
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/10/06 15:10:37

1. 泰坦尼克 Titanic (1997) $1,835,300,000
2. 指环王3:国王归来 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) $1,129,219,252
3. 哈利波特与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer‘s Stone (2001) $968,657,891
4. 加勒比海盗:聚魂馆 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man‘s Chest (2006) $962,244,616
5. 星战前传1:魅影危机 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) $922,379,000
6. 指环王2:双塔奇兵 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) $921,600,000
7. 侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park (1993) $919,700,000
8. 哈利波特与火焰杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) $892,194,397
9. 怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2 (2004) $880,871,036
10. 哈利波特与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) $866,300,000
11. 海底总动员 Finding Nemo (2003) $865,000,000
12. 指环王1:护戒使者 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) $860,700,000
13. 星战前传3:西斯的复仇 Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) $848,462,555
14. 独立日 Independence Day (1996) $811,200,000
15. 蜘蛛侠 Spider-Man (2002) $806,700,000
16. 星球大战1 Star Wars (1977) $797,900,000
17. 哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) $789,458,727
18. 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man 2 (2004) $783,577,893
19. 狮子王 The Lion King (1994) $783,400,000
20. 外星人 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) $756,700,000
21. 达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code (2006) $749,536,138
22. 纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱 The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) $738,809,845
23. 黑客帝国:重装上阵 The Matrix Reloaded (2003) $735,600,000
24. 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump (1994) $679,400,000
25. 灵异第六感The Sixth Sense (1999) $661,500,000
26. 加勒比海盗Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) $653,200,000
27. 星战前传2:克隆人的进攻 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) $648,200,000
28. 超人总动员The Incredibles (2004) $624,037,578
29. 冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) $623,816,542
30. 侏罗纪公园2:失落的世界 The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) $614,300,000
31. 耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ (2004) $604,370,943
32. 世界之战 War of the Worlds (2005) $591,377,056
33. 黑衣人 Men in Black (1997) $587,200,000
34. 星球大战3:绝地归来 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) $572,700,000
35. 世界末日 Armageddon (1998) $554,600,000
36. 金刚 King Kong (2005) $547,051,260
37. 碟中碟2 Mission: Impossible II (2000) $545,300,000
38. 小鬼当家 Home Alone (1990) $533,800,000
39. 星球大战2:帝国反击 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) $533,800,000
40. 怪物公司 Monsters, Inc. (2001) $528,900,000
41. 后天 The Day After Tomorrow (2004) $527,939,919
42. 人鬼情未了Ghost (1990) $517,600,000
43. 终结者2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) $516,800,000
44. 阿拉丁 Aladdin (1992) $501,900,000
45. 印第安娜琼斯之圣战骑兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) $494,800,000
46. 龙卷风 Twister (1996) $494,700,000
47. 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2 (1999) $485,700,000
48. 特洛伊 Troy (2004) $481,228,348
49. 拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan (1998) $479,300,000
50. 查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) $471,856,431
51. 大白鲨 Jaws (1975) $470,600,000
52. 漂亮女人 Pretty Woman (1990) $463,400,000
53. 冒牌天神 Bruce Almighty (2003) $458,900,000
54. 黑客帝国 The Matrix (1999) $456,300,000
55. 角斗士 Gladiator (2000) $456,200,000
56. 怪物史莱克 Shrek (2001) $455,100,000
57. 碟中碟 Mission: Impossible (1996) $452,500,000
58. 珍珠港 Pearl Harbor (2001) $450,400,000
59. 11罗汉 Ocean‘s Eleven (2001) $444,200,000
60. X战警3 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) $439,745,748
61. 最后的武士 The Last Samurai (2003) $435,400,000
