I magnifying?
    (5)what am I minimizing?
    (6)am I ignoring anything that is going well?
    (7)am I ignoring anything that is not going well?
    (8)what is the big picture?

    1.fault-finder and benefit-finder
    Fault-finder:a person who always focus on things that don't work
    The fault-finder could lead to resignation
    The benefit-finder could lead to detachment

    1.appreciating is important.
    When we appreciate the good,the good appreciates.when we don't appreciate something,the good depreciates.
    2.Another reason in addition to media why we tend to ignore the good and focus mostly on the bad is that we adapt.we adapt to what is common and what drives us,what's interesting to us is the uncommon.the exception rather than the rule.and because there is so much more good in the world,we adapt to it.why? Because nature create us such that we are changed detecters.we are changed detecters.and whenever there is a change,our mind immediately goes to that change.we adapt and that's a good thing.That's an important thing.Because God help us all if we hadn't.there is another side though to that equation.there is another side.when we adapt,we also take things for granted.
    3.the key when we do gratitude exercise that is to maintain freshness.The first thing is introduce the variety.you can write about different aspects of these things.second, Ellen Langer talks about mindfulness.she defines mindfulness as creating novel distinctions.It's similar to creating variaty.looking at the things that I haven't seen before.the third method is visualizing it.

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  • 2011-02-14 14:25:45 五月十年 (做一个潇洒的人)

    1.arts plays a important role
    the key to doing gratitude and not taking this exercise for granted is by maintaining freshness through if you want to do it once a week,it's better to do it once a week mindfully than doing it every day and taking it for granted.
    2.sitting down and thinking.what am I grateful for?what did she or he do for me that has contributed so much to my life,to who I am today?
    Don't take that for granted.Don't take for granted that they know how grateful you are.
    3.analyzing vs replaying
    the research shows that when we write and talk about negative experiences,it makes us feel better and healthier,whereas when we just think about it ,ruminate it,whereas the exact opposite is the case with positive emotions.
    When we analyze a positive experience,really analyze it,it actually doesn't help.however when we just ruminate about the positive experience,just think about it,then it contributes to our well-being.
    4.the gratitude exercise is about replaying the experience.It's exactly that.In other words,it's thinking about our happiest experiences of the day which leads ultimately to positive outcome.
    5.how helpful it is to share with friends,with family,with a therapist ,with a journal,in writing.you know the most effective internentions both for positive as well as negative experiences.one we analyze;the other,we simply replay.
    6.where the moral is also the practical,the practical,in most cases,is also the moral
    7.gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues,but the parent of all others.
    If we are not grateful,then we take things for granted,if we are not grateful for,the good things in our lives,things are taken for granted.and then we are blind to them.then as far as we are concerned ,they do not exist.now what makes virtue virtuous?it's the good.and if there is no good in our world,then takes away the virtue from being virtuous.

    1.neuroplasiticity:established neural pathway attracts more action and it attracts more action and get thicker.something that's not established,a tiny little stream is more likely to be just wiped away.
    The anatomy of change
    • Neuroplasticity
    • Neural pathways(channels)
    • Self-reinforcing
    • Habits as fortified pathways
    2.it takes time to change.

    1.do I, do you really want to change? And it's not a trivial question. It is not a rhetorical question because very often on the conscious level we may be saying yes, but on the subconscious level something is stopping usAnd the key if we wanna overcome this fear of failure or the worry/anxiety, or the guilt, or the slack of happiness, or getting a better understanding of these characteristics.And you don't need do. The baby can stay, the bath water can go if we have a more nuance understanding of what it is we want to change.
    Why do people not let go of fault-finding? Why do they remain pessimistic? Because they connect it with the sense of realism.
    Happiness. One of the most significant barrier to people's happiness is that they associate happiness with slacking off, because the dominant paradigm.
    2.gradual change: mindfulness meditation
    —In order to change a habit, in order to
    (1)bring about lasting change, we need to have as much of a solid approach as
    much…um…force in the intervention. It's not just enough to focus on the emotions.
    It's not just enough to focus on action. It's not enough just to focus on our thinking.
    We want to focus on the three—the A, the B, and the C.
    3.things don't happen for the best, but some people are able to make the best of things that happen. Post-traumatic growth, it happens when people begin to focus on the benefit.
    • Permission to be human.Because if we don't accept painful emotions, if we don't give ourselves permission to be human, we're blocking our emotional pathways. And positive emotions and painful emotions often flow through the same emotional pathways. And when we're limiting one, we're very often limiting the other. So if we open up the pathways, give ourselves the permission to be human and give ourselves the permission to cry when we're sad or ecstatic. That very often opens up, makes it more likely that we experience positive emotions as well, paradoxical, but this is the paradox of the permission to be human.
    • 专注力
    • 制定一个有意义的目标,当我们有所追求,做自己爱做的、有意义、重要的事情,我们更容易获得高峰体验
    • 我们当今文化中最严重的问题--时间。当我们匆匆忙忙赶时间,倍感压力和焦虑的时候,我们很难获得高峰体验
    • 重演画面
    • 可以将经历记录下来,当我们记录这种体验的时候--只是描述,而不是分析,正面的情绪和经历不适合被分析
    • 采取行动,如果不采取行动,那么只能获得短暂的高峰体验,马上又会回到原来的基线。态度影响行为,行为影响态度。课堂改变了你对某件事的态度,如果因此你的态度变得与行为不符,下课之后你的大脑寻求一致性,态度会被拉回原来的状态,除非你改变自己的行为。
    6.fate it till we make it vs permission to be human

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  • 2011-02-15 18:47:40 五月十年 (做一个潇洒的人)

