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时间:2011-07-23 17:39:09  来源:作者博客  作者:蒋高明




(求真网2011年7月21日电)昨日出版的国际顶尖杂志《自然》就其发表的一个新闻配发了题为“Growing Pains”(加剧的痛)的社论。对转基因领域缺乏有效的控制提出了严厉的批评。


其实,《自然》的新闻“Transgenic grass skirts regulators(转基因草使法规裙下走光)”只是透露了美国一公司研究出了一种能抗除草剂的转基因草,但该公司还没有想把该草上市。但就这一“风吹草动”,就把“狼来了”当了真,要对在控制转基因粮都“没问题”的法规进行修剪。而《自然》的编辑还火上浇油,把一个“必然的科学发展”说成是“Growing pains(加剧的痛)”。真是岂有此理!





但挺转派应当认识到,这次《自然》被“策反”的后果是很严重的。看看Growing pains(加剧的痛)下面的评论,把转基因的巨头孟山都都骂成什么了。




1. 2011-07-20 03:55 AM

Report this comment #25308

Anthony Kerwin said:

Oh, the unintended consequences. There are already problems with genetically modified herbicide-resistant agricultural crops spreading resistance to unwanted weeds, and contaminating neighboring farms who want no part of these GM strains, ...with resultant lawsuits from Monsanto..... No only should GM crops not escape regulation, but should be more tightly regulated, not let loose for the general consumer to use. ...there is enough out there already about issues of contaminating others crops and the problems we are heading into as a result.


2. 2011-07-20 10:47 AM

Report this comment #25312

Dick Marron said:

The very last thing we need is an excuse to pour more herbicide into the environment. We just had a fiasco with a new herbicide (supposedly well tested) that just happened to kill pine trees with just a little runoff. the oversight of this industry is minimal in the best of circumstances. Have people forgotten the irish potatoe famine. The whole country was reliant on one species of potato that fell to a new blight. We are creating monocultures where only one kind of seed is useable because it's herbicide resistant.




更多 2本站网友 37小红蚁 2011-07-24 02:08:51 发表官媒上怎么哑声了?《自然》杂志怎么不见转载?天朝难道没有转基因食品?或者这边的转基因有别于原产地,变成了自然的、健康的食品?或者,天朝的子民早已炼成了百毒不侵的身体?他国的毒食与我们无关?