62. 人猿泰山 Tarzan (1999) $435,200,000
63. 拜见岳父大人 Meet the Fockers (2004) $432,667,575
64. 史密斯夫妇 Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) $427,936,103
65. 黑衣人2 Men in Black II (2002) $425,600,000
66. 007择日在死 Die Another Day (2002) $424,700,000
67. 与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves (1990) $424,200,000
68. 黑客帝国:矩阵革命 The Matrix Revolutions (2003) $424,000,000
69. 荒岛余生 Cast Away (2000) $424,000,000
70. 窈窕奶爸 Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) $423,200,000
71. 木乃伊归来 The Mummy Returns (2001) $418,700,000
72. 终结者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) $418,200,000
73. 木乃伊 The Mummy (1999) $413,300,000
74. 蝙蝠侠 Batman (1989) $413,200,000
75. 雨人 Rain Man (1988) $412,800,000
76. 保镖 The Bodyguard (1992) $410,900,000
77. 天兆 Signs (2002) $407,900,000
78. 马达加斯加 Madagascar (2005) $406,800,000
79. X战警2 X2 (2003) $406,400,000
80. 汽车总动员 Cars (2006) $398,155,222
81. 乱世佳人 Gone with the Wind (1939) $390,500,000
82. 侠盗罗宾汉 Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) $390,500,000
83. 碟中碟3 Mission: Impossible III (2006) $389,582,309
84. 印第安娜琼斯之法归奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) $383,900,000
85. 火爆浪子 Grease (1978) $379,800,000
86. 冰河世纪 Ice Age (2002) $378,300,000
87. 美女与野兽 Beauty and the Beast (1991) $378,300,000
88. 哥斯拉 Godzilla (1998) $375,800,000
89. 男人百分百 What Women Want (2000) $370,800,000
90. 亡命天涯 The Fugitive (1993) $368,700,000
91. 超人归来 Superman Returns (2006) $368,388,237
92. 全民情敌 Hitch (2005/I) $367,600,000
93. 真实的谎言 True Lies (1994) $365,200,000
94. 虎胆龙威3:纽约大劫案 Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) $365,000,000
95. 诺丁山 Notting Hill (1999) $363,000,000
96. 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park III (2001) $362,900,000
97. 我为马丽狂 There‘s Something About Mary (1998) $360,000,000
98. 人猿星球 Planet of the Apes (2001) $358,900,000
99. 石头城乐园 The Flintstones (1994) $358,500,000
100. 玩具总动员 Toy Story (1995) $358,100,000

101. 少数派报告 Minority Report (2002) $358,000,000
102. 虫虫危机 A Bug‘s Life (1998) $357,900,000
103. 驱魔人 The Exorcist (1973) $357,500,000
104. 我的盛大的希腊婚礼 My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) $356,500,000
105. 本能 Basic Instinct (1992) $352,700,000
106. 蝙蝠侠前传之侠影之谜 Batman Begins (2005) $352,000,000
107. 007黑日危机 The World Is Not Enough (1999) $352,000,000
108. 007黄金眼 GoldenEye (1995) $351,500,000
109. 12罗汉 Ocean‘s Twelve (2004) $351,331,634
110. 回到未来 Back to the Future (1985) $350,600,000
111. 七宗罪 Se7en (1995) $350,100,000
112. 谁杀了兔子罗杰 Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) $349,200,000
113. 汉泥拔 Hannibal (2001) $349,200,000
114. 天地大冲撞 Deep Impact (1998) $348,600,000
115. 恐龙 Dinosaur (2000) $347,800,000
116. 风中奇缘 Pocahontas (1995) $347,100,000
117. 007明日帝国 Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) $346,600,000
118. 壮志凌云 Top Gun (1986) $344,800,000
119. 我机器人 I, Robot (2004) $342,795,350
120. 圣诞怪杰 How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) $340,400,000
121. 国家宝藏 National Treasure (2004) $337,605,002
122. 猫鼠游戏 Catch Me If You Can (2002) $337,400,000
123. 美国美人 American Beauty (1999) $336,000,000
124. 蝙蝠侠不败之谜 Batman Forever (1995) $335,000,000
125. 阿波罗13号 Apollo 13 (1995) $334,100,000
126. 印第安娜琼斯之魔域奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) $333,000,000
127. 回到未来2 Back to the Future Part II (1989) $332,000,000
128. 勇闯夺命岛 The Rock (1996) $330,500,000
129. 神奇四侠 Fantastic Four (2005) $329,295,569
130. 剑锋时刻2 Rush Hour 2 (2001) $329,100,000
131. 鳄鱼邓迪勇闯洛杉矶 Crocodile Dundee (1986) $328,000,000
132. 完美风暴 The Perfect Storm (2000) $327,000,000
133. 钟楼怪人 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996) $325,500,000
134. 辛德勒的名单 Schindler‘s List (1993) $321,200,000
135. 变相怪杰 The Mask (1994) $320,900,000
136. 致命吸引力 Fatal Attraction (1987) $320,100,000
137. 轰天炮3 Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) $319,700,000