    1.fake it till we make it.
    2.those who deeds exceed their wisdom.their wisdom shall endure.but those whose wisdom exceeds their deeds,their wisdom shall not endure
    Because we first make our habits,and then our habits make us.and if we are before the workshop or class here,and then our attitude changes but our behavior doesn't,our attitude will be pulled down over time by our habits.so it's only,if we also change our habits over time,if we start doing things,if we,for example put ourselves on the line-cope or if we start doing the gratitude exercise or writing letters on the regular basis,or starting physical exercise And that's when we start doing these things right after the change is going to be ephemeral.we are going to go back to where we were before.
    lasting,permanent change,attitude change has to be matched by deeds,by behavior.
    3.to change the course of your life,choose one of two basic methods.one,you can direct your energy and attention toward trying to fix your mind,find your focus,affirm your power,free your emotions and visualize positive outcomes so that you can finally develop the confidence to display the courage to discover the determination to make the commitment to feel sufficiently motivated to do what it is you need to do.two,or you can just do it.
    4.generally,if you want to change,the healthy approach to change would be along the stretch zone.
    5.自律不可能再获得.changing your focus from self-discipline to rituals.
    We all have limited amount of self-discipline.And the question is what do we used it on.
    6.it takes 30 days to create a ritual.
    The key is to give yourself no more than one or two rituals each 30 days.
    7.the interpretation of a physical symptom determines what we will feel.
    8.How we frame it can make all the difference.
    9.primiarily if we want long-term.successful.thriving,passionate relationship,the first objective,the primary objective is to go into relationship to be known,rather than to be validated.
    Any relationship,when we go in with the intention of being known of expression rather than impressing,we can feel so much lighter.and the wonderful thing is that it also makes the relationship so much healthier.
    10.the eureka 顿悟
    The first stage:preparation
    The second stage:incubation after you immerse yourself in an area,you do nothing.you just allow it to marinate.
    The third stage:evaluation

    1.a simple technique-journaling that has remarkable,remarkable consequence.
    4.we want to feel that our lives have a sense of coherence that we can make sense of them.so if we can create coherence out of experience,we will feel better.
    The happy people have sense of coherence about their lives.what that means is that,it has three components that he researched and identified.the first component:sense of comprehensibility-I understand the world.It makes sense to me.I see.I realize.I get it.the world and event,difficulties and hardships,highs and lows make sense to me mostly.second,sense of manageability.I can deal with it.i can handle with it.i have the internal as well as external resources to deal with it as opposed to being helpless.this is a sense of efficacy,of confidence being able to deal with the hardships that arise.the third and the final component that makes up the sense of conherece is a sense of meaningfulness.this was not in vain this difficulty(苦难的出现不是毫无意义的)this disagreement with my partenr was not for nothing.because we understand one another better now.this failure is not in vain.i have learned from it.and I have grown from it.this mistake has reason-
    5.if we really want to change.ABC both needs

    Goal setting
    1.words create worlds.
    We know that attainment of goals does not lead to happiness.what does lead to happiness?understanding the proper role of goals.and understanding it's not the attaining of a goal that leads to happiness but the having of a goal that leads to happiness.
    2.Goals properly understood their role is to liberate us to enjoy the present.
    We need that goal--this outcome,this future orientation so we can enjoy the present more.the goals liberate us to enjoy the here and now.the goal is a mean
    Goals are means toward the present end
    It's the having the goals,having that commitment that matters.you can be as happy in both paths as long as you are committed.because when we are committed,that's when we can enjoy the journey.doesn't matter as much what it is that we are committed to.
    It's to do things that you care about deeply from within.in other words,these are things that you want to do or that you feel,that you perceive that you want to do,rather than things that you have to do.

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  • 2011-02-16 19:01:48 五月十年 (做一个潇洒的人)

    1.too easy is not necessarily good.people will be more happier when they have choice.
    Values in action 行为价值学
    Values in action focus on journey,
    2.if we have a self-concordant end and a self-concordant journey,this is what happiness is.both present benefit(journey) as well as future benefit(outcome)
    3.when we engage in those strenghts,our personal strengths,that's when we grow the most ,that's when we develop the most.that's we learn the most.
    4.ask yourself:when does it feel the real me?Again,it's when I apply myself and work hard?is it when I go again the grain and act bravely?is it when I feel the most real the most alive?is it when I learn something new? Is it when I go to a museum?is it when I pray? Is it when I'm around people who are funny?
    5.Building capacity
    The first step is to identify your character strengths.
    Two sub-steps:take the questionnaire,to take the test.and find which five meet criteria. Namely which are the real me?or which ones,when I'm engaging them I feel more energized and motivated?or which ones do I grow and develop most from?and from these 8 to 12 strengths,identify 4 to 6 that most fulfill these strengths criteria. And then choose any one of the character strengths from your final list and apply it. Meaning everyday for the following 7 days-and again, apply these character strengths. After 7 days apply another strength or the same character
    strength in a different way. each night describe how you use your strength on that day. And then commit to the next day. What are you going to do tomorrow? Why ?
    Use the strength and then applied it to what had been a weakness of mine.
    6.instead of focusing on what we can live with, we should be thinking about what we can’t live without.
    7.tips to setting goals
    (1) writing them down.
    (2)set lifelines 制定最早期限
    (3) make them specific.
    8.they particularly set rituals for both work and for recovery.
    Have 60 to 120 minutes, so around 90 minutes of sprint work concentrate focus hard go for it. And then after that, after you sprint, with as little distraction as possible, have 15 minutes or so of recovery. The key when doing it is maintain flexibility. The key is to attain multi-level recovery. First recovery: on the micro level. 15 minutes meditation, one hour of gym, whatever it is, a lunch break. Middle: mezo level recovery and that is a good night sleep. And finally, those vacations.