138. 超级警探 Beverly Hills Cop (1984) $316,400,000
139. 空军一号 Air Force One (1997) $315,000,000
140. 猫屎先生 As Good as It Gets (1997) $313,300,000
141. 美丽心灵 A Beautiful Mind (2001) $312,100,000
142. 王牌大贱谍2 Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) $309,600,000
143. 篱笆墙外 Over the Hedge (2006) $309,267,362
144. 赎金风暴 Ransom (1996) $308,700,000
145. 逃跑新娘 Runaway Bride (1999) $307,900,000
146. 芝加哥 Chicago (2002) $306,400,000
147. 大话王 Liar Liar (1997) $306,300,000
148. 鲨鱼黑帮 Shark Tale (2004) $306,162,022
149. 101班点狗 101 Dalmatians (1996) $304,200,000
150. 花木兰 Mulan (1998) $303,500,000
151. 霍克船长 Hook (1991) $300,800,000
152. 兰博2 Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) $300,400,000
153. 洛奇4 Rocky IV (1985) $300,400,000
154. 第三类接触 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) $300,000,000
155. 超级警探2 Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) $300,000,000
156. 四眼天鸡 Chicken Little (2005) $298,181,507
157. 精灵数小弟 Stuart Little (1999) $297,600,000
158. 看谁在说话 Look Who‘s Talking (1989) $297,100,000
159. 拜见岳父大人 Meet the Parents (2000) $295,500,000
160. X战警 X-Men (2000) $294,100,000
161. 捉鬼队 Ghost Busters (1984) $291,600,000
162. 怪医杜立德 Doctor Dolittle (1998) $290,100,000
163. 超人 Superman (1978) $289,400,000
164. 莎翁情史 Shakespeare in Love (1998) $289,100,000
165. 王牌大贱谍3 Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) $289,000,000
166. 来去美国 Coming to America (1988) $288,800,000
167. 我最好朋友的婚礼 My Best Friend‘s Wedding (1997) $286,900,000
168. 周末夜狂热 Saturday Night Fever (1977) $285,400,000
169. 轰天炮4 Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) $284,700,000
170. 生死时速 Speed (1994/I) $283,200,000
171. 蝙蝠侠归来 Batman Returns (1992) $282,800,000
172. 婚礼傲客 Wedding Crashers (2005) $282,718,368
173. 鬼马小精灵 Casper (1995) $282,300,000
174. 小鬼当家2 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) $279,600,000
175. 美国派2 American Pie 2 (2001) $276,400,000
176. 危机四伏 What Lies Beneath (2000) $275,500,000
177. 范海辛 Van Helsing (2004) $275,025,245
178. 极地快车 The Polar Express (2004) $274,871,234
179. 甜心先生 Jerry Maguire (1996) $273,600,000
180. 沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) $272,700,000
181. 谍影重重2 The Bourne Supremacy (2004) $272,549,130
182. 肥佬教授 The Nutty Professor (1996) $269,300,000
183. 绿色奇迹 The Green Mile (1999) $268,700,000
184. 小鹿班比 Bambi (1942) $268,000,000
185. 史酷比 Scooby-Doo (2002) $267,600,000
186. 极限特工 xXx (2002) $267,200,000
187. 桃色交易 Indecent Proposal (1993) $266,600,000
188. 勇敢者的游戏 Jumanji (1995) $264,600,000
189. 第五元素 The Fifth Element (1997) $263,600,000
190. 星际宝贝 Lilo & Stitch (2002) $262,700,000
191. 黑色豪门企业 The Firm (1993) $262,300,000
192. 绝地战警2 Bad Boys II (2003) $261,900,000
193. 宇宙威龙 Total Recall (1990) $261,400,000
194. 恐怖电影 Scary Movie (2000) $259,900,000
195. 千与千寻 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001) $259,200,000
196. 霹雳娇娃 Charlie‘s Angels (2000) $258,500,000
197. 一脱到底 The Full Monty (1997) $256,900,000
198. 绝不妥协 Erin Brockovich (2000) $256,500,000
199. 灵异村 The Village (2004) $255,395,633
200. 未来水世界 Waterworld (1995) $255,200,000
201. 巅峰战士 Cliffhanger (1993) $255,000,000
202. BJ单身日记 Bridget Jones‘s Diary (2001) $254,400,000
203. 霹雳娇娃2 Charlie‘s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) $252,500,000
204. 古墓丽影 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) $251,600,000
205. 电子情书 You‘ve Got Mail (1998) $250,700,000
206. 大力士 Hercules (1997) $250,600,000
207. 楚们的世界 The Truman Show (1998) $249,200,000
208. 小猪巴比 Babe (1995) $249,000,000
209. 不死劫 Unbreakable (2000) $248,900,000
210. 阿呆与阿瓜 Dumb & Dumber (1994) $246,200,000
211. 机器人历险记 Robots (2005) $245,600,000
212. 尖峰时刻 Rush Hour (1998) $245,200,000
213. 兵临城下 Enemy of the State (1998) $245,100,000
214. 教父 The Godfather (1972) $244,900,000
215. 四个婚礼一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994) $244,100,000
216. 回到未来3 Back to the Future Part III (1990) $243,700,000
217. 8英里 8 Mile (2002) $242,300,000
218. 绿巨人 Hulk (2003) $241,700,000
219. 变脸 Face/Off (1997) $241,600,000
220. 女巫布莱尔 The Blair Witch Project (1999) $240,500,000
221. 鳄鱼邓迪2 ‘Crocodile‘ Dundee II (1988) $239,600,000
222. 走出非洲 Out of Africa (1985) $239,500,000
223. 真爱至上 Love Actually (2003) $239,200,000
224. 虎胆龙威 Die Hard 2 (1990) $237,700,000
225. 义海雄风 A Few Good Men (1992) $237,300,000
226. 蝙蝠侠与罗宾 Batman & Robin (1997) $237,200,000
227. 死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society (1989) $235,900,000
228. 蒸发密令 Eraser (1996) $234,400,000
229. 速度与激情 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) $234,400,000
230. 老爸向前冲 Big Daddy (1999/I) $233,500,000
231. 佐罗的面具 The Mask of Zorro (1998) $233,400,000
232. 憨豆先生 Bean (1997) $232,000,000
233. 哈尔的移动城堡 Hauru no ugoku shiro (2004) $231,710,455
234. 英国病人 The English Patient (1996) $231,700,000
235. 修女也疯狂 Sister Act (1992) $231,600,000
236. 美国派3:美国婚礼 American Wedding (2003) $230,700,000
237. 极速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) $230,500,000
238. 午夜凶铃 The Ring (2002) $230,100,000
239. 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) $230,000,000
240. 地狱神探 Constantine (2005) $229,500,000
241. 美丽人生 Vita è bella, La (1997) $228,900,000
242. BJ单身日记2:理性边缘 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) $228,203,020
243. 西雅图不眠夜 Sleepless in Seattle (1993) $227,900,000
244. 爱是妥协 Something‘s Gotta Give (2003) $227,500,000
245. 轰天炮2 Lethal Weapon 2 (1989) $227,300,000
246. 熊的传说 Brother Bear (2003) $226,029,248
247. 骄阳似我 Good Will Hunting (1997) $225,800,000
248. 太空大灌篮 Space Jam (1996) $225,400,000
249. 101忠狗 One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961) $224,000,000
250. 空中监狱 Con Air (1997) $223,100,000
251. 亲爱的,我把孩子缩小了 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) $222,700,000
252. 小美人鱼 The Little Mermaid (1989) $222,300,000
253. 欲网危情 Presumed Innocent (1990) $221,300,000
254. 夜访吸血鬼 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994) $221,300,000
255. 华氏911 Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) $220,078,393
256. 圣诞精灵 Elf (2003) $219,700,000
257. 埃及王子 The Prince of Egypt (1998) $218,400,000
258. 空中危机 Flightplan (2005) $218,306,988
259. 幸福终点站 The Terminal (2004) $217,845,279
260. 飙风战警 Wild Wild West (1999) $217,700,000
261. 龙兄鼠弟 Twins (1988/I) $216,600,000
262. 捉鬼队2 Ghostbusters II (1989) $215,400,000
263. 爱国者 The Patriot (2000) $215,300,000
264. 谍影重重 The Bourne Identity (2002) $213,500,000
265. 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994) $212,900,000
266. 垂直极限 Vertical Limit (2000) $212,300,000
267. 神探飞机头2 Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995) $212,300,000
268. 叛逆性骚扰 Disclosure (1994) $212,000,000
269. 偷天陷阱 Entrapment (1999) $211,700,000
270. 怒海争锋 Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003) $210,326,386
271. 小岛惊魂 The Others (2001) $209,700,000
272. 魔鬼末日 End of Days (1999) $209,300,000
273. 卧虎藏龙 Wo hu cang long (2000) $209,000,000
274. 大白鲨2 Jaws 2 (1978) $208,900,000
275. 红龙 Red Dragon (2002) $208,600,000
276. 天国王朝 Kingdom of Heaven (2005) $208,300,000
277. 借刀杀人 Collateral (2004) $208,003,492
278. 燃眉追击 Clear and Present Danger (1994) $207,500,000
279. 百万美元宝贝 Million Dollar Baby (2004) $207,400,000
280. 佳丽特工 Miss Congeniality (2000) $207,000,000
281. 森林王子 The Jungle Book (1967/I) $205,800,000
282. 刺杀肯尼迪 JFK (1991) $205,400,000
283. 毒品网络 Traffic (2000) $204,800,000
284. 勇敢的心 Braveheart (1995) $204,000,000
285. 007太空城 Moonraker (1979) $202,700,000
286. 断头谷 Sleepy Hollow (1999) $202,000,000
287. 幼稚园特警 Kindergarten Cop (1990) $202,000,000
288. 忍者神龟 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) $201,900,000
289. 美国派 American Pie (1999) $201,700,000
290. 费城 Philadelphia (1993) $201,300,000
291. 香草天空 Vanilla Sky (2001) $201,000,000